* Module Name: xformobj.cxx * * * * Xform object non-inline methods. * * * * Created: 12-Nov-1990 16:54:37 * * Author: Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * * * Copyright (c) 1990-1999 Microsoft Corporation * \**************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.hxx"
extern "C" { void __cdecl _fltused(void) {} // just so that we link clean...
#if defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_IA64_) || defined(BUILD_WOW6432)
#define vSetTo1Over16(ef) (ef.e = EFLOAT_1Over16)
#define vSetTo1Over16(ef) (ef.i.lMant = 0x040000000, ef.i.lExp = -2)
* matrixIdentity * * * * Defines the identity transform matrices in different formats. * * * * History: * * 12-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
MATRIX gmxIdentity_LToFx = { EFLOAT_16, // efM11
EFLOAT_0, // efM12
EFLOAT_0, // efM21
EFLOAT_16, // efM22
EFLOAT_0, // efDx
EFLOAT_0, // efDy
0, // fxDx
0, // fxDy
MATRIX gmxIdentity_LToL = { EFLOAT_1, // efM11
EFLOAT_0, // efM12
EFLOAT_0, // efM21
EFLOAT_1, // efM22
EFLOAT_0, // efDx
EFLOAT_0, // efDy
0, // fxDx
0, // fxDy
MATRIX gmxIdentity_FxToL = { EFLOAT_1Over16, // efM11
EFLOAT_0, // efM12
EFLOAT_0, // efM21
EFLOAT_1Over16, // efM22
EFLOAT_0, // efDx
EFLOAT_0, // efDy
0, // fxDx
0, // fxDy
* EXFORMOBJ::EXFORMOBJ * * * * Get a transform matrix based on the request type. The only legitimate * * type for now is IDENTITY. * * * * History: * * 27-Mar-1991 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
EXFORMOBJ::EXFORMOBJ(ULONG iXform, ULONG iFormat) { ASSERTGDI((iXform == IDENTITY),"XFORMOBJ:invalid iXform\n"); bMirrored = FALSE; if (iFormat == XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX) pmx = &gmxIdentity_LToFx; else if (iFormat == XFORM_FORMAT_FXTOL) pmx = &gmxIdentity_FxToL; else pmx = &gmxIdentity_LToL; }
* EXFORMOBJ::bEqual(EXFORMOBJ& xo) * * * * See if two transforms are identical. Matrices of different formats are * * considered different even though the coefficients are same. * * * * History: * * 12-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bEqual(EXFORMOBJ& xo) { if (pmx == xo.pmx) return(TRUE); // point to the same matrix
// compare each and every element of the matrices as the structures may
// be padded.
return ((pmx->efM11 == xo.pmx->efM11) && (pmx->efM12 == xo.pmx->efM12) && (pmx->efM21 == xo.pmx->efM21) && (pmx->efM22 == xo.pmx->efM22) && (pmx->efDx == xo.pmx->efDx) && (pmx->efDy == xo.pmx->efDy)); }
* EXFORMOBJ::bEqualExceptTranslations * * * * See if two transforms are identical other than the translations elements.* * Matrices of different formats are considered different even though the * * coefficients are same. * * * * History: * * 12-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bEqualExceptTranslations(PMATRIX pmx_) { if (pmx == pmx_) return(TRUE); // point to the same matrix
// compare each and every element of the matrices as the structures may
// be padded.
return ((pmx->efM11 == pmx_->efM11) && (pmx->efM12 == pmx_->efM12) && (pmx->efM21 == pmx_->efM21) && (pmx->efM22 == pmx_->efM22)); }
* EXFORMOBJ::bXform * * * * Transform a list of POINTL to a list of POINTL. * * * * History: * * 12-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bXform( PPOINTL pptlSrc, PPOINTL pptlDst, SIZE_T cPts) { ASSERTGDI(cPts > 0, "Can take only positive count"); ASSERTGDI( (((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT) == XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX) || ((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT) == XFORM_FORMAT_FXTOL) || ((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT) == XFORM_FORMAT_LTOL)), "EXFORMOBJ::bXformPtlToPtl: wrong xform format\n");
// copy the source to the dest, This way we can use bCvtPts1 which is more efficient
if (pptlSrc != pptlDst) { RtlCopyMemory(pptlDst, pptlSrc, cPts*sizeof(POINTL)); }
// Straight copy if identity transform.
