* Module Name: PROFMAN.C * * Module Descripton: Profile management functions. * * Warnings: * * Issues: * * Public Routines: * * Created: 5 Nov 1996 * * Author: Srinivasan Chandrasekar [srinivac] * * Copyright (c) 1996, 1997 Microsoft Corporation \***********************************************************************/
#include "mscms.h"
#include "objbase.h"
#include "initguid.h"
#include "devguid.h"
#include "sti.h"
#define TAG_MS01 'MS01'
#define TAG_MS02 'MS02'
#define TAG_MS03 'MS03'
#define ID_MSFT_REVERSED 'tfsm'
#define ID_DITHER_REVERSED 'ntfh'
#define ID_RESLN_REVERSED 'nlsr'
// Local types
typedef enum { NOMATCH = 0, MATCH = 1, EXACT_MATCH = 2, } MATCHTYPE;
typedef struct tagREGDATA { DWORD dwRefCount; DWORD dwManuID; DWORD dwModelID; } REGDATA, *PREGDATA;
// Local functions
BOOL LoadSetupAPIDll(VOID); #else
VOID ChangeICMSetting(LPCTSTR, LPCTSTR, DWORD); #endif // _WIN95_
// SetupAPI function pointers
typedef WINSETUPAPI HKEY (WINAPI *FP_SetupDiOpenDevRegKey)( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, IN DWORD Scope, IN DWORD HwProfile, IN DWORD KeyType, IN REGSAM samDesired );
typedef WINSETUPAPI BOOL (WINAPI *FP_SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList)( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet );
typedef WINSETUPAPI BOOL (WINAPI *FP_SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo)( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN DWORD MemberIndex, OUT PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData );
#if !defined(_WIN95_)
typedef WINSETUPAPI BOOL (WINAPI *FP_SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId)( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, OUT PWSTR DeviceInstanceId, IN DWORD DeviceInstanceIdSize, OUT PDWORD RequiredSize OPTIONAL );
typedef WINSETUPAPI BOOL (WINAPI *FP_SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId)( IN HDEVINFO DeviceInfoSet, IN PSP_DEVINFO_DATA DeviceInfoData, OUT PSTR DeviceInstanceId, IN DWORD DeviceInstanceIdSize, OUT PDWORD RequiredSize OPTIONAL );
FP_SetupDiOpenDevRegKey fpSetupDiOpenDevRegKey = NULL; FP_SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList fpSetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList = NULL; FP_SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo fpSetupDiEnumDeviceInfo = NULL; FP_SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId fpSetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId = NULL; FP_SetupDiGetClassDevs fpSetupDiGetClassDevs = NULL;
// Predefined profiles in order - INF file has 1-based index into this list
TCHAR *gszDispProfiles[] = { __TEXT("mnB22G15.icm"), // 1
__TEXT("mnB22G18.icm"), // 2
__TEXT("mnB22G21.icm"), // 3
__TEXT("mnEBUG15.icm"), // 4
__TEXT("mnEBUG18.icm"), // 5
__TEXT("mnEBUG21.icm"), // 6
__TEXT("mnP22G15.icm"), // 7
__TEXT("mnP22G18.icm"), // 8
__TEXT("mnP22G21.icm"), // 9
__TEXT("Diamond Compatible 9300K G2.2.icm"), // 10
__TEXT("Hitachi Compatible 9300K G2.2.icm"), // 11
__TEXT("NEC Compatible 9300K G2.2.icm"), // 12
__TEXT("Trinitron Compatible 9300K G2.2.icm"), // 13
TCHAR *gpszClasses[] = { // different profile classes
__TEXT("mntr"), // 0
__TEXT("prtr"), // 1
__TEXT("scnr"), // 2
__TEXT("link"), // 3
__TEXT("abst"), // 4
__TEXT("spac"), // 5
__TEXT("nmcl") // 6
* * GetColorDirectory * * Function: * These are the ANSI & Unicode wrappers for InternalGetColorDirectory. * Please see InternalGetColorDirectory for more details on this * function. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine on which the path * to the color directory is requested * pBuffer - pointer to buffer to receive pathname * pdwSize - pointer to size of buffer. On return it has size of * buffer needed if failure, and used on success * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
#ifdef UNICODE // Windows NT versions
BOOL WINAPI GetColorDirectoryA( PCSTR pMachineName, PSTR pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize ) { PWSTR pwszMachineName = NULL; // Unicode machine name
PWSTR pwBuffer = NULL; // Unicode color directory path
DWORD dwSize; // size of Unicode buffer
DWORD dwErr = 0; // error code
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (!pdwSize || IsBadWritePtr(pdwSize, sizeof(DWORD)) || (pBuffer && IsBadWritePtr(pBuffer, *pdwSize))) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to GetColorDirectory\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Unicode
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToUnicode(pMachineName, &pwszMachineName, TRUE); } else pwszMachineName = NULL;
dwSize = *pdwSize * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Create a buffer to get Unicode directory from system
if (pBuffer && dwSize) { pwBuffer = (PWSTR)MemAlloc(dwSize); if (! pwBuffer) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error allocating memory for Unicode string\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); rc = FALSE; goto EndGetColorDirectoryA; } }
rc = rc && InternalGetColorDirectory(pwszMachineName, pwBuffer, &dwSize);
*pdwSize = dwSize / sizeof(WCHAR);
// Convert Unicode path to Ansi
if (pwBuffer) { rc = rc && ConvertToAnsi(pwBuffer, &pBuffer, FALSE); }
EndGetColorDirectoryA: if (pwszMachineName) { MemFree(pwszMachineName); }
if (pwBuffer) { MemFree(pwBuffer); }
return rc; }
BOOL WINAPI GetColorDirectoryW( PCWSTR pMachineName, PWSTR pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("GetColorDirectoryW\n")));
// Internal function is ANSI in Windows 95, call it directly.
return InternalGetColorDirectory(pMachineName, pBuffer, pdwSize); }
#else // Windows 95 versions
BOOL WINAPI GetColorDirectoryA( PCSTR pMachineName, PSTR pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("GetColorDirectoryA\n")));
// Internal function is ANSI in Windows 95, call it directly.
return InternalGetColorDirectory(pMachineName, pBuffer, pdwSize); }
BOOL WINAPI GetColorDirectoryW( PCWSTR pMachineName, PWSTR pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize ) { PSTR pszMachineName = NULL; // Ansi machine name
PSTR pszBuffer = NULL; // Ansi color directory path
DWORD dwSize; // size of Ansi buffer
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (!pdwSize || IsBadWritePtr(pdwSize, sizeof(DWORD)) || (pBuffer && IsBadWritePtr(pBuffer, *pdwSize))) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to GetColorDirectory\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Ansi
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToAnsi(pMachineName, &pszMachineName, TRUE); } else pszMachineName = NULL;
// Create a buffer to get Ansi directory from system
dwSize = *pdwSize / sizeof(WCHAR);
if (pBuffer && dwSize) { pszBuffer = (PSTR)MemAlloc(dwSize); if (! pszBuffer) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error allocating memory for Ansi string\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); rc = FALSE; goto EndGetColorDirectoryW; } }
rc = rc && InternalGetColorDirectory(pszMachineName, pszBuffer, &dwSize);
*pdwSize = dwSize * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Convert Ansi path to Unicode
if (pszBuffer) { rc = rc && ConvertToUnicode(pszBuffer, &pBuffer, FALSE); }
EndGetColorDirectoryW: if (pszMachineName) { MemFree(pszMachineName); }
if (pszBuffer) { MemFree(pszBuffer); }
return rc; }
#endif // ! UNICODE
* * InstallColorProfile * * Function: * These are the ANSI & Unicode wrappers for InternalInstallColorProfile. * Please see InternalInstallColorProfile for more details on this * function. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine on which the profile * should be installed. NULL implies local * pProfileName - pointer to filename of profile to install * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
#ifdef UNICODE // Windows NT versions
BOOL WINAPI InstallColorProfileA( PCSTR pMachineName, PCSTR pProfileName )
{ PWSTR pwszMachineName = NULL; // Unicode machine name
PWSTR pwszProfileName = NULL; // Unicode profile name
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (!pProfileName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to InstallColorProfile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Unicode
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToUnicode(pMachineName, &pwszMachineName, TRUE); } else pwszMachineName = NULL;
// Convert profile name to Unicode
rc = rc && ConvertToUnicode(pProfileName, &pwszProfileName, TRUE);
// Call the internal Unicode function
rc = rc && InternalInstallColorProfile(pwszMachineName, pwszProfileName);
// Free memory before leaving
if (pwszProfileName) { MemFree(pwszProfileName); }
if (pwszMachineName) { MemFree(pwszMachineName); }
return rc; }
BOOL WINAPI InstallColorProfileW( PCWSTR pMachineName, PCWSTR pProfileName ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("InstallColorProfileW\n")));
// Internal function is Unicode in Windows NT, call it directly.
