* Module Name: softkbdimx.cpp * * Copyright (c) 1985 - 2000, Microsoft Corporation * * Implement TIP interface for Soft Keyboard Input. * * History: * 28-March-2000 weibz Created \**************************************************************************/
#include "private.h"
#include "softkbdimx.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "immxutil.h"
#include "proputil.h"
#include "funcprv.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "editcb.h"
#include "dispattr.h"
#include "computil.h"
#include "timsink.h"
#include "ats.h"
#include "lpns.h"
#include "regsvr.h"
#include "softkbdes.h"
#include "mui.h"
#include "regimx.h"
#include "xstring.h"
#include "cregkey.h"
extern REGTIPLANGPROFILE c_rgProf[];
// Implementation of CSoftkbdRegistry.
// ctor
CSoftkbdRegistry::CSoftkbdRegistry() { extern void DllAddRef(void);
m_fInitialized = FALSE;
DllAddRef( ); }
// dtor
CSoftkbdRegistry::~CSoftkbdRegistry() { extern void DllRelease(void);
if (m_rgLang.Count()) m_rgLang.Clear();
DllRelease(); }
// Generate the Current Lang Profile List from registry.
HRESULT CSoftkbdRegistry::_GenerateCurrentLangProfileList( ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; CComPtr<IEnumTfLanguageProfiles> cpEnumTfLangProf;
if ( m_fInitialized == FALSE) { hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_TF_InputProcessorProfiles, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ITfInputProcessorProfilesEx, (void**)&m_cpInputProcessorProfiles);
// Load profile name from resource.
LoadStringWrapW(g_hInst, IDS_SFTKBD_STANDARD_PROFILE, m_pwszStandard, 128); LoadStringWrapW(g_hInst, IDS_SFTKBD_SYMBOL_PROFILE, m_pwszSymbol, 128);
char szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName(g_hInst, szFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(szFilePath)); StringCchCopyW(m_pwszIconFile, ARRAYSIZE(m_pwszIconFile), AtoW(szFilePath));
if ( hr == S_OK ) m_fInitialized = TRUE; }
if (hr == S_OK) { LONG lret = ERROR_SUCCESS; CMyRegKey regkey;
if (m_rgLang.Count()) m_rgLang.Clear();
// Get the Language profile list for all languages.
char szSoftkbdLangProfKey[MAX_PATH]; char szClsidStr[64];
StringCchCopyA(szSoftkbdLangProfKey, ARRAYSIZE(szSoftkbdLangProfKey), c_szCTFTIPKey); CLSIDToStringA(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, szClsidStr); StringCchCatA(szSoftkbdLangProfKey, ARRAYSIZE(szSoftkbdLangProfKey), szClsidStr); StringCchCatA(szSoftkbdLangProfKey, ARRAYSIZE(szSoftkbdLangProfKey), "\\"); StringCchCatA(szSoftkbdLangProfKey, ARRAYSIZE(szSoftkbdLangProfKey), c_szLanguageProfileKey);
lret = regkey.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szSoftkbdLangProfKey, KEY_READ);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lret ) { char szProfileName[MAX_PATH]; char szLangIdName[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwIndex = 0; LANGID langid; BOOL fStandExist = FALSE; BOOL fSymExist = FALSE; TCHAR achClsidStd[CLSID_STRLEN+1]; TCHAR achClsidSym[CLSID_STRLEN+1]; CMyRegKey regLangKey; ULONG ulCount = 0;
CLSIDToStringA(c_guidProfile, achClsidStd); CLSIDToStringA(c_guidProfileSym, achClsidSym);
// Enum the subkey for langid.
