// hotkey.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "tim.h"
#include "dim.h"
#include "ic.h"
#include "hotkey.h"
#include "nuictrl.h"
#include "nuihkl.h"
#include "cregkey.h"
#include "ime.h"
#include "ctffunc.h"
#include "profiles.h"
#define TF_MOD_ALL (TF_MOD_ALT | \
static const TCHAR c_szKbdToggleKey[] = TEXT("Keyboard Layout\\Toggle"); static const TCHAR c_szHotKey[] = TEXT("Control Panel\\Input Method\\Hot Keys"); static const TCHAR c_szModifiers[] = TEXT("Key Modifiers"); static const TCHAR c_szVKey[] = TEXT("Virtual Key");
UINT g_uLangHotKeyModifiers = 0; UINT g_uLangHotKeyVKey[2] = {0,0}; UINT g_uKeyTipHotKeyModifiers = 0; UINT g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[2] = {0,0}; UINT g_uModifiers = 0;
// default IMM32 hotkeys.
// we use these default hotkey values if there is no entry in
// HKCU\Control Panel\Input Method\Hot Keys.
// CAsyncProcessHotKeyQueueItem
class CAsyncProcessHotKeyQueueItem : public CAsyncQueueItem { public: CAsyncProcessHotKeyQueueItem(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, TimSysHotkey tsh, BOOL fTest, BOOL fSync) : CAsyncQueueItem(fSync) { _wParam = wParam; _lParam = lParam; _tsh = tsh; _fTest = fTest; }
HRESULT DoDispatch(CInputContext *pic) { CThreadInputMgr *ptim = CThreadInputMgr::_GetThis(); if (!ptim) { Assert(0); return E_FAIL; }
ptim->_SyncProcessHotKey(_wParam, _lParam, _tsh, _fTest); return S_OK; }
private: WPARAM _wParam; LPARAM _lParam; TimSysHotkey _tsh; BOOL _fTest; };
// MSCTF default hotkeys.
typedef struct tag_DEFAULTHOTKEY { const GUID *pguid; UINT uId; TF_PRESERVEDKEY prekey; TfGuidAtom guidatom; } DEFAULTHOTKEY;
/* 61847d8e-29ff-11d4-97a9-00105a2799b5 */ const GUID GUID_DEFHOTKEY_CORRECTION = { 0x61847d8e, 0x29ff, 0x11d4, {0x97, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x10, 0x5a, 0x27, 0x99, 0xb5} };
/* 61847d8f-29ff-11d4-97a9-00105a2799b5 */ const GUID GUID_DEFHOTKEY_VOICE = { 0x61847d8f, 0x29ff, 0x11d4, {0x97, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x10, 0x5a, 0x27, 0x99, 0xb5} };
/* 61847d90-29ff-11d4-97a9-00105a2799b5 */ const GUID GUID_DEFHOTKEY_TOGGLE = { 0x61847d90, 0x29ff, 0x11d4, {0x97, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x10, 0x5a, 0x27, 0x99, 0xb5} };
/* 61847d91-29ff-11d4-97a9-00105a2799b5 */ const GUID GUID_DEFHOTKEY_HANDWRITE = { 0x61847d91, 0x29ff, 0x11d4, {0x97, 0xa9, 0x00, 0x10, 0x5a, 0x27, 0x99, 0xb5} };
#define DHID_VOICE 1
#define DHID_TOGGLE 2
// InitDefaultHotkeys
HRESULT CThreadInputMgr::InitDefaultHotkeys() { int i; for (i = 0; i < DEFHOTKEYNUM; i++) { CHotKey *pHotKey; HRESULT hr; hr = InternalPreserveKey(NULL, *g_DefHotKeys[i].pguid, &g_DefHotKeys[i].prekey, NULL, 0, 0, &pHotKey);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pHotKey) g_DefHotKeys[i].guidatom = pHotKey->_guidatom; } return S_OK; }
// UninitDefaultHotkeys
HRESULT CThreadInputMgr::UninitDefaultHotkeys() { int i; for (i = 0; i < DEFHOTKEYNUM; i++) { UnpreserveKey(*g_DefHotKeys[i].pguid, &g_DefHotKeys[i].prekey); } return S_OK; }
// PreserveKey
HRESULT CThreadInputMgr::PreserveKey(TfClientId tid, REFGUID rguid, const TF_PRESERVEDKEY *pprekey, const WCHAR *pchDesc, ULONG cchDesc) { CTip *ctip;
if (!_GetCTipfromGUIDATOM(tid, &ctip)) return E_INVALIDARG;
return InternalPreserveKey(ctip, rguid, pprekey, pchDesc, cchDesc, 0, NULL); }
// PreserveKeyEx
HRESULT CThreadInputMgr::PreserveKeyEx(TfClientId tid, REFGUID rguid, const TF_PRESERVEDKEY *pprekey, const WCHAR *pchDesc, ULONG cchDesc, DWORD dwFlags) { CTip *ctip;
if (!_GetCTipfromGUIDATOM(tid, &ctip)) return E_INVALIDARG;
return InternalPreserveKey(ctip, rguid, pprekey, pchDesc, cchDesc, dwFlags, NULL); }
// InternalPreserveKey
HRESULT CThreadInputMgr::InternalPreserveKey(CTip *ctip, REFGUID rguid, const TF_PRESERVEDKEY *pprekey, const WCHAR *pchDesc, ULONG cchDesc, DWORD dwFlags, CHotKey **ppHotKey) { CHotKey *pHotKey = NULL; int nCnt; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
if (!pprekey) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (pprekey->uVKey > 0xff) { hr = E_INVALIDARG; goto Exit; }
if (ctip && _IsThisHotKey(ctip->_guidatom, pprekey)) { hr = TF_E_ALREADY_EXISTS; goto Exit; }
if (!(pHotKey = new CHotKey())) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
if (!pHotKey->Init(ctip ? ctip->_guidatom : g_gaSystem, pprekey, rguid, dwFlags)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto Exit; }
if (!pHotKey->SetDesc(pchDesc, cchDesc)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; }
if (!_rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]) { if (!(_rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey] = new CPtrArray<CHotKey>)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } }
// Insert this to VKey list
nCnt = _rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]->Count(); if (!_rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]->Insert(nCnt, 1)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } _rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]->Set(nCnt, pHotKey);
// Insert this to CTip list
if (ctip) { nCnt = ctip->_rgHotKey.Count(); if (!ctip->_rgHotKey.Insert(nCnt, 1)) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } ctip->_rgHotKey.Set(nCnt, pHotKey); }
hr = S_OK; _OnPreservedKeyUpdate(pHotKey);
Exit: if (pHotKey && (hr != S_OK)) { delete pHotKey; }
if (ppHotKey) *ppHotKey = (hr == S_OK) ? pHotKey : NULL;
return hr; }
// _IsThisHotKey
BOOL CThreadInputMgr::_IsThisHotKey(TfClientId tid, const TF_PRESERVEDKEY *pprekey) { int nCnt; int i;
if (!_rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]) return FALSE; nCnt = _rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]->Count(); for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { CHotKey *pHotKey; pHotKey = _rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]->Get(i); Assert(pHotKey); Assert(pHotKey->_prekey.uVKey == pprekey->uVKey);
if (!pHotKey->IsValidTID(tid)) continue;
if (pHotKey->_prekey.uModifiers == pprekey->uModifiers) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// UnregisterHotKey
HRESULT CThreadInputMgr::UnpreserveKey(REFGUID rguid, const TF_PRESERVEDKEY *pprekey) { int i; BOOL bFound = FALSE; HRESULT hr = CONNECT_E_NOCONNECTION; CTip *ctip = NULL; TfGuidAtom guidatom; CHotKey *pHotKey = NULL; int nCnt;
if (FAILED(MyRegisterGUID(rguid, &guidatom))) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!_rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]) return hr;
nCnt = _rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]->Count(); Assert(nCnt); // this should not be 0.
