* Module Name: engbrush.cxx * * Brush realization for the engine. * * Created: 13-May-1991 23:25:49 * Author: Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * * Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hxx"
#if DBG
ULONG engbrushalloc = 0, engbrushcachecheck = 0; ULONG engbrushcachegrabbed = 0, engbrushcachehit = 0; #endif
* EngRealizeBrush * * Realizes a brush for the engine simulations. * * We realize a brush by converting psoPattern to have the same bpp and color * format as the destination surface. We copy the monochrome mask unmodified. * * psoPattern is assumed never to be NULL. * * Returns: TRUE for success, FALSE for failure. * * History: * 21-Nov-1993 -by- Michael Abrash [mikeab] * Removed impossible case of psoPattern == NULL, cleaned up. * * 20-Jan-1992 -by- Donald Sidoroff [donalds] * Tiled pattern and mask to DWORD boundaries * * 25-Apr-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EngRealizeBrush( BRUSHOBJ *pbo, SURFOBJ *psoTarget, SURFOBJ *psoPattern, SURFOBJ *psoMask, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, ULONG iHatch) { PSURFACE pSurfTarg = SURFOBJ_TO_SURFACE(psoTarget); PSURFACE pSurfPat = SURFOBJ_TO_SURFACE(psoPattern); PSURFACE pSurfMsk = SURFOBJ_TO_SURFACE(psoMask); ULONG ulSizeTotal; ULONG ulSizePat; ULONG cjScanPat, cjScanMsk; SIZEL sizlPat; SIZEL sizlMsk; LONG cxPatRealized; LONG cxMskRealized; ULONG iFormat; POINTL ptlSrc; RECTL rclDst; DEVBITMAPINFO dbmi; BOOL bHalftoneTile = FALSE;
ASSERTGDI(pbo->iSolidColor == 0xFFFFFFFF, "ERROR GDI iSolidColor"); ASSERTGDI(pSurfTarg != NULL, "ERROR GDI EngRealizeBrush NULL psoTarg"); ASSERTGDI(pSurfPat != NULL, "ERROR GDI EngRealizeBrush NULL psoPattern"); ASSERTGDI(!(iHatch & RB_DITHERCOLOR), "ERROR GDI EngRealizeBrush RB_DITHERCOLOR set");
// Calculate the space needed for the pattern.
iFormat = pSurfTarg->iFormat();
// Check if they are having the engine simulate to a bitmap compatible
// with their surface. The brushobj has the device's surfobj in it
// but we assume if they got here it's because they created a bitmap
// compatible with thier format and
// are drawing on it. Maybe we should have the pvGetEngBrush pass
// the pSurfTarg along so we know what it is here, because from
// here we haven't got access to the real surfobj being painted on.
ASSERTGDI(pSurfPat->iType() == STYPE_BITMAP, "ERROR GDI EngRealizeBrush2"); sizlPat = pSurfPat->sizl();
PDEVOBJ po(pSurfTarg->hdev());
// The following list shows the halftone dithering cell size mapped to
// cxPattern x cyPattern in pDevHTInfo
// This is done only for 1bpp in the following code
// dither cell chosen at UI --> what we got from pDevHTInfo
// 2x2 --> 8x4
// 4x4 --> 8x4
// 6x6 --> 12x6
// 8x8 --> 8x8
// 10x10 --> 10x10
// 12x12 --> 12x12
// 14x14 --> 14x14
// 16x16 --> 16x16
// 91x91 --> 91x91
if ((po.pDevHTInfo() != NULL) || po.bEnableHalftone(NULL)) { pDevHTInfo = (DEVICEHALFTONEINFO *)po.pDevHTInfo(); }
