#include "precomp.hpp"
#define PAGE_SIZE (8*1024)
#define ROUND_TO_PAGE(x) (((x)+PAGE_SIZE-1)&~(PAGE_SIZE-1))
#define CJMININCREMENT 0x2000
#define CJMAX (16 * 0x2000)
// we want number divisible by 8 containing about 75 glyphs,
// almost an upper limit on number of glyphs in the metrics cache
// when running winstone memory constrained scenario
#define GD_INC (76 * sizeof(GpGlyphData) * 2)
// GD_INC amounts to 1520 == 000005f0H, far less than a page.
// according to Kirk's statistics, very few realizations cache more
// than 60 glyphs, so we shall start with a block which contains about
// 60 glyphs
#define C_GLYPHS_IN_BLOCK 64
ULONG ulClearTypeFilter(GLYPHBITS *GlyphBits, ULONG cjBuf, CacheFaceRealization *prface);
BOOL SetFontXform( const GpGraphics *pdc, const GpFontFace *pfe, REAL height, Unit unit, FD_XFORM *pfdx, BOOL needPaths, const GpMatrix *pmx ) { REAL EmHt, scale; REAL DpiX, DpiY;
if (needPaths && unit != UnitWorld) return FALSE;
EmHt = pfe->GetDesignEmHeight();
if (!needPaths) { DpiX = pdc->GetDpiX(); DpiY = pdc->GetDpiY();
// UnitDisplay is device dependent and cannot be used as a font unit
ASSERT(unit != UnitDisplay);
if (unit != UnitWorld && unit != UnitPixel) { height *= DpiY;
switch (unit) { case UnitPoint: height /= 72.0; break; case UnitDocument: height /= 300.0; break; case UnitMillimeter: height *= 10.0; height /= 254.0; break; default: return FALSE; } } }
scale = height / EmHt;
GpMatrix tempMatrix(scale, 0, 0, scale, 0, 0); GpMatrix wtodMatrix; REAL m[6];
if (pmx) tempMatrix.Append(*pmx);
if (!needPaths) { pdc->GetWorldToDeviceTransform(&wtodMatrix); tempMatrix.Append(wtodMatrix); }
pfdx->eXX = m[0]; pfdx->eXY = m[1]; pfdx->eYX = m[2]; pfdx->eYY = m[3];
// Adjust for the non-square resolution
if (!needPaths) { if (DpiY != DpiX) { DpiX /= DpiY; pfdx->eXX *= DpiX; pfdx->eYX *= DpiX; } }
return TRUE; }
GpFaceRealization::GpFaceRealization( const GpFontFace *face, INT style, const GpMatrix *matrix, const SizeF dpi, TextRenderingHint textMode, BOOL bPath, BOOL bCompatibleWidth, /* we want ClearType compatible width when we come from DrawDriverString */ BOOL bSideways /* for far east vertical writing, run of glyph layed out sideways,
used to do the italic simulation in the right direction */ ) : prface (NULL), Style (style), Status (GenericError), LimitSubpixel (FALSE) { if (bInit(face, style, matrix, dpi, textMode, bPath, bCompatibleWidth, bSideways)) { vGetCache(); Status = Ok; } }
void GpFaceRealization::CloneFaceRealization( const GpFaceRealization * pfaceRealization, BOOL bPath ) { BOOL bOK = FALSE; SizeF dpi;
// Adjust for the non-square resolution
// Now we will not do it but eventually we will need to do it.
prface = NULL;
if (FindRealizedFace(pfaceRealization->pfdx(), pfaceRealization->GetFontFace(), bPath, pfaceRealization->prface->fobj.flFontType)) bOK = TRUE;
dpi.Width = (REAL) pfaceRealization->prface->fobj.sizLogResPpi.cx; dpi.Height = (REAL) pfaceRealization->prface->fobj.sizLogResPpi.cy;
if (!bOK && Realize(dpi, pfaceRealization->GetFontFace(), pfaceRealization->GetStyle(), pfaceRealization->pfdx(), pfaceRealization->prface->fobj.flFontType, bPath)) { prface->Face->pff->cRealizedFace +=1; bOK = TRUE; }
if (bOK) { vGetCache(); Status = Ok; } }
BOOL GpFaceRealization::bInit( const GpFontFace * pface, INT style, const GpMatrix * matrix, SizeF dpi, TextRenderingHint textMode, BOOL bPath, BOOL bCompatibleWidth, /* we want ClearType compatible width when we come from DrawDriverString */ BOOL bSideways /* for far east vertical writing, run of glyph layed out sideways,
used to do the italic simulation in the right direction */ ) {
// It is a new version of face realization
REAL m[6]; FD_XFORM fdxTmp; BOOL canSimulate = TRUE;
fdxTmp.eXX = m[0]; fdxTmp.eXY = m[1]; fdxTmp.eYX = m[2]; fdxTmp.eYY = m[3];
// Adjust for the non-square resolution
// Now we will not do it but eventually we will need to do it.
prface = NULL;
// TextRenderingHintSystemDefault should already been converted through GetTextRenderingHintInternal
ASSERT (textMode != TextRenderingHintSystemDefault);
if (textMode == TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixel) fl |= FO_MONO_UNHINTED; else if (textMode == TextRenderingHintAntiAliasGridFit) fl |= FO_GRAYSCALE; else if (textMode == TextRenderingHintAntiAlias) fl |= FO_GRAYSCALE | FO_SUBPIXEL_4; else if (textMode == TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit) { fl |= FO_GRAYSCALE | FO_CLEARTYPE_GRID; if (bCompatibleWidth) fl |= FO_COMPATIBLE_WIDTH; } // version 2 :
// else if (textMode == TextRenderingHintClearType)
if ( style & FontStyleBold && !(pface->GetFaceStyle() & FontStyleBold)) { if (pface->SimBold()) { fl |= FO_SIM_BOLD; } else { return FALSE; // Bold required but cannot be simulated
} }
if ( style & FontStyleItalic && !(pface->GetFaceStyle() & FontStyleItalic)) { if (pface->SimItalic()) { if (bSideways) { fl |= FO_SIM_ITALIC_SIDEWAYS; } else { fl |= FO_SIM_ITALIC; } } else { return FALSE; // Italic required but cannot be simulated
} }
if (FindRealizedFace(&fdxTmp, pface, bPath, fl)) return TRUE;
if (Realize(dpi, pface, style, &fdxTmp, fl, bPath)) { pface->pff->cRealizedFace +=1; return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Destructor -- Unlocks the CacheFaceRealization
GpFaceRealization::~GpFaceRealization () { if (prface != (CacheFaceRealization *) NULL ) { vReleaseCache(); } }
GpFaceRealization::ReuseRealizedFace() {
if (prface != (CacheFaceRealization *) NULL ) { // free glyphbit cache
GlyphBitsBlock *pbblfree, *pbbl = prface->FirstGlyphBitsBlock; while(pbbl) { pbblfree = pbbl; pbbl = pbbl->NextGlyphBitsBlock; GpFree((PVOID)pbblfree); }
// free glyphdata cache
GlyphDataBlock *pdblfree, *pdbl = prface->FirstGlyphDataBlock; while (pdbl) { pdblfree = pdbl; pdbl = pdbl->NextGlyphDataBlock; GpFree((PVOID)pdblfree); }
vDestroyRealizedFace(); /* release the FontContext Memory */ } return TRUE;
GpFaceRealization::DeleteRealizedFace() {
if (prface != (CacheFaceRealization *) NULL ) { ReuseRealizedFace(); GpFree(prface); }
return TRUE; }
static inline BOOL SwitchToPath(FLONG flFontType, const FD_DEVICEMETRICS & deviceMetrics) { BOOL fResult = FALSE; INT pathThreshold = PATH_HEIGHT_THRESHOLD;
if (flFontType & FO_CLEARTYPE_GRID) pathThreshold /= 8; else if (flFontType & FO_GRAYSCALE) pathThreshold /= 4;
// Note: This function need quite a bit of reworking so that it takes
// the rotation of the font into account when determining the transition
// point between bitmap/CT and path. Currently the size where we switch
// rendering modes is based on the maximum dimension of the bounding
// box of the largest rotated character. Also note that if a single
// glyph in the font is significantly offset from the rest of the
// glyphs in the font, the deviceMetrics will indicate a much larger
// required bitmap than we would normally use. This switch to path really
// needs to be strictly based on the ascent of the font above the
// baseline, independent of the rotation or the maximum bounding
// rectangle for the rendered glyphs.
