* * Copyright (c) 1998 Microsoft Corporation * * Module Name: * * path.cpp * * Abstract: * * Implementation of the GpPath and DpPath classes * * Revision History: * * 12/11/1998 davidx * Add path functions. * * 12/07/1998 davidx * Initial placeholders. * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hpp"
// ReversePath(), CombinePaths(), CalculateGradientArray(), and
// GetMajorAndMinorAxis(), and GetFastAngle are defined in
// PathWidener.cpp.
extern GpStatus ReversePath( INT count, GpPointF* points, BYTE* types );
extern INT CombinePaths( INT count, GpPointF* points, BYTE* types, INT count1, const GpPointF* points1, const BYTE* types1, BOOL forward1, INT count2, const GpPointF* points2, const BYTE* types2, BOOL forward2, BOOL connect );
extern GpStatus CalculateGradientArray( GpPointF* grad, REAL* distances, const GpPointF* points, INT count );
extern GpStatus GetMajorAndMinorAxis( REAL* majorR, REAL* minorR, const GpMatrix* matrix );
VOID NormalizeAngle(REAL* angle, REAL width, REAL height);
INT NormalizeArcAngles( REAL* startAngle, REAL* sweepAngle, REAL width, REAL height );
// Note that this is different from GpPathData.
class MetaPathData : public ObjectData { public: UINT32 Count; INT32 Flags; };
* * Function Description: * * Get the path data. * * Arguments: * * [IN] dataBuffer - fill this buffer with the data * [IN/OUT] size - IN - size of buffer; OUT - number bytes written * * Return Value: * * GpStatus - Ok or error code * * Created: * * 9/13/1999 DCurtis * \**************************************************************************/ GpStatus DpPath::GetData( IStream * stream ) const { ASSERT (stream != NULL);
INT count = Points.GetCount(); MetafilePointData pointData(Points.GetDataBuffer(), count); UINT pointsSize = pointData.GetDataSize(); INT flags = pointData.GetFlags();
if (FillMode == FillModeWinding) { flags |= GDIP_EPRFLAGS_WINDINGFILL; }
MetaPathData pathData; pathData.Count = count; pathData.Flags = flags; stream->Write(&pathData, sizeof(pathData), NULL);
stream->Write(pointData.GetData(), pointsSize, NULL); stream->Write(Types.GetDataBuffer(), count, NULL);
// align
if ((count & 0x03) != 0) { INT pad = 0; stream->Write(&pad, 4 - (count & 0x03), NULL); }
return Ok; }
UINT DpPath::GetDataSize() const { INT count = Points.GetCount(); MetafilePointData pointData(Points.GetDataBuffer(), count); UINT pointsSize = pointData.GetDataSize(); UINT dataSize = sizeof(MetaPathData) + pointsSize + count;
return ((dataSize + 3) & (~3)); // align
* * Function Description: * * Read the path object from memory. * * Arguments: * * [IN] memory - the data that was read from the stream * [IN] size - the size of the memory data * * Return Value: * * GpStatus - Ok or failure status * * Created: * * 4/26/1999 DCurtis * \**************************************************************************/ GpStatus DpPath::SetData( const BYTE * dataBuffer, UINT size ) { Points.Reset(); Types.Reset();
if (dataBuffer == NULL) { WARNING(("dataBuffer is NULL")); return InvalidParameter; }
if (size >= sizeof(MetaPathData)) { const MetaPathData * pathData = reinterpret_cast<const MetaPathData *>(dataBuffer);
if (!pathData->MajorVersionMatches()) { WARNING(("Version number mismatch")); return InvalidParameter; }
InitDefaultState(::GetFillMode(pathData->Flags)); SetValid(TRUE);
INT count = pathData->Count;
if (count > 0) { UINT pointDataSize;
if ((pathData->Flags & GDIP_EPRFLAGS_COMPRESSED) != 0) { pointDataSize = count * sizeof(GpPoint16); } else { pointDataSize = count * sizeof(GpPointF); }
if (size >= sizeof(MetaPathData) + count + pointDataSize) { GpPointF * points = Points.AddMultiple(count); BYTE * types = Types.AddMultiple(count); const BYTE * typeData; const BYTE * pointData = dataBuffer + sizeof(MetaPathData);
if ((points != NULL) && (types != NULL)) { if ((pathData->Flags & GDIP_EPRFLAGS_COMPRESSED) != 0) { BYTE * tmp = NULL;
::GetPointsForPlayback( pointData, size - (sizeof(MetaPathData) + count), count, pathData->Flags, sizeof(GpPointF) * count, (BYTE *)points, tmp); typeData = pointData + (count * 4); } else { GpMemcpy(points, pointData, count * sizeof(points[0])); typeData = pointData + (count * sizeof(points[0])); } GpMemcpy(types, typeData, count);
if (ValidatePathTypes(types, count, &SubpathCount, &HasBezier)) { UpdateUid(); return Ok; } } } else { WARNING(("size is too small")); } } } else { WARNING(("size is too small")); }
SetValid(FALSE); return GenericError; }
* * Function Description: * * Construct a new GpPath object using the specified path data * * Arguments: * * [IN] points - Point to an array of path points * [IN] types - Specify path point types * count - Number of path points * fillMode - Path fill mode * * Return Value: * * NONE * \**************************************************************************/
GpPath::GpPath( const GpPointF* points, const BYTE* types, INT count, GpFillMode fillMode ) { SetValid(FALSE);
// Validate function parameters
if (count <= 0 || (count > 0 && (!points || !types)) || (fillMode != FillModeAlternate && fillMode != FillModeWinding)) { WARNING(("Invalid path data in GpPath::GpPath")); return; }
// Validate path point types
if (!ValidatePathTypes(types, count, &SubpathCount, &HasBezier)) { WARNING(("Invalid path type information")); return; }
// Copy path point and type information
SetValid(Types.AddMultiple(types, count) == Ok && Points.AddMultiple(points, count) == Ok);
if(IsValid()) { // Make sure the first point is the start type.
Types.First() = PathPointTypeStart; } }
// Constructor for polygon.
GpPath::GpPath( const GpPointF *points, INT count, GpPointF *stackPoints, BYTE *stackTypes, INT stackCount, GpFillMode fillMode, DpPathFlags flags ) : DpPath(points, count, stackPoints, stackTypes, stackCount, fillMode, flags) { InvalidateCache(); }
// Copy constructor.
GpPath::GpPath(const GpPath* path) : DpPath(path) { SetValid(path != NULL);
InvalidateCache(); }
* * Function Description: * * Copies the path data. Points and Types array in pathData * must be allocated by the caller. * * Arguments: * * [OUT] pathData - the path data. * * Return Value: * * TRUE if successfull. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus DpPath::GetPathData(GpPathData* pathData) { if ((!pathData) || (!pathData->Points) || (!pathData->Types) || (pathData->Count < 0)) return InvalidParameter;
INT count = GetPointCount(); const GpPointF* points = GetPathPoints(); const BYTE* types = GetPathTypes();
if (pathData->Count >= count) { if (count > 0) { GpMemcpy(pathData->Points, points, count*sizeof(GpPointF)); GpMemcpy(pathData->Types, types, count); }
pathData->Count = count; return Ok; } else return OutOfMemory; }
* * Function Description: * * Set a marker at the current location. You cannot set a marker at the * first position. * * Arguments: * * None * * Return Value: * * Status * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::SetMarker() { INT count = Types.GetCount(); BYTE* types = Types.GetDataBuffer();
// Don't set a marker at the first point.
if(count > 1 && types) { types[count - 1] |= PathPointTypePathMarker; UpdateUid(); }
return Ok; }
* * Function Description: * * Clears all the markers in the path. * * Arguments: * * None * * Return Value: * * Status * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::ClearMarkers() { INT count = Types.GetCount(); BYTE* types = Types.GetDataBuffer();
BOOL modified = FALSE;
if(count > 0 && types) { for(INT i = 0; i < count; i++) { if(types[i] & PathPointTypePathMarker) { types[i] &= ~PathPointTypePathMarker; modified = TRUE; } } }
if(modified) { UpdateUid(); }
return Ok; }
* * Function Description: * * Set the path data. * * Arguments: * * [IN] pathData - the path data. * * Return Value: * * TRUE if successfull. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus DpPath::SetPathData(const GpPathData* pathData) { if(!pathData || pathData->Count <= 0) return InvalidParameter;
INT count = pathData->Count; DpPathIterator iter(pathData->Points, pathData->Types, count);
if(!iter.IsValid()) return InvalidParameter;
Points.Reset(FALSE); Types.Reset(FALSE);
GpPointF* points = Points.AddMultiple(count); BYTE* types = Types.AddMultiple(count);
if(points && types) { INT number, startIndex, endIndex; BOOL isClosed = FALSE;
while(number = iter.NextSubpath(&startIndex, &endIndex, &isClosed)) { GpMemcpy( points, pathData->Points + startIndex, number*sizeof(GpPointF) ); GpMemcpy( types, pathData->Types + startIndex, number );
points += number; types += number; }
SetValid(TRUE); HasBezier = iter.HasCurve(); Flags = PossiblyNonConvex; SubpathCount = iter.GetSubpathCount(); IsSubpathActive = !isClosed; UpdateUid(); return Ok; } else return OutOfMemory; }
// Determine if the specified points form a rectangle that is axis aligned.
// Do the test in the coordinate space specified by the matrix (if present).
// Covert the REAL values to FIX4 values so that the test is compatible
// with what the rasterizer would do.
// If transformedBounds is not NULL, return the rect (if it is a rect)
// in the transformed (device) space.
BOOL IsRectanglePoints( const GpPointF* points, INT count, const GpMatrix * matrix, GpRectF * transformedBounds ) { if(count < 4 || count > 5) return FALSE;
GpPointF transformedPoints[5]; if ((matrix != NULL) && (!matrix->IsIdentity())) { matrix->Transform(points, transformedPoints, count); points = transformedPoints; } PointFix4 fix4Points[5]; fix4Points[0].Set(points[0].X, points[0].Y);
if(count == 5) { fix4Points[4].Set(points[4].X, points[4].Y);
if(fix4Points[0].X != fix4Points[4].X || fix4Points[0].Y != fix4Points[4].Y) return FALSE; }
fix4Points[1].Set(points[1].X, points[1].Y); fix4Points[2].Set(points[2].X, points[2].Y); fix4Points[3].Set(points[3].X, points[3].Y);
REAL maxValue;
if (fix4Points[0].Y == fix4Points[1].Y) { if ((fix4Points[2].Y == fix4Points[3].Y) && (fix4Points[0].X == fix4Points[3].X) && (fix4Points[1].X == fix4Points[2].X)) { if (transformedBounds != NULL) { transformedBounds->X = min(points[0].X, points[1].X); maxValue = max(points[0].X, points[1].X); transformedBounds->Width = maxValue - transformedBounds->X;
transformedBounds->Y = min(points[0].Y, points[2].Y); maxValue = max(points[0].Y, points[2].Y); transformedBounds->Height = maxValue - transformedBounds->Y; } return TRUE; } } else if ((fix4Points[0].X == fix4Points[1].X) && (fix4Points[2].X == fix4Points[3].X) && (fix4Points[0].Y == fix4Points[3].Y) && (fix4Points[1].Y == fix4Points[2].Y)) { if (transformedBounds != NULL) { transformedBounds->X = min(points[0].X, points[2].X); maxValue = max(points[0].X, points[2].X); transformedBounds->Width = maxValue - transformedBounds->X;
transformedBounds->Y = min(points[0].Y, points[1].Y); maxValue = max(points[0].Y, points[1].Y); transformedBounds->Height = maxValue - transformedBounds->Y; } return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
BOOL GpPath::IsRectangle( const GpMatrix * matrix, GpRectF * transformedBounds ) const { if((SubpathCount != 1) || HasBezier) return FALSE;
INT count = GetPointCount(); GpPointF* points = Points.GetDataBuffer();
return IsRectanglePoints(points, count, matrix, transformedBounds); }
BOOL DpPath::IsRectangle( const GpMatrix * matrix, GpRectF * transformedBounds ) const { if ((GetSubpathCount() != 1) || HasCurve()) return FALSE;
INT count = GetPointCount(); GpPointF* points = Points.GetDataBuffer();
return IsRectanglePoints(points, count, matrix, transformedBounds); }
* * Function Description: * * Determine if the receiver and path represent the same path * * Arguments: * * [IN] path - GpPath to compare * * Return Value: * * TRUE if the paths are the same. * * Created - 5/27/99 peterost * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL GpPath::IsEqual(const GpPath* path) const { if (path == this) return TRUE;
INT count;
if (IsValid() == path->IsValid() && (count=GetPointCount()) == path->GetPointCount() && HasBezier == path->HasBezier && FillMode == path->FillMode && Flags == path->Flags && IsSubpathActive == path->IsSubpathActive && SubpathCount == path->SubpathCount) { BYTE* types = path->Types.GetDataBuffer(); BYTE* mytypes = Types.GetDataBuffer(); GpPointF* points = path->Points.GetDataBuffer(); GpPointF* mypoints = Points.GetDataBuffer();
for (INT i=0; i<count; i++) { if (types[i] != mytypes[i] || points[i].X != mypoints[i].X || points[i].Y != mypoints[i].Y) { return FALSE; } } return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } }
VOID GpPath::InitDefaultState( GpFillMode fillMode )
{ DpPath::InitDefaultState(fillMode); InvalidateCache(); }
* * Function Description: * * Validate path point type information * * Arguments: * * [IN] types - Point to an array of path point types * count - Number of points * subpathCount - Return the number of subpaths * hasBezier - Return whether the path has Bezier segments * [IN] needsFirstPointToBeStartPoint - TRUE if this data needs to start * with a StartPoint. (Default is TRUE) * * Return Value: * * TRUE if the path point type information is valid * FALSE otherwise * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL DpPath::ValidatePathTypes( const BYTE* types, INT count, INT* subpathCount, BOOL* hasBezier ) { DpPathTypeIterator iter(types, count);
if(!iter.IsValid()) { WARNING(("Invalid path type information")); return FALSE; }
*subpathCount = iter.GetSubpathCount(); *hasBezier = iter.HasCurve();
return iter.IsValid(); }
* * Function Description: * * Private helper function to add points to a path object * * Arguments: * * [IN] points - Specify the points to be added * count - Number of points to add * * Return Value: * * Point to location in the point type data buffer * that corresponds to the *SECOND* path point added. * * The first point type is always handled inside this * function: * * 1. If either the previous subpath is closed, or addClosedFigure * parameter is TRUE, the first point type will be StartPoint. * * 2. Otherwise, the previous subpath is open and addClosedFigure * parameter is FALSE. We have two separate cases to handle: * * 2.1 if the first point to be added is the same as the last * point of the open subpath, then the first point is ignored. * * 2.2 otherwise, the first point type will be LinePoint. * * NULL if there is an error. In this case, existing path * data is not affected. * * Note: * * We assume the caller has already obtained a lock * on the path object. * \**************************************************************************/
BYTE* GpPath::AddPointHelper( const GpPointF* points, INT count, BOOL addClosedFigure ) { // If we're adding a closed figure, then make sure
// there is no more currently active subpath.