for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { pHotKey = _rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]->Get(i);
if (pHotKey->_guidatom == guidatom) { //
// Remove this from VKey list.
_rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]->Remove(i, 1);
if (!ctip && (pHotKey->GetTID() != g_gaSystem)) _GetCTipfromGUIDATOM(pHotKey->GetTID(), &ctip);
// Remove this from CTip list.
if (ctip) { int nCntTid = ctip->_rgHotKey.Count(); int k; for (k = 0; k < nCntTid; k++) { if (pHotKey == ctip->_rgHotKey.Get(k)) { ctip->_rgHotKey.Remove(k, 1); break; } } }
// if there is no hotkey in this vkey, delete ptrary.
if (!_rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]->Count()) { delete _rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]; _rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey] = NULL; }
// make a notification.
// delete it.
delete pHotKey;
hr = S_OK; break; } }
return hr; }
// _ProcessHotKey
BOOL CThreadInputMgr::_ProcessHotKey(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, TimSysHotkey tsh, BOOL fTest, BOOL fSync) { UINT uVKey = (UINT)wParam & 0xff; CAsyncProcessHotKeyQueueItem *pAsyncProcessHotKeyQueueItem; CHotKey *pHotKey; BOOL bRet; HRESULT hr;
if (!_rgHotKey[uVKey]) return FALSE; if (!_FindHotKeyByTID(TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM, wParam, lParam, &pHotKey, tsh, g_uModifiers)) return FALSE;
if (!pHotKey) return FALSE;
if (!pHotKey->IsNoDimNeeded() && !_pFocusDocInputMgr) return FALSE;
if (!_pFocusDocInputMgr || (_pFocusDocInputMgr->_GetCurrentStack() < 0)) { //
// we may need to invoke system hotkey under Empty DIM.
BOOL fEaten = FALSE;
if (fTest) fEaten = TRUE; else { GUID guid; if (SUCCEEDED(MyGetGUID(pHotKey->_guidatom, &guid))) _CallSimulatePreservedKey(pHotKey, NULL, guid, &fEaten); }
return fEaten; }
// Issue:
// We don't know which IC in the focus DIM will handle the hotkey yet.
// because the selection is changed by the application so we need to get ec
// to update the current selection pos. We do call GetSelection
// inside the root IC's lock. So it might be failed if hotkey's target
// is TOP IC.
CInputContext *pic = _pFocusDocInputMgr->_GetIC(0);
pAsyncProcessHotKeyQueueItem = new CAsyncProcessHotKeyQueueItem(wParam, lParam, tsh, fTest, fSync); if (!pAsyncProcessHotKeyQueueItem) return FALSE; hr = S_OK;
bRet = TRUE; if ((pic->_QueueItem(pAsyncProcessHotKeyQueueItem->GetItem(), FALSE, &hr) != S_OK) || FAILED(hr)) { Assert(0); bRet = FALSE; }
pAsyncProcessHotKeyQueueItem->_Release(); return bRet; }
// _SyncProcessHotKey
BOOL CThreadInputMgr::_SyncProcessHotKey(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, TimSysHotkey tsh, BOOL fTest) { CHotKey *pHotKey; CInputContext *pic; UINT uVKey = (UINT)wParam & 0xff; BOOL fEaten = FALSE;
if (!_pFocusDocInputMgr) return FALSE;
if (!_rgHotKey[uVKey]) return FALSE;
if (_FindHotKeyAndIC(wParam, lParam, &pHotKey, &pic, tsh, g_uModifiers)) { if (fTest) fEaten = TRUE; else { GUID guid; if (SUCCEEDED(MyGetGUID(pHotKey->_guidatom, &guid))) _CallSimulatePreservedKey(pHotKey, pic, guid, &fEaten); } }
return fEaten; }
// _FindHotKeyByTiD
BOOL CThreadInputMgr::_FindHotKeyByTID(TfClientId tid, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, CHotKey **ppHotKey, TimSysHotkey tsh, UINT uModCurrent) { UINT uVKey = (UINT)wParam & 0xff; int nCnt; int i; CHotKey *pHotKey;
Assert(_rgHotKey[uVKey]); nCnt = _rgHotKey[uVKey]->Count(); for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { pHotKey = _rgHotKey[uVKey]->Get(i); Assert(pHotKey); Assert(pHotKey->_prekey.uVKey == uVKey);
if ((tid != TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM) && !pHotKey->IsValidTID(tid)) continue;
switch (tsh) { case TSH_SYSHOTKEY: if (!pHotKey->IsSysHotkey()) continue; break;
case TSH_NONSYSHOTKEY: if (pHotKey->IsSysHotkey()) continue; break;
case TSH_DONTCARE: break;
default: Assert(0); break; }
if ((pHotKey->_prekey.uModifiers & TF_MOD_ON_KEYUP) != ((lParam & 0x80000000) ? (UINT)TF_MOD_ON_KEYUP : 0)) continue;
if (ModifiersCheck(uModCurrent, pHotKey->_prekey.uModifiers)) { if (ppHotKey) *ppHotKey = pHotKey; return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// _FindHotkeyIC
BOOL CThreadInputMgr::_FindHotKeyAndIC(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, CHotKey **ppHotKey, CInputContext **ppic, TimSysHotkey tsh, UINT uModCurrent) { int iStack;
iStack = _pFocusDocInputMgr->_GetCurrentStack(); if (iStack < 0) return FALSE;
while (iStack >= 0) { CInputContext *pic = _pFocusDocInputMgr->_GetIC(iStack); if (_FindHotKeyInIC(wParam, lParam, ppHotKey, pic, tsh, uModCurrent)) { if (ppic) *ppic = pic; return TRUE; } iStack--; } return FALSE; }
// _FindHotkey
BOOL CThreadInputMgr::_FindHotKeyInIC(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, CHotKey **ppHotKey, CInputContext *pic, TimSysHotkey tsh, UINT uModCurrent) { TfClientId tid;
// try left side of the selection.