if (flFontType & FO_CLEARTYPE_GRID) { // Cleartype should not take width of the bitmap into account.
// For rotated text, we will cache larger bitmaps for ClearType
// than for other rendering modes, but this will allow us to more
// closely match the behavior of ClearType in notepad.
fResult = (deviceMetrics.yMax - deviceMetrics.yMin) > pathThreshold; } else { fResult = (deviceMetrics.xMax - deviceMetrics.xMin) > pathThreshold || (deviceMetrics.yMax - deviceMetrics.yMin) > pathThreshold; }
return fResult; } // SwitchToPath
BOOL GpFaceRealization::FindRealizedFace( FD_XFORM *fdx, const GpFontFace *fontFace, BOOL needPaths, FLONG fl ) const {
for (prface = fontFace->pff->prfaceList; prface != NULL; prface = (prface->NextCacheFaceRealization == fontFace->pff->prfaceList) ? NULL : prface->NextCacheFaceRealization) { if (prface->Face == fontFace) { if ((prface->ForcedPath || (needPaths == IsPathFont())) && MatchFDXForm(fdx)) { if (IsPathFont()) { // if for given text rendering hint we can't switch to path
// skip this realization (unless someone really wants path)
if (!needPaths && !SwitchToPath(fl, prface->DeviceMetrics)) continue; } else { // FO_NOGRAY16 means that for this transform, grayscale was turned off following the "gasp" table
// see vSetGrayState__FONTCONTEXT in TrueType driver
FLONG fltemp = fltemp1; if (prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_NOGRAY16) fltemp &= ~FO_GRAYSCALE;
if (prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_NOCLEARTYPE) { if (fltemp & FO_CLEARTYPE_GRID) fltemp &= ~(FO_CLEARTYPE_GRID | FO_GRAYSCALE | FO_COMPATIBLE_WIDTH); }
if ((prface->fobj.flFontType & FONT_GRAYSCALE_OR_CT_OR_MONOUNHINTED) != fltemp) { continue; } }
if ((prface->fobj.flFontType & (FO_SIM_BOLD | FO_SIM_ITALIC | FO_SIM_ITALIC_SIDEWAYS)) != fltemp2) continue;
// We need to update the recently used list here!
Globals::FontCacheLastRecentlyUsedList->RemoveFace(prface); Globals::FontCacheLastRecentlyUsedList->AddMostRecent(prface);
return TRUE; } } }
prface = NULL;
return FALSE; }
BOOL GpFaceRealization::bGetDEVICEMETRICS() {
if (ttfdSemQueryFontData( &prface->fobj, QFD_MAXEXTENTS, HGLYPH_INVALID, (GLYPHDATA *) NULL, &prface->DeviceMetrics) == FD_ERROR) { // The QFD_MAXEXTENTS mode is required of all drivers.
// However must allow for the possibility of this call to fail.
// This could happen if the
// font file is on the net and the net connection dies, and the font
// driver needs the font file to produce device metrics [bodind]
return FALSE; }
if (prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_CLEARTYPE_GRID) { // need to compute the filtering correction for CLEAR_TYPE:
// x filtering adds a pixel on each side of the glyph
prface->MaxGlyphByteCount = CJ_CTGD( prface->DeviceMetrics.cxMax + 2, prface->DeviceMetrics.cyMax ); } else { prface->MaxGlyphByteCount = prface->DeviceMetrics.cjGlyphMax; // used to get via QFD_MAXGLYPHBITMAP
// Everythings OK.
return TRUE; }
VOID GpFaceRealization::vDestroyRealizedFace() { ttfdSemDestroyFont(&prface->fobj); }
BOOL GpFaceRealization::Realize( SizeF dpi, const GpFontFace *pfe, INT style, // style - which may require simulation
PFD_XFORM pfdx, // font xform (Notional to Device)
FLONG fl, // these two really modify the xform
BOOL bNeedPaths ) { BOOL result = FALSE;
// prface is a member variable pointing to the embedded CacheFaceRealization
if (Globals::FontCacheLastRecentlyUsedList->GetCount() >= MAXRECENTLYUSEDCOUNT) { prface = Globals::FontCacheLastRecentlyUsedList->ReuseLeastRecent();
ASSERT(prface); } else { prface = (CacheFaceRealization *)GpMalloc(sizeof(CacheFaceRealization)); }
if (!prface) return FALSE;
// Copy the font transform passed in.
prface->fobj.fdx = *pfdx;
// Initialize the DDI callback EXFORMOBJ.
GpMatrix tmpMatrix(pfdx->eXX, pfdx->eXY, pfdx->eYX, pfdx->eYY, 0, 0); prface->mxForDDI = tmpMatrix;
// Initialize the FONTOBJ inherited by the embedded CacheFaceRealization
// Save identifiers to the source of the font (physical font).
