* * Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation * * Abstract: * * Engine text out routines. * * Revision History: * * 3/25/1999 cameronb * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hpp"
struct GlyphScanBuf { INT left; INT top; INT bottom; INT widthInBytes; DpRegion::Visibility visibility; };
* * Function Description: * * Draws text at a position. * * Arguments: * * [IN] context - the context (matrix and clipping) * [IN] surface - the surface to fill * [IN] drawBounds - the surface bounds * [IN] text - the typeset text to be drawn * [IN] font - the font to use * [IN] fgBrush - the brush to use for the text * [IN] bgBrush - the brush to use for the background (default = NULL) * * Return Value: * * GpStatus - Ok or failure status * * Created: * * 3/25/1999 cameronb * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus DpDriver::DrawGlyphs ( DrawGlyphData *drawGlyphData ) { GpStatus status = GenericError; HDC hdc = NULL;
// Choose appropriate brush behaviour
switch(drawGlyphData->brush->Type) { case BrushTypeSolidColor:
INT angle; // Passed from GetTextOutputHdc to GdiText
if (!(drawGlyphData->flags & DG_NOGDI)) { hdc = drawGlyphData->context->GetTextOutputHdc( drawGlyphData->faceRealization, drawGlyphData->brush->SolidColor, drawGlyphData->surface, &angle ); } if (hdc) { BOOL isClip; BOOL usePathClipping = FALSE; SetupClipping(hdc, drawGlyphData->context, drawGlyphData->drawBounds, isClip, usePathClipping, FALSE);
status = GdiText( hdc, angle, drawGlyphData->glyphs, drawGlyphData->glyphOrigins, drawGlyphData->glyphCount, drawGlyphData->rightToLeft ); RestoreClipping(hdc, isClip, usePathClipping); drawGlyphData->context->ReleaseTextOutputHdc(hdc); } else {
status = SolidText( drawGlyphData->context, drawGlyphData->surface, drawGlyphData->drawBounds, drawGlyphData->brush->SolidColor, drawGlyphData->glyphPos, drawGlyphData->count, drawGlyphData->faceRealization->RealizationMethod(), drawGlyphData->rightToLeft ); } break;
// case BrushRectGrad:
// case BrushRadialGrad:
case BrushTypeTextureFill: case BrushTypeHatchFill: // case BrushTriangleGrad:
case BrushTypePathGradient: case BrushTypeLinearGradient:
status = BrushText( drawGlyphData->context, drawGlyphData->surface, drawGlyphData->drawBounds, drawGlyphData->brush, drawGlyphData->glyphPos, drawGlyphData->count, drawGlyphData->faceRealization->RealizationMethod() ); break;
default: status = GenericError; break; }
return status; }
static GpStatus OutputSolidNormalText ( DpContext* context, DpDriver *driver, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, GpColor color, const GpGlyphPos *glyphPos, INT count ) { DpScanBuffer scan( surface->Scan, driver, context, surface, (color.IsOpaque() && (!context->AntiAliasMode)));
if (!scan.IsValid()) { return(GenericError); }
FPUStateSaver fpuState;
ARGB argb = color.GetPremultipliedValue();
DpOutputSolidColorSpan outputSolid(argb, &scan); DpClipRegion * clipRegion = NULL;
if (context->VisibleClip.GetRectVisibility( drawBounds->X, drawBounds->Y, drawBounds->GetRight(), drawBounds->GetBottom()) != DpRegion::TotallyVisible) { clipRegion = &(context->VisibleClip); clipRegion->InitClipping(&outputSolid, drawBounds->Y); }
for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { INT left = glyphPos[i].GetLeft(); INT top = glyphPos[i].GetTop(); #if 0
printf("Drawing glyph at [%d,%d]\n", left, top); #endif
INT widthInPixels = glyphPos[i].GetWidth(); INT right = left + widthInPixels; INT height = glyphPos[i].GetHeight(); INT bottom = top + height;
INT widthInBytes = (widthInPixels + 7) / 8;
const BYTE* mask = glyphPos[i].GetBits();
if (widthInPixels == 0 || height == 0) continue;
ASSERT(mask != NULL);
if (clipRegion != NULL) { // Clipping
GpRect clippedRect; DpRegion::Visibility visibility = clipRegion->GetRectVisibility( left, top, right, bottom, &clippedRect );
if (visibility == DpRegion::Invisible) continue;
for (INT y = top, my = 0; y < bottom && my < height; y++, my++) { const BYTE* maskPtr = mask + my * widthInBytes;
BYTE bit = 0x80; BYTE nextPixel = (*(maskPtr) & bit) ? 255 : 0;
INT runStart = 0;
for (INT mx = 0; mx < widthInPixels; mx++) { BYTE pixel = nextPixel;
bit = (bit == 0x01) ? 0x80 : bit >> 1; nextPixel = (mx == widthInPixels - 1) ? 0 : ( (*(maskPtr + (mx + 1) / 8) & bit) ? 255 : 0);
if (pixel != nextPixel) { if (pixel) {
// Draw this run
INT runLength = mx - runStart + 1; INT from = left + runStart;
if (visibility == DpRegion::TotallyVisible) {
// Draw the entire run
FillMemoryInt32( scan.NextBuffer(from, y, runLength), runLength, argb); } else {
// Clip the run
INT to = from + runLength; // reference needed
clipRegion->OutputSpan(y, from, to); }
if (nextPixel) { // Start a new run
