// catmgr.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "regsvr.h"
#include "xstring.h"
#include "cregkey.h"
#include "catmgr.h"
CCatGUIDTbl *CCategoryMgr::_pCatGUIDTbl = NULL;
const TCHAR c_szCategoryKey[] = TEXT("Category\\"); const TCHAR c_szDescription[] = TEXT("Description"); const WCHAR c_wszDescription[] = L"Description"; const TCHAR c_szCategory[] = TEXT("Category\\"); // Category to item mapping
const TCHAR c_szItem[] = TEXT("Item\\"); // Item to category mapping
const TCHAR c_szGuid[] = TEXT("Guid%d"); const TCHAR c_szDword[] = TEXT("Dword"); const TCHAR c_szNULL[] = TEXT("");
DBG_ID_INSTANCE(CCategoryMgr); DBG_ID_INSTANCE(CEnumCategories);
inline BOOL GetCatKey(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rcatid, LPSTR pszKey, int cchKey, LPCSTR pszItem) { int cchFinal; int cchTipKey; int cchCatKey; int cchItem;
cchTipKey = lstrlen(c_szCTFTIPKey); cchCatKey = lstrlen(c_szCategoryKey); cchItem = lstrlen(pszItem);
cchFinal = cchTipKey + CLSID_STRLEN + // rclsid
1 + // '\\'
cchCatKey + cchItem + CLSID_STRLEN + 1; // '\0'
if (cchFinal > cchKey) { if (cchKey > 0) { pszKey[0] = '\0'; } return FALSE; }
StringCchCopy(pszKey, cchKey, c_szCTFTIPKey); CLSIDToStringA(rclsid, pszKey + cchTipKey); StringCchPrintf(pszKey + cchTipKey + CLSID_STRLEN, cchKey - cchTipKey - CLSID_STRLEN, "\\%s%s", c_szCategoryKey, pszItem); CLSIDToStringA(rcatid, pszKey + cchTipKey + CLSID_STRLEN + 1 + cchCatKey + cchItem);
return TRUE; }
// for inatlib.
HRESULT g_EnumItemsInCategory(REFGUID rcatid, IEnumGUID **ppEnum) { return CCategoryMgr::s_EnumItemsInCategory(rcatid, ppEnum); }
// CCatGUIDTbl
// add
TfGuidAtom CCatGUIDTbl::Add(REFGUID rguid) { UINT uId = _HashFunc(rguid); UINT iCnt; if (!_prgCatGUID[uId]) { _prgCatGUID[uId] = new CStructArray<CATGUIDITEM>; if (!_prgCatGUID[uId]) return TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM; }
iCnt = _prgCatGUID[uId]->Count(); if (!ValidGUIDARRAYCount(iCnt)) { Assert(0); return TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM; }
if (!_prgCatGUID[uId]->Insert(iCnt, 1)) { return TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM; }
CATGUIDITEM *pItem = _prgCatGUID[uId]->GetPtr(iCnt);
pItem->guid = rguid; pItem->rgGuidAry[CAT_FORWARD] = NULL; pItem->rgGuidAry[CAT_BACKWARD] = NULL;
return MAKEGUIDATOM(iCnt, uId); }
// FindGuid
TfGuidAtom CCatGUIDTbl::FindGuid(REFGUID rguid) { UINT uId = _HashFunc(rguid); int nCnt; int i;
if (!_prgCatGUID[uId]) return TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM;
nCnt = _prgCatGUID[uId]->Count();
if (!ValidGUIDARRAYCount(nCnt)) { Assert(0); return TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM; }
for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { CATGUIDITEM *pItem = _prgCatGUID[uId]->GetPtr(i); if (IsEqualGUID(pItem->guid, rguid)) { return MAKEGUIDATOM(i, uId); } } return TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM; }
// GetGuid
if (!ValidGUIDHash(uId)) return NULL;
if ((!_prgCatGUID[uId]) || (nCnt >= _prgCatGUID[uId]->Count())) return NULL;
return _prgCatGUID[uId]->GetPtr(nCnt); }
// CCategoryMgr
// ctor
CCategoryMgr::CCategoryMgr() { Dbg_MemSetThisNameIDCounter(TEXT("CCategoryMgr"), PERF_CATMGR_COUNTER); }
// dtor
CCategoryMgr::~CCategoryMgr() { }
// InitGlobal
BOOL CCategoryMgr::InitGlobal() { if (!_pCatGUIDTbl) _pCatGUIDTbl = new CCatGUIDTbl;
return _pCatGUIDTbl ? TRUE : FALSE; }
// RegisterCategory
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::RegisterCategory(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rcatid, REFGUID rguid) { return s_RegisterCategory(rclsid, rcatid, rguid); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_RegisterCategory(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rcatid, REFGUID rguid) { HRESULT hr;
// create forward link from category to guids.