if (bIdentity()) { return(TRUE); }
BOOL bReturn = bCvtPts1(pmx, pptlDst, cPts);
return(bReturn); }
* EXFORMOBJ::bXform * * * * Transform a list of POINTL to a list of POINTFIX. * * * * History: * * 12-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bXform( PPOINTL pptlSrc, PPOINTFIX pptfxDst, SIZE_T cPts) { ASSERTGDI(cPts > 0, "Can take only positive count"); ASSERTGDI((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX), "EXFORMOBJ::bXformPtlToPtfx: wrong xform format\n");
// Convert a list of POINTL to a list of POINTFIX if identity transform.
if (bIdentity()) { PPOINTL pptlSrcEnd = pptlSrc + cPts;
for ( ; pptlSrc < pptlSrcEnd; pptlSrc++, pptfxDst++) { pptfxDst->x = LTOFX(pptlSrc->x); pptfxDst->y = LTOFX(pptlSrc->y); }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL bRet = bCvtPts(pmx, pptlSrc, (PPOINTL)pptfxDst, cPts); if (!bRet) SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW);
return bRet; }
* EXFORMOBJ::bXformRound * * * * Transform a list of POINTL to a list of POINTFIX. Round the resulting * * points to the nearest integers for Win31 compatibility. * * * * History: * * 12-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bXformRound( PPOINTL pptlSrc, PPOINTFIX pptfxDst, SIZE_T cPts) { ASSERTGDI(cPts > 0, "Can take only positive count"); ASSERTGDI((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX), "EXFORMOBJ::bXformPtlToPtfx: wrong xform format\n");
// Convert a list of POINTL to a list of POINTFIX if identity transform.
if (bIdentity()) { PPOINTL pptlSrcEnd = pptlSrc + cPts;
for ( ; pptlSrc < pptlSrcEnd; pptlSrc++, pptfxDst++) { pptfxDst->x = LTOFX(pptlSrc->x); pptfxDst->y = LTOFX(pptlSrc->y); }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL bRet = bCvtPts(pmx, pptlSrc, (PPOINTL)pptfxDst, cPts); if (!bRet) SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW);
if (ulMode != GM_ADVANCED) { PPOINTFIX pptfxDstEnd = pptfxDst + cPts;
for ( ; pptfxDst < pptfxDstEnd; pptfxDst++) { pptfxDst->x = (pptfxDst->x + FIX_HALF) & 0xFFFFFFF0; pptfxDst->y = (pptfxDst->y + FIX_HALF) & 0xFFFFFFF0; } }
return bRet; }
* EXFORMOBJ::bXform * * * * Transform a list of POINTFIX to a list of POINTL. * * * * History: * * 12-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bXform( PPOINTFIX pptfxSrc, PPOINTL pptlDst, SIZE_T cPts) { ASSERTGDI(cPts > 0, "Can take only positive count"); ASSERTGDI((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_FXTOL), "EXFORMOBJ::bXformPtfxToPtl: wrong xform format\n");
// Convert a list of POINTFIX to a list of POINTL if identity transform.
