// tsi.cpp
// CTextStoreImpl
#include "private.h"
#include "tsi.h"
#include "immxutil.h"
#include "tsdo.h"
#include "tsattrs.h"
#include "ic.h"
#include "rprop.h"
#define TSI_TOKEN 0x01010101
/* 012313d4-b1e7-476a-bf88-173a316572fb */ extern const IID IID_PRIV_CTSI = { 0x012313d4, 0xb1e7, 0x476a, {0xbf, 0x88, 0x17, 0x3a, 0x31, 0x65, 0x72, 0xfb} };
// ctor
CTextStoreImpl::CTextStoreImpl(CInputContext *pic) { Dbg_MemSetThisNameID(TEXT("CTextStoreImpl"));
Assert(_fPendingWriteReq == FALSE); Assert(_dwlt == 0);
_pic = pic; }
// dtor
CTextStoreImpl::~CTextStoreImpl() { cicMemFree(_pch); }
// AdviseSink
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::AdviseSink(REFIID riid, IUnknown *punk, DWORD dwMask) { if (_ptss != NULL) { Assert(0); // cicero shouldn't do this
if (FAILED(punk->QueryInterface(IID_ITextStoreACPSink, (void **)&_ptss))) return E_UNEXPECTED;
return S_OK; }
// UnadviseSink
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::UnadviseSink(IUnknown *punk) { Assert(_ptss == punk); // we're dealing with cicero, this should always hold
SafeReleaseClear(_ptss); return S_OK; }
// GetSelection
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::GetSelection(ULONG ulIndex, ULONG ulCount, TS_SELECTION_ACP *pSelection, ULONG *pcFetched) { if (pcFetched == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
*pcFetched = 0;
if (ulIndex > 1 && ulIndex != TS_DEFAULT_SELECTION) return E_INVALIDARG; // index too high
if (ulCount == 0 || ulIndex == 1) return S_OK;
if (pSelection == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
pSelection[0] = _Sel; *pcFetched = 1;
return S_OK; }
// SetSelection
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::SetSelection(ULONG ulCount, const TS_SELECTION_ACP *pSelection) { Assert(ulCount > 0); // should have been caught by caller
Assert(pSelection != NULL); // should have been caught by caller
Assert(pSelection[0].acpStart >= 0); Assert(pSelection[0].acpEnd >= pSelection[0].acpStart);
if (ulCount > 1) return E_FAIL; // don't support disjoint sel
if (pSelection[0].acpEnd > _cch) return TS_E_INVALIDPOS;
_Sel = pSelection[0];
return S_OK; }
// GetText
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::GetText(LONG acpStart, LONG acpEnd, WCHAR *pchPlain, ULONG cchPlainReq, ULONG *pcchPlainOut, TS_RUNINFO *prgRunInfo, ULONG ulRunInfoReq, ULONG *pulRunInfoOut, LONG *pacpNext) { ULONG cch;
*pcchPlainOut = 0; *pulRunInfoOut = 0; *pacpNext = acpStart;
if (acpStart < 0 || acpStart > _cch) return TS_E_INVALIDPOS;
// get a count of acp chars requested
cch = (acpEnd >= acpStart) ? acpEnd - acpStart : _cch - acpStart; // since we're plain text, we can also simply clip by the plaintext buffer len
if (cchPlainReq > 0) // if they don't want plain text we won't clip!
{ cch = min(cch, cchPlainReq); }
// check for eod
if (acpStart + cch > (ULONG)_cch) { cch = _cch - acpStart; }
if (ulRunInfoReq > 0 && cch > 0) { *pulRunInfoOut = 1; prgRunInfo[0].uCount = cch; prgRunInfo[0].type = TS_RT_PLAIN; }
if (cchPlainReq > 0) { // we're a plain text buffer, so we always copy all the requested chars
*pcchPlainOut = cch; memcpy(pchPlain, _pch + acpStart, cch*sizeof(WCHAR)); }
*pacpNext = acpStart + cch;
return S_OK; }
// SetText
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::SetText(DWORD dwFlags, LONG acpStart, LONG acpEnd, const WCHAR *pchText, ULONG cch, TS_TEXTCHANGE *pChange) { int iSizeRange; int cchAdjust; TS_STATUS tss; WCHAR *pch = NULL;
// Since we know our only caller will be cicero, we can assert rather than
// returning failure codes.