if ((tid = pic->_gaKeyEventFilterTIP[LEFT_FILTERTIP]) != TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM) { if (_FindHotKeyByTID(tid, wParam, lParam, ppHotKey, tsh, uModCurrent)) { return TRUE; } }
// try right side of the selection.
if ((tid = pic->_gaKeyEventFilterTIP[RIGHT_FILTERTIP]) != TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM) { if (_FindHotKeyByTID(tid, wParam, lParam, ppHotKey, tsh, uModCurrent)) { return TRUE; } }
// try foreground tip.
if ((_tidForeground != TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM) || (tsh == TSH_SYSHOTKEY)) { if (_FindHotKeyByTID(_tidForeground, wParam, lParam, ppHotKey, tsh, uModCurrent)) { return TRUE; } }
// we may have a system hotkey that matched with the wParm and lParam.
if (_FindHotKeyByTID(TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM, wParam, lParam, ppHotKey, TSH_SYSHOTKEY, uModCurrent)) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// CallKeyEventSink
HRESULT CThreadInputMgr::_CallSimulatePreservedKey(CHotKey *pHotKey, CInputContext *pic, REFGUID rguid, BOOL *pfEaten) { ITfKeyEventSink *pSink; CTip *ctip;
// This is tip's Preserved key.
if (pHotKey->GetTID() != g_gaSystem) { if (!pHotKey->IsNoDimNeeded() && !pic) return S_FALSE;
if (!_GetCTipfromGUIDATOM(pHotKey->GetTID(), &ctip)) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!(pSink = ctip->_pKeyEventSink)) return S_FALSE;
return pSink->OnPreservedKey(pic, rguid, pfEaten); }
UINT uId = -1; int i; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
for (i = 0; i < DEFHOTKEYNUM; i++) { if (g_DefHotKeys[i].guidatom == pHotKey->_guidatom) { uId = g_DefHotKeys[i].uId; break; } }
switch (g_DefHotKeys[i].uId) { case DHID_CORRECTION: //
// simulate Reconversion Button.
hr = AsyncReconversion(); break;
case DHID_VOICE: hr = MyToggleCompartmentDWORD(g_gaSystem, GetGlobalComp(), GUID_COMPARTMENT_SPEECH_OPENCLOSE, NULL); if (hr == S_OK) *pfEaten = TRUE;
case DHID_HANDWRITE: hr = MyToggleCompartmentDWORD(g_gaSystem, this, GUID_COMPARTMENT_HANDWRITING_OPENCLOSE, NULL); if (hr == S_OK) *pfEaten = TRUE;
DWORD dwMicOn;
if (FAILED(MyGetCompartmentDWORD(GetGlobalComp(), GUID_COMPARTMENT_SPEECH_OPENCLOSE, &dwMicOn))) { hr = E_FAIL; break; }
if ( dwMicOn ) { DWORD dwSpeechStatus; if (FAILED(MyGetCompartmentDWORD(GetGlobalComp(), GUID_COMPARTMENT_SPEECH_GLOBALSTATE, &dwSpeechStatus))) { hr = E_FAIL; break; }
if ((dwSpeechStatus & (TF_DICTATION_ON | TF_COMMANDING_ON)) == 0 ) { // Both dictation and voice command are OFF
// After toggled, we set dictation ON.
dwSpeechStatus |= TF_DICTATION_ON; } else { dwSpeechStatus ^= TF_DICTATION_ON; dwSpeechStatus ^= TF_COMMANDING_ON; }
hr = MySetCompartmentDWORD(g_gaSystem, GetGlobalComp(), GUID_COMPARTMENT_SPEECH_GLOBALSTATE, dwSpeechStatus);
if (hr == S_OK) *pfEaten = TRUE;
default: Assert(0); hr = E_FAIL; break; }
return hr; }
// GetPreservedKey
STDAPI CThreadInputMgr::GetPreservedKey(ITfContext *pic, const TF_PRESERVEDKEY *pprekey, GUID *pguid) { CHotKey *pHotKey; CInputContext *pcic; HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; // we return S_FALE, if there is no proper keys.
if (!pguid) return E_INVALIDARG;
*pguid = GUID_NULL;
if (!pprekey) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (pprekey->uVKey >= ARRAYSIZE(_rgHotKey)) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (pprekey->uModifiers & ~TF_MOD_ALL) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!pic) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!(pcic = GetCInputContext(pic))) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!_rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]) goto Exit;
// we always get KeyUp preserve key first.
if (_FindHotKeyInIC(pprekey->uVKey, 0x80000000, &pHotKey, pcic, TSH_DONTCARE, pprekey->uModifiers)) { hr = MyGetGUID(pHotKey->_guidatom, pguid); } else if (_FindHotKeyInIC(pprekey->uVKey, 0x0, &pHotKey, pcic, TSH_DONTCARE, pprekey->uModifiers)) { hr = MyGetGUID(pHotKey->_guidatom, pguid); }
Exit: SafeRelease(pcic); return hr; }
// isPreservedKeyInfo
STDAPI CThreadInputMgr::IsPreservedKey(REFGUID rguid, const TF_PRESERVEDKEY *pprekey, BOOL *pfRegistered) { TfGuidAtom guidatom; int i; int nCnt;
if (!pfRegistered) return E_INVALIDARG;
*pfRegistered = FALSE;
if (!pprekey) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (pprekey->uVKey >= ARRAYSIZE(_rgHotKey)) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (pprekey->uModifiers & ~TF_MOD_ALL) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (FAILED(MyRegisterGUID(rguid, &guidatom))) return E_FAIL;
if (!_rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]) return S_FALSE; nCnt = _rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]->Count(); for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { CHotKey *pHotKey = _rgHotKey[pprekey->uVKey]->Get(i); if ((guidatom == pHotKey->_guidatom) && (pprekey->uModifiers == pHotKey->_prekey.uModifiers)) { *pfRegistered = TRUE; return S_OK; } }
return S_FALSE; }
// GetPreservedKeyInfoInternal
BOOL CThreadInputMgr::_GetFirstPreservedKey(REFGUID rguid, CHotKey **ppHotKey) { UINT uVKey; TfGuidAtom guidatom;
if (FAILED(MyRegisterGUID(rguid, &guidatom))) return FALSE; for (uVKey = 0; uVKey < 256; uVKey++) { int nCnt; int i;
if (!_rgHotKey[uVKey]) continue;
nCnt = _rgHotKey[uVKey]->Count(); for (i = 0; i < nCnt; i++) { CHotKey *pHotKey = _rgHotKey[uVKey]->Get(i); if (guidatom == pHotKey->_guidatom) { *ppHotKey = pHotKey; return TRUE; } } }
return FALSE; }
// SimulatePreservedKey
STDAPI CThreadInputMgr::SimulatePreservedKey(ITfContext *pic, REFGUID rguid, BOOL *pfEaten) { CInputContext *pcic; CHotKey *pHotKey; HRESULT hr; if (!pfEaten) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!(pcic = GetCInputContext(pic))) return E_INVALIDARG;
hr = S_OK; *pfEaten = FALSE;
if (_GetFirstPreservedKey(rguid, &pHotKey)) { //
// we always get KeyUp preserve key first.