if (bIdentity()) { PPOINTFIX pptfxSrcEnd = pptfxSrc + cPts;
for ( ; pptfxSrc < pptfxSrcEnd; pptfxSrc++, pptlDst++) { pptlDst->x = FXTOLROUND(pptfxSrc->x); pptlDst->y = FXTOLROUND(pptfxSrc->y); }
return(TRUE); // never overflows
BOOL bRet = bCvtPts(pmx, (PPOINTL)pptfxSrc, pptlDst, cPts); if (!bRet) SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW);
return bRet;
* BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bXform * * Given a list of vectors (pptflSrc) and number of points in the list (cVts) * transform the vectors and store into another list (pptflDst). * * History: * 28-Jan-1992 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bXform( PVECTORFL pvtflSrc, PVECTORFL pvtflDst, SIZE_T cVts) { ASSERTGDI(cVts > 0, "Can take only positive count");
// check for quick exit, if the transform consists of translations
// only, there is nothing to do:
if (bTranslationsOnly()) { if (pvtflDst != pvtflSrc) // if not transforming in place
{ RtlCopyMemory(pvtflDst, pvtflSrc, cVts*sizeof(VECTORFL)); }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL bRet;
if (pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_LTOL) { bRet = bCvtVts_FlToFl(pmx, pvtflSrc, pvtflDst, cVts); } else if (pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX) { pmx->efM11.vDivBy16(); pmx->efM12.vDivBy16(); pmx->efM21.vDivBy16(); pmx->efM22.vDivBy16();
bRet = bCvtVts_FlToFl(pmx, pvtflSrc, pvtflDst, cVts);
pmx->efM11.vTimes16(); pmx->efM12.vTimes16(); pmx->efM21.vTimes16(); pmx->efM22.vTimes16(); } else { pmx->efM11.vTimes16(); pmx->efM12.vTimes16(); pmx->efM21.vTimes16(); pmx->efM22.vTimes16();
bRet = bCvtVts_FlToFl(pmx, pvtflSrc, pvtflDst, cVts);
pmx->efM11.vDivBy16(); pmx->efM12.vDivBy16(); pmx->efM21.vDivBy16(); pmx->efM22.vDivBy16(); }
* EXFORMOBJ::bXform * * * * Transform a list of VECTORL to a list of VECTORL. * * * * History: * * 28-Jan-1992 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bXform( PVECTORL pvtlSrc, PVECTORL pvtlDst, SIZE_T cVts) { ASSERTGDI(cVts > 0, "Can take only positive count");
// Straight copy if identity transform.
ASSERTGDI((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX), "EXFORMOBJ::bXformVtlToVtl: wrong xform format\n");
if (bTranslationsOnly()) { if (pvtlDst != pvtlSrc) { RtlCopyMemory(pvtlDst, pvtlSrc, cVts*sizeof(VECTORL)); return(TRUE); } }
pmx->efM11.vDivBy16(); pmx->efM12.vDivBy16(); pmx->efM21.vDivBy16(); pmx->efM22.vDivBy16();
BOOL bReturn = bCvtVts(pmx, pvtlSrc, pvtlDst, cVts);
pmx->efM11.vTimes16(); pmx->efM12.vTimes16(); pmx->efM21.vTimes16(); pmx->efM22.vTimes16();
return(bReturn); }
* EXFORMOBJ::bXform * * * * Transform a list of VECTORL to a list of VECTORFX. * * * * History: * * 12-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bXform( PVECTORL pvtlSrc, PVECTORFX pvtfxDst, SIZE_T cVts) { ASSERTGDI(cVts > 0, "Can take only positive count"); ASSERTGDI((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX), "XFORMOBJ::bXformVtlToVtfx: wrong xform format\n");
// Convert a list of VECTORL to a list of VECTORFX if identity transform.
if (bTranslationsOnly()) { PVECTORL pvtlSrcEnd = pvtlSrc + cVts;
for ( ; pvtlSrc < pvtlSrcEnd; pvtlSrc++, pvtfxDst++) { if (BLTOFXOK(pvtlSrc->x) && BLTOFXOK(pvtlSrc->y)) { pvtfxDst->x = LTOFX(pvtlSrc->x); pvtfxDst->y = LTOFX(pvtlSrc->y); } else { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW); return(FALSE); } } return(TRUE); }
BOOL bRet = bCvtVts(pmx, pvtlSrc, (PVECTORL)pvtfxDst, cVts); if (!bRet) SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW); return bRet; }
* EXFORMOBJ::bXformRound * * * * Transform a list of VECTORL to a list of VECTORFIX. Round the resulting * * vectors to the nearest integers for Win31 compatibility. * * * * History: * * 12-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bXformRound( PVECTORL pvtlSrc, PVECTORFX pvtfxDst, SIZE_T cVts) { ASSERTGDI(cVts > 0, "Can take only positive count"); ASSERTGDI((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX), "XFORMOBJ::bXformVtlToVtfx: wrong xform format\n");
// Convert a list of VECTORL to a list of VECTORFX if identity transform.
