Copyright (c) 1989-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements string utilities for dealing with NT device names.
vadimb created sometime in 2000
Revision History:
clupu cleanup 12/27/2000 --*/
#include "apphelp.h"
BOOL CheckStringPrefixUnicode( IN PUNICODE_STRING pStrPrefix, // the prefix to check for
IN PUNICODE_STRING pString, // the string
IN BOOL CaseInSensitive ) /*++
Return: TRUE if the specified string contains pStrPrefix at it's start.
Desc: Verifies if a string is a prefix in another unicode counted string. It is equivalent to RtlStringPrefix. --*/ { PWSTR ps1, ps2; UINT n; WCHAR c1, c2;
n = pStrPrefix->Length; if (pString->Length < n) { return FALSE; }
n /= sizeof(WCHAR); // convert to char count
ps1 = pStrPrefix->Buffer; ps2 = pString->Buffer;
if (CaseInSensitive) { while (n--) { c1 = *ps1++; c2 = *ps2++;
if (c1 != c2) { c1 = RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(c1); c2 = RtlUpcaseUnicodeChar(c2); if (c1 != c2) { return FALSE; } } } } else { while (n--) { if (*ps1++ != *ps2++) { return FALSE; } } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL DeleteCharsUnicodeString( OUT PUNICODE_STRING pStringDest, // UNICODE string to operate on
IN USHORT nIndexStart, // starting byte for deletion
IN USHORT nLength // number of bytes to be removed
) /*++
Return: TRUE if the characters were removed, FALSE on failure.
Desc: Removes the specified number of characters from a unicode string starting at the specified position (including starting character). --*/ { if (nIndexStart > pStringDest->Length) { // start past length
return FALSE; }
if (nLength >= (pStringDest->Length - nIndexStart)) { pStringDest->Length = nIndexStart; *(PWCHAR)((PUCHAR)pStringDest->Buffer + nIndexStart) = UNICODE_NULL; } else { USHORT nNewLength;
nNewLength = pStringDest->Length - nLength;
RtlMoveMemory((PUCHAR)pStringDest->Buffer + nIndexStart, (PUCHAR)pStringDest->Buffer + nIndexStart + nLength, nNewLength - nIndexStart);
pStringDest->Length = nNewLength; *(PWCHAR)((PUCHAR)pStringDest->Buffer + nNewLength) = UNICODE_NULL; }
return TRUE; }
void InitZeroUnicodeString( OUT PUNICODE_STRING pStr, IN PWSTR pwsz, IN USHORT nMaximumLength ) /*++
Return: void.
Desc: Initializes an empty UNICODE string given the pointer starting at the specified position (including starting character). --*/ { pStr->Length = 0; pStr->MaximumLength = nMaximumLength; pStr->Buffer = pwsz; if (pwsz != NULL) { pwsz[0] = UNICODE_NULL; } }
static WCHAR szStaticDosPathBuffer[MAX_PATH];
void FreeDosPath( WCHAR* pDosPath ) /*++
Return: BUGBUG: ?
Desc: BUGBUG: ? --*/ { //
// Check whether this memory points to our internal buffer.
// If not then this was allocated. We need to free it.
if (pDosPath && ((ULONG_PTR)pDosPath < (ULONG_PTR)szStaticDosPathBuffer || (ULONG_PTR)pDosPath >= ((ULONG_PTR)szStaticDosPathBuffer) + sizeof(szStaticDosPathBuffer))) { SdbFree(pDosPath); } }
BOOL ConvertToDosPath( OUT LPWSTR* ppDosPath, IN LPCWSTR pwszPath ) /*++
Return: TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
Desc: This function can determine what sort of path has been given to it. If it's NT Path it returns DosPath. The function returns path name in a static buffer which is global or allocates memory as necessary if the static buffer is not large enough. --*/ { UNICODE_STRING ustrPath; UNICODE_STRING ustrDosPath; WCHAR* pDosPath;
RtlInitUnicodeString(&ustrPath, pwszPath);
// If the length is sufficient use the static buffer. If not allocate memory.
if (ustrPath.Length < sizeof(szStaticDosPathBuffer)) { pDosPath = szStaticDosPathBuffer; } else { //
// Allocate an output buffer that is large enough
pDosPath = SdbAlloc(ustrPath.Length + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL)); if (pDosPath == NULL) { DBGPRINT((sdlError, "ConvertToDosPath", "Failed to allocate %d bytes\n", ustrPath.Length + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL))); return FALSE; } } InitZeroUnicodeString(&ustrDosPath, pDosPath, ustrPath.Length + sizeof(UNICODE_NULL));
// Now it's unicode string. Copy the source string into it.
RtlCopyUnicodeString(&ustrDosPath, &ustrPath);
if (CheckStringPrefixUnicode(&DosDeviceUNCPrefix, &ustrDosPath, TRUE)) { //
// UNC path name. We convert it to DosPathName.
DeleteCharsUnicodeString(&ustrDosPath, (USHORT)0, (USHORT)(DosDeviceUNCPrefix.Length - 2 * sizeof(WCHAR)));
ustrDosPath.Buffer[0] = L'\\';
} else { //
// The string is not prefixed by <UNC\>
if (CheckStringPrefixUnicode(&DosDevicePrefix, &ustrDosPath, TRUE)) {
DeleteCharsUnicodeString(&ustrDosPath, 0, DosDevicePrefix.Length); } }
*ppDosPath = pDosPath;
return TRUE; }