if (addClosedFigure) StartFigure();
INT origCount = GetPointCount();
BOOL isDifferentPoint = TRUE;
// Check if the first point is the same as the last point.
if(IsSubpathActive && origCount > 0) { GpPointF lastPt = Points.Last(); if ((REALABS(points->X - lastPt.X) < REAL_EPSILON) && (REALABS(points->Y - lastPt.Y) < REAL_EPSILON) ) { if(count == 1) return NULL;
// case 2.1 above
// Skip the first point and its type.
count--; points++; isDifferentPoint = FALSE; } }
// Resize Points and Types
GpPointF* pointbuf = Points.AddMultiple(count); BYTE* typebuf = Types.AddMultiple(count);
if(pointbuf == NULL || typebuf == NULL) { // Resize the original size.
Points.SetCount(origCount); Types.SetCount(origCount);
return NULL; }
// Record the type of the first point (Start or Line Point).
if (!IsSubpathActive) { // case 1 above
*typebuf++ = PathPointTypeStart; SubpathCount++; // Starting a new subpath.
} else { // If the first point is different, add a Line type.
// Otherwise, skip the first point and its type.
if(isDifferentPoint) { // case 2.2 above
*typebuf++ = PathPointTypeLine; } }
// Copy path point data
GpMemcpy(pointbuf, points, count*sizeof(GpPointF));
// Subpath is active if the added figure is not closed.
if(!addClosedFigure) IsSubpathActive = TRUE;
UpdateUid(); InvalidateCache();
// Return the starting location for the new point type data
// From the second point type.
return typebuf; }
* * Function Description: * * Add a series of line segments to the current path object * * Arguments: * * [IN] points - Specify the line points * count - Number of points * * Return Value: * * Status code * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::AddLines( const GpPointF* points, INT count ) { ASSERT(IsValid());
// Validate function parameters
if (points == NULL || count < 1) return InvalidParameter;
// Call the internal helper function to add the points
BYTE* types = AddPointHelper(points, count, FALSE);
if (types == NULL) { if(count > 1) return OutOfMemory; else return Ok; }
// Set path point type information
GpMemset(types, PathPointTypeLine, count-1); // IsSubpathActive = TRUE; This is set in AddPointHelper. - ikkof
return Ok; }
* * Function Description: * * Add rectangles to the current path object * * Arguments: * * [IN] rects - Specify the rectangles to be added * count - Number of rectangles * * Return Value: * * Status code * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::AddRects( const GpRectF* rect, INT count ) { if (count < 1 || rect == NULL) return InvalidParameter;
// NOTE: We don't need a lock here because
// AddPolygon will handle it.
// Add one rectangle at a time as a polygon
GpPointF points[4]; GpStatus status;
for ( ; count--; rect++) { if (rect->IsEmptyArea()) continue;
// NOTE: Rectangle points are added in clockwise
// order, starting from the top-left corner.
points[0].X = rect->GetLeft(); // top-left
points[0].Y = rect->GetTop(); points[1].X = rect->GetRight(); // top-right
points[1].Y = rect->GetTop(); points[2].X = rect->GetRight(); // bottom-right
points[2].Y = rect->GetBottom(); points[3].X = rect->GetLeft(); // bottom-left
points[3].Y = rect->GetBottom();
if ((status = AddPolygon(points, 4)) != Ok) return status; }
return Ok; }
GpStatus GpPath::AddRects( const RECT* rects, INT count ) { if ((count < 1) || (rects == NULL)) { return InvalidParameter; }
// NOTE: We don't need a lock here because
// AddPolygon will handle it.
// Add one rectangle at a time as a polygon
GpPointF points[4]; GpStatus status;
for ( ; count--; rects++) { if ((rects->left >= rects->right) || (rects->top >= rects->bottom)) { continue; }
// NOTE: Rectangle points are added in clockwise
// order, starting from the top-left corner.
points[0].X = (REAL)rects->left; // top-left
points[0].Y = (REAL)rects->top; points[1].X = (REAL)rects->right; // top-right
points[1].Y = (REAL)rects->top; points[2].X = (REAL)rects->right; // bottom-right
points[2].Y = (REAL)rects->bottom; points[3].X = (REAL)rects->left; // bottom-left
points[3].Y = (REAL)rects->bottom;
if ((status = AddPolygon(points, 4)) != Ok) { return status; } }
return Ok; }
* * Function Description: * * Add a polygon to the current path object * * Arguments: * * [IN] Specify the polygon points * count - Number of points * * Return Value: * * Status code * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::AddPolygon( const GpPointF* points, INT count ) { ASSERT(IsValid());
if (count < 3 || points == NULL) { return InvalidParameter; }
// Check if the last point is the same as the first point.
// If so, ignore it.
if (count > 3 && points[0].X == points[count-1].X && points[0].Y == points[count-1].Y) { count--; }
// Call the internal helper function to add the points
BYTE* types = AddPointHelper(points, count, TRUE);
InvalidateCache(); if (types == NULL) { return OutOfMemory; }
// Set path point type information
GpMemset(types, PathPointTypeLine, count-2); types[count-2] = PathPointTypeLine | PathPointTypeCloseSubpath;
return Ok; }
#define PI TOREAL(3.1415926535897932)
#define HALF_PI TOREAL(1.5707963267948966)
* * Function Description: * * Convert an angle defined in a box with (width, height) to * an angle defined in a square box. * In other words, this shrink x- and y-coordinates by width and height, * and then calculates the new angle. * * Arguments: * * [IN/OUT] angle - the angle is given in degrees and return it in radian. * [IN] width - the width of the box. * [IN] height - the height of the box. * * Return Value: * * NONE * * History: * * 02/22/1999 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID NormalizeAngle(REAL* angle, REAL width, REAL height) { REAL a = *angle;
// Set the angle between 0 and 360 degrees.
a = GpModF(a, 360);
if(a < 0 || a > 360) { // The input data may have been too large or loo small
// to calculate the mode. In that case, set to 0.
a = 0; }
if(width != height) { INT plane = 1; REAL b = a;
if(a <= 90) plane = 1; else if(a <= 180) { plane = 2; b = 180 - a; } else if(a <= 270) { plane = 3; b = a - 180; } else { plane = 4; b = 360 - a; }
b = b*PI/180; // Convert to radian
// Get the normalized angle in the plane 1.
a = TOREAL( atan2(width*sin(b), height*cos(b)) );
// Adjust to the angle in one of 4 planes.
switch(plane) { case 1: default: break;
case 2: a = PI - a; break;
case 3: a = PI + a; break;
case 4: a = 2*PI - a; break; } } else { a = a*PI/180; // Convert to radian.
*angle = a; }
* * Function Description: * * Convert the start and sweep angles defined in a box with (width, height) * to an angle defined in a square box. * In other words, this shrink x- and y-coordinates by width and height, * and then calculates the new angles. * * Arguments: * * [IN/OUT] startAngle - it is given in degrees and return it in radian. * [IN/OUT] sweepAngle - it is given in degrees and return it in radian. * [IN] width - the width of the box. * [IN] height - the height of the box. * * Return Value: * * INT - +1 if sweeping in clockwise and -1 in counterclockwise. * * History: * * 02/22/1999 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
INT NormalizeArcAngles( REAL* startAngle, REAL* sweepAngle, REAL width, REAL height ) { REAL a0 = *startAngle; // The start angle.
REAL dA = *sweepAngle; REAL a1 = a0 + dA; // The end angle.
INT sweepSign;
if(dA > 0) sweepSign = 1; else { sweepSign = - 1; dA = - dA; // Convert to a positive sweep angle.
// Normalize the start and end angle.
NormalizeAngle(&a0, width, height); NormalizeAngle(&a1, width, height);
if(dA < 360) { if(sweepSign > 0) { dA = a1 - a0; } else { dA = a0 - a1; } if(dA < 0) dA += 2*PI; } else dA = 2*PI; // Don't sweep more than once.
*startAngle = a0; *sweepAngle = dA;
return sweepSign; }
* * Function Description: * * Convert an elliptical arc to a series of Bezier curve segments * * Arguments: * * points - Specify a point buffer for returning Bezier control points * The array should be able to hold 13 elements or more. * rect - Specify the bounding box for the ellipse * startAngle - Start angle (in elliptical space and degrees) * sweepAngle - Sweep angle * positive to sweep clockwise * negative to sweep counterclockwise * * Return Value: * * Number of Bezier control points generated * 0 if sweep angle is 0 * -1 if bounding rectangle is empty * \**************************************************************************/
INT GpPath::GetArcPoints( GpPointF* points, const GpRectF& rect, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle ) { if (rect.IsEmptyArea()) return -1; else if (sweepAngle == 0) return 0;
// Determine which direction we should sweep
// and clamp sweep angle to a max of 360 degrees
// Both start and sweep angles are conveted to radian.
INT sweepSign = NormalizeArcAngles( &startAngle, &sweepAngle, rect.Width, rect.Height);
// Temporary variables
REAL dx, dy; REAL w2, h2;
w2 = rect.Width / 2; h2 = rect.Height / 2; dx = rect.X + w2; dy = rect.Y + h2;
// Determine the number of Bezier segments needed
int segments, count; GpMatrix m;
segments = (INT) (sweepAngle / HALF_PI);
if (segments*HALF_PI < sweepAngle) segments++;
if (segments == 0) segments = 1; else if (segments > 4) segments = 4;
count = segments*3 + 1;
while (segments--) { // Compute the Bezier control points in unit-circle space
REAL A, C, S; REAL x, y;
A = (sweepAngle > HALF_PI) ? HALF_PI/2 : sweepAngle/2; C = REALCOS(A); S = REALSIN(A);
x = (4 - C) / 3; y = (3 - C) * S / (3 + 3*C);
if (sweepSign > 0) { // clockwise sweep
points[0].X = C; points[0].Y = -S; points[1].X = x; points[1].Y = -y; points[2].X = x; points[2].Y = y; points[3].X = C; points[3].Y = S; } else { // counterclockwise sweep
points[0].X = C; points[0].Y = S; points[1].X = x; points[1].Y = y; points[2].X = x; points[2].Y = -y; points[3].X = C; points[3].Y = -S; }
// Transform the control points to elliptical space
m.Reset(); m.Translate(dx, dy); m.Scale(w2, h2); REAL theta = (startAngle + sweepSign*A)*180/PI; m.Rotate(theta); // Rotate takes degrees.
if(segments > 0) m.Transform(points, 3); else m.Transform(points, 4); // Include the last point.
if(sweepSign > 0) startAngle += HALF_PI; else startAngle -= HALF_PI; sweepAngle -= HALF_PI; points += 3; }
return count; }
* * Function Description: * * Add an elliptical arc to the current path object * * Arguments: * * rect - Specify the bounding rectangle for the ellipse * startAngle - Starting angle for the arc * sweepAngle - Sweep angle for the arc * * Return Value: * * Status code * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::AddArc( const GpRectF& rect, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle ) { GpPointF points[13]; INT count; BOOL isClosed = FALSE;
if(sweepAngle >= 360) { sweepAngle = 360; isClosed = TRUE; } else if(sweepAngle <= - 360) { sweepAngle = - 360; isClosed = TRUE; }
// Convert arc to Bezier curve segments
count = GetArcPoints(points, rect, startAngle, sweepAngle);
// Add resulting Bezier curve segment to the path
GpStatus status = Ok;
if(count > 0) { AddBeziers(points, count); if(isClosed) CloseFigure(); } else if(count < 0) status = InvalidParameter;
return status; }
* * Function Description: * * Add an ellipse to the current path object * * Arguments: * * rect - Bounding rectangle for the ellipse * * Return Value: * * Status code * * History: * * 02/22/1999 ikkof * Defined an array of a circle with radius 1 and used it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::AddEllipse( const GpRectF& rect ) { GpPointF points[13]; INT count = 13; REAL u_cir = 4*(REALSQRT(2.0) - 1)/3; GpPointF center; REAL wHalf, hHalf;
wHalf = rect.Width/2; hHalf = rect.Height/2; center.X = rect.X + wHalf; center.Y = rect.Y + hHalf;
// 4 Bezier segment of a circle with radius 1.
