Copyright (c) 2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the code for manipulating the AppVerifier log file.
dmunsil created 04/26/2001
Revision History:
08/14/2001 robkenny Moved code inside the ShimLib namespace. 09/21/2001 rparsons Logging code now uses NT calls. 09/25/2001 rparsons Added critical section. --*/
#include "avrfutil.h"
#include "ShimHook.h"
#include "VerifLog.h"
#include "strsafe.h"
#include "string.h"
namespace ShimLib {
typedef struct _VLOG_GLOBAL_DATA { BOOL bLoggingDisabled; // was logging disabled?
PVLOG_GLOBAL_DATA g_pData = NULL; HANDLE g_hMap = NULL; // mapping handle for global data
BOOL g_bVerifierLogInited = FALSE; // have we been through the init sequence?
BOOL g_bLoggingDisabled = TRUE; // have we been through the init sequence?
BOOL g_bLogBreakIn = FALSE; CString g_strSessionLog; CString g_strProcessLog; PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION g_pcsLogging; LPVOID g_pDllBase; // our own DLL base
LPVOID g_pDllEnd; // one past the DLL's last byte
DWORD g_dwSizeOfImage; // our own DLL image size
void CheckForDebuggerBreakIn( void ) { WCHAR szExe[MAX_PATH];
if (!GetCurrentExeName(szExe, ARRAYSIZE(szExe))) { g_bLogBreakIn = FALSE; }
g_bLogBreakIn = GetShimSettingDWORD(L"General", szExe, AV_BREAKIN, FALSE); }
BOOL GetModuleNameAndOffset( LPVOID lpAddress, // IN return address to search for
LPWSTR lpwszModuleName, // OUT name of module that contains address
DWORD dwBufferChars, // IN size in chars of module name buffer
PDWORD pdwOffset // OUT offset within module
) { PPEB Peb = NtCurrentPeb(); PLIST_ENTRY LdrHead; PLIST_ENTRY LdrNext; DWORD i; BOOL bRet = FALSE;
if (!lpAddress || !lpwszModuleName || !pdwOffset) { return FALSE; }
// search for the module
LdrHead = &Peb->Ldr->InMemoryOrderModuleList;
LdrNext = LdrHead->Flink;
while (LdrNext != LdrHead) {
// Is this it?
if (lpAddress >= LdrEntry->DllBase && lpAddress < ((PBYTE)(LdrEntry->DllBase) + LdrEntry->SizeOfImage)) {
// we special-case shimeng and ntdll, because we don't want them to be filtered out by the
// "system dll" filter.
if (_wcsicmp(LdrEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer, L"shimeng.dll") == 0 || _wcsicmp(LdrEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer, L"ntdll.dll") == 0) { StringCchCopyW(lpwszModuleName, dwBufferChars, L"?"); *pdwOffset = 0;
} else {
StringCchCopyW(lpwszModuleName, dwBufferChars, LdrEntry->BaseDllName.Buffer); *pdwOffset = (DWORD)((PBYTE)lpAddress - (PBYTE)(LdrEntry->DllBase)); } bRet = TRUE; break;
LdrNext = LdrEntry->InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink; }
return bRet;
void GetCallingModule( LPWSTR szModule, DWORD dwChars, PDWORD pdwOffset ) { PVOID apRetAddresses[10]; USHORT unAddresses, i; BOOL bFound = FALSE; ULONG ulHash;
// On W2K, RtlCaptureStackBackTrace tries to dereference the fourth
// argument (the returned hash) without ensuring that it's valid.
// This causes on an access violation. On XP, the problem has been
// fixed. We get a hash value back, but we'll never use it.
unAddresses = RtlCaptureStackBackTrace(3, 10, apRetAddresses, &ulHash);
for (i = 0; i != unAddresses; i++) { PVOID pAddress = apRetAddresses[i];
if (pAddress < g_pDllBase || pAddress >= g_pDllEnd) { bFound = GetModuleNameAndOffset(pAddress, szModule, dwChars, pdwOffset); if (bFound) { break; } } }
if (!bFound) { if (pdwOffset) { *pdwOffset = 0; } if (szModule) { StringCchCopyW(szModule, dwChars, L"?"); } }
return; }
Function Description:
Initializes the globals holding this module's base address and size
Return Value:
09/26/2001 dmunsil Created
--*/ void GetCurrentModuleInfo(void) { PPEB Peb = NtCurrentPeb(); PLIST_ENTRY LdrHead; PLIST_ENTRY LdrNext; DWORD i;
// the base address is just the hInst
g_pDllBase = (LPVOID)g_hinstDll;
// now go find the size of the image by looking through the
// loader's module list
LdrHead = &Peb->Ldr->InMemoryOrderModuleList;
LdrNext = LdrHead->Flink;
while (LdrNext != LdrHead) {
// Is this it?