runStart = mx + 1; } }
} } } else { // No clipping
for (INT y = top, my = 0; y < bottom && my < height; y++, my++) { const BYTE* maskPtr = mask + my * widthInBytes; BYTE bit = 0x80;
INT runLength = 0; INT runStart;
for (INT mx = 0; mx < widthInPixels; mx++) { BOOL pixelOn = *(maskPtr + mx / 8) & bit;
if (pixelOn) { if (runLength == 0) { // Start a new run
runStart = mx; } runLength++; }
if ( runLength > 0 && !pixelOn || runLength > 0 && mx == widthInPixels - 1 ) { // Finish this run and draw it
FillMemoryInt32( scan.NextBuffer(left + runStart, y, runLength), runLength, argb ); runLength = 0; }; bit = (bit == 0x01) ? 0x80 : bit >> 1; } } } }
if (clipRegion != NULL) { clipRegion->EndClipping(); }
static inline VOID GetGlyphDimensions( const GpGlyphPos & glyphPos, INT * left, INT * top, INT * widthInPixels, INT * right, INT * height, INT * bottom ) { *left = glyphPos.GetLeft(); *top = glyphPos.GetTop(); *widthInPixels = glyphPos.GetWidth(); *right = *left + *widthInPixels; *height = glyphPos.GetHeight(); *bottom = *top + *height; } // GetGlyphDimensions
template <typename MASKTYPE> class DpOutputOptimizedSpan : public DpOutputSpan { public: typedef MASKTYPE SCANMASKTYPE;
DpOutputOptimizedSpan(DpScanBuffer * scan) : Scan(scan) {}
virtual BOOL IsValid() const { return TRUE; }
void SetMaskAndLeft(const MASKTYPE * maskPtr, INT left) { ASSERT(maskPtr != 0); MaskPtr = maskPtr; Left = left; }
protected: DpScanBuffer * Scan; INT Left; const MASKTYPE *MaskPtr; };
template <class OUTPUT_SPAN> static GpStatus OutputTextOptimized( DpContext* context, const GpRect* drawBounds, const GpGlyphPos *glyphPos, INT count, OUTPUT_SPAN & outputSpan ) { ASSERT(context->CompositingMode == CompositingModeSourceOver);
DpClipRegion * clipRegion = &(context->VisibleClip); clipRegion->InitClipping(&outputSpan, drawBounds->Y);
// measure bounding box for all glyphs
INT minX = INT_MAX, maxX = INT_MIN, minY = INT_MAX, maxY = INT_MIN; for (INT i = 0; i < count; ++i) { INT left, top, widthInPixels, right, height, bottom; GetGlyphDimensions(glyphPos[i], &left, &top, &widthInPixels, &right, &height, &bottom);
if (widthInPixels == 0 || height == 0 || clipRegion->GetRectVisibility(left, top, right, bottom) == DpRegion::Invisible) continue;
if (left < minX) minX = left; if (top < minY) minY = top; if (right > maxX) maxX = right; if (bottom > maxY) maxY = bottom; }
ASSERT(drawBounds->GetLeft() <= minX); ASSERT(drawBounds->GetTop() <= minY); ASSERT(drawBounds->GetRight() >= maxX); ASSERT(drawBounds->GetBottom() >= maxY);
if (minX >= maxX || minY >= maxY) return Ok;
AutoArray<OUTPUT_SPAN::SCANMASKTYPE> scanLine(new OUTPUT_SPAN::SCANMASKTYPE[maxX - minX]); if (!scanLine) return OutOfMemory;
outputSpan.SetMaskAndLeft(scanLine.Get(), minX);
for (INT line = minY; line < maxY; ++line) { GpMemset(scanLine.Get(), 0, (maxX - minX) * sizeof(OUTPUT_SPAN::SCANMASKTYPE));
for (INT i = 0; i < count; ++i) { INT left, top, widthInPixels, right, height, bottom; GetGlyphDimensions(glyphPos[i], &left, &top, &widthInPixels, &right, &height, &bottom);
if (widthInPixels == 0 || height == 0 || top > line || line >= bottom || clipRegion->GetRectVisibility(left, top, right, bottom) == DpRegion::Invisible) continue; // is the last check necessary? [mleonov]
// now, render glyph into the horizontal merge buffer
outputSpan.RenderGlyph( glyphPos[i].GetBits(), &scanLine[left-minX], widthInPixels, line - top ); }
// now, clip and render scan line
clipRegion->OutputSpan(line, minX, maxX); }
return Ok; } // OutputTextOptimized
class DpOutputSolidColorOptimizedSpan : public DpOutputOptimizedSpan<ARGB> { typedef DpOutputOptimizedSpan<ARGB> super;
public: DpOutputSolidColorOptimizedSpan(DpScanBuffer * scan, ARGB argb) : super(scan), Argb(argb) {}
virtual GpStatus OutputSpan(INT y, INT xMin, INT xMax) { INT width = xMax - xMin; const ARGB * maskPtr = MaskPtr + xMin - Left; ARGB * buf = Scan->NextBuffer(xMin, y, width); GpMemcpy(buf, maskPtr, width * sizeof(ARGB)); return Ok; }
void RenderGlyph(const BYTE * glyphBits, SCANMASKTYPE * dst, INT widthInPixels, INT y) { const INT widthInBytes = (widthInPixels + 7) / 8; const BYTE * mask = glyphBits + widthInBytes * y;
for (INT pos = 0; pos < widthInPixels; ++dst, ++pos) { if (!*dst && (mask[pos>>3] & (0x80 >> (pos & 7)))) *dst = Argb; } } // RenderGlyph
protected: const ARGB Argb; }; // class DpOutputSolidColorOptimizedSpan
static GpStatus OutputSolidNormalTextOptimized( DpContext* context, DpDriver *driver, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, const GpColor & color, const GpGlyphPos *glyphPos, INT count ) { DpScanBuffer scan(surface->Scan, driver, context, surface);
if (!scan.IsValid()) return GenericError;
