#include "gdiptest.h"
// TestShape
TestShape* TestShape :: CreateNewShape(INT type) { switch (type) { case LineType: return new LineShape(); case ArcType: return new ArcShape();
case BezierType: return new BezierShape();
case RectType: return new RectShape();
case EllipseType: return new EllipseShape();
case PieType: return new PieShape();
case PolygonType: return new PolygonShape();
case CurveType: return new CurveShape(); break;
case ClosedCurveType: return new ClosedCurveShape(); break;
// !!! Other shapes types
default: NotImplementedBox(); return NULL; } }
// black squares
VOID TestShape :: DrawPoints(Graphics* g) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
while (count) { ERectangle rect(ptbuf->X-pointRadius, ptbuf->Y-pointRadius, 2*pointRadius, 2*pointRadius);
g->FillRectangle(blackBrush, rect); // g->FillEllipse(ptBrush, rect);
count--, ptbuf++; } }
BOOL TestShape::EndPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { AddPoint(hwnd, pt); DoneShape(hwnd);
return FALSE; }
INT TestGradShape :: FindLocationToInsert(Point pt) { // !! Not implemented yet.
return 0; }
// square color from ARGB value
VOID TestGradShape :: DrawPoints(Graphics* g) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
for (INT i = 0; i < count; i++) { ERectangle rect(ptbuf->X-pointRadius, ptbuf->Y-pointRadius, 2*pointRadius, 2*pointRadius);
Color solidColor((argb[i] & ~Color::AlphaMask) | (0xFF << Color::AlphaShift));
SolidBrush solidBrush((argb[i] & ~Color::AlphaMask) == 0 ? *blackColor : solidColor);
g->FillRectangle(&solidBrush, rect);
ptbuf++; } }
BOOL TestShape :: MoveControlPoint(Point origPt, Point newPt) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); INT pos = 0;
// !!! what if multiple control points overlap?
// can't get to one of them
for (pos = 0; pos<count; pos++) { Point *ctrlPt = &pts[pos];
ERectangle ctrlRect(ctrlPt->X-pointRadius, ctrlPt->Y-pointRadius, 2*pointRadius, 2*pointRadius);
if (origPt.X>ctrlPt->X-pointRadius && origPt.X<ctrlPt->X+pointRadius && origPt.Y>ctrlPt->Y-pointRadius && origPt.Y<ctrlPt->Y+pointRadius) { ctrlPt->X = newPt.X; ctrlPt->Y = newPt.Y; return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
INT TestGradShape :: FindControlPoint(Point pt) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); INT pos = 0;
// !!! what if multiple control points overlap?
// can't get to one of them
for (pos = 0; pos < count; pos++) { Point *ctrlPt = &pts[pos];
ERectangle ctrlRect(ctrlPt->X-pointRadius, ctrlPt->Y-pointRadius, 2*pointRadius, 2*pointRadius);
if (pt.X>ctrlPt->X-pointRadius && pt.X<ctrlPt->X+pointRadius && pt.Y>ctrlPt->Y-pointRadius && pt.Y<ctrlPt->Y+pointRadius) { return pos; } }
return -1; }
BOOL TestShape :: RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { return FALSE; }
VOID TestShape :: AddToPath(GraphicsPath* path) { }
VOID TestShape :: AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile) { }
HDC TestShape :: CreatePictureDC(HWND hwnd, RECT *dstRect) { // always return the cached version if possible
HWND hwndLast = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_OWNER); HDC hdc; HDC hdc2;
HDC hdcWindow; HBITMAP hbm; HBITMAP hbm2;
// get handle to main window
while (hwndLast) { hwnd = hwndLast; hwndLast = GetWindow(hwnd, GW_OWNER); }
// !! BUG BUG: we are actually getting handle
// to the dialog, not the main window
RECT srcRect; GetClientRect(hwnd, &srcRect); hdcWindow = GetDC(hwnd);
SIZE size; size.cx = srcRect.right-srcRect.left; size.cy = srcRect.bottom-srcRect.top;
if (hdcPic) { hbm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcPic, 1, 1); hbm = (HBITMAP) SelectObject(hdcPic, (HGDIOBJ)hbm); SIZE origSize; GetBitmapDimensionEx(hbm, &origSize);
DeleteObject(SelectObject(hdcPic, (HGDIOBJ)hbm));
// if size hasn't changed, don't recreate
if (origSize.cx == size.cx && origSize.cy == size.cy) { ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdcWindow); return hdcPic; }
// clean up the old picture DC
DeleteObject(hdcPic); hdcPic = NULL; // create new picture image
SIZE size2; size2.cx = dstRect->right-dstRect->left; size2.cy = dstRect->bottom-dstRect->top;
hdc = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcWindow); // source
hdc2 = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcWindow); // destination
hbm = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcWindow, size.cx, size.cy); hbm2 = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcWindow, size2.cx, size2.cy);
SetBitmapDimensionEx(hbm2, size.cx, size.cy, NULL);
DeleteObject((HBITMAP) SelectObject(hdc, (HGDIOBJ) hbm)); DeleteObject((HBITMAP) SelectObject(hdc2, (HGDIOBJ) hbm2));
// white GDI brush
HBRUSH hbr = CreateSolidBrush(0x00FFFFFF); srcRect.left = srcRect.top = 0; srcRect.right = size.cx; srcRect.bottom = size.cy; FillRect(hdc, &srcRect, hbr); DeleteObject(hbr);
{ // create GDI+ graphics context for this memory DC
Graphics g(hdc);
DrawShape(&g); }
StretchBlt(hdc2, 0, 0, size2.cx, size2.cy, hdc, srcRect.left, srcRect.top, size.cx, size.cy, SRCCOPY);
ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdcWindow); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); // !! necessary?