prface->Face = pfe;
// GetDpiX() and GetDpiY() return REALs
prface->fobj.sizLogResPpi.cx = GpRound(dpi.Width); prface->fobj.sizLogResPpi.cy = GpRound(dpi.Height);
prface->fobj.ulPointSize = 0; prface->fobj.flFontType = fl | FO_TYPE_TRUETYPE; // fl contains simulation flag(s)
prface->fobj.pvProducer = (PVOID) NULL; // the true type driver will init this field
prface->fobj.iFace = prface->Face->iFont; prface->fobj.iFile = prface->Face->pff->hff;
// Get the device metrics info
if (!bGetDEVICEMETRICS()) { vDestroyRealizedFace(); // kill the driver realization
GpFree(prface); prface = NULL; return result; // return FALSE
prface->CacheType = bNeedPaths ? CachePath : CacheBits; prface->ForcedPath = FALSE;
if (!bNeedPaths) { // We force drawing with a path if size is to large
if (SwitchToPath(prface->fobj.flFontType, prface->DeviceMetrics)) { prface->CacheType = CachePath; prface->ForcedPath = TRUE; } }
// If you force the path mode then turn off antialiasing
if (IsPathFont()) { prface->fobj.flFontType &= ~FONT_GRAYSCALE_OR_CT_OR_MONOUNHINTED; prface->realizationMethod = TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit; prface->QueryFontDataMode = QFD_GLYPHANDOUTLINE; } else { if (prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_GRAYSCALE) { // version 2 :
// if (prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_CLEARTYPE)
// {
// prface->realizationMethod = TextRenderingHintClearType;
// prface->QueryFontDataMode = QFD_CT;
// }
if (prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_CLEARTYPE_GRID) { prface->realizationMethod = TextRenderingHintClearTypeGridFit; prface->QueryFontDataMode = QFD_CT_GRID; } else if (prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_SUBPIXEL_4) { prface->CacheType = CacheAABits; prface->realizationMethod = TextRenderingHintAntiAlias; prface->QueryFontDataMode = QFD_TT_GRAY4_BITMAP; } else { prface->realizationMethod = TextRenderingHintAntiAliasGridFit; prface->QueryFontDataMode = QFD_TT_GRAY4_BITMAP; } } else { if (prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_MONO_UNHINTED) { prface->realizationMethod = TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixel; prface->QueryFontDataMode = QFD_GLYPHANDBITMAP_SUBPIXEL; } else { prface->realizationMethod = TextRenderingHintSingleBitPerPixelGridFit; prface->QueryFontDataMode = QFD_GLYPHANDBITMAP; } } }
if (!bInitCache()) { vDestroyRealizedFace(); // kill the driver realization
GpFree(prface); prface = NULL; return result; // return FALSE
// Made it this far, so everything is OK
result = TRUE;
return result; }
VOID GpFaceRealization::vInsert(CacheFaceRealization **pprfaceHead) {
if (*pprfaceHead != NULL) { prface->NextCacheFaceRealization = *pprfaceHead;
prface->PreviousCacheFaceRealization = (*pprfaceHead)->PreviousCacheFaceRealization;
prface->PreviousCacheFaceRealization->NextCacheFaceRealization = prface;
(*pprfaceHead)->PreviousCacheFaceRealization = prface; } else { prface->NextCacheFaceRealization = prface; prface->PreviousCacheFaceRealization = prface; }
*pprfaceHead = prface;
BOOL GpFaceRealization::bInitCache() const { BOOL result = TRUE; // unless proven otherwise
// Set the pointer to null. vDeleteCache will free memory from
// any non-null pointers. This simplifies cleanup, since bRealize
// ensures that vDeleteCache is called if this routine fails.
// metrics portion
prface->FirstGlyphDataBlock = NULL; prface->GlyphDataBlockUnderConstruction = NULL; prface->NextFreeGlyphDataIndex = 0;
// glyphbits portion
prface->FirstGlyphBitsBlock = NULL; prface->GlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction = NULL; prface->SizeGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction = 0; prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction = 0;
// aux mem portion
prface->LookasideGlyphData = NULL; prface->LookasideByteCount = 0; prface->GlyphDataArray = NULL; // to be allocated later, big allocation
prface->NextCacheFaceRealization = NULL; prface->PreviousCacheFaceRealization = NULL;
// First, figure out how big the max glyph will be
// Default is zero - glyphdata size is not counted!
ULONG cjGlyphMaxX2;
if (IsPathFont()) { cjGlyphMaxX2 = CJMAX; } else { cjGlyphMaxX2 = 2 * prface->MaxGlyphByteCount; }
// if we can't even get one glyph in a maximum size cache, don't cache
// Note that we need room for the default glyph and one other glyph
prface->NoCache = FALSE;
if (cjGlyphMaxX2 > CJMAX) {
// Glyph exceeds maximum cache memory size, so we will revert to
// caching just the metrics. This will speed up things like
// GetCharWidths, and stuff that just *has* to have the glyphs
// will use the lookaside stuff (previously called BigGlyph)
/* we don't support NoCache and Path */ ASSERT(!IsPathFont()) prface->NoCache = TRUE; }
// set up the cache semaphore.
// InitializeCriticalSection(&prface->FaceRealizationCritSection);
return result; }
BOOL GpFaceRealization::AllocateCache() const { BOOL result = TRUE; // unless proven otherwise
ULONG cGlyphsTotal = 0;
cGlyphsTotal = GetGlyphsSupported();
if (!cGlyphsTotal) return FALSE;
// The distribution of metics per realized font w/ Winstone97 is:
// 43% <= 0 Metrics
// 50% <= 6 Metrics
// 76% <= 32 Metrics
// 99% <= 216 Metrics
// 100% <= 249 Metrics
// allocate memory for the glyphDataArray :
if ((prface->GlyphDataArray = (GpGlyphData **) GpMalloc(cGlyphsTotal * sizeof(GpGlyphData*))) == NULL) { return FALSE; }
// init all glyphdata pointers to zero
memset(prface->GlyphDataArray, 0, sizeof(GpGlyphData*) * cGlyphsTotal);
// Allocate memory for the first GpGlyphData block
if ((prface->GlyphDataBlockUnderConstruction = (GlyphDataBlock *)GpMalloc(sizeof(GlyphDataBlock))) == NULL) { return FALSE; } prface->FirstGlyphDataBlock = prface->GlyphDataBlockUnderConstruction; prface->FirstGlyphDataBlock->NextGlyphDataBlock = NULL; prface->NextFreeGlyphDataIndex = 0;
// we shall re-interpret cjMax to mean the max number of bytes in
// glyphbits portion of the cache per 1K of glyphs in the font.
// That is for larger fonts we shall allow more glyphbits
// memory per realization than for ordinary US fonts. This will be
// particularly important for FE fonts. This same code will work fine
// in their case too:
ULONG cjBytes = 16 * prface->MaxGlyphByteCount;
ULONG AllocationSize = ROUND_TO_PAGE(cjBytes);
if (AllocationSize == 0) prface->cBlocksMax = 1; else { prface->cBlocksMax = (CJMAX * ((cGlyphsTotal + 1024 - 1)/1024)) / AllocationSize;
/* at least one block */ if (prface->cBlocksMax == 0) prface->cBlocksMax = 1; } prface->cBlocks = 0;
return result; }
//// ConvertGLYPHDATAToGpGlyphMetrics
// Populate GpGlyphMetrics field of GpGlyphData from font driver GLYPHDATA
VOID GpFaceRealization::ConvertGLYPHDATAToGpGlyphMetrics( IN INT glyphIndex, IN GLYPHDATA *pgd, OUT GpGlyphData *pgpgd ) const { // horizontal metrics:
pgpgd->GlyphMetrics[0].AdvanceWidth = pgd->fxD; pgpgd->GlyphMetrics[0].LeadingSidebearing = pgd->fxA; pgpgd->GlyphMetrics[0].TrailingSidebearing = pgd->fxD - pgd->fxAB; pgpgd->GlyphMetrics[0].Origin = PointF(0,0);
// vertical metrics:
pgpgd->GlyphMetrics[1].AdvanceWidth = pgd->fxD_Sideways; pgpgd->GlyphMetrics[1].LeadingSidebearing = pgd->fxA_Sideways; pgpgd->GlyphMetrics[1].TrailingSidebearing = pgd->fxD_Sideways - pgd->fxAB_Sideways;
pgpgd->GlyphMetrics[1].Origin.X = pgd->VerticalOrigin_X / 16.0f; pgpgd->GlyphMetrics[1].Origin.Y = pgd->VerticalOrigin_Y / 16.0f;
pgpgd->GlyphBits = NULL; }
GpStatus GpFaceRealization::IsMetricsCached ( UINT16 glyphIndex, ULONG *pcjNeeded ) const { ULONG cjNeeded = 0;
if (prface->GlyphDataArray == NULL) if (!AllocateCache()) return OutOfMemory;
if (glyphIndex >= prface->Face->NumGlyphs) return InvalidParameter;
if (!prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndex]) { GLYPHDATA gd;
// Verify enough room in metrics cache area, grow if needed.
