* Module Name: pathobj.hxx * * Path user object * * Created: 28-Sep-1990 12:39:30 * Author: Paul Butzi [paulb] * * Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
// Some forward declarations to reduce included header files:
class RGNOBJ; class WIDEPATHOBJ; class EDGE;
typedef EDGE *PEDGE;
// Some useful structures for statically initializing FLOAT_LONG and
// LINEATTRS structures. The regular definitions can only be initialized
// with floats because C only allows union initialization using the first
// union field:
typedef struct _LONGLINEATTRS { FLONG fl; ULONG iJoin; ULONG iEndCap; LONG_FLOAT leWidth; FLOATL l_eMiterLimit; ULONG cstyle; LONG_FLOAT* pstyle; LONG_FLOAT leStyleState; } LONGLINEATTRS;
typedef union { LONGLINEATTRS lla; LINEATTRS la; } LA;
extern LA glaSimpleStroke;
* class PATHRECORD * * Public Interface: * * History: * 05-Sep-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
* The macro below makes sure that the next PATHRECORD lies on a good * boundary. This is only needed on some machines. For the x86 and MIPS * DWORD alignment of the structure suffices, so the macro below would only * waste RAM. (Save it for later reference.) * * #define NEXTPATHREC(ppr) (ppr + (offsetof(PATHRECORD, aptfx) + \ * sizeof(POINTFIX) * ppr->count + \ * sizeof(PATHRECORD) - 1) / sizeof(PATHRECORD)) ***************************************************************************/
#define NEXTPATHREC(ppr) ((PATHRECORD *) ((BYTE *) ppr + \
offsetof(PATHRECORD,aptfx) + \ sizeof(POINTFIX) * ppr->count))
struct _PATHRECORD { struct _PATHRECORD *pprnext; // ptr to next pathrec in path
struct _PATHRECORD *pprprev; // ptr to previous pathrec in path
FLONG flags; // flags describing content of record
ULONG count; // number of control points in record
POINTFIX aptfx[2]; // variable length array of points
// (we make it size 2 because we'll actually
// be declaring this structure on the
// stack to handle a LineTo, which needs
// two points)
typedef struct _PATHRECORD PATHRECORD; typedef struct _PATHRECORD *PPATHREC;
* struct PATHDATAL * * Used like a PATHDATA but describes POINTLs not POINTFIXs * * History: * 08-Nov-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
struct _PATHDATAL { FLONG flags; ULONG count; PPOINTL pptl; };
typedef struct _PATHDATAL PATHDATAL; typedef struct _PATHDATAL *PPATHDATAL;
* class PATHALLOC * * The storage for PATHRECs is allocated from the space inside PATHALLOCS. * The PATHALLOCS for a path are on a singly linked list. The two friend * functions newpathalloc() and freepathalloc() are used to allocate and * free pathalloc blocks. * * Public Interface: * * friend PATHALLOC *newpathalloc() // allocate a new pathalloc
* friend void freepathalloc() // free a pathalloc
* * History: * 05-Sep-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
class PATHALLOC { static HSEMAPHORE hsemFreelist; // Semaphore for freelist
static PATHALLOC *freelist; // Free-list of pathallocs
static COUNT cFree; // Count of free pathallocs
static COUNT cAllocated; // Count of pathallocs allocated
public: PATHALLOC *ppanext; // ptr to next pathalloc in path
PATHRECORD *pprfreestart; // ptr to first free spot in pathalloc
ULONG siztPathAlloc; // Size of path alloc
PATHRECORD apr[1]; // variable length array of pathrecs
friend BOOL bInitPathAlloc(); // initialize the free list
friend PATHALLOC *newpathalloc(); // allocate a new pathalloc
friend VOID freepathalloc(PATHALLOC *); // free a pathalloc
friend VOID vPathDebug(); // Displays debug stats
#ifdef _HYDRA_
friend VOID MultiUserCleanupPathAlloc(); // cleanup memory
typedef PATHALLOC *PPATHALLOC; #endif // GDIFLAGS_ONLY for gdikdx
#define PATHALLOCSIZE (4096-64)
#define FREELIST_MAX 4
// These flags shouldn't interfere with any PD_ DDI flags:
#define PATH_JOURNAL 0x8000
// Flags for flOptions in bStrokeAndOrFill:
#define PATH_STROKE 1
#define PATH_FILL 2
// A private LINEATTRS flag to denote that the pen for a geometric line
// may have zero dimensions. Set in the high word so as not to conflict
// with the LA_ definitions in winddi.h:
* class PATH * * Path structure itself. We never actually use objects of this type, * instead we use EPATHOBJ's which are derived from this type. * * History: * 05-Sep-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
#define PATHTYPE_KEEPMEM 0x0001
#define PATHTYPE_STACK 0x0002
class PATH : public OBJECT { public: PATH() {}
PATHALLOC *ppachain; // ptr to pathalloc chain
PATHRECORD *pprfirst; // ptr to first record in path
PATHRECORD *pprlast; // ptr to last record in path
// rcfxBoundBox cannot be an ERECTFX because then CFront will insist
// on creating a static constructor for PATH():
RECTFX rcfxBoundBox; // bounding box for path
POINTFIX ptfxSubPathStart; // start of next sub-path
FLONG flags; // flags describing state of path
PATHRECORD *pprEnum; // pointer for Enumeration
FLONG flType; // denotes path type (stack, mem, keep)
FLONG fl; // These are used for saving the PATHOBJ
ULONG cCurves; // accelerator values when the path is
// unlocked.
CLIPLINEENUM cle; // used for enumerating and clipping
typedef PATH *PPATH;
* class EPATHOBJ * * User object for PATH class that has no constructor or destructor. * * Public Interface: * * History: * 17-Oct-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Moved the constructors and destructor to derived XEPATHOBJ. * * 05-Apr-1991 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * Added bInitLines friend function and cTotalPts member function. * Put in filling support. * * 28-Sep-1990 -by- Paul Butzi [paulb] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
class EPATHOBJ : public _PATHOBJ /* epo */ { private: friend VOID vConstructGET(EPATHOBJ& po, PEDGE pedgeHead, PEDGE pedgeFree,RECTL *pBound);
public: PPATH ppath;
protected: BOOL addpoints(EXFORMOBJ *pxfo, PATHDATAL *); VOID growlastrec(EXFORMOBJ *pxfo,PATHDATAL *,POINTFIX *); VOID reinit(); BOOL createrec(EXFORMOBJ *xfo,PATHDATAL *,POINTFIX *); BOOL newpathrec(PATHRECORD **pppr,COUNT *pcMax,COUNT cNeeded); PATHRECORD *pprFlattenRec(PATHRECORD *ppr);
public: EPATHOBJ() {}
CLIPOBJ *pco; // save the clipobj for enumeration
PCLIPLINEENUM pcleGet() { return(&ppath->cle); }
HPATH hpath() { return((HPATH) ppath->hGet()); } RECTFX rcfxBoundBox() { return(ppath->rcfxBoundBox); }
BOOL bValid() { return(ppath != (PATH*) NULL); }
// Path maintenance:
VOID vLock(HPATH hpath) { ppath = (PPATH)HmgShareLock((HOBJ)hpath, PATH_TYPE); }
VOID vDelete(); VOID vFreeBlocks(); BOOL bClone(EPATHOBJ& epo); ULONGSIZE_T cjSize(); VOID vUpdateCosmeticStyleState(SURFACE*, LINEATTRS*);
// Methods to add world space data to a path:
BOOL bMoveTo(EXFORMOBJ* pxfo, POINTL* pptl); BOOL bPolyLineTo(EXFORMOBJ* pxfo, POINTL* pptl, ULONG cPts); BOOL bPolyBezierTo(EXFORMOBJ* pxfo, POINTL* pptl, ULONG cPts);
// Methods to add device space data to a path:
BOOL bMoveTo(POINTFIX* pptfx) { return(bMoveTo((EXFORMOBJ*) NULL, (POINTL*) pptfx)); } BOOL bPolyLineTo(POINTFIX* pptfx, ULONG cPts) { return(bPolyLineTo((EXFORMOBJ*) NULL, (POINTL*) pptfx, cPts)); } BOOL bPolyBezierTo(POINTFIX* pptfx, ULONG cPts) { return(bPolyBezierTo((EXFORMOBJ*) NULL, (POINTL*) pptfx, cPts)); } BOOL bAppend(EPATHOBJ *ppoNew,POINTFIX *pptfxDelta);
// Macro to add a polygon.
BOOL bAddPolygon(EXFORMOBJ *pxo,POINTL *pptl,int c) { return(bMoveTo(pxo,pptl) && bPolyLineTo(pxo,pptl+1,c-1) && bCloseFigure()); }
// Methods to transform or manipulate a path:
VOID vOffset(EPOINTL &eptl);
// Get path's current point, remembering that if the last path operation
// was a bMoveTo, the CP value is retrieved from ptfxSubPathStart:
POINTFIX ptfxGetCurrent() { return((ppath->flags & PD_BEGINSUBPATH) ? ppath->ptfxSubPathStart : ppath->pprlast->aptfx[(ppath->pprlast->count) - 1]); }
BOOL bCloseFigure(); VOID vCloseAllFigures(); BOOL bFlatten();
// Output functions that do pointer exclusion, device locking, etc:
BOOL bStrokeAndOrFill(XDCOBJ &dco, LINEATTRS *pla, EXFORMOBJ *pxfo, FLONG flOptions);
BOOL bStrokeAndFill(XDCOBJ &dco, LINEATTRS *pla, EXFORMOBJ *pxfo) { return(bStrokeAndOrFill(dco, pla, pxfo, PATH_STROKE|PATH_FILL)); }
BOOL bStroke(XDCOBJ &dco, LINEATTRS *pla, EXFORMOBJ *pxfo) { return(bStrokeAndOrFill(dco, pla, pxfo, PATH_STROKE)); }
BOOL bFill(XDCOBJ &dco) { return(bStrokeAndOrFill(dco, (LINEATTRS*) NULL, (EXFORMOBJ*) NULL, PATH_FILL)); }
// Output functions for when you've done all the setup work and you want
// to take advantage of smart devices:
BOOL bSimpleStroke1(FLONG flCaps, // For device graphics caps
PDEVOBJ* plo, SURFACE* pSurface, CLIPOBJ* pco, BRUSHOBJ* pbo, POINTL* pptlBrushOrg, MIX mix) { // Make a copy of the default LINEATTRS because the driver might
// try to update the style state:
LINEATTRS laTmp = glaSimpleStroke.la;
return(bSimpleStroke(flCaps, plo, pSurface, pco, (XFORMOBJ*) NULL, pbo, pptlBrushOrg, &laTmp, mix)); }
BOOL bTextOutSimpleStroke1(XDCOBJ& dco, RFONTOBJ& rfo, PDEVOBJ* plo, SURFACE* pSurface, CLIPOBJ* pco, BRUSHOBJ* pbo, POINTL* pptlBrushOrg, MIX mix);
// Modification methods:
VOID vBecome(WIDEPATHOBJ&); VOID vReComputeBounds(); BOOL bComputeWidenedBounds(EPATHOBJ&, XFORMOBJ*, LINEATTRS*); BOOL bComputeWidenedBounds(XFORMOBJ* pxfo, LINEATTRS* pla) { return(bComputeWidenedBounds(*this, pxfo, pla)); } BOOL bWiden(EPATHOBJ&, XFORMOBJ*, LINEATTRS*); BOOL bWiden(XFORMOBJ* pxfo, LINEATTRS* pla) { return(bWiden(*this, pxfo, pla)); } VOID vWidenSetupForFrameRgn(XDCOBJ&, LONG, LONG, EXFORMOBJ*, LINEATTRS*);
// Methods to enumerate a path
VOID vEnumStart() { fl &= ~PO_ENUM_AS_INTEGERS; // A driver may have left this set
ppath->pprEnum = ppath->pprfirst; } BOOL bEnum(PATHDATA *); BOOL bBeziers() { return(fl & PO_BEZIERS); }
ULONG cTotalPts(); ULONG cTotalCurves();
// For persistent path objects:
VOID vSetppath(PPATH ppath_) { ppath = ppath_; }
// Debug routines:
BOOL bAllClosed(); VOID vPrint(); VOID vDiag(); };
* class XEPATHOBJ * * User object for PATH class that has constructors and a destructor. * * Public Interface: * * History: * 17-Oct-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Made it from old EPATHOBJ. \**************************************************************************/
class XEPATHOBJ : public EPATHOBJ { public: XEPATHOBJ() { cCurves = 0; fl = 0; } // Used when creating a new path
XEPATHOBJ(HPATH hpath); // Get path given handle
XEPATHOBJ(XDCOBJ& dco); // Get DC's path
* class PATHMEMOBJ : public EPATHOBJ * * Memory object for PATH class. * * Public Interface: * * PATHMEMOBJ Constructor * ~PATHMEMOBJ() Destructor * * VOID vKeepIt() Make memory object long lived * * History: * 09-Jul-1990 -by- Donald Sidoroff [donalds] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
class PATHMEMOBJ : public EPATHOBJ /* pmo */ { public: PATHMEMOBJ(); ~PATHMEMOBJ();
VOID vKeepIt() { ppath->flType |= PATHTYPE_KEEPMEM; } }; #endif // GDIFLAGS_ONLY for gdikdx
* class PATHSTACKOBJ : public EPATHOBJ * * Object for creating paths on the stack. It can hold a small number * of points on the stack; if the path gets too big, it will expand onto * the heap. * * History: * 22-Mar-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
// This value must be less than PATHALLOCSIZE, and allow the end of the
// structure to be aligned on the most restrictive boundary:
class PATHSTACKOBJ : public EPATHOBJ /* pso */ { private: PATH path; union { PATHALLOC pa; CHAR achBuffer[PATHSTACKALLOCSIZE]; } paBuf;
* class EPATHFONTOBJ : public EPATHOBJ * * * * History: * 20-May-92 -by- Paul Butzi * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
class EPATHFONTOBJ : public EPATHOBJ { public: PATH path; PATHALLOC pa;
public: VOID vInit(ULONGSIZE_T); };
* class LINETOPATHOBJ * * Special fast-track path constructor for LineTo's that are done when * there isn't an active DC path, and is to be drawn with a cosmetic * pen (can't handle geometric pens because WidenPath might be called, * and it requires more path structures to be initialized than I wish * to do here). * * History: * 17-Oct-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
class LINETOPATHOBJ : public EPATHOBJ { public: PATH path; PATHRECORD pr;
* class RECTANGLEPATHOBJ * * Special fast-track path constructor for Rectangles that are done when * there isn't an active DC path, and is to be drawn with a cosmetic * pen (can't handle geometric pens because WidenPath might be called, * and it requires more path structures to be initialized than I wish * to do here). * * History: * 13-Dec-1992 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
class RECTANGLEPATHOBJ : public EPATHOBJ { protected: PATH path; struct { PATHRECORD pr; POINTFIX aptfxBuf[2]; // We use this to leave room for the
// additional 2 points we need to
// complete the Rectangle.
} prRect;
VOID vInit(RECTL*, BOOL); }; #endif // GDIFLAGS_ONLY for gdikdx.