return InternalInstallColorProfile(pMachineName, pProfileName); }
#else // Windows 95 versions
BOOL WINAPI InstallColorProfileA( PCSTR pMachineName, PCSTR pProfileName ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("InstallColorProfileA\n")));
// Internal function is ANSI in Windows 95, call it directly.
return InternalInstallColorProfile(pMachineName, pProfileName); }
BOOL WINAPI InstallColorProfileW( PCWSTR pMachineName, PCWSTR pProfileName ) { PSTR pszMachineName = NULL; // Ansi machine name
PSTR pszProfileName = NULL; // Ansi profile name
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (!pProfileName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to InstallColorProfile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Ansi
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToAnsi(pMachineName, &pszMachineName, TRUE); } else pszMachineName = NULL;
// Convert profile name to Ansi
rc = rc && ConvertToAnsi(pProfileName, &pszProfileName, TRUE);
// Call the internal Ansi function
rc = rc && InternalInstallColorProfile(pszMachineName, pszProfileName);
// Free memory before leaving
if (pszProfileName) { MemFree(pszProfileName); }
if (pszMachineName) { MemFree(pszMachineName); }
return rc; }
#endif // ! UNICODE
* * UninstallColorProfile * * Function: * These are the ANSI & Unicode wrappers for InternalUninstallColorProfile. * Please see InternalUninstallColorProfile for more details on this * function. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine on which the profile * should be uninstalled. NULL implies local * pProfileName - pointer to filename of profile to uninstall * bDelete - TRUE if profile should be deleted in disk * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
#ifdef UNICODE // Windows NT versions
BOOL WINAPI UninstallColorProfileA( PCSTR pMachineName, PCSTR pProfileName, BOOL bDelete ) { PWSTR pwszMachineName = NULL; // Unicode machine name
PWSTR pwszProfileName = NULL; // Unicode profile name
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (!pProfileName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to UninstallColorProfile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Unicode
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToUnicode(pMachineName, &pwszMachineName, TRUE); } else pwszMachineName = NULL;
// Convert profile name to Unicode
rc = rc && ConvertToUnicode(pProfileName, &pwszProfileName, TRUE);
// Call the internal Unicode function
rc = rc && InternalUninstallColorProfile(pwszMachineName, pwszProfileName, bDelete);
// Free memory before leaving
if (pwszProfileName) { MemFree(pwszProfileName); }
if (pwszMachineName) { MemFree(pwszMachineName); }
return rc; }
BOOL WINAPI UninstallColorProfileW( PCWSTR pMachineName, PCWSTR pProfileName, BOOL bDelete ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("UninstallColorProfileW\n")));
// Internal function is Unicode in Windows NT, call it directly.
return InternalUninstallColorProfile(pMachineName, pProfileName, bDelete); }
#else // Windows 95 versions
BOOL WINAPI UninstallColorProfileA( PCSTR pMachineName, PCSTR pProfileName, BOOL bDelete ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("UninstallColorProfileA\n")));
// Internal function is ANSI in Windows 95, call it directly.
return InternalUninstallColorProfile(pMachineName, pProfileName, bDelete); }
BOOL WINAPI UninstallColorProfileW( PCWSTR pMachineName, PCWSTR pProfileName, BOOL bDelete ) { PSTR pszMachineName = NULL; // Ansi machine name
PSTR pszProfileName = NULL; // Ansi profile name
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (!pProfileName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to UninstallColorProfile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Ansi
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToAnsi(pMachineName, &pszMachineName, TRUE); } else pszMachineName = NULL;
// Convert profile name to Ansi
rc = rc && ConvertToAnsi(pProfileName, &pszProfileName, TRUE);
// Call the internal Ansi function
rc = rc && InternalUninstallColorProfile(pszMachineName, pszProfileName, bDelete);
// Free memory before leaving
if (pszProfileName) { MemFree(pszProfileName); }
if (pszMachineName) { MemFree(pszMachineName); }
return rc; }
#endif // ! UNICODE
* * AssociateColorProfileWithDevice * * Function: * These are the ANSI & Unicode wrappers for * InternalAssociateColorProfileWithDevice. Please see * InternalAssociateColorProfileWithDevice for more details * on this function. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine. NULL implies local * pProfileName - pointer to profile to associate * pDeviceName - pointer to device name * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
#ifdef UNICODE // Windows NT versions
BOOL WINAPI AssociateColorProfileWithDeviceA( PCSTR pMachineName, PCSTR pProfileName, PCSTR pDeviceName ) { PWSTR pwszMachineName = NULL; // Unicode machine name
PWSTR pwszProfileName = NULL; // Unicode profile name
PWSTR pwszDeviceName = NULL; // Unicode device name
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (! pProfileName || ! pDeviceName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to AssociateColorProfileWithDevice\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Unicode
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToUnicode(pMachineName, &pwszMachineName, TRUE); } else pwszMachineName = NULL;
// Convert profile name to Unicode
rc = rc && ConvertToUnicode(pProfileName, &pwszProfileName, TRUE);
// Convert device name to Unicode
rc = rc && ConvertToUnicode(pDeviceName, &pwszDeviceName, TRUE);
// Call the internal Unicode function
rc = rc && InternalAssociateColorProfileWithDevice(pwszMachineName, pwszProfileName, pwszDeviceName);
// Free memory before leaving
if (pwszProfileName) { MemFree(pwszProfileName); }
if (pwszMachineName) { MemFree(pwszMachineName); }
if (pwszDeviceName) { MemFree(pwszDeviceName); }
return rc; }
BOOL WINAPI AssociateColorProfileWithDeviceW( PCWSTR pMachineName, PCWSTR pProfileName, PCWSTR pDeviceName ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("AssociateColorProfileWithDeviceW\n")));
// Internal function is Unicode in Windows NT, call it directly.
return InternalAssociateColorProfileWithDevice(pMachineName, pProfileName, pDeviceName); }
#else // Windows 95 versions
BOOL WINAPI AssociateColorProfileWithDeviceA( PCSTR pMachineName, PCSTR pProfileName, PCSTR pDeviceName ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("AssociateColorProfileWithDeviceA\n")));
// Internal function is ANSI in Windows 95, call it directly.
return InternalAssociateColorProfileWithDevice(pMachineName, pProfileName, pDeviceName); }
BOOL WINAPI AssociateColorProfileWithDeviceW( PCWSTR pMachineName, PCWSTR pProfileName, PCWSTR pDeviceName ) { PSTR pszMachineName = NULL; // Ansi machine name
PSTR pszProfileName = NULL; // Ansi profile name
PSTR pszDeviceName = NULL; // Ansi device name
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (! pProfileName || ! pDeviceName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to AssociateColorProfileWithDevice\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Ansi
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToAnsi(pMachineName, &pszMachineName, TRUE); } else pszMachineName = NULL;
// Convert profile name to Ansi
rc = rc && ConvertToAnsi(pProfileName, &pszProfileName, TRUE);
// Convert device name to Ansi
rc = rc && ConvertToAnsi(pDeviceName, &pszDeviceName, TRUE);
// Call the internal Ansi function
rc = rc && InternalAssociateColorProfileWithDevice(pszMachineName, pszProfileName, pszDeviceName);
// Free memory before leaving
if (pszProfileName) { MemFree(pszProfileName); }
if (pszMachineName) { MemFree(pszMachineName); }
if (pszDeviceName) { MemFree(pszDeviceName); }
return rc; }
#endif // ! UNICODE
* * DisassociateColorProfileFromDevice * * Function: * These are the ANSI & Unicode wrappers for * InternalDisassociateColorProfileFromDevice. Please see * InternalDisassociateColorProfileFromDevice for more details * on this function. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine. NULL implies local * pProfileName - pointer to profile to disassiciate * pDeviceName - pointer to device name * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
#ifdef UNICODE // Windows NT versions
BOOL WINAPI DisassociateColorProfileFromDeviceA( PCSTR pMachineName, PCSTR pProfileName, PCSTR pDeviceName ) { PWSTR pwszMachineName = NULL; // Unicode machine name
PWSTR pwszProfileName = NULL; // Unicode profile name
PWSTR pwszDeviceName = NULL; // Unicode device name
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (! pProfileName || ! pDeviceName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to DisassociateColorProfileFromDevice\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Unicode
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToUnicode(pMachineName, &pwszMachineName, TRUE); } else pwszMachineName = NULL;
// Convert profile name to Unicode
rc = rc && ConvertToUnicode(pProfileName, &pwszProfileName, TRUE);
// Convert device name to Unicode
rc = rc && ConvertToUnicode(pDeviceName, &pwszDeviceName, TRUE);
// Call the internal Unicode function
rc = rc && InternalDisassociateColorProfileFromDevice(pwszMachineName, pwszProfileName, pwszDeviceName);
// Free memory before leaving
if (pwszProfileName) { MemFree(pwszProfileName); }
if (pwszMachineName) { MemFree(pwszMachineName); }
if (pwszDeviceName) { MemFree(pwszDeviceName); }
return rc; }
BOOL WINAPI DisassociateColorProfileFromDeviceW( PCWSTR pMachineName, PCWSTR pProfileName, PCWSTR pDeviceName ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("DisassociateColorProfileWithDeviceW\n")));
// Internal function is Unicode in Windows NT, call it directly.