// Note that failure to fit a glyphdata is a hard error, get out now.
if (!CheckMetricsCache()) { return GenericError; }
// Call font driver to get the metrics.
cjNeeded = ttfdSemQueryFontData( &prface->fobj, prface->QueryFontDataMode, (HGLYPH)glyphIndex, &gd, NULL ); if (cjNeeded == FD_ERROR) { return GenericError; }
gd.gdf.pgb = NULL;
if (prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_CLEARTYPE_GRID) { ULONG cx = (ULONG)(gd.rclInk.right - gd.rclInk.left); ULONG cy = (ULONG)(gd.rclInk.bottom - gd.rclInk.top); ASSERT(cjNeeded <= CJ_CTGD(cx+2,cy)); cjNeeded = CJ_CTGD(cx+2,cy); }
prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndex] = &prface->GlyphDataBlockUnderConstruction->GlyphDataArray[prface->NextFreeGlyphDataIndex];
// Populate GpGlyphMetrics field of GpGlyphData from font driver GLYPHDATA
ConvertGLYPHDATAToGpGlyphMetrics(glyphIndex, &gd, prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndex]);
prface->NextFreeGlyphDataIndex ++; }
if (pcjNeeded) { *pcjNeeded = cjNeeded; }
return Ok; }
BOOL GpFaceRealization::InsertGlyphPath( UINT16 glyphIndex, BOOL bFlushOk ) const {
// Call font driver to get the metrics.
GpGlyphPath *fontPath;
GLYPHDATA gd; GpPath path;
ASSERT(IsPathFont()); ASSERT(prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndex]);
if (prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndex]->GlyphPath) return TRUE;
ULONG cjNeeded = ttfdSemQueryFontData( &prface->fobj, prface->QueryFontDataMode, (HGLYPH)glyphIndex, &gd, (PVOID)&path );
if ( cjNeeded == FD_ERROR ) return FALSE;
if (!path.IsValid()) return FALSE;
cjNeeded = sizeof(GpGlyphPath) + path.GetPointCount() * (sizeof(GpPointF) + sizeof(BYTE)); cjNeeded = ALIGN(void*, cjNeeded);
/* a GpGlyphPath* need to be aligned to the next valid pointer address */ ALIGN(void*, prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction);
VOID *GlyphBits;
while ((GlyphBits = (GLYPHBITS *)pgbCheckGlyphCache(cjNeeded)) == NULL) { if ( !bFlushOk ) return FALSE;
//TRACE_INSERT(("InsertGlyphBits: Flushing the cache\n"));
FlushCache(); bFlushOk = FALSE; }
fontPath = (GpGlyphPath*)GlyphBits;
if (fontPath->CopyPath(&path) != Ok) return FALSE;
prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndex]->GlyphPath = fontPath;
prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction += cjNeeded;
return TRUE; }
BOOL GpFaceRealization::InsertGlyphBits( UINT16 glyphIndex, ULONG cjNeeded, BOOL bFlushOk ) const { if (prface->NoCache) { return FALSE; }
ASSERT(!IsPathFont()); ASSERT(prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndex]);
if (prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndex]->GlyphBits) return TRUE;
// Look to see if there is room in the glyphbits cache
// Grow the glyphbits cache if neccessary, but don't flush the cache
// If max glyph will fit, assume max glyph
// otherwise, call up and ask how big
if ( (prface->MaxGlyphByteCount < (SIZE_T)(prface->SizeGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction - prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction)) ) { cjNeeded = prface->MaxGlyphByteCount; } else { if (!cjNeeded) { cjNeeded = ttfdSemQueryFontData( &prface->fobj, prface->QueryFontDataMode, glyphIndex, &gd, NULL );
if ( cjNeeded == FD_ERROR ) return FALSE;
if (prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_CLEARTYPE_GRID) { ULONG cx = (ULONG)(gd.rclInk.right - gd.rclInk.left); ULONG cy = (ULONG)(gd.rclInk.bottom - gd.rclInk.top); ASSERT(cjNeeded <= CJ_CTGD(cx+2,cy)); cjNeeded = CJ_CTGD(cx+2,cy); } } }
// Now, we try to fit the bits in. If they fit, fine.
// If not, and we can flush the cache, we flush it and try again.
// If we couldn't flush, or we flushed and still fail, just return.
//TRACE_INSERT(("InsertGlyphBits: attempting to insert bits at: 0x%lx\n", prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction));
while ((GlyphBits = (GLYPHBITS *)pgbCheckGlyphCache(cjNeeded)) == NULL) { if ( !bFlushOk ) return FALSE;
//TRACE_INSERT(("InsertGlyphBits: Flushing the cache\n"));
FlushCache(); bFlushOk = FALSE; }
// Call font driver to get glyph bits.
cjNeeded = ttfdSemQueryFontData( &prface->fobj, prface->QueryFontDataMode, glyphIndex, &gd, (VOID *)GlyphBits );
if ( cjNeeded == FD_ERROR ) return FALSE;
ASSERT(cjNeeded <= prface->MaxGlyphByteCount); if (prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_CLEARTYPE_GRID) { ULONG cx = (ULONG)(gd.rclInk.right - gd.rclInk.left); ULONG cy = (ULONG)(gd.rclInk.bottom - gd.rclInk.top);
ASSERT(cjNeeded <= CJ_CTGD(cx+2,cy)); cjNeeded = CJ_CTGD(cx+2,cy);
ASSERT(cjNeeded <= prface->MaxGlyphByteCount);
if (GlyphBits) { cjNeeded = ulClearTypeFilter(GlyphBits, cjNeeded, prface); } }
// Only the glyph bits we need.
prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndex]->GlyphBits = GlyphBits;
// Adjust the cache next pointers as needed.
prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction += cjNeeded;
return TRUE; }
//// GetGlyphDataLookaside
// Returns glyph data for a single glyph, using the lookaside buffer
// instead of the cache.