// return DC with GDI+ drawn graphics shape, cache it
return (hdcPic = hdc2); }
// LineShape
BOOL LineShape :: AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { pts.Add(pt); return TRUE; }
VOID LineShape :: DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { if (pts.GetCount()>1) done = TRUE; else done = FALSE; }
BOOL LineShape :: IsComplete() { return done; }
BOOL LineShape :: RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
if (count > 0) { pts.SetCount(count-1); done = TRUE; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
VOID LineShape :: DrawShape(Graphics* g) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
if (pen) g->DrawLines(pen->GetPen(), ptbuf, count);
// brush is not used
VOID LineShape :: AddToPath(GraphicsPath* path) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
path->AddLines(ptbuf, count); }
VOID LineShape :: AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
pen->AddToFile(outfile); outfile->BlankLine(); outfile->PointDeclaration(_T("pts"), (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(), count); outfile->BlankLine(); outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("DrawLine"), _T("%s, %s, %d"), outfile->Ref(_T("pen")), outfile->RefArray(_T("pts")), count); }
// Configuration management functions
BOOL LineShape :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwnd) { return TRUE; }
VOID LineShape :: Initialize() { // do nothing
VOID LineShape :: Initialize(TestShape* shape) { // do nothing
// Dialog management functions (not used)
VOID LineShape :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { DebugBreak(); }
BOOL LineShape :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { DebugBreak(); return FALSE; }
BOOL LineShape :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DebugBreak(); return FALSE; }
// ArcShape
BOOL ArcShape :: AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { ASSERT(pts.GetCount() < 2);
// force complete on point pairs (rect) if possible
DoneShape(hwnd); return TRUE; }
VOID ArcShape :: DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { ASSERT(pts.GetCount() <= 2);
if (pts.GetCount() == 2) { done = TRUE;
if (popup) { // !!! cheating, we use global HWND, should use
// HWND passed in.
ChangeSettings(hwnd); }
} else done = FALSE; }
BOOL ArcShape :: RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
if (count > 0) { pts.SetCount(count-1); done = FALSE; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL ArcShape :: IsComplete() { return done; }
VOID ArcShape :: DrawShape(Graphics* g) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* pt1 = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(); Point* pt2 = pt1++;
ASSERT(IsComplete()); ASSERT(count == 2);
if (pen) { // create appropriate rectangle
// !! cache this?
ERectangle rect(min(pt1->X, pt2->X), min(pt1->Y, pt2->Y), fabsf(pt1->X-pt2->X), fabsf(pt1->Y-pt2->Y));
g->DrawArc(pen->GetPen(), rect, start, sweep); }
// brush is not used
VOID ArcShape :: AddToPath(GraphicsPath* path) { ASSERT(Path);
INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* pt1 = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(); Point* pt2 = pt1++;
if (count < 2) return;
ERectangle rect(min(pt1->X, pt2->X), min(pt1->Y, pt2->Y), fabsf(pt1->X-pt2->X), fabsf(pt1->Y-pt2->Y));
path->AddArc(rect, start, sweep); }
VOID ArcShape :: AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile) { Point* pt1 = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(); Point* pt2 = pt1++;
ERectangle rect(min(pt1->X, pt2->X), min(pt1->Y, pt2->Y), fabsf(pt1->X-pt2->X), fabsf(pt1->Y-pt2->Y));
outfile->RectangleDeclaration(_T("rect"), rect);
outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("DrawArc"), _T("%s, %s, %e, %e"), outfile->Ref(_T("pen")), _T("rect"), start, sweep); }
// Configuration management functions
BOOL ArcShape :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ARC_DLG), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
return ok; }
VOID ArcShape :: Initialize() { sweep = 90.0f; start = 0.0f; popup = FALSE; };
VOID ArcShape :: Initialize(TestShape *shape) { // if compatible, copy parameters from another compatible shape
if (shape && shape->GetType() == GetType()) { ArcShape* arcshape = static_cast<ArcShape*>(shape);
sweep = arcshape->sweep; start = arcshape->start; popup = arcshape->popup; } else Initialize(); }
// Dialog management functions (not used)
VOID ArcShape :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_ARC_START, start); SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_ARC_SWEEP, sweep); SetDialogCheck(hwnd, IDC_ARC_POPUP, popup); }
BOOL ArcShape :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { start = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_ARC_START); sweep = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_ARC_SWEEP); popup = GetDialogCheck(hwnd, IDC_ARC_POPUP);
// no warnings, anything goes
return FALSE; }
BOOL ArcShape :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND && LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_OK) { if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE);
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// BezierShape
BOOL BezierShape :: AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { pts.Add(pt);
return TRUE; }
VOID BezierShape :: DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
if (count>3) { if (count % 3 != 1) { // if they have wrong # of pts, but want to stop,
// then draw with control points we have.