return InternalDisassociateColorProfileFromDevice(pMachineName, pProfileName, pDeviceName); }
#else // Windows 95 versions
BOOL WINAPI DisassociateColorProfileFromDeviceA( PCSTR pMachineName, PCSTR pProfileName, PCSTR pDeviceName ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("DisassociateColorProfileWithDeviceA\n")));
// Internal function is ANSI in Windows 95, call it directly.
return InternalDisassociateColorProfileFromDevice(pMachineName, pProfileName, pDeviceName); }
BOOL WINAPI DisassociateColorProfileFromDeviceW( PCWSTR pMachineName, PCWSTR pProfileName, PCWSTR pDeviceName ) { PSTR pszMachineName = NULL; // Ansi machine name
PSTR pszProfileName = NULL; // Ansi profile name
PSTR pszDeviceName = NULL; // Ansi device name
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (! pProfileName || ! pDeviceName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to AssociateColorProfileWithDevice\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Ansi
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToAnsi(pMachineName, &pszMachineName, TRUE); } else pszMachineName = NULL;
// Convert profile name to Ansi
rc = rc && ConvertToAnsi(pProfileName, &pszProfileName, TRUE);
// Convert device name to Ansi
rc = rc && ConvertToAnsi(pDeviceName, &pszDeviceName, TRUE);
// Call the internal Ansi function
rc = rc && InternalDisassociateColorProfileFromDevice(pszMachineName, pszProfileName, pszDeviceName);
// Free memory before leaving
if (pszProfileName) { MemFree(pszProfileName); }
if (pszMachineName) { MemFree(pszMachineName); }
if (pszDeviceName) { MemFree(pszDeviceName); }
return rc; }
#endif // ! UNICODE
* * EnumColorProfiles * * Function: * These are the ANSI & Unicode wrappers for InternalEnumColorProfile. * Please see InternalEnumColorProfile for more details on this * function. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine on which the enumeration * needs to be done * pEnumRecord - pointer to enumeration criteria * pBuffer - pointer to buffer to receive result, can be NULL * pdwSize - pointer to buffer size. On return it is actual number * of bytes copied/needed. * pnProfiles - pointer to DWORD. On return, it is number of profiles * copied to pBuffer. * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
#ifdef UNICODE // Windows NT versions
BOOL WINAPI EnumColorProfilesA( PCSTR pMachineName, PENUMTYPEA pEnumRecord, PBYTE pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize, PDWORD pnProfiles ) { PWSTR pwszMachineName = NULL; // Unicode machine name
PWSTR pwszDeviceName = NULL; // Unicode device name
PSTR pAnsiDeviceName = NULL; // incoming Ansi device name
PWSTR pwBuffer = NULL; // buffer to receive data
PWSTR pwTempBuffer = NULL; // temporary pointer to buffer
DWORD dwSize; // size of buffer
DWORD dwSizeOfStruct; // size of ENUMTYPE structure
DWORD dwVersion; // ENUMTYPE structure version
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (! pdwSize || IsBadWritePtr(pdwSize, sizeof(DWORD)) || (pBuffer && IsBadWritePtr(pBuffer, *pdwSize)) || ! pEnumRecord || IsBadReadPtr(pEnumRecord, sizeof(DWORD)*3)) // probe until ENUMTYPE.dwFields
{ ParameterError_EnumColorProfilesA: WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to EnumColorProfiles\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Check structure size based on its version.
dwSizeOfStruct = pEnumRecord->dwSize; dwVersion = pEnumRecord->dwVersion;
if (dwVersion >= ENUM_TYPE_VERSION) { if (dwSizeOfStruct < sizeof(ENUMTYPE)) goto ParameterError_EnumColorProfilesA; } else if (dwVersion == 0x0200) { if (dwSizeOfStruct < sizeof(ENUMTYPE)-sizeof(DWORD)) goto ParameterError_EnumColorProfilesA;
// Version 2 should not have ET_DEVICECLASS bit
if (pEnumRecord->dwFields & ET_DEVICECLASS) goto ParameterError_EnumColorProfilesA;
WARNING((__TEXT("Old version ENUMTYPE to EnumColorProfiles\n"))); } else { goto ParameterError_EnumColorProfilesA; }
if (IsBadReadPtr(pEnumRecord, dwSizeOfStruct)) { goto ParameterError_EnumColorProfilesA; }
// Convert machine name to Unicode
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToUnicode(pMachineName, &pwszMachineName, TRUE); } else pwszMachineName = NULL;
// If device name is specified, convert it to Unicode
if (pEnumRecord->dwFields & ET_DEVICENAME) { if (! pEnumRecord->pDeviceName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to EnumColorProfiles\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); rc = FALSE; goto EndEnumColorProfilesA; }
// Convert device name to Unicode
pAnsiDeviceName = (PSTR)pEnumRecord->pDeviceName; rc = rc && ConvertToUnicode(pAnsiDeviceName, &pwszDeviceName, TRUE); pEnumRecord->pDeviceName = (PSTR) pwszDeviceName; }
dwSize = *pdwSize * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Allocate buffer of suitable size
if (pBuffer && dwSize) { pwBuffer = MemAlloc(dwSize); if (! pwBuffer) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error allocating memory for Unicode buffer\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); rc = FALSE; goto EndEnumColorProfilesA; } }
// Call the internal Unicode function
rc = rc && InternalEnumColorProfiles(pwszMachineName, (PENUMTYPEW)pEnumRecord, (PBYTE)pwBuffer, &dwSize, pnProfiles);
if (pwBuffer && rc) { pwTempBuffer = pwBuffer; while (*pwTempBuffer) { rc = rc && ConvertToAnsi(pwTempBuffer, (PSTR *)&pBuffer, FALSE); if (!rc) { pBuffer = NULL; break; } pwTempBuffer += lstrlenW(pwTempBuffer) + 1; pBuffer += (lstrlenA((PSTR)pBuffer) + 1) * sizeof(char); }
if (pBuffer) { *((PSTR)pBuffer) = '\0'; } }
*pdwSize = dwSize / sizeof(WCHAR);
EndEnumColorProfilesA: if (pwszMachineName) { MemFree(pwszMachineName); } if (pAnsiDeviceName) { ASSERT(pEnumRecord->pDeviceName != NULL);
MemFree((PBYTE)pEnumRecord->pDeviceName); pEnumRecord->pDeviceName = (PCSTR)pAnsiDeviceName; } if (pwBuffer) { MemFree(pwBuffer); }
return rc; }
BOOL WINAPI EnumColorProfilesW( PCWSTR pMachineName, PENUMTYPEW pEnumRecord, PBYTE pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize, PDWORD pnProfiles ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("EnumColorProfilesW\n")));
// Internal function is Unicode in Windows NT, call it directly.
return InternalEnumColorProfiles(pMachineName, pEnumRecord, pBuffer, pdwSize, pnProfiles); }
#else // Windows 95 versions
BOOL WINAPI EnumColorProfilesA( PCSTR pMachineName, PENUMTYPEA pEnumRecord, PBYTE pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize, PDWORD pnProfiles ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("EnumColorProfilesA\n")));
// Internal function is ANSI in Windows 95, call it directly.
return InternalEnumColorProfiles(pMachineName, pEnumRecord, pBuffer, pdwSize, pnProfiles); }
BOOL WINAPI EnumColorProfilesW( PCWSTR pMachineName, PENUMTYPEW pEnumRecord, PBYTE pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize, PDWORD pnProfiles ) { PSTR pszMachineName = NULL; // Ansi machine name
PSTR pszDeviceName = NULL; // Ansi device name
PWSTR pUnicodeDeviceName = NULL;// incoming Unicode device name
PSTR pszBuffer = NULL; // buffer to receive data
PSTR pszTempBuffer = NULL; // temporary pointer to buffer
DWORD dwSize; // size of buffer
DWORD dwSizeOfStruct; // size of ENUMTYPE structure
DWORD dwVersion; // ENUMTYPE structure version
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (! pdwSize || IsBadWritePtr(pdwSize, sizeof(DWORD)) || (pBuffer && IsBadWritePtr(pBuffer, *pdwSize)) || ! pEnumRecord || IsBadReadPtr(pEnumRecord, sizeof(DWORD)*3)) // probe until ENUMTYPE.dwFields
{ ParameterError_EnumColorProfilesW: WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to EnumColorProfiles\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Check structure size based on its version.
