Header File: String Array.CPP
Implements the String Array class- see the related header for the declaration of this class.
This class will do arrays in chunks- if the total array exceeds the size of one chunk, we chain more instances together, then use recursion to do the work.
Copyright (c) 1996 by Microsoft Corporation
A Pretty Penny Enterprises Production
Change History:
11-01-96 a-robkj@microsoft.com- original version 12-04-96 a-robkj@microsoft.com Added LoadString and IsEmpty to CString Also fixed bug in Remove where u > ChunkSize (wasn't exiting) 12-11-96 a-robkj@microsoft.com Let CString do ANSI/UNICODE conversions automagically to ease some API issues 01-07-97 KjelgaardR@acm.org Fixed CStringArray::Empty and CUintArray::Empty to NULL pointer to next chunk after deleting it. Led to GP faults if we needed to use the chunk again.
#include "ICMUI.H"
// Convert a UNICODE string to a new ANSI buffer
void CString::Flip(LPCWSTR lpstrIn, LPSTR& lpstrOut) { if (!lpstrIn) { lpstrOut = NULL; return; } int iLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpstrIn, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);
if (!iLength) { lpstrOut = NULL; return; }
lpstrOut = (LPSTR) malloc(++iLength); if(lpstrOut) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpstrIn, -1, lpstrOut, iLength, NULL, NULL); } }
// Convert an ANSI string to a new UNICODE buffer
void CString::Flip(LPCSTR lpstrIn, LPWSTR& lpstrOut) { if (!lpstrIn) { lpstrOut = NULL; return; }
int iLength = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpstrIn, -1, NULL, 0);
if (!iLength) { lpstrOut = NULL; return; }
lpstrOut = (LPWSTR) malloc(++iLength * sizeof (WCHAR)); if(lpstrOut) { MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, MB_PRECOMPOSED, lpstrIn, -1, lpstrOut, iLength); } }
// Empty the string, and free all memory.
void CString::Empty() { if (m_acContents) free(m_acContents);
if (m_acConverted) free(m_acConverted);
m_acContents = NULL; m_acConverted = NULL; m_bConverted = FALSE; }
// Compare with other CString
BOOL CString::IsEqualString(CString& csRef1) { if (IsEmpty() || csRef1.IsEmpty()) return (FALSE);
return (_tcsicmp(m_acContents,(LPTSTR)csRef1) == 0); }
CString::CString() { m_acContents = NULL; m_acConverted = NULL; m_bConverted = FALSE; }
CString::CString(const CString& csRef) { m_acContents = csRef.m_acContents ? _tcsdup(csRef.m_acContents) : NULL; m_acConverted = NULL; m_bConverted = FALSE; }
CString::CString(LPCTSTR lpstrRef) { m_acContents = lpstrRef ? _tcsdup(lpstrRef) : NULL; m_acConverted = NULL; m_bConverted = FALSE; }
CString::CString(LPCOSTR lpstrRef) { m_acConverted = NULL; m_bConverted = FALSE;
if (!lpstrRef) { m_acContents = NULL; return; }
Flip(lpstrRef, m_acContents); }
// Class destructor
CString::~CString() { Empty(); }
// Report string in non-native encoding
CString::operator LPCOSTR() { if (!m_bConverted) { Flip(m_acContents, m_acConverted); m_bConverted = TRUE; } return m_acConverted; }
const CString& CString::operator =(const CString& csSrc) { Empty(); m_acContents = csSrc.m_acContents ? _tcsdup(csSrc.m_acContents) : NULL; return *this; }
const CString& CString::operator =(LPCTSTR lpstrSrc) { Empty(); m_acContents = lpstrSrc ? _tcsdup(lpstrSrc) : NULL; return *this; }
const CString& CString::operator =(LPCOSTR lpstrSrc) { Empty(); Flip(lpstrSrc, m_acContents); return *this; }
CString CString::NameOnly() const { TCHAR acName[_MAX_FNAME];
if (!m_acContents) return *this;
_tsplitpath(m_acContents, NULL, NULL, acName, NULL);
return acName; }
CString CString::NameAndExtension() const { TCHAR acName[_MAX_FNAME], acExtension[_MAX_EXT];
if (!m_acContents) return *this;
_tsplitpath(m_acContents, NULL, NULL, acName, acExtension);
lstrcat(acName, acExtension);
return acName; }
void CString::Load(int id, HINSTANCE hi) {
if (!hi) hi = CGlobals::Instance();
TCHAR acWork[MAX_PATH]; if(LoadString(hi, id, acWork, MAX_PATH) > 0) *this = acWork; else *this = TEXT(""); }
// 03-20-1997 [email protected] Part of RAID 22289.
// Add a method for loading text from a windows handle
void CString::Load(HWND hwnd) { Empty();
int iccNeeded = GetWindowTextLength(hwnd); if (!iccNeeded) return; m_acContents = (LPTSTR) malloc(++iccNeeded * sizeof (TCHAR)); if(m_acContents) { GetWindowText(hwnd, m_acContents, iccNeeded); } }
void CString::LoadAndFormat(int id, HINSTANCE hiWhere, BOOL bSystemMessage, DWORD dwNumMsg, va_list *argList) { Empty();
TCHAR acWork[1024]; CString csTemplate; LPTSTR lpSource; DWORD dwFlags;
if (bSystemMessage) { lpSource = NULL; dwFlags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_SYSTEM; } else { csTemplate.Load(id); lpSource = csTemplate; dwFlags = FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING; id = 0; }
if (FormatMessage(dwFlags,lpSource, id, 0, acWork, 1024, argList)) { *this = acWork; } }
CString operator +(const CString& csRef, LPCTSTR lpstrRef) { if (!lpstrRef || !*lpstrRef) return csRef;
if (csRef.IsEmpty()) return lpstrRef;
CString csReturn;
csReturn.m_acContents = (LPTSTR) malloc((1 + lstrlen(csRef.m_acContents) + lstrlen(lpstrRef)) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if(csReturn.m_acContents) { lstrcat(lstrcpy(csReturn.m_acContents, csRef.m_acContents), lpstrRef); }
return csReturn; }
// CStringArray classes- these manage an array of strings,
// but the methods are geared to list-style management.