DpOutputSolidColorOptimizedSpan outputSolid(&scan, color.GetPremultipliedValue());
return OutputTextOptimized(context, drawBounds, glyphPos, count, outputSolid); } // OutputSolidNormalTextOptimized
class DpOutputClearTypeOptimizedSpan : public DpOutputOptimizedSpan<BYTE> { typedef DpOutputOptimizedSpan<BYTE> super;
public: DpOutputClearTypeOptimizedSpan(DpScanBuffer * scan) : super(scan) {}
void RenderGlyph(const BYTE * glyphBits, SCANMASKTYPE * dst, INT widthInPixels, INT y) { const BYTE * mask = glyphBits + widthInPixels * y;
for (INT pos = 0; pos < widthInPixels; ++pos, ++dst) { const BYTE src = mask[pos]; ASSERT(0 <= *dst && *dst <= CT_LOOKUP - 1); ASSERT(0 <= src && src <= CT_LOOKUP - 1);
if (*dst == 0) { *dst = src; } else if (src != 0) { // merge ClearType data
ULONG kR = (ULONG)Globals::gaOutTable[*dst].kR + (ULONG)Globals::gaOutTable[src].kR; ULONG kG = (ULONG)Globals::gaOutTable[*dst].kG + (ULONG)Globals::gaOutTable[src].kG; ULONG kB = (ULONG)Globals::gaOutTable[*dst].kB + (ULONG)Globals::gaOutTable[src].kB;
if (kR > CT_SAMPLE_F) {kR = CT_SAMPLE_F;} if (kG > CT_SAMPLE_F) {kG = CT_SAMPLE_F;} if (kB > CT_SAMPLE_F) {kB = CT_SAMPLE_F;}
*dst = Globals::FilteredCTLut[kB + 7 * kG + 49 * kR]; } } } // RenderGlyph
}; // class DpOutputClearTypeOptimizedSpan
class DpOutputClearTypeSolidOptimizedSpan : public DpOutputClearTypeOptimizedSpan { typedef DpOutputClearTypeOptimizedSpan super;
public: DpOutputClearTypeSolidOptimizedSpan(DpScanBuffer * scan) : super(scan) {}
virtual GpStatus OutputSpan(INT y, INT xMin, INT xMax) { const INT width = xMax - xMin; const BYTE * maskPtr = MaskPtr + xMin - Left; Scan->NextBuffer(xMin, y, width); BYTE * buf = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(Scan->GetCurrentCTBuffer()); for (INT i = 0; i < width; ++i) { ASSERT(0 <= *maskPtr && *maskPtr <= CT_LOOKUP - 1); *buf = *maskPtr; ++buf; ++maskPtr; } return Ok; } }; // class DpOutputClearTypeSolidOptimizedSpan
class DpOutputClearTypeBrushOptimizedSpan : public DpOutputClearTypeOptimizedSpan { typedef DpOutputClearTypeOptimizedSpan super;
public: DpOutputClearTypeBrushOptimizedSpan(DpScanBuffer * scan, DpOutputSpan * output) : super(scan), Output(output) {}
virtual GpStatus OutputSpan(INT y, INT xMin, INT xMax) { GpStatus status = Output->OutputSpan(y, xMin, xMax); if (status != Ok) return status;
const INT width = xMax - xMin; const BYTE * maskPtr = MaskPtr + xMin - Left; BYTE * buf = reinterpret_cast<BYTE *>(Scan->GetCurrentCTBuffer()); for (INT i = 0; i < width; ++i) { ASSERT(0 <= *maskPtr && *maskPtr <= CT_LOOKUP - 1); *buf = *maskPtr; ++buf; ++maskPtr; } return Ok; }
protected: DpOutputSpan * Output; }; // class DpOutputClearTypeBrushOptimizedSpan
static GpStatus OutputBrushClearTypeText( DpContext* context, DpDriver *driver, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, const DpBrush * brush, const GpGlyphPos *glyphPos, INT count ) { DpScanBuffer scan( surface->Scan, driver, context, surface, FALSE, EpScanTypeCT);
if (!scan.IsValid()) { return GenericError; }
AutoPointer<DpOutputSpan> output(DpOutputSpan::Create(brush, &scan, context)); if (!output) return OutOfMemory;
DpOutputClearTypeBrushOptimizedSpan outputCTSpan(&scan, output.Get());
return OutputTextOptimized(context, drawBounds, glyphPos, count, outputCTSpan); } // OutputBrushClearTypeText
static GpStatus OutputSolidClearTypeText( DpContext* context, DpDriver *driver, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, GpColor color, const GpGlyphPos *glyphPos, INT count ) { DpScanBuffer scan( surface->Scan, driver, context, surface, FALSE, EpScanTypeCTSolidFill, PixelFormat32bppPARGB, PixelFormat32bppPARGB, color.GetValue());
if (!scan.IsValid()) { return GenericError; }
DpOutputClearTypeSolidOptimizedSpan outputCTSpan(&scan);
return OutputTextOptimized(context, drawBounds, glyphPos, count, outputCTSpan); } // OutputSolidClearTypeText
class DpOutputAntiAliasSolidColorOptimizedSpan : public DpOutputOptimizedSpan<BYTE> { typedef DpOutputOptimizedSpan<BYTE> super;
public: DpOutputAntiAliasSolidColorOptimizedSpan(DpScanBuffer * scan, const GpColor & color, ULONG gammaValue) : super(scan) { TextGammaTable.CreateTextColorGammaTable(&color, gammaValue, GRAYSCALE_LEVEL); }
virtual GpStatus OutputSpan(INT y, INT xMin, INT xMax) { INT width = xMax - xMin; const BYTE * maskPtr = MaskPtr + xMin - Left; ARGB * buf = Scan->NextBuffer(xMin, y, width);
for (ARGB * cur = buf; cur < buf + width; ++cur, ++maskPtr) { if (*maskPtr) *cur = TextGammaTable.argb[*maskPtr]; else *cur = 0; } return Ok; } protected: TextColorGammaTable TextGammaTable;
BYTE MergeGrayscale(BYTE src, BYTE dst) { return max(src, dst);
/* how do we correctly merge overlapping antialiased glyphs?