if (bTranslationsOnly()) { PVECTORL pvtlSrcEnd = pvtlSrc + cVts;
for ( ; pvtlSrc < pvtlSrcEnd; pvtlSrc++, pvtfxDst++) { if (BLTOFXOK(pvtlSrc->x) && BLTOFXOK(pvtlSrc->y)) { pvtfxDst->x = LTOFX(pvtlSrc->x); pvtfxDst->y = LTOFX(pvtlSrc->y); } else { SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW); return(FALSE); } } return(TRUE); }
BOOL bRet = bCvtVts(pmx, pvtlSrc, (PVECTORL)pvtfxDst, cVts); if (!bRet) SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW);
if (ulMode != GM_ADVANCED) { PVECTORFX pvtfxDstEnd = pvtfxDst + cVts;
for ( ; pvtfxDst < pvtfxDstEnd; pvtfxDst++) { pvtfxDst->x = (pvtfxDst->x + FIX_HALF) & 0xFFFFFFF0; pvtfxDst->y = (pvtfxDst->y + FIX_HALF) & 0xFFFFFFF0; } } return bRet; }
* EXFORMOBJ::bXform * * * * Transform a list of VECTORFX to a list of VECTORL. * * * * History: * * 06-Feb-1992 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bXform( PVECTORFX pvtfxSrc, PVECTORL pvtlDst, SIZE_T cVts) { ASSERTGDI(cVts > 0, "Can take only positive count"); ASSERTGDI((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_FXTOL), "EXFORMOBJ::bXformVtfxToVtl: wrong xform format\n");
// Convert a list of VECTORFX to a list of VECTORL if identity transform.
if (bTranslationsOnly()) { PVECTORFX pvtfxSrcEnd = pvtfxSrc + cVts;
for ( ; pvtfxSrc < pvtfxSrcEnd; pvtfxSrc++, pvtlDst++) { pvtlDst->x = FXTOL(pvtfxSrc->x); pvtlDst->y = FXTOL(pvtfxSrc->y); }
return(TRUE); }
BOOL bRet = bCvtVts(pmx, (PVECTORL)pvtfxSrc, pvtlDst, cVts); if (!bRet) SAVE_ERROR_CODE(ERROR_ARITHMETIC_OVERFLOW); return bRet;
* EXFORMOBJ::vComputeAccelFlags * * * * Set the accelerator flags for a given matrix. * * * * History: * * 06-Dec-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID EXFORMOBJ::vComputeAccelFlags(FLONG flFormat) { pmx->flAccel = flFormat; // clear the flag
// set translation flag
if ((pmx->fxDx == 0) && (pmx->fxDy == 0)) pmx->flAccel |= XFORM_NO_TRANSLATION;
if (pmx->efM12.bIsZero() && pmx->efM21.bIsZero()) { // off diagonal elements are zeros
pmx->flAccel |= XFORM_SCALE;
switch(flFormat) { case XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX: if (pmx->efM11.bIs16() && pmx->efM22.bIs16()) pmx->flAccel |= XFORM_UNITY; break;
case XFORM_FORMAT_LTOL: if (pmx->efM11.bIs1() && pmx->efM22.bIs1()) pmx->flAccel |= XFORM_UNITY; break;
default: if (pmx->efM11.bIs1Over16() && pmx->efM22.bIs1Over16()) pmx->flAccel |= XFORM_UNITY; break; } } }
* EXFORMOBJ::vCopy(EXFORMOBJ& xo) * * * * Copy the coefficient values of a transform to another. * * * * History: * * 12-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID EXFORMOBJ::vCopy(EXFORMOBJ& xo) { RtlCopyMemory(pmx, xo.pmx, sizeof(MATRIX)); }
* EXFORMOBJ::vRemoveTranslation() * * * * Remove the translation coefficients of a transform. * * * * History: * * 12-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID EXFORMOBJ::vRemoveTranslation() { pmx->fxDx = 0; pmx->fxDy = 0; pmx->efDx.vSetToZero(); pmx->efDy.vSetToZero(); pmx->flAccel |= XFORM_NO_TRANSLATION; }
* EXFORMOBJ::vGetCoefficient() * * * * Get the coefficient of a transform matrix. This is used to convert * * our internal matrix structure into the GDI/DDI transform format. * * * * History: * * 12-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID EXFORMOBJ::vGetCoefficient(XFORML *pxf) { // The coefficients have already been range-checked before they are set
// in the DC. So it's just a matter of converting them back to
// IEEE FLOAT. They can't possibly overflow.