points[ 0].X = 1; points[ 0].Y = 0; points[ 1].X = 1; points[ 1].Y = u_cir; points[ 2].X = u_cir; points[ 2].Y = 1; points[ 3].X = 0; points[ 3].Y = 1; points[ 4].X = -u_cir; points[ 4].Y = 1; points[ 5].X = -1; points[ 5].Y = u_cir; points[ 6].X = -1; points[ 6].Y = 0; points[ 7].X = -1; points[ 7].Y = -u_cir; points[ 8].X = -u_cir; points[ 8].Y = -1; points[ 9].X = 0; points[ 9].Y = -1; points[10].X = u_cir; points[10].Y = -1; points[11].X = 1; points[11].Y = -u_cir; points[12].X = 1; points[12].Y = 0;
// Scale to the appropriate size.
for(INT i = 0; i < count; i++) { points[i].X = points[i].X*wHalf + center.X; points[i].Y = points[i].Y*hHalf + center.Y; }
// Add resulting Bezier curve segments to the path
GpStatus status;
StartFigure(); status = AddBeziers(points, count); CloseFigure();
InvalidateCache(); UpdateUid();
return status; }
* * Function Description: * * Add an elliptical pie to the current path object * * Arguments: * * rect - Bounding rectangle for the ellipse * startAngle - Specify the starting angle for the pie * sweepAngle - Sweep angle for the pie * * Return Value: * * Status code * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::AddPie( const GpRectF& rect, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle ) { GpPointF pt;
// Add the center point.
pt.X = rect.X + rect.Width/2; pt.Y = rect.Y + rect.Height/2; GpStatus status = AddLines(&pt, 1);
// Add the arc points.
if(status == Ok) status = AddArc(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle);
InvalidateCache(); UpdateUid();
return status; }
* * Function Description: * * Add Bezier curve segments to the current path object * * Arguments: * * [IN] points - Specify Bezier control points * count - Number of points * * Return Value: * * Status code * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::AddBeziers( const GpPointF* points, INT count ) { // Number of points must be 3 * N + 1
if ((!points) || (count < 4) || (count % 3 != 1)) { return InvalidParameter; }
// Check if the first point is the same as the last point.
INT firstType; INT origCount = GetPointCount();
if(!IsSubpathActive) { SubpathCount++; // Starting a new subpath.
firstType = PathPointTypeStart; } else { if (origCount > 0) { GpPointF lastPt = Points.Last(); if ((REALABS(points[0].X - lastPt.X) < REAL_EPSILON) && (REALABS(points[0].Y - lastPt.Y) < REAL_EPSILON)) { firstType = -1; // Indicating no copying of the first point.
points++; count--; } else { firstType = PathPointTypeLine; } } else { SubpathCount++; firstType = PathPointTypeStart; } }
// Resize Points and Types
GpPointF* pointBuf = Points.AddMultiple(count); BYTE* typeBuf = Types.AddMultiple(count);
if(pointBuf == NULL || typeBuf == NULL) { // Resize the original size.
Points.SetCount(origCount); Types.SetCount(origCount);
return OutOfMemory; }
GpMemcpy(pointBuf, points, count * sizeof(GpPointF)); GpMemset(typeBuf, PathPointTypeBezier, count); if(firstType == PathPointTypeStart) typeBuf[0] = PathPointTypeStart; else if(firstType == PathPointTypeLine) typeBuf[0] = PathPointTypeLine;
IsSubpathActive = TRUE; HasBezier = TRUE;
InvalidateCache(); UpdateUid();
return Ok; }
GpStatus GpPath::AddBezier( const GpPointF& pt1, const GpPointF& pt2, const GpPointF& pt3, const GpPointF& pt4 ) { GpPointF points[4];
points[0] = pt1; points[1] = pt2; points[2] = pt3; points[3] = pt4;
return AddBeziers(points, 4); }
GpStatus GpPath::AddBezier( REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL x2, REAL y2, REAL x3, REAL y3, REAL x4, REAL y4 ) { GpPointF points[4];
points[0].X = x1; points[0].Y = y1; points[1].X = x2; points[1].Y = y2; points[2].X = x3; points[2].Y = y3; points[3].X = x4; points[3].Y = y4;
return AddBeziers(points, 4); }
* * Function Description: * * Add a path to the current path object. * When connect is TRUE, this combine the end point of the current * path and the start point of the given path if both paths are * open. * If either path is closed, the two paths will not be connected * even if connect is set to TRUE. * * Arguments: * * [IN] points - Specify a subpath points * [IN] types - Specify a subpath control types. * [IN] count - Number of points * [IN] connect - TRUE if two open paths needs to be connected. * * Return Value: * * Status code * * 02/09/2000 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::AddPath( const GpPointF* points, const BYTE* types, INT count, BOOL connect ) { GpStatus status = Ok; if(points == NULL || types == NULL || count <= 0) { return InvalidParameter; }
INT count1 = GetPointCount(); INT count2 = count; const GpPointF* points2 = points; const BYTE* types2 = types;
INT totalCount = count1 + count2; BOOL forward1 = TRUE, forward2 = TRUE;
status = Points.ReserveSpace(count2); if(status != Ok) { return status; } status = Types.ReserveSpace(count2); if(status != Ok) { return status; } GpPointF* outPoints = Points.GetDataBuffer(); BYTE* outTypes = Types.GetDataBuffer(); const GpPointF* points1 = outPoints; const BYTE* types1 = outTypes;
totalCount = CombinePaths( totalCount, outPoints, outTypes, count1, points1, types1, forward1, count2, points2, types2, forward2, connect );
if( (totalCount >= count1) && ValidatePathTypes(outTypes, totalCount, &SubpathCount, &HasBezier)) { count2 = totalCount - count1; Points.AdjustCount(count2); Types.AdjustCount(count2); // Turn on the active subpath so that we can connect lines to this
// path.
// In order to not connect, call CloseFigure after adding.
IsSubpathActive = !IsClosedType(Types[Types.GetCount()-1]); InvalidateCache(); UpdateUid();
return Ok; } else { return InvalidParameter; } }
GpStatus GpPath::AddPath(const GpPath* path, BOOL connect) { if(!path) { return InvalidParameter; }
INT count2 = path->GetPointCount(); const GpPointF* points2 = path->GetPathPoints(); const BYTE* types2 = path->GetPathTypes();
return AddPath(points2, types2, count2, connect); }
* * Function Description: * * Reverse the direction of the path. * * Arguments: * * NONE * * Return Value: * * Status code * * 02/09/2000 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::Reverse() { if(!IsValid()) return InvalidParameter;
INT count = GetPointCount(); GpPointF* points = Points.GetDataBuffer(); BYTE* types = Types.GetDataBuffer();
GpStatus status = Ok;
if(count > 1) status = ::ReversePath(count, points, types); UpdateUid();
return status; }
GpStatus GpPath::GetLastPoint(GpPointF* lastPoint) { INT count = GetPointCount(); if(count <= 0 || lastPoint == NULL) return InvalidParameter;
GpPointF* points = Points.GetDataBuffer();
// Return the last point.
*lastPoint = points[count - 1];
return Ok; }
GpPath* GpPath::GetOpenPath() { BOOL openPath = TRUE; return GetOpenOrClosedPath(openPath); }
GpPath* GpPath::GetClosedPath() { BOOL openPath = FALSE; return GetOpenOrClosedPath(openPath); }
GpPath* GpPath::GetOpenOrClosedPath(BOOL openPath) { INT startIndex, endIndex; BOOL isClosed; const GpPointF* points = Points.GetDataBuffer(); const BYTE* types = Types.GetDataBuffer();
DpPathIterator iter(points, types, GetPointCount());
GpPath* path = new GpPath(FillMode);
if(path) { INT segmentCount = 0; while(iter.NextSubpath(&startIndex, &endIndex, &isClosed)) { if(isClosed != openPath) { // path->AddSubpath(points + startIndex, types + startIndex,
// endIndex - startIndex + 1);
BOOL connect = FALSE; path->AddPath(points + startIndex, types + startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1, connect); segmentCount++; } }
if(segmentCount == 0) { delete path; path = NULL; } }
return path; }
* * Function Description: * * Add an open cardinal spline curve to the current path object * * Arguments: * * [IN] points - Specify the spline points * count - Number of points * tension - Tension parameter * offset - Index of the first point we're interested in * numberOfSegments - Number of curve segments * * Return Value: * * Status code * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::AddCurve( const GpPointF* points, INT count, REAL tension, INT offset, INT numberOfSegments ) { // Verify input parameters
if (points == NULL || count < 2 || offset < 0 || offset >= count || numberOfSegments < 1 || numberOfSegments >= count-offset) { return InvalidParameter; }
// Convert spline points to Bezier control points
GpPointF* bezierPoints; INT bezierCount;
bezierPoints = ConvertSplineToBezierPoints( points, count, offset, numberOfSegments, tension, &bezierCount);
if (bezierPoints == NULL) return OutOfMemory;
// Add the resulting Bezier segments to the current path
GpStatus status;
status = AddBeziers(bezierPoints, bezierCount); delete[] bezierPoints;
return status; }
GpStatus GpPath::AddCurve( const GpPointF* points, INT count ) { return AddCurve(points, count, DEFAULT_TENSION, 0, count-1); }
* * Function Description: * * Add a closed cardinal spline curve to the current path object * * Arguments: * * [IN] points - Specify the spline points * count - Number of points * tension - Tension parameter * * Return Value: * * Status code * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::AddClosedCurve( const GpPointF* points, INT count, REAL tension ) { // Verify input parameters
if (points == NULL || count <= 2) return InvalidParameter;
// Convert spline points to Bezier control points
GpPointF* bezierPoints; INT bezierCount;
bezierPoints = ConvertSplineToBezierPoints( points, count, 0, count, tension, &bezierCount);
if (bezierPoints == NULL) return OutOfMemory;
// Add the resulting Bezier segments as a closed curve
GpStatus status;
StartFigure(); status = AddBeziers(bezierPoints, bezierCount); CloseFigure();
delete[] bezierPoints;
InvalidateCache(); UpdateUid();
return status; }
GpStatus GpPath::AddClosedCurve( const GpPointF* points, INT count ) { return AddClosedCurve(points, count, DEFAULT_TENSION); }
* * Function Description: * * Convert cardinal spline curve points to Bezier curve control points * * Arguments: * * [IN] points - Array of spline curve points * count - Number of points in the "points" array * offset - Specify the index of the first control point in * the "points" array that the curve should start from * numberOfSegments - Specify the number of curve segments to draw * tension - Specify the tension parameter * bezierCount - Return the number of Bezier control points * * Return Value: * * Pointer to an array of Bezier control points * NULL if there is an error * * Reference: * * Spline Tutorial Notes * Technical Memo No. 77 * Alvy Ray Smith * Presented as tutorial notes at the 1983 SIGGRAPH, July 1983 * and the SIGGRAPH, July 1984 * * Notes: * * Support for cardinal spline curves * * Cardinal splines are local interpolating splines, i.e. they * pass through their control points and they maintain * first-order continuity at their control points. * * a cardinal spline is specified by three parameters: * a set of control points P1, ..., Pn * tension parameter a * close flag * * If n is 1, then the spline degenerates into a single point P1. * If n > 1 and the close flag is false, the spline consists of * n-1 cubic curve segments. The first curve segment starts from * P1 and ends at P2. The last segment starts at Pn-1 and ends at Pn. * * The cubic curve segment from Pi to Pi+1 is determined by * 4 control points: * Pi-1 = (xi-1, yi-1) * Pi = (xi, yi) * Pi+1 = (xi+1, yi+1) * Pi+2 = (xi+2, yi+2) * * The parametric equation is defined as: * * [ X(t) Y(t) ] = [t^3 t^2 t 1] * M * [ xi-1 yi-1 ] * [ xi yi ] * [ xi+1 yi+1 ] * [ xi+2 yi+2 ] * * where t ranges from 0 to 1 and M is a 4x4 matrix satisfying * the following constraints: * * X(0) = xi interpolating through control points * X(1) = xi+1 * X'(0) = a(xi+1 - xi-1) first-order continuity * X'(1) = a(xi+2 - xi) * * In the case of segments from P1 to P2 and from Pn-1 to Pn, * we replicate the first and last control points, i.e. we * define P0 = P1 and Pn+1 = Pn. * * If the close flag is true, we have an additional curve segment * from Pn to Pn+1 = P1. For the segments near the beginning and * the end of the spline, we wrap around the control points, i.e. * P0 = Pn, Pn+1 = P1, and Pn+2 = P2. * \**************************************************************************/
GpPointF* GpPath::ConvertSplineToBezierPoints( const GpPointF* points, INT count, INT offset, INT numberOfSegments, REAL tension, INT* bezierCount ) { BOOL closed; GpPointF* bezierPoints;
ASSERT(count > 1 && offset >= 0 && offset < count && numberOfSegments > 0 && numberOfSegments <= count-offset);
// Curve is closed if the number of segments is equal to
// the number of curve points
closed = (numberOfSegments == count);
// Allocate memory to hold Bezier control points
*bezierCount = numberOfSegments*3 + 1; bezierPoints = new GpPointF[*bezierCount];
if (bezierPoints == NULL) return NULL;
// Convert each spline segment to a Bezier segment
// resulting in 3 additional Bezier points
GpPointF buffer[4], *q; const GpPointF* p; REAL a3;
a3 = tension / 3; q = bezierPoints; *q = points[offset];
for (INT index=offset; index < offset+numberOfSegments; index++) { if (index > 1 && index < count-2) p = points + (index-1); else { // Points near the beginning and end of the curve
// require special attention
if (closed) { // If the curve is closed, make sure the control points
// wrap around the beginning and end of the array.
buffer[0] = points[(index-1+count) % count]; buffer[1] = points[index]; buffer[2] = points[(index+1) % count]; buffer[3] = points[(index+2) % count]; } else { // If the curve is not closed, replicate the first
// and last point in the array.
buffer[0] = points[(index > 0) ? (index-1) : 0]; buffer[1] = points[index]; buffer[2] = points[(index+1 < count) ? (index+1) : (count-1)]; buffer[3] = points[(index+2 < count) ? (index+2) : (count-1)]; }
p = buffer; }
q[1].X = -a3*p[0].X + p[1].X + a3*p[2].X; q[1].Y = -a3*p[0].Y + p[1].Y + a3*p[2].Y; q[2].X = a3*p[1].X + p[2].X - a3*p[3].X; q[2].Y = a3*p[1].Y + p[2].Y - a3*p[3].Y; q[3] = p[2];
q += 3; }
return bezierPoints; }
* * Function Description: * * Transform all path points by the specified matrix * * Arguments: * * matrix - Transform matrix * * Return Value: * * NONE * * Created: * * 02/08/1999 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID GpPath::Transform( const GpMatrix *matrix ) { ASSERT(IsValid());
if(matrix) { INT count = GetPointCount(); GpPointF* points = Points.GetDataBuffer();
matrix->Transform(points, count); UpdateUid(); InvalidateCache(); } }
// Debug only.