// Borrow first element from next chunk
LPCTSTR CStringArray::Borrow() {
LPCTSTR lpstrReturn = m_aStore[0];
memcpy((LPSTR) m_aStore, (LPSTR) (m_aStore + 1), (ChunkSize() - 1) * sizeof m_aStore[0]);
if (m_ucUsed > ChunkSize()) m_aStore[ChunkSize() - 1] = m_pcsaNext -> Borrow(); else m_aStore[ChunkSize() - 1] = (LPCTSTR) NULL;
if (m_ucUsed <= ChunkSize() && m_pcsaNext) { delete m_pcsaNext; m_pcsaNext = NULL; }
return lpstrReturn; }
// ctor
CStringArray::CStringArray() { m_ucUsed = 0; m_pcsaNext = NULL; }
// dtor
CStringArray::~CStringArray() { Empty(); }
// Empty the list/array
void CStringArray::Empty() {
if (!m_ucUsed) return;
if (m_pcsaNext) { delete m_pcsaNext; m_pcsaNext = NULL; } m_ucUsed = 0; }
unsigned CStringArray::Map(LPCTSTR lpstrRef) {
for (unsigned u = 0; u < m_ucUsed; u++) if (!lstrcmpi(operator[](u), lpstrRef)) break;
return u; }
// Add an item
void CStringArray::Add(LPCTSTR lpstrNew) {
if (m_ucUsed < ChunkSize()) { m_aStore[m_ucUsed++] = lpstrNew; return; }
// Not enough space! Add another record, if there isn't one
if (!m_pcsaNext) m_pcsaNext = new CStringArray;
// Add the string to the next array (recursive call!)
if (m_pcsaNext) { m_pcsaNext -> Add(lpstrNew); m_ucUsed++; } }
// define an indexing operator
CString& CStringArray::operator [](unsigned u) const { _ASSERTE(u < m_ucUsed);
return u < ChunkSize() ? (CString&)m_aStore[u] : m_pcsaNext -> operator[](u - ChunkSize()); }
// Remove the string at some index, shifting the rest down one slot
void CStringArray::Remove(unsigned u) {
if (u > m_ucUsed) return;
if (u >= ChunkSize()) { m_pcsaNext -> Remove(u - ChunkSize()); return; }
memmove((LPSTR) (m_aStore + u), (LPSTR) (m_aStore + u + 1), (ChunkSize() - (u + 1)) * sizeof m_aStore[0]);
if (m_ucUsed > ChunkSize()) m_aStore[ChunkSize() - 1] = m_pcsaNext -> Borrow(); else m_aStore[ChunkSize() - 1] = (LPCTSTR) NULL;
if (m_ucUsed <= ChunkSize() && m_pcsaNext) { delete m_pcsaNext; m_pcsaNext = NULL; } }
// CUintArray class- this manages an array/list of unsigned integers
// The implementation is quite similar to the CStringArray's. Why
// bother to do it different, after all?
unsigned CUintArray::Borrow() {
unsigned uReturn = m_aStore[0];
memcpy((LPSTR) m_aStore, (LPSTR) (m_aStore + 1), (ChunkSize() - 1) * sizeof m_aStore[0]);
if (m_ucUsed > ChunkSize()) m_aStore[ChunkSize() - 1] = m_pcuaNext -> Borrow(); else m_aStore[ChunkSize() - 1] = 0;
if (m_ucUsed <= ChunkSize() && m_pcuaNext) { delete m_pcuaNext; m_pcuaNext = NULL; }
return uReturn; }
CUintArray::CUintArray() { m_ucUsed = 0; m_pcuaNext = NULL; }
CUintArray::~CUintArray() { Empty(); }
void CUintArray::Empty() {
if (!m_ucUsed) return;
if (m_pcuaNext) { delete m_pcuaNext; m_pcuaNext = NULL; } m_ucUsed = 0; }
// Add an item
void CUintArray::Add(unsigned uNew) {
if (m_ucUsed < ChunkSize()) { m_aStore[m_ucUsed++] = uNew; return; }
// Not enough space! Add another record, if there isn't one
if (!m_pcuaNext) m_pcuaNext = new CUintArray;
// Add the item to the next array (recursive call!)
if (m_pcuaNext) { m_pcuaNext -> Add(uNew); m_ucUsed++; } }
unsigned CUintArray::operator [](unsigned u) const { return u < m_ucUsed ? u < ChunkSize() ? m_aStore[u] : m_pcuaNext -> operator[](u - ChunkSize()) : 0; }
void CUintArray::Remove(unsigned u) {
if (u > m_ucUsed) return;
if (u >= ChunkSize()) { m_pcuaNext -> Remove(u - ChunkSize()); return; }
memmove((LPSTR) (m_aStore + u), (LPSTR) (m_aStore + u + 1), (ChunkSize() - (u + 1)) * sizeof m_aStore[0]);
if (m_ucUsed > ChunkSize()) m_aStore[ChunkSize() - 1] = m_pcuaNext -> Borrow(); else m_aStore[ChunkSize() - 1] = 0;
if (m_ucUsed <= ChunkSize() && m_pcuaNext) { delete m_pcuaNext; m_pcuaNext = NULL; } }