if (FAILED(hr = _InternalRegisterCategory(rclsid, rcatid, rguid, CAT_FORWARD))) return hr;
// create backward link from guid to categories.
if (FAILED(hr = _InternalRegisterCategory(rclsid, rguid, rcatid, CAT_BACKWARD))) { _InternalUnregisterCategory(rclsid, rcatid, rguid, CAT_FORWARD); return hr; }
return S_OK; }
// UnregisterCategory
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::UnregisterCategory(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rcatid, REFGUID rguid) { return s_UnregisterCategory(rclsid, rcatid, rguid); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_UnregisterCategory(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rcatid, REFGUID rguid) { HRESULT hr;
// remove forward link from category to guids.
if (FAILED(hr = _InternalUnregisterCategory(rclsid, rcatid, rguid, CAT_FORWARD))) return hr;
// remove backward link from guid to categories.
if (FAILED(hr = _InternalUnregisterCategory(rclsid, rguid, rcatid, CAT_BACKWARD))) { _InternalRegisterCategory(rclsid, rcatid, rguid, CAT_FORWARD); return hr; }
return S_OK; }
// EnumCategoriesInItem
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::EnumCategoriesInItem(REFGUID rguid, IEnumGUID **ppEnum) { return _InternalEnumCategories(rguid, ppEnum, CAT_BACKWARD); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_EnumCategoriesInItem(REFGUID rguid, IEnumGUID **ppEnum) { return _InternalEnumCategories(rguid, ppEnum, CAT_BACKWARD); }
// EnumItemsinCategory
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::EnumItemsInCategory(REFGUID rcatid, IEnumGUID **ppEnum) { return _InternalEnumCategories(rcatid, ppEnum, CAT_FORWARD); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_EnumItemsInCategory(REFGUID rcatid, IEnumGUID **ppEnum) { return _InternalEnumCategories(rcatid, ppEnum, CAT_FORWARD); }
// FindClosestCategory
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::FindClosestCategory(REFGUID rguid, GUID *pcatid, const GUID **ppcatidList, ULONG ulCount) { return s_FindClosestCategory(rguid, pcatid, ppcatidList, ulCount); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_FindClosestCategory(REFGUID rguid, GUID *pcatid, const GUID **ppcatidList, ULONG ulCount) { // GUID catid = GUID_NULL;
if (!pcatid) return E_INVALIDARG; if (!ppcatidList || !ulCount) { return _GetFirstCategory(rguid, pcatid); }
for (ULONG ul = 0; ul < ulCount; ul++) { if (!ppcatidList[ul]) return E_INVALIDARG; }
return _InternalFindClosestCategory(rguid, rguid, pcatid, ppcatidList, ulCount); }
// _GetFirstCategory
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::_GetFirstCategory(REFGUID rguid, GUID *pcatid) { HRESULT hr; IEnumGUID *pEnum;
if (SUCCEEDED(hr = _InternalEnumCategories(rguid, &pEnum, CAT_BACKWARD))) { // we return S_FALSE if we can not find it and return GUID_NULL.
hr = pEnum->Next(1, pcatid, NULL); if (hr != S_OK) *pcatid = GUID_NULL;
pEnum->Release(); } return hr; }
// _InternalFindClosestCategory
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::_InternalFindClosestCategory(REFGUID rguidOrg, REFGUID rguid, GUID *pcatid, const GUID **ppcatidList, ULONG ulCount) { HRESULT hr; ULONG ul; IEnumGUID *pEnum = NULL; GUID catid = GUID_NULL;
Assert(ppcatidList); Assert(ulCount);
*pcatid = GUID_NULL;
for (ul = 0; ul < ulCount; ul++) { if (IsEqualGUID(*ppcatidList[ul], rguid)) { *pcatid = rguid; hr = S_OK; goto Exit; } }
// we don't return error. We return success and GUID_NULL.
hr = _InternalEnumCategories(rguid, &pEnum, CAT_BACKWARD); if (hr != S_OK) { hr = S_OK; goto Exit; }
while (pEnum->Next(1, &catid, NULL) == S_OK) { if (IsEqualGUID(rguidOrg, catid)) { // finally the original guid is categorized by itself.