#if DBG
void DpPath::DisplayPath() { INT size = GetPointCount();
const GpPointF *points = GetPathPoints(); const BYTE *types = GetPathTypes();
for(int i=0; i<size; i++) { WARNING(("points[%d].X = %ff;", i, points[i].X)); WARNING(("points[%d].Y = %ff;", i, points[i].Y)); WARNING(("types[%d] = 0x%x;", i, types[i])); } } #endif
* * Function Description: * * Callback to accumulate the flattened edges that the Rasterizer emits. * * Arguments: * * VOID *context, // pointer to the resulting path.
* POINT *pointArray, // Points to a 28.4 array of size 'vertexCount'
* INT vertexCount, // number of points to add.
* BOOL lastSubpath // The last point in this array is the last point
* // in a closed subpath.
* * Return Value: * BOOL * * History: * * 10/25/2000 asecchia & ericvan * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL PathFlatteningCallback( VOID *context, POINT *pointArray, // Points to a 28.4 array of size 'vertexCount'
// Note that we may modify the contents!
INT vertexCount, PathEnumerateTermination lastSubpath // Last point in the subpath.
) { GpPath *result = static_cast<GpPath*>(context); GpPointF *pointcast = (GpPointF*)(pointArray); INT count = vertexCount; // Don't add the last point if it's closed because the rasterizer
// emitted it twice - once for the first point.
if(lastSubpath == PathEnumerateCloseSubpath) { count--; } for(INT i = 0; i < count; i++) { // Convert the point array to real in place.
pointcast[i].X = FIX4TOREAL(pointArray[i].x); pointcast[i].Y = FIX4TOREAL(pointArray[i].y); } // Add all the edges to the path as lines.
GpStatus status = result->AddLines(pointcast, count); if(status == Ok) { if(lastSubpath == PathEnumerateCloseSubpath) { // last point in a subpath - close it.
status = result->CloseFigure(); } if(lastSubpath == PathEnumerateEndSubpath) { // last point in an open subpath.
result->StartFigure(); } } return (status == Ok); }
* * Function Description: * * Flatten the path. The input matrix is the world to device transform. * Our rasterizer will flatten at about 2/3 of a device pixel. In order * to handle different flatness tolerances, we scale the path proportionally * and pretend that it is bigger when we give it to the rasterizer for * flattening. It flattens at 2/3 of a device pixel in this mocked up * device space and we undo the flatness scale effectively redefining what * size a device pixel is. This allows us to flatten to an arbitrary * flatness tolerance. * * Arguments: * * [IN] matrix - Specifies the transform * When matrix is NULL, the identity matrix is used. * [IN] flatness - the flattening tolerance * * Return Value: * * Status * * Created: * * 10/25/2000 asecchia & ericvan * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::Flatten( DynByteArray *flattenTypes, DynPointFArray *flattenPoints, const GpMatrix *matrix, const REAL flatness ) const { // Enumerate the path.
FIXEDPOINTPATHENUMERATEFUNCTION pathEnumerationFunction = PathFlatteningCallback;
GpPath result;
// Calculate the scale - multiply by 16 for the rasterizer's 28.4 fixed
// point math. This 16x transform is implicitly reversed as we accumulate
// the points from the rasterizer in our callback function
REAL deviceFlatness = flatness/FlatnessDefault; REAL flatnessInv = (16.0f)/deviceFlatness; GpMatrix transform; if(matrix) { transform = *matrix; } // apply the flatness transform so that we rasterize at an appropriately
// scaled resolution. We undo this part of the transform (not the 16x)
// at the end of this function.
transform.AppendScale(flatnessInv, flatnessInv);
// Do it.
if (!FixedPointPathEnumerate( this, &transform, NULL, PathEnumerateTypeFlatten, // don't automatically close open subpaths.
pathEnumerationFunction, &result )) { return(OutOfMemory); }
// undo the implicit flatness transform.
transform.Reset(); transform.Scale(deviceFlatness, deviceFlatness); result.Transform(&transform);
// Copy the points over. We should be using a detach on the DynArrays
// because we're throwing the temporary one away.
flattenPoints->Reset(FALSE); flattenTypes->Reset(FALSE); flattenPoints->AddMultiple(result.GetPathPoints(), result.GetPointCount()); flattenTypes->AddMultiple(result.GetPathTypes(), result.GetPointCount()); return Ok; }
GpStatus GpPath::Flatten( const GpMatrix *matrix, const REAL flatness ) { GpStatus status = Ok; // Only flatten if it has beziers.
if(HasBezier) { DynPointFArray flattenPoints; DynByteArray flattenTypes; status = Flatten( &flattenTypes, &flattenPoints, matrix, flatness ); if(status==Ok) { // Copy the points over. We should be using a detach on the DynArrays
// because we're throwing the temporary one away.
Points.ReplaceWith(&flattenPoints); Types.ReplaceWith(&flattenTypes); // Update to reflect the changed state of the path.
HasBezier = FALSE; InvalidateCache(); UpdateUid(); } } else { // Flatten transforms the path even if it's already flat.
// Note: Transform(NULL) <=> Identity transform which is a NOP.
Transform(matrix); }
return status; }
* * Function Description: * * Warp and flattens the control points and stores * the results to the arrays of the flatten points. * * Arguments: * * [IN] matrix - Specifies the transform * [IN] destPoint - The destination quad. * [IN] count - the number of the quad points (3 or 4). * [IN] srcRect - the original rectangle to warp. * [IN] warpMode - Perspective or Bilinear (default is Bilinear). * * Return Value: * * Status * * Created: * * 11/10/1999 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::WarpAndFlatten( DynByteArray* flattenTypes, DynPointFArray* flattenPoints, const GpMatrix* matrix, const GpPointF* destPoint, INT count, const GpRectF& srcRect, WarpMode warpMode ) { GpXPath xpath(this, srcRect, destPoint, count, warpMode);
return xpath.Flatten(flattenTypes, flattenPoints, matrix); }
* * Function Description: * * Warps and flattens the control points and transform itself to * the flatten path. * * Arguments: * * [IN] matrix - Specifies the transform * The identity matrix is used when matrix is NULL. * [IN] destPoint - The destination quad. * [IN] count - the number of the quad points (3 or 4). * [IN] srcRect - the original rectangle to warp. * [IN] warpMode - Perspective or Bilinear (default is Bilinear). * * Return Value: * * Status * * Created: * * 11/10/1999 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::WarpAndFlattenSelf( GpMatrix* matrix, const GpPointF* destPoint, INT count, const GpRectF& srcRect, WarpMode warpMode ) { GpMatrix identity; // Identity matrix
GpXPath xpath(this, srcRect, destPoint, count, warpMode);
const INT buffSize = 32; BYTE typesBuffer[buffSize]; GpPointF pointsBuffer[buffSize];
DynByteArray flattenTypes(&typesBuffer[0], buffSize); DynPointFArray flattenPoints(&pointsBuffer[0], buffSize);
if(matrix == NULL) matrix = &identity; // Use the identity matrix
GpStatus status = xpath.Flatten(&flattenTypes, &flattenPoints, matrix);
if(status == Ok) { INT flattenCount = flattenPoints.GetCount(); Points.Reset(FALSE); Types.Reset(FALSE); Points.AddMultiple(flattenPoints.GetDataBuffer(), flattenCount); Types.AddMultiple(flattenTypes.GetDataBuffer(), flattenCount); HasBezier = FALSE;
UpdateUid(); InvalidateCache(); }
return status; }
* * Function Description: * * convert a 2 segment closed subpath emitted by the region conversion * to a correct winding path. * * Arguments: * * [IN] p - the path. * * Created: * * 09/21/2000 asecchia * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
struct PathBound { REAL xmin; REAL ymin; REAL xmax; REAL ymax; INT count; GpPointF *points; BYTE *types; bool reverse; void Init(INT c, GpPointF *p, BYTE *t) { reverse = false; points = p; types = t; count = c; } };
void ComputeBoundingBox( GpPathPointIterator &i, PathBound *p ) { GpPointF *point = i.CurrentItem(); p->xmax = p->xmin = point->X; p->ymax = p->ymin = point->Y; while(!i.IsDone()) { point = i.CurrentItem(); if(point->X < p->xmin) { p->xmin = point->X; } if(point->X > p->xmax) { p->xmax = point->X; } if(point->Y < p->ymin) { p->ymin = point->Y; } if(point->Y > p->ymax) { p->ymax = point->Y; } i.Next(); } }
bool Contains(PathBound &pb1, PathBound &pb2) { return ( (pb1.xmin <= pb2.xmin) && (pb1.ymin <= pb2.ymin) && (pb1.xmax >= pb2.xmax) && (pb1.ymax >= pb2.ymax) ); }
void ConvertRegionOutputToWinding(GpPath **p) { ASSERT(*p); GpPathPointIterator iPoints( (GpPointF*)(*p)->GetPathPoints(), (BYTE*)(*p)->GetPathTypes(), (*p)->GetPointCount() ); GpSubpathIterator iSubpath(&iPoints); GpPointF *points; BYTE *types; INT count; GpPath *ret = new GpPath(FillModeWinding); // if we're out of memory, simply give them back their path.
if(!ret) { return; } GpPath *sub; DynArray<PathBound> bounds; PathBound pb; // Iterate through all the subpaths culling information for the following
// algorithm. This is O(n) in the number of points.
// The information we need is the starting point for each subpath and
// the bounding box.
while(!iSubpath.IsDone()) { count = -iSubpath.CurrentIndex(); points = iSubpath.CurrentItem(); types = iSubpath.CurrentType(); iSubpath.Next(); count += iSubpath.CurrentIndex(); GpPathPointIterator iSubpathPoint( points, types, count ); pb.Init(count, points, types); ComputeBoundingBox( iSubpathPoint, &pb ); bounds.Add(pb); } // Double loop through all the subpaths figuring out the containment
// relationships.
// For every level of containment, flip the reverse bit.
// E.g. for a subpath that's contained by 5 other rectangles, start at
// false and apply 5x(!) !!!!!false == true which means flip this path.
// this is O(n^2) in the number of subpaths.
count = bounds.GetCount(); int i, j; for(i=1; i<count; i++) { for(j=i-1; j>=0; j--) { if(Contains(bounds[i], bounds[j])) { bounds[j].reverse = !bounds[j].reverse; continue; } if(Contains(bounds[j], bounds[i])) { bounds[i].reverse = !bounds[i].reverse; } } } // Now reverse all the subpaths that need to be reversed.
// Accumulate the results into the array.
for(i=0; i<count; i++) { sub = new GpPath( bounds[i].points, bounds[i].types, bounds[i].count ); if(!sub) { // if we failed to make our temporary path, stop and return
// what we've accumulated so far.
WARNING(("ran out of memory accumulating the path")); break; } if(bounds[i].reverse) { sub->Reverse(); } ret->AddPath(sub, FALSE); delete sub; } delete *p; *p = ret; }
* * Function Description: * * GetWidenedPath. Returns a widened version of the path. The path is widened * according to the pen and the result is transformed according to the input * matrix. When flattening the path the matrix is used as the world to device * transform and the flatness tolerance is applied. * * This function handles inset and outset pen alignments. * * Arguments: * * [IN] pen - pen - specifies width for widening * [IN] matrix - world to device transform. * [IN] flatness - number of device pixels of error allowed for flattening * * Return: * * GpPath * - widened path. NULL on failure. * - !!! this should return the path in an OUT parameter and * - propagate the GpStatus correctly. * * Created: * * 09/31/2000 asecchia * Rewrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpPath* GpPath::GetWidenedPath( const GpPen *pen, const GpMatrix *matrix, REAL flatness ) const { ASSERT(pen); // Redefine a NULL input matrix to be Identity for the duration of this
// routine.
GpMatrix transform; if(!matrix) { matrix = &transform; } DpPen *internalPen = NULL; internalPen = const_cast<GpPen*>(pen)->GetDevicePen(); ASSERT(internalPen); if (internalPen->PenAlignment != PenAlignmentInset) { // Use the standard widening code for non-inset or non-outset pen.
return GetWidenedPathInternal( internalPen, matrix, flatness, FALSE // standard pen
); } else { // Do the Inset Pen.
