* Module Name: surfgdi.cxx * * This file contains the bitmap creation functions * * Created: 14-Jun-1991 17:05:47 * Author: Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * * Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hxx"
* HBITMAP GreCreateBitmap * * API Entry point to create a bitmap. * * Returns: Handle to bitmap for success * * History: * Wed 23-Jan-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok [patrickh] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
HBITMAP APIENTRY GreCreateBitmap( int cx, int cy, UINT cPlanes, UINT cBits, LPBYTE pvBits ) { //
// Try to guess what format the user wanted. We will always guarantee
// enough space in the bitmap for the info. Note that if either cPlanes
// or cBits is zero, a monochrome bitmap will be created.
ULONG iFormat = cPlanes * cBits; //
// Validate the width, height, planes, and bits
if ((cx <= 0) || (cx > MAX_SURF_WIDTH) || (cy <= 0) || (cPlanes > 32) || (cBits > 32) || (iFormat > 32)) { WARNING("GreCreateBitmap failed - parameter too big"); SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return((HBITMAP) 0); }
ULONG cjScanBytes = (((((ULONG) cx * iFormat) + 15) >> 4) << 1); ULONGLONG cjTotal = (ULONGLONG) cjScanBytes * (ULONGLONG) cy;
// BUGFIX #172774 12-12-2000 bhouse
// NOTE: Is there a better way to detect overflow then to use ULONGLONG?
// I vaguely recall that if for unsigned values r = a * b
// then an overflow occured if either r < a || r < b
if(cjTotal > ULONG_MAX) { WARNING("GreCreateBitmap failed - size too big"); SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return((HBITMAP) 0); }
// This if-else loop can be simplified and made smaller but until we get
// this right let's leave it like this so it's easy to change.
DEVBITMAPINFO dbmi; dbmi.cxBitmap = cx; dbmi.cyBitmap = cy; dbmi.hpal = (HPALETTE) 0; dbmi.fl = BMF_TOPDOWN;
if (iFormat <= 1) { //
// A monochrome bitmap has a fixed palette. The 0 (black) is always
// mapped to foreground, the 1 is always mapped to background (white).
iFormat = BMF_1BPP; dbmi.hpal = hpalMono; } else if (iFormat <= 4) { iFormat = BMF_4BPP; } else if (iFormat <= 8) { iFormat = BMF_8BPP; } else if (iFormat <= 16) { iFormat = BMF_16BPP; } else if (iFormat <= 24) { iFormat = BMF_24BPP; } else if (iFormat <= 32) { iFormat = BMF_32BPP; } else { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return((HBITMAP) 0); }
dbmi.iFormat = iFormat;
SurfDimo.bCreateDIB(&dbmi, NULL);
if (!SurfDimo.bValid()) { WARNING("Failed surface memory alloc in GreCreateBitmap\n"); return((HBITMAP) 0); }
if (pvBits != (LPBYTE) NULL) { //
// Initialize the bitmap.
ULONG cColors; cColors = 0; GreSetBitmapBits((HBITMAP)SurfDimo.ps->hsurf(), (ULONG) cjTotal, (PBYTE) pvBits, (LONG *) &cColors); }
// Monochrome bitmaps are not considered to be DDBs:
if (iFormat != BMF_1BPP) { SurfDimo.ps->vSetDeviceDependentBitmap(); }
SurfDimo.vKeepIt(); GreSetBitmapOwner((HBITMAP) SurfDimo.ps->hsurf(), OBJECT_OWNER_CURRENT); return((HBITMAP) SurfDimo.ps->hsurf()); }
* HSURF hsurfCreateCompatibleSurface(hdev,cx,cy,bDriver) * * Low-level GDI interface for creating a compatible surface, possibly * hooked by the driver. * \**************************************************************************/
HSURF hsurfCreateCompatibleSurface( HDEV hdev, ULONG iFormat, HPALETTE hpal, int cx, int cy, BOOL bDriverCreatible ) { PDEVOBJ po(hdev);
// Fill in the desired bitmap properties
DEVBITMAPINFO dbmi; dbmi.cxBitmap = cx; dbmi.cyBitmap = cy; dbmi.hpal = hpal; dbmi.iFormat = iFormat; dbmi.fl = BMF_TOPDOWN;
if (po.bUMPD()) { dbmi.fl |= UMPD_SURFACE; }
// See if the device driver will manage the bitmap.
if ((bDriverCreatible) && (PPFNVALID(po,CreateDeviceBitmap))) { //
// Ok the device exports the entry point. Let's call him up.