GpGlyphData *GpFaceRealization::GetGlyphDataLookaside( UINT16 glyphIndex ) const { if (!IsPathFont()) { // Make sure the lookaside buffer has enough room for the bitmap
ULONG cjMaxBitmap = prface->MaxGlyphByteCount + sizeof(GpGlyphData);
// Allocate the buffer and save its size if existing buffer isn't big enough
if (prface->LookasideByteCount < cjMaxBitmap) { if (prface->LookasideGlyphData != NULL) { GpFree(prface->LookasideGlyphData); }
prface->LookasideGlyphData = (GpGlyphData *)GpMalloc(cjMaxBitmap);
if (prface->LookasideGlyphData == NULL) return NULL;
prface->LookasideByteCount = cjMaxBitmap; }
GpGlyphData *pgd = prface->LookasideGlyphData; GLYPHBITS *glyphBits = (GLYPHBITS *)(pgd + 1); GLYPHDATA gd;
ULONG cjNeeded = ttfdSemQueryFontData( &prface->fobj, prface->QueryFontDataMode, glyphIndex, &gd, glyphBits );
if (cjNeeded == FD_ERROR) return NULL;
ASSERT(cjNeeded <= prface->MaxGlyphByteCount);
if (prface->fobj.flFontType & FO_CLEARTYPE_GRID) { ULONG cx = (ULONG)(gd.rclInk.right - gd.rclInk.left); ULONG cy = (ULONG)(gd.rclInk.bottom - gd.rclInk.top);
ASSERT(cjNeeded <= CJ_CTGD(cx+2,cy)); cjNeeded = CJ_CTGD(cx+2,cy);
ASSERT(cjNeeded <= prface->MaxGlyphByteCount);
if (glyphBits) { cjNeeded = ulClearTypeFilter(glyphBits, cjNeeded, prface); } }
// Populate GpGlyphMetrics field of GpGlyphData from font driver GLYPHDATA
ConvertGLYPHDATAToGpGlyphMetrics(glyphIndex, &gd, pgd);
// Set the returned value
pgd->GlyphBits = glyphBits;
return pgd; } else { // For glyph path
// Call font driver to get the metrics.
GLYPHDATA gd; GpPath path;
// Verify enough room in metrics cache area, grow if needed.
// Note that failure to fit a glyphdata is a hard error, get out now.
ULONG cjNeeded = ttfdSemQueryFontData( &prface->fobj, prface->QueryFontDataMode, (HGLYPH)glyphIndex, &gd, (PVOID)&path );
if ( cjNeeded == FD_ERROR ) return NULL;
if (!path.IsValid()) return NULL;
cjNeeded = sizeof(GpGlyphData) + sizeof(GpGlyphPath) + path.GetPointCount() * (sizeof(GpPointF) + sizeof(BYTE)); cjNeeded = ALIGN(void*, cjNeeded);
// Make sure the lookaside buffer is allocated
if ( ( prface->LookasideByteCount < cjNeeded ) && ( prface->LookasideGlyphData != NULL )) { GpFree((PVOID) prface->LookasideGlyphData); prface->LookasideGlyphData = NULL; prface->LookasideByteCount = 0; }
if ( prface->LookasideGlyphData == NULL ) { prface->LookasideGlyphData = (GpGlyphData *)GpMalloc(cjNeeded);
if ( prface->LookasideGlyphData == NULL ) return NULL;
prface->LookasideByteCount = cjNeeded; }
GpGlyphData * pgd = prface->LookasideGlyphData; GpGlyphPath * fontPath = (GpGlyphPath *)(pgd + 1);
// Populate GpGlyphMetrics field of GpGlyphData from font driver GLYPHDATA
ConvertGLYPHDATAToGpGlyphMetrics(glyphIndex, &gd, pgd);
if (fontPath->CopyPath(&path) != Ok) return FALSE;
// Set the returned value
pgd->GlyphPath = fontPath;
return pgd; }
BOOL GpFaceRealization::CheckMetricsCache() const {
// Verify enough room in metrics cache area, grow if needed.
if (prface->NextFreeGlyphDataIndex >= GLYPHDATABLOCKCOUNT) { GlyphDataBlock *NewGlyphDataBlock;
// allocate a new block of GpGlyphData structs
if ((NewGlyphDataBlock = (GlyphDataBlock *)GpMalloc(sizeof(GlyphDataBlock))) == NULL) { return FALSE; } NewGlyphDataBlock->NextGlyphDataBlock = NULL;
prface->GlyphDataBlockUnderConstruction->NextGlyphDataBlock = NewGlyphDataBlock;
prface->GlyphDataBlockUnderConstruction = NewGlyphDataBlock; prface->NextFreeGlyphDataIndex = 0; }
return TRUE; }
PVOID GpFaceRealization::pgbCheckGlyphCache(SIZE_T cjNeeded) const { if ((prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction + cjNeeded) > prface->SizeGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction) { ULONG cjBlockSize;
ASSERT (!(prface->NoCache));
if (IsPathFont()) { // this seems to work and this is what we did before DavidFie changes
// for PATHOBJ case
cjBlockSize = CJMAX; } else { ULONG cjBytes = 16 * prface->MaxGlyphByteCount;
cjBlockSize = ROUND_TO_PAGE(cjBytes);
if (prface->FirstGlyphBitsBlock == NULL) { // first block designed to contain 16 glyphs
cjBlockSize = cjBytes; } }
if ( !(prface->NoCache) && (prface->cBlocks < prface->cBlocksMax) && ((offsetof(GlyphBitsBlock,Bits) + cjNeeded) <= cjBlockSize)) { // The only reason we need the last check is the PATHOBJ case
// where cjNeeded may actually not fit in the block of SizeGlyphBitsBlock bytes.
// This is because we have no way of knowing how big the paths
// are going to be (especailly after doing bFlatten) and our
// prface->MaxGlyphByteCount is just a good guess in this case.
// We are going to append another block at the end of the list
GlyphBitsBlock *newGlyphBitsBlock = (GlyphBitsBlock *) GpMalloc(cjBlockSize);
if (!newGlyphBitsBlock) { return NULL; }
// we have just allocated another block, update cBlocks:
prface->cBlocks += 1;
// append this block to the end of the list
newGlyphBitsBlock->NextGlyphBitsBlock = NULL;
if (prface->GlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction != NULL) prface->GlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction->NextGlyphBitsBlock = newGlyphBitsBlock;
prface->GlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction = newGlyphBitsBlock;
if (!prface->FirstGlyphBitsBlock) // first block ever for this rfont
{ prface->FirstGlyphBitsBlock = newGlyphBitsBlock; } prface->GlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction->SizeGlyphBitsBlock = cjBlockSize; prface->SizeGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction = cjBlockSize; prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction = offsetof(GlyphBitsBlock,Bits); ALIGN(void*, prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction);
} else { // tough luck, we are not allowed to add more blocks
return NULL; } }
return (BYTE *)prface->GlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction + prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction; }
VOID GpFaceRealization::FlushCache() const {
// all the pointers to glyphs bits will be invalidated and we will start
// filling the glyphbits cache all over again. Therefore, we set the current
// block to be the same as base block and pgbN to the first available field in
// in the Current block.
// Note that vFlushCache is allways called after pgbCheckGlyphCache has failed.
// pgbCheckGlyphCache could fail for one of the two following reasons:
// a) (pc->cBlocks == pc->cBlocksMax) && (no room in the last block)
// b) (pc->cBlocks < pc->cBlocksMax) &&
// (failed to alloc mem for the new bitblock).