// Our technique is as follows. See the inset pen spec in the
// gdiplus\specs directory.
// First, inset pen is defined as widening to the inside of the path
// which only has meaning for closed segments. Behaviour for open
// segments is unchanged (center pen).
// We widen the path at 2x the stroke width using a center pen.
// For round dash caps, we use a double-round or 'B' cap. We also
// mirror the compound line pattern across the spine of the path.
// Then we import the widened path as a region and clip against the
// original path converted to a region. What's left is a region
// which contains the widened inset pen. This is converted to a path
// and we're done.
// Copy the pen. Note that this will copy the *pointer* to the Brush
// but this is ok because the DpPen (insetPen) doesn't have a
// destructor and so won't attempt to free any state.
// We will need an insetPen for the closed subpath segments and a
// centerPen for the open subpath segments.
DpPen insetPen = *internalPen; DpPen centerPen = *internalPen; // Use a double width center pen and then clip off the outside creating
// a single width insetPen.
insetPen.Width *= 2.0f; insetPen.PenAlignment = PenAlignmentCenter; centerPen.PenAlignment = PenAlignmentCenter; // Copy the compound array duplicating the compound array in reverse
// and rescaling back to [0,1] interval (i.e. mirror along the spine).
if( internalPen->CompoundCount > 0) { insetPen.CompoundArray = (REAL*)GpMalloc( sizeof(REAL)*insetPen.CompoundCount*2 ); // Check the GpMalloc for out of memory.
if(insetPen.CompoundArray == NULL) { return NULL; } // Copy the pen->CompoundArray and duplicate it in reverse (mirror).
// rescale to the interval [0, 1]
for(INT i=0; i<insetPen.CompoundCount; i++) { // copy and scale range [0, 1] to [0, 0.5]
insetPen.CompoundArray[i] = internalPen->CompoundArray[i]/2.0f; // copy and scale range [0, 1] to [0.5, 1] reversed.
insetPen.CompoundArray[insetPen.CompoundCount*2-i-1] = 1.0f - internalPen->CompoundArray[i]/2.0f; } // we have double the number of entries now.
insetPen.CompoundCount *= 2; }
// Create an iterator to step through each subpath.
GpPathPointIterator pathIterator( (GpPointF*)GetPathPoints(), (BYTE*)GetPathTypes(), GetPointCount() ); GpSubpathIterator subPathIterator( &pathIterator ); // Some temporary variables.
GpPointF *points; BYTE *types; INT subPathCount; GpPath *widenedPath = NULL; GpPath *subPath = NULL;
// Accumulate the widened sub paths in this returnPath.
GpPath *returnPath = new GpPath(FillModeWinding); // loop while there are more subpaths and the returnPath is not NULL
// This implicitly checks that returnPath was allocated correctly.
while(returnPath && !subPathIterator.IsDone()) { // Get the data for the current subpath.
points = subPathIterator.CurrentItem(); types = subPathIterator.CurrentType(); subPathCount = -subPathIterator.CurrentIndex(); subPathIterator.Next(); subPathCount += subPathIterator.CurrentIndex();
// Create a path object representing the current sub path.
subPath = new GpPath(points, types, subPathCount); if(!subPath) { // failed the allocation.
delete returnPath; returnPath = NULL; break; }
// Is this subpath closed?
BOOL isClosed = IsClosedType(types[subPathCount-1]);
// Widen the subPath with the inset pen for closed and
// center pen for open.
widenedPath = subPath->GetWidenedPathInternal( (isClosed) ? &insetPen : ¢erPen, matrix, flatness, isClosed // Inset/Outset pen?
); // don't need the subPath anymore - we have the widened version.
delete subPath; subPath = NULL; // Check if the widener succeeded.
if(!widenedPath || !widenedPath->IsValid()) { delete widenedPath; widenedPath = NULL; delete returnPath; returnPath = NULL; break; } if(isClosed) { // Region to path.
// The widenedPath has already been transformed by the widener
// according to the matrix. Use the identity to convert the
// widenedPath to a region, but use the matrix to transform the
// (still untransformed) original matrix to a region.
GpMatrix identityMatrix; const GpMatrix *scaleMatrix = &identityMatrix; if(matrix) { scaleMatrix = matrix; } DpRegion srcRgn(widenedPath, &identityMatrix); DpRegion clipRgn((DpPath*)(this), scaleMatrix);// const and type cast.
// Clip the region
GpStatus clip = Ok; if(internalPen->PenAlignment == PenAlignmentInset) { // Inset pen is an And operation.
clip = srcRgn.And(&clipRgn); } GpPath *clippedPath; if(clip == Ok) { clippedPath = new GpPath(&srcRgn); if(!clippedPath) { delete widenedPath; widenedPath = NULL; delete returnPath; returnPath = NULL; break; } ConvertRegionOutputToWinding(&clippedPath); // Accumulate the current subpath that we've just clipped
// for inset/outset into the final result.
returnPath->AddPath(clippedPath, FALSE); delete clippedPath; clippedPath = NULL; } } else { // Accumulate the center pen widened path for the open
// subpath segment.
returnPath->AddPath(widenedPath, FALSE); } delete widenedPath; widenedPath = NULL; } // clean up.
if(internalPen->CompoundCount > 0) { // we allocated a new piece of memory, throw it away.
// Make sure we're not trying to throw away the original pen
// CompoundArray - only free the temporary one if we created it.
ASSERT(insetPen.CompoundArray != internalPen->CompoundArray); GpFree(insetPen.CompoundArray); insetPen.CompoundArray = NULL; } return returnPath; } }
* * Function Description: * * The sweep phase of a mark-sweep path point deletion algorithm * This will delete all points marked with PathPointTypeInternalUse. * * If it deletes a start marker, it'll make the next valid point a start * point. * * NOTE: * If the algorithm encounters a closed subpath marker it will simply * delete it. Because this algorithm is used for trimming the ends of * open subpath segments (during endcapping), this is the desired behaviour, * but may not be strictly correct for other uses. * * The points to be deleted are marked by oring in the * PathPointTypeInternalUse flag. This flag is used by the widener as an * internal flag and as a deletion mask for this code. These two usages * do not (and should not) overlap. * * Created: * * 10/07/2000 asecchia * created it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID GpPath::EraseMarkedSegments() { // Get pointers to the source buffers.
GpPointF *dstPoints = Points.GetDataBuffer(); BYTE *dstTypes = Types.GetDataBuffer(); INT count = Points.GetCount(); INT delete_count = 0; INT i=0; GpPointF *srcPoints = dstPoints; BYTE *srcTypes = dstTypes; bool deleted_start_marker = false; while(i<count) { // Skip all the points marked for deletion.
if((*srcTypes) & PathPointTypeInternalUse) { delete_count++; // if we ever encounter a start marker, keep track of that fact.
deleted_start_marker |= (((*srcTypes) & PathPointTypePathTypeMask) == PathPointTypeStart); } else { // If we have deleted some stuff, move the data up.
if(srcTypes!=dstTypes) { *dstPoints = *srcPoints; *dstTypes = *srcTypes; // if we deleted a start marker in the last deletion run,
// make the next non-deleted point a start marker.
// Note: if the whole subpath is marked for deletion and
// it's the last subpath, then we won't do this code because
// we'll terminate the while loop first. This protects against
// overwriting our buffer.
if(deleted_start_marker) { *dstTypes &= ~PathPointTypePathTypeMask; *dstTypes |= PathPointTypeStart; } } deleted_start_marker = false; // increment to the next element.
dstPoints++; dstTypes++; } // increment these every iteration through the loop.
srcTypes++; srcPoints++; i++; } // update the DynArrays so that they reflect the new (deleted) count.
Points.AdjustCount(-delete_count); Types.AdjustCount(-delete_count); InvalidateCache(); UpdateUid(); }
* * Function Description: * * Returns a widened version of the path. This routine does not handle * inset or outset pen alignments. The input insetPen parameter specifies * if we should double widen the path in preparation for inset or outset * pen modes. This has impact on dash caps and dash length. * * Return * * GpPath - the widened path. NULL if this routine fails. * * Arguments: * * [IN] pen - pen - specifies width for widening * [IN] matrix - world to device transform. * [IN] flatness - number of device pixels of error allowed for flattening * [IN] insetPen - flag specifying if inset pen is being used. * * Return: * * GpPath * - widened path. NULL on failure. * - !!! this should return the path in an OUT parameter and * - propagate the GpStatus correctly. * * Created: * * 10/05/2000 asecchia * rewrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpPath* GpPath::GetWidenedPathInternal( const DpPen *pen, const GpMatrix *matrix, REAL flatness, BOOL insetPen ) const { ASSERT(pen); ASSERT(matrix); ASSERT(pen->PenAlignment!=PenAlignmentInset); GpStatus status = Ok; GpMatrix invMatrix(*matrix); if(Ok != invMatrix.Invert()) { ONCE(WARNING(("GetWidenedPath: failed to invert the matrix"))); return NULL; } // This is a const function. We cannot modify 'this' so we clone
// the path in order to flatten it.
GpPath* path = this->Clone(); if(path == NULL) { return NULL; } if(Ok != (status = path->Flatten(matrix, flatness))) { ONCE(WARNING(("GetWidenedPath: failed to flatten the path (%x)", status))); return NULL; } // Undo the Flatten matrix transform so that we can widen in world space.
// This is required so that we correctly compute the device resolution
// minimum pen width for nominal pens.
path->Transform(&invMatrix); // Do all the path decorations before widening. This is to ensure that
// the decorations have all of the original path information to operate
// on --- the widening/decoration process is lossy so they have to be
// performed in the right order.
// First apply the end caps. This decoration must be applied before
// dashing the path.
// Need to loop through all the subpaths, apply the end caps and
// fix up the path segments so they don't exit the cap incorrectly.
// put all the caps in a path for later use. We will apply these caps
// when we're done widening.
GpPath *caps = NULL; if(GpEndCapCreator::PenNeedsEndCapCreator(pen)) { // Create an instance of the GpEndCapCreator which will create
// our endcap aggregate path.
GpEndCapCreator ecc( path, const_cast<DpPen*>(pen), matrix, 0.0f, 0.0f, TRUE ); // CreateCapPath will mark the points in the path for deletion if
// it's necessary to trim the path to fit the cap.
status = ecc.CreateCapPath(&caps); if(status != Ok) { return NULL; } // Remove the points marked for deletion in the cap trimming step.
path->EraseMarkedSegments(); } // Apply the dash decorations. Note that this will bounce on an empty path.
GpPath* dashPath = NULL;
if( (pen) && (pen->DashStyle != DashStyleSolid) && (path->GetPointCount() > 0) ) { // the width is artificially expanded by 2 if the pen is inset.
// we need to factor this into the dash length and scale by 0.5.
dashPath = path->CreateDashedPath( pen, matrix, 0.0f, // not used
0.0f, // not used
(insetPen) ? 0.5f : 1.0f, TRUE ); // If we successfully got a dashed version of *path, delete
// the old one and return the new one.
if(dashPath) { delete path; path = dashPath; } } // Only do the widening if we have some points left in our
// path after trimming
if(path->GetPointCount() > 0) { // Create a widener object. Note that if path has no points left, this
// will bounce immediately with an invalid widener.
GpPathWidener widener( path, pen, matrix, 0.0f, // not used
0.0f, // not used
TRUE, // not used
insetPen ); // We're done with this now.
delete path; path = NULL; // Check if we have a valid Widener object.
if(!widener.IsValid()) { status = OutOfMemory; } // Get the widened path.
if(status == Ok) { status = widener.Widen(&path); } } else { delete path; path = caps; caps = NULL; }
// paranoid checking the return from the widener.
if((status == Ok) && (path != NULL)) { // Add the endcaps to the widened path. AddPath will bounce a NULL
// caps pointer with InvalidParameter. For our purposes that is
// considered correctly handled and we continue.
path->AddPath(caps, FALSE); if(path->IsValid()) { // Transform into the requested destination device space.
path->Transform(matrix); } } // Delete the caps before returning. If we had caps, we've copied them
// into path, otherwise caps is NULL. Or we failed to widen. Either way
// we must not leak memory.
delete caps; caps = NULL;
return path; }
* * Function Description: * * This widenes itself. * * Arguments: * * [IN] pen - the pen. * [IN] matrix - Specifies the transform * [IN] dpiX - the X-resolution. * [IN] dpiY - the Y-resolution. * * Return Value: * * Ok if successfull. * * Created: * * 09/27/1999 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::Widen( GpPen *pen, GpMatrix *matrix, REAL flatness ) { if(pen==NULL) { return InvalidParameter; } GpMatrix transform; // Identity matrix
if(matrix) { transform = *matrix; }
GpPath* widenedPath = GetWidenedPath( pen, &transform, flatness );
if(widenedPath) { Points.Reset(FALSE); Types.Reset(FALSE); INT count = widenedPath->GetPointCount(); Points.AddMultiple(widenedPath->Points.GetDataBuffer(), count); Types.AddMultiple(widenedPath->Types.GetDataBuffer(), count); SubpathCount = widenedPath->SubpathCount; HasBezier = widenedPath->HasBezier; Flags = widenedPath->Flags; FillMode = FillModeWinding; delete widenedPath;
GpStatus status = Ok;
InvalidateCache(); UpdateUid();
return status; } else { return OutOfMemory; } }
// Get the flattened path.
