* * Copyright (c) 1998-1999 Microsoft Corporation * * Module Name: * * path.hpp * * Abstract: * * Path related declarations * * Revision History: * * 12/06/1998 davidx * Created it. * * 06/16/1999 t-wehunt * Added RemoveSelfIntersections(). * \**************************************************************************/
#ifndef _PATH_HPP
#define _PATH_HPP
// This is used by the widener as an internal flag and as a deletion mask for
// the endcap placement code. These two usages do not overlap.
const INT PathPointTypeInternalUse = 0x40;
// PathPointType is defined in GdiplusEnums.h.
// Internally, we can use 0x40 for the internal use.
// Path point types (only the lowest 8 bits are used.)
// The lowest 3 bits are interpreted as point type
// The higher 5 bits are reserved for flags.
enum PathPointType { PathPointTypeStart = 0, // move
PathPointTypeLine = 1, // line
PathPointTypeBezier = 3, // default Beizer (= cubic Bezier)
PathPointTypePathTypeMask = 0x07, // type mask (lowest 3 bits).
PathPointTypeDashMode = 0x10, // currently in dash mode.
PathPointTypePathMarker = 0x20, // a marker for the path.
PathPointTypeCloseSubpath = 0x80, // closed flag
// Path types used for advanced path.
PathPointTypeBezier2 = 2, // quadratic Beizer
PathPointTypeBezier3 = 3, // cubic Bezier
PathPointTypeBezier4 = 4, // quartic (4th order) Beizer
PathPointTypeBezier5 = 5, // quintic (5th order) Bezier
PathPointTypeBezier6 = 6 // hexaic (6th order) Bezier
}; */
class GpGlyphPath;
inline BOOL IsStartType(BYTE type) { return ((type & PathPointTypePathTypeMask) == PathPointTypeStart); }
inline BOOL IsClosedType(BYTE type) { return ((type & PathPointTypeCloseSubpath) == PathPointTypeCloseSubpath); }
inline BOOL IsDashType(BYTE type) { return ((type & PathPointTypeDashMode) == PathPointTypeDashMode); }
class GpPath : public DpPath { friend class GpGraphics; friend class GpPathGradient;
// Path constructors
GpPath(GpFillMode fillMode = FillModeAlternate) { InitDefaultState(fillMode); SetValid(TRUE); }
GpPath(const GpPointF* points, const BYTE* types, INT count, GpFillMode fillMode = FillModeAlternate);
GpPath( const GpPointF *points, INT count, GpPointF *stackPoints, BYTE *stackTypes, INT stackCount, GpFillMode fillMode = FillModeAlternate, DpPathFlags flags = PossiblyNonConvex );
GpPath(HRGN hRgn); // create a path from a GDI region handle
GpPath(const DpRegion* region); // create a path from a GDI+ region
// Get the lock object
GpLockable *GetObjectLock() { return &Lockable; }
GpPath* Clone() const { ASSERT(IsValid())
GpPath* path = new GpPath(this);
CheckValid(path); return path; }
GpStatus Reset(GpFillMode fillMode = FillModeAlternate) {
// !!! bhouse We should allow reseting invalid paths
InitDefaultState(fillMode); return Ok; }
virtual GpStatus GetBounds( GpRect *bounds, const GpMatrix *matrix = NULL, const DpPen* pen = NULL, REAL dpiX = 0, REAL dpiY = 0 ) const;
virtual GpStatus GetBounds( GpRectF *bounds, const GpMatrix *matrix = NULL, const DpPen* pen = NULL, REAL dpiX = 0, REAL dpiY = 0 ) const;
REAL GetSharpestAngle() const {
if(!(CacheFlags & kSharpestAngleValid)) CalcSharpestAngle();
return SharpestAngle; }
// Set a marker at the current location.
GpStatus SetMarker();
// Clear all markers.