// For i386, lEfToF() calls off to the assembly routine to do the EFLOAT
// to FLOAT conversion and put the result in eax, we want the C compiler
// to do direct copy to the destination here(no fstp), so some casting
// is necessary. Note the return type of lEfToF() is LONG. We do the
// same thing for MIPS so the code here can be shared.
ASSERTGDI( (((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT) == XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX) || ((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT) == XFORM_FORMAT_FXTOL) || ((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT) == XFORM_FORMAT_LTOL)), "EXFORMOBJ::vGetCoefficient: wrong xform format\n");
if (pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX) { MATRIX mxTmp; mxTmp = *pmx;
mxTmp.efM11.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efM12.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efM21.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efM22.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efDx.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efDy.vDivBy16();
*(LONG *)&pxf->eM11 = mxTmp.efM11.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eM12 = mxTmp.efM12.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eM21 = mxTmp.efM21.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eM22 = mxTmp.efM22.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eDx = mxTmp.efDx.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eDy = mxTmp.efDy.lEfToF();
} else if (pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_FXTOL) { MATRIX mxTmp; mxTmp = *pmx;
mxTmp.efM11.vTimes16(); mxTmp.efM12.vTimes16(); mxTmp.efM21.vTimes16(); mxTmp.efM22.vTimes16();
*(LONG *)&pxf->eM11 = mxTmp.efM11.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eM12 = mxTmp.efM12.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eM21 = mxTmp.efM21.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eM22 = mxTmp.efM22.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eDx = mxTmp.efDx.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eDy = mxTmp.efDy.lEfToF();
} else { *(LONG *)&pxf->eM11 = pmx->efM11.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eM12 = pmx->efM12.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eM21 = pmx->efM21.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eM22 = pmx->efM22.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eDx = pmx->efDx.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pxf->eDy = pmx->efDy.lEfToF(); }
return; }
* EXFORMOBJ::vGetCoefficient() * * * * Get the coefficient of a transform matrix. This is to convert EFLOAT's * * into FLOATOBJs which are now the same. * * * * History: * * 13-Mar-1995 -by- Eric Kutter [erick] * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
VOID EXFORMOBJ::vGetCoefficient(PFLOATOBJ_XFORM pxf) { // The coefficients have already been range-checked before they are set
// in the DC. So it's just a matter of converting them back to
// IEEE FLOAT. They can't possibly overflow.
// For i386, lEfToF() calls off to the assembly routine to do the EFLOAT
// to FLOAT conversion and put the result in eax, we want the C compiler
// to do direct copy to the destination here(no fstp), so some casting
// is necessary. Note the return type of lEfToF() is LONG. We do the
// same thing for MIPS so the code here can be shared.
ASSERTGDI( (((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT) == XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX) || ((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT) == XFORM_FORMAT_FXTOL) || ((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT) == XFORM_FORMAT_LTOL)), "EXFORMOBJ::vGetCoefficient: wrong xform format\n");
if (pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX) { MATRIX mxTmp; mxTmp = *pmx;
mxTmp.efM11.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efM12.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efM21.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efM22.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efDx.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efDy.vDivBy16();
*(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eM11 = mxTmp.efM11; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eM12 = mxTmp.efM12; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eM21 = mxTmp.efM21; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eM22 = mxTmp.efM22; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eDx = mxTmp.efDx; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eDy = mxTmp.efDy; } else if (pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_FXTOL) { MATRIX mxTmp; mxTmp = *pmx;
mxTmp.efM11.vTimes16(); mxTmp.efM12.vTimes16(); mxTmp.efM21.vTimes16(); mxTmp.efM22.vTimes16();
*(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eM11 = mxTmp.efM11; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eM12 = mxTmp.efM12; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eM21 = mxTmp.efM21; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eM22 = mxTmp.efM22; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eDx = mxTmp.efDx; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eDy = mxTmp.efDy;
} else { *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eM11 = pmx->efM11; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eM12 = pmx->efM12; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eM21 = pmx->efM21; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eM22 = pmx->efM22; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eDx = pmx->efDx; *(EFLOAT *)&pxf->eDy = pmx->efDy; }
return; }
* EXFORMOBJ::vGetCoefficient() * * Get the coefficient of a transform matrix. This is used to convert * our internal matrix structure into the IFI transform format. * * History: * 04-Feb-1992 -by- Gilman Wong [gilmanw] * Adapted from vGetCoefficient. \**************************************************************************/
VOID EXFORMOBJ::vGetCoefficient(PFD_XFORM pfd_xf) { // The coefficients have already been range-checked before they are set
// in the DC. So it's just a matter of converting them back to
// IEEE FLOAT. They can't possibly overflow.