Assert(acpStart >= 0); Assert(acpStart <= acpEnd);
if (acpEnd > _cch) return TS_E_INVALIDPOS;
if (_owner != NULL && _owner->GetStatus(&tss) == S_OK && (tss.dwDynamicFlags & TS_SD_READONLY)) { return TS_E_READONLY; }
// Check mapped app property for TSATTRID_Text_ReadOnly.
CProperty *pProp; BOOL fReadOnly = FALSE; if (SUCCEEDED(_pic->GetMappedAppProperty(TSATTRID_Text_ReadOnly, &pProp))) { ITfRangeACP *range; if (SUCCEEDED(_pic->CreateRange(acpStart, acpEnd, &range))) { IEnumTfRanges *pEnumRanges;
if (SUCCEEDED(pProp->EnumRanges(BACKDOOR_EDIT_COOKIE, &pEnumRanges, range))) { ITfRange *rangeTmp; while (pEnumRanges->Next(1, &rangeTmp, NULL) == S_OK) { VARIANT var; if (pProp->GetValue(BACKDOOR_EDIT_COOKIE, rangeTmp, &var) == S_OK) { if (var.lVal != 0) { fReadOnly = TRUE; break; } } rangeTmp->Release(); }
pEnumRanges->Release(); }
range->Release(); } pProp->Release(); }
if (fReadOnly) { return TS_E_READONLY; }
// this will all be rewritten for the gap buffer, so keep it simple for now.
// delete the ranage, then insert the new text.
iSizeRange = acpEnd - acpStart; cchAdjust = (LONG)cch - iSizeRange;
if (cchAdjust > 0) { // if we need to alloc more memory, try now, to handle failure gracefully
if ((pch = (_pch == NULL) ? (WCHAR *)cicMemAlloc((_cch + cchAdjust)*sizeof(WCHAR)) : (WCHAR *)cicMemReAlloc(_pch, (_cch + cchAdjust)*sizeof(WCHAR))) == NULL) { return E_OUTOFMEMORY; }
// we're all set
_pch = pch; }
// shift existing text to the right of the range
memmove(_pch + acpStart + cch, _pch + acpStart + iSizeRange, (_cch - iSizeRange - acpStart)*sizeof(WCHAR));
// now fill in the gap
if (pchText != NULL) { memcpy(_pch + acpStart, pchText, cch*sizeof(WCHAR)); }
// update our buffer size
_cch += cchAdjust; Assert(_cch >= 0);
// if we shrank, try to realloc a smaller buffer (otherwise we alloc'd above)
if (cchAdjust < 0) { if (_cch == 0) { cicMemFree(_pch); _pch = NULL; } else if (pch = (WCHAR *)cicMemReAlloc(_pch, _cch*sizeof(WCHAR))) { _pch = pch; } }
// handle the out params
pChange->acpStart = acpStart; pChange->acpOldEnd = acpEnd; pChange->acpNewEnd = acpEnd + cchAdjust;
// update the selection
_Sel.acpStart = AdjustAnchor(acpStart, acpEnd, cch, _Sel.acpStart, FALSE); _Sel.acpEnd = AdjustAnchor(acpStart, acpEnd, cch, _Sel.acpEnd, TRUE); Assert(_Sel.acpStart >= 0); Assert(_Sel.acpStart <= _Sel.acpEnd); Assert(_Sel.acpEnd <= _cch);
// never need to call OnTextChange because we have only one adaptor
// and this class never calls SetText internally
// do the OnDelta
//_ptss->OnTextChange(acpStart, acpEnd, acpStart + cch);
return S_OK; }
// GetFormattedText
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::GetFormattedText(LONG acpStart, LONG acpEnd, IDataObject **ppDataObject) { CTFDataObject *pcdo;
Assert(acpStart >= 0 && acpEnd <= _cch); Assert(acpStart <= acpEnd); Assert(ppDataObject != NULL);
*ppDataObject = NULL;
pcdo = new CTFDataObject;
if (pcdo == NULL) return E_OUTOFMEMORY;
if (FAILED(pcdo->_SetData(&_pch[acpStart], acpEnd - acpStart))) { Assert(0); pcdo->Release(); return E_FAIL; }
return S_OK; }
// GetEmbedded
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::GetEmbedded(LONG acpPos, REFGUID rguidService, REFIID riid, IUnknown **ppunk) { return E_NOTIMPL; }
// InsertEmbedded
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::InsertEmbedded(DWORD dwFlags, LONG acpStart, LONG acpEnd, IDataObject *pDataObject, TS_TEXTCHANGE *pChange) { ULONG cch; FORMATETC fe; STGMEDIUM sm; WCHAR *pch; HRESULT hr;