dwSizeOfStruct = pEnumRecord->dwSize; dwVersion = pEnumRecord->dwVersion;
if (dwVersion >= ENUM_TYPE_VERSION) { if (dwSizeOfStruct < sizeof(ENUMTYPE)) goto ParameterError_EnumColorProfilesW; } else if (dwVersion == 0x0200) { if (dwSizeOfStruct < sizeof(ENUMTYPE)-sizeof(DWORD)) goto ParameterError_EnumColorProfilesW;
// Version 2 should not have ET_DEVICECLASS bit
if (pEnumRecord->dwFields & ET_DEVICECLASS) goto ParameterError_EnumColorProfilesW;
WARNING((__TEXT("Old version ENUMTYPE to EnumColorProfiles\n"))); } else { goto ParameterError_EnumColorProfilesW; }
if (IsBadReadPtr(pEnumRecord, dwSizeOfStruct)) { goto ParameterError_EnumColorProfilesW; }
// Convert machine name to Ansi
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToAnsi(pMachineName, &pszMachineName, TRUE); }
// If device name is specified, convert it to Unicode
if (pEnumRecord->dwFields & ET_DEVICENAME) { if (! pEnumRecord->pDeviceName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to EnumColorProfiles\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto EndEnumColorProfilesW; }
// Convert device name to Ansi
pUnicodeDeviceName = (PWSTR)pEnumRecord->pDeviceName; rc = rc && ConvertToAnsi(pUnicodeDeviceName, &pszDeviceName, TRUE); pEnumRecord->pDeviceName = (PCWSTR) pszDeviceName; }
dwSize = *pdwSize / sizeof(WCHAR);
// Allocate buffer of suitable size
if (pBuffer && dwSize) { pszBuffer = MemAlloc(dwSize); if (! pszBuffer) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error allocating memory for Ansi buffer\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); rc = FALSE; goto EndEnumColorProfilesW; } }
// Call the internal Ansi function
rc = rc && InternalEnumColorProfiles(pszMachineName, (PENUMTYPEA)pEnumRecord, (PBYTE)pszBuffer, &dwSize, pnProfiles);
if (pszBuffer && rc) { pszTempBuffer = pszBuffer; while (*pszTempBuffer) { rc = rc && ConvertToUnicode(pszTempBuffer, (PWSTR *)&pBuffer, FALSE); pszTempBuffer += lstrlenA(pszTempBuffer) + 1; pBuffer += (lstrlenW((PWSTR)pBuffer) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR); }
*((PWSTR)pBuffer) = '\0'; } *pdwSize = dwSize * sizeof(WCHAR);
EndEnumColorProfilesW: if (pszMachineName) { MemFree(pszMachineName); } if (pUnicodeDeviceName) { ASSERT(pEnumRecord->pDeviceName != NULL);
MemFree((PSTR)pEnumRecord->pDeviceName); pEnumRecord->pDeviceName = (PCWSTR)pUnicodeDeviceName; } if (pszBuffer) { MemFree(pszBuffer); }
return rc; }
#endif // ! UNICODE
* * SetStandardColorSpaceProfile * * Function: * These are the ANSI & Unicode wrappers for InternalSetSCSProfile. * Please see InternalSetSCSProfile for more details on this * function. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine on which the standard color * space profile should be registered * dwSCS - ID for the standard color space * pProfileName - pointer to profile filename * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
#ifdef UNICODE // Windows NT versions
BOOL WINAPI SetStandardColorSpaceProfileA( PCSTR pMachineName, DWORD dwSCS, PCSTR pProfileName ) { PWSTR pwszMachineName = NULL; // Unicode machine name
PWSTR pwszProfileName = NULL; // Unicode profile name
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (! pProfileName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to SetStandardColorSpaceProfile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Unicode
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToUnicode(pMachineName, &pwszMachineName, TRUE); } else pwszMachineName = NULL;
// Convert profile name to Unicode
rc = rc && ConvertToUnicode(pProfileName, &pwszProfileName, TRUE);
// Call the internal Unicode function
rc = rc && InternalSetSCSProfile(pwszMachineName, dwSCS, pwszProfileName);
// Free memory before leaving
if (pwszProfileName) { MemFree(pwszProfileName); }
if (pwszMachineName) { MemFree(pwszMachineName); }
return rc; }
BOOL WINAPI SetStandardColorSpaceProfileW( PCWSTR pMachineName, DWORD dwSCS, PCWSTR pProfileName ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("SetStandardColorSpaceProfileW\n")));
// Internal function is Unicode in Windows NT, call it directly.
return InternalSetSCSProfile(pMachineName, dwSCS, pProfileName); }
#else // Windows 95 versions
BOOL WINAPI SetStandardColorSpaceProfileA( PCSTR pMachineName, DWORD dwSCS, PCSTR pProfileName ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("SetStandardColorSpaceProfileA\n")));
// Internal function is ANSI in Windows 95, call it directly.
return InternalSetSCSProfile(pMachineName, dwSCS, pProfileName); }
BOOL WINAPI SetStandardColorSpaceProfileW( PCWSTR pMachineName, DWORD dwSCS, PCWSTR pProfileName ) { PSTR pszMachineName = NULL; // Ansi machine name
PSTR pszProfileName = NULL; // Ansi profile name
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (! pProfileName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to SetStandardColorSpaceProfile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Ansi
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToAnsi(pMachineName, &pszMachineName, TRUE); } else pszMachineName = NULL;
// Convert profile name to Ansi
rc = rc && ConvertToAnsi(pProfileName, &pszProfileName, TRUE);
// Call the internal Ansi function
rc = rc && InternalSetSCSProfile(pszMachineName, dwSCS, pszProfileName);
// Free memory before leaving
if (pszProfileName) { MemFree(pszProfileName); }
if (pszMachineName) { MemFree(pszMachineName); }
return rc; }
#endif // ! UNICODE
* * GetStandardColorSpaceProfile * * Function: * These are the ANSI & Unicode wrappers for InternalGetSCSProfile. * Please see InternalGetSCSProfile for more details on this * function. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine on which the standard color * space profile should be queried * dwSCS - ID for the standard color space * pBuffer - pointer to buffer to receive profile filename * pdwSize - pointer to DWORD specifying size of buffer. On return * it has size needed/used * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
#ifdef UNICODE // Windows NT versions
BOOL WINAPI GetStandardColorSpaceProfileA( PCSTR pMachineName, DWORD dwSCS, PSTR pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize ) { PWSTR pwszMachineName = NULL; // Unicode machine name
PWSTR pwBuffer = NULL; // Unicode color directory path
DWORD dwSize; // size of Unicode buffer
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (! pdwSize || IsBadWritePtr(pdwSize, sizeof(DWORD)) || (pBuffer && IsBadWritePtr(pBuffer, *pdwSize))) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to GetStandardColorSpaceProfile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Unicode
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToUnicode(pMachineName, &pwszMachineName, TRUE); } else pwszMachineName = NULL;
dwSize = *pdwSize * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Create a buffer to get Unicode filename from system
if (pBuffer && dwSize) { pwBuffer = (PWSTR)MemAlloc(dwSize); if (! pwBuffer) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error allocating memory for Unicode string\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); rc = FALSE; goto EndGetSCSProfileA; } }
rc = rc && InternalGetSCSProfile(pwszMachineName, dwSCS, pwBuffer, &dwSize);
*pdwSize = dwSize / sizeof(WCHAR);
// Convert Unicode path to Ansi
if (pwBuffer) { rc = rc && ConvertToAnsi(pwBuffer, &pBuffer, FALSE); }
EndGetSCSProfileA: if (pwszMachineName) { MemFree(pwszMachineName); }
if (pwBuffer) { MemFree(pwBuffer); }
return rc; }
BOOL WINAPI GetStandardColorSpaceProfileW( PCWSTR pMachineName, DWORD dwSCS, PWSTR pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("GetStandardColorSpaceProfileW\n")));
// Internal function is Unicode in Windows NT, call it directly.
return InternalGetSCSProfile(pMachineName, dwSCS, pBuffer, pdwSize); }
#else // Windows 95 versions
BOOL WINAPI GetStandardColorSpaceProfileA( PCSTR pMachineName, DWORD dwSCS, PSTR pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("GetStandardColorSpaceProfileA\n")));
// Internal function is ANSI in Windows 95, call it directly.