GpStatus ClearMarkers();
// Add lines to the path object
GpStatus AddLine(const GpPointF& pt1, const GpPointF& pt2) { GpPointF points[2];
points[0] = pt1; points[1] = pt2;
return AddLines(points, 2); }
GpStatus AddLine(REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL x2, REAL y2) { GpPointF points[2];
points[0].X = x1; points[0].Y = y1; points[1].X = x2; points[1].Y = y2;
return AddLines(points, 2); }
GpStatus AddLines(const GpPointF* points, INT count);
// Add an arc to the path object
GpStatus AddArc(const GpRectF& rect, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
GpStatus AddArc(REAL x, REAL y, REAL width, REAL height, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle) { GpRectF rect(x, y, width, height); return AddArc(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle); }
// Add Bezier curves to the path object
GpStatus AddBezier(const GpPointF& pt1, const GpPointF& pt2, const GpPointF& pt3, const GpPointF& pt4); GpStatus AddBezier(REAL x1, REAL y1, REAL x2, REAL y2, REAL x3, REAL y3, REAL x4, REAL y4); GpStatus AddBeziers(const GpPointF* points, INT count);
// Add cardinal splines to the path object
GpStatus AddCurve(const GpPointF* points, INT count); GpStatus AddCurve(const GpPointF* points, INT count, REAL tension, INT offset, INT numberOfSegments); GpStatus AddClosedCurve(const GpPointF* points, INT count); GpStatus AddClosedCurve(const GpPointF* points, INT count, REAL tension);
// Add closed shapes to the path object
GpStatus AddRects(const GpRectF* rects, INT count); GpStatus AddRects(const RECT* rects, INT count); GpStatus AddPolygon(const GpPointF* points, INT count); GpStatus AddEllipse(const GpRectF& rect); GpStatus AddPie(const GpRectF& rect, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle);
GpStatus AddRect(const GpRectF& rect) { return AddRects(&rect, 1); }
GpStatus AddEllipse(REAL x, REAL y, REAL width, REAL height) { GpRectF rect(x, y, width, height); return AddEllipse(rect); }
GpStatus AddPie(REAL x, REAL y, REAL width, REAL height, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle) { GpRectF rect(x, y, width, height); return AddPie(rect, startAngle, sweepAngle); }
// Add a path to the path object
GpStatus AddPath(const GpPointF* points, const BYTE* types, INT count, BOOL connect); GpStatus AddPath(const GpPath* path, BOOL connect);
// Reverse the direction of a path.
GpStatus Reverse();
GpStatus GetLastPoint(GpPointF* point);
// used by font
GpStatus MoveTo(const GpPointF point); GpStatus AddPoints(const GpPointF* points, ULONG count, PathPointType type); GpStatus AddGlyphPath(GpGlyphPath *glyphPath, REAL x, REAL y, const GpMatrix * matrix = 0);
GpStatus AddString( const WCHAR *string, INT length, const GpFontFamily *family, INT style, REAL emSize, const RectF *layoutRect, const GpStringFormat *format );
// Get the flatten data.
virtual GpStatus Flatten( DynByteArray *flattenTypes, DynPointFArray *flattenPoints, const GpMatrix *matrix = NULL, const REAL flatness = FlatnessDefault ) const;
// Flatten this path.
GpStatus Flatten( const GpMatrix *matrix = NULL, const REAL flatness = FlatnessDefault );
// Get the morph and flatten data.
GpStatus WarpAndFlatten( DynByteArray* flattenTypes, DynPointFArray* flattenPoints, const GpMatrix* matrix, const GpPointF* destPoint, INT count, const GpRectF& srcRect, WarpMode warpMode = WarpModePerspective );
// Morph and flatten itself.
GpStatus WarpAndFlattenSelf( GpMatrix* matrix, const GpPointF* destPoint, INT count, const GpRectF& srcRect, WarpMode warpMode = WarpModePerspective ); // Morph to the flatten points.
// Widen the path object
GpPath* GetWidenedPath( const GpPen* pen, const GpMatrix* matrix = NULL, REAL flatness = FlatnessDefault ) const;
GpStatus Widen( GpPen* pen, GpMatrix* matrix = NULL, REAL flatness = FlatnessDefault );
// Get the flattened path.
virtual const DpPath * GetFlattenedPath( const GpMatrix* matrix, DpEnumerationType type, const DpPen* pen = NULL ) const;
// Dreate a dashed path. (override)
GpPath* CreateDashedPath( const GpPen* pen, const GpMatrix* matrix, REAL dpiX, REAL dpiY, REAL dashScale = 1.0f, BOOL needDashCaps = TRUE ) const;
GpPath* CreateDashedPath( const DpPen* pen, const GpMatrix* matrix, REAL dpiX, REAL dpiY, REAL dashScale = 1.0f, BOOL needDashCaps = TRUE ) const;
// Get the open and closed portion of the current path.