while (count % 3 != 1) count--; pts.SetCount(count); } done = TRUE; } else { done = FALSE; } }
BOOL BezierShape :: RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
if (count > 0) { pts.SetCount(count-1); done = FALSE; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL BezierShape :: IsComplete() { return done; }
VOID BezierShape :: DrawShape(Graphics* g) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
if (pen) g->DrawBeziers(pen->GetPen(), ptbuf, count);
// brush is not used
VOID BezierShape :: AddToPath(GraphicsPath* path) { ASSERT(Path);
INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
if (count > 0) path->AddBeziers(ptbuf, count); }
VOID BezierShape :: AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
outfile->PointDeclaration(_T("pts"), (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(), count);
outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("DrawBezier"), _T("%s, %s, %d"), outfile->Ref(_T("pen")), outfile->RefArray(_T("pts")), count); }
// Configuration management functions
BOOL BezierShape :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwnd) { return TRUE; }
VOID BezierShape :: Initialize() { pts.Reset(); };
VOID BezierShape :: Initialize(TestShape *shape) { }
// Dialog management functions (not used)
VOID BezierShape :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { DebugBreak(); }
BOOL BezierShape :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { DebugBreak(); return FALSE; }
BOOL BezierShape :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DebugBreak(); return FALSE; }
// RectShape
BOOL RectShape :: AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { ASSERT(pts.GetCount() < 2);
// force complete on point pairs (rect) if possible
DoneShape(hwnd); return TRUE; }
VOID RectShape :: DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { ASSERT(pts.GetCount() <= 2);
if (pts.GetCount() == 2) done = TRUE; else done = FALSE; }
BOOL RectShape :: RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
if (count > 0) { pts.SetCount(count-1); done = FALSE; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL RectShape :: IsComplete() { return done; }
VOID RectShape :: DrawShape(Graphics* g) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* pt1 = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(); Point* pt2 = pt1++;
ASSERT(IsComplete()); ASSERT(count == 2);
if (pen && brush) { // create appropriate rectangle
// !! cache this?
ERectangle rect(min(pt1->X, pt2->X), min(pt1->Y, pt2->Y), fabsf(pt1->X-pt2->X), fabsf(pt1->Y-pt2->Y));
g->FillRectangle(brush->GetBrush(), rect); g->DrawRectangle(pen->GetPen(), rect); } }
VOID RectShape :: AddToPath(GraphicsPath* path) { ASSERT(Path);
INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* pt1 = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(); Point* pt2 = pt1++;
if (count < 2) return;
ERectangle rect(min(pt1->X, pt2->X), min(pt1->Y, pt2->Y), fabsf(pt1->X-pt2->X), fabsf(pt1->Y-pt2->Y));
path->AddRectangle(rect); }
VOID RectShape :: AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile) { Point* pt1 = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(); Point* pt2 = pt1++;
ERectangle rect(min(pt1->X, pt2->X), min(pt1->Y, pt2->Y), fabsf(pt1->X-pt2->X), fabsf(pt1->Y-pt2->Y));
brush->AddToFile(outfile); outfile->BlankLine(); outfile->RectangleDeclaration(_T("rect"), rect);
outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("FillRectangle"), _T("%s, %s"), outfile->Ref(_T("brush")), _T("rect")); outfile->BlankLine();
pen->AddToFile(outfile); outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("DrawRectangle"), _T("%s, %s"), outfile->Ref(_T("pen")), _T("rect")); }
// Configuration management functions
BOOL RectShape :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { return TRUE; }
VOID RectShape :: Initialize() { pts.Reset(); }
VOID RectShape :: Initialize(TestShape *shape) { }
// Dialog management functions (not used)
VOID RectShape :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { DebugBreak(); }
BOOL RectShape :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { DebugBreak(); return FALSE; }
BOOL RectShape :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DebugBreak(); return FALSE; }
// EllipseShape
BOOL EllipseShape :: AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { ASSERT(pts.GetCount() < 2);
// force complete on point pairs (rect) if possible
DoneShape(hwnd); return TRUE; }
VOID EllipseShape :: DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { ASSERT(pts.GetCount() <= 2);
if (pts.GetCount() == 2) done = TRUE; else done = FALSE; }
BOOL EllipseShape :: RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
if (count > 0) { pts.SetCount(count-1); done = FALSE; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL EllipseShape :: IsComplete() { return done; }
VOID EllipseShape :: DrawShape(Graphics* g) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* pt1 = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(); Point* pt2 = pt1++;
ASSERT(IsComplete()); ASSERT(count == 2);
if (pen && brush) { // create appropriate rectangle
// !! cache this?