while ( ERROR_SUCCESS == regkey.EnumKey(dwIndex, szLangIdName, ARRAYSIZE(szLangIdName))) {
lret = regLangKey.Open(regkey.m_hKey, szLangIdName, KEY_READ);
if ( ERROR_SUCCESS == lret ) { char *pLangStr; int iLangLen; DWORD dwProfIndex;
pLangStr = szLangIdName;
if ( (tolower(pLangStr[0]) == '0') && (tolower(pLangStr[1]) == 'x')) pLangStr += 2;
iLangLen = strlen(pLangStr); langid = 0; for ( int i=0; i<iLangLen; i++) { WORD wVchar; char cLower;
cLower = (char)tolower(pLangStr[i]);
wVchar = 0; if ((cLower <= '9') && (cLower >= '0')) wVchar = cLower - '0';
if ((cLower <= 'f') && (cLower >= 'a' )) wVchar = cLower - 'a' + 10;
langid = langid * 16 + wVchar; }
fStandExist = fSymExist = FALSE;
dwProfIndex = 0;
while (!(fStandExist && fSymExist) && ERROR_SUCCESS == regLangKey.EnumKey(dwProfIndex, szProfileName, ARRAYSIZE(szProfileName))) { if ( !_stricmp(szProfileName, achClsidStd) ) fStandExist = TRUE; else if ( !_stricmp(szProfileName, achClsidSym) ) fSymExist = TRUE;
dwProfIndex++; }
if ( fStandExist && fSymExist ) { LANGID *pLang; m_rgLang.Append(1);
pLang = m_rgLang.GetPtr(ulCount); if ( pLang ) { ulCount ++; *pLang = langid; } } regLangKey.Close( ); } dwIndex ++; } } } return hr; }
// Add or Remove Language profile
HRESULT CSoftkbdRegistry::_SetSoftkbdTIP(LANGID langid, BOOL fEnable ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ULONG ulCount; BOOL fAllLangExist = FALSE; BOOL fLangExist = FALSE; LANGID *pLangId = NULL; hr = _GenerateCurrentLangProfileList( ); if ( hr != S_OK ) return hr;
ulCount = m_rgLang.Count(); if ( langid == 0 || langid == (LANGID)0xffff ) { // Remove all the Profiles first.
for (ULONG i=0; i<ulCount; i++) { pLangId = m_rgLang.GetPtr(i); if ( pLangId ) { hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->RemoveLanguageProfile(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, *pLangId, c_guidProfile);
if (S_OK == hr) hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->RemoveLanguageProfile(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, *pLangId, c_guidProfileSym); } }
if ( fEnable && hr == S_OK) // Add this profile for all languages.
{ hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->AddLanguageProfile(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, (LANGID)0xffff, c_guidProfile, m_pwszStandard, wcslen(m_pwszStandard), m_pwszIconFile, wcslen(m_pwszIconFile), 0);
if ( hr == S_OK ) { // Set DisplayName for MUI supporting
hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->SetLanguageProfileDisplayName(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, (LANGID)0xffff, c_guidProfile, m_pwszIconFile, wcslen(m_pwszIconFile), IDS_SFTKBD_STANDARD_PROFILE ); }
if ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->AddLanguageProfile(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, (LANGID)0xffff, c_guidProfileSym, m_pwszSymbol, wcslen(m_pwszSymbol), m_pwszIconFile, wcslen(m_pwszIconFile), 1); }
if ( hr == S_OK ) { // Set DisplayName for MUI supporting
hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->SetLanguageProfileDisplayName(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, (LANGID)0xffff, c_guidProfileSym, m_pwszIconFile, wcslen(m_pwszIconFile), IDS_SFTKBD_SYMBOL_PROFILE ); }
return hr; }
// Check to see if this profile is already there
for (ULONG i=0; i<ulCount; i++) { if ( fAllLangExist && fLangExist ) break;
pLangId = m_rgLang.GetPtr(i); if ( pLangId ) { if ( *pLangId == (LANGID)0xffff) fAllLangExist = TRUE;
if ( *pLangId == langid ) fLangExist = TRUE; } }
if ( fEnable ) { if ( !fAllLangExist && !fLangExist ) { hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->AddLanguageProfile(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, langid, c_guidProfile, m_pwszStandard, wcslen(m_pwszStandard), m_pwszIconFile, wcslen(m_pwszIconFile), 0); if ( hr == S_OK ) { // Set DisplayName for MUI supporting
hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->SetLanguageProfileDisplayName(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, langid, c_guidProfile, m_pwszIconFile, wcslen(m_pwszIconFile), IDS_SFTKBD_STANDARD_PROFILE ); }
if ( hr == S_OK ) { hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->AddLanguageProfile(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, langid, c_guidProfileSym, m_pwszSymbol, wcslen(m_pwszSymbol), m_pwszIconFile, wcslen(m_pwszIconFile), 1); }
if ( hr == S_OK ) { // Set DisplayName for MUI supporting
hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->SetLanguageProfileDisplayName(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, langid, c_guidProfileSym, m_pwszIconFile, wcslen(m_pwszIconFile), IDS_SFTKBD_SYMBOL_PROFILE ); }
} } else { // Remove the specified or all Profiles.
