Copyright (c) 2000-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Munge a path the same was as Win9x.
Much of this code was copied from Win9x: \\redrum\slm\proj\win\src\CORE\win32\KERNEL\dirutil.c \\redrum\slm\proj\win\src\CORE\win32\KERNEL\fileopcc.c
Path changes: 1. Translate all / to \ 2. Remove all . and .. from the path, also removes some spaces (This is really bad Win9x code) 3. Remove all spaces before a \, except spaces following a . ( "abc \xyz" -> "abc\xyz" or ". \xyz" -> ". \xyz")
10/05/2000 robkenny Created 08/14/2001 robkenny Moved code inside the ShimLib namespace.
#include "ShimLib.h"
#include "Win9xPath.h"
namespace ShimLib {
#define WHACK L'\\'
#define SPACE L' '
#define DOT L'.'
#define QUESTION L'?'
#define EOS L'\0'
#define chNetIni L'\\'
#define chDirSep L'\\'
#define chDirSep2 L'/'
#define chRelDir L'.'
#define IsWhackWhack( lpstr ) (lpstr[0] == WHACK && lpstr[1] == WHACK)
#define IsWhackWhackDotWhack( lpstr ) (lpstr[0] == WHACK && lpstr[1] == WHACK && lpstr[2] == DOT && lpstr[3] == WHACK)
#define IsWhackWhackQuestionWhack( lpstr ) (lpstr[0] == WHACK && lpstr[1] == WHACK && lpstr[2] == QUESTION && lpstr[3] == WHACK)
#define CopySz OverlapCpy // Must be safe for overlapping strings
// Home grown version of wcscpy that works if src and dst overlap
void OverlapCpy(WCHAR * dst, const WCHAR * src) { while (*dst++ = *src++) { ; }
/*** PchGetNetDir - Validates a net drive spcification and returns
** a pointer to directory portion. ** ** Synopsis ** WCHAR * = PchGetNetDir (pchNetName) ** ** Input: ** pchNetName - pointer to a string previously validated as ** the start of a net name (begins with \\) ** ** Output: ** returns pointer to the start of the directory portion of a net path ** ** Errors: ** returns NULL if the net name is invalid ** ** Description: ** This function takes a name starting with \\ and confirms that ** it has one following \. It returns the position of the directory ** portion. For the string ** ** \\server\share[\path[\]] ** ** it returns ** ** [\path[\]] */
const WCHAR * PchGetNetDir (const WCHAR * pchNetName) { register const WCHAR * pch = pchNetName;
// Skip starting slashes
pch +=2;
// Skip to first backslash
for (;*pch != chNetIni; pch++) { if (*pch == EOS) { // No code required.
return (NULL); } }
pch++; // skip past 1st backslash
// Skip to second backslash
for (;(*pch != chDirSep) && (*pch != chDirSep2); pch++) { if (*pch == EOS) { // ok if share with no following \path
return ((*(pch-1)==chNetIni) ? NULL : pch); } } return (pch); }
/*** DwRemoveDots - Remove any dots from a path name
** ** Synopsis ** DWORD DwRemoveDots (pchPath) ** ** Input: ** pchPath - A path string ** ** ** Output: ** returns the number of double dot levels removed from front ** ** Errors: ** returns dwInvalid if invalid path ** ** Description: ** Removes ..\ and .\ sequences from a path string. The path ** string should not include the root drive or net name portion. ** The return value of is the number of levels removed from the ** start of the string. Levels removed from inside the string ** will not be returned. For example: ** ** String Result Return ** ** ..\..\dir1 dir1 2 ** dir1\..\dir2 dir2 0 ** dir1\..\..\dir2 dir2 1 ** .\dir1 dir1 0 ** dir1\.\dir2 dir1\dir2 0 ** ** A backslash at the start of the string will be ignored. */
DWORD DwRemoveDots (WCHAR * pchPath) { BOOL fInside = FALSE; DWORD cLevel = 0; DWORD cBackup; register WCHAR * pchR; register WCHAR * pchL;
// Check for invalid characters
// if (!FFixPathChars(pchPath)) {
// // No code required.
// return dwInvalid;
// }
// Skip slashes
for (; *pchPath == chDirSep; pchPath++) ; pchL = pchR = pchPath;
// Loop through handling each directory part
while (*pchR) { // This part starts with dot. Is it one or more?
if (*pchR++ == chRelDir) { for (cBackup = 0; *pchR == chRelDir; cBackup++, pchR++) ; if (cBackup) { // More than one dot. Back up the left pointer.
if ((*pchR != chDirSep) && (*pchR != EOS)) { // we got a [.]+X (X != '\') might be an LFN
// process this as a name
goto name_processing; } // Doesn't advance for ending ..
for (; *pchR == chDirSep; pchR++) ; if (fInside) { for (; cBackup; cBackup--) { if (pchL <= pchPath) { cLevel += cBackup; fInside = FALSE; break; } // Remove the previous part
for (pchL -= 2; *pchL != chDirSep; pchL--) { if (pchL <= pchPath) { fInside = FALSE; pchL--; break; } } pchL++; } } else { cLevel += cBackup; } // Subtract ending backslash if not root
if ((*pchR == EOS) && (pchL != pchPath)) pchL--; CopySz(pchL, pchR); pchR = pchL; } else { // This part starts with one dot. Throw it away.
if (*pchR != chDirSep) { // Special case "\." by converting it to ""
// unless it is a root, when it becomes "\".
if (*pchR == EOS) { if (pchL == pchPath) *(pchR-1) = EOS; // root
else *(pchR-2) = EOS; // not root
return cLevel; } // we started with a '.' and then there was no '\'
// might be an LFN name
goto name_processing; } pchR++; CopySz(pchL, pchR); pchR = pchL; } } else { name_processing: // This part is a name. Skip it.
fInside = TRUE; for (; TRUE; pchR++) { if (*pchR == chDirSep) { if (*(pchR-1) == chRelDir) { // This name has one or more dots at the end.