ERectangle rect(min(pt1->X, pt2->X), min(pt1->Y, pt2->Y), fabsf(pt1->X-pt2->X), fabsf(pt1->Y-pt2->Y));
g->FillEllipse(brush->GetBrush(), rect); g->DrawEllipse(pen->GetPen(), rect); } }
VOID EllipseShape :: AddToPath(GraphicsPath* path) { ASSERT(Path);
INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* pt1 = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(); Point* pt2 = pt1++;
if (count < 2) return;
ERectangle rect(min(pt1->X, pt2->X), min(pt1->Y, pt2->Y), fabsf(pt1->X-pt2->X), fabsf(pt1->Y-pt2->Y));
path->AddEllipse(rect); }
VOID EllipseShape :: AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile) { Point* pt1 = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(); Point* pt2 = pt1++;
ERectangle rect(min(pt1->X, pt2->X), min(pt1->Y, pt2->Y), fabsf(pt1->X-pt2->X), fabsf(pt1->Y-pt2->Y));
outfile->RectangleDeclaration(_T("rect"), rect); outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("FillEllipse"), _T("%s, %s"), outfile->Ref(_T("brush")), _T("rect")); outfile->BlankLine();
pen->AddToFile(outfile); outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("DrawEllipse"), _T("%s, %s"), outfile->Ref(_T("pen")), _T("rect")); }
// Configuration management functions
BOOL EllipseShape :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { return TRUE; }
VOID EllipseShape :: Initialize() { pts.Reset(); }
VOID EllipseShape :: Initialize(TestShape *shape) { }
// Dialog management functions (not used)
VOID EllipseShape :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { DebugBreak(); }
BOOL EllipseShape :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { DebugBreak(); return FALSE; }
BOOL EllipseShape :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DebugBreak(); return FALSE; }
// PieShape
BOOL PieShape :: AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { ASSERT(pts.GetCount() < 2);
// force complete on point pairs (rect) if possible
DoneShape(hwnd); return TRUE; }
VOID PieShape :: DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { if (pts.GetCount() >= 2) { done = TRUE;
if (popup) { // !!! cheating, we use global HWND, should use
// HWND passed in.
ChangeSettings(hwnd); }
} else done = FALSE; }
BOOL PieShape :: RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
if (count > 0) { pts.SetCount(count-1); done = FALSE; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL PieShape :: IsComplete() { return done; }
VOID PieShape :: DrawShape(Graphics* g) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* pt1 = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(); Point* pt2 = pt1++;
ASSERT(IsComplete()); ASSERT(count<2);
if (pen && brush) { // create appropriate rectangle
// !! cache this?