for (ULONG i=0; i<ulCount; i++) { pLangId = m_rgLang.GetPtr(i); if ( pLangId ) { if ( fAllLangExist ) { hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->RemoveLanguageProfile(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, *pLangId, c_guidProfile);
if ( S_OK == hr ) hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->RemoveLanguageProfile(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, *pLangId, c_guidProfileSym); } else if ( fLangExist ) { if ( *pLangId == langid ) {
hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->RemoveLanguageProfile(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, langid, c_guidProfile); if ( S_OK == hr ) hr = m_cpInputProcessorProfiles->RemoveLanguageProfile(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, langid, c_guidProfileSym);
} } } } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftkbdRegistry::EnableSoftkbd(LANGID langid ) { return _SetSoftkbdTIP(langid, TRUE);
HRESULT CSoftkbdRegistry::DisableSoftkbd(LANGID langid ) { return _SetSoftkbdTIP(langid, FALSE); }
// ctor
CSoftkbdIMX::CSoftkbdIMX() { extern void DllAddRef(void);
_fInitialized = FALSE; _SoftKbd = NULL;
_CurKbdType = KBDTYPE_NONE; _CurLayout = NON_LAYOUT;
_tim = NULL; _dim = NULL;
_pCes = NULL;
DllAddRef(); }
// dtor
CSoftkbdIMX::~CSoftkbdIMX() { extern void DllRelease(void);
if ( _SoftKbd != NULL ) {
_SoftKbd->DestroySoftKeyboardWindow( ); }
if ( _hOwnerWnd != NULL ) DestroyWindow(_hOwnerWnd);
_fInitialized = FALSE;
if ( _SoftKbd != NULL ) { if ( _KbdSymbol.pskbdes != NULL ) {
_SoftKbd->UnadviseSoftKeyboardEventSink(_KbdSymbol.dwSkbdESCookie); _SoftKbd->UnadviseSoftKeyboardEventSink(_dwsftkbdwndesCookie);
delete _psftkbdwndes;
delete _KbdSymbol.pskbdes;
if ( _pCes != NULL ) { _fOnOffSave = FALSE;
_pCes->_Unadvise(); SafeReleaseClear(_pCes); }
SafeRelease(_SoftKbd); SafeRelease(_pFuncPrv);
DllRelease(); }
// time, this Initiliaze( ) could be called by the compartment event sink.