// For i386, lEfToF() calls off to the assembly routine to do the EFLOAT
// to FLOAT conversion and put the result in eax, we want the C compiler
// to do direct copy to the destination here(no fstp), so some casting
// is necessary. Note the return type of lEfToF() is LONG. We do the
// same thing for MIPS so the code here can be shared.
ASSERTGDI( (((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT) == XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX) || ((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT) == XFORM_FORMAT_FXTOL) || ((pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT) == XFORM_FORMAT_LTOL)), "EXFORMOBJ::vGetCoefficient: wrong xform format\n");
if (pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX) { MATRIX mxTmp; mxTmp = *pmx;
mxTmp.efM11.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efM12.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efM21.vDivBy16(); mxTmp.efM22.vDivBy16();
*(LONG *)&pfd_xf->eXX = mxTmp.efM11.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pfd_xf->eXY = mxTmp.efM12.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pfd_xf->eYX = mxTmp.efM21.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pfd_xf->eYY = mxTmp.efM22.lEfToF(); } else if (pmx->flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_FXTOL) { MATRIX mxTmp; mxTmp = *pmx;
mxTmp.efM11.vTimes16(); mxTmp.efM12.vTimes16(); mxTmp.efM21.vTimes16(); mxTmp.efM22.vTimes16();
*(LONG *)&pfd_xf->eXX = mxTmp.efM11.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pfd_xf->eXY = mxTmp.efM12.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pfd_xf->eYX = mxTmp.efM21.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pfd_xf->eYY = mxTmp.efM22.lEfToF(); } else { *(LONG *)&pfd_xf->eXX = pmx->efM11.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pfd_xf->eXY = pmx->efM12.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pfd_xf->eYX = pmx->efM21.lEfToF(); *(LONG *)&pfd_xf->eYY = pmx->efM22.lEfToF(); }
return; }
* EXFORMOBJ::vOrder(RECTL &rcl) * * Order a rectangle based on the given transform. The rectangle will be * well ordered after the transform is applied. Note that the off-diagonal * elements of the transform MUST be zero's. ie. only scaling is allowed. * * History: * 18-Dec-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * Wrote it. \**************************************************************************/
ASSERTGDI(bScale(), "vOrder error: not scaling transform");
if ((pmx->efM11.bIsNegative() && (rcl.left < rcl.right)) || (!pmx->efM11.bIsNegative() && (rcl.left > rcl.right))) { SWAPL(rcl.left, rcl.right, lTmp); }
if ((pmx->efM22.bIsNegative() && (rcl.top < rcl.bottom)) || (!pmx->efM22.bIsNegative() && (rcl.top > rcl.bottom))) { SWAPL(rcl.top, rcl.bottom, lTmp); } }