if (LdrEntry->DllBase == g_pDllBase) { g_dwSizeOfImage = LdrEntry->SizeOfImage; g_pDllEnd = (PVOID)((PBYTE)g_pDllBase + g_dwSizeOfImage); break; }
LdrNext = LdrEntry->InMemoryOrderLinks.Flink; } }
Function Description:
Initializes the support for file logging.
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if failed
04/26/2001 dmunsil Created 09/27/2001 rparsons Converted to use NT calls
--*/ BOOL InitVerifierLogSupport(void) { CString strProcessPath; CString strProcessName; CString strTemp; SYSTEMTIME LocalTime; CString strTime; CString strShared; char *szTemp; int nTemp; BOOL bAlreadyInited; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; DWORD cchSize; DWORD dwID; DWORD dwErr; WCHAR wszVLogPath[MAX_PATH]; NTSTATUS status; UNICODE_STRING strLogFile = {0}; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// if we've already been inited, get out
if (g_bVerifierLogInited) { return FALSE; } g_bVerifierLogInited = TRUE;
// get the current module's base address and size
// first check for a shared memory block
dwID = GetCurrentProcessId(); strShared.Format(L"VeriferLog_%08X", dwID);
g_hMap = OpenFileMapping(FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, strShared.GetAnsi()); if (g_hMap) { bAlreadyInited = TRUE; } else { bAlreadyInited = FALSE; g_hMap = CreateFileMapping(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, NULL, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(VLOG_GLOBAL_DATA), strShared.GetAnsi()); }
if (!g_hMap) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "Cannot get shared global data."); g_bLoggingDisabled = TRUE; return FALSE; }
g_pData = (PVLOG_GLOBAL_DATA)MapViewOfFile(g_hMap, FILE_MAP_ALL_ACCESS, 0, 0, 0); if (!g_pData) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "Cannot map shared global data."); g_bLoggingDisabled = TRUE; return FALSE; }
if (bAlreadyInited) { if (g_pData->szProcessLog[0] == 0 || g_pData->szSessionLog[0] == 0) { g_bLoggingDisabled = TRUE; g_pData->bLoggingDisabled = TRUE; return FALSE; } g_bLoggingDisabled = g_pData->bLoggingDisabled;
g_strSessionLog = g_pData->szSessionLog; g_strProcessLog = g_pData->szProcessLog; g_pcsLogging = g_pData->pcsLogging; return TRUE; } else { //
// we need to init the file mapping, so temporarily disable logging, just in case.
g_pData->bLoggingDisabled = TRUE; //
// Initialize the critical section. We allocate memory so that we'll point
// to one CS for every shim. Note that we don't free this as there are
// several places we can exit.
if (!g_pcsLogging) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "No memory for critical section."); return FALSE; }
status = RtlInitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount(g_pcsLogging, 0x80000000 | 4000);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "Failed to init critical section."); return FALSE; } //
// First, check that log directory exists; if not, we're not logging
cchSize = GetAppVerifierLogPath(wszVLogPath, ARRAYSIZE(wszVLogPath)); if (cchSize > ARRAYSIZE(wszVLogPath) || cchSize == 0) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "Buffer for log path is too small."); g_bLoggingDisabled = TRUE; return FALSE; } if (GetFileAttributesW(wszVLogPath) == -1) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelInfo, "No log directory %ls. Logging disabled.", wszVLogPath); g_bLoggingDisabled = TRUE; return FALSE; } //
// Next, check for the existence of session.log. If it's not there,
// we're not logging
g_strSessionLog = wszVLogPath; g_strSessionLog += L"\\session.log"; if (GetFileAttributesW(g_strSessionLog.Get()) == -1) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelInfo, "No session log file '%ls'. Logging disabled.", g_strSessionLog.Get()); g_bLoggingDisabled = TRUE; return FALSE; } //
// get the process log file name
if (strProcessPath.GetModuleFileNameW(NULL) == 0) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "Cannot get module file name."); g_bLoggingDisabled = TRUE; return FALSE; } //
// strip out just the name minus path and extension
strProcessPath.SplitPath(NULL, NULL, &strProcessName, NULL); //
// combine into log name, find first available
nTemp = 0; do { g_strProcessLog.Format(L"%ls\\%ls%d.%ls", wszVLogPath, strProcessName.Get(), nTemp, L"log"); nTemp++; } while (GetFileAttributesW(g_strProcessLog.Get()) != -1); //
// Convert the path to the log file from DOS to NT.