const DpPath * GpPath::GetFlattenedPath( const GpMatrix* matrix, DpEnumerationType type, const DpPen* pen ) const { GpPath* flattenedPath = NULL;
if(type == Flattened) { flattenedPath = Clone(); if(flattenedPath) { GpStatus status = flattenedPath->Flatten(matrix); if(Ok != status) { // Out of memory or flatten returned some other error,
// however we can't return a status code from this routine.
delete flattenedPath; flattenedPath = NULL; } } } else if(type == Widened) { flattenedPath = GetWidenedPath( GpPen::GetPen(pen), matrix, FlatnessDefault ); }
return flattenedPath; }
* * Function Description: * * Checks if the given point in World coordinate is inside of * the path. The matrix is used to render path in specific resolution. * Usually, Graphics's World to Device matrix is used. If matrix is NULL, * the identity matrix is used. * * Arguments: * * [IN] point - A test point in World coordinate * [OUT] isVisible - TRUE is the test point is inside of the path. * [IN] matrix - A matrix to render path. Identity is used if NULL. * * Return Value: * * Ok if successfull. * * Created: * * 10/05/1999 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::IsVisible( GpPointF* point, BOOL* isVisible, GpMatrix* matrix) { GpMatrix m;
if(matrix) m = *matrix;
GpRegion rgn(this);
if(rgn.IsValid()) return rgn.IsVisible(point, &m, isVisible);
*isVisible = FALSE; return GenericError; }
* * Function Description: * * Checks if the given point in World coordinate is inside of * the path outline. The matrix is used to render path in specific resolution. * Usually, Graphics's World to Device matrix is used. If matrix is NULL, * the identity matrix is used. * * Arguments: * * [IN] point - A test point in World coordinate * [OUT] isVisible - TRUE is the test point is inside of the path. * [IN] pen - A pen to draw the outline. * [IN] matrix - A matrix to render path. Identity is used if NULL. * [IN] dpiX - x-resolution of the device. * [IN] dpiY - y-resolution of the device. * * Return Value: * * Ok if successfull. * * Created: * * 10/05/1999 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::IsOutlineVisible( GpPointF* point, BOOL* isVisible, GpPen* pen, GpMatrix* matrix, REAL dpiX, REAL dpiY ) { if ((dpiX <= 0) || (dpiY <= 0)) { dpiX = Globals::DesktopDpiX; dpiY = Globals::DesktopDpiY; }
// If the given pen is not a solid line,
// clone the pen and set its dash type to Solid.
// We do line hit testing in solid lines.
GpPen* pen1 = NULL; if(pen && pen->GetDashStyle() != DashStyleSolid) { pen1 = pen->Clone(); if(pen1) pen1->SetDashStyle(DashStyleSolid); } else pen1 = pen;
if(pen1 == NULL) { *isVisible = FALSE; return Ok; }
// Create a widened path in the transformed coordinates.
GpPath* widenedPath = GetWidenedPath( pen1, matrix, FlatnessDefault );
if(pen1 != pen) delete pen1;
GpStatus status = Ok;
if(widenedPath) { // Since the widened path is already transformed, we have to
// transform the given point.
GpPointF transformedPoint = *point; if(matrix) matrix->Transform(&transformedPoint);
status = widenedPath->IsVisible(&transformedPoint, isVisible, NULL); delete widenedPath; } else { *isVisible = FALSE; }
return status; }
// Is the current dash segment a line segment?
// If false it's a space segment.
inline bool IsLineSegment(GpIterator<REAL> &dashIt) { // line segment starts on even indices.
return bool( !(dashIt.CurrentIndex() & 0x1) ); }
// Emit a line segment if it is not degenerate.
// Return true if emitted, false if degenerate
bool EmitLineSegment( GpPathPointIterator &dstPath, GpPointF p0, GpPointF p1, bool isLineStart ) { GpPointF *currentPoint; BYTE *currentType;
if( (REALABS(p0.X-p1.X) < REAL_EPSILON) && (REALABS(p0.Y-p1.Y) < REAL_EPSILON) ) { // Don't emit a line segment if it has zero length.
return false; }
// If the last emitted line ends at the same point that this next
// one starts, we don't need a new start record.
if(isLineStart) { // start point.
currentPoint = dstPath.CurrentItem(); *currentPoint = p0; currentType = dstPath.CurrentType(); *currentType = PathPointTypeStart | PathPointTypeDashMode;
dstPath.Next(); }
// end point.
currentPoint = dstPath.CurrentItem(); *currentPoint = p1; currentType = dstPath.CurrentType(); *currentType = PathPointTypeLine | PathPointTypeDashMode;
return true; }
INT getDashData( BYTE* newTypes, GpPointF* newPts, INT estimateCount, REAL penWidth, REAL dashOffset, const REAL* dashArray, INT dashCount, const BYTE* types, const GpPointF* points, INT numOfPoints, BOOL isClosed, const REAL* distances ) { ASSERT(estimateCount >= numOfPoints); ASSERT(types && points);
// Code assumes first point != last point for closed paths. If first
// point == last point, decrease point count
if (isClosed && numOfPoints && points[0].X == points[numOfPoints-1].X && points[0].Y == points[numOfPoints-1].Y) { numOfPoints--; }
if(!newTypes || !newPts) { return 0; }
// Make the iterators.
GpArrayIterator<GpPointF> pathIterator( const_cast<GpPointF*>(points), numOfPoints ); GpArrayIterator<REAL> pathBaseDistance( const_cast<REAL*>(distances), numOfPoints ); GpPathPointIterator dstPath(newPts, newTypes, estimateCount); GpArrayIterator<REAL> dashBaseIterator( const_cast<REAL*>(dashArray), dashCount );
// Compute the length of the dash
REAL dashLength = 0.0f; while(!dashBaseIterator.IsDone()) { dashLength += *(dashBaseIterator.CurrentItem()); dashBaseIterator.Next(); } ASSERT(dashLength > -REAL_EPSILON);
// Do the offset initialization.
REAL distance = GpModF(dashOffset, dashLength); REAL delta;
// Compute the position in the dash array corresponding to the
// specified offset.
while(!dashBaseIterator.IsDone()) { delta = *(dashBaseIterator.CurrentItem()); if(distance < delta) { // set to the remaining piece of the dash.
distance = delta-distance; break; } distance -= delta; dashBaseIterator.Next(); }
// The dashIterator is now set to point to the correct
// dash for the first segment.
// These are circular arrays to repeat the dash pattern.
GpCircularIterator<REAL> dashIterator(&dashBaseIterator);
// This is the distance into the current dash segment that we're going
// to start at.
REAL currentDashLength = distance; REAL currentSegmentLength;
GpPointF p0, p1; GpVector2D sD; // segment direction.
// Used to track if we need to emit a segment start record.
bool emittedPathSegment = false;
if(isClosed) { // set up everything off the last item and then point to
// the first item to start the process.
pathIterator.SeekLast(); p0 = *(pathIterator.CurrentItem());
pathIterator.SeekFirst(); p1 = *(pathIterator.CurrentItem());
// get the distance between the first and last points.
GpVector2D seg = p1-p0; currentSegmentLength = seg.Norm(); } else { // Get the first point in the array.
p0 = *(pathIterator.CurrentItem());
// already initialized to the first point, start on the next one.
pathIterator.Next(); pathBaseDistance.Next();
// distance between point n and point n+1 is stored in
// distance[n+1]. distance[0] is the distance between the first
// and last points.
currentSegmentLength = *(pathBaseDistance.CurrentItem()); }
// reference the distances as circular so that we can simplify the
// internal algorithm by not having to check when we query for the
// next segment in the last iteration of the loop.
GpCircularIterator<REAL> pathDistance(&pathBaseDistance);
while( !pathIterator.IsDone() ) { if(currentDashLength > currentSegmentLength) { // The remaining dash segment length is longer than the remaining
// path segment length.
// Finish the path segment.
// Note that we've moved along the dash segment.
currentDashLength -= currentSegmentLength;
p1 = *(pathIterator.CurrentItem());
if(IsLineSegment(dashIterator)) { // emit a line. Add the start record only if we didn't just
// emit a path segment. If we're emitting a series of path
// segments to complete one dash, we can't have any start
// records inbetween the segments otherwise we'll end up with
// spurious endcaps in the middle of the lines.
emittedPathSegment = EmitLineSegment( dstPath, p0, p1, !emittedPathSegment ); } else { emittedPathSegment = false; }
p0 = p1;
// Keep these two in sync.
pathDistance.Next(); pathIterator.Next();
currentSegmentLength = *(pathDistance.CurrentItem()); } else { // The remaining path segment length is longer than the remaining
// dash segment length.
// Finish the dash segment.
// Compute position between start and end point of the current
// path segment where we finish with this dash segment.
ASSERT(REALABS(currentSegmentLength)>REAL_EPSILON); sD = *(pathIterator.CurrentItem()); sD -= p0; sD *= currentDashLength/currentSegmentLength;
// Move along the path segment by the amount left in the
// dash segment.
currentSegmentLength -= currentDashLength;
p1 = p0 + sD;
if(IsLineSegment(dashIterator)) { // emit a line. Add the start record only if we didn't just
// emit a path segment.
EmitLineSegment( dstPath, p0, p1, !emittedPathSegment ); }
p0 = p1;
// dashIterator is circular, so this should keep wrapping through
// the dash array.
// Get the new dash length.
currentDashLength = *(dashIterator.CurrentItem()); emittedPathSegment = false; } } INT size = dstPath.CurrentIndex();
if(!isClosed && size != 0 && numOfPoints != 0) { BYTE *type; REAL halfPenWidth2 = penWidth * penWidth / 4.0f;
// Turn off dash mode for the last segment if the last
// point is very close to the last dash segment.
if (distance_squared(points[numOfPoints-1], newPts[size-1]) < halfPenWidth2) { dstPath.Prev(); type = dstPath.CurrentType(); *type &= ~PathPointTypeDashMode; }
// Turn off dash mode for the first segment if the first
// point is very close to the first dash segment.
if (distance_squared(points[0], newPts[0]) < halfPenWidth2) { dstPath.SeekFirst(); type = dstPath.CurrentType(); *type &= ~PathPointTypeDashMode; } }
// return the number of entries added to the dstPath array.
return (size); }
* * Function Description: * * Creates a dashed path. * * Arguments: * * [IN] pen - This pen contains the dash info. * [IN] matrix - The transformation where the dash patterns are calculated. * But the dashed path is transformed back to the World * coordinates. * [IN] dpiX - x-resolution. * [IN] dpiY - y-resolution. * * Return Value: * * returns a dashed path. * * Created: * * 01/27/2000 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpPath* GpPath::CreateDashedPath( const GpPen* pen, const GpMatrix* matrix, REAL dpiX, REAL dpiY, REAL dashScale, BOOL needDashCaps ) const { if(pen == NULL) return NULL;
DpPen* dpPen = ((GpPen* ) pen)->GetDevicePen();
return CreateDashedPath(dpPen, matrix, dpiX, dpiY, dashScale, needDashCaps); }
* * Function Description: * * Returns TRUE if the given points have non-horizontal or non-vertical * edges. * * * Created: * * 04/07/2000 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
inline BOOL hasDiagonalEdges( GpPointF* points, INT count ) { if(!points || count <= 1) return FALSE;
GpPointF *curPt, *nextPt; curPt = points; nextPt = points + 1;
BOOL foundDiagonal = FALSE; INT i = 1;
while(!foundDiagonal && i < count) { if((curPt->X == nextPt->X) || (curPt->Y == nextPt->Y)) { // This is either horizontal or vertical edges.
// Go to the next edge.
curPt++; nextPt++; i++; } else foundDiagonal = TRUE; }
return foundDiagonal; }
GpPath* GpPath::CreateDashedPath( const DpPen* dpPen, const GpMatrix* matrix, REAL dpiX, REAL dpiY, REAL dashScale, BOOL needDashCaps ) const { FPUStateSaver::AssertMode();
GpPointF* points = Points.GetDataBuffer(); INT numOfPoints = GetPointCount();
if(dpPen == NULL) return NULL;
if( dpPen->DashStyle == DashStyleSolid || dpPen->DashCount == 0 || dpPen->DashArray == NULL ) return NULL;
REAL penWidth = dpPen->Width; GpUnit unit = dpPen->Unit; BOOL isWorldUnit = TRUE;
REAL dashUnit; { // The minimum pen width
REAL minimumPenWidth = 1.0f; if(REALABS(dashScale-0.5f) < REAL_EPSILON) { minimumPenWidth = 4.0f; } if(unit != UnitWorld) { isWorldUnit = FALSE; penWidth = ::GetDeviceWidth(penWidth, unit, dpiX); // Prevent the extremely thin line and dashes.
dashUnit = max(penWidth, minimumPenWidth); } else { REAL majorR, minorR; // Calculate the device width.
::GetMajorAndMinorAxis(&majorR, &minorR, matrix); REAL maxWidth = penWidth*majorR; REAL minWidth = penWidth*minorR; // If the device width becomes less than 1, strech the penWidth
// so that the device width becomes 1.
// If we're doing the inset pen, then the path is scaled up double
// in size and we need to scale by the inverse.
// Also, the minimum pen width needs to be 2 not 1 in this case
// because we will remove half the line width. dashScale is 1/2
// in this case so we divide by it.
dashUnit = penWidth; if(maxWidth < minimumPenWidth) { dashUnit = minimumPenWidth/majorR; } } }
dashUnit *= dashScale;
GpMatrix mat, invMat;
if(matrix) { mat = *matrix; invMat = mat; }
if(invMat.IsInvertible()) { invMat.Invert(); } else { WARNING(("Inverse matrix does not exist."));
return NULL; }
INT dashCount = dpPen->DashCount; REAL* dashArray = (REAL*) GpMalloc(dashCount*sizeof(REAL)); if(dashArray) { GpMemcpy(dashArray, dpPen->DashArray, dashCount*sizeof(REAL));
// Adjust the dash interval according the stroke width.
for(INT i = 0; i < dashCount; i++) { dashArray[i] *= dashUnit; } } else { return NULL; }
GpPath* newPath = Clone();
if(newPath && newPath->IsValid()) { // Flatten in the resolution given by the matrix.
if(isWorldUnit) { // Transform back to the World Unit.