* bMultiply(PMATRIX pmxLeft, PMATRIX pmxRight) * * * * Multiply two matrices together. Put the results in the XFORMOBJ. * * The target matrix CANNOT be the same as either of the two src matrices. * * * * History: * * Fri 20-Mar-1992 13:54:28 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Rewrote with new EFLOAT math operations. We should never do any * * operations like efA=efB*efC+efD! They generate intensely bad code. * * * * 19-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bMultiply(PMATRIX pmxLeft, PMATRIX pmxRight, FLONG fl) {
MATRIX *pmxTemp = pmx;
ASSERTGDI((pmx != pmxLeft), "bMultiply error: pmx == pmxLeft\n"); ASSERTGDI((pmx != pmxRight), "bMultiply error: pmx == pmxRight\n");
if (pmxLeft->efM12.bIsZero() && pmxLeft->efM21.bIsZero() && pmxRight->efM12.bIsZero() && pmxRight->efM21.bIsZero()) { pmxTemp->efM11.eqMul(pmxLeft->efM11,pmxRight->efM11); pmxTemp->efM22.eqMul(pmxLeft->efM22,pmxRight->efM22); pmxTemp->efM12.vSetToZero(); pmxTemp->efM21.vSetToZero(); } else { // calculate the first row of the results
efA.eqMul(pmxLeft->efM11,pmxRight->efM11); efB.eqMul(pmxLeft->efM12,pmxRight->efM21); pmxTemp->efM11.eqAdd(efA,efB);
efA.eqMul(pmxLeft->efM11,pmxRight->efM12); efB.eqMul(pmxLeft->efM12,pmxRight->efM22); pmxTemp->efM12.eqAdd(efA,efB);
// calculate the second row of the results
efA.eqMul(pmxLeft->efM21,pmxRight->efM11); efB.eqMul(pmxLeft->efM22,pmxRight->efM21); pmxTemp->efM21.eqAdd(efA,efB);
efA.eqMul(pmxLeft->efM21,pmxRight->efM12); efB.eqMul(pmxLeft->efM22,pmxRight->efM22); pmxTemp->efM22.eqAdd(efA,efB); }
// calculate the translation
if (pmxLeft->efDx.bIsZero() && pmxLeft->efDy.bIsZero()) { pmxTemp->efDx = pmxRight->efDx; pmxTemp->efDy = pmxRight->efDy; pmxTemp->fxDx = pmxRight->fxDx; pmxTemp->fxDy = pmxRight->fxDy; } else { efA.eqMul(pmxLeft->efDx,pmxRight->efM11); efB.eqMul(pmxLeft->efDy,pmxRight->efM21); efB.eqAdd(efB,pmxRight->efDx); pmxTemp->efDx.eqAdd(efA,efB);
efA.eqMul(pmxLeft->efDx,pmxRight->efM12); efB.eqMul(pmxLeft->efDy,pmxRight->efM22); efB.eqAdd(efB,pmxRight->efDy); pmxTemp->efDy.eqAdd(efA,efB);
if (!pmxTemp->efDx.bEfToL(pmxTemp->fxDx)) return(FALSE);
if (!pmxTemp->efDy.bEfToL(pmxTemp->fxDy)) return(FALSE); }
if (fl & COMPUTE_FLAGS) vComputeAccelFlags(fl & XFORM_FORMAT);
return(TRUE); }
* EXFORMOBJ::bInverse(MATRIX& mxSrc) * * * * Calculate the inverse of a given matrix. * * * * The inverse is calculated as follows: * * * * If x' = D + xM then x = (-DM') + x'M' where M'M = 1. * * * * M'11 = M22/det, M'12 = -M12/det, M'21 = -M21/det, M'22 = M11/det, * * where det = M11*M22 - M12*M21 * * * * History: * * Fri 20-Mar-1992 13:54:28 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Rewrote with new EFLOAT math operations. We should never do any * * operations like efA=efB*efC+efD! They generate intensely bad code. * * * * 19-Nov-1990 -by- Wendy Wu [wendywu] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
MATRIX *pmxTemp = pmx;
ASSERTGDI((&mxSrc != pmx), "bInverse src, dest same matrix\n"); ASSERTGDI((mxSrc.flAccel & XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX), "bInverse: wrong xform format\n");
// The accelerators of the destination matrix always equal to the
// accelerators of the source matrix.