bSuccess = RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(g_strProcessLog.Get(), &strLogFile, NULL, NULL); if (!bSuccess) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "Failed to convert log file '%ls' to NT path", g_strProcessLog.Get()); return FALSE; } //
// Attempt to get a handle to our log file.
// Truncate the file if it already exists.
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &strLogFile, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL); status = NtCreateFile(&hFile, GENERIC_ALL | SYNCHRONIZE, &ObjectAttributes, &IoStatusBlock, NULL, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, 0, FILE_OPEN_IF, FILE_NON_DIRECTORY_FILE | FILE_SYNCHRONOUS_IO_NONALERT, NULL, 0); RtlFreeUnicodeString(&strLogFile); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "0x%X Failed to open log file %ls", status, g_strProcessLog.Get()); g_bLoggingDisabled = TRUE; return FALSE; } NtClose(hFile); //
// put the info in the session log and the process log
g_pData->bLoggingDisabled = FALSE; g_bLoggingDisabled = FALSE; //
// I realize these pointers point to process-specific memory, but since
// this mapping is only shared by this process, it seems safe.
StringCchCopyW(g_pData->szProcessLog, ARRAYSIZE(g_pData->szProcessLog), g_strProcessLog); StringCchCopyW(g_pData->szSessionLog, ARRAYSIZE(g_pData->szSessionLog), g_strSessionLog); GetLocalTime(&LocalTime); strTime.Format(L"%d/%d/%d %d:%02d:%02d", LocalTime.wMonth, LocalTime.wDay, LocalTime.wYear, LocalTime.wHour, LocalTime.wMinute, LocalTime.wSecond ); strTemp.Format(L"# LOG_BEGIN %ls '%ls' '%ls'", strTime.Get(), strProcessPath.Get(), g_strProcessLog.Get()); szTemp = strTemp.GetAnsi(); WriteToProcessLog(szTemp); WriteToSessionLog(szTemp); }
return TRUE; }
Function Description:
clean up all our shared file resources
04/26/2001 dmunsil Created
--*/ void ReleaseVerifierLogSupport(void) { g_bLoggingDisabled = TRUE; if (g_pData) { UnmapViewOfFile(g_pData); g_pData = NULL; if (g_hMap) { CloseHandle(g_hMap); g_hMap = NULL; } } }
Function Description:
Logs a problem that the verifier has found
04/26/2001 dmunsil Created
void CVerifierLog::VLog( VLOG_LEVEL eLevel, DWORD dwLogNum, LPCSTR pszFmt, ... ) { char szT[1024]; char *szTemp; int nLen; int nRemain; va_list arglist; DWORD dwOffset = 0; WCHAR szModule[256]; if (g_bLoggingDisabled) { return; }
GetCallingModule(szModule, 256, &dwOffset);
StringCchPrintfA(szT, ARRAYSIZE(szT), "| %ls %d | %d %ls %X'", m_strShimName.Get(), dwLogNum, eLevel, szModule, dwOffset);
nLen = lstrlen(szT); szTemp = szT + nLen; nRemain = 1024 - nLen;
if (nRemain > 0) { va_start(arglist, pszFmt); StringCchVPrintfA(szTemp, nRemain, pszFmt, arglist); va_end(arglist); }
if (g_bLogBreakIn) { OutputDebugString(szT); DbgBreakPoint(); } }
Function Description:
Dumps the header for a shim that tells how many log entries it has.