if (_FindHotKeyInIC(pHotKey->_prekey.uVKey, 0x80000000, NULL, pcic, TSH_DONTCARE, pHotKey->_prekey.uModifiers)) { hr = _CallSimulatePreservedKey(pHotKey, pcic, rguid, pfEaten); } else if (_FindHotKeyInIC(pHotKey->_prekey.uVKey, 0x0, NULL, pcic, TSH_DONTCARE, pHotKey->_prekey.uModifiers)) { hr = _CallSimulatePreservedKey(pHotKey, pcic, rguid, pfEaten); }
SafeRelease(pcic); return hr; }
// _OnPreservedKeyUpdate
HRESULT CThreadInputMgr::_OnPreservedKeyUpdate(CHotKey *pHotKey) { CStructArray<GENERICSINK> *pSinks = _GetPreservedKeyNotifySinks(); int i;
// we don't make a notification for system default hotkeys.
if (pHotKey->GetTID() == g_gaSystem) return S_OK;
for (i = 0; i < pSinks->Count(); i++) { ((ITfPreservedKeyNotifySink *)pSinks->GetPtr(i)->pSink)->OnUpdated(&pHotKey->_prekey); }
return S_OK; }
// SetPreservedKeyDescription
STDAPI CThreadInputMgr::SetPreservedKeyDescription(REFGUID rguid, const WCHAR *pchDesc, ULONG cchDesc) { CHotKey *pHotKey; if (!_GetFirstPreservedKey(rguid, &pHotKey)) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!pHotKey->SetDesc(pchDesc, cchDesc)) return E_FAIL;
_OnPreservedKeyUpdate(pHotKey); return S_OK; }
// GetPreservedKeyDescription
STDAPI CThreadInputMgr::GetPreservedKeyDescription(REFGUID rguid, BSTR *pbstrDesc) { CHotKey *pHotKey; if (!_GetFirstPreservedKey(rguid, &pHotKey)) return E_INVALIDARG;
if (!pHotKey->GetDesc(pbstrDesc)) return E_FAIL;
return S_OK; }
// Static Functions
#define IsAlt(u) ((u & TF_MOD_ALT) ? 1 : 0)
#define IsShift(u) ((u & TF_MOD_SHIFT) ? 1 : 0)
#define IsControl(u) ((u & TF_MOD_CONTROL) ? 1 : 0)
#define IsWin(u) ((u & TF_MOD_WIN) ? 1 : 0)
#define CheckMod(m0, m1, mod) \
if (m1 & TF_MOD_ ## mod ##) \ { \ if (!(m0 & TF_MOD_ ## mod ##)) \ return FALSE; \ } \ else \ { \ if ((m1 ^ m0) & TF_MOD_RL ## mod ##) \ return FALSE; \ }
// ModifiersCheck
BOOL ModifiersCheck(UINT uModCurrent, UINT uMod) { uMod &= ~TF_MOD_ON_KEYUP;
if (uModCurrent == uMod) return TRUE;
if (uModCurrent && !uMod) return FALSE;
CheckMod(uModCurrent, uMod, ALT); CheckMod(uModCurrent, uMod, SHIFT); CheckMod(uModCurrent, uMod, CONTROL); CheckMod(uModCurrent, uMod, WIN);
return TRUE; }
// InitLangChangeHotKey
BOOL InitLangChangeHotKey() { CMyRegKey key; TCHAR sz[2] = TEXT("3"); TCHAR sz2[2] = TEXT("3");
if (key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, c_szKbdToggleKey, KEY_READ) == S_OK) { if (key.QueryValueCch(sz, TEXT("Language Hotkey"), ARRAYSIZE(sz)) != S_OK) { if (key.QueryValueCch(sz, IsOnNT() ? TEXT("Hotkey") : NULL, ARRAYSIZE(sz)) != S_OK) { sz[0] = TEXT('1'); sz[1] = TEXT('\0'); }
if (PRIMARYLANGID(LANGIDFROMLCID(GetSystemDefaultLCID())) == LANG_CHINESE) { sz[0] = TEXT('1'); sz[1] = TEXT('\0'); } } if (key.QueryValueCch(sz2, TEXT("Layout Hotkey"), ARRAYSIZE(sz)) != S_OK) { if (lstrcmp(sz, TEXT("2")) == 0) { sz2[0] = TEXT('1'); sz2[1] = TEXT('\0'); } else { sz2[0] = TEXT('2'); sz2[1] = TEXT('\0'); }
if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_MIDEASTENABLED)) { sz2[0] = TEXT('3'); sz2[1] = TEXT('\0'); } } }
// if lang and layout hotkey is the same key, let's disable the layout hotkey
if (lstrcmp(sz, sz2) == 0) { if (lstrcmp(sz, TEXT("1")) == 0) { sz2[0] = TEXT('2'); sz2[1] = TEXT('\0'); } else if (lstrcmp(sz, TEXT("2")) == 0) { sz2[0] = TEXT('1'); sz2[1] = TEXT('\0'); } else { sz2[0] = TEXT('3'); sz2[1] = TEXT('\0'); } }
switch (sz[0]) { case ( TEXT('1') ) : default: { g_uLangHotKeyModifiers = TF_MOD_ALT | TF_MOD_SHIFT; g_uLangHotKeyVKey[0] = VK_SHIFT; g_uLangHotKeyVKey[1] = VK_MENU; break; } case ( TEXT('2') ) : { g_uLangHotKeyModifiers = TF_MOD_CONTROL | TF_MOD_SHIFT; g_uLangHotKeyVKey[0] = VK_SHIFT; g_uLangHotKeyVKey[1] = VK_CONTROL; break; } case ( TEXT('3') ) : { g_uLangHotKeyModifiers = 0; g_uLangHotKeyVKey[0] = 0; g_uLangHotKeyVKey[1] = 0; break; } case ( TEXT('4') ) : { g_uLangHotKeyModifiers = 0; g_uLangHotKeyVKey[0] = CHAR_GRAVE; g_uLangHotKeyVKey[1] = 0; break; } }
// Set the layout switch hotkey.