switch(iFormat) { case BMF_1BPP: ulSizePat = 1; if ((sizlPat.cx == 32) || (sizlPat.cx == 16) || (sizlPat.cx == 8)) { cxPatRealized = 32;
// take the least common multiple
// of 32(dword aligned) and pDevHTInfocxPattern
if (pDevHTInfo) { switch (pDevHTInfo->cxPattern) { case 12: cxPatRealized = 96; bHalftoneTile = TRUE; break;
case 10: cxPatRealized = 160; bHalftoneTile = TRUE; break;
case 14: cxPatRealized = 224; bHalftoneTile = TRUE; break;
case 91: break;
default: break; } }
} else { cxPatRealized = (sizlPat.cx + 63) & ~31; } break; case BMF_4BPP: ulSizePat = 4; if (sizlPat.cx == 8) { cxPatRealized = 8; } else { cxPatRealized = (sizlPat.cx + 15) & ~7; } break; case BMF_8BPP: ulSizePat = 8; cxPatRealized = (sizlPat.cx + 7) & ~3; break; case BMF_16BPP: ulSizePat = 16; cxPatRealized = (sizlPat.cx + 7) & ~3; break; case BMF_24BPP: ulSizePat = 24; cxPatRealized = (sizlPat.cx + 7) & ~3; break; case BMF_32BPP: ulSizePat = 32; cxPatRealized = sizlPat.cx; break; default: RIP("ERROR GDI EngRealizeBrush3"); }
// Calculate the size to hold the pattern in the Target's format.
cjScanPat = (ulSizePat * cxPatRealized) >> 3;
ulSizeTotal = sizeof(ENGBRUSH) + (ulSizePat = sizlPat.cy * cjScanPat);
// Calculate the additional space needed if we have a mask passed down.
if (pSurfMsk != NULL) { ASSERTGDI(pSurfMsk->iFormat() == BMF_1BPP, "ERROR GDI EngRealizeBrush4"); ASSERTGDI(pSurfMsk->iType() == STYPE_BITMAP, "ERROR GDI EngRealizeBrush5"); sizlMsk = pSurfMsk->sizl(); if ((sizlMsk.cx == 32) || (sizlMsk.cx == 16) || (sizlMsk.cx == 8)) { cxMskRealized = 32; } else { cxMskRealized = (sizlMsk.cx + 63) & ~31; } cjScanMsk = cxMskRealized >> 3; ulSizeTotal += sizlMsk.cy * cjScanMsk; }
// Allocate memory for the realization.
PENGBRUSH pengbrush;
#if DBG
engbrushalloc++; #endif
// If there's a cached ENGBRUSH, try to use it instead of allocating
if (gpCachedEngbrush != NULL) {
#if DBG
engbrushcachecheck++; #endif
// Try to grab the cached ENGBRUSH
if ((pengbrush = (PENGBRUSH) InterlockedExchangePointer((PVOID *)&gpCachedEngbrush, NULL)) != NULL) {
#if DBG
engbrushcachegrabbed++; #endif
// Got the cached ENGBRUSH; see if it's big enough
// Note: -4 because we define the realization buffer start as aj[0]
if (pengbrush->ulSizeGet() >= (sizeof(ENGBRUSH) - 4 + ulSizeTotal)) {
#if DBG
engbrushcachehit++; #endif
// It's big enough, so we'll use it and we're done
goto BrushAllocated; } else {
// Not big enough; free it and do a normal allocation
VFREEMEM(pengbrush); } } }
// Note: -4 because we define the realization buffer start as aj[0]
if ((pengbrush = (PENGBRUSH) PALLOCMEM(ULONG(sizeof(ENGBRUSH) - 4 + ulSizeTotal),'rbeG')) == NULL) { WARNING("GDI EngRealizeBrush Couldn't allocate for engine realization"); return(FALSE); }
EBRUSHOBJ *pebo = (EBRUSHOBJ *) pbo;
// Store the pointer to the realization in the brush.