we need to know if subpixels come from the same glyph UINT res = src + dst; if (res >= GsLevel) return GsLevel - 1; return (BYTE)res; */ } // MergeGrayscale
}; // class DpOutputAntiAliasSolidColorOptimizedSpan
class DpOutputAntiAliasSolid8BPPOptimizedSpan : public DpOutputAntiAliasSolidColorOptimizedSpan { typedef DpOutputAntiAliasSolidColorOptimizedSpan super; public: DpOutputAntiAliasSolid8BPPOptimizedSpan(DpScanBuffer * scan, const GpColor & color, ULONG gammaValue) : super(scan, color, gammaValue) {}
void RenderGlyph(const BYTE * glyphBits, SCANMASKTYPE * dst, INT widthInPixels, INT y) { const BYTE * mask = glyphBits + widthInPixels * y;
for (INT pos = 0; pos < widthInPixels; ++pos, ++dst) { *dst = MergeGrayscale(*dst, mask[pos]); } } // RenderGlyph
}; // class DpOutputAntiAliasSolid8BPPOptimizedSpan
class DpOutputAntiAliasSolid4BPPOptimizedSpan : public DpOutputAntiAliasSolidColorOptimizedSpan { typedef DpOutputAntiAliasSolidColorOptimizedSpan super; public: DpOutputAntiAliasSolid4BPPOptimizedSpan(DpScanBuffer * scan, const GpColor & color, ULONG gammaValue) : super(scan, color, gammaValue) {}
void RenderGlyph(const BYTE * glyphBits, SCANMASKTYPE * dst, INT widthInPixels, INT y) { const INT widthInBytes = (widthInPixels + 1) / 2; const BYTE * mask = glyphBits + widthInBytes * y; for (INT pos = 0; pos < widthInPixels; ++dst, ++pos) { BYTE value = mask[pos / 2]; value >>= 4 * ((pos + 1) & 1); value &= 0x0F; *dst = MergeGrayscale(*dst, value); } } // RenderGlyph
}; // class DpOutputAntiAliasSolid4BPPOptimizedSpan
static GpStatus OutputSolidAntiAliasText8BPPOptimized( DpContext* context, DpDriver * driver, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, GpColor color, const GpGlyphPos *glyphPos, INT count ) { DpScanBuffer scan(surface->Scan, driver, context, surface);
if (!scan.IsValid()) return GenericError;
DpOutputAntiAliasSolid8BPPOptimizedSpan outputAASolid(&scan, color, context->TextContrast);
return OutputTextOptimized(context, drawBounds, glyphPos, count, outputAASolid); } // OutputSolidAntiAliasText8BPPOptimized
static GpStatus OutputSolidAntiAliasText4BPPOptimized( DpContext* context, DpDriver * driver, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, GpColor color, const GpGlyphPos *glyphPos, INT count ) { DpScanBuffer scan(surface->Scan, driver, context, surface);
if (!scan.IsValid()) return GenericError;
DpOutputAntiAliasSolid4BPPOptimizedSpan outputAASolid(&scan, color, context->TextContrast); return OutputTextOptimized(context, drawBounds, glyphPos, count, outputAASolid); } // OutputSolidAntiAliasText4BPPOptimized
static GpStatus OutputSolidAntiAliasText8BPP ( DpContext* context, DpDriver * driver, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, GpColor color, const GpGlyphPos *glyphPos, INT count ) { INT i;
DpScanBuffer scan( surface->Scan, driver, context, surface, FALSE);
if (!scan.IsValid()) { return(GenericError); }
FPUStateSaver fpuState;
DpOutputAntiAliasSolidColorSpan outputAASolid(color, &scan, context->TextContrast, GRAYSCALE_LEVEL); DpClipRegion * clipRegion = NULL;
if (context->VisibleClip.GetRectVisibility( drawBounds->X, drawBounds->Y, drawBounds->GetRight(), drawBounds->GetBottom()) != DpRegion::TotallyVisible) { clipRegion = &(context->VisibleClip); clipRegion->InitClipping(&outputAASolid, drawBounds->Y); }
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { INT left = glyphPos[i].GetLeft(); INT top = glyphPos[i].GetTop(); INT widthInPixels = glyphPos[i].GetWidth(); INT right = left + widthInPixels; INT height = glyphPos[i].GetHeight(); INT bottom = top + height;
if (widthInPixels == 0 || height == 0) continue;
INT widthInBytes = widthInPixels;
const BYTE* mask = glyphPos[i].GetBits();
ASSERT(mask != NULL);
if (clipRegion != NULL) { // Clipping
GpRect clippedRect; DpRegion::Visibility visibility = clipRegion->GetRectVisibility( left, top, right, bottom, &clippedRect );
if (visibility == DpRegion::Invisible) continue;
for (INT y = top, my = 0; y < bottom && my < height; y++, my++) { const BYTE* maskPtr = mask + my * widthInBytes;
BYTE grayscaleValue = *maskPtr;
INT runStart = 0;
for (INT mx = 0; mx <= widthInPixels; mx++) { BYTE nextgrayscaleValue;
if (mx == widthInPixels) { nextgrayscaleValue = 0; } else { nextgrayscaleValue = *maskPtr; maskPtr++; }
if (grayscaleValue != nextgrayscaleValue) {
if (grayscaleValue != 0) {
// Draw this run
INT runLength = mx - runStart; INT from = left + runStart;
if (visibility == DpRegion::TotallyVisible) {
// Draw the entire run
FillMemoryInt32( scan.NextBuffer(from, y, runLength), runLength, outputAASolid.GetAASolidColor((ULONG) grayscaleValue)); } else {
// Clip the run
INT to = from + runLength; // reference needed
outputAASolid.GetAASolidColor((ULONG) grayscaleValue);
clipRegion->OutputSpan(y, from, to); }
// Start a new run
runStart = mx; grayscaleValue = nextgrayscaleValue; } else { // Start a new run
runStart = mx; grayscaleValue = nextgrayscaleValue; } } } } } else { ARGB * buf; // No clipping
for (INT y = top, my = 0; y < bottom && my < height; y++, my++) { // Get the first byte in the scan line
const BYTE* maskPtr = mask + my * widthInBytes;
buf = scan.NextBuffer(left, y, widthInPixels);
for (INT mx = 0; mx < widthInPixels; mx++) { *buf++ = outputAASolid.GetAASolidColor((ULONG) *maskPtr); maskPtr++; } } } }
if (clipRegion != NULL) { clipRegion->EndClipping(); }
static GpStatus OutputSolidAntiAliasText4BPP ( DpContext* context, DpDriver * driver, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, GpColor color, const GpGlyphPos *glyphPos, INT count ) { INT i;
DpScanBuffer scan( surface->Scan, driver, context, surface, FALSE);
if (!scan.IsValid()) { return(GenericError); }
FPUStateSaver fpuState;
DpOutputAntiAliasSolidColorSpan outputAASolid(color, &scan, context->TextContrast, GRAYSCALE_LEVEL); DpClipRegion * clipRegion = NULL;
if (context->VisibleClip.GetRectVisibility( drawBounds->X, drawBounds->Y, drawBounds->GetRight(), drawBounds->GetBottom()) != DpRegion::TotallyVisible) { clipRegion = &(context->VisibleClip); clipRegion->InitClipping(&outputAASolid, drawBounds->Y); }