switch (sz2[0]) { case ( TEXT('1') ) : default: { g_uKeyTipHotKeyModifiers = TF_MOD_LALT | TF_MOD_SHIFT; g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[0] = VK_SHIFT; g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[1] = VK_MENU; break; } case ( TEXT('2') ) : { g_uKeyTipHotKeyModifiers = TF_MOD_CONTROL | TF_MOD_SHIFT; g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[0] = VK_SHIFT; g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[1] = VK_CONTROL; break; } case ( TEXT('3') ) : { g_uKeyTipHotKeyModifiers = 0; g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[0] = 0; g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[1] = 0; break; } case ( TEXT('4') ) : { g_uKeyTipHotKeyModifiers = 0; g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[0] = VK_GRAVE; g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[1] = 0; break; } }
return TRUE; }
// UpdateModifiers
BOOL UpdateModifiers(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { SHORT sksMenu = GetKeyState(VK_MENU); SHORT sksCtrl = GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL); SHORT sksShft = GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT); SHORT sksLWin = GetKeyState(VK_LWIN); SHORT sksRWin = GetKeyState(VK_RWIN);
CicEnterCriticalSection(g_cs); switch (wParam & 0xff) { case VK_MENU: if (sksMenu & 0x8000) { if (lParam & 0x01000000) g_uModifiers |= (TF_MOD_RALT | TF_MOD_ALT); else g_uModifiers |= (TF_MOD_LALT | TF_MOD_ALT); } break;
case VK_CONTROL: if (sksCtrl & 0x8000) { if (lParam & 0x01000000) g_uModifiers |= (TF_MOD_RCONTROL | TF_MOD_CONTROL); else g_uModifiers |= (TF_MOD_LCONTROL | TF_MOD_CONTROL); } break;
case VK_SHIFT: if (sksShft & 0x8000) { if (((lParam >> 16) & 0x00ff) == 0x36) g_uModifiers |= (TF_MOD_RSHIFT | TF_MOD_SHIFT); else g_uModifiers |= (TF_MOD_LSHIFT | TF_MOD_SHIFT); } break;
case VK_LWIN: if (sksLWin & 0x8000) g_uModifiers |= (TF_MOD_LWIN | TF_MOD_WIN); break;
case VK_RWIN: if (sksRWin & 0x8000) g_uModifiers |= (TF_MOD_RWIN | TF_MOD_WIN); break; }
if (!(sksMenu & 0x8000)) g_uModifiers &= ~TF_MOD_ALLALT; if (!(sksCtrl & 0x8000)) g_uModifiers &= ~TF_MOD_ALLCONTROL; if (!(sksShft & 0x8000)) g_uModifiers &= ~TF_MOD_ALLSHIFT; if (!(sksRWin & 0x8000)) g_uModifiers &= ~TF_MOD_RWIN; if (!(sksLWin & 0x8000)) g_uModifiers &= ~TF_MOD_LWIN; if (!(sksRWin & 0x8000) && !(sksLWin & 0x8000)) g_uModifiers &= ~TF_MOD_WIN;
return TRUE; }
// IsInLangChangeHotkeyStatus
// This function check the current keyboard status is in LangChange hotkey.
// This will be a trigger to eat WM_INPUTLANGUAGECHANGEREQUEST that was
// genereated by System. This is a fallback code because sometimes we
// could not eat the message in CheckLangChangeHotKey() (inside keyboard hook).
BOOL IsInLangChangeHotkeyStatus() { //
// we don't need this hack on NT.
if (IsOnNT()) return FALSE;
// this Modifiers patch works for only Key-Down time hotkey.
// this hack does not work for Key-Up time hotkey.
#if 0
// patch Shift status for g_uModifiers.
// we might not be able to catch up the current keystatus because
// sytstem could eat Shift key and no keyboard hook was called.
if (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) g_uModifiers |= TF_MOD_SHIFT; else g_uModifiers &= ~TF_MOD_ALLSHIFT; #endif
if (g_uLangHotKeyModifiers && ModifiersCheck(g_uModifiers, g_uLangHotKeyModifiers)) return TRUE;
if (g_uKeyTipHotKeyModifiers && ModifiersCheck(g_uModifiers, g_uKeyTipHotKeyModifiers)) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
// CheckLangChangeHotKey
BOOL CheckLangChangeHotKey(SYSTHREAD *psfn, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { BOOL fLangHotKeys; BOOL fKeyTipHotKeys;
if (psfn == NULL) return FALSE;
// we don't care about reperted key down.
if ((lParam & 0xffff) > 1) return FALSE;
// If we are not interested in the VKey (wParam),
// clear bToggleReady up and don't eat it.
if ((g_uLangHotKeyVKey[0] != wParam) && (g_uLangHotKeyVKey[1] != wParam)) { if (psfn->bLangToggleReady) { psfn->bLangToggleReady = FALSE; }
fLangHotKeys = FALSE; } else { fLangHotKeys = TRUE; }
if ((g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[0] != wParam) && (g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[1] != wParam)) { if (psfn->bKeyTipToggleReady) { psfn->bKeyTipToggleReady = FALSE; }
fKeyTipHotKeys = FALSE; } else { fKeyTipHotKeys = TRUE; }
if (fLangHotKeys && !psfn->bLangToggleReady) { if (!(lParam & 0x80000000)) { if (g_uLangHotKeyModifiers && ModifiersCheck(g_uModifiers, g_uLangHotKeyModifiers)) { //
// we will change assembly at next key up.
psfn->bLangToggleReady = TRUE;
// we always eat Language change hotkey to stop system
// to change hKL.
return FALSE; } } }
if (fKeyTipHotKeys && !psfn->bKeyTipToggleReady) { if (!(lParam & 0x80000000)) { if (g_uKeyTipHotKeyModifiers && ModifiersCheck(g_uModifiers, g_uKeyTipHotKeyModifiers)) { if (GetKeyboardItemNum() >= 2) { //
// we will change assembly at next key up.
psfn->bKeyTipToggleReady = TRUE;
// we don't want to eat KeyTip change hotkey if there is
// only one keyboard item in this language.
// Ctrl+Shift is used by apps.
return FALSE; } } else if (wParam == VK_GRAVE && g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[0] == wParam) { //
// we will change assembly at next key up.
psfn->bKeyTipToggleReady = TRUE;
return TRUE; } } }
if (!(lParam & 0x80000000)) { //
// want to eat Grave Accent if it is a layout switching hotkey for ME.
if (g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[0] == wParam && wParam == VK_GRAVE) return TRUE; else return FALSE; }
BOOL bLangToggleReady = psfn->bLangToggleReady; BOOL bKeyTipToggleReady = psfn->bKeyTipToggleReady; psfn->bLangToggleReady = FALSE; psfn->bKeyTipToggleReady = FALSE;
if (bLangToggleReady) {
// remove all WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST message.
if (g_uLangHotKeyVKey[0] == VK_SHIFT) { BOOL bRightShift = FALSE; if ((((wParam & 0xff) == VK_SHIFT) && (((lParam >> 16) & 0x00ff) == 0x36)) || (g_uModifiers & TF_MOD_RSHIFT)) bRightShift = TRUE;
PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId(), g_msgPrivate, TFPRIV_LANGCHANGE, bRightShift); return TRUE; } else if (g_uLangHotKeyVKey[0] == CHAR_GRAVE) { //
// Issue: we need to do something for Thai.
return TRUE; } } else if (bKeyTipToggleReady) { //
// remove all WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST message.
if (g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[0] == VK_SHIFT) { BOOL bRightShift = FALSE; if ((((wParam & 0xff) == VK_SHIFT) && (((lParam >> 16) & 0x00ff) == 0x36)) || (g_uModifiers & TF_MOD_RSHIFT)) bRightShift = TRUE;
PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId(), g_msgPrivate, TFPRIV_KEYTIPCHANGE, bRightShift); return TRUE; } else if (g_uKeyTipHotKeyVKey[0] == VK_GRAVE) { // checking for Middle East(Arabic or Hebrew) layout hotkey to
// support the third hotkey value(Grave Accent) instead of Ctrl+Shift
// or Alt+Shift.
PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId(), g_msgPrivate, TFPRIV_KEYTIPCHANGE, FALSE);
return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Imm32ModtoCicMod
UINT Imm32ModtoCicMod(UINT uImm32Mod) { UINT uMod = 0; if ((uImm32Mod & (MOD_LEFT | MOD_RIGHT)) == (MOD_LEFT | MOD_RIGHT)) uImm32Mod &= ~(MOD_LEFT | MOD_RIGHT);
if (uImm32Mod & MOD_LEFT) { if (uImm32Mod & MOD_ALT) uMod |= TF_MOD_LALT; if (uImm32Mod & MOD_CONTROL) uMod |= TF_MOD_LCONTROL; if (uImm32Mod & MOD_SHIFT) uMod |= TF_MOD_LSHIFT; } else if (uImm32Mod & MOD_RIGHT) { if (uImm32Mod & MOD_ALT) uMod |= TF_MOD_RALT; if (uImm32Mod & MOD_CONTROL) uMod |= TF_MOD_RCONTROL; if (uImm32Mod & MOD_SHIFT) uMod |= TF_MOD_RSHIFT; } else { if (uImm32Mod & MOD_ALT) uMod |= TF_MOD_ALT; if (uImm32Mod & MOD_CONTROL) uMod |= TF_MOD_CONTROL; if (uImm32Mod & MOD_SHIFT) uMod |= TF_MOD_SHIFT; } if (uImm32Mod & MOD_ON_KEYUP) uMod |= TF_MOD_ON_KEYUP; if (uImm32Mod & MOD_IGNORE_ALL_MODIFIER) uMod |= TF_MOD_IGNORE_ALL_MODIFIER;
return uMod; }
// LoadImmHotkeyFromReg
BOOL LoadImmHotkeyFromReg(IMM32HOTKEY *pHotKey) { CMyRegKey key; UINT uMod; DWORD dw; TCHAR szKey[256];
pHotKey->fInit = TRUE;
StringCchPrintf(szKey, ARRAYSIZE(szKey),"%s\\%08x", c_szHotKey, pHotKey->dwId); if (key.Open(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szKey, KEY_READ) != S_OK) goto Exit;
pHotKey->uVKey = (UINT)-2; dw = sizeof(DWORD); key.QueryBinaryValue(&uMod, dw, c_szModifiers); dw = sizeof(DWORD); key.QueryBinaryValue(&pHotKey->uVKey, dw, c_szVKey);
pHotKey->uModifiers = Imm32ModtoCicMod(uMod);
Exit: return TRUE; }
// GetImmHotKeyTable()
IMM32HOTKEY *GetImmHotKeyTable(LANGID langid) { IMM32HOTKEY *pHotKeys;
switch (langid) { case 0x0411: pHotKeys = g_ImmHotKeys411; break; case 0x0412: pHotKeys = g_ImmHotKeys412; break; case 0x0404: pHotKeys = g_ImmHotKeys404; break; case 0x0804: pHotKeys = g_ImmHotKeys804; break; default: switch (g_uACP) { case 932: pHotKeys = g_ImmHotKeys411; break; case 936: pHotKeys = g_ImmHotKeys804; break; case 949: pHotKeys = g_ImmHotKeys412; break; case 950: pHotKeys = g_ImmHotKeys404; break; } return NULL; } return pHotKeys; }
// IsImmHotkey
IMM32HOTKEY *IsImmHotkey(UINT uVKey, BOOL fUp, UINT uModifiers, LANGID langid) { int i = 0; BOOL bRet = FALSE; IMM32HOTKEY *pHotKeys; IMM32HOTKEY *pHotKeyRet = NULL;
pHotKeys = GetImmHotKeyTable(langid); if (!pHotKeys) return NULL;
while (pHotKeys[i].dwId) { if (!pHotKeys[i].fInit) LoadImmHotkeyFromReg(&pHotKeys[i]);
if ((pHotKeys[i].uVKey == uVKey) && pHotKeys[i].uModifiers && ModifiersCheck(uModifiers, pHotKeys[i].uModifiers)) { pHotKeyRet = &pHotKeys[i];
if ((pHotKeyRet->uModifiers & TF_MOD_ON_KEYUP) && !fUp) pHotKeyRet = NULL; else if (!(pHotKeyRet->uModifiers & TF_MOD_ON_KEYUP) && fUp) pHotKeyRet = NULL;
goto Exit; }
i++; }
Exit: CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); return pHotKeyRet; }
// IsInImmHotkeyStatus
// This function check the current keyboard status is in IMM32's hotkey.
// This will be a trigger to eat WM_INPUTLANGUAGECHANGEREQUEST that was
// genereated by IMM32. This is a fallback code because sometimes we
// could not eat the message in CheckImm32HotKey() (inside keyboard hook).
