Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This is a shim that can be applied to those applications who assumed false upper-limit on the size of PRINTER_INFO_2 buffer GetPrinter returns. What the shim does is that when it detects the spooler returned PRINTER_INFO_2 buffer is over a certain limit that could break those apps, it truncates the private devmode part in PRINTER_INFO_2's pDevMode to retain only the public devmode, and returns the truncated PRINTER_INFO_2 buffer.
10/29/2001 fengy Created
#include "precomp.h"
#include <stddef.h>
IMPLEMENT_SHIM_BEGIN(PrinterGetPrtL2) #include "ShimHookMacro.h"
#define ALIGN_PTR_UP(addr) ((ULONG_PTR)((ULONG_PTR)(addr) + (sizeof(ULONG_PTR) - 1)) & ~(sizeof(ULONG_PTR) - 1))
// The PRINTER_INFO_2 buffer size limit over which this shim
// will perform the devmode truncation. The default value is
// set to 8K here. App-specific limit values can be specified
// as decimal numbers in the XML database as following:
// <SHIM NAME="PrinterGetPrtL2" COMMAND_LINE="1024"/>
LONG g_lTruncateLimit = 0x2000;
// Table of offsets to each string field in PRINTER_INFO_2A
DWORD g_dwStringOffsets[] = {offsetof(PRINTER_INFO_2A, pServerName), offsetof(PRINTER_INFO_2A, pPrinterName), offsetof(PRINTER_INFO_2A, pShareName), offsetof(PRINTER_INFO_2A, pPortName), offsetof(PRINTER_INFO_2A, pDriverName), offsetof(PRINTER_INFO_2A, pComment), offsetof(PRINTER_INFO_2A, pLocation), offsetof(PRINTER_INFO_2A, pSepFile), offsetof(PRINTER_INFO_2A, pPrintProcessor), offsetof(PRINTER_INFO_2A, pDatatype), offsetof(PRINTER_INFO_2A, pParameters), 0xFFFFFFFF};
This stub function intercepts all level 2 calls to GetPrinterA and detects if the spooler returned PRINTER_INFO_2 buffer is over the app limit. If so, it will truncate the private devmode of PRINTER_INFO_2's pDevMode.
--*/ BOOL APIHOOK(GetPrinterA)( HANDLE hPrinter, DWORD Level, LPBYTE pPrinter, DWORD cbBuf, LPDWORD pcbNeeded ) { BOOL bNoTruncation = TRUE; BOOL bRet;
if (Level == 2 && pPrinter != NULL && cbBuf != 0) { PRINTER_INFO_2A *pInfo2Full = NULL; DWORD cbFullNeeded = 0;
// Call spooler to get the full PRINTER_INFO_2 buffer size
bRet = ORIGINAL_API(GetPrinterA)( hPrinter, 2, NULL, 0, &cbFullNeeded);
if (!bRet && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER && cbFullNeeded > (DWORD)g_lTruncateLimit && cbBuf >= cbFullNeeded && (pInfo2Full = (PRINTER_INFO_2A *)malloc(cbFullNeeded))) { //
// The full PRINTER_INFO_2 buffer size is over the app limit,
// so we will first retrieve the full buffer into our internal
// buffer.
// The condition "cbBuf >= cbFullNeeded" is here because if
// that's not true, the original GetPrinterA's behavior is to
// fail the call. We don't want to change that behavior.
bRet = ORIGINAL_API(GetPrinterA)( hPrinter, 2, (PBYTE)pInfo2Full, cbFullNeeded, &cbFullNeeded);
if (bRet) { PRINTER_INFO_2A *pInfo2In; PBYTE pDest; INT i;
// Having the full PRINTER_INFO_2 structure in our internal
// buffer, now we will copy it into app-allocated output buffer
// by duplicating every thing except for the pDevMode. For
// pDevMode we will only copy over the public devmode part,
// because the bigger size of PRINTER_INFO_2 structure usually
// are caused by big private devmode.
pInfo2In = (PRINTER_INFO_2A *)pPrinter; pDest = (PBYTE)pInfo2In + sizeof(PRINTER_INFO_2A);
// First copy over all the strings
i = 0; while (g_dwStringOffsets[i] != (-1)) { PSTR pSrc;
pSrc = *(PSTR *)((PBYTE)pInfo2Full + g_dwStringOffsets[i]);
if (pSrc) { DWORD cbStrSize;
cbStrSize = strlen(pSrc) + sizeof(CHAR); memcpy(pDest, pSrc, cbStrSize);
*(PSTR *)((PBYTE)pInfo2In + g_dwStringOffsets[i]) = (PSTR)pDest; pDest += cbStrSize; } else { *(PSTR *)((PBYTE)pInfo2In + g_dwStringOffsets[i]) = NULL; }
i++; }
// Then truncate the private devmode part by only copying over
// public devmode
if (pInfo2Full->pDevMode) { pDest = (PBYTE)ALIGN_PTR_UP(pDest); memcpy(pDest, pInfo2Full->pDevMode, pInfo2Full->pDevMode->dmSize); pInfo2In->pDevMode = (DEVMODEA *)pDest;
// Set private devmode size to zero since it was just truncated
pInfo2In->pDevMode->dmDriverExtra = 0;
pDest += pInfo2In->pDevMode->dmSize; } else { pInfo2In->pDevMode = NULL; }
// Then copy over the security descriptor
if (pInfo2Full->pSecurityDescriptor && IsValidSecurityDescriptor(pInfo2Full->pSecurityDescriptor)) { DWORD cbSDSize;
cbSDSize = GetSecurityDescriptorLength(pInfo2Full->pSecurityDescriptor);
pDest = (PBYTE)ALIGN_PTR_UP(pDest); memcpy(pDest, pInfo2Full->pSecurityDescriptor, cbSDSize); pInfo2In->pSecurityDescriptor = (PSECURITY_DESCRIPTOR)pDest;
pDest += cbSDSize; } else { pInfo2In->pSecurityDescriptor = NULL; }
// Lastly copy over all the DWORD fields
pInfo2In->Attributes = pInfo2Full->Attributes; pInfo2In->Priority = pInfo2Full->Priority; pInfo2In->DefaultPriority = pInfo2Full->DefaultPriority; pInfo2In->StartTime = pInfo2Full->StartTime; pInfo2In->UntilTime = pInfo2Full->UntilTime; pInfo2In->Status = pInfo2Full->Status; pInfo2In->cJobs = pInfo2Full->cJobs; pInfo2In->AveragePPM = pInfo2Full->AveragePPM;
// We also need to set the correct return buffer size
if (pcbNeeded) { *pcbNeeded = pDest - pPrinter; }
bNoTruncation = FALSE;
DPFN(eDbgLevelInfo, "GetPrinterA truncated from %X to %X bytes", cbBuf, pDest - pPrinter); } }
if (pInfo2Full) { free(pInfo2Full); pInfo2Full = NULL; } }
if (bNoTruncation) { //
// The shim doesn't need to do any truncation, or it has hit
// an error when it was doing the truncation, so we will
// just let the original API handle the call.
bRet = ORIGINAL_API(GetPrinterA)( hPrinter, Level, pPrinter, cbBuf, pcbNeeded); }
return bRet; }
Handle DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH to retrieve command line parameter.
--*/ BOOL NOTIFY_FUNCTION( DWORD fdwReason ) { if (fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH) { LONG lLimit = atol(COMMAND_LINE);
if (lLimit > 0) { g_lTruncateLimit = lLimit; } }
return TRUE; }
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