HSURF hsurf;
SIZEL sizlTemp; sizlTemp.cx = cx; sizlTemp.cy = cy;
hsurf = (HSURF) (*PPFNDRV(po,CreateDeviceBitmap))(po.dhpdev(), sizlTemp, dbmi.iFormat);
if (hsurf && (LongToHandle(HandleToLong(hsurf)) != (HANDLE)-1)) { SURFREF so(hsurf); ASSERTGDI(so.bValid(), "ERROR device gave back invalid handle");
// Device Format Bitmaps (DFBs) are a subset of Device
// Depdendent Bitmaps (DDBs):
so.ps->vSetDeviceDependentBitmap(); so.ps->vSetApiBitmap();
// DFBs must always be accessed under the devlock, in part
// because they have to be deleted and recreated when a
// dynamic mode change occurs.
if (dbmi.hpal != (HPALETTE) 0) { EPALOBJ palSurf(dbmi.hpal); ASSERTGDI(palSurf.bValid(), "ERROR invalid palette CreateCompatibleBitmap");
// Set palette into surface.
// Reference count it by making sure it is not unlocked.
palSurf.ppalSet((PPALETTE) NULL); // It won't be unlocked
// Zero memory by sending a bitblt command to device
RECTL rclDst;
rclDst.left = 0; rclDst.top = 0; rclDst.right = cx; rclDst.bottom = cy;
(*(so.ps->pfnBitBlt()))( so.pSurfobj(), (SURFOBJ *)NULL, (SURFOBJ *)NULL, (CLIPOBJ *)NULL, NULL, &rclDst, (POINTL *)NULL, (POINTL *)NULL, (EBRUSHOBJ *)NULL, (POINTL *)NULL, 0x0);
return(hsurf); } }
SurfDimo.bCreateDIB(&dbmi, (PVOID) NULL);
if (!SurfDimo.bValid()) { return(0); }
// Mark the bitmap a keeper.
SurfDimo.vKeepIt(); SurfDimo.ps->vSetDeviceDependentBitmap(); SurfDimo.ps->vSetApiBitmap(); SurfDimo.ps->hdev(po.hdev()); return(SurfDimo.ps->hsurf()); }
* HBITMAP GreCreateCompatibleBitmap(hdc,cx,cy) * * GDI Interface routine to create a bitmap. * * History: * Mon 06-Nov-1995 -by- Tom Zakrajsek [tomzak] * Add overflow checking for cx*cy. * * Mon 01-Jun-1992 -by- Patrick Haluptzok [patrickh] * Add IC support. * * Fri 25-Jan-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok [patrickh] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
HBITMAP APIENTRY GreCreateCompatibleBitmap(HDC hdc, int cx, int cy) { BOOL bDriver; HSURF hsurf; HPALETTE hpal; ULONG iFormat;
bDriver = TRUE; if (cy & CCB_NOVIDEOMEMORY) { cy &= ~CCB_NOVIDEOMEMORY; bDriver = FALSE; }
// Validate the width and height
if ((cx <= 0) || (cy <= 0)) { WARNING("GreCreateCompatibleBitmap failed - cx or cy was <= 0\n"); SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return((HBITMAP) 0); }
// Assume worse case (32bpp pixels) and calculate possible overflow condition
// BUGFIX #172447 12-12-2000 bhouse
// NOTE: Tom Zakrajsek added a fairly restrictive checking of cx/cy in 1995
// and we have modified this check to be less restrictive. It appears the
// check was to avoid potential numeric overflow when cx and cy are multiplied
// together with bytes per pixel. It is kinda goofy to have this check
// here though as the possible overflow does not even occur in this
// routine but farther down in the call stack. We will leave the modified
// check here to avoid introducing a possible regression.
if(cjTotal > (ULONG_MAX >> 2)) { WARNING("GreCreateCompatibleBitmap failed - size too big"); SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return((HBITMAP) 0); }
// Without an hdc we create a monochrome bitmap.
if (hdc == (HDC) NULL) return(GreCreateBitmap(cx, cy, 1, 1, (LPBYTE) NULL));
// Ok lock down the hdc and the surface.