HRESULT CSoftkbdIMX::Initialize( ) {
HRESULT hr; WCHAR *lpSymXMLResStr = L"IDSKD_SYMLAYOUT"; WCHAR wszModuleFile[MAX_PATH]; CHAR szModuleFile[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwFileLen; WNDCLASSEX wndclass; INT wScreenWidth, wScreenHeight; INT left, top, width, height; RECT rcWork;
hr = S_OK;
if ( _fInitialized == TRUE ) { // Initialization is already done.
return hr; }
if ( GetClassInfoEx( g_hInst, c_szIMXOwnerWndClass, &wndclass) == 0 ) { memset(&wndclass, 0, sizeof(wndclass)); wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(wndclass); wndclass.style = CS_HREDRAW | CS_VREDRAW ; wndclass.hInstance = g_hInst; wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_ARROW);
wndclass.lpfnWndProc = _OwnerWndProc; wndclass.lpszClassName = c_szIMXOwnerWndClass; RegisterClassEx(&wndclass); }
_hOwnerWnd = CreateWindowEx(0, c_szIMXOwnerWndClass, TEXT(""), WS_DISABLED, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL, 0, g_hInst, 0);
// PerfConsider: use a static ctor instead of ole32/class factory/etc.
hr=CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SoftKbd, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_ISoftKbd, (void**)&_SoftKbd);
if (FAILED(hr) ) { // assert(0);
return hr; }
_SoftKbd->Initialize( );
// initialize Standard soft layout and Symbol Soft Layout.
_KbdStandard.dwSoftKbdLayout = SOFTKBD_US_STANDARD; _KbdStandard.fStandard = TRUE; _KbdStandard.dwNumLabels = 0; // for standard, this field is not really used.
_KbdStandard.dwCurLabel = 0; _KbdStandard.pskbdes = NULL; // standard layout doesn't supply sftkbd event sink.
_KbdStandard.dwSkbdESCookie = 0;
_KbdSymbol.fStandard = FALSE; _KbdSymbol.dwNumLabels = 2; _KbdSymbol.dwCurLabel = 0;
dwFileLen = GetModuleFileNameA(g_hInst, szModuleFile, MAX_PATH); if ( dwFileLen == 0 ) { hr = E_FAIL; goto CleanUp; }
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szModuleFile, -1, wszModuleFile, MAX_PATH); hr = _SoftKbd->CreateSoftKeyboardLayoutFromResource(wszModuleFile, L"SKDFILE", lpSymXMLResStr, &(_KbdSymbol.dwSoftKbdLayout) );
_KbdSymbol.pskbdes = new CSoftKeyboardEventSink(this, _KbdSymbol.dwSoftKbdLayout);
if ( _KbdSymbol.pskbdes == NULL ) {
hr = E_FAIL; goto CleanUp; }
hr = _SoftKbd->AdviseSoftKeyboardEventSink(_KbdSymbol.dwSoftKbdLayout, IID_ISoftKeyboardEventSink, _KbdSymbol.pskbdes, &(_KbdSymbol.dwSkbdESCookie) );
_psftkbdwndes = new CSoftKbdWindowEventSink(this);
if ( _psftkbdwndes == NULL ) {
hr=E_FAIL; goto CleanUp; }
CHECKHR(_SoftKbd->AdviseSoftKeyboardEventSink(0,IID_ISoftKbdWindowEventSink,_psftkbdwndes, &(_dwsftkbdwndesCookie)) );
_CurLayout = _KbdStandard.dwSoftKbdLayout;
width = 400; height = 172;
if ( S_OK != GetSoftKBDPosition( &left, &top ) ) { // the compartment is not initialize.
SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, &rcWork, 0 ); wScreenWidth = (INT)(rcWork.right - rcWork.left + 1); wScreenHeight = (INT)(rcWork.bottom - rcWork.top + 1); left = wScreenWidth - width -2; top = wScreenHeight - height - 1; } CHECKHR(_SoftKbd->CreateSoftKeyboardWindow(_hOwnerWnd,TITLEBAR_GRIPPER_BUTTON, left,top,width,height));
SetSoftKBDPosition(left, top );
if ( hr == S_OK ) { LOGFONTW lfTextFont; int iDpi; int iPoint;
iDpi = 96; iPoint = 9; HDC hdc; hdc = CreateIC("DISPLAY", NULL, NULL, NULL);
if (hdc) { iDpi = GetDeviceCaps(hdc, LOGPIXELSY); DeleteDC(hdc);
memset(&lfTextFont, 0, sizeof(LOGFONTW) ); lfTextFont.lfHeight = -iPoint * iDpi / 72;
lfTextFont.lfWeight = 400; lfTextFont.lfOutPrecision = OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS;
wcsncpy(lfTextFont.lfFaceName, L"Arial", ARRAYSIZE(lfTextFont.lfFaceName)); lfTextFont.lfCharSet = 0;
hr = _SoftKbd->SetSoftKeyboardTextFont(&lfTextFont); } }
_fInitialized = TRUE;
// or get the current layout from previous saved one.
return hr;
// OnSetThreadFocus
STDAPI CSoftkbdIMX::OnSetThreadFocus() {
// Restore the ON/OFF status before KillThreadFocus( )
if ( _SoftKbd != NULL ) {
if ( _fOnOffSave ) { // adjust the window position.
int xWnd, yWnd; WORD width=0, height=0; POINT OldPoint; HRESULT hr;
_SoftKbd->GetSoftKeyboardPosSize(&OldPoint, &width, &height); hr = GetSoftKBDPosition(&xWnd, &yWnd);
if ( hr == S_OK ) { if ( (xWnd != OldPoint.x) || (yWnd != OldPoint.y) ) { POINT NewPoint;
NewPoint.x = xWnd; NewPoint.y = yWnd; _SoftKbd->SetSoftKeyboardPosSize(NewPoint, width, height); } }
_ShowSoftKBDWindow(TRUE); } else _SoftKbd->ShowSoftKeyboard(FALSE); }
return S_OK; }
// OnKillThreadFocus
STDAPI CSoftkbdIMX::OnKillThreadFocus() {
// keep the ON/OFF status so that OnSetThreadFocus( ) can restore it later
_fOnOffSave = GetSoftKBDOnOff( );
if ( _SoftKbd != NULL ) { _SoftKbd->ShowSoftKeyboard( FALSE ); }
// release all the modifier keys except lock keys. that is , Shift, Alt, Ctrl,
// Activate
STDAPI CSoftkbdIMX::Activate(ITfThreadMgr *ptim, TfClientId tid) { ITfSource *source; ITfLangBarItemMgr *plbim = NULL; HRESULT hr;
Assert(_tim == NULL); _tim = ptim; _tim->AddRef();
_tid = tid;
_pProfile = NULL;
if (_tim->QueryInterface(IID_ITfSource, (void **)&source) == S_OK) { source->AdviseSink(IID_ITfThreadFocusSink, (ITfThreadFocusSink *)this, &_dwThreadFocusCookie); source->Release(); }
// Add SoftKeyboard activate button into LangBarItemMgr.
if (FAILED(hr = GetService(_tim, IID_ITfLangBarItemMgr, (IUnknown **)&plbim))) { hr = E_FAIL; goto CleanUp; }
if (!(_plbi = new CLBarItem(this))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto CleanUp; }
// get language ID.
if ( (_timActiveLangSink = new CActiveLanguageProfileNotifySink(_AlsCallback, this)) == NULL ) { Assert(0); hr = E_FAIL; goto CleanUp; }
if ( (_timLangSink = new CLanguageProfileNotifySink(_LsCallback, this)) == NULL ) { Assert(0); hr = E_FAIL; goto CleanUp; }
_pFuncPrv = new CFunctionProvider(this);
if ( _pFuncPrv != NULL) _pFuncPrv->_Advise(_tim);
// defaultly, hide the soft keyboard window.