// When the pen is in WorldUnit, transform the path
// before detDashData() is called.
newPath->Transform(&invMat); }
BYTE *types = newPath->Types.GetDataBuffer(); points = newPath->Points.GetDataBuffer(); numOfPoints = newPath->GetPointCount();
GpPointF* grad = (GpPointF*) GpMalloc((numOfPoints + 1)*sizeof(GpPointF)); REAL* distances = (REAL*) GpMalloc((numOfPoints + 1)*sizeof(REAL));
if(grad == NULL || distances == NULL) { GpFree(grad); GpFree(dashArray); delete newPath;
return NULL; }
// Calculate the distance of each segment.
INT i;
REAL dashLength = 0;
for(i = 0; i < dashCount; i++) dashLength += dashArray[i];
// Make sure count is an even number.
// !!! [asecchia] this looks completely bogus.
// surely we should have ASSERTed that this is true at this point
// and ensured that it was true by parameter validation at the API?
if(dashCount & 0x01) dashCount ++;
// Compute the dash adjustment for the dash cap length here. This
// is outside of the subpath loop so it only gets computed once
// and therefore doesn't get applied to further subpath segments
// multiple times.
if (needDashCaps) { GpPen *gppen = GpPen::GetPen(dpPen); if (gppen != NULL) { gppen->AdjustDashArrayForCaps( dashUnit, dashArray, dashCount ); } }
DynByteArray dashTypes; DynPointFArray dashPoints;
BYTE* newTypes = NULL; GpPointF* newPts = NULL;
DpPathIterator iter(points, types, numOfPoints);
INT startIndex, endIndex; BOOL isClosed; REALD totalLength = 0; INT totalCount = 0; BOOL isSingleSubpath = iter.GetSubpathCount() == 1;
while(iter.NextSubpath(&startIndex, &endIndex, &isClosed)) { GpPointF startPt, lastPt, nextPt; REAL dx, dy; REALD length; startPt = points[startIndex]; lastPt = startPt;
totalLength = 0; INT k = 0; INT segmentCount = endIndex - startIndex + 1;
CalculateGradientArray(grad, distances, points + startIndex, segmentCount);
for(i = 1; i < segmentCount; i++) totalLength += distances[i];
if(isClosed) totalLength += distances[0];
// Estimate the required points.
INT estimateCount = GpCeiling(TOREAL(totalLength*dashCount/dashLength)) + numOfPoints;
// For extra caution, multiply by 2.
estimateCount <<= 1;
// Allocate new types and buffers
if(newTypes) { BYTE* newTypes1 = (BYTE*) GpRealloc( newTypes, estimateCount*sizeof(BYTE)); if(newTypes1) newTypes = newTypes1; else goto cleanUp; } else { newTypes = (BYTE*) GpMalloc(estimateCount*sizeof(BYTE)); if(!newTypes) goto cleanUp; }
if(newPts) { GpPointF* newPts1 = (GpPointF*) GpRealloc( newPts, estimateCount*sizeof(GpPointF)); if(newPts1) newPts = newPts1; else goto cleanUp; } else { newPts = (GpPointF*) GpMalloc(estimateCount*sizeof(GpPointF)); if(!newPts) goto cleanUp; } // Adjust the dash offset if necessary.
REAL dashCapOffsetAdjustment = 0.0f; if (needDashCaps) { GpPen *gppen = GpPen::GetPen(dpPen); if ((gppen != NULL) && isClosed) { // Fix for Whistler Bug 178774
// Since dash caps are no longer 'inset' when they are
// rendered, it is possible that on closed paths, the dash caps
// on the start and end of a closed path will overlap. This
// offset will leave sufficient space for the two caps. However,
// this fix is not bullet-proof. It will *always* work if the
// Dash Offset is 0. However, if it is non-zero, it is possible
// that the offset will counter-act the adjustment and there
// will be some dash overlap at the start/end of closed paths.
// I believe this is acceptable since VISIO 2000, Office9 and
// PhotoDraw 2000 v2 also have the collision problem.
// The real solution is to enforce a minimum spacing between the
// start and end or merge the start/end segments if they collide.
dashCapOffsetAdjustment = 2.0f * gppen->GetDashCapInsetLength(dashUnit); } } INT newCount = getDashData( newTypes, newPts, estimateCount, penWidth, // Shouldn't the offset be scaled dashUnit instead of penWidth?
dpPen->DashOffset * penWidth - dashCapOffsetAdjustment, dashArray, dashCount, types + startIndex, points + startIndex, endIndex - startIndex + 1, isClosed, distances );
if(newCount) { dashTypes.AddMultiple(newTypes, newCount); dashPoints.AddMultiple(newPts, newCount); }
totalCount = dashPoints.GetCount(); if(totalCount > 0) { GpPathData pathData; pathData.Count = totalCount; pathData.Types = dashTypes.GetDataBuffer(); pathData.Points = dashPoints.GetDataBuffer();
if(!isWorldUnit) { // Transform back to the World Unit.
// When the pen is in WorldUnit, it is already transformed
// before detDashData() is called.
newPath->Transform(&invMat); }
} else { delete newPath; newPath = NULL; }
GpFree(newTypes); GpFree(newPts); GpFree(distances); GpFree(grad); GpFree(dashArray);
return newPath;
cleanUp: GpFree(newTypes); GpFree(newPts); GpFree(distances); GpFree(grad); GpFree(dashArray); delete newPath;
return NULL; } else { GpFree(dashArray);
if(newPath) delete newPath;
return NULL; } }
* * Function Description * * ComputeWindingModeOutline * (so called RemoveSelfIntersections) * * This computes the winding mode fill outline for the path. It's designed to * produce a path that will look the same as a winding mode fill if it's * filled with an alternate fill. * * Arguments: * * matrix - world to device matrix - used for flattening. * flatness - number of device pixels of error in the flattening tolerance. * - Pass FlatnessDefault for default behaviour. * * Return Value: * * GpStatus * * History: * * 06/16/1999 t-wehunt * Created it. * 10/31/2000 asecchia * rewrote, rename. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::ComputeWindingModeOutline( const GpMatrix *matrix, REAL flatness, BOOL *wereIntersectsRemoved ) { PathSelfIntersectRemover corrector; DynPointFArray newPoints; // Array that will hold the new points.
DynIntArray polyCounts; // Array that will hold the numPoints for each
// new polygon.
INT numPolys; // count of new polygons created
INT numPoints; // count of new points created
GpStatus status = Ok; // holds return status of commmands
// Must clone the path because this could fail while we're accumulating
// the new path and we'd end up returning an invalid path.
// If we return InvalidParameter or some other failure code, we'll return
// with the original path intact.
GpPath *path = Clone(); if(path == NULL) { return OutOfMemory; }
status = path->Flatten(matrix, flatness); if(Ok != status) { goto Done; }
INT pointCount = path->GetPointCount(); GpPointF *pathPts = const_cast<GpPointF*>(path->GetPathPoints()); BYTE *pathTypes = const_cast<BYTE*>(path->GetPathTypes());
if (pointCount == 0) { goto Done; }
// Add the subpaths to the Path corrector
INT ptIndex=0; // ptIndex tracks the current index in the array of points.
INT count=0; // the size of the current subpath.
// Init the corrector with the number of points we will be adding.
if ((status = corrector.Init(pointCount)) != Ok) { goto Done; }
while (ptIndex < pointCount) { if (pathTypes[ptIndex] == PathPointTypeStart && ptIndex != 0) { // Add the next subpath to the PathCorrector. the start index of the subpath is
// determined using the current index minus the current subPath size.
if ((status = corrector.AddPolygon(pathPts + ptIndex-count, count)) != Ok) { goto Done; } // set count to 1 since this is the first point in the new subpath
count = 1; } else { count++; } ptIndex++; } // Add the last subpath that is implicitly ended by the last point.
if (ptIndex != 0) { // Add the next subpath to the PathCorrector. the start index of the subpath is
// determined using the current index minus the current subPath size.
if ((status = corrector.AddPolygon(pathPts + ptIndex-count, count)) != Ok) { goto Done; } }
if ((status = corrector.RemoveSelfIntersects()) != Ok) { goto Done; }
if ((status = corrector.GetNewPoints(&newPoints, &polyCounts)) != Ok) { goto Done; }
// clear out the old path data so we can replace with the newly corrected one.
// Now that we have the corrected path, add it back.
GpPointF *curPoints = newPoints.GetDataBuffer(); for (INT i=0;i<polyCounts.GetCount();i++) { if(polyCounts[i] > 1) { if ((status = path->AddPolygon(curPoints,polyCounts[i])) != Ok) { goto Done; } } else { WARNING(("degenerate polygon created by the SelfIntersectRemover")); }
curPoints += polyCounts[i]; }
if (wereIntersectsRemoved != NULL) { *wereIntersectsRemoved = corrector.PathWasModified(); } // Clear the state in the path. There is only one failure path following
// this and it leaves the path in an invalid state anyway, so we can do
// Reset here. Reset ensures that the cache is invalidated and the
// UID is recomputed.
Reset(); // Swap the path data pointers - free the old ones.
if(Ok != Points.ReplaceWith((DynArray<GpPointF> *) (&path->Points)) || Ok != Types.ReplaceWith((DynArray<BYTE> *) (&path->Types))) { // If the final commit fails due to low memory, we are hosed,
// we wiped out some of our path data and can't convert from the
// local copy, so set our status to invalid and fail the call.
SetValid(FALSE); status = OutOfMemory; goto Done; } // Need to remember the subpath count.
SubpathCount = path->SubpathCount;
Done: delete path; return status; }
VOID DpPath::InitDefaultState(GpFillMode fillMode) { HasBezier = FALSE; FillMode = fillMode; Flags = PossiblyNonConvex; IsSubpathActive = FALSE; SubpathCount = 0;
Types.Reset(FALSE); // FALSE - don't free the memory
Points.Reset(FALSE); // FALSE - don't free the memory
SetValid(TRUE); UpdateUid(); }
DpPath::DpPath(const DpPath* path) { if(path) { HasBezier = path->HasBezier; FillMode = path->FillMode; Flags = path->Flags; IsSubpathActive = path->IsSubpathActive; SubpathCount = path->SubpathCount;
BYTE *types = path->Types.GetDataBuffer(); GpPointF* points = path->Points.GetDataBuffer(); INT count = path->GetPointCount();
SetValid((count == 0) || ((Types.AddMultiple(types, count) == Ok) && (Points.AddMultiple(points, count) == Ok))); } else SetValid(FALSE); }
* * Function Description: * * Offset all path points by the specified amount * * Arguments: * * dx, dy - Amount to offset along x- and y- direction * * Return Value: * * NONE * \**************************************************************************/
VOID DpPath::Offset( REAL dx, REAL dy ) { ASSERT(IsValid());
INT count = GetPointCount(); GpPointF* pts = Points.GetDataBuffer();
if (count > 0) { UpdateUid(); } while (count--) { pts->X += dx; pts->Y += dy; pts++; } }
* * Function Description: * * Create a driver DpPath class. * * Arguments: * * [IN] fillMode - Specify the path fill mode * * Return Value: * * IsValid() is FALSE if failure. * * History: * * 12/08/1998 andrewgo * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
DpPath::DpPath( const GpPointF *points, INT count, GpPointF *stackPoints, BYTE *stackTypes, INT stackCount, GpFillMode fillMode, DpPathFlags pathFlags ) : Types(stackTypes, stackCount), Points(stackPoints, stackCount) { ASSERT((fillMode == FillModeAlternate) || (fillMode == FillModeWinding));
InitDefaultState(fillMode); Flags = pathFlags;
// We can call this method with no points, just to set up
// the stackPoints/stackTypes
if (count > 0) { BYTE *types;
if ((types = Types.AddMultiple(count)) != NULL) { *types++ = PathPointTypeStart; GpMemset(types, PathPointTypeLine, count - 1); SetValid(Points.AddMultiple(points, count) == Ok);
if(IsValid()) { IsSubpathActive = TRUE; SubpathCount = 1; } } else { SetValid(FALSE); } } }
* * Function Description: * * Close the currently active subpath in a path object * * Arguments: * * NONE * * Return Value: * * Status code * * History: * * 01/15/1999 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus DpPath::CloseFigure() { ASSERT(IsValid());
// Check if there is an active subpath
if (IsSubpathActive) { // If so, mark the last point as the end of a subpath
Types.Last() |= PathPointTypeCloseSubpath; StartFigure(); }
return Ok; }
* * Function Description: * * Close all open subpaths in a path object * * Arguments: * * NONE * * Return Value: * * Status code * * History: * * 01/15/1999 ikkof * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus DpPath::CloseFigures() { ASSERT(IsValid());
// Go through all path points.
// Notice that the loop index starts from 1 below.