DCOBJ dco(hdc);
if (!dco.bValid()) { WARNING("CreateCompatibleBitmap failed - invalid hdc\n"); return((HBITMAP) 0); }
// NOTE: Even though we touch the SURFOBJ, we actually aren't going to read
// or write it. We just need some of its information.
PDEVOBJ po(dco.hdev());
// We must hold a lock to protect against the dynamic mode change
// code and to synchronize access to the drivers.
{ DEVLOCKOBJ dlo(po);
PSURFACE pSurf = dco.pSurfaceEff();
hpal = 0;
if (dco.dctp() == DCTYPE_MEMORY) { iFormat = pSurf->iFormat();
if (pSurf->ppal() != NULL) { hpal = (HPALETTE) pSurf->ppal()->hGet(); } } else { iFormat = po.iDitherFormat();
if (!po.bIsPalManaged()) { hpal = (HPALETTE) po.ppalSurf()->hGet(); } }
hsurf = hsurfCreateCompatibleSurface(dco.hdev(), iFormat, hpal, cx, cy, bDriver); }
return((HBITMAP) hsurf); }
* GreSetBitmapBits * * Does the work for SetBitmapBits. * * History: * 19-Jun-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
LONG GreSetBitmapBits( HBITMAP hbm, ULONG cjTotal, PBYTE pjBuffer, PLONG pOffset ) {
if (cjTotal == 0) { return(0); }
LONG lReturn = 0;
pSurf = SurfBmo.ps;
if (SurfBmo.bValid() && SurfBmo.ps->bApiBitmap()) { LONG lInitOffset = *pOffset; SURFOBJ soTemp; ERECTL erclDst; POINTL ptlSrc;
soTemp.dhsurf = 0; soTemp.hsurf = 0; soTemp.dhpdev = SurfBmo.ps->dhpdev(); soTemp.hdev = SurfBmo.ps->hdev(); soTemp.sizlBitmap.cx = SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cx; soTemp.sizlBitmap.cy = SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cy; soTemp.cjBits = cjTotal; soTemp.pvBits = pjBuffer; soTemp.pvScan0 = 0; soTemp.lDelta = lInitOffset; soTemp.iUniq = 0; soTemp.iType = (USHORT) STYPE_BITMAP; soTemp.fjBitmap = 0;
ptlSrc.x = 0; ptlSrc.y = 0; erclDst.left = 0; erclDst.top = 0; erclDst.right = SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cx; erclDst.bottom = SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cy;
HSEMAPHORE hsemDevLock = NULL; PPDEV ppdev = NULL;
if (SurfBmo.ps->bUseDevlock()) { PDEVOBJ po(SurfBmo.ps->hdev()); ASSERTGDI(po.bValid(), "PDEV invalid"); hsemDevLock = po.hsemDevLock(); ppdev = po.ppdev; GreAcquireSemaphoreEx(hsemDevLock, SEMORDER_DEVLOCK, NULL); GreEnterMonitoredSection(ppdev, WD_DEVLOCK); }
if (SurfBmo.ps->iType() == STYPE_DEVBITMAP) { DEVBITMAPINFO dbmi;
dbmi.iFormat = SurfBmo.ps->iFormat(); dbmi.cxBitmap = SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cx; dbmi.cyBitmap = SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cy; dbmi.hpal = 0; dbmi.fl = SurfBmo.ps->bUMPD() ? UMPD_SURFACE : 0;
// Create a DIB (SurfDimo) with the same height,width,
// and BPP as the DEVBITMAP passed in
if (!SurfDimo.bCreateDIB(&dbmi,NULL)) { WARNING("GreSetBitmapBits failed bCreateDIB\n"); lInitOffset = -1; // This is to make us fail the call below.