// Remember the size of the allocation, for caching.
pengbrush->ulSizeSet(sizeof(ENGBRUSH) - 4 + ulSizeTotal);
// Set up the Pat part. The pattern can never be NULL.
pengbrush->lDeltaPat = cjScanPat; pengbrush->cxPatR = cxPatRealized; pengbrush->cxPat = bHalftoneTile ? cxPatRealized : sizlPat.cx; pengbrush->cyPat = sizlPat.cy; pengbrush->pjPat = pengbrush->aj; pengbrush->iDitherFormat = iFormat;
dbmi.iFormat = iFormat; dbmi.cxBitmap = cxPatRealized; dbmi.cyBitmap = sizlPat.cy; dbmi.hpal = 0; dbmi.fl = BMF_TOPDOWN;
SURFMEM SurfDimo; SurfDimo.bCreateDIB(&dbmi, pengbrush->pjPat);
if (!SurfDimo.bValid()) { // hmgr logs out of memory error
return(FALSE); }
ptlSrc.x = 0; ptlSrc.y = 0;
rclDst.left = 0; rclDst.top = 0; rclDst.right = sizlPat.cx; rclDst.bottom = sizlPat.cy;
// Below cases, we need halftoning for this brush.
// 1) Target surface is 1bpp, and this is pattern/bitmap brush, and the foreground
// and background are differrent
// 2) Target surface is 4bpp, and ICM is enabled in system or apps, and this is NOT
// monochrone brush with same fore and background color.
BOOL bSameColor = (((EBRUSHOBJ *)pbo)->crCurrentText() == ((EBRUSHOBJ *)pbo)->crCurrentBack());
if (((iFormat == BMF_1BPP) && (iHatch >= HS_NULL) && !bSameColor) // 1
|| ((iFormat == BMF_4BPP) && (pebo->bIsAppsICM() || pebo->bIsHostICM()) // 2
&& !(bSameColor && (pebo->bIsMonochrome()))) ) { PALMEMOBJ palHatch; EXLATEOBJ exloHatch; PALETTE *ppalOrg = NULL;
// Special case to go thru halftone code
POINTL ptl; ptl.x = 0; ptl.y = 0; RECTL rclSrc;
rclSrc = rclDst;
BOOL bHatch = (iHatch < HS_DDI_MAX);
// If this is Hatch or monochrome brush, and ICM is enabled, ...
if ((bHatch || pebo->bIsMonochrome()) && (pebo->bIsAppsICM() || pebo->bIsHostICM())) { // Create temporary palette for hatch/mono brush from back/foregournd color
// This is nessesary to let halftone bitblt work correctly.
COLORREF aPalHatch[2];
// If this is hatch brush, get foreground color from crRealized.
// For monochrome brush, get from current text color.
if (bHatch) { ICMMSG(("EngRealizeBrush called with hatch brush\n")); ICMMSG(("Forground color = %x\n", pebo->crRealized())); ICMMSG(("Background color = %x\n", pebo->crCurrentBack()));
// crCurrentBack goes to index 0
// crRealized goes to index 1
// See brushddi.cxx : bGetRealizedBrush() for hatch brush case.
aPalHatch[0] = pebo->crCurrentBack(); aPalHatch[1] = pebo->crRealized(); } else // if (pebo->bIsMonochorme())
{ ICMMSG(("EngRealizeBrush called with monochrome brush\n")); ICMMSG(("Forground color = %x\n", pebo->crCurrentText())); ICMMSG(("Background color = %x\n", pebo->crCurrentBack()));
// Text color goes to index 0.
// Background color goes to index 1.