04/26/2001 dmunsil Created
--*/ void CVerifierLog::DumpShimHeader(void) { char szT[1024];
if (m_bHeaderDumped) { return; }
StringCchPrintfA(szT, ARRAYSIZE(szT), "# SHIM_BEGIN %ls %d", m_strShimName.Get(), m_dwEntries); WriteToProcessLog(szT);
m_bHeaderDumped = TRUE; }
Function Description:
Dumps into the log the text string associated with each log entry. These are dumped before logging begins, just to provide the strings necessary for the verifier UI to display them
Return Value:
04/26/2001 dmunsil Created
--*/ void CVerifierLog::DumpLogEntry( DWORD dwLogNum, UINT unResTitle, UINT unResDescription, UINT unResURL ) { WCHAR szRes[1024]; char szLine[4096];
if (g_bLoggingDisabled) { return; }
// dump the header, if necessary
if (!VLogLoadString(g_hinstDll, unResTitle, szRes, 1024)) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "No string resource found for title."); szRes[0] = 0; } StringCchPrintfA(szLine, ARRAYSIZE(szLine), "# LOGENTRY %ls %d '%ls", m_strShimName.Get(), dwLogNum, szRes); WriteToProcessLog(szLine);
if (!VLogLoadString(g_hinstDll, unResDescription, szRes, 1024)) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelWarning, "No string resource found for description."); szRes[0] = 0; } if (szRes[0]) { WriteToProcessLog("# DESCRIPTION BEGIN"); StringCchPrintfA(szLine, ARRAYSIZE(szLine), "%ls", szRes); WriteToProcessLog(szLine); WriteToProcessLog("# DESCRIPTION END"); }
if (!VLogLoadString(g_hinstDll, unResURL, szRes, 1024)) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelWarning, "No string resource found for URL."); szRes[0] = 0; }
if (szRes[0]) { StringCchPrintfA(szLine, ARRAYSIZE(szLine), "# URL '%ls", szRes); WriteToProcessLog(szLine); }
Function Description:
Writes a line of text to the process log file
Return Value:
04/26/2001 dmunsil Created 09/21/2001 rparsons Converted to NT calls
--*/ void WriteToProcessLog( LPCSTR szLine ) { int nLen = 0; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; LARGE_INTEGER liOffset; UNICODE_STRING strLogFile = {0}; NTSTATUS status; char szNewLine[] = "\r\n"; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
if (g_bLoggingDisabled) { return; }
// Convert the path to the log file from DOS to NT.
bSuccess = RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(g_strProcessLog.Get(), &strLogFile, NULL, NULL);
if (!bSuccess) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "[WriteToProcessLog] Failed to convert log file '%ls' to NT path", g_strProcessLog.Get()); return; }
// Attempt to get a handle to our log file.
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &strLogFile, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "[WriteToProcessLog] 0x%X Failed to open log file %ls", status, g_strProcessLog.Get()); return; }
// Make sure we have no '\n' or '\r' at the end of the string.
nLen = lstrlen(szLine);
while (nLen && (szLine[nLen - 1] == '\n' || szLine[nLen - 1] == '\r')) { nLen--; }
// Write the data out to the file.
IoStatusBlock.Status = 0; IoStatusBlock.Information = 0;
liOffset.LowPart = 0; liOffset.HighPart = 0;
// Enter a critical section to ensure that log entries are in the proper order.
status = NtWriteFile(hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, (PVOID)szLine, (ULONG)nLen, &liOffset, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "[WriteToProcessLog] 0x%X Failed to make entry in log file", status); goto exit; }
// Now write a new line to the log file.
IoStatusBlock.Status = 0; IoStatusBlock.Information = 0;
liOffset.LowPart = 0; liOffset.HighPart = 0;
nLen = lstrlen(szNewLine);
status = NtWriteFile(hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, (PVOID)szNewLine, (ULONG)nLen, &liOffset, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "[WriteToProcessLog] 0x%X Failed to write new line to log file", status); goto exit; }
// Dump it out to the debugger on checked builds.