return InternalGetSCSProfile(pMachineName, dwSCS, pBuffer, pdwSize); }
BOOL WINAPI GetStandardColorSpaceProfileW( PCWSTR pMachineName, DWORD dwSCS, PWSTR pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize ) { PSTR pszMachineName = NULL; // Ansi machine name
PSTR pszBuffer = NULL; // Ansi color directory path
DWORD dwSize; // size of Ansi buffer
BOOL rc = TRUE; // return code
// Validate parameters before we touch them
if (! pdwSize || IsBadWritePtr(pdwSize, sizeof(DWORD)) || (pBuffer && IsBadWritePtr(pBuffer, *pdwSize))) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to GetStandardColorSpaceProfile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Convert machine name to Ansi
if (pMachineName) { rc = ConvertToAnsi(pMachineName, &pszMachineName, TRUE); } else pszMachineName = NULL;
dwSize = *pdwSize / sizeof(WCHAR);
// Create a buffer to get Ansi profilename from system
if (pBuffer && dwSize) { pszBuffer = (PSTR)MemAlloc(dwSize); if (! pBuffer) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error allocating memory for Ansi string\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); rc = FALSE; goto EndGetSCSProfileW; } }
rc = rc && InternalGetSCSProfile(pszMachineName, dwSCS, pszBuffer, &dwSize);
*pdwSize = dwSize * sizeof(WCHAR);
// Convert Ansi path to Unicode
if (pszBuffer) { rc = rc && ConvertToUnicode(pszBuffer, &pBuffer, FALSE); }
EndGetSCSProfileW: if (pszMachineName) { MemFree(pszMachineName); }
if (pszBuffer) { MemFree(pszBuffer); }
return rc; }
#endif // ! UNICODE
* * GenerateCopyFilePaths * * Function: * This function is called by the Windows NT spooler to find the * directories from which color profiles should be picked up and copied * to. This is useful if the locations are version or processor * architecture dependent. As color profiles depend on neither, we don't * have to do anything, but have to export this function. * * Arguments: * don't care * * Returns: * ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, error code otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
DWORD WINAPI GenerateCopyFilePaths( LPCWSTR pszPrinterName, LPCWSTR pszDirectory, LPBYTE pSplClientInfo, DWORD dwLevel, LPWSTR pszSourceDir, LPDWORD pcchSourceDirSize, LPWSTR pszTargetDir, LPDWORD pcchTargetDirSize, DWORD dwFlags ) { TRACEAPI((__TEXT("GenerateCopyFilePaths\n"))); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
* * SpoolerCopyFileEvent * * Function: * This function is called by the Windows NT spooler when one of the * following events happens: * 1. When someone does a SetPrinterDataEx of the CopyFiles section * 2. When a printer connection is made * 3. When files for a printer connection get updated * 4. When a printer is deleted * * Arguments: * pszPrinterName - friendly name of printer * pszKey - "CopyFiles\ICM" for us * dwCopyFileEvent - reason for calling * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI SpoolerCopyFileEvent( LPWSTR pszPrinterName, LPWSTR pszKey, DWORD dwCopyFileEvent ) { PTSTR pProfileList, pTemp, pBuffer; DWORD dwSize; BOOL bRc = FALSE; TCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH];
switch (dwCopyFileEvent) { case COPYFILE_EVENT_SET_PRINTER_DATAEX:
// When associating profiles with printer connections, we copy
// the files to the remote machine, and then do a SePrinterDataEx.
// This causes this event to be generated on the remote machine. We
// use this to install the profile. This is not needed after we make
// our APIs remotable
// Fall thru'
TERSE((__TEXT("SetPrinterDataEx event\n")));
// This event is generated when a printer connection is added or
// associated profiles have changed. Install all the profiles in
// the client machine now.
#if DBG
if (dwCopyFileEvent == COPYFILE_EVENT_ADD_PRINTER_CONNECTION) { WARNING((__TEXT("AddPrinterConnection Event\n"))); } else if (dwCopyFileEvent == COPYFILE_EVENT_FILES_CHANGED) { WARNING((__TEXT("FilesChanged Event\n"))); } #endif
dwSize = 0; if (GetDeviceData((PTSTR)pszPrinterName, CLASS_PRINTER, DEVICE_PROFILE_DATA, (PVOID *)&pProfileList, &dwSize, TRUE)) { dwSize = sizeof(szPath); if (InternalGetColorDirectory(NULL, szPath, &dwSize)) { lstrcat(szPath, gszBackslash); pBuffer = szPath + lstrlen(szPath); pTemp = pProfileList; while (*pTemp) { lstrcpy(pBuffer, pTemp); InstallColorProfile(NULL, szPath); pTemp += lstrlen(pTemp) + 1; } }
MemFree(pProfileList); } break;
// This event is generated when a printer is about to be deleted.
// Get all profiles associated with the printer and disassociate
// them now.
TERSE((__TEXT("DeletePrinterDataEx Event\n")));
dwSize = 0; if (GetDeviceData((PTSTR)pszPrinterName, CLASS_PRINTER, DEVICE_PROFILE_DATA, (PVOID *)&pProfileList, &dwSize, TRUE)) { pTemp = pProfileList; while (*pTemp) { DisassociateColorProfileFromDevice(NULL, pTemp, (PTSTR)pszPrinterName); pTemp += lstrlen(pTemp) + 1; }
MemFree(pProfileList); } break; }
bRc = TRUE;
return bRc; }
/*****************************************************************************/ /***************************** Internal Functions ****************************/ /*****************************************************************************/
* * InternalGetColorDirectory * * Function: * This function returns the path to the color directory on the machine * specified. * associations should be removed before calling this function. It also * optionally deletes the file if the profile was successfully * uninstalled. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine on which the path * to the color directory is requested * pBuffer - pointer to buffer to receive pathname * pdwSize - pointer to size of buffer. On return it has size of * buffer needed if failure, and used on success * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL InternalGetColorDirectory( LPCTSTR pMachineName, PTSTR pBuffer, DWORD *pdwSize ) { DWORD dwBufLen = *pdwSize; // size supplied
BOOL rc = FALSE; // return value
// Get the printer driver directory
#if !defined(_WIN95_)
DWORD dwNeeded; // size needed
BOOL bSuccess; DWORD dwTempSize; bSuccess = FALSE;
if (!pBuffer && pdwSize && !IsBadWritePtr(pdwSize, sizeof(DWORD))) { *pdwSize = MAX_PATH; //
// Doing the same thing as GetPrinterDriverDirectory does.
// When the buffer is NULL, return FALSE and set last error.
return FALSE; }
dwTempSize = *pdwSize; bSuccess = GetPrinterDriverDirectory( (PTSTR)pMachineName, NULL, 1, (PBYTE)pBuffer, *pdwSize, pdwSize );
if( (!bSuccess) && (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_ENVIRONMENT) ) { //
// We failed with invalid environment, try this again with a
// guaranteed valid environment...
// Could be IA64 -> win2K and win2K with no SP1 will fail as
// it didn't know about "Windows IA64"
*pdwSize = dwTempSize; bSuccess = GetPrinterDriverDirectory( (PTSTR)pMachineName, __TEXT("Windows NT x86"), 1, (PBYTE)pBuffer, *pdwSize, pdwSize ); }
if (bSuccess) { //
// This API returns the print$ path appended with the environment
// directory. e.g. c:\winnt\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86. So we need
// to go back one step and then append the color directory.
PWSTR pDriverDir;
if(pDriverDir = GetFilenameFromPath(pBuffer)) {
ASSERT (pDriverDir != NULL);
*pdwSize -= lstrlen(pDriverDir) * sizeof(WCHAR);
*pDriverDir = '\0';
// Calculate size of buffer needed to append color directory
dwNeeded = *pdwSize + lstrlen(gszColorDir) * sizeof(WCHAR); if (pBuffer[lstrlen(pBuffer) - 1] != '\\') { dwNeeded += sizeof(WCHAR); }
// Update size needed
*pdwSize = dwNeeded;
// If supplied buffer is big enough, append our stuff
if (dwNeeded <= dwBufLen) { if (pBuffer[lstrlen(pBuffer) - 1] != '\\') { lstrcat(pBuffer, gszBackslash); }
lstrcat(pBuffer, gszColorDir);
rc = TRUE; } else { WARNING((__TEXT("Input buffer to GetColorDirectory not big enough\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } } } else if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_USER_BUFFER) { //
// Spooler sets this error if buffer is NULL. Map it to our error
SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } else if (GetLastError() == RPC_S_SERVER_UNAVAILABLE) { TCHAR achTempPath[MAX_PATH * 2]; // Make sure enough path space.
// Spooler service is not running. Use hardcoded path
if (GetSystemDirectory(achTempPath,MAX_PATH) != 0) { _tcscat(achTempPath,TEXT("\\spool\\drivers\\color"));
*pdwSize = wcslen(achTempPath) + 1;
if (pBuffer && (*pdwSize <= dwBufLen)) { _tcscpy(pBuffer,achTempPath);
rc = TRUE; } else { WARNING((__TEXT("Input buffer to GetColorDirectory not big enough\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } } }
HKEY hkSetup; // registry key
DWORD dwErr; // error code
// Only local color directory query is allowed in Memphis
if (pMachineName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Remote color directory query, failing...\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// On Memphis, get this information from the setup section in the registry.