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { INT left = glyphPos[i].GetLeft(); INT top = glyphPos[i].GetTop(); INT widthInPixels = glyphPos[i].GetWidth(); INT right = left + widthInPixels; INT height = glyphPos[i].GetHeight(); INT bottom = top + height;
if (widthInPixels == 0 || height == 0) continue;
INT widthInBytes = ((widthInPixels + 1) / 2);
const BYTE* mask = glyphPos[i].GetBits();
ASSERT(mask != NULL);
if (clipRegion != NULL) { // Clipping
GpRect clippedRect; DpRegion::Visibility visibility = clipRegion->GetRectVisibility( left, top, right, bottom, &clippedRect );
if (visibility == DpRegion::Invisible) continue;
for (INT y = top, my = 0; y < bottom && my < height; y++, my++) { const BYTE* maskPtr = mask + my * widthInBytes;
BYTE grayscaleValue = *maskPtr >> 4;
INT runStart = 0;
for (INT mx = 0; mx <= widthInPixels; mx++) { BYTE nextgrayscaleValue;
if (mx == widthInPixels) { nextgrayscaleValue = 0; } else { if (mx % 2) { nextgrayscaleValue = *maskPtr & 0x0F; maskPtr++; } else { nextgrayscaleValue = *maskPtr >> 4; } }
if (grayscaleValue != nextgrayscaleValue) {
if (grayscaleValue != 0) {
// Draw this run
INT runLength = mx - runStart; INT from = left + runStart;
if (visibility == DpRegion::TotallyVisible) {
// Draw the entire run
FillMemoryInt32( scan.NextBuffer(from, y, runLength), runLength, outputAASolid.GetAASolidColor((ULONG) grayscaleValue)); } else {
// Clip the run
INT to = from + runLength; // reference needed
outputAASolid.GetAASolidColor((ULONG) grayscaleValue);
clipRegion->OutputSpan(y, from, to); }
// Start a new run
runStart = mx; grayscaleValue = nextgrayscaleValue; } else { // Start a new run
runStart = mx; grayscaleValue = nextgrayscaleValue; } } } } } else { ARGB * buf; // No clipping
for (INT y = top, my = 0; y < bottom && my < height; y++, my++) { // Get the first byte in the scan line
const BYTE* maskPtr = mask + my * widthInBytes;
buf = scan.NextBuffer(left, y, widthInPixels);
for (INT mx = 0; mx < widthInPixels; mx++) { if (!(mx % 2)) *buf++ = outputAASolid.GetAASolidColor((ULONG) (*maskPtr >> 4)); else { *buf++ = outputAASolid.GetAASolidColor((ULONG) (*maskPtr & 0x0F)); maskPtr++; } } } } }
if (clipRegion != NULL) { clipRegion->EndClipping(); }
* * Function Description: * * Engine version of routine to draw solid text. * * Arguments: * * [IN] - DDI parameters. * * Return Value: * * TRUE if successful. * * History: * * 4/4/1999 cameronb * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus DpDriver::SolidText( DpContext* context, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, GpColor color, const GpGlyphPos *glyphPos, INT count, TextRenderingHint textMode, BOOL rightToLeft ) { ASSERT (textMode != TextRenderingHintSystemDefault); switch(textMode) { case TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit: case TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixel: if (context->CompositingMode == CompositingModeSourceCopy) return OutputSolidNormalText(context, this, surface, drawBounds, color, glyphPos, count); // we are allowed to output transparent pixels
// version with minimized number of scan records
return OutputSolidNormalTextOptimized(context, this, surface, drawBounds, color, glyphPos, count);
case TextRenderingHintAntiAlias: if (context->CompositingMode == CompositingModeSourceCopy) return OutputSolidAntiAliasText8BPP(context, this, surface, drawBounds, color, glyphPos, count); return OutputSolidAntiAliasText8BPPOptimized(context, this, surface, drawBounds, color, glyphPos, count); case TextRenderingHintAntiAliasGridFit: if (context->CompositingMode == CompositingModeSourceCopy) return OutputSolidAntiAliasText4BPP(context, this, surface, drawBounds, color, glyphPos, count);
return OutputSolidAntiAliasText4BPPOptimized(context, this, surface, drawBounds, color, glyphPos, count);
case TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit: return OutputSolidClearTypeText(context, this, surface, drawBounds, color, glyphPos, count); default: break; }
return Ok; }
* * Function Description: * * Engine version of routine to draw text based on a brush. * * Arguments: * * [IN] - DDI parameters. * * Return Value: * * TRUE if successful. * * History: * 5-1-2000 YungT rewrite it. * 2/7/2000 YungT modify it. * 4/14/1999 cameronb * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/ static GpStatus OutputBrushNormalText( DpContext* context, DpDriver * driver, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, const DpBrush* brush, const GpGlyphPos* glyphPos, INT count ) { DpScanBuffer scan( surface->Scan, driver, context, surface, FALSE); // (color64.IsOpaque() &&
// (!context->AntiAliasMode)));
// !!! If you fix this, you'll get a perf improvement for
// text that has no transparency.
if (!scan.IsValid()) { return(GenericError); }
FPUStateSaver fpuState;
DpOutputSpan* output = DpOutputSpan::Create(brush, &scan, context);
if (output != NULL) {
INT i; INT my; GlyphScanBuf glyphScanBuf[256], *pglyphScanBuf; DpClipRegion* clipRegion = NULL;
INT topY = drawBounds->Y; INT bottomY = drawBounds->GetBottom();
// Allocate enough space for glyph scan buffer
if (count < 256) { pglyphScanBuf = &glyphScanBuf[0]; } else { pglyphScanBuf = (GlyphScanBuf *) GpMalloc(count * sizeof(GlyphScanBuf));
if (!pglyphScanBuf) return (OutOfMemory); }
if (context->VisibleClip.GetRectVisibility(drawBounds->X, topY, drawBounds->GetRight(), bottomY) != DpRegion::TotallyVisible) { clipRegion = &(context->VisibleClip); clipRegion->InitClipping(output, drawBounds->Y); }
// Scan evrey Glyph and get the Visibility
// Also we cache some data we will need to for later computation
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { GpRect clippedRect; pglyphScanBuf[i].left = glyphPos[i].GetLeft(); pglyphScanBuf[i].top = glyphPos[i].GetTop(); pglyphScanBuf[i].widthInBytes = (glyphPos[i].GetWidth() + 7) / 8; pglyphScanBuf[i].bottom = pglyphScanBuf[i].top + glyphPos[i].GetHeight();
// Set the glyph as invisible if it is empty.