} else { pSurf = SurfDimo.ps;
// We don't need to copy if the offset is 0 because either
// it's a 1 shot set that inits the whole thing, or else
// it's the first of a batch. In either case anything
// that's there before doesn't need to be saved because
// it will all be over-written when we are done.
if (lInitOffset != 0) { BOOL bCopyRet = EngCopyBits ( pSurf->pSurfobj(), SurfBmo.pSurfobj(), NULL, NULL, &erclDst, &ptlSrc );
ASSERTGDI(bCopyRet, "ERROR how can this fail ?"); } } }
// Check for invalid initial offset.
if (lInitOffset >= 0) { PDEVOBJ po(SurfBmo.ps->hdev());
// Inc the target surface uniqueness
// Copy the buffer to the DIB
BOOL bReturn = bDoGetSetBitmapBits(pSurf->pSurfobj(),&soTemp,FALSE);
ASSERTGDI(bReturn, "GreSetBitmapBits failed bDoGetSetBitmapBits\n");
lReturn = soTemp.cjBits; *pOffset = lInitOffset + lReturn;
if (SurfBmo.ps->iType() == STYPE_DEVBITMAP) { //
// Have the driver copy the temp DIB to the DEVBITMAP
if (!((*PPFNGET(po,CopyBits,SurfBmo.ps->flags())) ( SurfBmo.pSurfobj(), pSurf->pSurfobj(), NULL, NULL, &erclDst, &ptlSrc))) { WARNING("GreSetBitmapBits failed copying temp DIB to DFB\n"); lReturn = 0; } } }
if (hsemDevLock) { GreExitMonitoredSection(ppdev, WD_DEVLOCK); GreReleaseSemaphoreEx(hsemDevLock); } } else { WARNING("GreSetBitmapBits failed - invalid bitmap handle\n"); SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_INVALID_HANDLE); }
return(lReturn); }
* GreGetBitmapBits * * Does the work for GetBitmapBits * * Returns: Number of bytes copied, or if pjBuffer is NULL the total size of * the bitmap. * * History: * Mon 01-Jun-1992 -by- Patrick Haluptzok [patrickh] * Return bitmap scanlines in BMF_TOPDOWN organization. * * 22-Jun-1991 -by- Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
LONG GreGetBitmapBits(HBITMAP hbm, ULONG cjTotal, PBYTE pjBuffer, PLONG pOffset) {
LONG lReturn = 0;
SURFREF SurfBmo((HSURF) hbm);
if (SurfBmo.bValid() && SurfBmo.ps->bApiBitmap()) { SURFMEM SurfDimo; SURFACE *pSurf; PDEVOBJ pdo(SurfBmo.ps->hdev());
pSurf = SurfBmo.ps;
lReturn = ((((gaulConvert[SurfBmo.ps->iFormat()] * SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cx) + 15) >> 4) << 1) * SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cy;
if (pjBuffer != (PBYTE) NULL) { SURFOBJ soTemp; ERECTL erclDst; POINTL ptlSrc;
soTemp.dhsurf = 0; soTemp.hsurf = 0; soTemp.dhpdev = SurfBmo.ps->dhpdev(); soTemp.hdev = SurfBmo.ps->hdev(); soTemp.sizlBitmap.cx = SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cx; soTemp.sizlBitmap.cy = SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cy; soTemp.cjBits = 0; soTemp.pvBits = 0; soTemp.pvScan0 = 0; soTemp.lDelta = 0; soTemp.iUniq = 0; soTemp.iType = (USHORT) STYPE_BITMAP; soTemp.fjBitmap = 0;
ptlSrc.x = 0; ptlSrc.y = 0; erclDst.left = 0; erclDst.top = 0; erclDst.right = SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cx; erclDst.bottom = SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cy;
HSEMAPHORE hsemDevLock = NULL; PPDEV ppdev = NULL; if (SurfBmo.ps->bUseDevlock()) { PDEVOBJ po(SurfBmo.ps->hdev()); ASSERTGDI(po.bValid(), "PDEV invalid"); hsemDevLock = po.hsemDevLock(); ppdev = po.ppdev; GreAcquireSemaphoreEx(hsemDevLock, SEMORDER_DEVLOCK, NULL); GreEnterMonitoredSection(ppdev, WD_DEVLOCK); }
if (SurfBmo.ps->iType() == STYPE_DEVBITMAP) { //
// Create a DIB (SurfDimo) with the same height,width,
// and BPP as the DEVBITMAP passed in
dbmi.iFormat = SurfBmo.ps->iFormat(); dbmi.cxBitmap = SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cx; dbmi.cyBitmap = SurfBmo.ps->sizl().cy; dbmi.hpal = 0; dbmi.fl = SurfBmo.ps->bUMPD() ? UMPD_SURFACE : 0;
if (!SurfDimo.bCreateDIB(&dbmi,NULL)) { WARNING("GreGetBitmapBits failed bCreateDIB\n"); lReturn = 0; } else { pSurf = SurfDimo.ps;
EngCopyBits(pSurf->pSurfobj(), SurfBmo.pSurfobj(), NULL, NULL, &erclDst, &ptlSrc); } }
if (lReturn) { //
// We know how big the buffer needs to be. Set up the
// soTemp so the driver knows how much to fill in.
