Copyright (c) 1989-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements routines to persist layer information for shortcuts.
dmunsil created sometime in 2000
Revision History:
#include "apphelp.h"
BOOL AllowPermLayer( IN LPCWSTR pwszPath // path to the file to check whether you
// can set a permanent layer on
) /*++
Return: TRUE if a permanent setting of a layer is allowed for the specified file, FALSE otherwise.
Desc: Returns wether a permanent layer setting can be persisted for the specified file. --*/ { WCHAR wszDrive[5]; UINT unType;
if (pwszPath == NULL) { DBGPRINT((sdlError, "AllowPermLayer", "Invalid argument\n")); return FALSE; }
if (pwszPath[1] != L':' && pwszPath[1] != L'\\') { //
// Not a path we recognize.
DBGPRINT((sdlInfo, "AllowPermLayer", "\"%S\" not a full path we can operate on.\n", pwszPath)); return FALSE; }
if (pwszPath[1] == L'\\') { //
// Network path. Not allowed.
DBGPRINT((sdlInfo, "AllowPermLayer", "\"%S\" is a network path.\n", pwszPath)); return FALSE; }
wcscpy(wszDrive, L"c:\\"); wszDrive[0] = pwszPath[0];
unType = GetDriveTypeW(wszDrive);
if (unType == DRIVE_REMOTE) { DBGPRINT((sdlInfo, "AllowPermLayer", "\"%S\" is on CDROM or other removable media.\n", pwszPath)); return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// Semi-exported api from SDBAPI (ntbase.c)
BOOL SDBAPI ApphelpUpdateCacheEntry( LPCWSTR pwszPath, // nt path
HANDLE hFile, // file handle
BOOL bDeleteEntry, // TRUE if we are to delete the entry
BOOL bNTPath // if TRUE -- NT path, FALSE - dos path
) { RTL_UNICODE_STRING_BUFFER Path; UCHAR PathBuffer[MAX_PATH*2]; BOOL TranslationStatus; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; UNICODE_STRING NtPath = { 0 }; UNICODE_STRING DosPath = { 0 }; BOOL bFreeNtPath = FALSE; NTSTATUS Status;
RtlInitUnicodeStringBuffer(&Path, PathBuffer, sizeof(PathBuffer));
if (bNTPath) { // if this is NT Path name, convert to dos
RtlInitUnicodeString(&NtPath, pwszPath); Status = RtlAssignUnicodeStringBuffer(&Path, &NtPath); // NT path
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DBGPRINT((sdlError, "ApphelpUpdateCacheEntry", "Failed to allocate temp buffer for %s\n", pwszPath)); goto Cleanup; } Status = RtlNtPathNameToDosPathName(0, &Path, NULL, NULL); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DBGPRINT((sdlError, "ApphelpUpdateCacheEntry", "Failed to convert Path \"%s\" to dos path status 0x%lx\n", pwszPath, Status)); goto Cleanup; }
Status = RtlDuplicateUnicodeString(RTL_DUPLICATE_UNICODE_STRING_NULL_TERMINATE, &Path.String, &DosPath); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { DBGPRINT((sdlError, "ApphelpUpdateCacheEntry", "Failed to Duplicate Path \"%s\" status 0x%lx\n", Path.String.Buffer, Status)); goto Cleanup; } pwszPath = DosPath.Buffer; }
// at this point we have both NT and DOS path - buffer is available to us now
if (!SdbpGetLongPathName(pwszPath, &Path)) { // in - DosPath // out -- Long DOS Path
goto Cleanup; }
// convert long path name to NT Path name
TranslationStatus = RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(Path.String.Buffer, &NtPath, NULL, NULL); if (!TranslationStatus) { DBGPRINT((sdlError, "ApphelpUpdateCacheEntry", "Failed to Convert Path \"%s\" to NT path\n", Path.String.Buffer)); goto Cleanup; } //
// update the cache (use NT Path here)
bSuccess = BaseUpdateAppcompatCache(NtPath.Buffer, hFile, bDeleteEntry); //
// we only free this string when we successfully navigated through RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U
RtlFreeUnicodeString(&NtPath); Cleanup:
if (bNTPath) { //
// Free DosPath if we had to convert from NT Path to DosPath first
RtlFreeUnicodeString(&DosPath); } RtlFreeUnicodeStringBuffer(&Path);
return bSuccess;
BOOL SetPermLayers( IN LPCWSTR pwszPath, // path to the file to set a permanent layer on (dos path)
IN LPCWSTR pwszLayers, // layers to apply to the file, separated by spaces
IN BOOL bMachine // TRUE if the layers should be persisted per machine
) /*++
Return: TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
Desc: Sets a permanent layer setting for the specified file. --*/ { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; if (pwszPath == NULL || pwszLayers == NULL) { DBGPRINT((sdlError, "SetPermLayers", "Invalid argument\n")); return FALSE; }
bSuccess = SdbSetPermLayerKeys(pwszPath, pwszLayers, bMachine);
// we do not care whether we were successful in the call above, clean the
// cache always (just in case)
ApphelpUpdateCacheEntry(pwszPath, INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, TRUE, FALSE);
return bSuccess; }
BOOL GetPermLayers( IN LPCWSTR pwszPath, // path to the file to set a permanent layer on
OUT LPWSTR pwszLayers, // layers to apply to the file, separated by spaces
OUT DWORD* pdwBytes, // input: number of bytes available; output is number
// of bytes needed.
IN DWORD dwFlags ) /*++
Return: TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise.
Desc: Returns the permanent layer setting for the specified file. --*/ { if (pwszPath == NULL || pwszLayers == NULL || pdwBytes == NULL) { DBGPRINT((sdlError, "GetPermLayers", "Invalid argument\n")); return FALSE; }
return SdbGetPermLayerKeys(pwszPath, pwszLayers, pdwBytes, dwFlags); }