Assert(acpStart <= acpEnd); Assert((dwFlags & ~TS_IE_CORRECTION) == 0); Assert(pDataObject != NULL); Assert(pChange != NULL);
memset(pChange, 0, sizeof(*pChange));
fe.cfFormat = CF_UNICODETEXT; fe.ptd = NULL; fe.dwAspect = DVASPECT_CONTENT; fe.lindex = -1; fe.tymed = TYMED_HGLOBAL;
if (FAILED(pDataObject->GetData(&fe, &sm))) return TS_E_FORMAT;
if (sm.hGlobal == NULL) return E_FAIL;
pch = (WCHAR *)GlobalLock(sm.hGlobal); cch = wcslen(pch);
hr = SetText(dwFlags, acpStart, acpEnd, pch, cch, pChange);
GlobalUnlock(sm.hGlobal); ReleaseStgMedium(&sm);
return hr; }
// RequestLock
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::RequestLock(DWORD dwLockFlags, HRESULT *phrSession) { Assert(phrSession != NULL); // caller should have caught this
if (_dwlt != 0) { *phrSession = E_UNEXPECTED;
// this is a reentrant call
// only one case is legal
if ((_dwlt & TS_LF_WRITE) || !(dwLockFlags & TS_LF_WRITE) || (dwLockFlags & TS_LF_SYNC)) { Assert(0); // bogus reentrant lock req!
return E_UNEXPECTED; }
_fPendingWriteReq = TRUE; *phrSession = TS_S_ASYNC; return S_OK; }
_dwlt = dwLockFlags;
*phrSession = _ptss->OnLockGranted(dwLockFlags);
if (_fPendingWriteReq) { _dwlt = TS_LF_READWRITE; _fPendingWriteReq = FALSE; if (_ptss != NULL) // might be NULL if we're disconnected during the OnLockGranted above
{ _ptss->OnLockGranted(TS_LF_READWRITE); } }
_dwlt = 0;
return S_OK; }
// GetStatus
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::GetStatus(TS_STATUS *pdcs) { HRESULT hr;
if (_owner != NULL) { hr = _owner->GetStatus(pdcs);
// only let the owner ctl certain bits
if (hr == S_OK) { pdcs->dwDynamicFlags &= (TF_SD_READONLY | TF_SD_LOADING); pdcs->dwStaticFlags &= (TF_SS_TRANSITORY); } else { memset(pdcs, 0, sizeof(*pdcs)); } } else { hr = S_OK; memset(pdcs, 0, sizeof(*pdcs)); }
return hr; }
// QueryInsert
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::QueryInsert(LONG acpTestStart, LONG acpTestEnd, ULONG cch, LONG *pacpResultStart, LONG *pacpResultEnd) { Assert(acpTestStart >= 0); Assert(acpTestStart <= acpTestEnd); Assert(acpTestEnd <= _cch);
// default text store does not support overtype, and the selection is always replaced
*pacpResultStart = acpTestStart; *pacpResultEnd = acpTestEnd;
return S_OK; }
// Unlock
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::GetEndACP(LONG *pacp) { *pacp = _cch; return S_OK; }
// GetACPFromPoint
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::GetACPFromPoint(TsViewCookie vcView, const POINT *pt, DWORD dwFlags, LONG *pacp) { Assert(vcView == TSI_ACTIVE_VIEW_COOKIE); // default tsi only has a single view
if (_owner == NULL) return E_FAIL; // who ever owns the ic hasn't bothered to give us a callback....
return _owner->GetACPFromPoint(pt, dwFlags, pacp); }
// GetScreenExt
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::GetScreenExt(TsViewCookie vcView, RECT *prc) { Assert(vcView == TSI_ACTIVE_VIEW_COOKIE); // default tsi only has a single view
if (_owner == NULL) return E_FAIL; // who ever owns the ic hasn't bothered to give us a callback....
return _owner->GetScreenExt(prc); }
// GetTextExt
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::GetTextExt(TsViewCookie vcView, LONG acpStart, LONG acpEnd, RECT *prc, BOOL *pfClipped) { Assert(vcView == TSI_ACTIVE_VIEW_COOKIE); // default tsi only has a single view
if (_owner == NULL) return E_FAIL; // who ever owns the ic hasn't bothered to give us a callback....
