* * MF3216.h - The include file for MF3216. This will contain all * the miscellaneous includes. * * Author: Jeffrey Newman (c-jeffn) * * Creation Date: 31-Jan-1992 * ****************************************************************************/
// GillesK: April 2000
// This is a full copy of the MF3216 source code for use with GDI+...
// Whatever gets fixed in the real MF3216 should be reflected here. in order
// to keep the bugs consistent.
#ifndef _MF3216_
#define _MF3216_
#define NOTUSED(x) {}
#define NOTXORPASS 0
/* Types for postscript written to metafiles */ #define CLIP_SAVE 0
#define CLIP_RESTORE 1
typedef struct _w16objhndlslotstatus { INT use ; HANDLE w32Handle ; INT iXORPassCreation ; // In which XOR pass the object was created
PBYTE pbCreatRec; // Which EMF record created the object
typedef struct _w16recreationslot { INT slot ; // The slot that we need to create the object in
PBYTE pbCreatRec ; // The record that will create the object
struct _w16recreationslot* pNext ; } W16RECREATIONSLOT ;
// This structure contains the current metafile information to gather the
// proper transforms
typedef struct tagMAPPING { // The Page transform in its less
INT iMapMode; INT iWox; INT iWoy; INT iVox; INT iVoy; INT iWex; INT iWey; INT iVex; INT iVey; } MAPPING, *PMAPPING;
typedef struct _localDC { UINT nSize ; // Size of this Local DC structure.
DWORD flags ; // Boolean controls.
PBYTE pMf32Bits ; // ptr to W32 metafile bits.
UINT cMf32Bits ; // count of W32 metafile size.
PBYTE pMf16Bits ; // ptr to user supplied out buffer
UINT cMf16Dest ; // length of user supplied buffer
HDC hdcHelper ; // Our helper DC.
HDC hdcRef ; // Reference DC.
HBITMAP hbmpMem; // A Memory Bitmap for Win9x
INT iMapMode ; // User requested map mode.
INT cxPlayDevMM, cyPlayDevMM, cxPlayDevPels, cyPlayDevPels ; XFORM xformRWorldToRDev, // aka Metafile-World to Metafile-Device
xformRDevToRWorld, // aka Metafile-Device to Metafile-World
xformRDevToPDev, // aka Metafile-Device to Reference-Device
xformPDevToPPage, // aka Reference-Device to Reference-Logical
xformPPageToPDev, // aka Reference-Logical to Reference-Device
xformRDevToPPage, // aka Metafile-Device to Reference-Logical
xformRWorldToPPage ; XFORM xformW ; // The World Transform for Win9x
XFORM xformP ; // The Page Transform for Win9x
XFORM xformDC ; // The DC Transform for Win9x
MAPPING map ; // The mapping info for Win9x
POINT ptCP ; // Current position
PBYTE pbEnd ; // End of W32 metafile bits.
METAHEADER mf16Header ; // The W16 metafile header.
PINT piW32ToW16ObjectMap ; UINT cW16ObjHndlSlotStatus ; // used in slot search
UINT cW32ToW16ObjectMap ; // used in Normalize handle.
PW16OBJHNDLSLOTSTATUS pW16ObjHndlSlotStatus ; COLORREF crTextColor ; // current text color - used by
// ExtCreatePen.
COLORREF crBkColor ; // Current background color
INT iArcDirection ; // Current arc direction in W32 metafile
LONG lhpn32; // Currently selected pen. Used in path and text
LONG lhbr32; // Currently selected brush. Used in text
DWORD ihpal32; // Currently selected (i32) palette.
DWORD ihpal16; // Currently selected (i16) palette.
UINT iLevel; // Current DC save level.
INT iSavePSClipPath; // Number of times we save the PSclipPath
struct _localDC *pLocalDCSaved; // Point to the saved DCs
// The following fields are not restored by RestoreDC!
// Information for the XOR ClipPath rendering
INT iROP; // Current ROP Mode
POINT pOldPosition ; INT iXORPass ; INT iXORPassDCLevel ;
UINT ulBytesEmitted ; // Total bytes emitted so far.
UINT ulMaxRecord ; // Max W16 record size.
INT nObjectHighWaterMark; // Max slot index used so far.
PBYTE pbRecord ; // Current record in W32 metafile bits.
PBYTE pbCurrent; // Next record in W32 metafile bits.
DWORD cW32hPal; // Size of private W32 palette table.
PBYTE pbChange ; // Old position in the metafile
PBYTE pbLastSelectClip ; // Old position in the metafile for path drawing
LONG lholdp32 ; LONG lholdbr32;
HPALETTE *pW32hPal; // Private W32 palette table.
PW16RECREATIONSLOT pW16RecreationSlot ; // Used to recreate objects deleted in XOR Pass
// Routines in apientry.c
BOOL bHandleWin32Comment(PLOCALDC pLocalDC);
// Routines in misc.c
BOOL bValidateMetaFileCP(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, LONG x, LONG y);
// Following are the bit definitions for the flags.
#define SIZE_ONLY 0x00000001
#define INCLUDE_W32MF_COMMENT 0x00000002
#define STRANGE_XFORM 0x00000004
#define RECORDING_PATH 0x00000008
#define INCLUDE_W32MF_XORPATH 0x00000010
#define ERR_BUFFER_OVERFLOW 0x80000000
#define ERR_XORCLIPPATH 0x40000000
// Make this big in case more flags are added to MF3216
#define GPMF3216_INCLUDE_XORPATH 0x1000
// This define sets the size of each Win32 metafile comment record.
// The reason we do not just use a 64K record is due to a caution given
// to use about large escape records in Win3.0 by the GBU (MS Palo Alto).