ERectangle rect(min(pt1->X, pt2->X), min(pt1->Y, pt2->Y), fabsf(pt1->X-pt2->X), fabsf(pt1->Y-pt2->Y));
g->FillPie(brush->GetBrush(), rect, start, sweep); g->DrawPie(pen->GetPen(), rect, start, sweep); } }
VOID PieShape :: AddToPath(GraphicsPath* path) { ASSERT(Path);
INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* pt1 = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(); Point* pt2 = pt1++;
if (count < 2) return;
ERectangle rect(min(pt1->X, pt2->X), min(pt1->Y, pt2->Y), fabsf(pt1->X-pt2->X), fabsf(pt1->Y-pt2->Y));
path->AddPie(rect, start, sweep); }
VOID PieShape :: AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile) { Point* pt1 = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(); Point* pt2 = pt1++;
ERectangle rect(min(pt1->X, pt2->X), min(pt1->Y, pt2->Y), fabsf(pt1->X-pt2->X), fabsf(pt1->Y-pt2->Y));
outfile->RectangleDeclaration(_T("rect"), rect); outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("FillPie"), _T("%s, %s, %e, %e"), outfile->Ref(_T("brush")), _T("rect"), start, sweep);
outfile->BlankLine(); outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("DrawPie"), _T("%s, %s, %e, %e"), outfile->Ref(_T("pen")), _T("rect"), start, sweep); }
// Configuration management functions
BOOL PieShape :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_ARC_DLG), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
return ok; }
VOID PieShape :: Initialize() { sweep = 90.0f; start = 0.0f; popup = FALSE; };
VOID PieShape :: Initialize(TestShape *shape) { // if compatible, copy parameters from another compatible shape
if (shape && shape->GetType() == GetType()) { PieShape* pieshape = static_cast<PieShape*>(shape);
sweep = pieshape->sweep; start = pieshape->start; popup = pieshape->popup; } else Initialize(); }
// Dialog management functions (not used)
VOID PieShape :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { SetWindowText(hwnd, _T("Pie Shape Parameters"));
SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_ARC_START, start); SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_ARC_SWEEP, sweep); SetDialogCheck(hwnd, IDC_ARC_POPUP, popup); }
BOOL PieShape :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { start = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_ARC_START); sweep = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_ARC_SWEEP); popup = GetDialogCheck(hwnd, IDC_ARC_POPUP);
// no warnings, anything goes
return FALSE; }
BOOL PieShape :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND && LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_OK) { if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE);
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// PolygonShape
BOOL PolygonShape :: AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { pts.Add(pt); return TRUE; }
VOID PolygonShape :: DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { if (pts.GetCount()>=3) done = TRUE; else done = FALSE; }
BOOL PolygonShape :: RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
if (count > 0) { pts.SetCount(count-1); done = FALSE; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL PolygonShape :: IsComplete() { return done; }
VOID PolygonShape :: DrawShape(Graphics* g) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
ASSERT(IsComplete()); ASSERT(count >= 3);
if (pen && brush) { g->FillPolygon(brush->GetBrush(), ptbuf, count); g->DrawPolygon(pen->GetPen(), ptbuf, count); } }
VOID PolygonShape :: AddToPath(GraphicsPath* path) { ASSERT(Path);
INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
if (count > 2) path->AddPolygon(ptbuf, count); }
VOID PolygonShape :: AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
outfile->PointDeclaration(_T("pts"), (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(), count); outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("FillPolygon"), _T("%s, %s, %d"), outfile->Ref(_T("brush")), outfile->RefArray(_T("pts")), count); outfile->BlankLine();
pen->AddToFile(outfile); outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("DrawPolygon"), _T("%s, %s, %d"), outfile->Ref(_T("pen")), outfile->RefArray(_T("pts")), count); }
// Configuration management functions
BOOL PolygonShape :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwnd) { return TRUE; }
VOID PolygonShape :: Initialize() { // do nothing
VOID PolygonShape :: Initialize(TestShape* shape) { // do nothing
// Dialog management functions (not used)
VOID PolygonShape :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { DebugBreak(); }
BOOL PolygonShape :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { DebugBreak(); return FALSE; }
BOOL PolygonShape :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { DebugBreak(); return FALSE; }
// CurveShape
BOOL CurveShape :: AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { pts.Add(pt); return TRUE; }
VOID CurveShape :: DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { if (pts.GetCount() >= 2) { done = TRUE;
if (popup) { // !!! cheating, we use global HWND, should use
// HWND passed in.
ChangeSettings(hwnd); }
} else done = FALSE; }
BOOL CurveShape :: RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
if (count > 0) { pts.SetCount(count-1); done = FALSE; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL CurveShape :: IsComplete() { return done; }
VOID CurveShape :: DrawShape(Graphics* g) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
ASSERT(IsComplete()); ASSERT(count<2);
if (pen) { g->DrawCurve(pen->GetPen(), ptbuf, count, offset, numSegments, tension); } }
VOID CurveShape :: AddToPath(GraphicsPath* path) { ASSERT(Path);
INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
if (count > 2) path->AddCurve(ptbuf, count, tension, offset, numSegments); }
VOID CurveShape :: AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
outfile->PointDeclaration(_T("pts"), (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(), count); outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("DrawCurve"), _T("%s, %s, %d, %d, %d, %e"), outfile->Ref(_T("pen")), outfile->RefArray(_T("pts")), count, offset, numSegments, tension); }
// Configuration management functions
BOOL CurveShape :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CURVE_DLG), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
return ok; }
VOID CurveShape :: Initialize() { tension = 0.0; offset = 0; numSegments = 1; popup = FALSE; };
VOID CurveShape :: Initialize(TestShape *shape) { // if compatible, copy parameters from another compatible shape
if (shape && shape->GetType() == GetType()) { CurveShape* curveshape = static_cast<CurveShape*>(shape);
tension = curveshape->tension; offset = curveshape->offset; numSegments = curveshape->numSegments; popup = curveshape->popup; } else Initialize(); }
// Dialog management functions (not used)
VOID CurveShape :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_CURVE_TENSION, tension); SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_CURVE_OFFSET, offset); SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_CURVE_SEGMENTS, numSegments); SetDialogCheck(hwnd, IDC_ARC_POPUP, popup); }
BOOL CurveShape :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { tension = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_CURVE_TENSION); offset = GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_CURVE_OFFSET); numSegments = GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_CURVE_SEGMENTS); popup = GetDialogCheck(hwnd, IDC_ARC_POPUP);
// !! could add some warnings...
