typedef enum { TEST_SHIM, TEST_KERNEL } TestType;
class CIncludeInfo { public: wstring strModule; BOOL bInclude; CIncludeInfo(void) : bInclude(TRUE) {} };
typedef vector<CIncludeInfo> CIncludeArray;
typedef vector<wstring> CWStringArray; class CTestInfo { public: //
// valid for all tests
TestType eTestType; wstring strTestName; wstring strTestDescription; wstring strTestFriendlyName; BOOL bDefault; // is this test turned on by default?
BOOL bWin2KCompatible; // can this test be run on Win2K?
BOOL bRunAlone; // should this test be run alone?
BOOL bSetupOK; // can this test be run on a setup app?
BOOL bNonSetupOK; // can this test be run on a non-setup app?
BOOL bPseudoShim; // this test is not a shim, and shouldn't be applied to apps
BOOL bNonTest; // this is not a test at all, and is only in the list to provide an options page
BOOL bInternal; // this test is appropriate for internal MS NTDEV use
BOOL bExternal; // this test is appropriate for external (non MS or non NTDEV) use
// if type is TEST_SHIM, the following are valid
wstring strDllName; CIncludeArray aIncludes; WORD wVersionHigh; WORD wVersionLow; PROPSHEETPAGE PropSheetPage;
// if type is TEST_KERNEL, the following are valid
DWORD dwKernelFlag;
CTestInfo(void) : eTestType(TEST_SHIM), dwKernelFlag(0), bDefault(TRUE), wVersionHigh(0), wVersionLow(0), bWin2KCompatible(TRUE), bRunAlone(FALSE), bSetupOK(TRUE), bNonSetupOK(TRUE), bPseudoShim(FALSE), bNonTest(FALSE), bInternal(TRUE), bExternal(TRUE) {
ZeroMemory(&PropSheetPage, sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE)); PropSheetPage.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); }
typedef vector<CTestInfo> CTestInfoArray;
class CAVAppInfo { public: wstring wstrExeName; wstring wstrExePath; // optional
DWORD dwRegFlags; CWStringArray awstrShims; //BOOL bClearSessionLogBeforeRun;
BOOL bBreakOnLog; BOOL bFullPageHeap; BOOL bUseAVDebugger; BOOL bPropagateTests; wstring wstrDebugger;
CAVAppInfo() : dwRegFlags(0), bBreakOnLog(FALSE), bFullPageHeap(FALSE), bUseAVDebugger(FALSE), bPropagateTests(FALSE) {}
void AddTest(CTestInfo &Test) { if (Test.eTestType == TEST_KERNEL) { dwRegFlags |= Test.dwKernelFlag; } else { for (wstring *pStr = awstrShims.begin(); pStr != awstrShims.end(); ++pStr) { if (*pStr == Test.strTestName) { return; } } // not found, so add
awstrShims.push_back(Test.strTestName); } }
void RemoveTest(CTestInfo &Test) { if (Test.eTestType == TEST_KERNEL) { dwRegFlags &= ~(Test.dwKernelFlag); } else { for (wstring *pStr = awstrShims.begin(); pStr != awstrShims.end(); ++pStr) { if (*pStr == Test.strTestName) { awstrShims.erase(pStr); return; } } } }
BOOL IsTestActive(CTestInfo &Test) { if (Test.eTestType == TEST_KERNEL) { return (dwRegFlags & Test.dwKernelFlag) == Test.dwKernelFlag; } else { for (wstring *pStr = awstrShims.begin(); pStr != awstrShims.end(); ++pStr) { if (*pStr == Test.strTestName) { return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } }
typedef vector<CAVAppInfo> CAVAppInfoArray;
typedef struct _KERNEL_TEST_INFO { ULONG m_uFriendlyNameStringId; ULONG m_uDescriptionStringId; DWORD m_dwBit; BOOL m_bDefault; LPWSTR m_szCommandLine; BOOL m_bWin2KCompatible; } KERNEL_TEST_INFO, *PKERNEL_TEST_INFO;
extern CAVAppInfoArray g_aAppInfo;
extern CTestInfoArray g_aTestInfo;
void ResetVerifierLog(void);
BOOL InitTestInfo(void);
void GetCurrentAppSettings(void);
void SetCurrentAppSettings(void);
BOOL AppCompatWriteShimSettings( CAVAppInfoArray& arrAppInfo, BOOL b32bitOnly );
BOOL AppCompatDeleteSettings( void );