_fOnOffSave = FALSE;
if (!(_pCes = new CCompartmentEventSink(_CompEventSinkCallback, this))) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; CHECKHR(hr); }
#if 0
if (_tim->IsThreadFocus(&fThreadFocus) == S_OK && fThreadFocus) { // init any UI
OnSetThreadFocus(); }
hr = S_OK;
CleanUp: SafeRelease(plbim);
return hr; }
// Deactivate
STDAPI CSoftkbdIMX::Deactivate() { ITfSource *source; ITfLangBarItemMgr *plbim = NULL; // BOOL fThreadFocus;
if (_tim->QueryInterface(IID_ITfSource, (void **)&source) == S_OK) { source->UnadviseSink(_dwThreadFocusCookie); source->Release(); }
// Clean up SoftKeyboard activate button into LangBarItemMgr.
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = GetService(_tim, IID_ITfLangBarItemMgr, (IUnknown **)&plbim))) { plbim->RemoveItem(_plbi); SafeReleaseClear(_plbi); SafeReleaseClear(plbim); }
if ( _timActiveLangSink != NULL ) { _timActiveLangSink->_Unadvise( ); SafeReleaseClear(_timActiveLangSink); }
if ( _timLangSink != NULL ) { _timLangSink->_Unadvise( ); SafeReleaseClear(_timLangSink); } if ( _pFuncPrv != NULL ) { _pFuncPrv->_Unadvise(_tim); SafeReleaseClear(_pFuncPrv); }
if ( _pCes != NULL ) {
if ( _SoftKbd != NULL ) _SoftKbd->ShowSoftKeyboard(FALSE); _fOnOffSave = FALSE; _pCes->_Unadvise(); SafeReleaseClear(_pCes); }
SafeReleaseClear(_pProfile); SafeReleaseClear(_tim);
hr = S_OK;
return hr; }
// GetIC
ITfContext *CSoftkbdIMX::GetIC() { ITfContext *pic = NULL;
if (!_tim) { Assert(0); return NULL; }
ITfDocumentMgr *pdim; if (SUCCEEDED(_tim->GetFocus(&pdim)) && pdim) { // otherwise grab the top of the stack
pdim->GetTop(&pic); pdim->Release(); }
return pic; }
// _OnOffToggle
void CSoftkbdIMX::_OnOffToggle( ) {
BOOL fOn = GetSoftKBDOnOff( );
_UpdateUI(); }
// _EditSessionCallback
HRESULT CSoftkbdIMX::_InputKeyLabel(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic, WCHAR *lpszLabel, UINT nLabLen) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; ITfRange *pRange, *pSelection;
if ( pic ) { TF_STATUS ts; hr = pic->GetStatus(&ts); if ( (S_OK == hr) && (TF_SD_READONLY & ts.dwDynamicFlags) ) { // Readonly Doc, just return here!
return hr; }
if (GetSelectionSimple(ec, pic, &pSelection) == S_OK) { if (SUCCEEDED(pSelection->Clone(&pRange))) { BOOL fInsertOk = FALSE; hr = pRange->AdjustForInsert(ec, nLabLen, &fInsertOk); if (S_OK == hr && fInsertOk) { SetTextAndProperty(&_libTLS, ec, pic, pRange, lpszLabel, nLabLen, _langid, NULL);
_MySetSelectionSimple(ec, pic, pRange); }
pRange->Release(); }
pSelection->Release(); } }
return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftkbdIMX::_EditSessionCallback(TfEditCookie ec, CEditSession *pes) { CSoftkbdIMX *_this; HRESULT hr;
hr = S_OK;
switch (pes->_state.u) {
{ WCHAR *lpszLabel; UINT nLabLen; lpszLabel = (WCHAR *)(pes->_state.lParam);
if ( lpszLabel == NULL ) { hr = E_FAIL; return hr; }
nLabLen = wcslen(lpszLabel);
_this = (CSoftkbdIMX *)pes->_state.pv; hr = _this->_InputKeyLabel(ec, pes->_state.pic, lpszLabel, nLabLen);
break; }
default : break; }
return hr; }
// Show or Hide the soft keyboard window based on current setting.