// no warnings, anything goes
return FALSE; }
BOOL CurveShape :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND && LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_OK) { if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE);
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// ClosedCurveShape
BOOL ClosedCurveShape :: AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { pts.Add(pt); return TRUE; }
VOID ClosedCurveShape :: DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { if (pts.GetCount() >= 2) { done = TRUE;
if (popup) { // !!! cheating, we use global HWND, should use
// HWND passed in.
ChangeSettings(hwnd); }
} else done = FALSE; }
BOOL ClosedCurveShape :: RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
if (count > 0) { pts.SetCount(count-1); done = FALSE; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL ClosedCurveShape :: IsComplete() { return done; }
VOID ClosedCurveShape :: DrawShape(Graphics* g) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
ASSERT(IsComplete()); ASSERT(count<2);
if (pen && brush) { g->FillClosedCurve(brush->GetBrush(), ptbuf, count, tension, Alternate); g->DrawClosedCurve(pen->GetPen(), ptbuf, count, tension); } }
VOID ClosedCurveShape :: AddToPath(GraphicsPath* path) { ASSERT(Path);
INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
if (count > 2) path->AddClosedCurve(ptbuf, count, tension); }
VOID ClosedCurveShape :: AddToFile(OutputFile* outfile) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
outfile->PointDeclaration(_T("pts"), (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer(), count); outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("FillClosedCurve"), _T("%s, %s, %d, %e, %s"), outfile->Ref(_T("brush")), outfile->RefArray(_T("pts")), count, tension, _T("Alternate")); outfile->BlankLine();
pen->AddToFile(outfile); outfile->BlankLine();
outfile->GraphicsCommand(_T("DrawClosedCurve"), _T("%s, %s, %d, %e"), outfile->Ref(_T("pen")), outfile->RefArray(_T("pts")), count, tension); }
// Configuration management functions
BOOL ClosedCurveShape :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_CURVE_DLG), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
return ok; }
VOID ClosedCurveShape :: Initialize() { tension = 0.0; popup = FALSE; };
VOID ClosedCurveShape :: Initialize(TestShape *shape) { // if compatible, copy parameters from another compatible shape
if (shape && shape->GetType() == GetType()) { ClosedCurveShape* closedcurveshape = static_cast<ClosedCurveShape*>(shape);
tension = closedcurveshape->tension; popup = closedcurveshape->popup; } else Initialize(); }
// Dialog management functions (not used)
VOID ClosedCurveShape :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { SetWindowText(hwnd, _T("Closed Curve Shape Parameters")); SetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_CURVE_TENSION, tension); SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_CURVE_OFFSET, 0, FALSE); SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_CURVE_SEGMENTS, 0, FALSE); SetDialogCheck(hwnd, IDC_ARC_POPUP, popup); }
BOOL ClosedCurveShape :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { tension = GetDialogReal(hwnd, IDC_CURVE_TENSION); popup = GetDialogCheck(hwnd, IDC_ARC_POPUP);
// no warnings, anything goes
return FALSE; }
BOOL ClosedCurveShape :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND && LOWORD(wParam) == IDC_OK) { if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE);
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// TestTriangleGradShape
BOOL TestTriangleGradShape :: AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { return FALSE; }
VOID TestTriangleGradShape :: DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { DebugBreak(); }
BOOL TestTriangleGradShape :: EndPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { curIndex = FindControlPoint(pt);
// we aren't at a control point, no dialog box
if (curIndex < 0) { WarningBeep(); } else { // pop-up dialog to configure color & blend at this point.
return ChangeSettings(hwnd); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL TestTriangleGradShape :: RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { return FALSE; }
BOOL TestTriangleGradShape :: IsComplete() { return TRUE; }
BOOL TestTriangleGradShape :: MoveControlPoint(Point origPt, Point newPt) { INT pos = 0;
// !!! what if multiple control points overlap?