INT i, count = GetPointCount(); BYTE* types = Types.GetDataBuffer();
for (i=1; i < count; i++) { if (types[i] == PathPointTypeStart) types[i-1] |= PathPointTypeCloseSubpath; }
if (count > 1) types[count-1] |= PathPointTypeCloseSubpath;
StartFigure(); return Ok; }
* * Function Description: * * Calculates the bounds of a path * * Arguments: * * [OUT] bounds - Specify the place to stick the bounds * [IN] matrix - Matrix used to transform the bounds * [IN] pen - the pen data. * [IN] dpiX, dpiY - the resolution of x and y directions. * * Return Value: * * NONE * * History: * * 12/08/1998 andrewgo * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
GpStatus GpPath::GetBounds( GpRect *bounds, const GpMatrix *matrix, const DpPen* pen, REAL dpiX, REAL dpiY ) const { if(bounds == NULL) return InvalidParameter;
GpRectF boundsF;
FPUStateSaver fpuState;
GpStatus status = GetBounds(&boundsF, matrix, pen, dpiX, dpiY);
if(status == Ok) status = BoundsFToRect(&boundsF, bounds);
return status; }
VOID GpPath::CalcCacheBounds() const {
INT count = GetPointCount(); GpPointF *point = Points.GetDataBuffer();
if(count <= 1) { ResetCacheBounds(); return; }
REAL left, right, top, bottom;
left = point->X; right = left; top = point->Y; bottom = top;
INT i; for (i = 1, point++; i < count; i++, point++) { if (point->X < left) { left = point->X; } else if (point->X > right) { right = point->X; }
if (point->Y < top) { top = point->Y; } else if (point->Y > bottom) { bottom = point->Y; } } CacheBounds.X = left; CacheBounds.Width = right - left; CacheBounds.Y = top; CacheBounds.Height = bottom - top;
if(CacheBounds.Width < POINTF_EPSILON && CacheBounds.Height < POINTF_EPSILON) { ResetCacheBounds(); return; }
CacheFlags = kCacheBoundsValid;
* * Function Description: * * Calculates the sharpest angle in a path. * * Arguments: * * NONE * * Return Value: * * NONE * * History: * * 10/04/2000 asecchia * Created it. * * Remarks: * * This is an expensive function, if it's ever used in a performance * critical scenario it should be recoded to use the dot product of the * segments and perform the angle comparison in the cosine domain. * The cost of normalizing the vectors should be cheaper than the * atan algorithm used below. * * \**************************************************************************/
VOID GpPath::CalcSharpestAngle() const { if(CacheFlags & kSharpestAngleValid) { return; }
// Walk the path and find the smallest angle between two
// adjacent segments.
GpPathPointIterator pIter( (GpPointF*)GetPathPoints(), (BYTE*)GetPathTypes(), GetPointCount() ); GpSubpathIterator pSubpath(&pIter); GpPointF *points; BOOL isClosed; GpPointF *p0, *p1; GpVector2D v; REAL lastAngle; REAL currAngle; REAL minAngle = 2*PI; REAL tempAngle; bool first = true; INT iter, i; while(!pSubpath.IsDone()) { // Compute the length of the subpath.
INT startIndex = pSubpath.CurrentIndex(); points = pSubpath.CurrentItem(); pSubpath.Next(); INT elementCount = pSubpath.CurrentIndex() - startIndex; // Work out if it's a closed subpath.
// Leave the subpath iterator in the same state.
pIter.Prev(); isClosed = (*(pIter.CurrentType()) & PathPointTypeCloseSubpath) == PathPointTypeCloseSubpath; pIter.Next(); // Create a GpPointF iterator.
GpArrayIterator<GpPointF> iSubpath(points, elementCount); GpCircularIterator<GpPointF> iCirc(&iSubpath); // Initialize the first point.
p0 = iCirc.CurrentItem(); iCirc.Next(); iter = elementCount; first = true; // include the endpoint wrap if it's closed
if(isClosed) { iter += 2; } for(i = 1; i < iter; i++) { // Get the current point.
p1 = iCirc.CurrentItem(); // Translate to the origin and compute the angle between this line
// and the x axis.
// atan2 returns values in the -PI..PI range.
v = (*p1)-(*p0); currAngle = (REAL)atan2(v.Y, v.X);
// If we have enough data to do an angle computation, work it out.
// We require two line segments to do a computation (3 end points).
// If it's closed, we'll loop around the subpath past the beginning
// again in order to get the right amount of points.
if( !first ) { // reverse the direction of the last segment by adding PI and
// compute the difference.
tempAngle = lastAngle + PI; // range 0 .. 2PI
// Clamp back to the -PI..PI range
if(tempAngle > PI) { tempAngle -= 2*PI; } // Difference
tempAngle = currAngle - tempAngle; // Clamp back to the -PI..PI range
// Note that the extremes are tempAngle either -2PI or 2PI
if(tempAngle > PI) { tempAngle -= 2*PI; } if(tempAngle < -PI) { tempAngle += 2*PI; } // new minimum angle?
// We care about angle magnitude - not sign.
if( minAngle > REALABS(tempAngle) ) { minAngle = REALABS(tempAngle); } } // iterate
first = false; lastAngle = currAngle; iCirc.Next(); p0 = p1; } } SharpestAngle = minAngle; CacheFlags |= kSharpestAngleValid; }
GpStatus GpPath::GetBounds( GpRectF *bounds, // Resulting bounds in device-space
const GpMatrix *matrix, const DpPen* pen, REAL dpiX, REAL dpiY ) const { if(bounds == NULL) return InvalidParameter;
if ((dpiX <= 0) || (dpiY <= 0)) { dpiX = Globals::DesktopDpiX; dpiY = Globals::DesktopDpiY; }
INT count = GetPointCount(); GpPointF *point = Points.GetDataBuffer();
if ((count == 0) || (point == NULL)) { bounds->X = 0; bounds->Y = 0; bounds->Width = 0; bounds->Height = 0; } else { REAL left, right, top, bottom;
left = CacheBounds.X; right = left + CacheBounds.Width; top = CacheBounds.Y; bottom = top + CacheBounds.Height;
TransformBounds(matrix, left, top, right, bottom, bounds);
if(pen) { BOOL needsJoinDelta = TRUE;
if(count <= 2) needsJoinDelta = FALSE;
GpPen* gpPen = GpPen::GetPen(pen);
// takes into account the cap width AND the pen width - JBronsk
REAL delta = gpPen->GetMaximumCapWidth(matrix, dpiX, dpiY); if(needsJoinDelta) { // Since the join might be a miter type, we need to provide the
// sharpest angle in the path to see how big the join will be.
// We have the method GetSharpestAngle() that figues this out.
// But, this is really expensive since you have to iterate over
// all the points and do some trig. So, lets assume the worst
// case, which is a really sharp angle (0 rad).
const REAL sharpestAngle = 0.0f; REAL delta1 = gpPen->GetMaximumJoinWidth( sharpestAngle, matrix, dpiX, dpiY); if(delta1 > delta) delta = delta1; }
// Only pad the bounds if there is something non-zero to pad
if (bounds->Width > REAL_EPSILON || bounds->Height > REAL_EPSILON) { bounds->X -= delta; bounds->Y -= delta; bounds->Width += 2*delta; bounds->Height += 2*delta; }
} }
return Ok; }
* AddGlyphPath * History: * * Sept/23/1999 Xudong Wu [tessiew] * Created it. * \************************************************/ GpStatus GpPath::AddGlyphPath( GpGlyphPath* glyphPath, REAL x, REAL y, const GpMatrix * matrix ) { ASSERT(IsValid()); ASSERT(glyphPath->IsValid());
if (!IsValid() || !glyphPath->IsValid()) return InvalidParameter;
INT count = glyphPath->pointCount;
if (count == 0) // nothing to add
return Ok;
GpPointF* points = (GpPointF*) glyphPath->points; BYTE* types = glyphPath->types;
if (glyphPath->hasBezier) HasBezier = TRUE;
INT origCount = GetPointCount(); GpPointF* pointbuf = Points.AddMultiple(count); BYTE* typebuf = Types.AddMultiple(count);
if (!pointbuf || !typebuf) { Points.SetCount(origCount); Types.SetCount(origCount);
return OutOfMemory; }
// apply the font xform
for (INT i = 0; i < count; i++) { pointbuf[i] = points[i]; if (matrix) matrix->Transform(pointbuf + i); pointbuf[i].X += x; pointbuf[i].Y += y; }
GpMemcpy(typebuf, types, count*sizeof(BYTE)); SubpathCount += glyphPath->curveCount; UpdateUid(); InvalidateCache();
return Ok; }
* AddString() * History: * * 19th Oct 199 dbrown created * \************************************************/ GpStatus GpPath::AddString( const WCHAR *string, INT length, const GpFontFamily *family, INT style, REAL emSize, const RectF *layoutRect, const GpStringFormat *format ) { FPUStateSaver fpuState; // Guarantee initialised FP context
ASSERT(string && family && layoutRect);
GpStatus status; GpTextImager *imager;
status = newTextImager( string, length, layoutRect->Width, layoutRect->Height, family, style, emSize, format, NULL, &imager, TRUE // Allow use of simple text imager
if (status != Ok) { return status; }
status = imager->AddToPath(this, &PointF(layoutRect->X, layoutRect->Y)); delete imager; UpdateUid(); InvalidateCache(); return status; }
// !!! why not convert to a DpRegion and convert it to a path the same way
// as the constructor that takes a DpRegion?
GpPath::GpPath(HRGN hRgn) { ASSERT((hRgn != NULL) && (GetObjectTypeInternal(hRgn) == OBJ_REGION));
BYTE stackBuffer[1024];
// If our stack buffer is big enough, get the clipping contents
// in one gulp:
RGNDATA *regionBuffer = (RGNDATA*)&stackBuffer[0]; INT newSize = ::GetRegionData(hRgn, sizeof(stackBuffer), regionBuffer);
// The spec says that GetRegionData returns '1' in the event of
// success, but NT returns the actual number of bytes written if
// successful, and returns '0' if the buffer wasn't large enough:
if ((newSize < 1) || (newSize > sizeof(stackBuffer))) { // Our stack buffer wasn't big enough. Figure out the required
// size:
newSize = ::GetRegionData(hRgn, 0, NULL); if (newSize > 1) { regionBuffer = (RGNDATA*)GpMalloc(newSize); if (regionBuffer == NULL) { SetValid(FALSE); return; }
// Initialize to a decent result in the unlikely event of
// failure of GetRegionData:
regionBuffer->rdh.nCount = 0;
::GetRegionData(hRgn, newSize, regionBuffer); } }
// Add the rects from the region to the path
if(regionBuffer->rdh.nCount > 0) { if (this->AddRects((RECT*)&(regionBuffer->Buffer[0]), regionBuffer->rdh.nCount) != Ok) { SetValid(FALSE); } }
// Free the temporary buffer if one was allocated:
if (regionBuffer != (RGNDATA*) &stackBuffer[0]) { GpFree(regionBuffer); } }
// create a path from a GDI+ region
GpPath::GpPath( const DpRegion* region ) { InitDefaultState(FillModeAlternate);
if (region == NULL) { return; }
RegionToPath convertRegion; DynPointArray pointsArray;
if (convertRegion.ConvertRegionToPath(region, pointsArray, Types)) { int count; int i; GpPointF * realPoints; GpPoint * points;
count = Types.GetCount();
if ((count <= 0) || (pointsArray.GetCount() != count) || (!ValidatePathTypes(Types.GetDataBuffer(), count, &SubpathCount, &HasBezier))) { goto NotValid; } // else it is valid
// add all the space for the count in the Points up front
realPoints = Points.AddMultiple(count); if (realPoints == NULL) { goto NotValid; }
// add the points, converting from int to real
points = pointsArray.GetDataBuffer(); i = 0; do { realPoints[i].X = (REAL)points[i].X; realPoints[i].Y = (REAL)points[i].Y; } while (++i < count);
// Make sure the first point is the start type.
ASSERT(Types[0] == PathPointTypeStart);
return; }
NotValid: WARNING(("Failed to convert a region to a path")); this->Reset(); SetValid(FALSE); }
* * Function Description: * * Returns a const pointer to the internal SubpathInfoCache. This structure * holds the data representing the position and size of each subpath in * the path data structures. * * History: * * 10/20/2000 asecchia * Created. * \**************************************************************************/
DynArray<GpPath::SubpathInfo> *GpPath::GetSubpathInformation() const { if((CacheFlags & kSubpathInfoValid) == 0) { ComputeSubpathInformationCache(); ASSERT((CacheFlags & kSubpathInfoValid) == kSubpathInfoValid) } return &SubpathInfoCache; }
* * Function Description: * * Computes the Subpath information cache and marks it as valid. * This code walks the entire path and stores the start and count for * each subpath. It also notes if the subpath is closed or open. * * History: * * 10/20/2000 asecchia * Created. * \**************************************************************************/ VOID GpPath::ComputeSubpathInformationCache() const { // Get the path data:
GpPointF *points = Points.GetDataBuffer(); BYTE *types = Types.GetDataBuffer(); INT count = Points.GetCount();
// Clear out any old cached subpath state.
INT i = 0; // current position in the path.
INT c = 0; // current count of the current subpath.
// <= so that we can implicitly handle the last subpath without
// duplicating the code for the inner loop.
while(i <= count) { // i==count means we hit the end - and potentially need to look at
// the last subpath. Otherwise look at the most recent subpath if
// we find a new start marker.
if( ((i==count) || IsStartType(types[i])) && (i != 0)) { // Found a subpath.
SubpathInfo subpathInfo; subpathInfo.StartIndex = i-c; subpathInfo.Count = c; subpathInfo.IsClosed = IsClosedType(types[i-1]); SubpathInfoCache.Add(subpathInfo); // We're actually on the first point of the next subpath.
// (or we're about to terminate the loop)
c = 1; } else { c++; } i++; } // Mark the subpath information cache as valid.
CacheFlags |= kSubpathInfoValid; }