// The reason we don't call GetPrinterDriverDirectory is that when we call
// this function from GDI 16, it tries to go back into 16-bit mode and
// deadlocks on the Win16 lock.
if ((dwErr = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszSetupPath, &hkSetup)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if ((dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkSetup, gszICMDir, 0, NULL, (PBYTE)pBuffer, pdwSize)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = TRUE; } RegCloseKey(hkSetup); }
if (!rc) { //
// Make error codes consistent
WARNING((__TEXT("Error getting color directory: %d\n"), dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); }
// RegQueryValueEx returns TRUE even if the calling buffer is NULL. Our API
// is supposed to return FALSE. Check for this case.
if (pBuffer == NULL && rc) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); rc = FALSE; }
#endif // !defined(_WIN95_)
return rc; }
* * InternalInstallColorProfile * * Function: * This function installs a given color profile on a a given machine. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine on which the profile * should be uninstalled. NULL implies local * pProfileName - Fully qualified pathname of profile to uninstall * bDelete - TRUE if profile should be deleted in disk * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * * Warning: * Currently only local install is supported, so pMachineName should * be NULL. * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL InternalInstallColorProfile( LPCTSTR pMachineName, LPCTSTR pProfileName ) { PROFILEHEADER header; // profile header
REGDATA regData; // for storing registry data about profile
HKEY hkICM = NULL; // key to ICM branch in registry
HKEY hkDevice = NULL; // key to ICM device branch in registry
DWORD dwSize; // size of registry data for profile
DWORD dwErr; // error code
BOOL rc = FALSE; // return code
PTSTR pFilename; // profile name without path
TCHAR szDest[MAX_PATH]; // destination path for profile
TCHAR szClass[5]; // profile class
BOOL FileExist; // profile already in directory?
BOOL RegExist; // profile in registry?
// Validate parameters
if (!pProfileName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to InstallColorProfile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Only local installs are allowed now
if (pMachineName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Remote install attempted, failing...\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Get rid of the directory path and get a pointer to the filename
pFilename = GetFilenameFromPath((PTSTR)pProfileName); if (! pFilename) { WARNING((__TEXT("Could not parse file name from profile path %s\n"), pProfileName)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto EndInstallColorProfile; }
// Get the profile class in the form of a string
if (! GetProfileClassString(pProfileName, szClass, &header)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Installing invalid profile %s\n"), pProfileName)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PROFILE); goto EndInstallColorProfile; }
// Open the registry path where profiles are kept
if (((dwErr = RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszICMRegPath, &hkICM)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || ((dwErr = RegCreateKey(hkICM, szClass, &hkDevice)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Cannot open ICM\\device branch of registry: %d\n"), dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndInstallColorProfile; }
// If registry data exists && the profile is in the directory, then the profile is already installed,
// in which case, return success. Otherwise, copy profile to color
// directory (if it's not already there) and add it to the registry (if it's not already there).
dwSize = sizeof(szDest); //
// Copy the file to the color directory
if (! InternalGetColorDirectory(NULL, szDest, &dwSize)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Could not get color directory\n"))); goto EndInstallColorProfile; }
// This creates the directory if it doesn't exist, doesn't do anything
// if it already exists
CreateDirectory(szDest, NULL);
if (szDest[lstrlen(szDest) - 1] != '\\') { lstrcat(szDest, gszBackslash); } lstrcat(szDest, pFilename);
// If the profile is already in the color directory, do not attempt
// to copy it again; it will fail.
dwSize = sizeof(REGDATA); FileExist = GetFileAttributes(szDest) != (DWORD)-1; RegExist = RegQueryValueEx(hkDevice, pFilename, 0, NULL, (PBYTE)®Data, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS;
// If the file does exist, short circuit the CopyFile
// and go on to add it into the registry.
if (!FileExist && !CopyFile(pProfileName, szDest, FALSE)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Could not copy profile %s to color directory\n"), pProfileName)); goto EndInstallColorProfile; }
// Add profile to the registry
if(!RegExist) { regData.dwRefCount = 0; regData.dwManuID = FIX_ENDIAN(header.phManufacturer); regData.dwModelID = FIX_ENDIAN(header.phModel); if ((dwErr = RegSetValueEx(hkDevice, pFilename, 0, REG_BINARY, (PBYTE)®Data, sizeof(REGDATA))) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARNING((__TEXT("Could not set registry data to install profile %s: %d\n"), pFilename, dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndInstallColorProfile; } } rc = TRUE; // Everything went well!
EndInstallColorProfile: if (hkICM) { RegCloseKey(hkICM); } if (hkDevice) { RegCloseKey(hkDevice); }
return rc; }
* * InternalUninstallColorProfile * * Function: * This function uninstalls a given color profile on a a given machine. * It fails if the color profile is associated with any device, so all * associations should be removed before calling this function. It also * optionally deletes the file if the profile was successfully * uninstalled. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine on which the profile * should be uninstalled. NULL implies local * pProfileName - pointer to profile to uninstall * bDelete - TRUE if profile should be deleted in disk * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * * Warning: * Currently only local uninstall is supported, so pMachineName should * be NULL. * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL InternalUninstallColorProfile( LPCTSTR pMachineName, LPCTSTR pProfileName, BOOL bDelete ) { REGDATA regData; // for storing registry data about profile
HKEY hkICM = NULL; // key to ICM branch in registry
HKEY hkDevice = NULL; // key to ICM device branch in registry
DWORD dwSize; // size of registry data for profile
DWORD dwErr; // error code
BOOL rc = FALSE; // return code
PTSTR pFilename; // profile name without path
TCHAR szColorPath[MAX_PATH]; // full path name of profile
TCHAR szClass[5]; // profile class
// Validate parameters
if (!pProfileName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to UninstallColorProfile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Only local installs are allowed now
if (pMachineName != NULL) { WARNING((__TEXT("Remote uninstall attempted, failing...\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return FALSE; }
// Get rid of the directory path and get a pointer to the filename
pFilename = GetFilenameFromPath((PTSTR)pProfileName); if (! pFilename) { WARNING((__TEXT("Could not parse file name from profile path\n"), pProfileName)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto EndUninstallColorProfile; }
// Create a fully qualified path name
dwSize = sizeof(szColorPath); if (! InternalGetColorDirectory(NULL, szColorPath, &dwSize)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Could not get color directory\n"))); goto EndUninstallColorProfile; }
if (szColorPath[lstrlen(szColorPath) - 1] != '\\') { lstrcat(szColorPath, gszBackslash); } lstrcat(szColorPath, pFilename);
// Get the profile class in the form of a string
if (! GetProfileClassString(szColorPath, szClass, NULL)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Installing invalid profile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PROFILE); goto EndUninstallColorProfile; }
// Open the registry path where profiles are kept
if (((dwErr = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszICMRegPath, &hkICM)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || ((dwErr = RegOpenKey(hkICM, szClass, &hkDevice)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Cannot open ICM\\device branch of registry: %d\n"), dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndUninstallColorProfile; }
// Check if reference count is zero and remove value from registry
dwSize = sizeof(REGDATA); if ((dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkDevice, pFilename, 0, NULL, (PBYTE)®Data, &dwSize)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARNING((__TEXT("Trying to uninstall a profile that is not installed %s: %d\n"), pFilename, dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndUninstallColorProfile; }
if (regData.dwRefCount != 0) { WARNING((__TEXT("Trying to uninstall profile %s whose refcount is %d\n"), pFilename, regData.dwRefCount)); goto EndUninstallColorProfile; }
if ((dwErr = RegDeleteValue(hkDevice, pFilename)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error deleting profile %s from registry: %d\n"), pFilename, dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndUninstallColorProfile; }
// Remove profile from the registry
if (bDelete) { //
// Delete profile from the color directory
if (! DeleteFile(szColorPath)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error deleting profile %s: %d\n"), szColorPath, GetLastError())); goto EndUninstallColorProfile; } }
rc = TRUE; // Everything went well!