// can't get to one of them
for (pos = 0; pos<3; pos++) { Point *ctrlPt = &pts[pos];
ERectangle ctrlRect(ctrlPt->X-pointRadius, ctrlPt->Y-pointRadius, 2*pointRadius, 2*pointRadius);
if (origPt.X>ctrlPt->X-pointRadius && origPt.X<ctrlPt->X+pointRadius && origPt.Y>ctrlPt->Y-pointRadius && origPt.Y<ctrlPt->Y+pointRadius) { ctrlPt->X = newPt.X; ctrlPt->Y = newPt.Y;
return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
VOID TestTriangleGradShape :: DrawShape(Graphics* g) { if (gdiBrush) g->FillPolygon(gdiBrush, (Point*)&pts[0], 3); }
// Configuration management functions
BOOL TestTriangleGradShape :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_TRIGRAD_DLG2), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
if (ok) { // !! really only need to set one blend & color, but
// the API requires we set all three.
gdiBrush->SetBlend0(blend[0], count[0]); gdiBrush->SetBlend1(blend[1], count[1]); gdiBrush->SetBlend2(blend[2], count[2]); Color colors[3] = { Color(argb[0]), Color(argb[1]), Color(argb[2]) };
gdiBrush->SetTriangle(&pts[0]); }
return ok; }
VOID TestTriangleGradShape :: Initialize() { DebugBreak(); };
VOID TestTriangleGradShape :: Initialize(TestShape* shape) { DebugBreak(); }
VOID TestTriangleGradShape :: Initialize(Point* newPts, ARGB* newArgb, REAL** newBlend, INT* newBlendCount) { Color color[3];
pts.Reset(); argb.Reset();
for (INT i = 0; i < 3; i++) { pts.Add(newPts[i]); argb.Add(newArgb[i]);
count[i] = newBlendCount[i];
if (count[i]) { blend[i] = (REAL*) malloc(sizeof(REAL)*count[i]); memcpy(blend[i], newBlend[i], sizeof(REAL)*count[i]); } else blend[i] = NULL;
color[i] = Color(argb[i]); }
gdiBrush = new TriangleGradientBrush(newPts, &color[0]);
gdiBrush->SetBlend0(blend[0], count[0]); gdiBrush->SetBlend1(blend[1], count[1]); gdiBrush->SetBlend2(blend[2], count[2]); }
// Dialog management functions (not used)
VOID TestTriangleGradShape :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { tmpArgb = argb[curIndex];
SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_ALPHA, (tmpArgb & Color::AlphaMask) >> Color::AlphaShift); SetDialogRealList(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_BLEND, blend[curIndex], count[curIndex]); }
BOOL TestTriangleGradShape :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { argb[curIndex] = ((tmpArgb & ~Color::AlphaMask) | (GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_ALPHA) << Color::AlphaShift));
if (count[curIndex] > 0) free(blend[curIndex]);
GetDialogRealList(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_BLEND, &(blend[curIndex]), &(count[curIndex])); return FALSE; }
BOOL TestTriangleGradShape :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND) { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_OK: if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE); break;
case IDC_TRIGRAD_COLORBUTTON: UpdateRGBColor(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_PIC, tmpArgb); break;
case IDC_REFRESH_PIC: UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_TRIGRAD_PIC, tmpArgb); break;
case IDC_CANCEL: ::EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE); break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// TestPathGradShape
BOOL TestPathGradShape :: AddPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { // Find point pair to insert between
// INT insertAt = FindLocationToInsert(pt);
curIndex = pts.GetCount();
pts.Add(pt); argb.Add(0x80000000);
if(!ChangeSettings(hwnd)) { // undo this add, we canceled the point.
pts.SetCount(curIndex); }
return FALSE; }
VOID TestPathGradShape :: DoneShape(HWND hwnd) { DebugBreak(); }
BOOL TestPathGradShape :: EndPoint(HWND hwnd, Point pt) { curIndex = FindControlPoint(pt);
// we aren't at a control point, no dialog box
if (curIndex < 0) { WarningBeep(); } else { // pop-up dialog to configure color & blend at this point.
return ChangeSettings(hwnd); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL TestPathGradShape :: RemovePoint(HWND hwnd) { INT count = pts.GetCount();
if (count > 4) { pts.SetCount(count-1); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; }
BOOL TestPathGradShape :: IsComplete() { return TRUE; }
BOOL TestPathGradShape :: MoveControlPoint(Point origPt, Point newPt) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); INT pos = 0;
// !!! what if multiple control points overlap?