HRESULT CSoftkbdIMX::_ShowSoftKBDWindow( BOOL fShow ) {
hr = S_OK;
if ( fShow && ( _fInitialized == FALSE ) ) // call the initialize function
// to get the ISoftKbd.
{ Initialize( );
if ( _SoftKbd == NULL ) { hr = E_FAIL; return hr; }
if ( fShow ) {
DWORD dwSoftLayout;
if ( _CurKbdType == KBDTYPE_STANDARD ) { // Standard soft kbd was selected.
WORD prmlangid;
prmlangid = PRIMARYLANGID(_langid);
switch ( prmlangid ) {
case LANG_JAPANESE : // Lang JPN is activated.
// select the standard layout to J 106-k.
_KbdStandard.dwSoftKbdLayout = SOFTKBD_JPN_STANDARD; break;
case LANG_AZERI : case LANG_BELARUSIAN : case LANG_CHINESE : case LANG_KOREAN : case LANG_RUSSIAN : case LANG_THAI : case LANG_URDU : case LANG_UZBEK : _KbdStandard.dwSoftKbdLayout = SOFTKBD_US_STANDARD; break;
case LANG_ENGLISH : if ( SUBLANGID(_langid) != SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ) _KbdStandard.dwSoftKbdLayout = SOFTKBD_EURO_STANDARD; else _KbdStandard.dwSoftKbdLayout = SOFTKBD_US_STANDARD; break;
default : _KbdStandard.dwSoftKbdLayout = SOFTKBD_EURO_STANDARD; break; }
// the current layout is standard layout.
// we need to set the correct standard layout id based on current lang profile.
dwSoftLayout = _KbdStandard.dwSoftKbdLayout; _CurLayout = dwSoftLayout;
CHECKHR(_SoftKbd->SelectSoftKeyboard(dwSoftLayout)); CHECKHR(_SoftKbd->SetKeyboardLabelText(GetKeyboardLayout(0))); } else if ( _CurKbdType == KBDTYPE_SYMBOL) { // This is symbol soft keyboard layout
DWORD dwCurLabel; dwSoftLayout = _KbdSymbol.dwSoftKbdLayout; dwCurLabel = _KbdSymbol.dwCurLabel; CHECKHR(_SoftKbd->SelectSoftKeyboard(dwSoftLayout)); CHECKHR(_SoftKbd->SetKeyboardLabelTextCombination(dwCurLabel));
// TIP is ON, so we need to show soft keyboard.
CHECKHR(_SoftKbd->ShowSoftKeyboard(TRUE)); } else { // TIP is going to close.
// close the soft keyboard window also.
CHECKHR(_SoftKbd->ShowSoftKeyboard(FALSE)); }
return hr;
// _CompEventSinkCallback
HRESULT CSoftkbdIMX::_CompEventSinkCallback(void *pv, REFGUID rguid) { CSoftkbdIMX *_this = (CSoftkbdIMX *)pv; BOOL fOn; HRESULT hr;
hr = S_OK;
fOn = _this->GetSoftKBDOnOff( ); CHECKHR(_this->_ShowSoftKBDWindow(fOn));
// Open/Close status was updated, we need to update Langbar button's
// toggle state.
DWORD dwSoftLayout;
if ( _this->_SoftKbd == NULL ) { hr = E_FAIL; return hr; }
dwSoftLayout = _this->GetSoftKBDLayout( );
_this->_CurLayout = dwSoftLayout;
if ( dwSoftLayout == (_this->_KbdStandard).dwSoftKbdLayout ) { // this is standard layout.
_this->_CurKbdType = KBDTYPE_STANDARD;
} else if ( dwSoftLayout == (_this->_KbdSymbol).dwSoftKbdLayout ) { // this is symbol layout.