if (glyphPos[i].GetWidth() == 0 || glyphPos[i].GetHeight() == 0) pglyphScanBuf[i].visibility = DpRegion::Invisible; else if (clipRegion != NULL) pglyphScanBuf[i].visibility = clipRegion->GetRectVisibility(pglyphScanBuf[i].left, pglyphScanBuf[i].top, pglyphScanBuf[i].left + glyphPos[i].GetWidth(), pglyphScanBuf[i].bottom, &clippedRect); else pglyphScanBuf[i].visibility = DpRegion::TotallyVisible;
// Start to scan from top of bounding box to bottom
for (int y = topY; y < bottomY; y++) { for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { const BYTE* maskPtr;
INT runLength, runStart; INT from, to;
BYTE thisBit; BYTE nextPixel; BYTE pixel;
// Invisible glyph
if (pglyphScanBuf[i].visibility == DpRegion::Invisible) { continue; }
// check the scan line with y.top and y.bottom
if (y < pglyphScanBuf[i].top || y >= pglyphScanBuf[i].bottom) continue;
if (pglyphScanBuf[i].visibility != DpRegion::TotallyVisible) { // Get the relateive y-scan line for each glyph
my = y - pglyphScanBuf[i].top;
// Get the address of glyph bits
maskPtr = glyphPos[i].GetBits();
ASSERT(maskPtr != NULL);
maskPtr += my * pglyphScanBuf[i].widthInBytes;
thisBit = 0x80; nextPixel = (*(maskPtr) & thisBit) ? 255 : 0;
runStart = 0;
for (INT mx = 0; mx < glyphPos[i].GetWidth(); mx++) { pixel = nextPixel; thisBit = (thisBit == 0x01) ? 0x80 : thisBit >> 1; nextPixel = (mx == glyphPos[i].GetWidth() - 1) ? 0 : ( (*(maskPtr + (mx + 1) / 8) & thisBit) ? 255 : 0);
if (pixel != nextPixel) { if (pixel) { // Draw this run
runLength = mx - runStart + 1;
// Clip the run
from = pglyphScanBuf[i].left + runStart; to = from + runLength;
clipRegion->OutputSpan(y, from, to); }
if (nextPixel) { // Start a new run
runStart = mx + 1; } }
} } else { my = y - pglyphScanBuf[i].top;
maskPtr = glyphPos[i].GetBits();
ASSERT(maskPtr != NULL);
maskPtr += my * pglyphScanBuf[i].widthInBytes;
thisBit = 0x80;
runLength = 0;
for (INT mx = 0; mx < glyphPos[i].GetWidth(); mx++) { BOOL pixelOn = *(maskPtr + mx / 8) & thisBit;
if (pixelOn) { if (runLength == 0) { // Start a new run
runStart = mx; }
runLength++; }
if (runLength > 0 && !pixelOn || runLength > 0 && mx == glyphPos[i].GetWidth() - 1) { // Finish this run and draw it
from = pglyphScanBuf[i].left + runStart; to = from + runLength; output->OutputSpan(y, from, to); runLength = 0; };
thisBit = (thisBit == 0x01) ? 0x80 : thisBit >> 1; } } }
} // next scan line
if (clipRegion != NULL) { clipRegion->EndClipping(); }
delete output;
if (pglyphScanBuf != &glyphScanBuf[0]) GpFree(pglyphScanBuf);
return(Ok); }
* * Function Description: * * Antialias version of routine to draw text based on a brush. * * Arguments: * * [IN] - same as DDI parameters. * * Return Value: * * Ok if successful. * * History: * * 2/20/00 YungT * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
static GpStatus OutputBrushAntiAliasText8BPP( DpContext* context, DpDriver * driver, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, const DpBrush* brush, const GpGlyphPos* glyphPos, INT count ) { DpScanBuffer scan( surface->Scan, driver, context, surface, FALSE); // (color64.IsOpaque() &&
// (!context->AntiAliasMode)));
// !!! If you fix this, you'll get a perf improvement for
// text that has no transparency.
if (!scan.IsValid()) { return(GenericError); }
DpOutputSpan* output = DpOutputSpan::Create(brush, &scan, context);
DpOutputAntiAliasBrushOutputSpan aaBrushSpan;
if (output != NULL) { INT i;
TextColorGammaTable textContrastTable; textContrastTable.CreateTextColorGammaTable((GpColor *) NULL, context->TextContrast, GRAYSCALE_LEVEL);
DpClipRegion* clipRegion = NULL;
if (context->VisibleClip.GetRectVisibility( drawBounds->X, drawBounds->Y, drawBounds->GetRight(), drawBounds->GetBottom()) != DpRegion::TotallyVisible) { aaBrushSpan.Init(output);
clipRegion = &(context->VisibleClip); clipRegion->InitClipping(&aaBrushSpan, drawBounds->Y); }
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { INT left = glyphPos[i].GetLeft(); INT top = glyphPos[i].GetTop(); INT widthInPixels = glyphPos[i].GetWidth(); INT right = left + widthInPixels; INT height = glyphPos[i].GetHeight(); INT bottom = top + height;
if (widthInPixels == 0 || height == 0) continue;
INT widthInBytes = widthInPixels;
const BYTE* mask = glyphPos[i].GetBits();
ASSERT(mask != NULL);
if (clipRegion != NULL) { GpRect clippedRect; DpRegion::Visibility visibility = clipRegion->GetRectVisibility(left, top, right, bottom, &clippedRect);
if (visibility == DpRegion::Invisible) continue;
for (INT y = top, my = 0; y < bottom && my < height; y++, my++) { const BYTE* maskPtr = mask + my * widthInBytes;
BYTE grayscaleValue = *maskPtr;
INT runStart = 0;
for (INT mx = 0; mx <= widthInPixels; mx++) { BYTE nextgrayscaleValue;
if (mx == widthInPixels) { nextgrayscaleValue = 0; } else { nextgrayscaleValue = *maskPtr; maskPtr++; }
if (grayscaleValue != nextgrayscaleValue) {
if (grayscaleValue != 0) {
// Draw this run
INT runLength = mx - runStart; INT from = left + runStart;
if (visibility == DpRegion::TotallyVisible) {
// Clip the run
INT to = from + runLength; // reference needed
output->OutputSpan(y, from, to);
ARGB *buffer; buffer = output->GetScanBuffer()->GetCurrentBuffer();
for (INT j = from; j < to; j++) { *buffer++ = GpColor::MultiplyCoverage(*buffer, textContrastTable.GetGammaTableIndexValue(grayscaleValue, GRAYSCALE_LEVEL)); }
} else {
// Clip the run
INT to = from + runLength; // reference needed
aaBrushSpan.SetCoverage(textContrastTable.GetGammaTableIndexValue(grayscaleValue, GRAYSCALE_LEVEL));
clipRegion->OutputSpan(y, from, to); }
// Start a new run
runStart = mx; grayscaleValue = nextgrayscaleValue; } else { // Start a new run
runStart = mx; grayscaleValue = nextgrayscaleValue; } } } } } else {
for (INT y = top, my = 0; y < bottom && my < height; y++, my++) { const BYTE* maskPtr = mask + my * widthInBytes;
BYTE grayscaleValue = *maskPtr;
INT runStart = 0;
for (INT mx = 0; mx <= widthInPixels; mx++) { BYTE nextgrayscaleValue;
if (mx == widthInPixels) { nextgrayscaleValue = 0; } else { nextgrayscaleValue = *maskPtr; maskPtr++; }
if (grayscaleValue != nextgrayscaleValue) {
if (grayscaleValue != 0) { // Draw this run
INT runLength = mx - runStart; INT from = left + runStart;
// Clip the run
INT to = from + runLength; // reference needed
output->OutputSpan(y, from, to); ARGB *buffer; buffer = output->GetScanBuffer()->GetCurrentBuffer(); for (INT j = from; j < to; j++) { *buffer++ = GpColor::MultiplyCoverage(*buffer, textContrastTable.GetGammaTableIndexValue(grayscaleValue, GRAYSCALE_LEVEL)); }
// Start a new run
runStart = mx; grayscaleValue = nextgrayscaleValue; } else { // Start a new run
runStart = mx; grayscaleValue = nextgrayscaleValue; } } } } } }
if (clipRegion != NULL) { clipRegion->EndClipping(); }
delete output; }
return(Ok); }
* * Function Description: * * Antialias version of routine to draw text based on a brush. * * Arguments: * * [IN] - same as DDI parameters. * * Return Value: * * Ok if successful. * * History: * * 1/28/00 YungT * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
static GpStatus OutputBrushAntiAliasText4BPP( DpContext* context, DpDriver * driver, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, const DpBrush* brush, const GpGlyphPos* glyphPos, INT count ) { DpScanBuffer scan( surface->Scan, driver, context, surface, FALSE); // (color64.IsOpaque() &&
// (!context->AntiAliasMode)));
// !!! If you fix this, you'll get a perf improvement for
// text that has no transparency.
