//// DspPath.CPP - Display plaintext using AddString and DrawPath APIs
#include "precomp.hxx"
#include "global.h"
void PaintPath( HDC hdc, int *piY, RECT *prc, int iLineHeight) {
int icpLineStart; // First character of line
int icpLineEnd; // End of line (end of buffer or index of CR character)
HFONT hFont; HFONT hOldFont; LOGFONT lf;
// Establish available width and height in device coordinates
int plainTextWidth = prc->right - prc->left; int plainTextHeight = prc->bottom - *piY;
// Draw a simple figure in the world coordinate system
Graphics g(hdc); Matrix matrix;
g.ResetTransform(); g.SetPageUnit(UnitPixel); g.TranslateTransform(REAL(prc->left), REAL(*piY));
// Clear the background
RectF rEntire(0, 0, REAL(plainTextWidth), REAL(plainTextHeight)); SolidBrush whiteBrush(Color(0xff, 0xff, 0xff)); g.FillRectangle(&whiteBrush, rEntire);
// Apply selected world transform, adjusted to middle of the plain text
// area.
g.SetTransform(&g_WorldTransform); g.TranslateTransform( REAL(prc->left + plainTextWidth/2), REAL(*piY + plainTextHeight/2), MatrixOrderAppend);
// Put some text in the middle
RectF textRect(REAL(-25*plainTextWidth/100), REAL(-25*plainTextHeight/100), REAL( 50*plainTextWidth/100), REAL( 50*plainTextHeight/100));
StringFormat format(g_formatFlags); format.SetTrimming(g_lineTrim); format.SetAlignment(g_align); format.SetLineAlignment(g_lineAlign); format.SetHotkeyPrefix(g_hotkey);
REAL tab[3] = {textRect.Width/4, textRect.Width*3/16, textRect.Width*1/8};
format.SetTabStops(0.0, sizeof(tab)/sizeof(REAL), tab);
Color blackColor(0, 0, 0); SolidBrush blackBrush(blackColor); Pen blackPen(&blackBrush, 1.0); for(int iRender=0;iRender<g_iNumRenders;iRender++) { GraphicsPath path; path.AddString( g_wcBuf, g_iTextLen, &FontFamily(g_style[0].faceName), g_style[0].style, REAL(g_style[0].emSize * g.GetDpiY() / 72.0), textRect, &format); g.DrawPath(&blackPen, &path); }
// Show the text rectangle
if (!g_AutoDrive) { g.DrawRectangle(&blackPen, textRect); }
*piY += plainTextHeight; }