// Remove the last dot (NT3.5 does this).
pchL = pchR-1; CopySz(pchL, pchR); pchR = pchL; // point to chDirSep again
} for (; *pchR == chDirSep; pchR++) ; break; } else if (*pchR == EOS) { // Remove trailing dots.
// NB Can't fall off the beginning since the first WCHAR
// of the current path element was not chRelDir.
for (; *(pchR-1) == chRelDir; pchR--) ; // Overstore the first trailing dot, if there is one.
*pchR = EOS; break; } } pchL = pchR; } } return cLevel; }
// Get the Drive portion of this path,
// Either C: or \\server\disk format.
const WCHAR * GetDrivePortion(const WCHAR * uncorrected) { if (uncorrected && uncorrected[0]) { // Look for DOS style
if (uncorrected[1] == ':') { uncorrected += 2; } // Look for UNC
else if (IsWhackWhack(uncorrected)) { const WCHAR * pchDir = PchGetNetDir(uncorrected); if (pchDir == NULL) { if (IsWhackWhackDotWhack(uncorrected) || IsWhackWhackQuestionWhack(uncorrected)) { uncorrected += 4; } } else { uncorrected = pchDir; } } }
return uncorrected; }
// Remove blank directory names "abc\ \def" -> "abc\def"
void RemovePreceedingBlanks(WCHAR * directoryPortion) { if (directoryPortion == NULL || directoryPortion[0] == 0) { return; }
WCHAR * blank = wcschr(directoryPortion, SPACE); while (blank != NULL) { // Find the end of the spaces
WCHAR * blankEnd = blank; while (*blankEnd == SPACE && *blankEnd != WHACK) { ++blankEnd; }
// Do not remove spaces *after* a period
BOOL bPrevCharDot = (blank > directoryPortion) && (blank[-1] == DOT); if (bPrevCharDot) { blank = blankEnd; continue; }
// If the the blank is a \ then we simply move the string down
if (*blankEnd == WHACK) { BOOL bPrevCharWhack = blank[-1] == WHACK;
// If the previous WCHAR is a \ // we remove the \ at the end of the spaces as well
if (bPrevCharWhack) blankEnd += 1;
CopySz(blank, blankEnd);
// Note: we don't change the value of blank,
// since we moved all the data to it!
} else { blank = blankEnd + 1; } // Keep on truckin'
blank = wcschr(blank, SPACE); } }
// Win9x performs some special process on path names,
// particularly they remove spaces before slashes.
WCHAR * W9xPathMassageW(const WCHAR * uncorrect) { if (uncorrect == NULL) return NULL;
// Make a buffer large enough for the resulting string
// We are okay using a buffer that is exactly the same size as the original,
// since all changes made *reduce* the size of the string.
WCHAR * correctBuffer = StringDuplicateW(uncorrect); if (!correctBuffer) return NULL;
// Convert all '/' to '\'
// Win9x allows //robkenny/d as a valid UNC name
for (WCHAR * whack = correctBuffer; *whack; ++whack) { if (*whack == chDirSep2) *whack = chDirSep; }
// We need to skip past the drive portion of the path
WCHAR * directoryPortion = (WCHAR *)GetDrivePortion(correctBuffer);
// Remove blank directory names "abc\ \def" -> "abc\def"
// These are remove entirely rather than just removing the spaces,
// because we could end up changing "\ \abc" -> "\\abc"
// DwRemoveDots is used to remove all .\ and any ..\ in the middle of a path.
DWORD dwUpDirs = DwRemoveDots(directoryPortion); if (dwUpDirs > 0) { // We need to add some ..\ to the front of the directoryPortion string
// This is sorta wierd, removing the dots and adding them back again.
// But the DwRemoveDots routine was copied strait from Win9x, and I
// didn't want to change it in any way, as to preserve all peculiarities.
// So we have to add back the leading parent directories that were removed.
DWORD dwLen = (dwUpDirs * 3) + wcslen(correctBuffer) + 1; WCHAR * moreCorrectBuffer = (WCHAR*)malloc(dwLen * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (moreCorrectBuffer) { moreCorrectBuffer[0] = 0; // Copy any drive portion
wcsncpy(moreCorrectBuffer, correctBuffer, directoryPortion - correctBuffer);
// add as many "..\" as were removed by DwRemoveDots
while (dwUpDirs-- > 0) { wcscat(moreCorrectBuffer, L"..\\"); }
// finally the remainder of the string
wcscat(moreCorrectBuffer, directoryPortion);
delete correctBuffer; correctBuffer = moreCorrectBuffer; } else { delete correctBuffer; correctBuffer = NULL; } }
return correctBuffer; }
}; // end of namespace ShimLib