if (!scan.IsValid()) { return(GenericError); }
DpOutputSpan* output = DpOutputSpan::Create(brush, &scan, context);
DpOutputAntiAliasBrushOutputSpan aaBrushSpan;
if (output != NULL) { INT i;
TextColorGammaTable textContrastTable; textContrastTable.CreateTextColorGammaTable((GpColor *) NULL, context->TextContrast, GRAYSCALE_LEVEL);
DpClipRegion* clipRegion = NULL;
if (context->VisibleClip.GetRectVisibility( drawBounds->X, drawBounds->Y, drawBounds->GetRight(), drawBounds->GetBottom()) != DpRegion::TotallyVisible) { aaBrushSpan.Init(output);
clipRegion = &(context->VisibleClip); clipRegion->InitClipping(&aaBrushSpan, drawBounds->Y); }
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) { INT left = glyphPos[i].GetLeft(); INT top = glyphPos[i].GetTop(); INT widthInPixels = glyphPos[i].GetWidth(); INT right = left + widthInPixels; INT height = glyphPos[i].GetHeight(); INT bottom = top + height;
if (widthInPixels == 0 || height == 0) continue;
INT widthInBytes = ((widthInPixels + 1) / 2);
const BYTE* mask = glyphPos[i].GetBits();
ASSERT(mask != NULL);
if (clipRegion != NULL) { GpRect clippedRect; DpRegion::Visibility visibility = clipRegion->GetRectVisibility(left, top, right, bottom, &clippedRect);
if (visibility == DpRegion::Invisible) continue;
for (INT y = top, my = 0; y < bottom && my < height; y++, my++) { const BYTE* maskPtr = mask + my * widthInBytes;
BYTE grayscaleValue = *maskPtr >> 4;
INT runStart = 0;
for (INT mx = 0; mx <= widthInPixels; mx++) { BYTE nextgrayscaleValue;
if (mx == widthInPixels) { nextgrayscaleValue = 0; } else { if (mx % 2) { nextgrayscaleValue = *maskPtr & 0x0F; maskPtr++; } else { nextgrayscaleValue = *maskPtr >> 4; } }
if (grayscaleValue != nextgrayscaleValue) {
if (grayscaleValue != 0) {
// Draw this run
INT runLength = mx - runStart; INT from = left + runStart;
if (visibility == DpRegion::TotallyVisible) {
// Clip the run
INT to = from + runLength; // reference needed
output->OutputSpan(y, from, to);
ARGB *buffer; buffer = output->GetScanBuffer()->GetCurrentBuffer();
for (INT j = from; j < to; j++) { *buffer++ = GpColor::MultiplyCoverage(*buffer, textContrastTable.GetGammaTableIndexValue(grayscaleValue, GRAYSCALE_LEVEL)); }
} else {
// Clip the run
INT to = from + runLength; // reference needed
aaBrushSpan.SetCoverage(textContrastTable.GetGammaTableIndexValue(grayscaleValue, GRAYSCALE_LEVEL));
clipRegion->OutputSpan(y, from, to); }
// Start a new run
runStart = mx; grayscaleValue = nextgrayscaleValue; } else { // Start a new run
runStart = mx; grayscaleValue = nextgrayscaleValue; } } } } } else {
for (INT y = top, my = 0; y < bottom && my < height; y++, my++) { const BYTE* maskPtr = mask + my * widthInBytes;
BYTE grayscaleValue = *maskPtr >> 4;
INT runStart = 0;
for (INT mx = 0; mx <= widthInPixels; mx++) { BYTE nextgrayscaleValue;
if (mx == widthInPixels) { nextgrayscaleValue = 0; } else { if (mx % 2) { nextgrayscaleValue = *maskPtr & 0x0F; maskPtr++; } else { nextgrayscaleValue = *maskPtr >> 4; } }
if (grayscaleValue != nextgrayscaleValue) {
if (grayscaleValue != 0) { // Draw this run
INT runLength = mx - runStart; INT from = left + runStart;
// Clip the run
INT to = from + runLength; // reference needed
output->OutputSpan(y, from, to); ARGB *buffer; buffer = output->GetScanBuffer()->GetCurrentBuffer(); for (INT j = from; j < to; j++) { *buffer++ = GpColor::MultiplyCoverage(*buffer, textContrastTable.GetGammaTableIndexValue(grayscaleValue, GRAYSCALE_LEVEL)); }
// Start a new run
runStart = mx; grayscaleValue = nextgrayscaleValue; } else { // Start a new run
runStart = mx; grayscaleValue = nextgrayscaleValue; } } } } } }
if (clipRegion != NULL) { clipRegion->EndClipping(); }
delete output; }
return(Ok); }
* * Function Description: * * Engine version of routine to draw solid text. * * Arguments: * * [IN] - DDI parameters. * * Return Value: * * TRUE if successful. * * History: * 1/24/2000 YungT modified it * 4/4/1999 cameronb * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus DpDriver::BrushText( DpContext* context, DpBitmap* surface, const GpRect* drawBounds, const DpBrush* brush, const GpGlyphPos *glyphPos, INT count, TextRenderingHint textMode ) { ASSERT (textMode != TextRenderingHintSystemDefault); switch(textMode) { case TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit: case TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixel: return OutputBrushNormalText(context, this, surface, drawBounds, brush, glyphPos, count); case TextRenderingHintAntiAlias: return OutputBrushAntiAliasText8BPP(context, this, surface, drawBounds, brush, glyphPos, count); case TextRenderingHintAntiAliasGridFit: return OutputBrushAntiAliasText4BPP(context, this, surface, drawBounds, brush, glyphPos, count); // version 2 :
// case TextRenderingHintClearType:
case TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit: return OutputBrushClearTypeText(context, this, surface, drawBounds, brush, glyphPos, count); default: break; }
return Ok;
///// GdiText - Draw glyph on downlevel DC
// !!! Optimize to use lpdx
// NOTE:
// Here we explicitly call ExtTextOutW because we calling it with
// ETO_GLYPH_INDEX. It will be fine even if we are running on Windows 9x
// because internally it calls ExtTextOutA.