// it may cause infinte loop so bail it out.
hr = S_OK; goto Exit; }
_InternalFindClosestCategory(rguidOrg, catid, pcatid, ppcatidList, ulCount);
if (!IsEqualGUID(*pcatid, GUID_NULL)) { hr = S_OK; goto Exit; } }
Exit: SafeRelease(pEnum); return hr; }
// RegisterGUIDDesription
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::RegisterGUIDDescription(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rguid, const WCHAR *pchDesc, ULONG cch) { if (!pchDesc && cch) return E_INVALIDARG; return s_RegisterGUIDDescription(rclsid, rguid, WCHtoWSZ(pchDesc, cch)); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_RegisterGUIDDescription(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rguid, WCHAR *pszDesc) { TCHAR szKey[256]; CMyRegKey key; if (!GetCatKey(rclsid, rguid, szKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey), c_szItem)) return E_FAIL;
if (key.Create(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey) != S_OK) return E_FAIL;
key.SetValueW(pszDesc, c_wszDescription);
return S_OK; }
// UnregisterGUIDDesription
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::UnregisterGUIDDescription(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rguid) { return s_UnregisterGUIDDescription(rclsid, rguid); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_UnregisterGUIDDescription(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rguid) { TCHAR szKey[256]; CMyRegKey key; if (!GetCatKey(rclsid, rguid, szKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey), c_szItem)) return E_FAIL;
if (key.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) != S_OK) return E_FAIL;
return S_OK; }
// GetGUIDDescription
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::GetGUIDDescription(REFGUID rguid, BSTR *pbstrDesc) { return s_GetGUIDDescription(rguid, pbstrDesc); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_GetGUIDDescription(REFGUID rguid, BSTR *pbstrDesc) { return s_GetGUIDValue(rguid, c_szDescriptionW, pbstrDesc); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_GetGUIDValue(REFGUID rguid, const WCHAR* pszValue, BSTR *pbstrDesc) { WCHAR *psz = NULL; CMyRegKey keyImx; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; int cch; TCHAR szSubKey[256]; // nb: we can merge szSubKey and szTemp if we switch to a UNICODE build
WCHAR szTemp[256];
if (!pbstrDesc) return E_INVALIDARG;
*pbstrDesc = NULL; if (keyImx.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szCTFTIPKey, KEY_READ) != S_OK) return hr;
DWORD dwIndex = 0;
while (keyImx.EnumKey(dwIndex++, szSubKey, ARRAYSIZE(szSubKey)) == S_OK) { CMyRegKey key;
if (StringCchPrintf(szSubKey + lstrlen(szSubKey), ARRAYSIZE(szSubKey), "\\%s%s", c_szCategoryKey, c_szItem) != S_OK) continue;
cch = lstrlen(szSubKey);
if (cch + CLSID_STRLEN + 1 > ARRAYSIZE(szSubKey)) continue;
CLSIDToStringA(rguid, szSubKey + cch);
if (key.Open(keyImx, szSubKey, KEY_READ) != S_OK) continue;
if (key.QueryValueCchW(szTemp, pszValue, ARRAYSIZE(szTemp)) == S_OK) { *pbstrDesc = SysAllocString(szTemp); hr = *pbstrDesc != NULL ? S_OK : E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// this was the matching key, so no point in continue successful query or not
break; }
return hr; }
// RegisterGUIDDesription
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::RegisterGUIDDWORD(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rguid, DWORD dw) { return s_RegisterGUIDDWORD(rclsid, rguid, dw); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_RegisterGUIDDWORD(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rguid, DWORD dw) { TCHAR szKey[256]; CMyRegKey key; if (!GetCatKey(rclsid, rguid, szKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey), c_szItem)) return E_FAIL;
if (key.Create(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey) != S_OK) return E_FAIL;
key.SetValue(dw, c_szDword); return S_OK; }
// UnregisterGUIDDesription