GpPath* GetOpenPath(); GpPath* GetClosedPath();
// Determine if the path is empty, i.e. with no points
BOOL IsEmpty() const { return GetPointCount() == 0; }
BOOL IsRectangle( const GpMatrix * matrix, GpRectF * transformedBounds = NULL ) const;
// Determine if path consists of a single polygon/polyline.
BOOL IsPolygon() const { return (SubpathCount == 1) && !HasBezier; }
// Return true if the two objects represent identical paths
BOOL IsEqual(const GpPath* path) const;
// Transform the path by the specified matrix
VOID Transform(const GpMatrix * matrix);
VOID SetHasBezier(BOOL _hasBezier) { HasBezier = _hasBezier; }
// Hit testing
GpStatus IsVisible( GpPointF* point, BOOL* isVisible, GpMatrix* matrix = NULL);
GpStatus IsOutlineVisible(GpPointF* point, BOOL* isVisible, GpPen* pen, GpMatrix* matrix = NULL, REAL dpiX = 0, REAL dpiY = 0);
// DDI entry point handlers for DpPath
static GpPath* GetPath(const DpPath* path) { return (GpPath*)(path); }
static DpPath* DriverCreateWidenedPath( const DpPath* path, const DpPen* pen, DpContext* context, BOOL outline ); static VOID DriverDeletePath(DpPath* path);
static DpPath* DriverClonePath(DpPath* path);
static VOID DriverTransformPath(DpPath* path, GpMatrix* matrix);
// Compute the winding mode outline.
GpStatus ComputeWindingModeOutline( const GpMatrix *matrix, REAL flatness, BOOL *wereIntersectsRemoved = NULL ); // Used for a mark-sweep point deletion algorithm in the path.
VOID EraseMarkedSegments();
virtual DynArray<SubpathInfo> *GetSubpathInformation() const;
VOID ComputeSubpathInformationCache() const;
GpPath(const GpPath* path);
GpPath *GetWidenedPathInternal( const DpPen *pen, const GpMatrix *matrix, REAL flatness = FlatnessDefault, BOOL insetPen = FALSE ) const;
BYTE* AddPointHelper( const GpPointF* points, INT count, BOOL addClosedFigure );
GpPath* GetOpenOrClosedPath(BOOL openPath);
static GpPointF* ConvertSplineToBezierPoints( const GpPointF* points, INT count, INT offset, INT numberOfSegments, REAL tension, INT* bezierCount );
static INT GetArcPoints( GpPointF* points, const GpRectF& rect, REAL startAngle, REAL sweepAngle );
VOID InitDefaultState(GpFillMode fillMode);
VOID ResetCacheBounds() const { CacheFlags = (kCacheBoundsValid | kSharpestAngleValid); SharpestAngle = 2; CacheBounds.X = 0; CacheBounds.Y = 0; CacheBounds.Width = 0; CacheBounds.Height = 0; }
VOID InvalidateCache() const { CacheFlags = 0; }
VOID UpdateCacheBounds() const { if(!(CacheFlags & kCacheBoundsValid)) CalcCacheBounds(); }
VOID CalcCacheBounds() const; VOID CalcSharpestAngle() const;
// Data Members:
GpLockable Lockable; // object lock
enum { kCacheBoundsValid = 1, kSharpestAngleValid = 2, kSubpathInfoValid = 4 };
mutable ULONG CacheFlags; mutable GpRectF CacheBounds; mutable REAL SharpestAngle; // Some small number of subpaths for our initial allocation should suffice
// for most usage scenarios.
mutable DynArrayIA<SubpathInfo, 3> SubpathInfoCache; };
class GpPathIterator : public DpPathIterator { public: GpPathIterator(GpPath* path) : DpPathIterator(path) { }
virtual INT GetCount() { if(IsValid()) return Count; else return 0; }
virtual INT GetSubpathCount() { if(IsValid()) return SubpathCount; else return 0; }
// This iterator is not used for the extended path.
virtual BOOL IsValid() {return (DpPathIterator::IsValid() && !ExtendedPath);}
// Get the lock object
GpLockable *GetObjectLock() { return &Lockable; }
GpLockable Lockable; };
#endif // !_PATH_HPP