// We didn't use Global::ExtTextOutFunction because we don't want to call
// ExtTextOutA with ETO_GLYPH_INDEX while recording to a Meta file under
// Windows 9x. And in that case Windows 9x fails to record it.
// The code in Windows 9x is recording glyph indexes only if we are spooling
// only otherwise it will not record.
GpStatus DpDriver::GdiText( HDC hdc, INT angle, // Tenths of a degree
const UINT16 *glyphs, const PointF *glyphOrigins, INT glyphCount, BOOL rightToLeft, UINT16 blankGlyph ) { UINT16 lastTwoGlyphs[2];
if ( glyphCount > 1 && angle == 0) { // Try to optimise for horizintal text. (We don't try for vertical
// text since GDI and GDI+ rotation semantics are not compatible)
INT i=1; while ( i < glyphCount && abs(GpRound(glyphOrigins[i].Y - glyphOrigins[i-1].Y)) == 0) { i++; }
if (i == glyphCount) { // All text is at the same dy
AutoArray<INT> advances(new INT[glyphCount]);
if (!advances) { return OutOfMemory; }
if (rightToLeft && !Globals::IsNt && glyphCount>1) { // Windows 9x doesn't work with the negative advanced widths
AutoArray<UINT16> bidiGlyphs(new UINT16[glyphCount]); if (!bidiGlyphs) { return OutOfMemory; }
for (i=0; i<glyphCount-1; i++) { bidiGlyphs[i] = glyphs[glyphCount - i - 1]; advances[i] = GpRound(glyphOrigins[glyphCount- i - 2].X - glyphOrigins[glyphCount- i - 1].X); }
bidiGlyphs[glyphCount-1] = glyphs[0]; advances[glyphCount-1] = 0;
if (blankGlyph > 0 && (glyphCount & 1)) { if (!ExtTextOutW( hdc, GpRound(glyphOrigins[glyphCount - 1].X), GpRound(glyphOrigins[glyphCount - 1].Y), ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, NULL, (PWSTR)bidiGlyphs.Get(), glyphCount-1, advances.Get() )) { return Win32Error; }
lastTwoGlyphs[0] = bidiGlyphs[glyphCount-1]; lastTwoGlyphs[1] = blankGlyph; if (!ExtTextOutW( hdc, GpRound(glyphOrigins[0].X), GpRound(glyphOrigins[0].Y), ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, NULL, (PWSTR)lastTwoGlyphs, 2, NULL )) { return Win32Error; } } else { if (!ExtTextOutW( hdc, GpRound(glyphOrigins[glyphCount - 1].X), GpRound(glyphOrigins[glyphCount - 1].Y), ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, NULL, (PWSTR)bidiGlyphs.Get(), glyphCount, advances.Get() )) { return Win32Error; } } return Ok; }
INT offset = GpRound(glyphOrigins[0].X);
for (i=0; i<glyphCount-1; i++) { advances[i] = GpRound(glyphOrigins[i+1].X) - offset; offset += advances[i]; } advances[glyphCount-1] = 0;
if (blankGlyph > 0 && (glyphCount & 1)) { if (!ExtTextOutW( hdc, GpRound(glyphOrigins[0].X), GpRound(glyphOrigins[0].Y), ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, NULL, (PWSTR)glyphs, glyphCount-1, advances.Get() )) { return Win32Error; }
lastTwoGlyphs[0] = glyphs[glyphCount-1]; lastTwoGlyphs[1] = blankGlyph; if (!ExtTextOutW( hdc, GpRound(glyphOrigins[glyphCount-1].X), GpRound(glyphOrigins[glyphCount-1].Y), ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, NULL, (PWSTR)lastTwoGlyphs, 2, NULL )) { return Win32Error; } } else { if (!ExtTextOutW( hdc, GpRound(glyphOrigins[0].X), GpRound(glyphOrigins[0].Y), ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, NULL, (PWSTR)glyphs, glyphCount, advances.Get() )) { return Win32Error; } }
return Ok; } }
if (blankGlyph > 0) { lastTwoGlyphs[1] = blankGlyph; for (INT i=0; i<glyphCount; i++) { if (glyphs[i] != 0xffff) // 0xffff is never displayed
{ lastTwoGlyphs[0] = glyphs[i]; if (!ExtTextOutW( hdc, GpRound(glyphOrigins[i].X), GpRound(glyphOrigins[i].Y), ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, NULL, (PWSTR)lastTwoGlyphs, 2, NULL )) { return Win32Error; } } } } else { // Failed to optimise ...
for (INT i=0; i<glyphCount; i++) { if (glyphs[i] != 0xffff) // 0xffff is never displayed
{ if (!ExtTextOutW( hdc, GpRound(glyphOrigins[i].X), GpRound(glyphOrigins[i].Y), ETO_GLYPH_INDEX, NULL, (PWSTR)glyphs+i, 1, NULL )) { return Win32Error; } } } }
return Ok; }