IMM32HOTKEY *IsInImmHotkeyStatus(SYSTHREAD *psfn, LANGID langid) { int i = 0; IMM32HOTKEY *pHotKeys; IMM32HOTKEY *pHotKeyRet = NULL; BYTE bkey[256]; UINT uModifiers;
if (!psfn) return NULL;
if (psfn->fRemovingInputLangChangeReq) return NULL;
if (!psfn->ptim) return NULL;
if (!psfn->ptim->_GetFocusDocInputMgr()) return NULL;
if (!GetKeyboardState(bkey)) return NULL;
pHotKeys = GetImmHotKeyTable(langid); if (!pHotKeys) return NULL;
uModifiers = 0; if (bkey[VK_MENU] & 0x80) uModifiers |= TF_MOD_ALT;
if (bkey[VK_CONTROL] & 0x80) uModifiers |= TF_MOD_CONTROL;
if (bkey[VK_SHIFT] & 0x80) uModifiers |= TF_MOD_SHIFT;
CicEnterCriticalSection(g_cs); while (pHotKeys[i].dwId) { if (!pHotKeys[i].fInit) LoadImmHotkeyFromReg(&pHotKeys[i]);
if ((bkey[pHotKeys[i].uVKey & 0xff] & 0x80) && pHotKeys[i].uModifiers && ModifiersCheck(uModifiers, pHotKeys[i].uModifiers)) { pHotKeyRet = &pHotKeys[i];
if (pHotKeyRet->uModifiers & TF_MOD_ON_KEYUP) pHotKeyRet = NULL;
goto Exit; }
i++; }
Exit: CicLeaveCriticalSection(g_cs); return pHotKeyRet; }
// CancelImmHotkey
BOOL CancelImmHotkey(SYSTHREAD *psfn, HWND hwnd, IMM32HOTKEY *pHotKey) { UINT uMsg;
if (pHotKey->uModifiers & TF_MOD_ON_KEYUP) uMsg = WM_KEYUP; else uMsg = WM_KEYDOWN;
PostMessage(hwnd, uMsg, (WPARAM)pHotKey->uVKey, 0);
return TRUE; } #endif
// void ToggleCHImeNoIme
BOOL ToggleCHImeNoIme(SYSTHREAD *psfn, LANGID langidCur, LANGID langid) { int i; LANGID langidPrev; GUID guidPrevProfile; HKL hklPrev; BOOL fCiceroClient= FALSE;
CAssemblyList *pAsmList; CAssembly *pAsm; ASSEMBLYITEM *pItem;
pAsmList = EnsureAssemblyList(psfn); if (!pAsmList) return FALSE;
langidPrev = psfn->langidPrevForCHHotkey; guidPrevProfile = psfn->guidPrevProfileForCHHotkey; hklPrev = psfn->hklPrevForCHHotkey; psfn->guidPrevProfileForCHHotkey = GUID_NULL; psfn->langidPrevForCHHotkey = 0; psfn->hklPrevForCHHotkey = 0;
pAsm = pAsmList->FindAssemblyByLangId(langidCur); if (!pAsm) return FALSE;
if (psfn->ptim && psfn->ptim->_GetFocusDocInputMgr()) fCiceroClient = TRUE;
if (fCiceroClient) { pItem = pAsm->FindActiveKeyboardItem(); if (!pItem) return FALSE; } else { pItem = pAsm->FindKeyboardLayoutItem(GetKeyboardLayout(0)); if (!pItem) return FALSE; }
if (!IsEqualGUID(pItem->clsid, GUID_NULL) || IsPureIMEHKL(pItem->hkl)) { //
// Not the current active keyboard item is TIP or IME.
psfn->guidPrevProfileForCHHotkey = pItem->guidProfile; psfn->hklPrevForCHHotkey = pItem->hkl; psfn->langidPrevForCHHotkey = langid;
for (i = 0; i < pAsm->Count(); i++) { pItem = pAsm->GetItem(i); if (!pItem) continue;
if (IsEqualGUID(pItem->catid, GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD) && IsEqualGUID(pItem->clsid, GUID_NULL) && !IsPureIMEHKL(pItem->hkl)) { ActivateAssemblyItem(psfn, langidCur, pItem, AAIF_CHANGEDEFAULT); return TRUE; } }
PostThreadMessage(GetCurrentThreadId(), g_msgPrivate, TFPRIV_ACTIVATELANG, 0x0409);
return TRUE; } else { BOOL fActivateFirstIME = FALSE; BOOL fCheckItem = FALSE;
if (langidCur != langid) ActivateAssembly(langid, ACTASM_NONE);
pAsm = pAsmList->FindAssemblyByLangId(langid); if (!pAsm) return FALSE;
if ((langidPrev == langid) && (!IsEqualGUID(guidPrevProfile, GUID_NULL) || IsPureIMEHKL(hklPrev))) { fCheckItem = TRUE; } else if (!langidPrev && IsEqualGUID(guidPrevProfile, GUID_NULL) && !hklPrev) { fActivateFirstIME = TRUE; }
if (fActivateFirstIME) { return ActivateNextKeyTip(FALSE); }
for (i = 0; i < pAsm->Count(); i++) { pItem = pAsm->GetItem(i); if (!pItem) continue;
if (!IsEqualGUID(pItem->catid, GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD)) continue;
// Bug#494617 - Check the item is enabled or not.
if (!pItem->fEnabled) continue;
if (fCheckItem) { if ((!IsEqualGUID(guidPrevProfile, GUID_NULL) && IsEqualGUID(pItem->guidProfile, guidPrevProfile)) || (IsPureIMEHKL(hklPrev) && (hklPrev == pItem->hkl))) { ActivateAssemblyItem(psfn, langid, pItem, AAIF_CHANGEDEFAULT); return TRUE; } } else if (!IsEqualGUID(pItem->guidProfile, GUID_NULL)) { ActivateAssemblyItem(psfn, langid, pItem, AAIF_CHANGEDEFAULT); return TRUE; } } }
return FALSE; }
// CAsyncOpenKeyboardTip
class CAsyncOpenKeyboardTip : public CAsyncQueueItem { public: CAsyncOpenKeyboardTip(CThreadInputMgr *ptim, BOOL fSync) : CAsyncQueueItem(fSync) { _ptim = ptim; }
HRESULT DoDispatch(CInputContext *pic) { if (!_ptim) { Assert(0); return E_FAIL; }
MySetCompartmentDWORD(g_gaSystem, _ptim, GUID_COMPARTMENT_KEYBOARD_OPENCLOSE, TRUE); return S_OK; }
private: CThreadInputMgr *_ptim; };
// void ToggleJImeNoIme
BOOL ToggleJImeNoIme(SYSTHREAD *psfn) { int i; CAssemblyList *pAsmList; CAssembly *pAsm; ASSEMBLYITEM *pItem;
if (!psfn) return FALSE;
if (!psfn->ptim) return FALSE;
// if there is no Focus DIM, we don't have to do this.
if (!psfn->ptim->_GetFocusDocInputMgr()) return FALSE;
pAsmList = EnsureAssemblyList(psfn); if (!pAsmList) return FALSE;
pAsm = pAsmList->FindAssemblyByLangId(0x0411); if (!pAsm) return FALSE;
pItem = pAsm->FindActiveKeyboardItem(); if (!pItem) return FALSE;
if (!IsEqualGUID(pItem->clsid, GUID_NULL)) return FALSE;
if (IsPureIMEHKL(pItem->hkl)) return FALSE;
ASSEMBLYITEM *pItemNew = NULL; for (i = 0; i < pAsm->Count(); i++) { ASSEMBLYITEM *pItemTemp; pItemTemp = pAsm->GetItem(i); if (!pItemTemp) continue;
if (pItemTemp == pItem) continue;
if (!IsEqualGUID(pItemTemp->catid, GUID_TFCAT_TIP_KEYBOARD)) continue;
if (!IsEqualGUID(pItemTemp->clsid, GUID_NULL)) { pItemNew = pItemTemp; break; }
if (IsPureIMEHKL(pItemTemp->hkl)) { pItemNew = pItemTemp; break; } }
if (pItemNew) { ActivateAssemblyItem(psfn, 0x0411, pItemNew, AAIF_CHANGEDEFAULT);
// Open Keyboard TIP.