#define MAX_WIN32_COMMENT_REC_SIZE 0x2000
// Function(s) used in parser.c
extern BOOL bParseWin32Metafile(PBYTE pMetafileBits, PLOCALDC pLocalDC) ;
// Function definitions for preamble.
extern BOOL bUpdateMf16Header(PLOCALDC pLocalDC) ;
// Function definitions for the emitter.
extern BOOL bEmit(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, PVOID pBuffer, DWORD nCount) ; extern VOID vUpdateMaxRecord(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, PMETARECORD pmr);
// Defines used in objects.c
#define REALIZED_PEN 3
#define REALIZED_OBJECT 8 // used by multiformats record
#define REALIZED_DUMMY 9 // used by multiformats record
#define UNMAPPED -1
// Routines in objects.c
extern BOOL bInitHandleTableManager(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, PENHMETAHEADER pmf32header) ; extern INT iGetW16ObjectHandleSlot(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, INT iIntendedUse) ; extern INT iValidateHandle(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, INT ihW32) ; extern INT iAllocateW16Handle(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, INT ihW32, INT iIntendedUse) ; extern BOOL bDeleteW16Object(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, INT ihW16) ; extern INT iNormalizeHandle(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, INT ihW32) ;
// Routines in text.c
VOID vUnicodeToAnsi(HDC hdc, PCHAR pAnsi, PWCH pUnicode, DWORD cch) ;
// Routines in regions.c
BOOL bNoDCRgn(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, INT iType); BOOL bDumpDCClipping(PLOCALDC pLocalDC);
// Defines used in bNoDCRgn().
#define DCRGN_CLIP 1
#define DCRGN_META 2
// Defines used in xforms.c
#define CX_MAG 1
#define CY_MAG 2
typedef struct { FLOAT x; FLOAT y; } POINTFL; typedef POINTFL *PPOINTFL;
// Function definitions from xform
extern BOOL bInitXformMatrices(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, PENHMETAHEADER pmf32header, RECTL* frameBounds) ;
extern BOOL bXformRWorldToPPage(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, PPOINTL aptl, DWORD nCount) ; extern BOOL bXformRWorldToRDev(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, PPOINTL aptl, INT nCount) ; extern BOOL bXformPDevToPPage(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, PPOINTL aptl, INT nCount) ; extern BOOL bXformPPageToPDev(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, PPOINTL aptl, INT nCount) ; extern BOOL bXformRDevToRWorld(PLOCALDC pLocalDC, PPOINTL aptl, INT nCount) ;
extern INT iMagnitudeXform (PLOCALDC pLocalDC, INT value, INT iType) ;
extern XFORM xformIdentity ; extern BOOL bRotationTest(PXFORM pxform) ; extern INT iMagXformWorkhorse (INT value, PXFORM pxform, INT iType) ; extern BOOL bXformWorkhorse(PPOINTL aptl, DWORD nCount, PXFORM pXform) ; extern VOID vXformWorkhorseFloat(PPOINTFL aptfl, UINT nCount, PXFORM pXform); extern BOOL bCoordinateOverflowTest(PLONG pCoordinates, INT nCount) ;
BOOL bCombineTransform( LPXFORM lpxformResult, // combined transformation
CONST XFORM *lpxform1, // first transformation
CONST XFORM *lpxform2 // second transformation
// Defines used in Conics
#define SWAP(x,y,t) {t = x; x = y; y = t;}
#define ePI ((FLOAT)(((FLOAT) 22.0 / (FLOAT) 7.0 )))
// Exported support functions and defines for Conics & rectangles.
extern BOOL bConicCommon (PLOCALDC pLocalDC, INT x1, INT y1, INT x2, INT y2, INT x3, INT y3, INT x4, INT y4, DWORD mrType) ;
extern BOOL bRenderCurveWithPath ( PLOCALDC pLocalDC, LPPOINT pptl, PBYTE pb, DWORD cptl, INT x1, INT y1, INT x2, INT y2, INT x3, INT y3, INT x4, INT y4, DWORD nRadius, FLOAT eStartAngle, FLOAT eSweepAngle, DWORD mrType );
// Exported functions from lines.c
extern VOID vCompressPoints(PVOID pBuff, LONG nCount) ;
// Defines (macros) used in bitmaps.
// Check if a source is needed in a 3-way bitblt operation.
// This works on both rop and rop3. We assume that a rop contains zero
// in the high byte.
// This is tested by comparing the rop result bits with source (column A
// below) vs. those without source (column B). If the two cases are
// identical, then the effect of the rop does not depend on the source
// and we don't need a source device. Recall the rop construction from
// input (pattern, source, target --> result):
// P S T | R A B mask for A = 0CCh
// ------+-------- mask for B = 33h
// 0 0 0 | x 0 x
// 0 0 1 | x 0 x
// 0 1 0 | x x 0
// 0 1 1 | x x 0
// 1 0 0 | x 0 x
// 1 0 1 | x 0 x
// 1 1 0 | x x 0
// 1 1 1 | x x 0
#define ISSOURCEINROP3(rop3) \
(((rop3) & 0xCCCC0000) != (((rop3) << 2) & 0xCCCC0000))
#define CJSCAN(width,planes,bits) ((((width)*(planes)*(bits)+31) & ~31) / 8)
#define MAX4(a, b, c, d) max(max(max(a,b),c),d)
#define MIN4(a, b, c, d) min(min(min(a,b),c),d)
// GillesK: Mar 2000
// This is needed because GetTransform is not in GDI32.lib but is in GDI32.dll
typedef BOOL (*fnGetTransform)(HDC,DWORD,LPXFORM); typedef BOOL (*fnSetVirtualResolution)(HDC, int, int, int, int);
#endif //_MF3216_