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::UnregisterGUIDDWORD(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rguid) { return s_UnregisterGUIDDWORD(rclsid, rguid); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_UnregisterGUIDDWORD(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rguid) { TCHAR szKey[256]; CMyRegKey key; if (!GetCatKey(rclsid, rguid, szKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey), c_szItem)) return E_FAIL;
if (key.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) != S_OK) return E_FAIL;
key.DeleteValue(c_szDword); return S_OK; }
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::GetGUIDDWORD(REFGUID rguid, DWORD *pdw) { return s_GetGUIDDWORD(rguid, pdw); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_GetGUIDDWORD(REFGUID rguid, DWORD *pdw) { CMyRegKey keyImx; int cch; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (!pdw) return E_INVALIDARG;
*pdw = 0; if (keyImx.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szCTFTIPKey, KEY_READ) != S_OK) return hr;
DWORD dwIndex = 0; TCHAR szSubKey[256]; while (keyImx.EnumKey(dwIndex++, szSubKey, ARRAYSIZE(szSubKey)) == S_OK) { CMyRegKey key;
if (StringCchPrintf(szSubKey + lstrlen(szSubKey), ARRAYSIZE(szSubKey), "\\%s%s", c_szCategoryKey, c_szItem) != S_OK) continue;
cch = lstrlen(szSubKey);
if (cch + CLSID_STRLEN + 1 > ARRAYSIZE(szSubKey)) continue;
CLSIDToStringA(rguid, szSubKey + cch);
if (key.Open(keyImx, szSubKey, KEY_READ) != S_OK) continue;
if (key.QueryValue(*pdw, c_szDword) == S_OK) { hr = S_OK; break; } }
return hr; }
// RegisterProvider
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::RegisterGUID(REFGUID rguid, TfGuidAtom *pguidatom) { return s_RegisterGUID(rguid, pguidatom); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_RegisterGUID(REFGUID rguid, TfGuidAtom *pguidatom) { TfGuidAtom guidatom; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (InitGlobal()) { if ((guidatom = _pCatGUIDTbl->FindGuid(rguid)) != TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM) { *pguidatom = guidatom; hr = S_OK; } else if ((guidatom = _pCatGUIDTbl->Add(rguid)) != TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM) { *pguidatom = guidatom; hr = S_OK; } }
return hr; }
// GetGUID
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::GetGUID(TfGuidAtom guidatom, GUID *pguid) { return s_GetGUID(guidatom, pguid); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_GetGUID(TfGuidAtom guidatom, GUID *pguid) { CATGUIDITEM *pItem; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (!pguid) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (InitGlobal()) { pItem = _pCatGUIDTbl->GetGUID(guidatom); if (!pItem) { *pguid = GUID_NULL; goto Exit; }
*pguid = pItem->guid; hr = S_OK; }
Exit: CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); return hr; }
// IsEqualTfGuidAtom
STDAPI CCategoryMgr::IsEqualTfGuidAtom(TfGuidAtom guidatom, REFGUID rguid, BOOL *pfEqual) { return s_IsEqualTfGuidAtom(guidatom, rguid, pfEqual); }
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::s_IsEqualTfGuidAtom(TfGuidAtom guidatom, REFGUID rguid, BOOL *pfEqual) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; CATGUIDITEM *pItem;
if (pfEqual == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
*pfEqual = FALSE;
if (InitGlobal()) { if (pItem = _pCatGUIDTbl->GetGUID(guidatom)) { *pfEqual = IsEqualGUID(pItem->guid, rguid); hr = S_OK; } }
CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); return hr; }
// InternalRegisterCategory
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::_InternalRegisterCategory(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rcatid, REFGUID rguid, CATDIRECTION catdir) { TCHAR szKey[256]; CONST TCHAR *pszForward = (catdir == CAT_FORWARD) ? c_szCategory : c_szItem; CMyRegKey key; CMyRegKey keySub; if (!GetCatKey(rclsid, rcatid, szKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey), pszForward)) return E_FAIL;
if (key.Create(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey) != S_OK) return E_FAIL;
// we add this guid and save it.