DWORD dwCurLabel;
_this->_CurKbdType = KBDTYPE_SYMBOL;
dwCurLabel = (_this->_KbdSymbol).dwCurLabel; CHECKHR(_this->_SoftKbd->SelectSoftKeyboard(dwSoftLayout));
if ( _this->GetSoftKBDOnOff( ) ) CHECKHR(_this->_SoftKbd->ShowSoftKeyboard(TRUE));
CleanUp: return hr; }
// _UpdateUI
void CSoftkbdIMX::_UpdateUI() {
// _MySetSelectionSimple
HRESULT CSoftkbdIMX::_MySetSelectionSimple(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange *range) { TF_SELECTION sel;
sel.range = range; sel.style.ase = TF_AE_NONE; sel.style.fInterimChar = FALSE;
range->Collapse(ec, TF_ANCHOR_END);
return pic->SetSelection(ec, 1, &sel); }
HRESULT CSoftkbdIMX::_LsCallback(BOOL fChanged, LANGID langid, BOOL *pfAccept, void *pv) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; GUID guidProfile; LANGID lang;
TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "CSoftkbdIMX::_LsCallback is called, langid=%x fChanged=%d", langid, fChanged);
CSoftkbdIMX *_this = (CSoftkbdIMX *)pv;
if (!fChanged) { if ( pfAccept ) *pfAccept = TRUE; return hr; } hr = _this->_pProfile->GetActiveLanguageProfile(CLSID_SoftkbdIMX, &lang, &guidProfile);
if ( hr == S_OK ) { _this->_langid = lang;
if ( IsEqualGUID(guidProfile, c_guidProfile) ) { // Standard soft kbd is selected.
TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "Standard Softkbd is selected"); _this->_CurKbdType = KBDTYPE_STANDARD; } else if ( IsEqualGUID(guidProfile, c_guidProfileSym) ) { // This is symbol soft keyboard layout
TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "Symbol Softkbd is selected"); _this->_CurKbdType = KBDTYPE_SYMBOL; }
if ( (_this->GetSoftKBDOnOff( ) == TRUE) ) _this->_ShowSoftKBDWindow(TRUE); }
return hr; }
HRESULT CSoftkbdIMX::_AlsCallback(REFCLSID clsid, REFGUID guidProfile, BOOL fActivated, void *pv) {
HRESULT hr; ITfInputProcessorProfiles *pProfile = NULL;
hr = S_OK;
CSoftkbdIMX *_this = (CSoftkbdIMX *)pv;
// if this is not for SoftKbdIMX TIP,
// we just ignore it.
if (IsEqualGUID(clsid, CLSID_SoftkbdIMX)) { // if this is not for our registered profile guid, just ignore it.
if ( !IsEqualGUID(guidProfile, c_guidProfile) && !IsEqualGUID(guidProfile, c_guidProfileSym) ) return hr;
TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "CSoftkbdIMX::_AlsCallback is called for this tip fActivated=%d", fActivated);
if ( fActivated == FALSE ) { if ( _this->GetSoftKBDOnOff( ) ) { if ( _this->_SoftKbd != NULL ) (_this->_SoftKbd)->ShowSoftKeyboard(FALSE); } return hr; }
if ( IsEqualGUID(guidProfile, c_guidProfile) ) { // Standard soft kbd is selected.
TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "Standard Softkbd is selected");
_this->_CurKbdType = KBDTYPE_STANDARD;
else if ( IsEqualGUID(guidProfile, c_guidProfileSym) ) { // This is symbol soft keyboard layout
TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, "Symbol Softkbd is selected"); _this->_CurKbdType = KBDTYPE_SYMBOL;
if ( (_this->GetSoftKBDOnOff( ) == TRUE) ) _this->_ShowSoftKBDWindow(TRUE); } else if (IsEqualGUID(clsid, GUID_NULL)) { // This is keyboard layout change without language change.
if ( _this->GetSoftKBDOnOff( ) && fActivated) { _this->_ShowSoftKBDWindow(fActivated); } } return hr; }