* Module Name: pathflat.hxx * * Path flattening defines. * * Created: 9-Oct-1991 * Author: J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * * Copyright (c) 1991-1999 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
// Flatten to an error of 2/3. During initial phase, use 18.14 format.
#define TEST_MAGNITUDE_INITIAL (6 * 0x00002aa0L)
// Error of 2/3. During normal phase, use 15.17 format.
* class HFDBASIS32 * * Class for HFD vector objects. * * Public Interface: * * vInit(p1, p2, p3, p4) - Re-parameterizes the given control points * to our initial HFD error basis. * vLazyHalveStepSize(cShift) - Does a lazy shift. Caller has to remember * it changes 'cShift' by 2. * vSteadyState(cShift) - Re-parameterizes to our working normal * error basis. * * vTakeStep() - Forward steps to next sub-curve * vHalveStepSize() - Adjusts down (subdivides) the sub-curve * vDoubleStepSize() - Adjusts up the sub-curve * lError() - Returns error if current sub-curve were * to be approximated using a straight line * (value is actually multiplied by 6) * fxValue() - Returns rounded coordinate of first point in * current sub-curve. Must be in steady * state. * * History: * 10-Nov-1990 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
class HFDBASIS32 { private: LONG e0; LONG e1; LONG e2; LONG e3;
public: VOID vInit(FIX p1, FIX p2, FIX p3, FIX p4); VOID vLazyHalveStepSize(LONG cShift); VOID vSteadyState(LONG cShift); VOID vHalveStepSize(); VOID vDoubleStepSize(); VOID vTakeStep();
LONG lParentErrorDividedBy4() { return(MAX(ABS(e3), ABS(e2 + e2 - e3))); } LONG lError() { return(MAX(ABS(e2), ABS(e3))); } FIX fxValue() { return((e0 + (1L << 12)) >> 13); } };
* class BEZIER32 * * Bezier cracker. * * A hybrid cubic Bezier curve flattener based on KirkO's error factor. * Generates line segments fast without using the stack. Used to flatten * a path. * * For an understanding of the methods used, see: * * Kirk Olynyk, "..." * Goossen and Olynyk, "System and Method of Hybrid Forward * Differencing to Render Bezier Splines" * Lien, Shantz and Vaughan Pratt, "Adaptive Forward Differencing for * Rendering Curves and Surfaces", Computer Graphics, July 1987 * Chang and Shantz, "Rendering Trimmed NURBS with Adaptive Forward * Differencing", Computer Graphics, August 1988 * Foley and Van Dam, "Fundamentals of Interactive Computer Graphics" * * Public Interface: * * vInit(pptfx) - pptfx points to 4 control points of * Bezier. Current point is set to the first * point after the start-point. * BEZIER32(pptfx) - Constructor with initialization. * vGetCurrent(pptfx) - Returns current polyline point. * bCurrentIsEndPoint() - TRUE if current point is end-point. * vNext() - Moves to next polyline point. * * History: * 1-Oct-1991 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
extern LONGLONG* gpeqErrorHigh; extern LONGLONG* gpeqErrorLow;
class BEZIER32 { //private:
public: LONG cSteps; HFDBASIS32 x; HFDBASIS32 y; RECTFX rcfxBound;
public: BOOL bInit(POINTFIX* aptfx, RECTFX*); BOOL bNext(POINTFIX* pptfx); };
#define FRACTION64 28
public: VOID vInit(FIX p1, FIX p2, FIX p3, FIX p4); VOID vHalveStepSize(); VOID vDoubleStepSize(); VOID vTakeStep(); VOID vUntransform(FIX* afx);
VOID vParentError(LONGLONG* peq); VOID vError(LONGLONG* peq); FIX fxValue(); };
class BEZIER64 { //private:
public: HFDBASIS64 xLow; HFDBASIS64 yLow; HFDBASIS64 xHigh; HFDBASIS64 yHigh;
LONGLONG eqErrorLow; RECTFX* prcfxClip; RECTFX rcfxClip;
LONG cStepsHigh;
LONG cStepsLow;
BOOL bNext(POINTFIX* pptfx); VOID vInit(POINTFIX* aptfx, RECTFX* prcfx, LONGLONG* peq); };
* class BEZIER * * Bezier cracker. Flattens any Bezier in our 28.4 device space down * to a smallest 'error' of 2^-7 = 0.0078. Will use fast 32 bit cracker * for small curves and slower 64 bit cracker for big curves. * * Public Interface: * * vInit(aptfx, prcfxClip, peqError) * - pptfx points to 4 control points of Bezier. The first point * retrieved by bNext() is the the first point in the approximation * after the start-point. * * - prcfxClip is an optional pointer to the bound box of the visible * region. This is used to optimize clipping of Bezier curves that * won't be seen. Note that this value should account for the pen's * width! * * - optional maximum error in 32.32 format, corresponding to Kirko's * error factor. * * bNext(pptfx) * - pptfx points to where next point in approximation will be * returned. Returns FALSE if the point is the end-point of the * curve. * * History: * 1-Oct-1991 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
class BEZIER { private:
// Can't do a straight union of BEZIER32 and BEZIER64 here because
// C++ doesn't like the static constructors and destructors of the
// EQUADs:
// Note:
union { BEZIER64 bez64; BEZIER32 bez32; } bez;
BOOL bBez32;
public: BEZIER() {}
VOID vInit(POINTFIX* aptfx, RECTFX* prcfxClip = (RECTFX*) NULL, LONGLONG* peqError = gpeqErrorLow) { bBez32 = (peqError == gpeqErrorLow && bez.bez32.bInit(aptfx, prcfxClip)); if (!bBez32) bez.bez64.vInit(aptfx, prcfxClip, peqError); }
BOOL bNext(POINTFIX* pptfx) { return(bBez32 ? bez.bez32.bNext(pptfx) : bez.bez64.bNext(pptfx)); } };