ULONG cjMaxLength = lReturn; LONG lInitOffset = *pOffset;
// Check for invalid initial offset.
if ((lInitOffset >= 0) && ((ULONG)lInitOffset < cjMaxLength)) { //
// Make cjTotal valid range.
if ((lInitOffset + cjTotal) > cjMaxLength) { cjTotal = cjMaxLength - lInitOffset; }
if (cjTotal > 0) {
// Fill in our return values, we know them already.
soTemp.cjBits = cjTotal; soTemp.lDelta = lInitOffset; soTemp.pvBits = pjBuffer;
BOOL bReturn = bDoGetSetBitmapBits(&soTemp,pSurf->pSurfobj(),TRUE);
ASSERTGDI(bReturn, "GreGetBitmapBits failed bDoGetSetBitmapBits\n");
lReturn = soTemp.cjBits; *pOffset = lInitOffset + lReturn; } else { WARNING("GreGetBitmapBits failed cjTotal 0\n"); lReturn = 0; } } else { WARNING("GreGetBitmapBits failed lInitOffset invalid\n"); lReturn = 0; } }
if (hsemDevLock) { GreExitMonitoredSection(ppdev, WD_DEVLOCK); GreReleaseSemaphoreEx(hsemDevLock); } } } else { WARNING("GreGetBitmapBits failed - invalid bitmap handle\n");
return(lReturn); }
* bDoGetSetBitmapBits * * Does the get or set of bitmap bits for EngCopyBits. * * History: * 16-Mar-1993 -by- Patrick Haluptzok patrickh * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL bDoGetSetBitmapBits(SURFOBJ *psoDst, SURFOBJ *psoSrc, BOOL bGetBits) {
ASSERTGDI(psoDst->iType == STYPE_BITMAP, "ERROR no DIB dst"); ASSERTGDI(psoSrc->iType == STYPE_BITMAP, "ERROR no DIB src");
// Synchronize with the device driver before touching the device surface.
if (bGetBits) { //
// Doing a GetBitmapBits.
{ PDEVOBJ po(psoSrc->hdev); po.vSync(psoSrc,NULL,0); }
if (psoDst->pvBits == NULL) { psoDst->cjBits = ((((gaulConvert[psoSrc->iBitmapFormat] * psoSrc->sizlBitmap.cx) + 15) >> 4) << 1) * psoSrc->sizlBitmap.cy; } else { //
// Initialize temporaries.
PBYTE pjBuffer = (PBYTE) psoDst->pvBits; PBYTE pjBitmap = (PBYTE) psoSrc->pvScan0; LONG lDeltaBitmap = psoSrc->lDelta; ULONG cjScanBitmap = pSurfSrc->cjScan();
ASSERTGDI(pjBuffer != NULL, "ERROR pjBuffer is NULL"); ASSERTGDI(pjBitmap != NULL, "ERROR pjBitmap is NULL");
// Get the WORD aligned width of the input scanlines.
ULONG cjScanInput = ((((gaulConvert[psoSrc->iBitmapFormat] * psoSrc->sizlBitmap.cx) + 15) >> 4) << 1); ULONG cjMaxLength = cjScanInput * psoSrc->sizlBitmap.cy; LONG lInitOffset = psoDst->lDelta; ULONG cjTotal = psoDst->cjBits;
// Check for invalid initial offset.
if ((lInitOffset < 0) || ((ULONG)lInitOffset >= cjMaxLength)) { psoDst->cjBits = 0; return(FALSE); }
// Make cjTotal valid range.
if (lInitOffset + cjTotal > cjMaxLength) { cjTotal = cjMaxLength - lInitOffset; }
// Fill in our return values.
psoDst->cjBits = cjTotal;
// Move pointer to current scanline in bitmap.
pjBitmap += ((lInitOffset / cjScanInput) * lDeltaBitmap);
ULONG ulTemp,ulCopy;
// Move partial scan if necesary.
ulTemp = (lInitOffset % cjScanInput);
if (ulTemp) { ulCopy = MIN((cjScanInput - ulTemp), cjTotal);
RtlCopyMemory((PVOID) pjBuffer, (PVOID) (pjBitmap + ulTemp), (unsigned int) ulCopy);
pjBuffer += ulCopy; pjBitmap += lDeltaBitmap; cjTotal -= ulCopy; }
// Move as many scans that fit.
ulTemp = cjTotal / cjScanInput; cjTotal -= (ulTemp * cjScanInput);
while (ulTemp--) { RtlCopyMemory((PVOID) pjBuffer, (PVOID) pjBitmap, (unsigned int) cjScanInput);
pjBuffer += cjScanInput; pjBitmap += lDeltaBitmap; }
// Move as much of partial scan as possible.
if (cjTotal) { RtlCopyMemory((PVOID) pjBuffer, (PVOID) pjBitmap, (unsigned int) cjTotal); } } } else {
// Doing a SetBitmapBits call.
{ PDEVOBJ po(psoDst->hdev); po.vSync(psoDst,NULL,0); }
// Initialize temporaries.
PBYTE pjBuffer = (PBYTE) psoSrc->pvBits; PBYTE pjBitmap = (PBYTE) psoDst->pvScan0; LONG lDeltaBitmap = psoDst->lDelta; ULONG cjScanBitmap = pSurfDst->cjScan();
// Get the WORD aligned width of the input scanlines.
ULONG cjScanInput = ((((gaulConvert[psoDst->iBitmapFormat] * psoDst->sizlBitmap.cx) + 15) >> 4) << 1); ULONG cjMaxLength = cjScanInput * psoDst->sizlBitmap.cy; LONG lInitOffset = psoSrc->lDelta; ULONG cjTotal = psoSrc->cjBits;
// Check for invalid initial offset.
if ((lInitOffset < 0) || ((ULONG)lInitOffset >= cjMaxLength)) { psoSrc->cjBits = 0; return(TRUE); }
// Make cjTotal valid range.
if (lInitOffset + cjTotal > cjMaxLength) { cjTotal = cjMaxLength - lInitOffset; }
// Fill in our return values, we know them already.
psoSrc->cjBits = cjTotal;
// Move pointer to current scanline in bitmap.
pjBitmap += ((lInitOffset / cjScanInput) * lDeltaBitmap);
ULONG ulTemp,ulCopy;
// Move partial scan if necesary.
ulTemp = (lInitOffset % cjScanInput);
if (ulTemp) { ulCopy = MIN((cjScanInput - ulTemp), cjTotal);
RtlCopyMemory((PVOID) (pjBitmap + ulTemp), (PVOID) pjBuffer, (unsigned int) ulCopy);
pjBuffer += ulCopy; pjBitmap += lDeltaBitmap; cjTotal -= ulCopy; }
// Move as many scans that fit.
ulTemp = cjTotal / cjScanInput; cjTotal -= (ulTemp * cjScanInput);
while (ulTemp--) { RtlCopyMemory((PVOID) pjBitmap, (PVOID) pjBuffer, (unsigned int) cjScanInput);
pjBuffer += cjScanInput; pjBitmap += lDeltaBitmap; }
// Move as much of partial scan as possible.
if (cjTotal) { RtlCopyMemory((PVOID) pjBitmap, (PVOID) pjBuffer, (unsigned int) cjTotal); } }
return(TRUE); }