// In the latter case we do not want to flush glyphbits cache.
// Instead we shall try to allocate one more time a bit later.
if (prface->FirstGlyphBitsBlock && (prface->cBlocks == prface->cBlocksMax)) { prface->GlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction = prface->FirstGlyphBitsBlock; prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction = offsetof(GlyphBitsBlock,Bits); ALIGN(void*, prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction);
// we do not want to use the last 8 bytes in the BITBLOCK. Some drivers
// read the last dword (or quadword) past the end of the GLYPHBITS.
// If there is a GLYPHBITS at the very and of the BITBLOCK AND the
// allocation happens to be at the end of the page the read will AV.
prface->SizeGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction = prface->GlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction->SizeGlyphBitsBlock; }
// now go and invalidate the glyphbit pointers in the glyphdata cache
for ( GlyphDataBlock *pdbl = prface->FirstGlyphDataBlock; pdbl != (GlyphDataBlock*)NULL; pdbl = pdbl->NextGlyphDataBlock ) { UINT i;
for (i = 0; i < GLYPHDATABLOCKCOUNT; i++) { pdbl->GlyphDataArray[i].GlyphBits = NULL; } } }
//// CheckGlyphStringMetricsCached
// Ensures that glyph metric information for all the glyphs in the
// given glyph string are already cached.
GpStatus GpFaceRealization::CheckGlyphStringMetricsCached( const UINT16 *glyphs, INT glyphCount ) const { ASSERT(glyphCount >= 0);
// Create glyph data array if none yet exists
if (prface->GlyphDataArray == NULL) { if (!AllocateCache()) { return OutOfMemory; } }
GpGlyphData **glyphData = prface->GlyphDataArray;
// Check each glyph
INT glyphIndexLimit = prface->Face->NumGlyphs;
INT i=0;
while (i < glyphCount) { // Loop quickly through glyphs that are already cached
while ( i < glyphCount && ( glyphs[i] == EMPTY_GLYPH_FFFF || ( glyphs[i] < glyphIndexLimit && glyphData[glyphs[i]] != NULL))) { i++; }
// Use IsMetricsCached for glyphs not already cached
if (i < glyphCount) { GpStatus status = IsMetricsCached(glyphs[i], NULL); if (status != Ok) { return status; } } }
return Ok; }
//// GetGlyphStringIdealAdvanceVector
// Returns the realized advance vector scaled to ideal units.
GpStatus GpFaceRealization::GetGlyphStringIdealAdvanceVector( const UINT16 *glyphs, INT glyphCount, REAL deviceToIdeal, BOOL vertical, INT *idealAdvances ) const { GpStatus status = CheckGlyphStringMetricsCached(glyphs, glyphCount); IF_NOT_OK_WARN_AND_RETURN(status);
vertical = vertical ? 1 : 0; // Prepare vertical flag for use as index
// Provide advance width for each glyph
for (INT i=0; i<glyphCount; i++) { if (glyphs[i] == EMPTY_GLYPH_FFFF) { idealAdvances[i] = 0; } else { idealAdvances[i] = GpRound( prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphs[i]]->GlyphMetrics[vertical].AdvanceWidth * deviceToIdeal / 16 ); } }
return Ok; }
//// GetGlyphStringDeviceAdvanceVector
// Returns the realized advance vector in device units
GpStatus GpFaceRealization::GetGlyphStringDeviceAdvanceVector( const UINT16 *glyphs, INT glyphCount, BOOL vertical, REAL *deviceAdvances ) const { GpStatus status = CheckGlyphStringMetricsCached(glyphs, glyphCount); IF_NOT_OK_WARN_AND_RETURN(status);
vertical = vertical ? 1 : 0; // Prepare vertical flag for use as index
// Provide advance width for each glyph
for (INT i=0; i<glyphCount; i++) { if (glyphs[i] == EMPTY_GLYPH_FFFF) { deviceAdvances[i] = 0; } else { deviceAdvances[i] = TOREAL(prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphs[i]]->GlyphMetrics[vertical].AdvanceWidth) / 16; } }
return Ok; }
// INT 28.4 variant
GpStatus GpFaceRealization::GetGlyphStringDeviceAdvanceVector( const UINT16 *glyphs, INT glyphCount, BOOL vertical, INT *deviceAdvances ) const { GpStatus status = CheckGlyphStringMetricsCached(glyphs, glyphCount); IF_NOT_OK_WARN_AND_RETURN(status);
GpGlyphData **glyphDataArray = prface->GlyphDataArray;
vertical = vertical ? 1 : 0; // Prepare vertical flag for use as index
// Provide advance width for each glyph
for (INT i=0; i<glyphCount; i++) { if (glyphs[i] == EMPTY_GLYPH_FFFF) { deviceAdvances[i] = 0; } else { deviceAdvances[i] = glyphDataArray[glyphs[i]] ->GlyphMetrics[vertical] .AdvanceWidth; } }
return Ok; }
GpStatus GpFaceRealization::GetGlyphStringVerticalOriginOffsets( const UINT16 *glyphs, INT glyphCount, PointF *offsets ) const {
GpStatus status = CheckGlyphStringMetricsCached(glyphs, glyphCount); IF_NOT_OK_WARN_AND_RETURN(status);
GpGlyphData **glyphDataArray = prface->GlyphDataArray;
for (INT i=0; i<glyphCount; i++) { if (glyphs[i] == EMPTY_GLYPH_FFFF) { offsets[i] = PointF(0,0); } else { offsets[i] = glyphDataArray[glyphs[i]]->GlyphMetrics[1].Origin; } }
return Ok; }
//// GetGlyphStringSidebearings
// Sidebearings - the sidebearings returned are the largest distances
// over the ends of the string. i.e. if the first glyph has no negative A
// width, but the second glyph has a negative A width large enough to reach
// back over the whole of the first glyph, we return that part of the 2nd
// glyphs A width that overhangs the left end of the line.
// This situation is common with scripts that make extensive use of
// combining characters.
GpStatus GpFaceRealization::GetGlyphStringSidebearings( const UINT16 *glyphs, INT glyphCount, BOOL vertical, BOOL reverse, // For example right-to-left
INT *leadingSidebearing, // 28.4
INT *trailingSidebearing // 28.4
) const { GpStatus status = CheckGlyphStringMetricsCached(glyphs, glyphCount);
GpGlyphData **glyphDataArray = prface->GlyphDataArray;
INT orientation = vertical ? 1 : 0; // Prepare vertical flag for use as index
INT maxSupportedSidebearing28p4 = (prface->DeviceMetrics.yMax-prface->DeviceMetrics.yMin) * 2 * 16;
if (leadingSidebearing) { // Determine largest overhang to left of string of any glyph
// in the string.
// We assume that no overhang exceeds approx 2 ems.
// NOTE: If you make a change to for leadingsizdebeating, also fix
// trailingsidebearing below.