pmxTemp->flAccel = (mxSrc.flAccel & ~XFORM_FORMAT_LTOFX) | XFORM_FORMAT_FXTOL;
if (mxSrc.flAccel & XFORM_UNITY) { vSetTo1Over16(pmxTemp->efM11); vSetTo1Over16(pmxTemp->efM22); pmxTemp->efM12.vSetToZero(); pmxTemp->efM21.vSetToZero();
pmxTemp->efDx = mxSrc.efDx; pmxTemp->efDy = mxSrc.efDy; pmxTemp->efDx.vNegate(); pmxTemp->efDy.vNegate(); pmxTemp->efDx.vDivBy16(); pmxTemp->efDy.vDivBy16(); pmxTemp->fxDx = -FXTOL(mxSrc.fxDx); pmxTemp->fxDy = -FXTOL(mxSrc.fxDy); return(TRUE); }
// calculate the determinant
efA.eqMul(mxSrc.efM11,mxSrc.efM22); efB.eqMul(mxSrc.efM12,mxSrc.efM21); efDet.eqSub(efA,efB);
// if determinant = 0, return false
if (efDet.bIsZero()) return(FALSE);
if (mxSrc.flAccel & XFORM_SCALE) { pmxTemp->efM12.vSetToZero(); pmxTemp->efM21.vSetToZero(); } else { pmxTemp->efM12.eqDiv(mxSrc.efM12,efDet); pmxTemp->efM12.vNegate(); pmxTemp->efM21.eqDiv(mxSrc.efM21,efDet); pmxTemp->efM21.vNegate(); }
pmxTemp->efM11.eqDiv(mxSrc.efM22,efDet); pmxTemp->efM22.eqDiv(mxSrc.efM11,efDet);
// calculate the offset
if (mxSrc.flAccel & XFORM_NO_TRANSLATION) { pmxTemp->efDx.vSetToZero(); pmxTemp->efDy.vSetToZero(); pmxTemp->fxDx = 0; pmxTemp->fxDy = 0; return(TRUE); }
if (mxSrc.flAccel & XFORM_SCALE) { pmxTemp->efDx.eqMul(mxSrc.efDx,pmxTemp->efM11); pmxTemp->efDy.eqMul(mxSrc.efDy,pmxTemp->efM22); } else { efA.eqMul(mxSrc.efDx,pmxTemp->efM11); efB.eqMul(mxSrc.efDy,pmxTemp->efM21); pmxTemp->efDx.eqAdd(efA,efB);
efA.eqMul(mxSrc.efDx,pmxTemp->efM12); efB.eqMul(mxSrc.efDy,pmxTemp->efM22); pmxTemp->efDy.eqAdd(efA,efB); }
pmxTemp->efDx.vNegate(); pmxTemp->efDy.vNegate();
// Return FALSE if translations can't fit in LONG type.
if (!pmxTemp->efDx.bEfToL(pmxTemp->fxDx)) return(FALSE);
if (!pmxTemp->efDy.bEfToL(pmxTemp->fxDy)) return(FALSE);
return(TRUE); }
* bComputeUnits (lAngle,ppte,pefWD,pefDW) * * * * Given an angle in 1/10ths of a degree in logical coordinates, we * * transform a vector at that angle into device coordinates. We normalize * * the result into a unit vector and a scaling. * * * * Knowing the unit vector and scaling allows us to quickly calculate the * * transform of any vector parallel to the angle. * * * * Sun 15-Mar-1992 05:26:57 -by- Charles Whitmer [chuckwh] * * Wrote it. * \**************************************************************************/
BOOL EXFORMOBJ::bComputeUnits ( LONG lAngle, // Angle in tenths of a degree.
POINTFL *ppte, // Unit vector in Device Coordinates.
EFLOAT *pefWD, // World to Device multiplier.
EFLOAT *pefDW // (Optional) Device to World multiplier.
// Get rid of negative angles. (Modulo is unreliable on negatives.)
if (lAngle < 0) { lAngle = -lAngle; bNegate = TRUE; }
// Handle simple cases separately for greater accuracy.
if (bScale() && (lAngle % 900 == 0)) { lAngle /= 900; if (lAngle & 1) { vt.x = (LONG) 0; vt.y = (LONG) 1; efA = efM22(); } else { vt.x = (LONG) 1; vt.y = (LONG) 0; efA = efM11(); }
if (efA.bIsZero()) return(FALSE);
if (lAngle & 2) efA.vNegate();
if (efA.bIsNegative()) { vt.x.vNegate(); vt.y.vNegate(); efA.vNegate(); } } else { // Get the angle.
EFLOATEXT efAngle = lAngle; efAngle /= (LONG) 10;
// Make a unit vector at that angle.
vt.x = efCos(efAngle); vt.y = efSin(efAngle);
// Transform it to device coordinates.
if (!bXform(vt)) return(FALSE);
// Determine its length.
efA.eqLength(*(POINTFL *) &vt); if (efA.bIsZero()) return(FALSE);
// Make a unit vector.
vt.x /= efA; vt.y /= efA; efA.vTimes16(); }
// Copy the results out.
if (bNegate) vt.y.vNegate();
*ppte = vt; *pefWD = efA;
if (pefDW != (EFLOAT *) NULL) { // Calculate the inverse.
efB = (LONG) 1; efB /= efA; *pefDW = efB; } return(TRUE); }