char szValue[CLSID_STRLEN + 1]; CLSIDToStringA(rguid, szValue); keySub.Create(key, szValue); _FlushGuidArrayCache(rguid, catdir);
return S_OK; }
// UnregisterCategory
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::_InternalUnregisterCategory(REFCLSID rclsid, REFGUID rcatid, REFGUID rguid, CATDIRECTION catdir) { TCHAR szKey[256]; CONST TCHAR *pszForward = (catdir == CAT_FORWARD) ? c_szCategory : c_szItem; CMyRegKey key; if (!GetCatKey(rclsid, rcatid, szKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey), pszForward)) return E_FAIL;
if (key.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szKey, KEY_ALL_ACCESS) != S_OK) return E_FAIL;
DWORD dwIndex = 0; char szValue[CLSID_STRLEN + 1];
CLSIDToStringA(rguid, szValue); key.RecurseDeleteKey(szValue); _FlushGuidArrayCache(rguid, catdir);
return S_OK; }
// _FlushGuidArrayCache
void CCategoryMgr::_FlushGuidArrayCache(REFGUID rguid, CATDIRECTION catdir) { TfGuidAtom guidatom; CATGUIDITEM *pItem;
if (!_pCatGUIDTbl) goto Exit;
guidatom = _pCatGUIDTbl->FindGuid(rguid); if (guidatom == TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM) goto Exit;
pItem = _pCatGUIDTbl->GetGUID(guidatom); if (!pItem) { Assert(0); goto Exit; }
SGA_Release(pItem->rgGuidAry[catdir]); pItem->rgGuidAry[catdir] = NULL;
Exit: CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); }
// _InternalEnumCategories
HRESULT CCategoryMgr::_InternalEnumCategories(REFGUID rguid, IEnumGUID **ppEnum, CATDIRECTION catdir) { CEnumCategories *pEnum;
if (!ppEnum) return E_INVALIDARG;
pEnum = new CEnumCategories();
if (!pEnum) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (pEnum->_Init(rguid, catdir)) *ppEnum = pEnum; else SafeReleaseClear(pEnum);
return pEnum ? S_OK : E_FAIL; }
// CEnumCategories
// ctor
CEnumCategories::CEnumCategories() { Dbg_MemSetThisNameIDCounter(TEXT("CEnumCategories"), PERF_ENUMCAT_COUNTER); }
// Init
BOOL CEnumCategories::_Init(REFGUID rcatid, CATDIRECTION catdir) { int cch; int nCnt = 0; BOOL bRet = FALSE; CMyRegKey keyImx; TfGuidAtom guidatom; CATGUIDITEM *pItem; CONST TCHAR *pszForward = (catdir == CAT_FORWARD) ? c_szCategory : c_szItem; DWORD dwIndex = 0; TCHAR szSubKey[256]; ULONG cGuidMax = 64; ULONG cGuidCurrent = 0;
if (!CCategoryMgr::InitGlobal()) goto LeaveCrtSec;
guidatom = CCategoryMgr::_pCatGUIDTbl->FindGuid(rcatid); if (guidatom == TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM) { guidatom = CCategoryMgr::_pCatGUIDTbl->Add(rcatid);
if (guidatom == TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM) goto LeaveCrtSec; }
pItem = CCategoryMgr::_pCatGUIDTbl->GetGUID(guidatom); Assert(pItem);
if (_pga = pItem->rgGuidAry[catdir]) { // already have this GUID cached, just reference it
bRet = TRUE; goto LeaveCrtSec; }
_pga = SGA_Alloc(cGuidMax); if (!_pga) goto LeaveCrtSec;
_pga->cRef = 1;
if (keyImx.Open(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, c_szCTFTIPKey, KEY_READ) != S_OK) goto LeaveCrtSec;
while (keyImx.EnumKey(dwIndex++, szSubKey, ARRAYSIZE(szSubKey)) == S_OK) { CMyRegKey key;
if (StringCchPrintf(szSubKey + lstrlen(szSubKey), ARRAYSIZE(szSubKey), "\\%s%s", c_szCategoryKey, pszForward) != S_OK) continue;
cch = lstrlen(szSubKey);
if (cch + CLSID_STRLEN + 1 > ARRAYSIZE(szSubKey)) continue;
CLSIDToStringA(rcatid, szSubKey + cch);
if (key.Open(keyImx, szSubKey, KEY_READ) != S_OK) continue;
DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwIndex2 = 0; char szValueName[CLSID_STRLEN + 1]; while (key.EnumKey(dwIndex2++, szValueName, ARRAYSIZE(szValueName)) == S_OK) { if (lstrlen(szValueName) == CLSID_STRLEN) { if (cGuidCurrent >= cGuidMax) { cGuidMax += 64; if (!SGA_ReAlloc(&_pga, cGuidMax)) goto LeaveCrtSec; } StringAToCLSID(szValueName, &_pga->rgGuid[cGuidCurrent]); cGuidCurrent++; } } }
// free up unused memory
if (!SGA_ReAlloc(&_pga, cGuidCurrent)) goto LeaveCrtSec;
bRet = TRUE; _pga->cGuid = cGuidCurrent;
// put this array in the cache
pItem->rgGuidAry[catdir] = _pga; SGA_AddRef(pItem->rgGuidAry[catdir]);
LeaveCrtSec: CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs);
return bRet; }