CInputContext *pic = NULL; pic = psfn->ptim->_GetFocusDocInputMgr()->_GetIC(0); if (pic) { CAsyncOpenKeyboardTip *pAsyncOpenKeyboardTip; pAsyncOpenKeyboardTip = new CAsyncOpenKeyboardTip(psfn->ptim, FALSE); if (pAsyncOpenKeyboardTip) { HRESULT hr = S_OK;
if ((pic->_QueueItem(pAsyncOpenKeyboardTip->GetItem(), FALSE, &hr) != S_OK) || FAILED(hr)) { Assert(0); }
pAsyncOpenKeyboardTip->_Release(); } } }
return TRUE; }
// CheckImm32HotKey
BOOL CheckImm32HotKey(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { HKL hKL; SYSTHREAD *psfn = GetSYSTHREAD(); IMM32HOTKEY *pHotKey; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if (psfn == NULL) return FALSE;
// If there is no tim, let system change hKL.
if (!psfn->ptim) return FALSE;
// If there is focus dim, we need to handle it.
// If there is no focus dim, but msctfime can eat the hotkey,
// we need to do this instead of system.
if (!psfn->ptim->_GetFocusDocInputMgr()) { if (!CtfImmIsCiceroStartedInThread()) return FALSE; }
hKL = GetKeyboardLayout(NULL);
pHotKey = IsImmHotkey((UINT)wParam & 0xff, (HIWORD(lParam) & KF_UP) ? TRUE : FALSE, g_uModifiers, (LANGID)LOWORD((UINT_PTR)hKL));
if (!pHotKey) { //
// Chinese IME-NONIME toggle Hack for NT.
// On NT, we're using non IME as a dummy hKL of CH-Tips.
// we need to simulate HotKey.
LANGID langidPrev = psfn->langidPrev;
// If the Chinese IME-NONIME toggle has never been done in this thread
// and the current thread locale is Chinese, let's try to do
// IME-NONIME toggle.
if ((langidPrev != CHTLANGID) && (langidPrev != CHSLANGID) && !psfn->langidPrevForCHHotkey) { LANGID langidThread = LANGIDFROMLCID(GetThreadLocale()); if ((langidThread == CHTLANGID) || (langidThread == CHSLANGID)) langidPrev = langidThread; }
if (IsOnNT() && ((langidPrev == CHTLANGID) || (langidPrev == CHSLANGID))) { pHotKey = IsImmHotkey((UINT)wParam & 0xff, (HIWORD(lParam) & KF_UP) ? TRUE : FALSE, g_uModifiers, langidPrev);
if (pHotKey) { //
// if it is a IME-NONIME toggle hotkey
// we need to simulate it.
if ((pHotKey->dwId == IME_CHOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE) || (pHotKey->dwId == IME_THOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE)) { bRet = ToggleCHImeNoIme(psfn, LANGIDFROMHKL(hKL), langidPrev);
// On CUAS, Imm32's Hotkey is simulated in ImmProcessKey
// So this function is called there.
// We don't need this Toggle status hack.
if (!CtfImmIsCiceroStartedInThread()) psfn->bInImeNoImeToggle = TRUE; } } }
return bRet; }
// remove all WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST message.
// sometimes, this can not catch the IMM32's language change. We
// fallback hack for them in default.cpp's WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST
// handler. Check IsInImmHotKeyStatus() and CancelImmHotkey().
MSG msg; ULONG ulQuitCode; BOOL fQuitReceived = FALSE;
psfn->fRemovingInputLangChangeReq = TRUE;
while(PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST, WM_INPUTLANGCHANGEREQUEST, PM_REMOVE)) { if (msg.message == WM_QUIT) { ulQuitCode = (ULONG)(msg.wParam); fQuitReceived = TRUE; } }
if (fQuitReceived) PostQuitMessage(ulQuitCode); psfn->fRemovingInputLangChangeReq = FALSE;
// Chinese IME-NONIME toggle Hack for NT.
// On NT, we're using non IME as a dummy hKL of CH-Tips.
// we need to simulate HotKey.
if (IsOnNT() && !psfn->bInImeNoImeToggle) { if ((pHotKey->dwId == IME_CHOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE) || (pHotKey->dwId == IME_THOTKEY_IME_NONIME_TOGGLE)) { bRet = ToggleCHImeNoIme(psfn, LANGIDFROMHKL(hKL), LANGIDFROMHKL(hKL)); } } psfn->bInImeNoImeToggle = FALSE;
return bRet; }
// CAsyncProcessDBEKeyQueueItem
class CAsyncProcessDBEKeyQueueItem : public CAsyncQueueItem { public: CAsyncProcessDBEKeyQueueItem(CThreadInputMgr *ptim, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL fTest, BOOL fSync) : CAsyncQueueItem(fSync) { _wParam = wParam; _lParam = lParam; _fTest = fTest; _ptim = ptim; }
HRESULT DoDispatch(CInputContext *pic) { if (!_ptim) { Assert(0); return E_FAIL; }
BOOL fEaten;
return _ptim->_KeyStroke((_lParam & 0x80000000) ? KS_UP : KS_DOWN, _wParam, _lParam, &fEaten, _fTest, TF_KEY_INTERNAL); }
private: WPARAM _wParam; LPARAM _lParam; BOOL _fTest; CThreadInputMgr *_ptim; };
// HandleDBEKeys
BOOL HandleDBEKeys(WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { SYSTHREAD *psfn = GetSYSTHREAD(); CThreadInputMgr *ptim; LANGID langid;
// only Japanese layout has DBE keys.
langid = GetCurrentAssemblyLangId(psfn); if (langid != 0x0411) return FALSE;
// no need to forward this on non Cicero apps.
if (!(ptim = CThreadInputMgr::_GetThisFromSYSTHREAD(psfn))) return FALSE;
if (!ptim->_GetFocusDocInputMgr()) return FALSE;
// if ALT is not held, app can forward this to TIPs.
if (!(g_uModifiers & TF_MOD_ALT)) return FALSE;
UINT uVKey = (UINT)wParam & 0xff; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
// Issue:
// We don't know which IC in the focus DIM will handle the hotkey yet.
// because the selection is changed by the application so we need to get ec
// to update the current selection pos. We do call GetSelection
// inside the root IC's lock. So it might be failed if hotkey's target
// is TOP IC.
CInputContext *pic = ptim->_GetFocusDocInputMgr()->_GetIC(0);
if (!pic) return FALSE;
CAsyncProcessDBEKeyQueueItem *pAsyncProcessDBEKeyQueueItem; pAsyncProcessDBEKeyQueueItem = new CAsyncProcessDBEKeyQueueItem(ptim, wParam, lParam, FALSE, FALSE); if (!pAsyncProcessDBEKeyQueueItem) return FALSE; HRESULT hr = S_OK;
fRet = TRUE; if ((pic->_QueueItem(pAsyncProcessDBEKeyQueueItem->GetItem(), FALSE, &hr) != S_OK) || FAILED(hr)) { Assert(0); fRet = FALSE; }
pAsyncProcessDBEKeyQueueItem->_Release(); break; }
return fRet; }