#if DBG
DebugPrintf("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelInfo, szLine); DebugPrintf("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelInfo, szNewLine); #endif // DBG
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { NtClose(hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection(g_pcsLogging); }
Function Description:
Writes a line of text to the session log file
Return Value:
04/26/2001 dmunsil Created 09/21/2001 rparsons Converted to NT calls
--*/ void WriteToSessionLog( LPCSTR szLine ) { int nLen = 0; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES ObjectAttributes; IO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock; LARGE_INTEGER liOffset; UNICODE_STRING strLogFile = {0}; NTSTATUS status; char szNewLine[] = "\r\n"; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE;
if (g_bLoggingDisabled) { return; }
// Convert the path to the log file from DOS to NT.
bSuccess = RtlDosPathNameToNtPathName_U(g_strSessionLog.Get(), &strLogFile, NULL, NULL);
if (!bSuccess) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "[WriteToSessionLog] Failed to convert log file '%ls' to NT path", g_strSessionLog.Get()); return; }
// Attempt to get a handle to our log file.
InitializeObjectAttributes(&ObjectAttributes, &strLogFile, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "[WriteToSessionLog] 0x%X Failed to open log file %ls", status, g_strProcessLog.Get()); return; }
// Make sure we have no '\n' or '\r' at the end of the string.
nLen = lstrlen(szLine);
while (nLen && (szLine[nLen - 1] == '\n' || szLine[nLen - 1] == '\r')) { nLen--; }
// Write the data out to the file.
IoStatusBlock.Status = 0; IoStatusBlock.Information = 0;
liOffset.LowPart = 0; liOffset.HighPart = 0;
// Enter a critical section to ensure that log entries are in the proper order.
status = NtWriteFile(hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, (PVOID)szLine, (ULONG)nLen, &liOffset, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "[WriteToSessionLog] 0x%X Failed to make entry in log file", status); goto exit; }
// Now write a new line to the log file.
IoStatusBlock.Status = 0; IoStatusBlock.Information = 0;
liOffset.LowPart = 0; liOffset.HighPart = 0;
nLen = lstrlen(szNewLine);
status = NtWriteFile(hFile, NULL, NULL, NULL, &IoStatusBlock, (PVOID)szNewLine, (ULONG)nLen, &liOffset, NULL);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { DPF("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelError, "[WriteToSessionLog] 0x%X Failed to write new line to log file", status); goto exit; }
// Dump it out to the debugger on checked builds.
#if DBG
DebugPrintf("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelInfo, szLine); DebugPrintf("VerifierLog", eDbgLevelInfo, szNewLine); #endif // DBG
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) { NtClose(hFile); hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
RtlLeaveCriticalSection(g_pcsLogging); }
int VLogLoadString( HMODULE hModule, UINT wID, LPWSTR lpBuffer, // Unicode buffer
int cchBufferMax) { HRSRC hResInfo; HANDLE hStringSeg; LPWSTR lpsz; int cch;
* Make sure the parms are valid. */ if (lpBuffer == NULL) { DPF("VLogLoadString", eDbgLevelWarning, "LoadStringOrError: lpBuffer == NULL"); return 0; }
cch = 0;
* String Tables are broken up into 16 string segments. Find the segment * containing the string we are interested in. */ if (hResInfo = FindResourceW(hModule, (LPWSTR)ULongToPtr( ((LONG)(((USHORT)wID >> 4) + 1)) ), (LPWSTR)RT_STRING)) {
* Load that segment. */ hStringSeg = LoadResource(hModule, hResInfo);
* Lock the resource. */ if (lpsz = (LPWSTR)LockResource(hStringSeg)) {
* Move past the other strings in this segment. * (16 strings in a segment -> & 0x0F) */ wID &= 0x0F; while (TRUE) { cch = *((WCHAR *)lpsz++); // PASCAL like string count
// first WCHAR is count of WCHARs
if (wID-- == 0) break; lpsz += cch; // Step to start if next string
* chhBufferMax == 0 means return a pointer to the read-only resource buffer. */ if (cchBufferMax == 0) { *(LPWSTR *)lpBuffer = lpsz; } else {
* Account for the NULL */ cchBufferMax--;
* Don't copy more than the max allowed. */ if (cch > cchBufferMax) cch = cchBufferMax;
* Copy the string into the buffer. */ RtlCopyMemory(lpBuffer, lpsz, cch*sizeof(WCHAR)); }
* Unlock resource, but don't free it - better performance this * way. */ UnlockResource(hStringSeg); } }
* Append a NULL. */ if (cchBufferMax != 0) { lpBuffer[cch] = 0; }
return cch; }
}; // end of namespace ShimLib