EndUninstallColorProfile: if (hkICM) { RegCloseKey(hkICM); } if (hkDevice) { RegCloseKey(hkDevice); }
return rc; }
* * InternalAssociateColorProfileWithDevice * * Function: * This function associates a color profile on a a given machine with a * particular device. It fails if the color profile is not installed on * the machine. It increases the usage reference count of the profile. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine. NULL implies local * pProfileName - pointer to profile to associate * pDeviceName - pointer to device name * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * * Warning: * Currently only local association is supported, so pMachineName should * be NULL. * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL InternalAssociateColorProfileWithDevice( LPCTSTR pMachineName, LPCTSTR pProfileName, LPCTSTR pDeviceName ) { PROFILEHEADER header; // profile header
REGDATA regData; // for storing registry data about profile
HKEY hkICM = NULL; // key to ICM branch in registry
HKEY hkDevice = NULL; // key to ICM device branch in registry
DWORD dwSize; // size of registry data
DWORD dwNewSize; // new size of device registry data
DWORD dwErr; // error code
BOOL rc = FALSE; // return code
PTSTR pFilename; // profile name without path
PTSTR pProfileList = NULL; // list of associated profiles
TCHAR szColorPath[MAX_PATH]; // full path name of profile
TCHAR szClass[5]; // profile class
BOOL bFirstProfile = FALSE; // First profile to be associated for device
DWORD dwDeviceClass; // device class
// Validate parameters
if (! pProfileName || ! pDeviceName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to AssociateColorProfileWithDevice\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Only local associations are allowed now
if (pMachineName != NULL) { WARNING((__TEXT("Remote profile association attempted, failing...\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return FALSE; }
// Get rid of the directory path and get a pointer to the filename
pFilename = GetFilenameFromPath((PTSTR)pProfileName); if (! pFilename) { WARNING((__TEXT("Could not parse file name from profile path %s\n"), pProfileName)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto EndAssociateProfileWithDevice; }
// Create a fully qualified path name
dwSize = sizeof(szColorPath); if (! InternalGetColorDirectory(NULL, szColorPath, &dwSize)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Could not get color directory\n"))); goto EndAssociateProfileWithDevice; }
if (szColorPath[lstrlen(szColorPath) - 1] != '\\') { lstrcat(szColorPath, gszBackslash); } lstrcat(szColorPath, pFilename);
// Get the profile class in the form of a string
if (! GetProfileClassString(szColorPath, szClass, &header)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Installing invalid profile %s\n"), szColorPath)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PROFILE); goto EndAssociateProfileWithDevice; }
// Open the registry path where profiles are kept
if (((dwErr = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszICMRegPath, &hkICM)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || ((dwErr = RegOpenKey(hkICM, szClass, &hkDevice)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Cannot open ICM\\device branch of registry: %d\n"), dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndAssociateProfileWithDevice; }
// Check if profile is installed
dwSize = sizeof(REGDATA); if ((dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkDevice, pFilename, 0, NULL, (PBYTE)®Data, &dwSize)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARNING((__TEXT("Trying to associate a profile that is not installed %s: %d\n"), pFilename, dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndAssociateProfileWithDevice; }
if ((dwDeviceClass = header.phClass) == CLASS_MONITOR) { //
// since CLASS_MONTOR profile can be associated any device class.
dwDeviceClass = CLASS_COLORSPACE; }
// Read in the list of profiles associated with the device
dwSize = 0; if (! GetDeviceData(pDeviceName, dwDeviceClass, DEVICE_PROFILE_DATA, (PVOID *)&pProfileList, &dwSize, TRUE)) { pProfileList = NULL; // no data found
// If the profile is already associated with the device, return success.
// Do not check if we didn't get a profile list
if (pProfileList && IsStringInMultiSz(pProfileList, pFilename) == TRUE) { rc = TRUE; goto EndAssociateProfileWithDevice; }
if (dwSize <= sizeof(TCHAR)) { bFirstProfile = TRUE; }
// Add new profile to the list of profiles, and double NULL
// terminate the MULTI_SZ string.
if (dwSize > 0) { //
// Use a temporary pointer, so that if MemReAlloc fails, we do
// not have a memory leak - the original pointer needs to be freed
PTSTR pTemp;
dwNewSize = dwSize + (lstrlen(pFilename) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
pTemp = MemReAlloc(pProfileList, dwNewSize); if (! pTemp) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error reallocating pProfileList\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto EndAssociateProfileWithDevice; } else pProfileList = pTemp; } else { //
// Allocate extra character for double NULL termination. Setting
// dwSize to 1 accomplishes this and lets the lstrcpy below
// to work correctly.
dwSize = sizeof(TCHAR); // extra char for double NULL termination
dwNewSize = dwSize + (lstrlen(pFilename) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); pProfileList = MemAlloc(dwNewSize); if (! pProfileList) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error allocating pProfileList\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto EndAssociateProfileWithDevice; } } { PTSTR pPtr; // temporary pointer
pPtr = (PTSTR)((PBYTE)pProfileList + dwSize - sizeof(TCHAR)); lstrcpy(pPtr, pFilename); pPtr = (PTSTR)((PBYTE)pProfileList + dwNewSize - sizeof(TCHAR)); *pPtr = '\0'; // double NULL terminate
// Set the device data
if (! SetDeviceData(pDeviceName, dwDeviceClass, DEVICE_PROFILE_DATA, pProfileList, dwNewSize)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error setting device profile data for %s\n"), pDeviceName)); goto EndAssociateProfileWithDevice; }
// Increment usage count and set it
regData.dwRefCount++; if ((dwErr = RegSetValueEx(hkDevice, pFilename, 0, REG_BINARY, (PBYTE)®Data, sizeof(REGDATA))) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR((__TEXT("Could not set registry data for profile %s: %d\n"), pFilename, dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndAssociateProfileWithDevice; }
#if !defined(_WIN95_)
if (bFirstProfile) { ChangeICMSetting(pMachineName, pDeviceName, ICM_ON); }
rc = TRUE; // Everything went well!
EndAssociateProfileWithDevice: if (hkICM) { RegCloseKey(hkICM); } if (hkDevice) { RegCloseKey(hkDevice); } if (pProfileList) { MemFree(pProfileList); }
return rc; }
* * InternalDisassociateColorProfileFromDevice * * Function: * This function disassociates a color profile on a a given machine from * a particular device. It fails if the color profile is not installed * on the machine and associated with the device. It decreases the usage * reference count of the profile. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine. NULL implies local * pProfileName - pointer to profile to disassociate * pDeviceName - pointer to device name * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * * Warning: * Currently only local disassociation is supported, so pMachineName * should be NULL. * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL InternalDisassociateColorProfileFromDevice( LPCTSTR pMachineName, LPCTSTR pProfileName, LPCTSTR pDeviceName ) { PROFILEHEADER header; // profile header
REGDATA regData; // for storing registry data about profile
HKEY hkICM = NULL; // key to ICM branch in registry
HKEY hkDevice = NULL; // key to ICM device branch in registry
DWORD dwSize; // size of registry data
DWORD dwNewSize; // new size of device registry data
DWORD dwErr; // error code
BOOL rc = FALSE; // return code
PTSTR pFilename; // profile name without path
PTSTR pProfileList = NULL; // list of associated profiles
TCHAR szColorPath[MAX_PATH]; // full path name of profile
TCHAR szClass[5]; // profile class
BOOL bLastProfile = FALSE; // whether last profile is being removed
DWORD dwDeviceClass; // device class
// Validate parameters
if (! pProfileName || ! pDeviceName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to DisassociateColorProfileFromDevice\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Only local associations are allowed now
if (pMachineName != NULL) { WARNING((__TEXT("Remote profile disassociation attempted, failing...\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return FALSE; }
// Get rid of the directory path and get a pointer to the filename
pFilename = GetFilenameFromPath((PTSTR)pProfileName); if (! pFilename) { WARNING((__TEXT("Could not parse file name from profile path %s\n"), pProfileName)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto EndDisassociateProfileWithDevice; }
// Create a fully qualified path name
dwSize = sizeof(szColorPath); if (! InternalGetColorDirectory(NULL, szColorPath, &dwSize)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Could not get color directory\n"))); goto EndDisassociateProfileWithDevice; }
if (szColorPath[lstrlen(szColorPath) - 1] != '\\') { lstrcat(szColorPath, gszBackslash); } lstrcat(szColorPath, pFilename);
// Get the profile class in the form of a string
if (! GetProfileClassString(szColorPath, szClass, &header)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Installing invalid profile %s\n"), szColorPath)); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PROFILE); goto EndDisassociateProfileWithDevice; }
// Open the registry path where profiles are kept
if (((dwErr = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszICMRegPath, &hkICM)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || ((dwErr = RegOpenKey(hkICM, szClass, &hkDevice)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Cannot open ICM\\device branch of registry: %d\n"), dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndDisassociateProfileWithDevice; }
// Check if profile is installed
dwSize = sizeof(REGDATA); if ((dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkDevice, pFilename, 0, NULL, (PBYTE)®Data, &dwSize)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARNING((__TEXT("Trying to disassociate a profile that is not installed %s: %d\n"), pFilename, dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndDisassociateProfileWithDevice; }
if ((dwDeviceClass = header.phClass) == CLASS_MONITOR) { //
// since CLASS_MONTOR profile can be associated any device class.
dwDeviceClass = CLASS_COLORSPACE; }
// Read in the list of profiles associated with the device
dwSize = 0; if (! GetDeviceData(pDeviceName, dwDeviceClass, DEVICE_PROFILE_DATA, (PVOID *)&pProfileList, &dwSize, TRUE)) { pProfileList = NULL; // no data found
// If the profile is not associated with the device, return failure
if (! pProfileList || ! IsStringInMultiSz(pProfileList, pFilename)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Trying to disassociate a profile that is not associated %s\n"), pFilename)); SetLastError(ERROR_PROFILE_NOT_ASSOCIATED_WITH_DEVICE); goto EndDisassociateProfileWithDevice; }
// Remove profile from the list of profiles, and double NULL
// terminate the MULTI_SZ string.
dwNewSize = RemoveStringFromMultiSz(pProfileList, pFilename, dwSize);
// Set the device data
if (! SetDeviceData(pDeviceName, dwDeviceClass, DEVICE_PROFILE_DATA, pProfileList, dwNewSize)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error setting device profile data for %s\n"), pDeviceName)); goto EndDisassociateProfileWithDevice; }
if (dwNewSize <= sizeof(TCHAR)) { bLastProfile = TRUE; }
// Decrement usage count and set it
regData.dwRefCount--; if ((dwErr = RegSetValueEx(hkDevice, pFilename, 0, REG_BINARY, (PBYTE)®Data, sizeof(REGDATA))) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ERR((__TEXT("Could not set registry data for profile %s: %d\n"), pFilename, dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndDisassociateProfileWithDevice; }
#if !defined(_WIN95_)
if (bLastProfile) { ChangeICMSetting(pMachineName, pDeviceName, ICM_OFF); }
rc = TRUE; // Everything went well!