// can't get to one of them
for (pos = 0; pos<count; pos++) { Point *ctrlPt = &pts[pos];
ERectangle ctrlRect(ctrlPt->X-pointRadius, ctrlPt->Y-pointRadius, 2*pointRadius, 2*pointRadius);
if (origPt.X>ctrlPt->X-pointRadius && origPt.X<ctrlPt->X+pointRadius && origPt.Y>ctrlPt->Y-pointRadius && origPt.Y<ctrlPt->Y+pointRadius) { ctrlPt->X = newPt.X; ctrlPt->Y = newPt.Y;
if (pos > 0) gdiBrush->SetPoint(ctrlPt,pos-1); else gdiBrush->SetCenterPoint(*ctrlPt);
return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
VOID TestPathGradShape :: DrawShape(Graphics* g) { INT count = pts.GetCount(); Point* ptbuf = (Point*)pts.GetDataBuffer();
if (gdiBrush) g->FillPolygon(gdiBrush, (Point*)&pts[1], count-1); }
// Configuration management functions
BOOL TestPathGradShape :: ChangeSettings(HWND hwndParent) { BOOL ok = DialogBoxParam(hInst, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_POLYGRAD_DLG2), hwndParent, AllDialogBox, (LPARAM)((TestDialogInterface*)this));
if (ok) { delete gdiBrush;
gdiBrush = new PathGradientBrush((Point*)&pts[1], pts.GetCount()-1);
// set blending factors
gdiBrush->SetBlend(centerBlend, centerCount); //gdiBrush->SetSurroundBlend(surroundBlend, surroundCount);
// set colors
Color center(argb[0]); gdiBrush->SetCenterColor(center);
for (INT pos = 1; pos < pts.GetCount(); pos++) { Color color(argb[pos]); gdiBrush->SetSurroundColor(color, pos-1); }
// set points
gdiBrush->SetCenterPoint(pts[0]); gdiBrush->SetPolygon(&pts[1]); }
return ok; }
VOID TestPathGradShape :: Initialize() { DebugBreak(); };
VOID TestPathGradShape :: Initialize(TestShape* shape) { DebugBreak(); }
VOID TestPathGradShape :: Initialize(PointArray* newPts, ARGBArray* newArgb, REAL* newSurroundBlend, INT newSurroundCount, REAL* newCenterBlend, INT newCenterCount) { INT pos;
pts.Reset(); argb.Reset(); for (pos = 0; pos < newPts->GetCount(); pos++) { pts.Add((*newPts)[pos]); argb.Add((*newArgb)[pos]); }
surroundCount = newSurroundCount; centerCount = newCenterCount;
if (surroundCount && newSurroundBlend) { surroundBlend = (REAL*) malloc(sizeof(REAL)*surroundCount); memcpy(surroundBlend, newSurroundBlend, sizeof(REAL)*surroundCount); } else surroundBlend = NULL; if (centerCount && newCenterBlend) { centerBlend = (REAL*) malloc(sizeof(REAL)*centerCount); memcpy(centerBlend, newCenterBlend, sizeof(REAL)*centerCount); } else centerBlend = NULL;
gdiBrush = new PathGradientBrush((Point*)&pts[1], newPts->GetCount()-1);
gdiBrush->SetCenterPoint(pts[0]); Color centerColor(argb[0]); gdiBrush->SetCenterColor(centerColor);
for (pos = 1; pos < pts.GetCount(); pos++) { Color color(argb[pos]); gdiBrush->SetSurroundColor(color, pos-1); }
// set blending factors
gdiBrush->SetBlend(centerBlend, centerCount); //gdiBrush->SetSurroundBlend(surroundBlend, surroundCount);
// Dialog management functions (not used)
VOID TestPathGradShape :: InitDialog(HWND hwnd) { tmpArgb = argb[curIndex];
SetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_POLYGRAD_ALPHA, (tmpArgb & Color::AlphaMask) >> Color::AlphaShift);
if (curIndex) { SetDialogRealList(hwnd, IDC_POLYGRAD_BLEND, surroundBlend, surroundCount); } else { SetDialogRealList(hwnd, IDC_POLYGRAD_BLEND, centerBlend, centerCount); }
BOOL TestPathGradShape :: SaveValues(HWND hwnd) { argb[curIndex] = ((tmpArgb & ~Color::AlphaMask) | (GetDialogLong(hwnd, IDC_POLYGRAD_ALPHA) << Color::AlphaShift));
if (curIndex) { if (surroundBlend) free(surroundBlend);
GetDialogRealList(hwnd, IDC_POLYGRAD_BLEND, &surroundBlend, &surroundCount); } else { if (centerBlend) free(centerBlend); GetDialogRealList(hwnd, IDC_POLYGRAD_BLEND, ¢erBlend, ¢erCount); }
return FALSE; }
BOOL TestPathGradShape :: ProcessDialog(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { if (msg == WM_COMMAND) { switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_OK: if (SaveValues(hwnd)) WarningBeep(); else ::EndDialog(hwnd, TRUE); break;
case IDC_POLYGRAD_COLORBUTTON: UpdateRGBColor(hwnd, IDC_POLYGRAD_PIC, tmpArgb); break;
case IDC_REFRESH_PIC: UpdateColorPicture(hwnd, IDC_POLYGRAD_PIC, tmpArgb); break;
case IDC_CANCEL: ::EndDialog(hwnd, FALSE); break;
default: return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }