* Module Name: pdevobj.cxx * * Non-inline methods of PDEVOBJ objects. * * Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hxx"
extern DRVFN gadrvfnPanning[]; extern ULONG gcdrvfnPanning;
// This flag is TRUE if the default GUI stock font is partially intialized.
// During stock font initialization there is no display driver and therefore
// we do not have one of the parameters (vertical DPI) needed to compute
// the font height. Therefore, we do it when the first display driver is
// initialized.
extern BOOL gbFinishDefGUIFontInit;
// This is size of DirectDraw context which we keep in PDEV.
extern DWORD gdwDirectDrawContext;
// Use this as the default height if LOGFONTs provided by DEVINFO do not
// specify.
#define DEFAULT_DPI 72L
#if ((HT_PATSIZE_2x2 != HTPAT_SIZE_2x2) || \
(HT_PATSIZE_2x2_M != HTPAT_SIZE_2x2_M) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_4x4 != HTPAT_SIZE_4x4) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_4x4_M != HTPAT_SIZE_4x4_M) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_6x6 != HTPAT_SIZE_6x6) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_6x6_M != HTPAT_SIZE_6x6_M) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_8x8 != HTPAT_SIZE_8x8) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_8x8_M != HTPAT_SIZE_8x8_M) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_10x10 != HTPAT_SIZE_10x10) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_10x10_M != HTPAT_SIZE_10x10_M) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_12x12 != HTPAT_SIZE_12x12) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_12x12_M != HTPAT_SIZE_12x12_M) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_14x14 != HTPAT_SIZE_14x14) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_14x14_M != HTPAT_SIZE_14x14_M) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_16x16 != HTPAT_SIZE_16x16) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_16x16_M != HTPAT_SIZE_16x16_M) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_SUPERCELL != HTPAT_SIZE_SUPERCELL) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_SUPERCELL_M != HTPAT_SIZE_SUPERCELL_M) || \ (HT_PATSIZE_USER != HTPAT_SIZE_USER)) #error * HT_PATSIZE different in winddi.h and ht.h *
(HT_FLAG_HAS_BLACK_DYE != HIF_HAS_BLACK_DYE) || \ (HT_FLAG_ADDITIVE_PRIMS != HIF_ADDITIVE_PRIMS)) #error * HT_FLAG different in winddi.h and ht.h *
// Global linked list of all PDEVs in the system.
extern "C" { extern HFASTMUTEX ghfmMemory; }
PPDEV gppdevList = NULL; PPDEV gppdevTrueType = NULL; PPDEV gppdevATMFD = NULL;
VOID vDeleteBitmapClone( SURFOBJ *pso );
* PDEVOBJ::bMakeSurface () * * Asks the device driver to create a surface for the PDEV. This function * can be called even if the PDEV already has a surface. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL PDEVOBJ::bMakeSurface() { TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::bMakeSurface: ENTERING\n"));
BOOL bRet;
if (ppdev->pSurface != NULL) return(TRUE);
HSURF hTemp = (HSURF) 0;
// Ask the driver for a surface.
PDEVOBJ po((HDEV)ppdev);
GreEnterMonitoredSection(ppdev, WD_DEVLOCK); hTemp = (*PPFNDRV(po,EnableSurface))(ppdev->dhpdev); GreExitMonitoredSection(ppdev, WD_DEVLOCK);
if (hTemp == (HSURF) 0) { WARNING("EnableSurface on device return hsurf 0\n"); return(FALSE); }
SURFREF sr(hTemp); ASSERTGDI(sr.bValid(),"Bad surface for device");
// Mark this as a device surface.
sr.ps->vPDEVSurface(); sr.vKeepIt(); ppdev->pSurface = sr.ps;
// For 1.0 compatibility, set the pSurface iFormat to iDitherFormat. This can
// be changed to an ASSERT if we no longer wants to support NT 1.0 drivers,
// which has BMF_DEVICE in the iFormat for device surfaces.
if (sr.ps->iFormat() == BMF_DEVICE) { sr.ps->iFormat(ppdev->devinfo.iDitherFormat); ASSERTGDI(ppdev->devinfo.iDitherFormat != BMF_DEVICE, "ERROR iformat is hosed\n"); }
// Put the PDEV's palette in the main device surface.
// Reference count the palette, it has a new user.
// If this is surface for layered driver, mark it as mirrored surface.
if (flGraphicsCaps() & GCAPS_LAYERED) { sr.ps->vSetMirror(); }
HmgShareLock((HOBJ) ppdev->ppalSurf->hGet(), PAL_TYPE);
// We move the mouse point off-screen in order to set an initial position and
// to fix a common driver bug, which is to show uninitialized garbage until
// the first DrvSetPointerShape call occurs.
if (bDisplayPDEV()) { GreMovePointer(po.hdev(), -1, -1, MP_PROCEDURAL); }
// Enable PDEV components.
bRet = DxDdEnableDirectDraw(po.hdev(),TRUE);
// Filter the driver hooks after DirectDraw has loaded but before we
// enable sprites, so that the filter can filter DirectX calls and
// the sprite code gets the filtered result.
bRet &= bSpEnableSprites(po.hdev());
return(bRet); }
* PDEVOBJ::bEnableHalftone(pca) * * Creates and initializes a device halftone info. The space is allocated * by the halftone.dll with heapCreate() and heapAlloc() calls. All * the halftone resources are managed by the halftone.dll. * * History: * 07-Nov-1991 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
0, // WORD caFlags
HT_DEF_RGB_GAMMA, // WORD caRedPowerGamma
HT_DEF_RGB_GAMMA, // WORD caGreenPowerGamma
HT_DEF_RGB_GAMMA, // WORD caBluePowerGamma
BOOL PDEVOBJ::bEnableHalftone(PCOLORADJUSTMENT pca) { ASSERTGDI(pDevHTInfo() == NULL, "bEnableHalftone: pDevHTInfo not null\n");
// Create a halftone palette based on the format specified in GDIINFO.
PALMEMOBJ palHT; if (!palHT.bCreateHTPalette(GdiInfo()->ulHTOutputFormat, GdiInfo())) return(FALSE);
// Create the device halftone info.
htInitInfo.Version = HTINITINFO_VERSION; htInitInfo.Flags = (WORD)(ppdev->GdiInfo.flHTFlags & 0xFFFF); htInitInfo.CMYBitMask8BPP = (BYTE)((ppdev->GdiInfo.flHTFlags & HT_FLAG_8BPP_CMY332_MASK) >> 24); htInitInfo.bReserved = 0;
if (ppdev->GdiInfo.ulHTPatternSize <= HTPAT_SIZE_MAX_INDEX) htInitInfo.HTPatternIndex = (BYTE)ppdev->GdiInfo.ulHTPatternSize; else htInitInfo.HTPatternIndex = HTPAT_SIZE_DEFAULT;
PCOLORINFO pci = &GdiInfo()->ciDevice; htInitInfo.DevicePowerGamma = (UDECI4)((pci->RedGamma + pci->GreenGamma + pci->BlueGamma) / 3); htInitInfo.DeviceRGamma = (UDECI4)pci->RedGamma; htInitInfo.DeviceGGamma = (UDECI4)pci->GreenGamma; htInitInfo.DeviceBGamma = (UDECI4)pci->BlueGamma;
htInitInfo.HTCallBackFunction = NULL; htInitInfo.pHalftonePattern = NULL; htInitInfo.pInputRGBInfo = NULL;
if (htInitInfo.HTPatternIndex == HTPAT_SIZE_USER) {
if ((ppdev->GdiInfo.cxHTPat >= HT_USERPAT_CX_MIN) && (ppdev->GdiInfo.cxHTPat <= HT_USERPAT_CX_MAX) && (ppdev->GdiInfo.cyHTPat >= HT_USERPAT_CY_MIN) && (ppdev->GdiInfo.cyHTPat <= HT_USERPAT_CY_MAX) && (ppdev->GdiInfo.pHTPatA) && (ppdev->GdiInfo.pHTPatB) && (ppdev->GdiInfo.pHTPatC)) {
HTPat.cbSize = sizeof(HALFTONEPATTERN); HTPat.Flags = 0; HTPat.Width = (WORD)ppdev->GdiInfo.cxHTPat; HTPat.Height = (WORD)ppdev->GdiInfo.cyHTPat; HTPat.pHTPatA = (LPBYTE)ppdev->GdiInfo.pHTPatA; HTPat.pHTPatB = (LPBYTE)ppdev->GdiInfo.pHTPatB; HTPat.pHTPatC = (LPBYTE)ppdev->GdiInfo.pHTPatC;
htInitInfo.pHalftonePattern = &HTPat;
} else {
htInitInfo.HTPatternIndex = HTPAT_SIZE_DEFAULT; } }
cie.Red.x = (DECI4)pci->Red.x; cie.Red.y = (DECI4)pci->Red.y; cie.Red.Y = (DECI4)pci->Red.Y;
cie.Green.x = (DECI4)pci->Green.x; cie.Green.y = (DECI4)pci->Green.y; cie.Green.Y = (DECI4)pci->Green.Y;
cie.Blue.x = (DECI4)pci->Blue.x; cie.Blue.y = (DECI4)pci->Blue.y; cie.Blue.Y = (DECI4)pci->Blue.Y;
cie.Cyan.x = (DECI4)pci->Cyan.x; cie.Cyan.y = (DECI4)pci->Cyan.y; cie.Cyan.Y = (DECI4)pci->Cyan.Y;
cie.Magenta.x = (DECI4)pci->Magenta.x; cie.Magenta.y = (DECI4)pci->Magenta.y; cie.Magenta.Y = (DECI4)pci->Magenta.Y;
cie.Yellow.x = (DECI4)pci->Yellow.x; cie.Yellow.y = (DECI4)pci->Yellow.y; cie.Yellow.Y = (DECI4)pci->Yellow.Y;
cie.AlignmentWhite.x = (DECI4)pci->AlignmentWhite.x; cie.AlignmentWhite.y = (DECI4)pci->AlignmentWhite.y; cie.AlignmentWhite.Y = (DECI4)pci->AlignmentWhite.Y;
htInitInfo.pDeviceCIEInfo = &cie;
SOLIDDYESINFO DeviceSolidDyesInfo;
DeviceSolidDyesInfo.MagentaInCyanDye = (UDECI4)pci->MagentaInCyanDye; DeviceSolidDyesInfo.YellowInCyanDye = (UDECI4)pci->YellowInCyanDye; DeviceSolidDyesInfo.CyanInMagentaDye = (UDECI4)pci->CyanInMagentaDye; DeviceSolidDyesInfo.YellowInMagentaDye = (UDECI4)pci->YellowInMagentaDye; DeviceSolidDyesInfo.CyanInYellowDye = (UDECI4)pci->CyanInYellowDye; DeviceSolidDyesInfo.MagentaInYellowDye = (UDECI4)pci->MagentaInYellowDye;
htInitInfo.pDeviceSolidDyesInfo = &DeviceSolidDyesInfo;
htInitInfo.DeviceResXDPI = (WORD)ppdev->GdiInfo.ulLogPixelsX; htInitInfo.DeviceResYDPI = (WORD)ppdev->GdiInfo.ulLogPixelsY; htInitInfo.DevicePelsDPI = (WORD)ppdev->GdiInfo.ulDevicePelsDPI;
if (pca == NULL) htInitInfo.DefHTColorAdjustment = gcaDefault; else htInitInfo.DefHTColorAdjustment = *pca;
if (HT_CreateDeviceHalftoneInfo(&htInitInfo, (PPDEVICEHALFTONEINFO)&(ppdev->pDevHTInfo)) <= 0L) { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); ppdev->pDevHTInfo = NULL; return(FALSE); }
// Check if halftone palette is the same as the device palette.
// For now, don't do display devices because dynamic mode changes may
// cause their palette to change at any time.
vHTPalIsDevPal(FALSE); if (!bDisplayPDEV()) { XEPALOBJ palSurf(ppalSurf()); if (palHT.bEqualEntries(palSurf)) vHTPalIsDevPal(TRUE); }
// Keep the halftone palette since this function won't fail.
((DEVICEHALFTONEINFO *)pDevHTInfo())->DeviceOwnData = (ULONG_PTR)palHT.hpal(); palHT.vSetPID(OBJECT_OWNER_PUBLIC); palHT.vKeepIt();
return(TRUE); }
* PDEVOBJ::bDisableHalftone() * * Delete the device halftone info structure. * * History: * 07-Nov-1991 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL PDEVOBJ::bDisableHalftone() { ASSERTGDI((pDevHTInfo() != NULL), "bDisableHalftone: DevHTInfo null\n");
if (fl(PDEV_ALLOCATEDBRUSHES)) { for(int iPat = 0; iPat < HS_DDI_MAX; iPat++) { bDeleteSurface(ppdev->ahsurf[iPat]); } }
ppdev->pDevHTInfo = NULL;
// Delete the halftone palette.
BOOL bStatusPal = bDeletePalette((HPAL)pDevHTInfo_->DeviceOwnData); BOOL bStatusHT = HT_DestroyDeviceHalftoneInfo(pDevHTInfo_);
return(bStatusPal && bStatusHT); }
ULONG gaaulPat[HS_DDI_MAX][8] = {
// Scans have to be DWORD aligned:
{ 0x00, // ........ HS_HORIZONTAL 0
0x00, // ........
0x00, // ........
0xff, // ********
0x00, // ........
0x00, // ........
0x00, // ........
0x00 }, // ........
{ 0x08, // ....*... HS_VERTICAL 1
0x08, // ....*...
0x08, // ....*...
0x08, // ....*...
0x08, // ....*...
0x08, // ....*...
0x08, // ....*...
0x08 }, // ....*...
{ 0x80, // *....... HS_FDIAGONAL 2
0x40, // .*......
0x20, // ..*.....
0x10, // ...*....
0x08, // ....*...
0x04, // .....*..
0x02, // ......*.
0x01 }, // .......*
{ 0x01, // .......* HS_BDIAGONAL 3
0x02, // ......*.
0x04, // .....*..
0x08, // ....*...
0x10, // ...*....
0x20, // ..*.....
0x40, // .*......
0x80 }, // *.......
{ 0x08, // ....*... HS_CROSS 4
0x08, // ....*...
0x08, // ....*...
0xff, // ********
0x08, // ....*...
0x08, // ....*...
0x08, // ....*...
0x08 }, // ....*...
{ 0x81, // *......* HS_DIAGCROSS 5
0x42, // .*....*.
0x24, // ..*..*..
0x18, // ...**...
0x18, // ...**...
0x24, // ..*..*..
0x42, // .*....*.
0x81 } // *......*
* PDEVOBJ::bCreateDefaultBrushes() * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL PDEVOBJ::bCreateDefaultBrushes() { SIZEL sizl; LONG i;
sizl.cx = 8; sizl.cy = 8;
for (i = 0; i < HS_DDI_MAX; i++) { ppdev->ahsurf[i] = (HSURF) EngCreateBitmap(sizl, (LONG) sizeof(ULONG), BMF_1BPP, BMF_TOPDOWN, &gaaulPat[i][0]);
if (ppdev->ahsurf[i] == NULL) { TRACE_INIT(("Failed bCreateDefaultBrushes - BAD !")); return(FALSE); } }
return(TRUE); }
* PDEVOBJ::bCreateHalftoneBrushes() * * History: * The standard patterns for the NT/window has following order * * Index 0 - Horizontal Line * Index 1 - Vertical Line * Index 2 - 45 degree line going up * Index 3 - 45 degree line going down * Index 4 - Horizontal/Vertical cross * Index 5 - 45 degree line up/down cross * Index 6 - 30 degree line going up * Index 7 - 30 degree line going down * Index 8 - 0% Lightness (BLACK) * Index 9 - 11% Lightness (very light Gray) * Index 10 - 22% Lightness * Index 11 - 33% Lightness * Index 12 - 44% Lightness * Index 13 - 56% Lightness * Index 14 - 67% Lightness * Index 15 - 78% Lightness * Index 16 - 89% Lightness * Index 17 - 100% Lightness (White) * Index 18 - 50% Lightness (GRAY) * *Return Value: * * return value is total patterns created, if return value is <= 0 then an * error occurred. * * *Author: * * 10-Mar-1992 Tue 20:30:44 created -by- Daniel Chou (danielc) * * 24-Nov-1992 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] and DanielChou (danielc) * moved from printers\lib \**************************************************************************/
BOOL PDEVOBJ::bCreateHalftoneBrushes() { STDMONOPATTERN SMP; LONG cbPat; LONG cb2; INT cPatRet;
static BYTE HTStdPatIndex[HS_DDI_MAX] = {
// better initialize the halftone stuff if it isn't already
if ((pDevHTInfo() == NULL) && !bEnableHalftone(NULL)) return(FALSE);
cbPat = (LONG)sizeof(LPBYTE) * (LONG)(HS_DDI_MAX + 1);
// go through all the standard patterns
for(cPatRet = 0; cPatRet < HS_DDI_MAX;) {
// We will using default 0.01" line width and 10 lines per inch
// halftone default
SMP.Flags = SMP_TOPDOWN; SMP.ScanLineAlignBytes = BMF_ALIGN_DWORD; SMP.PatternIndex = HTStdPatIndex[cPatRet]; SMP.LineWidth = 8; SMP.LinesPerInch = 15;
// Get the cx/cy size of the pattern and total bytes required
// to stored the pattern
SMP.pPattern = NULL; /* To find the size */
if ((cbPat = HT_CreateStandardMonoPattern((PDEVICEHALFTONEINFO)pDevHTInfo(), &SMP)) <= 0) { break; }
// create the bitmap
dbmi.iFormat = BMF_1BPP; dbmi.cxBitmap = SMP.cxPels; dbmi.cyBitmap = SMP.cyPels; dbmi.hpal = (HPALETTE) 0; dbmi.fl = BMF_TOPDOWN;
SurfDimo.bCreateDIB(&dbmi, NULL);
if (!SurfDimo.bValid()) { break; }
SurfDimo.vKeepIt(); SurfDimo.vSetPID(OBJECT_OWNER_PUBLIC);
ppdev->ahsurf[cPatRet] = SurfDimo.ps->hsurf(); SMP.pPattern = (PBYTE)SurfDimo.ps->pvBits();
// advance the count now so we clean up as appropriate
// now set the bits
if ((cb2 = HT_CreateStandardMonoPattern((PDEVICEHALFTONEINFO)pDevHTInfo(), &SMP)) != cbPat) { break; } }
// if we failed, we had better delete what we created.
if (cPatRet < HS_DDI_MAX) { while (cPatRet-- > 0) { bDeleteSurface(ppdev->ahsurf[cPatRet]); }
return(FALSE); }
return(TRUE); }
* FLONG flRaster(ulTechnology, flGraphicsCaps) * * Computes the appropriate Win3.1 style 'flRaster' flags for the device * given GDIINFO data. * * History: * 1-Feb-1993 -by- J. Andrew Goossen [andrewgo] * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
FLONG flRaster(ULONG ulTechnology, FLONG flGraphicsCaps) { // Flags Win32 never sets:
// -----------------------
// RC_BANDING -- Banding is always transparent to programmer
// RC_SCALING -- Special scaling support is never required
// RC_GDI20_OUTPUT -- Win2.0 state blocks in device contexts not supported
// RC_SAVEBITMAP -- Bitmap saving is transparent and SaveScreenBitmap not
// exported
// RC_DEVBITS -- Drivers don't export BitmapBits or SelectBitmap
// Flags Win32 always sets:
// ------------------------
FLONG fl = (RC_BIGFONT | // All devices support fonts > 64k
RC_GDI20_OUTPUT | // We handle most Win 2.0 features
// Set that not-terribly-well documented text flag:
RC_OP_DX_OUTPUT); // Can do opaque ExtTextOuts with dx array
// Line printers and pen plotters can't support any bitmap BitBlt's:
if ((ulTechnology != DT_PLOTTER) && (ulTechnology != DT_CHARSTREAM)) { fl |= (RC_BITBLT | // Can transfer bitmaps
RC_BITMAP64 | // Can support bitmaps > 64k
RC_DI_BITMAP | // Support SetDIBIts and GetDIBits
RC_DIBTODEV | // Support SetDIBitsToDevice
RC_STRETCHBLT | // Support StretchBlts
RC_STRETCHDIB); // Support SetchDIBits
// Printers can't journal FloodFill cals, so only allow raster displays:
if (ulTechnology == DT_RASDISPLAY) fl |= RC_FLOODFILL;
// Set palette flag from capabilities bit:
if (flGraphicsCaps & GCAPS_PALMANAGED) fl |= RC_PALETTE;
return(fl); }
* * HACK * */
LPWSTR EngGetPrinterDataFileName( HDEV hdev) {
return ((PPDEV)hdev)->pwszDataFile; }
* * HACK * */
LPWSTR EngGetDriverName( HDEV hdev) { return ((PPDEV)hdev)->pldev->pGdiDriverInfo->DriverName.Buffer; }
* EngQueryAttribute * * This is the engine entry point for device drivers to query device * attributes. * * hDev must always be a valid device. * * This call will return TRUE for success and FALSE for failure. * * QDA_ACCELERATION_LEVEL: * pvIn - ignored * pvInSize - ignored * pvOut - pointer to DWORD * pvOutSize - sizeof(DWORD) * * The current device acceleration level is returned in pvOut. Please * see ??? for a discussion of acceleration levels. * * NOTE: we should have an enumeration in winddi.h for acceleration * levels. * * * History: * 07-Nov-1998 -by- Bart House bhouse * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EngQueryDeviceAttribute( HDEV hdev, ENG_DEVICE_ATTRIBUTE devAttr, VOID * pvIn, ULONG ulInSize, VOID * pvOut, ULONG ulOutSize) { BOOL bResult = FALSE; // assume failure
PPDEV ppdev = (PPDEV) hdev;
if(pvOut != NULL) {
switch(devAttr) { case QDA_ACCELERATION_LEVEL: if(ulOutSize == sizeof(DWORD)) { *((DWORD *) pvOut) = ppdev->dwDriverAccelerationLevel; bResult = TRUE; } else { WARNING("EngQueryDeviceAttribute -- bad ulOutSize"); } break; default: WARNING("EngQueryDeviceAttribute -- unknown device attribte"); break; } } else { WARNING("EngQueryDeviceAttribute -- pvOut is NULL"); }
return bResult; }
* PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ * * Create a PDEVOBJ based on given HDEV. * * History: * 1-Apr-1998 -by- Hideyuki Nagase [hideyukn] * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
// Should be in header to share with icmapi.cxx and ddraw.cxx
#define MAX_COLORTABLE 256
INT i;
ppdev = (PDEV *) NULL;
PDEVOBJ pdoOrg(hdevOrg);
// Validate input.
// 1) Only GCH_CLONE_DISPLAY supported.
// 2) hdevOrg should be valid.
// 3) hdevOrg should be display device.
if ((fl != GCH_CLONE_DISPLAY) || (!pdoOrg.bValid()) || (!pdoOrg.bDisplayPDEV())) { WARNING("Failed to validate input parameter\n"); return; }
DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(pdoOrg);
ppdev = (PDEV *) PALLOCMEM(sizeof(PDEV) - sizeof(DWORD) + gdwDirectDrawContext, 'veDG');
if (ppdev == NULL) { WARNING("Failed allocation of PDEV\n"); return; }
PDEV *ppdevOrg = (PDEV *) pdoOrg.hdev();
ppdev->pldev = ppdevOrg->pldev; ppdev->ppdevParent = ppdev; ppdev->ulTag = 'Pdev';
PDEVOBJ pdo((HDEV) ppdev);
TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ_: Mirroring original hdev info to clone\n"));
// Copy fields which can be copied from original.
ppdev->pfnDrvSetPointerShape = ppdevOrg->pfnDrvSetPointerShape; // Accelerator
ppdev->pfnDrvMovePointer = ppdevOrg->pfnDrvMovePointer; // Accelerator
ppdev->pfnMovePointer = ppdevOrg->pfnMovePointer; // Accelerator
ppdev->pfnSync = ppdevOrg->pfnSync; // Accelerator
ppdev->pfnSyncSurface = ppdevOrg->pfnSyncSurface; // Accelerator
ppdev->pfnSetPalette = ppdevOrg->pfnSetPalette; ppdev->pfnNotify = ppdevOrg->pfnNotify;
ppdev->dhpdev = ppdevOrg->dhpdev;
ppdev->ppalSurf = ppdevOrg->ppalSurf; ppdev->devinfo = ppdevOrg->devinfo; ppdev->GdiInfo = ppdevOrg->GdiInfo; ppdev->hSpooler = ppdevOrg->hSpooler; ppdev->pDesktopId = ppdevOrg->pDesktopId; ppdev->pGraphicsDevice = ppdevOrg->pGraphicsDevice; ppdev->ptlOrigin = ppdevOrg->ptlOrigin;
if (ppdevOrg->ppdevDevmode) { DWORD dwSize = ppdevOrg->ppdevDevmode->dmSize + ppdevOrg->ppdevDevmode->dmDriverExtra;
ppdev->ppdevDevmode = (PDEVMODEW) PALLOCNOZ(dwSize,GDITAG_DEVMODE);
if (ppdev->ppdevDevmode) { RtlMoveMemory(ppdev->ppdevDevmode, ppdevOrg->ppdevDevmode, dwSize); } else { goto ERROR_RETURN; } }
ppdev->flAccelerated = ppdevOrg->flAccelerated;
ppdev->ptlPointer = ppdevOrg->ptlPointer;
ppdev->hlfntDefault = ppdevOrg->hlfntDefault; ppdev->hlfntAnsiVariable = ppdevOrg->hlfntAnsiVariable; ppdev->hlfntAnsiFixed = ppdevOrg->hlfntAnsiFixed;
ppdev->pSurface = ppdevOrg->pSurface;
for (i = 0; i < HS_DDI_MAX; i++) { ppdev->ahsurf[i] = ppdevOrg->ahsurf[i]; }
ppdev->pwszDataFile = ppdevOrg->pwszDataFile;
if (ppdevOrg->pvGammaRampTable) { ppdev->pvGammaRampTable = (LPVOID) PALLOCNOZ( MAX_COLORTABLE * sizeof(WORD) * 3, 'mciG');
if (ppdev->pvGammaRampTable) { RtlCopyMemory(ppdev->pvGammaRampTable, ppdevOrg->pvGammaRampTable, MAX_COLORTABLE * sizeof(WORD) * 3); } else { goto ERROR_RETURN; } }
ppdev->sizlMeta = ppdevOrg->sizlMeta; ppdev->pfnUnfilteredBitBlt = ppdevOrg->pfnUnfilteredBitBlt; ppdev->dwDriverCapableOverride = ppdevOrg->dwDriverCapableOverride; ppdev->dwDriverAccelerationLevel = ppdevOrg->dwDriverAccelerationLevel;
// If the DDI is hooked, we want to make sure that we don't copy
// the Sp function pointers from ppdevOrg, but get the driver function
// pointers from the SPRITESTATE instead. See vSpHook for details.
if (pdoOrg.pSpriteState()->bHooked) { SPRITESTATE *pState = pdoOrg.pSpriteState();
ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvStrokePath] = (PFN) pState->pfnStrokePath; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvFillPath] = (PFN) pState->pfnFillPath; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvBitBlt] = (PFN) pState->pfnBitBlt; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvCopyBits] = (PFN) pState->pfnCopyBits; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvStretchBlt] = (PFN) pState->pfnStretchBlt; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvTextOut] = (PFN) pState->pfnTextOut; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvLineTo] = (PFN) pState->pfnLineTo; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvTransparentBlt] = (PFN) pState->pfnTransparentBlt; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvAlphaBlend] = (PFN) pState->pfnAlphaBlend; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvPlgBlt] = (PFN) pState->pfnPlgBlt; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvGradientFill] = (PFN) pState->pfnGradientFill; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvStretchBltROP] = (PFN) pState->pfnStretchBltROP; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvSaveScreenBits] = (PFN) pState->pfnSaveScreenBits; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvDrawStream] = (PFN) pState->pfnDrawStream; }
// Set up the fields can not just copied from original.
TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ_: Setup new hdev info for clone\n"));
// PDEVOBJ.cPdevRefs and PDEVOBJ.cPdevOpenRefs.
ppdev->cPdevRefs = 1; // Number of clients.
ppdev->cPdevOpenRefs = 1; // OpenCount
// Setup flags.
// We only inherit the flag which still has valid in clone, too.
// PDEVOBJ.hsemDevLock
if ((ppdev->hsemDevLock = GreCreateSemaphore()) == NULL) goto ERROR_RETURN;
// we now load font info only when needed. The driver still must have
// setup the default font information.
TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ_: Create pointer semaphore\n"));
// PDEVOBJ.hsemPoiner
ppdev->hsemPointer = GreCreateSemaphore(); if (!ppdev->hsemPointer) goto ERROR_RETURN;
// Enable DirectDraw (for clone).
if (!DxDdEnableDirectDraw(pdo.hdev(),FALSE)) goto ERROR_RETURN;
// Adjust original pdev as cloned.
TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ_: Processing onto new hdev as clone\n"));
// Mark new pdev as clone.
// !!! Hack - since watchdog creation requires access to DEVICE_OBJECT now
// we have to delay watchdog creation till hCreateHDEV where PDEV gets associated
// with DEVICE_OBJECT. It would be nice to have it here though.
ppdev->pWatchdogData = NULL;
#endif // DDI_WATCHDOG
// PDEVOBJ.ppdevNext.
// Finally, everything done, so put this on global list.
TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ_: Insert new hdev to global list\n"));
GreAcquireSemaphoreEx(ghsemDriverMgmt, SEMORDER_DRIVERMGMT, NULL);
ppdev->ppdevNext = gppdevList; gppdevList = ppdev;
if (ppdev->hsemDevLock) { GreDeleteSemaphore(ppdev->hsemDevLock); }
if (ppdev->ppdevDevmode) { VFREEMEM(ppdev->ppdevDevmode); }
if (ppdev->pvGammaRampTable) { VFREEMEM(ppdev->pvGammaRampTable); }
ppdev = (PDEV *) NULL;
return; }
* PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ * * Allocates and initializes a PDEV, i.e. takes the reference count from * zero to one. * * The object must be completely constructed, otherwise completely destroyed. * \**************************************************************************/
PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ ( PLDEV pldev, PDEVMODEW pdriv, PWSZ pwszLogAddr, PWSZ pwszDataFile, PWSZ pwszDeviceName, HANDLE hSpool, PREMOTETYPEONENODE pRemoteTypeOne, PGDIINFO pMirroredGdiInfo, PDEVINFO pMirroredDevInfo, BOOL bUMPD, DWORD dwCapableOverride, ULONG dwAccelerationLevel ) { GDIFunctionID(PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ);
if (bUMPD) { ppdev = (PDEV *) EngAllocMem(FL_ZERO_MEMORY,sizeof(PDEV) - sizeof(DWORD) + gdwDirectDrawContext, 'veDG'); } else { ppdev = (PDEV *) PALLOCMEM(sizeof(PDEV) - sizeof(DWORD) + gdwDirectDrawContext, 'veDG'); }
if (ppdev == NULL) { WARNING("Failed allocation of PDEV\n"); return; }
ppdev->ppdevParent = ppdev; ppdev->pldev = pldev; ppdev->ulTag = 'Pdev'; ppdev->dwDriverCapableOverride = dwCapableOverride; ppdev->dwDriverAccelerationLevel = dwAccelerationLevel;
TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ: Calling driver to initialize PDEV\n"));
PDEVOBJ pdo((HDEV) ppdev);
// Create semaphores so the device can be locked.
if (ppdev->pldev->ldevType != LDEV_FONT) { ppdev->hsemDevLock = GreCreateSemaphore(); if (!ppdev->hsemDevLock) goto ERROR_RETURN; }
if ( dwCapableOverride & DRIVER_NOT_CAPABLE_GDI ) { //
// If the driver is not capable of GDI, then it is similar to
// DRIVER_ACCELERATIONS_NONE. Reset the level we stored in PDEV
ppdev->dwDriverAccelerationLevel = DRIVER_ACCELERATIONS_NONE; }
// fill in the dispatch table. If we've been told to allow no
// driver accelerations, redirect everything to the panning driver,
// which handles this case.
if ((ppdev->pldev->ldevType == LDEV_DEVICE_DISPLAY) && (dwDriverAccelerationsLevel() == DRIVER_ACCELERATIONS_NONE)) { //
// Fill in function table with Panning driver versions.
bFillFunctionTable(gadrvfnPanning, gcdrvfnPanning, &ppdev->apfn[0]); } else { RtlMoveMemory(&(ppdev->apfn[0]), &(ppdev->pldev->apfn[0]), sizeof(PFN) * INDEX_LAST); }
// if we are doing a ResetDC then we need to transfer over remote type 1
// fonts from previous PDEV
ppdev->RemoteTypeOne = pRemoteTypeOne;
// HACK - temporary
ppdev->pwszDataFile = pwszDataFile;
// If this is a Mirroring driver, we want to pass in the global GDIINFO
// and DEVINFO as returned by the primary driver.
if (pMirroredGdiInfo) { ppdev->GdiInfo = *pMirroredGdiInfo; ppdev->devinfo = *pMirroredDevInfo; }
// Ask the device driver to create a PDEV.
UMDHPDEV *pUMdhpdev;
if (bUMPD) { //
// NOTE: we store the umpdCookie in dhpdev so that we can pass the
// cookie to the UM UMPD layer during DrvEnablePDEV
ppdev->dhpdev = (DHPDEV) pldev->umpdCookie; }
ppdev->dhpdev = pdo.EnablePDEV ( pdriv, // Driver Data.
pwszLogAddr, // Logical Address.
HS_DDI_MAX, // Count of standard patterns.
ppdev->ahsurf, // Buffer for standard patterns
sizeof(GDIINFO), // Size of GdiInfo
&ppdev->GdiInfo, // Buffer for GdiInfo
sizeof(DEVINFO), // Number of bytes in devinfo.
&ppdev->devinfo, // Device info.
(HDEV)ppdev, // Data File
pwszDeviceName, // Device Name
hSpool); // Base driver handle
if (ppdev->dhpdev) { TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ: PDEV initialized by the driver\n"));
if (ppdev->pldev->ldevType != LDEV_FONT) { //
// Make sure that units are in MicroMeters for HorzSize, VertSize
if ( (LONG)ppdev->GdiInfo.ulHorzSize <= 0 ) { if ( (LONG)ppdev->GdiInfo.ulHorzSize == 0) { // Calculate the ulHorzSize using Default DPI.
// Width in mm = (ulHorzRes / DEFAULT_DPI) * 25.4
ppdev->GdiInfo.ulHorzSize = (254 * (LONG)ppdev->GdiInfo.ulHorzRes) / (10*DEFAULT_DPI); } else ppdev->GdiInfo.ulHorzSize = (ULONG)(-(LONG)ppdev->GdiInfo.ulHorzSize); } else { ppdev->GdiInfo.ulHorzSize *= 1000; }
if ( (LONG)ppdev->GdiInfo.ulVertSize <= 0 ) { if ( (LONG)ppdev->GdiInfo.ulVertSize == 0) { // Calculate the ulVertSize using Default DPI.
// Height in mm = (ulVertRes / DEFAULT_DPI) * 25.4
ppdev->GdiInfo.ulVertSize = (254 * (LONG)ppdev->GdiInfo.ulVertRes) / (10*DEFAULT_DPI); } else { ppdev->GdiInfo.ulVertSize = (ULONG)(-(LONG)ppdev->GdiInfo.ulVertSize); } } else { ppdev->GdiInfo.ulVertSize *= 1000; }
// For compatibility, all displays will have constant style
// values (plus this helps us because we know the values won't
// change asynchronously because of dynamic mode changes):
if (ppdev->GdiInfo.ulTechnology == DT_RASDISPLAY) { ppdev->GdiInfo.xStyleStep = 1; ppdev->GdiInfo.yStyleStep = 1; ppdev->GdiInfo.denStyleStep = 3; } else { #if DBG
if (ppdev->GdiInfo.xStyleStep == 0) WARNING("Device gave xStyleStep of 0"); if (ppdev->GdiInfo.yStyleStep == 0) WARNING("Device gave yStyleStep of 0"); if (ppdev->GdiInfo.denStyleStep == 0) WARNING("Device gave denStyleStep of 0"); #endif
// Compute the appropriate raster flags:
ppdev->GdiInfo.flRaster = flRaster(ppdev->GdiInfo.ulTechnology, ppdev->devinfo.flGraphicsCaps);
TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ: Creating the default palette\n"));
// The default palette is stored in devinfo in the pdev.
// This will be the palette we use for the main surface enabled.
ASSERTGDI(ppdev->devinfo.hpalDefault != 0, "ERROR_RETURN devinfo.hpalDefault invalid");
{ EPALOBJ palDefault(ppdev->devinfo.hpalDefault);
ASSERTGDI(palDefault.bValid(), "ERROR_RETURN hpalDefault invalid");
// Bug #68071: display drivers often set the ulPrimaryOrder
// field wrong (because of wrong sample code we gave them),
// which causes red to be switched with blue in halftone
// colors. We fix this by ignoring the ulPrimaryOrder that they
// pass us and instead compute it from the Palette.
// 19-Mar-1999 Fri 12:10:22 updated -by- Daniel Chou (danielc)
// Many ohter drivers also set ulPrimaryOrder wrong when the
// surface format >= 16BPP, here we should check for all
// devices, not just display, so we removed following line
// that only check for the display. This make it check on
// every pdev.
// if (ppdev->GdiInfo.ulTechnology == DT_RASDISPLAY)
{ if (!(palDefault.bIsIndexed())) { //
// 6 possibilities here: to be safe we should account for all of them.
// This code can probably be made simpler if we assume that the
// values of the PRIMARY_ORDER_xxx constants won't change, but it's
// not that big a deal.
if ((palDefault.flRed() > palDefault.flGre()) && (palDefault.flRed() > palDefault.flBlu())) { if (palDefault.flGre() > palDefault.flBlu()) { ppdev->GdiInfo.ulPrimaryOrder = PRIMARY_ORDER_ABC; } else { ppdev->GdiInfo.ulPrimaryOrder = PRIMARY_ORDER_ACB; } } else if ((palDefault.flGre() > palDefault.flRed()) && (palDefault.flGre() > palDefault.flBlu())) { if (palDefault.flRed() > palDefault.flBlu()) { ppdev->GdiInfo.ulPrimaryOrder = PRIMARY_ORDER_BAC; } else { ppdev->GdiInfo.ulPrimaryOrder = PRIMARY_ORDER_BCA; } } else { // Blue must be greatest (leftmost)
if (palDefault.flRed() > palDefault.flGre()) { ppdev->GdiInfo.ulPrimaryOrder = PRIMARY_ORDER_CAB; } else { ppdev->GdiInfo.ulPrimaryOrder = PRIMARY_ORDER_CBA; } } } }
if (ppdev->GdiInfo.flRaster & RC_PALETTE) { //
// Attempt to make it palette managed.
if(!CreateSurfacePal(palDefault, PAL_MANAGED, ppdev->GdiInfo.ulNumColors, ppdev->GdiInfo.ulNumPalReg)) { goto ERROR_RETURN; } }
// Leave a reference count of 1 on this palette.
palDefault.ppalSet(NULL); }
// if the driver didn't fill in the brushes, we'll do it.
// if it's a display driver, we'll overwrite its brushes with our
// own, regardless of whether it already filled in the brushes or
// not. Note that it's okay even if a display driver filled in
// these values -- the driver already had to keep its own copy of
// the handles and will clean them up at DrvDisablePDEV time.
// Supplying our own defaults also simplifies GreDynamicModeChange.
if ( (ppdev->ahsurf[0] == NULL) || (ppdev->pldev->ldevType == LDEV_DEVICE_DISPLAY) || (ppdev->pldev->ldevType == LDEV_DEVICE_MIRROR) ) { TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ: Creating brushes dor the driver\n"));
if (ppdev->pldev->ldevType == LDEV_DEVICE_PRINTER) { if (!bCreateHalftoneBrushes()) goto ERROR_RETURN; } else { // WINBUG #55204 2-1-2000 bhouse Look into whether we leak default brushes
// Andre Vachon
// 6-6-95 Kernel mode cleanup
// The old behaviour is the call the halftoneBrushes function
// It ends up in a bunch of very complex halftoning code that I have
// no idea what it does.
// For now, to clean up drivers in kernel mode, replace this call
// with a simple function that will create the 6 bitmaps just
// like display drivers did.
// Where do these ever get cleaned up?!? I see where the
// halftone brushes get cleaned up, but not these.
if (!bCreateDefaultBrushes()) goto ERROR_RETURN; } }
// Set the hSpooler first
// Create a semaphore of the mouse pointer
// (only for the driver will handle cursor)
if ( (ppdev->pldev->ldevType == LDEV_DEVICE_DISPLAY) || (ppdev->pldev->ldevType == LDEV_DEVICE_META) || (ppdev->pldev->ldevType == LDEV_DEVICE_MIRROR) ) { //
// Mouse pointer accelerators.
ppdev->pfnDrvMovePointer = (PFN_DrvMovePointer) PPFNDRV(pdo,MovePointer); ppdev->pfnDrvSetPointerShape = (PFN_DrvSetPointerShape) PPFNDRV(pdo,SetPointerShape);
// Init fmPointer
SEMOBJ so(ghsemDriverMgmt);
TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ: Create pointer semaphore\n"));
ppdev->hsemPointer = GreCreateSemaphore(); if (!ppdev->hsemPointer) goto ERROR_RETURN;
// Mark the PDEV as a display.
ppdev->fl |= PDEV_DISPLAY; }
ppdev->pfnSetPalette = PPFNDRV(pdo, SetPalette); ppdev->pfnSync = PPFNDRV(pdo, Synchronize); ppdev->pfnSyncSurface = PPFNDRV(pdo, SynchronizeSurface); ppdev->pfnNotify = PPFNDRV(pdo, Notify);
// we now load font info only when needed. The driver still must have
// setup the default font information.
// If any of the LOGFONTs in DEVINFO do not specify a height,
// substitute the default.
LONG lHeightDefault = (DEFAULT_POINT_SIZE * ppdev->GdiInfo.ulLogPixelsY) / POINTS_PER_INCH ; ENUMLOGFONTEXDVW elfw;
if ( ppdev->devinfo.lfDefaultFont.lfHeight == 0 ) ppdev->devinfo.lfDefaultFont.lfHeight = lHeightDefault;
if ( ppdev->devinfo.lfAnsiVarFont.lfHeight == 0 ) ppdev->devinfo.lfAnsiVarFont.lfHeight = lHeightDefault;
if ( ppdev->devinfo.lfAnsiFixFont.lfHeight == 0 ) ppdev->devinfo.lfAnsiFixFont.lfHeight = lHeightDefault;
// Create LFONTs from the LOGFONTs in the DEVINFO.
// the LOGFONTs should become EXTLOGFONTWs
vConvertLogFontW(&elfw, &(ppdev->devinfo.lfDefaultFont));
#ifdef FE_SB
// We are doing away with the concept of default device fonts for display
// drivers since it doesnt make sense. Assuming this change gets approved
// I will remove these before SUR ships.
if ( ppdev->GdiInfo.ulTechnology == DT_RASDISPLAY ) { ppdev->hlfntDefault = STOCKOBJ_SYSFONT; } else #endif
{ if ((ppdev->hlfntDefault = (HLFONT) hfontCreate(&elfw, LF_TYPE_DEVICE_DEFAULT, LF_FLAG_STOCK, NULL)) == HLFONT_INVALID) { ppdev->hlfntDefault = STOCKOBJ_SYSFONT; } else { //
// Set to public.
if (!GreSetLFONTOwner(ppdev->hlfntDefault, OBJECT_OWNER_PUBLIC)) { //
// If it failed, get rid of the LFONT and resort to System font.
bDeleteFont(ppdev->hlfntDefault, TRUE); ppdev->hlfntDefault = STOCKOBJ_SYSFONT; } } }
vConvertLogFontW(&elfw, &(ppdev->devinfo.lfAnsiVarFont));
if ((ppdev->hlfntAnsiVariable = (HLFONT) hfontCreate(&elfw, LF_TYPE_ANSI_VARIABLE, LF_FLAG_STOCK, NULL)) == HLFONT_INVALID) { ppdev->hlfntAnsiVariable = STOCKOBJ_SYSFONT; } else { //
// Set to public.
if (!GreSetLFONTOwner(ppdev->hlfntAnsiVariable, OBJECT_OWNER_PUBLIC)) { //
// If it failed, get rid of the LFONT and resort to System font.
bDeleteFont(ppdev->hlfntAnsiVariable, TRUE); ppdev->hlfntAnsiVariable = STOCKOBJ_SYSFONT; } }
vConvertLogFontW(&elfw, &(ppdev->devinfo.lfAnsiFixFont));
if ((ppdev->hlfntAnsiFixed = (HLFONT) hfontCreate(&elfw, LF_TYPE_ANSI_FIXED, LF_FLAG_STOCK, NULL)) == HLFONT_INVALID) { ppdev->hlfntAnsiFixed = STOCKOBJ_SYSFIXEDFONT; } else { //
// Set to public.
if (!GreSetLFONTOwner(ppdev->hlfntAnsiFixed, OBJECT_OWNER_PUBLIC)) { //
// If it failed, get rid of the LFONT and resort to System Fixed font.
bDeleteFont(ppdev->hlfntAnsiFixed, TRUE); ppdev->hlfntAnsiFixed = STOCKOBJ_SYSFIXEDFONT; } }
LFONTOBJ lfo1(ppdev->hlfntDefault); DbgPrint("GRE!PDEVOBJ(): Device default font\n"); if (lfo1.bValid()) { lfo1.vDump(); } DbgPrint("GRE!PDEVOBJ(): Ansi variable font\n"); LFONTOBJ lfo2(ppdev->hlfntAnsiVariable); if (lfo2.bValid()) { lfo2.vDump(); } DbgPrint("GRE!PDEVOBJ(): Ansi fixed font\n"); LFONTOBJ lfo3(ppdev->hlfntAnsiFixed); if (lfo3.bValid()) { lfo3.vDump(); } #endif
// (see bInitDefaultGuiFont() in stockfnt.cxx)
// If we haven't yet computed the adjusted height of the
// DEFAULT_GUI_FONT stock object, do so now. We couldn't do
// this during normal stock font initialization because the
// display driver had not yet been loaded.
if ( gbFinishDefGUIFontInit && (ppdev->pldev->ldevType == LDEV_DEVICE_DISPLAY) ) { LFONTOBJ lfo(STOCKOBJ_DEFAULTGUIFONT);
if (lfo.bValid()) { lfo.plfw()->lfHeight = -(LONG)((lfo.plfw()->lfHeight * ppdev->GdiInfo.ulLogPixelsY + 36) / 72); }
gbFinishDefGUIFontInit = FALSE; } }
// Initialize the PDEV fields.
ppdev->cPdevRefs = 1; ppdev->cPdevOpenRefs = 1;
// Before adding a display PDEV to the PDEV list, make sure it's
// disabled. We do this to protect against GreFlush walking the
// PDEV list and calling the driver before we've even finished calling
// DrvEnableSurface. We mark the PDEV as enabled when all initialization
// is complete.
if (pdo.bDisplayPDEV()) { pdo.bDisabled(TRUE);
// Once the pdev has been disabled we can safely update
// magic colors in an indexed palette. DrvEnableMDEV will
// update the palette when the display is reenabled.
vResetSurfacePalette(hdev()); }
// Just stick it at the start of the list.
// Make sure this list is protected by the driver semaphore
GreAcquireSemaphoreEx(ghsemDriverMgmt, SEMORDER_DRIVERMGMT, NULL);
ppdev->ppdevNext = gppdevList; gppdevList = ppdev;
TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::PDEVOBJ: list of display pdevs %08lx\n", gppdevList));
// NOTE after this point, the object will be "permanent" and will
// end up being destroyed by the destructor
// !!! Hack - since watchdog creation requires access to DEVICE_OBJECT now
// we have to delay watchdog creation till hCreateHDEV where PDEV gets associated
// with DEVICE_OBJECT. It would be nice to have it here though.
ppdev->pWatchdogData = NULL;
#endif // DDI_WATCHDOG
// Inform the driver that the PDEV is complete.
// We will return with success indicated by a non-NULL ppdev.
return; } else { WARNING("Device failed DrvEnablePDEV\n"); goto ERROR_RETURN; }
if (ppdev->hsemDevLock) { GreDeleteSemaphore(ppdev->hsemDevLock); }
if (ppdev->pDevHTInfo != NULL) { bDisableHalftone(); }
#if defined(_WIN64)
vDeleteWOW64HTPATSIZEUSERAllocations(); #endif
if (!bUMPD) { VFREEMEM(ppdev); } else { EngFreeMem(ppdev); }
ppdev = (PDEV *) NULL; }
* PDEVOBJ::cFonts() * * History: * 3-Feb-1994 -by- Gerrit van Wingerden * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
// see if the device already told us how many fonts it has
if (ppdev->devinfo.cFonts == (ULONG)-1) { PDEVOBJ pdo(hdev());
// if not query the device to see how many there are
if (PPFNDRV(pdo,QueryFont) != NULL) { ppdev->devinfo.cFonts = (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)(*PPFNDRV(pdo,QueryFont))(dhpdev(),0,0,&id); } else { ppdev->devinfo.cFonts = 0; } }
return(ppdev->devinfo.cFonts); }
* PDEVOBJ::bGetDeviceFonts() * * History: * 27-Jul-1992 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL PDEVOBJ::bGetDeviceFonts() {
ASSERTGDI(!bGotFonts(),"PDEVOBJ::bGetDeviceFonts - already gotten\n");
// mark that we have gotten the fonts.
// need an ldevobj for calling the device
PDEVOBJ pdo(hdev());
// compute the number of device fonts
// If there are any device fonts, load the device fonts into the public PFT table.
if (ppdev->devinfo.cFonts) { DEVICE_PFTOBJ pfto; // get the device font table
if (!pfto.bLoadFonts(this)) { WARNING("PDEVOBJ(): couldn't load device fonts\n"); ppdev->devinfo.cFonts = 0; } } return(TRUE); }
* FilteredBitBlt() * * This call allows only simple PATCOPY blts down to the driver; the rest * are handled by GDI. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL FilteredBitBlt ( SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, SURFOBJ *psoMsk, CLIPOBJ *pco, XLATEOBJ *pxlo, RECTL *prclDst, POINTL *pptlSrc, POINTL *pptlMsk, BRUSHOBJ *pbo, POINTL *pptlBrush, ROP4 rop4 ) { PFN_DrvBitBlt pfnBitBlt = EngBitBlt;
// Allow only solid color blts and SRCCOPY blts to be accelerated:
if ((rop4 == 0xcccc) || ((rop4 == 0xf0f0) && (pbo->iSolidColor != 0xffffffff))) { PDEVOBJ po(psoDst->hdev); pfnBitBlt = po.ppdev->pfnUnfilteredBitBlt; }
return(pfnBitBlt(psoDst, psoSrc, psoMsk, pco, pxlo, prclDst, pptlSrc, pptlMsk, pbo, pptlBrush, rop4)); }
* PDEVOBJ::vFilterDriverHooks() * * Disables driver functionality as appropriate. This routine is used to * disable buggy functionality in third-party drivers. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID PDEVOBJ::vFilterDriverHooks() { SYSTEM_GDI_DRIVER_INFORMATION* pGdiDriverInfo; LPWSTR pDriverName; ULONG ulDriverVersion; SURFACE* pSurface; DWORD dwLevel; DWORD dwOverride;
pGdiDriverInfo = ppdev->pldev->pGdiDriverInfo; pSurface = ppdev->pSurface;
// Only do this for real drivers.
if (pGdiDriverInfo == NULL) { return; }
ulDriverVersion = ppdev->pldev->ulDriverVersion;
// Make 'pDriverName' point after the last backslash in the fully
// qualified driver name:
pDriverName = wcsrchr(pGdiDriverInfo->DriverName.Buffer, L'\\');
if (pDriverName != NULL) pDriverName++; else pDriverName = pGdiDriverInfo->DriverName.Buffer;
if (!_wcsicmp(pDriverName, L"stbv128.dll")) { // The STB nVidia driver started falling around build 1796.
// It falls over in the driver on calls from DrawCaptionButtons/
// BitBltSysBmp/NtGdiBitBlt. It appears to have a problem when
// compatible bitmaps are used while DirectDraw is enabled. As
// of build 1796, we changed DirectDraw so that it initializes
// the driver a boot time instead of when the first DirectX
// application is started. This appears to have exposed a bug
// in the driver with compatible bitmaps while DirectDraw is
// enabled.
// Note: The driver we tested where this problem occured is
// STBV128.dll, version(ulDriverVersion) 131072
// Note: we also tried to disable DrvEnableDirectDraw. But it seems
// this is not the right fix. The crash occured as well.
ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvCreateDeviceBitmap] = NULL; } else if (!_wcsicmp(pDriverName, L"s3disp.dll")) { // Bug#178375, NT4 driver s3disp crashes on SetPointShape(). It
// sometimes scans past the end of the pointer buffer.
ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvSetPointerShape] = NULL; } else if ((!_wcsicmp(pDriverName, L"rrctrl1.dll")) || (!_wcsicmp(pDriverName, L"rrctrl2.dll")) || (!_wcsicmp(pDriverName, L"rrctrl3.dll")) || (!_wcsicmp(pDriverName, L"rrctrl4.dll")) || (!_wcsicmp(pDriverName, L"rrctrl5.dll")) || (!_wcsicmp(pDriverName, L"rrctrl6.dll"))) { // Bug#333453, Quarterdeck/Symantec Rapid Remote driver tries
// to hook all functionality exported by real display driver,
// but doesn't support the new NT5 functions. Limit the driver
// to >= level 2 accelerations (which also disables DFBs, so
// we don't need to worry about them hooking unsupported functions
// there as well).
if (dwDriverAccelerationsLevel() < 2) vSetDriverAccelerationsLevel(2); }
if (bDisplayPDEV()) { dwLevel = dwDriverAccelerationsLevel(); dwOverride = dwDriverCapableOverride();
if ( dwOverride & DRIVER_NOT_CAPABLE_GDI ) { // If the driver is not capable of GDI, then it is similar to
// DRIVER_ACCELERATIONS_NONE. Reset the level we stored in PDEV
vSetDriverAccelerationsLevel(dwLevel); }
if (dwLevel < DRIVER_ACCELERATIONS_NONE) { if (dwLevel >= 1) { // Disable hardware pointers and device bitmaps:
ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvSetPointerShape] = NULL; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvCreateDeviceBitmap] = NULL; } if (dwLevel >= 2) { // Disable the more sophisticated GDI drawing routines:
pSurface->flags(pSurface->flags() & ~(HOOK_STRETCHBLT | HOOK_PLGBLT | HOOK_FILLPATH | HOOK_STROKEANDFILLPATH | HOOK_LINETO | HOOK_STRETCHBLTROP | HOOK_TRANSPARENTBLT | HOOK_ALPHABLEND | HOOK_GRADIENTFILL)); } if (dwLevel >= 3) { // Disable all DirectDraw and Direct3D accelerations:
// Handle by DxDdSetAccelLeve().
} if (dwLevel >= 4) { // The only GDI accelerations we allow here are the base-line
// GDI accelerations: DrvTextOut, DrvBitBlt, DrvCopyBits, and
// DrvStrokePath.
// NOTE: We also specifically allow DrvMovePointer and
// GCAPS_PANNING in case the driver is panning the
// display. (It would be bad if the display doesn't
// pan when the user enables safe mode!)
ppdev->devinfo.flGraphicsCaps &= (GCAPS_PALMANAGED | GCAPS_MONO_DITHER | GCAPS_COLOR_DITHER | GCAPS_PANNING | GCAPS_LAYERED); ppdev->devinfo.flGraphicsCaps2 &= (GCAPS2_SYNCFLUSH | GCAPS2_SYNCTIMER); ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvSaveScreenBits] = NULL; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvEscape] = NULL; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvDrawEscape] = NULL; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvResetPDEV] = NULL; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvSetPixelFormat] = NULL; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvDescribePixelFormat] = NULL; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvSwapBuffers] = NULL;
// Use filtered Blt function.
ppdev->pfnUnfilteredBitBlt = (PFN_DrvBitBlt) ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvBitBlt]; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvBitBlt] = (PFN) FilteredBitBlt; }
if ( dwOverride & DRIVER_NOT_CAPABLE_OPENGL ) { // Disable OpenGL routines here
ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvSetPixelFormat] = NULL; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvDescribePixelFormat] = NULL; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvSwapBuffers] = NULL; }
// Disable all escapes.
if ( dwOverride & DRIVER_NOT_CAPABLE_ESCAPE ) { ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvEscape] = NULL; ppdev->apfn[INDEX_DrvDrawEscape] = NULL; }
// Call DirectDraw to set accel level.
DxDdSetAccelLevel(hdev(),dwLevel,dwOverride); } else { ASSERTGDI(dwLevel == 5, "No-accelerations flag should be modified to reflect change");
// This case was handled by loading the panning driver.
} } }
* PDEVOBJ::vProfileDriver() * * Profiles the driver to determine what accelerations it supports. * * Note that for the multi-mon PDEV, this returns the acceleration * capabilities of the primary monitor. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID PDEVOBJ::vProfileDriver() { DEVBITMAPINFO dbmi; EBLENDOBJ eBlendObj; CLIPOBJ coClip; SURFACE* psurfScreen; BRUSHOBJ boTransparent; BOOL b; HSURF hsurf; RECTL rclBlt;
// We only profile display devices. We could actually do this for
// printer devices as well, but we would have to re-clear the surface
// after we did our drawing to it.
if (!bDisplayPDEV()) return;
DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(*this);
psurfScreen = pSurface();
XEPALOBJ palScreen(ppalSurf()); XEPALOBJ palRGB(gppalRGB); XEPALOBJ palDefault(ppalDefault);
// We create the surface fairly big to try and get past drivers that
// create device surfaces only for 'large' bitmaps. To test the
// driver, we only have to blt a thin strip, though.
rclBlt.left = 0; rclBlt.top = 0; rclBlt.right = 16; rclBlt.bottom = 1;
// Fake up a trivial clip object:
RtlZeroMemory(&coClip, sizeof(coClip)); coClip.iDComplexity = DC_TRIVIAL; coClip.rclBounds = rclBlt;
// Ignore any random stuff the driver might have set. We're going
// to verify for ourselves what they support!
GdiInfo()->flShadeBlend = 0;
// Check whatever we can using a 32bpp surface:
{ SURFMEM SurfDimo; EXLATEOBJ xlo32To32; EXLATEOBJ xloScreenTo32; EXLATEOBJ xlo32ToScreen;
// Test for per-pixel alpha acceleration.
dbmi.iFormat = BMF_32BPP; dbmi.hpal = palRGB.hpal(); dbmi.cxBitmap = PROFILE_DIMENSION; dbmi.cyBitmap = PROFILE_DIMENSION; dbmi.fl = BMF_TOPDOWN; if (SurfDimo.bCreateDIB(&dbmi, NULL)) { if ((xlo32To32.bInitXlateObj(NULL, DC_ICM_OFF, palRGB, palRGB, palDefault, palDefault, 0, 0, 0)) && (xloScreenTo32.bInitXlateObj(NULL, DC_ICM_OFF, palScreen, palRGB, palDefault, palDefault, 0, 0, 0)) && (xlo32ToScreen.bInitXlateObj(NULL, DC_ICM_OFF, palRGB, palScreen, palDefault, palDefault, 0, 0, 0))) { eBlendObj.BlendFunction.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER; eBlendObj.BlendFunction.BlendFlags = 0; eBlendObj.BlendFunction.AlphaFormat = AC_SRC_ALPHA; eBlendObj.BlendFunction.SourceConstantAlpha = 0xff; eBlendObj.pxloSrcTo32 = xlo32To32.pxlo(); eBlendObj.pxloDstTo32 = xloScreenTo32.pxlo(); eBlendObj.pxlo32ToDst = xlo32ToScreen.pxlo();
b = PPFNGET(*this, AlphaBlend, psurfScreen->flags()) (psurfScreen->pSurfobj(), SurfDimo.ps->pSurfobj(), &coClip, xlo32ToScreen.pxlo(), &rclBlt, &rclBlt, &eBlendObj);
if ((b) && (!bDriverPuntedCall())) { // WARNING("----- Per-pixel accelerated\n");
GdiInfo()->flShadeBlend |= SB_PIXEL_ALPHA; vAccelerated(ACCELERATED_PIXEL_ALPHA); } } }
// Note that since we didn't apply 'vKeepIt()', the SURFMEM and
// EXLATEOBJ destructors will clean up.
// Check whatever we can using a compatible surface:
hsurf = hsurfCreateCompatibleSurface(hdev(), psurfScreen->iFormat(), 0, PROFILE_DIMENSION, PROFILE_DIMENSION, TRUE); if (hsurf) { SURFREF sr(hsurf); ASSERTGDI(sr.bValid(), "Driver returned invalid surface");
EXLATEOBJ xloScreenToScreen; EXLATEOBJ xloScreenTo32; EXLATEOBJ xlo32ToScreen;
if ((xloScreenToScreen.bInitXlateObj(NULL, DC_ICM_OFF, palScreen, palScreen, palDefault, palDefault, 0, 0, 0)) && (xloScreenTo32.bInitXlateObj(NULL, DC_ICM_OFF, palScreen, palRGB, palDefault, palDefault, 0, 0, 0)) && (xlo32ToScreen.bInitXlateObj(NULL, DC_ICM_OFF, palRGB, palScreen, palDefault, palDefault, 0, 0, 0))) { // Test for constant-alpha acceleration.
eBlendObj.BlendFunction.BlendOp = AC_SRC_OVER; eBlendObj.BlendFunction.BlendFlags = 0; eBlendObj.BlendFunction.AlphaFormat = 0; eBlendObj.BlendFunction.SourceConstantAlpha = 0x85; eBlendObj.pxloSrcTo32 = xloScreenTo32.pxlo(); eBlendObj.pxloDstTo32 = xloScreenTo32.pxlo(); eBlendObj.pxlo32ToDst = xlo32ToScreen.pxlo(); vDriverPuntedCall(FALSE); b = PPFNGET(*this, AlphaBlend, psurfScreen->flags()) (psurfScreen->pSurfobj(), sr.ps->pSurfobj(), &coClip, xloScreenToScreen.pxlo(), &rclBlt, &rclBlt, &eBlendObj); if ((b) && (!bDriverPuntedCall())) { // WARNING("----- Constant alpha accelerated\n");
GdiInfo()->flShadeBlend |= SB_CONST_ALPHA; vAccelerated(ACCELERATED_CONSTANT_ALPHA); } }
// Test for transparent blt acceleration.
boTransparent.iSolidColor = 1; boTransparent.flColorType = 0;
b = PPFNGET(*this, TransparentBlt, psurfScreen->flags()) (psurfScreen->pSurfobj(), sr.ps->pSurfobj(), NULL, NULL, &rclBlt, &rclBlt, 1, NULL);
if ((b) && (!bDriverPuntedCall())) { // WARNING("----- Transparent blt accelerated\n");
// Cleanup.
bDeleteSurface(hsurf); }
* PDEVOBJ::vDisableSurface() * * Disables the surface for the pdev. * * Parameters: * * cutype The CLEANUPTYPE parameter (default value CLEANUP_NONE) * is used specify special processing during process cleanup * and session cleanup. * * It may be one of the following values: * * Value: Description * * CLEANUP_NONE Default. No special processing. * * CLEANUP_PROCESS The process cleanup code is used to do * special handling of UMPD; during process * cleanup it is not necessary or desirable * to callback to user-mode to delete * user-mode resources. * * CLEANUP_SESSION The session cleanup (i.e., hydra shutdown) * code does special handling of HMGR * objects deleted previously by session * cleanup code, but for which stale pointer * may exist in the PDEV. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID PDEVOBJ::vDisableSurface(CLEANUPTYPE cutype) { TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::vDisableSurface: ENTERING\n"));
// Locate the LDEV.
PDEVOBJ pdo(hdev());
// Disable the surface. Note we don't have to
// fix up the palette because it doesn't get
// reference counted when put in the palette.
// On clone PDEV, those stuff never be enabled.
if (!bCloneDriver()) { vDisableSynchronize(hdev()); }
vSpDisableSprites(hdev(), cutype);
// Notify DirectDraw to be disabled.
if (ppdev->pSurface != NULL) { SURFREF su(ppdev->pSurface);
ppdev->pSurface = NULL;
// Cannot call user-mode driver to delete surface if the user-mode
// process is gone (i.e., during process or session cleanup).
if (!pdo.bUMPD() || (cutype == CLEANUP_NONE)) { su.vUnreference();
(*PPFNDRV(pdo,DisableSurface))(ppdev->dhpdev); } else { //
// If we are here, then this is process or session cleanup
// and the PDEV is a user-mode driver. Even though the user-mode
// portions of the surface are cleaned up as part of the user-mode
// cleanup, we still need to delete the kernel-mode portion of the
// surface.
su.bDeleteSurface(cutype); } }
TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::vDisableSurface: LEAVING\n")); }
* PDEVOBJ::vReferencePdev() * * Adds a reference to the PDEV. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID PDEVOBJ::vReferencePdev() { GDIFunctionID(PDEVOBJ::vReferencePdev);
SEMOBJ so(ghsemDriverMgmt);
ppdev->cPdevRefs++; }
extern "C" void vUnmapRemoteFonts(FONTFILEVIEW *);
* * VOID vMarkSurfacesWithHDEV. * * Sets hdev of all surfaces in Handle table which reference the PDEV passed * in to 0. * \***************************************************************************/
VOID vMarkSurfacesWithHDEV(PDEV *ppdev) { SURFACE *pSurface = NULL; HOBJ hobj = 0;
MLOCKFAST mlo; // Take HandleManager lock so HmgSafeNextObjt can be called
while (pSurface = (SURFACE*)HmgSafeNextObjt(hobj,SURF_TYPE)) { hobj = (HOBJ) pSurface->hGet();
if (pSurface->hdev() == (HDEV)ppdev) { KdPrint(("WARNING: Surface (%p) is owned by HDEV (%p). This HDEV is going to be freed\n", pSurface, ppdev)); pSurface->hdev((HDEV)0); } } }
* PDEVOBJ::vUnreferencePdev() * * Removes a reference to the PDEV. Deletes the PDEV if all references are * gone. * * Parameters: * * cutype The CLEANUPTYPE parameter (default value CLEANUP_NONE) * is used specify special processing during process cleanup * and session cleanup. * * It may be one of the following values: * * Value: Description * * CLEANUP_NONE Default. No special processing. * * CLEANUP_PROCESS The process cleanup code is used to do * special handling of UMPD; during process * cleanup it is not necessary or desirable * to callback to user-mode to delete * user-mode resources. * * CLEANUP_SESSION The session cleanup (i.e., hydra * shutdown) code does special handling of * HMGR objects deleted previously by session * cleanup code, but for which stale pointer * may exist in the PDEV (for example, palettes). * * Note: special session cleanup handling is usually only needed for HMGR * objects for which the PDEV has cached a pointer. Objects referenced * via a handle are safe if they are locked via the HMGR table (if the * object has already been deleted, then the handle is invalid and the * lock attempt will fail). * \**************************************************************************/
VOID PDEVOBJ::vUnreferencePdev(CLEANUPTYPE cutype) { GDIFunctionID(PDEVOBJ::vUnreferencePdev);
HANDLE hSpooler = NULL; ULONG cPdevRefs; BOOL bUMPD = ppdev->fl & PDEV_UMPD;
// Decrement reference count and remove from list if last reference.
// This must be done under the protection of the driver mgmt semaphore.
GreAcquireSemaphoreEx(ghsemDriverMgmt, SEMORDER_DRIVERMGMT, NULL);
cPdevRefs = --(ppdev->cPdevRefs);
if (cPdevRefs == 0) { TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::vCommonDelete: destroying a PDEV\n"));
// Delete it from the list.
if (gppdevList == ppdev) { gppdevList = ppdev->ppdevNext; } else { PDEV *pp;
for (pp = gppdevList; pp != NULL; pp = pp->ppdevNext) { if (pp->ppdevNext == ppdev) { pp->ppdevNext = ppdev->ppdevNext; break; } } }
#if DBG
// If this is DDML driver, make sure one other PDEV referecnes
// this PDEV as parent.
if (bMetaDriver()) { PDEV *pp;
for (pp = gppdevList; pp != NULL; pp = pp->ppdevNext) { if (pp->ppdevParent == ppdev) { WARNING("Deleting parent PDEV which still used\n"); } } }
// If last reference, delete the PDEV and its resources. We do this
// outside of the driver mgmt semaphore because it could cause a
// deadlock if we need to call back to user-mode (i.e., UMPD).
if (cPdevRefs == 0) { //
// Since we are going to delete this PDEV, there shouldn't be any
// active RFONTs lying around for this PDEV.
ASSERTGDI(ppdev->prfntActive == NULL, "active rfonts on pdev being deleted!\n");
// Ordinarily, we would grab the ghsemRFONTList semaphore because
// we are going to access the RFONT list. However, since we're in
// the process of tearing down the PDEV, we don't really need to.
// Delete all the rfonts on the PDEV.
PRFONT prfnt; while ( (prfnt = ppdev->prfntInactive) != (PRFONT) NULL ) { RFONTTMPOBJ rflo(prfnt); PFFOBJ pffo(rflo.pPFF());
ASSERTGDI ( pffo.bValid(), "bad HPFF" );
rflo.bDeleteRFONT(this, &pffo); // bDelete keeps the list head ptrs updated
// If device fonts exist, remove them
if ((ppdev->devinfo.cFonts != 0) && bGotFonts()) { PFF *pPFF = 0; PFF **ppPFF;
GreAcquireSemaphoreEx(ghsemPublicPFT, SEMORDER_PUBLICPFT, NULL);
DEVICE_PFTOBJ pfto; pPFF = pfto.pPFFGet(hdev(), &ppPFF);
if (!pfto.bUnloadWorkhorse(pPFF, ppPFF, ghsemPublicPFT, 0)) { WARNING("couldn't unload device fonts\n"); } }
// If a type one font list exists dereference it
if(ppdev->TypeOneInfo) { PTYPEONEINFO FreeTypeOneInfo;
FreeTypeOneInfo = NULL;
GreAcquireFastMutex(ghfmMemory); ppdev->TypeOneInfo->cRef -= 1;
if(!ppdev->TypeOneInfo->cRef) { //
// Don't free pool while holding a mutex.
FreeTypeOneInfo = ppdev->TypeOneInfo; }
if (FreeTypeOneInfo) { VFREEMEM(FreeTypeOneInfo); } }
// If any remote type one fonts exist free those
PREMOTETYPEONENODE RemoteTypeOne = ppdev->RemoteTypeOne;
while(RemoteTypeOne) { PVOID Tmp = (PVOID) RemoteTypeOne;
// ulRegionSize and hSpoolerSecure will be stored in the PFM fileview
RemoteTypeOne->fvPFM.cRefCountFD = 1; vUnmapRemoteFonts(&RemoteTypeOne->fvPFM); RemoteTypeOne = RemoteTypeOne->pNext; VFREEMEM(Tmp);
WARNING1("Freeing Type1\n"); }
// Delete GammaRamp table, if allocated.
if (ppdev->fl & PDEV_GAMMARAMP_TABLE) { VFREEMEM(ppdev->pvGammaRampTable); }
if (ppdev->ppdevDevmode) { VFREEMEM(ppdev->ppdevDevmode); }
if (!bCloneDriver()) { //
// Destroy the LFONTs.
if (ppdev->hlfntDefault != STOCKOBJ_SYSFONT) bDeleteFont(ppdev->hlfntDefault, TRUE);
if (ppdev->hlfntAnsiVariable != STOCKOBJ_SYSFONT) bDeleteFont(ppdev->hlfntAnsiVariable, TRUE);
if (ppdev->hlfntAnsiFixed != STOCKOBJ_SYSFIXEDFONT) bDeleteFont(ppdev->hlfntAnsiFixed, TRUE);
// Delete the patterns if they are created by the graphics engine on the
// behalf of the driver.
// This is what happends for all display drivers.
if (ppdev->fl & PDEV_DISPLAY) { for (int iPat = 0; iPat < HS_DDI_MAX; iPat++) { bDeleteSurface(ppdev->ahsurf[iPat]); } } }
// Disable the surface for the pdev.
// Destroy the device halftone info.
if (ppdev->pDevHTInfo != NULL) { bDisableHalftone(); }
#if defined(_WIN64)
vDeleteWOW64HTPATSIZEUSERAllocations(); #endif
// Nuke the realized gray pattern brush (used to draw the
// drag rectangles). Normally, the EBRUSHOBJ destructor
// will decrement the realized brush ref counts. However,
// the EBRUSHOBJ cached in the PDEV is allocated as part
// of the PDEV so never invokes a destructor. Therefore,
// we need to force the realized brushes out explicitly.
if (!bCloneDriver()) { //
// Unreference the palette we used for this PDEV.
// If session cleanup (i.e., Hydra) the palettes are already
// deleted; therefore, should skip.
if (cutype != CLEANUP_SESSION) { if (ppdev->ppalSurf) { DEC_SHARE_REF_CNT(ppdev->ppalSurf); } }
// Disable the driver's PDEV.
// We do this odd check to ensure that the driver's DrvDisablePDEV
// address isn't the same as its DrvEnablePDEV address because an
// early beta NetMeeting driver had a bug where its table entries
// for INDEX_DrvEnablePDEV and INDEX_DrvDisablePDEV were the same
// (this was in SP3 before we enabled dynamic mode changes for
// DDML drivers). We made a change recently (this is still before
// SP3 has shipped, which enabled the DDML) so that we refuse to
// load DDML drivers that don't have GCAPS_LAYERRED set -- but we
// have to load the driver first before we can check GCAPS_LAYERED.
// So if it doesn't have GCAPS_LAYERED set, we have to unload the
// driver -- but this old NetMeeting driver had a bad DisablePDEV
// routine!
// At any rate, to work around the problem where someone has the
// beta version of the NetMeeting driver installed (which shipped
// with the IE4 beta and has the DisablePDEV bug) and then upgrades
// to retail SP3, we simply don't call the driver's bad DisablePDEV
// routine. The driver will likely leak memory, but this happens
// only once per boot and is better than a blue screen.
if (PPFNDRV((*this),DisablePDEV) != (PFN_DrvDisablePDEV) PPFNDRV((*this),EnablePDEV)) { //
// If the user mode process is gone (i.e, during session
// or process cleanup), don't callout to user mode.
if (!bUMPD || (cutype == CLEANUP_NONE)) (*PPFNDRV((*this),DisablePDEV))(ppdev->dhpdev); }
// Remove the LDEV reference.
if (!bUMPD) ldevUnloadImage(ppdev->pldev); else UMPD_ldevUnloadImage(ppdev->pldev);
// If this PDEV referenced an enabled physical device
// then release its usage for this session.
if (!bDisabled() && ppdev->pGraphicsDevice != NULL) { bSetDeviceSessionUsage(ppdev->pGraphicsDevice, FALSE); } }
TRACE_INIT(("PDEVOBJ::vCommonDelete: Closing Device handle.\n"));
if (ppdev->fl & PDEV_PRINTER) { //
// note the spool handle so we can close connection outside
// of the spooler management semaphore
hSpooler = ppdev->hSpooler; }
// Stop and free all watchdogs.
GreDeleteWatchdogs(ppdev->pWatchdogData, WD_NUMBER); ppdev->pWatchdogData = NULL;
#endif // DDI_WATCHDOG
// Free the locks as one of the last steps, in case any of the
// above decides to try and acquire the locks.
// If hsemDevLock points "shared devlock", don't delete it.
if (!(ppdev->fl & PDEV_SHARED_DEVLOCK)) { if (ppdev->hsemDevLock) { GreDeleteSemaphore(ppdev->hsemDevLock); } }
if (ppdev->fl & PDEV_DISPLAY) { GreDeleteSemaphore(ppdev->hsemPointer); }
// See if there are any surfaces in the handle table still referencing
// this PDEV. If so mark them such that the bDeleteSurface call will
// not touch anything which refers the PDEV.
// Free the PDEV.
if (!bUMPD) { VFREEMEM(ppdev); } else { EngFreeMem(ppdev); }
ppdev = (PDEV *) NULL; } //
// this needs to be done outside of the driver management semaphore
if (!bUMPD && hSpooler) { ClosePrinter(hSpooler); } }
* PDEVOBJ::vSync() * * If the surface hooks synchronization then call the hook. Note, if * provided we will call DrvSynchronizeSurface otherwise we will call * DrvSynchronize. * \**************************************************************************/
if(pSurf->flags() & HOOK_SYNCHRONIZE) { if (!bDisabled()) { FREASSERTGDI(ppdev->pfnSyncSurface || ppdev->pfnSync, "Surface has HOOK_SYNCHRONIZE flags, but both ppdev->pfnSyncSurface and ppdev->pfnSync are NULL\n"); if(ppdev->pfnSyncSurface != NULL) (ppdev->pfnSyncSurface)(pso, prcl, fl); else (ppdev->pfnSync)(pso->dhpdev, prcl); } } }
* PDEVOBJ::vNotify() * * If the driver supplies DrvNotify, then call it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID PDEVOBJ::vNotify( ULONG iType, PVOID pvData) { if(ppdev->pfnNotify != NULL) { (ppdev->pfnNotify)(ppdev->pSurface->pSurfobj(), iType, pvData); } }
* PDEVOBJ::bDisabled() * * Marks a PDEV as enabled or disabled, and modifies all updates the * cached state in all affected DCs. * * NOTE: This assumes the DEVLOCK is held. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL PDEVOBJ::bDisabled ( BOOL bDisable ) { HDEV hdev; HOBJ hobj; DC *pdc;
ASSERTGDI(bDisplayPDEV(), "Expected only display devices");
SETFLAG(bDisable, ppdev->fl, PDEV_DISABLED);
hdev = (HDEV) ppdev;
// We have to hold the handle manager lock while we traverse all
// the handle manager objects.
hobj = 0; while (pdc = (DC*) HmgSafeNextObjt(hobj, DC_TYPE)) { hobj = (HOBJ) pdc->hGet();
if ((pdc->dctp() == DCTYPE_DIRECT) && (pdc->hdev() == hdev)) { pdc->bInFullScreen(bDisable); } }
return(ppdev->fl & PDEV_DISABLED); }
#if DBG
* PDEVOBJ::AssertDevLock() * * This routine verifies that the DevLock is held. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID PDEVOBJ::vAssertDevLock() {
#if !defined(_GDIPLUS_)
ASSERTGDI(!bDisplayPDEV() || GreIsSemaphoreOwnedByCurrentThread(hsemDevLock()), "PDEVOBJ: Devlock not held");
* PDEVOBJ::AssertNoDevLock() * * This routine verifies that the DevLock is not held. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID PDEVOBJ::vAssertNoDevLock() { #if !defined(_GDIPLUS_)
ASSERTGDI(!bDisplayPDEV() || !GreIsSemaphoreOwnedByCurrentThread(hsemDevLock()), "PDEVOBJ: Devlock held");
* PDEVOBJ::AssertDynaLock() * * This routine verifies that appropriate locks are held before accessing * DC fields that may otherwise be changed asynchronously by the dynamic * mode-change code. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID PDEVOBJ::vAssertDynaLock() { //
// One of the following conditions is enough to allow the thread
// to safely access fields that may be modified by the dyanmic
// mode changing:
// 1. It's a non-display device -- this will not change modes;
// 2. That the USER semaphore is held;
// 3. That the DEVLOCK is held for this object;
// 4. That the DEVLOCK is held for this object's parent;
// 5. That the Palette semaphore is held;
// 6. That the Handle Manager semaphore is held;
// 7. That the Pointer semaphore is held;
// 8. That the driver management semaphore is held;
// 9. That the parent's pointer Semaphore is held.
// 10. The pdev is being torn down (i.e., cPdevRefs == 0).
#if !defined(_GDIPLUS_)
ASSERTGDI(!bDisplayPDEV() || (ppdev->cPdevRefs == 0) || UserIsUserCritSecIn() || GreIsSemaphoreOwnedByCurrentThread(hsemDevLock()) || GreIsSemaphoreOwnedByCurrentThread( ppdev->ppdevParent->hsemDevLock) || GreIsSemaphoreSharedByCurrentThread(ghsemShareDevLock) || GreIsSemaphoreOwnedByCurrentThread(ghsemPalette) || GreIsSemaphoreOwnedByCurrentThread(ghsemHmgr) || GreIsSemaphoreOwnedByCurrentThread(hsemPointer()) || GreIsSemaphoreOwnedByCurrentThread(ghsemDriverMgmt) || ((ppdev->ppdevParent != NULL) && GreIsSemaphoreOwnedByCurrentThread(ppdev->ppdevParent->hsemPointer)), "PDEVOBJ: A dynamic mode change lock must be held to access this field");
* PDEVOBJ::ppfn() * * This routine verifies that appropriate locks are held before accessing * the dispatch table for a PDEV for function pointers that could otherwise * be changed asynchronously by a dynamic mode change. * \**************************************************************************/
PFN PDEVOBJ::ppfn(ULONG i) { //
// Font producers and some types of font consumers are not allowed to
// do dynamic mode changes. As such, accessing the dispatch table
// entries specific to those types of drivers does not have to occur
// under a lock.
// Note that if this list is expanded, it should also be changed in
// 'bMatchEnoughForDynamicModeChange':
if ((i != INDEX_DrvQueryFontCaps) && (i != INDEX_DrvLoadFontFile) && (i != INDEX_DrvQueryFontFile) && (i != INDEX_DrvGetGlyphMode)) { vAssertDynaLock(); }
return(ppdev->apfn[i]); }