INT offset28p4 = 0; INT sidebearing28p4 = maxSupportedSidebearing28p4;
INT i = 0;
while ( i < glyphCount && offset28p4 < maxSupportedSidebearing28p4) { INT glyphSidebearing28p4;
if (reverse) { glyphSidebearing28p4 = glyphDataArray[glyphs[i]] ->GlyphMetrics[orientation] .TrailingSidebearing; } else { glyphSidebearing28p4 = glyphDataArray[glyphs[i]] ->GlyphMetrics[orientation] .LeadingSidebearing; }
if (glyphSidebearing28p4 + offset28p4 < sidebearing28p4) { sidebearing28p4 = glyphSidebearing28p4+offset28p4; }
offset28p4 += glyphDataArray[glyphs[i]] ->GlyphMetrics[orientation] .AdvanceWidth; i++; }
*leadingSidebearing = sidebearing28p4; }
if (trailingSidebearing) { INT offset28p4 = 0; INT sidebearing28p4 = maxSupportedSidebearing28p4;
INT i = glyphCount-1;
while ( i >= 0 && offset28p4 < maxSupportedSidebearing28p4) { INT glyphSidebearing28p4;
if (reverse) { glyphSidebearing28p4 = glyphDataArray[glyphs[i]] ->GlyphMetrics[orientation] .LeadingSidebearing; } else { glyphSidebearing28p4 = glyphDataArray[glyphs[i]] ->GlyphMetrics[orientation] .TrailingSidebearing; }
if (glyphSidebearing28p4 + offset28p4 < sidebearing28p4) { sidebearing28p4 = glyphSidebearing28p4+offset28p4; }
offset28p4 += glyphDataArray[glyphs[i]] ->GlyphMetrics[orientation] .AdvanceWidth; i--; }
*trailingSidebearing = sidebearing28p4; }
return Ok; }
GpStatus GpFaceRealization::GetGlyphPath( const UINT16 glyphIndice, GpGlyphPath **pFontPath, PointF *sidewaysOffset ) const { VOID *glyphBuffer, *glyphBits; GpStatus status;
if ((status = IsMetricsCached(glyphIndice, NULL)) != Ok) { return status; }
if (!InsertGlyphPath(glyphIndice, TRUE)) return GenericError;
*pFontPath = prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndice]->GlyphPath;
if (sidewaysOffset) { // Return sideways offset as REAL
*sidewaysOffset = prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndice]->GlyphMetrics[1].Origin; }
return Ok; }
INT GpFaceRealization::GetGlyphPos( const INT cGlyphs, // How many glyphs Client want to request
const UINT16 *glyphs, // An array of glyph index
GpGlyphPos *pgpos, // An array of GLYPHPOS
const PointF *glyphOrigins, // X,Y positions for sub-pixel calculation
INT *cParsed, // How many glyphs we parsed
BOOL sideways // e.g. FE characters in vertical text
) const { INT cgpos = 0; BOOL noCache = prface->NoCache; BOOL pathFont = IsPathFont();
*cParsed = 0;
INT glyphLimit = noCache ? 1 : cGlyphs;
if (prface->CacheType == CacheAABits) { /* we could be in noCache mode with a surrogate sequence, doing one glyph at a time
and with glyphs[0] == EMPTY_GLYPH_FFFF */ for (INT i=0; (i < cGlyphs) && (cgpos < glyphLimit); i++) { if (glyphs[i] != EMPTY_GLYPH_FFFF) { INT x = GpRound(TOREAL(glyphOrigins[i].X * 16.0)); INT y = GpRound(TOREAL(glyphOrigins[i].Y * 16.0));
if (!GetAAGlyphDataCached(glyphs[i], pgpos+cgpos, i==0, x, y, sideways)) { break; } cgpos++; } (*cParsed)++; } } else { ASSERT(prface->realizationMethod != TextRenderingHintAntiAlias);
/* we could be in noCache mode with a surrogate sequence, doing one glyph at a time
and with glyphs[0] == EMPTY_GLYPH_FFFF */ for (INT i=0; (i < cGlyphs) && (cgpos < glyphLimit); i++) { if (glyphs[i] != EMPTY_GLYPH_FFFF) { INT x = GpRound(TOREAL(glyphOrigins[i].X * 16.0)); INT y = GpRound(TOREAL(glyphOrigins[i].Y * 16.0));
GpGlyphData *pgd = NULL;
if (noCache) { pgd = GetGlyphDataLookaside(glyphs[i]); } else { pgd = GetGlyphDataCached(glyphs[i], i==0); }
if (!pgd || !pgd->GlyphBits) { // No more glyph data available. (Cache may be full)
break; }
if (pathFont) { INT left = (x+8) >> 4; INT top = (y+8) >> 4;
if (sideways) { left -= GpRound(pgd->GlyphMetrics[1].Origin.X); top -= GpRound(pgd->GlyphMetrics[1].Origin.Y); }
pgpos[cgpos].SetLeft (left); pgpos[cgpos].SetTop (top); pgpos[cgpos].SetWidth (1); pgpos[cgpos].SetHeight(1); pgpos[cgpos].SetPath(pgd->GlyphPath); } else { if (sideways) { pgpos[cgpos].SetLeft(pgd->GlyphBits->ptlSidewaysOrigin.x + ((x + 8)>>4)); pgpos[cgpos].SetTop (pgd->GlyphBits->ptlSidewaysOrigin.y + ((y + 8)>>4)); } else { pgpos[cgpos].SetLeft(pgd->GlyphBits->ptlUprightOrigin.x + ((x + 8)>>4)); pgpos[cgpos].SetTop (pgd->GlyphBits->ptlUprightOrigin.y + ((y + 8)>>4)); }
pgpos[cgpos].SetWidth (pgd->GlyphBits->sizlBitmap.cx); pgpos[cgpos].SetHeight(pgd->GlyphBits->sizlBitmap.cy); pgpos[cgpos].SetBits(pgd->GlyphBits->aj); }
cgpos++; }
(*cParsed)++; } }
return cgpos; }
// Serch the glyph data from cache array.
GpGlyphData * GpFaceRealization::GetGlyphDataCached( UINT16 glyphIndex, BOOL allowFlush ) const { VOID *glyphBuffer, *glyphBits; ULONG cjNeeded = 0;
GpStatus status;
if ((status = IsMetricsCached(glyphIndex, &cjNeeded)) != Ok) { return NULL; }
if (IsPathFont()) { if (!InsertGlyphPath(glyphIndex, allowFlush)) return NULL; } else { if (!InsertGlyphBits(glyphIndex, cjNeeded, allowFlush)) return NULL; }
if (!prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndex]) return NULL;
return prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndex]; }
BOOL GpFaceRealization::GetAAGlyphDataCached( UINT16 glyphIndex, GpGlyphPos * pgpos, BOOL bFlushOk, INT x, INT y, BOOL sideways // e.g. FE characters in vertical text
) const { const GpFaceRealization * pfaceRealization = this;
UINT xsubPos = ((UINT) (((x+1) & 0x0000000F) >> 1)); // we need to be carefull that y axis is downwards
UINT ysubPos = ((UINT) (7 - (((y+1) & 0x0000000F) >> 1)));
// limit the subpixel position to 1/4 of a pixel to have only a maximum of 16 different bitmaps to cache
xsubPos = xsubPos & 0x6; ysubPos = ysubPos & 0x6;
if (LimitSubpixel) { // Now limit the subpixel position further so that large font sizes do
// not generate all 16 subpixel glyphs!
