@rem = ' @perl.exe -w %~f0 %* @goto :EOF '; undef @rem;
# Creates a new source file, 'sd add's it, and fills in the comment headers.
$date = ""; $year = ""; $changelist = "";
$syntax = "Syntax: newfile [-c <changelist>] <fn>\n";
while ($#ARGV > 0) { $option = $ARGV[0]; $option =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; $option =~ /^[-\/].$/ || die $syntax; ($#ARGV > 1) || die $syntax;
if ($ARGV[0] eq "-c") { $changelist = "-c ".$ARGV[1]." "; shift; shift; } else { die $syntax; } }
($#ARGV == 0) || die $syntax;
$fn = $ARGV[0]; $username = $ENV{"USERNAME"};
(!-r $fn) || die "$fn already exists\n"; $username || die "USERNAME not set\n";
sub getDate { local ($mday, $mon); local @currentTime;
@currentTime = localtime; $mday = $currentTime[3]; $mon = $currentTime[4]; $year = $currentTime[5]; # ($sec,$min,$hour,$mday,$mon,$year,$wday,$yday,$isdst) = localtime; $year += 1900; $mon++; $date = sprintf("%02d/%02d/%d", $mon, $mday, $year); }
%filetype = ( "h", 1, "hpp", 1, "hxx", 1, "c", 2, "cpp", 2, "cxx", 2 );
# Check the file extension
$fn =~ /\.([^.]+)$/ || die "Unrecognized file extension\n"; $ext = $1; $ext =~ tr/[A-Z]/[a-z]/; $type = $filetype{$ext}; $type || die "Unrecognized file extension\n";
open (FILE, ">$fn") || die "Couldn't open file\n";
print FILE <<EOT; /**************************************************************************\ * * Copyright (c) $year Microsoft Corporation * * Module Name: * * <an unabbreviated name for the module (not the filename)> * * Abstract: * * <Description of what this module does> * * Notes: * * <optional> * * Created: * * $date $username * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
if ($type == 1) { $upfn = $fn; $upfn =~ tr/\.[a-z]/_[A-Z]/; $upfn =~ s/.*\\([^\\])+/$1/; print FILE "#ifndef _$upfn\n#define _$upfn\n\n"; } else { print FILE <<EOT; /**************************************************************************\ * * Function Description: * * <Description of what the function does> * * Arguments: * * [<blank> | OUT | IN/OUT] argument-name - description of argument * ...... * * Return Value: * * return-value - description of return value * or NONE * * Created: * * $date $username * Created it. * \**************************************************************************/
if ($type == 1) { print FILE "#endif\n"; }
close (FILE);
system ("sd add $changelist$fn");