return _owner->GetTextExt(acpStart, acpEnd, prc, pfClipped); }
// GetWnd
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::GetWnd(TsViewCookie vcView, HWND *phwnd) { Assert(vcView == TSI_ACTIVE_VIEW_COOKIE); // default tsi only has a single view
Assert(phwnd != NULL); // should have caught this in the ic
*phwnd = NULL;
if (_owner == NULL) return E_FAIL; // who ever owns the ic hasn't bothered to give us a callback....
return _owner->GetWnd(phwnd); }
// _LoadAttr
HRESULT CTextStoreImpl::_LoadAttr(DWORD dwFlags, ULONG cFilterAttrs, const TS_ATTRID *paFilterAttrs) { ULONG i; HRESULT hr;
if (dwFlags & TS_ATTR_FIND_WANT_VALUE) { if (_owner == NULL) return E_FAIL; }
for (i=0; i<cFilterAttrs; i++) { VARIANT var; QuickVariantInit(&var);
if (dwFlags & TS_ATTR_FIND_WANT_VALUE) { if (_owner->GetAttribute(paFilterAttrs[i], &var) != S_OK) { ClearAttrStore(); return E_FAIL; } } else { // Issue: benwest: I think these should be init'd to VT_EMPTY if caller doesn't specify TS_ATTR_FIND_WANT_VALUE
if (IsEqualGUID(paFilterAttrs[i], GUID_PROP_MODEBIAS)) { var.vt = VT_I4; var.lVal = TF_INVALID_GUIDATOM; } else if (IsEqualGUID(paFilterAttrs[i], TSATTRID_Text_Orientation)) { var.vt = VT_I4; var.lVal = 0; } else if (IsEqualGUID(paFilterAttrs[i], TSATTRID_Text_VerticalWriting)) { var.vt = VT_BOOL; var.lVal = 0; } }
if (var.vt != VT_EMPTY) { TSI_ATTRSTORE *pas = _rgAttrStore.Append(1); if (!pas) { hr = E_OUTOFMEMORY; goto Exit; } pas->attrid = paFilterAttrs[i]; pas->var = var; } }
hr = S_OK;
Exit: return hr; }
// RequestSupportedAttrs
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::RequestSupportedAttrs(DWORD dwFlags, ULONG cFilterAttrs, const TS_ATTRID *paFilterAttrs) { // note the return value is technically a default value, but since we have a value for every location
// this will never need to be used
return _LoadAttr(dwFlags, cFilterAttrs, paFilterAttrs); }
// RequestAttrsAtPosition
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::RequestAttrsAtPosition(LONG acpPos, ULONG cFilterAttrs, const TS_ATTRID *paFilterAttrs, DWORD dwFlags) { return _LoadAttr(TS_ATTR_FIND_WANT_VALUE, cFilterAttrs, paFilterAttrs); }
// RequestAttrsTransitioningAtPosition
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::RequestAttrsTransitioningAtPosition(LONG acpPos, ULONG cFilterAttrs, const TS_ATTRID *paFilterAttrs, DWORD dwFlags) { ClearAttrStore(); return S_OK; }
// FindNextAttrTransition
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::FindNextAttrTransition(LONG acpStart, LONG acpHaltPos, ULONG cFilterAttrs, const TS_ATTRID *paFilterAttrs, DWORD dwFlags, LONG *pacpNext, BOOL *pfFound, LONG *plFoundOffset) { // our attrs never transition
*pacpNext = acpStart; *pfFound = FALSE; plFoundOffset = 0;
return S_OK; }
// RetrieveRequestedAttrs
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::RetrieveRequestedAttrs(ULONG ulCount, TS_ATTRVAL *paAttrVals, ULONG *pcFetched) { ULONG i = 0;
while((i < ulCount) && ((int)i < _rgAttrStore.Count())) { TSI_ATTRSTORE *pas = _rgAttrStore.GetPtr(i); paAttrVals->idAttr = pas->attrid; paAttrVals->dwOverlapId = 0; QuickVariantInit(&paAttrVals->varValue); paAttrVals->varValue = pas->var; paAttrVals++; i++; }
*pcFetched = i; ClearAttrStore(); return S_OK; }
// QueryService
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::QueryService(REFGUID guidService, REFIID riid, void **ppv) { if (ppv == NULL) return E_INVALIDARG;
*ppv = NULL;
if (!IsEqualGUID(guidService, GUID_SERVICE_TF) || !IsEqualIID(riid, IID_PRIV_CTSI)) { // SVC_E_NOSERVICE is proper return code for wrong service....