if ((prface->DeviceMetrics.yMax-prface->DeviceMetrics.yMin) > 50) { // Force to 4 possible values...
xsubPos &= 0x4; ysubPos &= 0x4;
if ((prface->DeviceMetrics.yMax-prface->DeviceMetrics.yMin) > 100) { // Force to 1 possible value...
xsubPos = 0x4; ysubPos = 0x4; } } }
// Look to see if there is room in the glyphbits cache
// Grow the glyphbits cache if neccessary, but don't flush the cache
ULONG subPosX; if (xsubPos <= 7) subPosX = xsubPos << 13; else subPosX = 0;
ULONG subPosY; if (ysubPos) subPosY = ysubPos << 13; else subPosY = 0;
// If max glyph will fit, assume max glyph
// otherwise, call up and ask how big
ASSERT (pfaceRealization->QueryFontDataMode() == QFD_TT_GRAY4_BITMAP || pfaceRealization->QueryFontDataMode() == QFD_GLYPHANDBITMAP_SUBPIXEL);
if (IsMetricsCached(glyphIndex, 0) != Ok) return FALSE;
GpGlyphData * glyphData = prface->GlyphDataArray[glyphIndex]; ASSERT(glyphData);
// check if we already have a bitmap for this subposition
for (GpGlyphAABits * cur = glyphData->GlyphAABits; cur != 0; cur = cur->Next) { if (cur->X == subPosX && cur->Y == subPosY) break; }
GLYPHBITS * pgb = 0; if (cur) pgb = reinterpret_cast<GLYPHBITS *>(&cur->Bits); else { ULONG cjNeeded = ttfdSemQueryFontDataSubPos( &prface->fobj, prface->QueryFontDataMode, glyphIndex, 0, NULL, subPosX, subPosY ); if (cjNeeded == FD_ERROR) return FALSE;
ASSERT(cjNeeded != 0);
cjNeeded += offsetof(GpGlyphAABits, Bits);
if (prface->NoCache) { if (prface->LookasideByteCount < cjNeeded) { GpFree(prface->LookasideGlyphData);
prface->LookasideGlyphData = (GpGlyphData *)GpMalloc(cjNeeded);
if (!prface->LookasideGlyphData) return FALSE;
prface->LookasideByteCount = cjNeeded; }
cur = reinterpret_cast<GpGlyphAABits *>(prface->LookasideGlyphData); } else { // Now, we try to fit the bits in. If they fit, fine.
// If not, and we can flush the cache, we flush it and try again.
// If we couldn't flush, or we flushed and still fail, just return.
cjNeeded = ALIGN(void*, cjNeeded);
// a GpGlyphAABits * needs to be aligned to the next valid pointer address
ALIGN(void*, prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction);
while ((cur = (GpGlyphAABits *)pgbCheckGlyphCache(cjNeeded)) == NULL) { if ( !bFlushOk ) return FALSE;
FlushCache(); bFlushOk = FALSE; } prface->UsedBytesGlyphBitsBlockUnderConstruction += cjNeeded; }
pgb = reinterpret_cast<GLYPHBITS *>(&cur->Bits);
cjNeeded = ttfdSemQueryFontDataSubPos( pfaceRealization->pfo(), pfaceRealization->QueryFontDataMode(), glyphIndex, 0, pgb, subPosX, subPosY ); if (cjNeeded == FD_ERROR) return FALSE;
cur->X = subPosX; cur->Y = subPosY; if (!prface->NoCache) cur->Next = glyphData->GlyphAABits, glyphData->GlyphAABits = cur; }
// the pixel origin is computed by rouding the real origin minus the subpixel position
// to get to the placement of the origin of the bitmap, we add to that origin
// we cast (xsubPos << 1) and (ysubPos << 1) to INT to avoid
// converting possibly negative x and y to UINTs
if (sideways) { pgpos->SetLeft (pgb->ptlSidewaysOrigin.x + ((x - (INT)(xsubPos << 1) + 8 ) >> 4)); // we need to be careful that the y axis go downwards
pgpos->SetTop (pgb->ptlSidewaysOrigin.y + ((y + (INT)(ysubPos << 1) + 8) >> 4)); } else { pgpos->SetLeft (pgb->ptlUprightOrigin.x + ((x - (INT)(xsubPos << 1) + 8 ) >> 4)); // we need to be careful that the y axis go downwards
pgpos->SetTop (pgb->ptlUprightOrigin.y + ((y + (INT)(ysubPos << 1) + 8) >> 4)); } pgpos->SetWidth (pgb->sizlBitmap.cx); pgpos->SetHeight(pgb->sizlBitmap.cy); pgpos->SetBits(pgb->aj);
return TRUE;
} // GpFaceRealization::GetAAGlyphDataCached
GpCacheFaceRealizationList::~GpCacheFaceRealizationList() { // elements in that list get released when the font table get released
ASSERT(count == 0); }
void GpCacheFaceRealizationList::AddMostRecent(CacheFaceRealization *prface) { count ++;
if (head != NULL) { prface->NextRecentCacheFaceRealization = head;
prface->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization = head->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization;
prface->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization->NextRecentCacheFaceRealization = prface;
head->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization = prface; } else { prface->NextRecentCacheFaceRealization = prface; prface->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization = prface; }
head = prface; }
void GpCacheFaceRealizationList::RemoveFace(CacheFaceRealization *prface) { if ((prface->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization != NULL) && (prface->NextRecentCacheFaceRealization != NULL)) { if (prface->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization == prface) { head = NULL; } else { prface->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization->NextRecentCacheFaceRealization = prface->NextRecentCacheFaceRealization; prface->NextRecentCacheFaceRealization->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization = prface->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization; if (head == prface) { head = prface->NextRecentCacheFaceRealization; } }
prface->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization = NULL; prface->NextRecentCacheFaceRealization = NULL; count --; ASSERT(count >= 0); } }
CacheFaceRealization *GpCacheFaceRealizationList::ReuseLeastRecent (void) { CacheFaceRealization *prface = NULL; CacheFaceRealization *prfaceList; if (head != NULL) { prface = head->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization; }
// remove prface from GpCacheFaceRealizationList
if (head == prface) { ASSERT(count == 1); head = NULL; } else { prface->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization->NextRecentCacheFaceRealization = head; head->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization = prface->PreviousRecentCacheFaceRealization; }
if (prface != NULL) { GpFaceRealizationTMP rface(prface); rface.ReuseRealizedFace();
// remove the face from the face list
prfaceList = prface->Face->pff->prfaceList; ASSERT(prfaceList);
if ((prfaceList == prface) && (prfaceList->NextCacheFaceRealization == prface)) { // there is only oine face in the faceList for that font face
prface->Face->pff->prfaceList = NULL;
} else { if (prfaceList == prface) { // set the beginning of the list to the next one
prface->Face->pff->prfaceList = prfaceList->NextCacheFaceRealization; }
// update the pointers in the faceList
prface->PreviousCacheFaceRealization->NextCacheFaceRealization = prface->NextCacheFaceRealization; prface->NextCacheFaceRealization->PreviousCacheFaceRealization = prface->PreviousCacheFaceRealization; }
return prface; }