// See ylateobj.cxx : CreateXlateObject() when source is monochrome case.
aPalHatch[0] = pebo->crCurrentText(); aPalHatch[1] = pebo->crCurrentBack(); }
if (palHatch.bCreatePalette(PAL_INDEXED, 2, (PULONG) aPalHatch, 0, 0, 0, PAL_FREE)) { if (exloHatch.bInitXlateObj( pebo->hcmXform(), pebo->lIcmMode(), palHatch.ppalGet(), pebo->psoTarg()->ppal(), pebo->palDC(), pebo->palDC(), pebo->crCurrentText(), pebo->crCurrentBack(), 0x00FFFFFF)) { pxlo = exloHatch.pxlo();
// Halftone code always pick up palette from surface, if it exist,
// and the palette in monochrome bitmap is black/white, but here,
// text/background color must be used, so disable surface palette
// here by put null, so that halftone code will pick up right palette
// from XLATEOBJ.
ppalOrg = pSurfPat->ppal(); pSurfPat->ppal(NULL); } else { WARNING1("EngRealizeBrush: failed to create xlate for ICM\n"); } } else { WARNING1("EngRealizeBrush: failed to create palette for ICM\n"); } }
if ((iFormat == BMF_1BPP) && bHalftoneTile) { rclDst.right = cxPatRealized;
EngHTBlt( SurfDimo.pSurfobj(), // Target surface
pSurfPat->pSurfobj(), // Source surface
NULL, // mask surface
(CLIPOBJ *) NULL, // Clip through this
pxlo, // Color translation
NULL, // pca
&ptl, // pptlBrushOrg
&rclDst, &rclSrc, NULL, BBPF_TILE_SRC, NULL); } else { while (rclDst.left != cxPatRealized) { EngStretchBlt( SurfDimo.pSurfobj(), // Target surface
pSurfPat->pSurfobj(), // Source surface
NULL, // mask surface
(CLIPOBJ *) NULL, // Clip through this
pxlo, // Color translation
NULL, // pca
&ptl, // pptlBrushOrg
&rclDst, &rclSrc, NULL, HALFTONE);
rclDst.left = rclDst.right; rclDst.right += sizlPat.cx; if (rclDst.right > cxPatRealized) rclDst.right = cxPatRealized; } }
if (ppalOrg) { pSurfPat->ppal(ppalOrg); } } else // normal cases
{ while (rclDst.left != cxPatRealized) { EngCopyBits( SurfDimo.pSurfobj(), // Target surface
pSurfPat->pSurfobj(), // Source surface
(CLIPOBJ *) NULL, // Clip through this
pxlo, // Color translation
&rclDst, // Target offset and extent
rclDst.left = rclDst.right; rclDst.right += sizlPat.cx; if (rclDst.right > cxPatRealized) rclDst.right = cxPatRealized; } }
// Set up the Msk part.
if (pSurfMsk == (PSURFACE) NULL) { //
// Flag that there's no mask.
pengbrush->pjMsk = (PBYTE) NULL; } else { pengbrush->lDeltaMsk = cjScanMsk; pengbrush->cxMskR = cxMskRealized; pengbrush->cxMsk = sizlMsk.cx; pengbrush->cyMsk = sizlMsk.cy; pengbrush->pjMsk = pengbrush->aj + ulSizePat;
dbmi.iFormat = BMF_1BPP; dbmi.cxBitmap = cxMskRealized; dbmi.cyBitmap = sizlMsk.cy; dbmi.hpal = (HPALETTE)0; dbmi.fl = BMF_TOPDOWN;
SURFMEM SurfDimo; SurfDimo.bCreateDIB(&dbmi, pengbrush->pjMsk);
if (!SurfDimo.bValid()) { // hmgr logs out of memory error
return(FALSE); }
ptlSrc.x = 0; ptlSrc.y = 0;
rclDst.left = 0; rclDst.top = 0; rclDst.right = sizlMsk.cx; rclDst.bottom = sizlMsk.cy;
while (rclDst.left != cxMskRealized) { EngCopyBits( SurfDimo.pSurfobj(), // target surface
pSurfMsk->pSurfobj(), // source surface
(CLIPOBJ *) NULL, // no clipping
NULL, // no color translation
&rclDst, // target offset and extent
&ptlSrc // source start point
rclDst.left = rclDst.right; rclDst.right += sizlMsk.cx; if (rclDst.right > cxMskRealized) { rclDst.right = cxMskRealized; } } }
return(TRUE); }