// but it's not defined anywhere. So use E_NOINTERFACE for both
// cases as trident is rumored to do
*ppv = this; AddRef();
return S_OK; }
// GetActiveView
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::GetActiveView(TsViewCookie *pvcView) { // each CEditWnd has only a single view, so this can be constant.
*pvcView = TSI_ACTIVE_VIEW_COOKIE; return S_OK; }
// AdviseMouseSink
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::AdviseMouseSink(ITfRangeACP *range, ITfMouseSink *pSink, DWORD *pdwCookie) { ITfMouseTrackerACP *pTracker; HRESULT hr;
Assert(range != NULL); Assert(pSink != NULL); Assert(pdwCookie != NULL);
*pdwCookie = 0;
if (_owner == NULL) return E_FAIL;
if (_owner->QueryInterface(IID_ITfMouseTrackerACP, (void **)&pTracker) != S_OK) return E_NOTIMPL;
hr = pTracker->AdviseMouseSink(range, pSink, pdwCookie);
pTracker->Release(); return hr; }
// UnadviseMouseSink
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::UnadviseMouseSink(DWORD dwCookie) { ITfMouseTrackerACP *pTracker; HRESULT hr;
if (_owner == NULL) return E_FAIL;
if (_owner->QueryInterface(IID_ITfMouseTrackerACP, (void **)&pTracker) != S_OK) return E_NOTIMPL;
hr = pTracker->UnadviseMouseSink(dwCookie);
pTracker->Release(); return hr; }
// QueryInsertEmbedded
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::QueryInsertEmbedded(const GUID *pguidService, const FORMATETC *pFormatEtc, BOOL *pfInsertable) { Assert(pfInsertable != NULL); // cicero should have caught this
*pfInsertable = FALSE;
// only accept unicode text
if (pguidService == NULL && pFormatEtc != NULL && pFormatEtc->cfFormat == CF_UNICODETEXT && pFormatEtc->dwAspect == DVASPECT_CONTENT && pFormatEtc->lindex == -1 && pFormatEtc->tymed == TYMED_HGLOBAL) { *pfInsertable = TRUE; }
return S_OK; }
// InsertTextAtSelection
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::InsertTextAtSelection(DWORD dwFlags, const WCHAR *pchText, ULONG cch, LONG *pacpStart, LONG *pacpEnd, TS_TEXTCHANGE *pChange) { HRESULT hr;
Assert((dwFlags & TS_IAS_QUERYONLY) || pchText != NULL); // caller should have already caught this
Assert((dwFlags & TS_IAS_QUERYONLY) || cch > 0); // caller should have already caught this
Assert(pacpStart != NULL && pacpEnd != NULL); // caller should have already caught this
Assert((dwFlags & (TS_IAS_NOQUERY | TS_IAS_QUERYONLY)) != (TS_IAS_NOQUERY | TS_IAS_QUERYONLY)); // caller should have already caught this
if (dwFlags & TS_IAS_QUERYONLY) goto Exit;
*pacpStart = -1; *pacpEnd = -1;
hr = SetText(0, _Sel.acpStart, _Sel.acpEnd, pchText, cch, pChange);
if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
Exit: // since this is cheap, always set the insert span even if caller sets TS_IAS_NOQUERY
*pacpStart = _Sel.acpStart; *pacpEnd = _Sel.acpEnd;
return S_OK; }
// InsertEmbeddedAtSelection
STDAPI CTextStoreImpl::InsertEmbeddedAtSelection(DWORD dwFlags, IDataObject *pDataObject, LONG *pacpStart, LONG *pacpEnd, TS_TEXTCHANGE *pChange) { HRESULT hr;
Assert((dwFlags & TS_IAS_QUERYONLY) || pDataObject != NULL); // caller should have already caught this
Assert(pacpStart != NULL && pacpEnd != NULL); // caller should have already caught this
Assert((dwFlags & (TS_IAS_NOQUERY | TS_IAS_QUERYONLY)) != (TS_IAS_NOQUERY | TS_IAS_QUERYONLY)); // caller should have already caught this
if (dwFlags & TS_IAS_QUERYONLY) goto Exit;
*pacpStart = -1; *pacpEnd = -1;
hr = InsertEmbedded(0, _Sel.acpStart, _Sel.acpEnd, pDataObject, pChange);
if (hr != S_OK) return hr;
Exit: // since this is cheap, always set the insert span even if caller sets TS_IAS_QUERYONLY
*pacpStart = _Sel.acpStart; *pacpEnd = _Sel.acpEnd;
return S_OK; }