EndDisassociateProfileWithDevice: if (hkICM) { RegCloseKey(hkICM); } if (hkDevice) { RegCloseKey(hkDevice); } if (pProfileList) { MemFree(pProfileList); }
return rc; }
* * InternalEnumColorProfiles * * Function: * These functions enumerates color profiles satisfying the given * enumeration criteria. It searches among all installed profiles, and * on return fills out a buffer with a series of NULL terminated profile * filenames double NULL terminated at the end. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine on which the enumeration * needs to be done * pEnumRecord - pointer to enumeration criteria * pBuffer - pointer to buffer to receive result, can be NULL * pdwSize - pointer to buffer size. On return it is actual number * of bytes copied/needed. * pnProfiles - pointer to DWORD. On return, it is number of profiles * copied to pBuffer. * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * * Warning: * Currently only local enumeration is supported, so pMachineName should * be NULL. * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL InternalEnumColorProfiles( LPCTSTR pMachineName, PENUMTYPE pEnumRecord, PBYTE pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize, PDWORD pnProfiles ) { REGDATA regData; // for storing registry data about profile
HKEY hkICM = NULL; // key to ICM branch in registry
HKEY hkDevice = NULL; // key to ICM device branch in registry
PTSTR pProfileList = NULL; // list of associated profiles
PTSTR pTempProfileList; // temporary copy of profile list
DWORD dwSize; // size of profile value
DWORD dwDataSize; // size of profile data
DWORD dwInputSize; // incoming size of buffer
DWORD i, j; // counter variables
DWORD dwErr; // error code
BOOL rc = FALSE; // return code
TCHAR szFullPath[MAX_PATH]; // full path of profile to open
PTSTR pProfile; // pointer to profile name in full path
DWORD dwLen; // length of color directory string
DWORD bSkipMatch; // true for skipping exact profile matching
MATCHTYPE match; // Type of profile match
PBYTE pBufferStart; // Start of user given buffer
DWORD dwSizeOfStruct; // size of ENUMTYPE structure
DWORD dwVersion; // ENUMTYPE structure version
// Validate parameters
if (! pdwSize || IsBadWritePtr(pdwSize, sizeof(DWORD)) || (pBuffer && IsBadWritePtr(pBuffer, *pdwSize)) || (pnProfiles && IsBadWritePtr(pnProfiles, sizeof(DWORD))) || ! pEnumRecord || IsBadReadPtr(pEnumRecord, sizeof(DWORD)*3)) // probe until ENUMTYPE.dwFields
{ ParameterError_InternalEnumColorProfiles: WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to EnumColorProfiles\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Check structure size based on its version.
dwSizeOfStruct = pEnumRecord->dwSize; dwVersion = pEnumRecord->dwVersion;
if (dwVersion >= ENUM_TYPE_VERSION) { if (dwSizeOfStruct < sizeof(ENUMTYPE)) goto ParameterError_InternalEnumColorProfiles; } else if (dwVersion == 0x0200) { if (dwSizeOfStruct < sizeof(ENUMTYPE)-sizeof(DWORD)) goto ParameterError_InternalEnumColorProfiles;
// Version 2 should not have ET_DEVICECLASS bit
if (pEnumRecord->dwFields & ET_DEVICECLASS) goto ParameterError_InternalEnumColorProfiles;
WARNING((__TEXT("Old version ENUMTYPE to InternalEnumColorProfiles\n"))); } else { goto ParameterError_InternalEnumColorProfiles; }
if (IsBadReadPtr(pEnumRecord, dwSizeOfStruct)) { goto ParameterError_InternalEnumColorProfiles; }
// Only local enumerations are allowed now
if (pMachineName != NULL) { WARNING((__TEXT("Remote profile enumeration attempted, failing...\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return FALSE; }
dwInputSize = *pdwSize;
// Get color directory
dwLen = sizeof(szFullPath); if (! InternalGetColorDirectory(NULL, szFullPath, &dwLen)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error getting color directory\n"))); return FALSE; }
if (szFullPath[lstrlen(szFullPath) - 1] != '\\') { lstrcat(szFullPath, gszBackslash); } pProfile = &szFullPath[lstrlen(szFullPath)]; dwLen = lstrlen(szFullPath) * sizeof(TCHAR);
// Initialize return parameters
*pdwSize = 0; if (pnProfiles) *pnProfiles = 0;
if (pBuffer && dwInputSize >= sizeof(TCHAR)) { *((PTSTR)pBuffer) = '\0'; }
// Check if we are looking for the profiles of a particular device or
// not because we enumerate them from different places.
if (pEnumRecord->dwFields & ET_DEVICENAME) { DWORD *pbSkipMatch = &bSkipMatch; DWORD dwDeviceClass;
if (! pEnumRecord->pDeviceName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to EnumColorProfiles\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto EndEnumerateColorProfiles; }
// Get list of profiles associated with the device. If we don't
// know what device it is, specify ColorSpace, which tries all three
if (pEnumRecord->dwFields & ET_DEVICECLASS) { dwDeviceClass = pEnumRecord->dwDeviceClass; } else { dwDeviceClass = CLASS_COLORSPACE; }
// Get the device configuration whether we do exact matching or not.
dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); if (! GetDeviceData(pEnumRecord->pDeviceName, dwDeviceClass, DEVICE_PROFILE_ENUMMODE, (PVOID *)&pbSkipMatch, &dwSize, FALSE)) { bSkipMatch = FALSE; }
// Get the profile data.
dwSize = 0; if (! GetDeviceData(pEnumRecord->pDeviceName, dwDeviceClass, DEVICE_PROFILE_DATA, (PVOID *)&pProfileList, &dwSize, TRUE)) { pProfileList = NULL; // no data found
if(! pProfileList) { //
// No profiles associated with this device
rc = TRUE; if (pBuffer && dwInputSize >= sizeof(TCHAR)*2) { *((PTSTR)pBuffer + 1) = '\0'; } goto EndEnumerateColorProfiles; }
// Run through the list of profiles and check each one to see if it
// matches the enumeration criteria. If it does, and the buffer is
// large enough, copy it to the buffer, and increment the byte count
// and number of profiles enumerated.
pBufferStart = pBuffer; pTempProfileList = pProfileList;
while (*pTempProfileList) { lstrcpy(pProfile, pTempProfileList);
if (bSkipMatch) { match = EXACT_MATCH; } else { match = DoesProfileMatchEnumRecord(szFullPath, pEnumRecord); }
if (match != NOMATCH) { *pdwSize += (lstrlen(pTempProfileList) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
// Check strictly less than because you need one more for
// the final NULL termination
if (pBuffer && (*pdwSize < dwInputSize)) { if (match == MATCH) { lstrcpy((PTSTR)pBuffer, pTempProfileList); } else { //
// Exact match, add to beginning of buffer
InsertInBuffer(pBufferStart, pBuffer, pTempProfileList); }
pBuffer += (lstrlen(pTempProfileList) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); }
if (pnProfiles) (*pnProfiles)++; }
pTempProfileList += lstrlen(pTempProfileList) + 1; } } else { DWORD dwNumClasses; PTSTR *ppszEnumClasses; PTSTR pszEnumClassArray[2];
// We are not looking at a particular device, so enumerate
// profiles from the registry
if (pEnumRecord->dwFields & ET_DEVICECLASS) { //
// If device class is specified, enumrate the specified device class and color
// space class which can be associated to any device.
pszEnumClassArray[0] = ConvertClassIdToClassString(pEnumRecord->dwDeviceClass); pszEnumClassArray[1] = ConvertClassIdToClassString(CLASS_COLORSPACE);
if (!pszEnumClassArray[0] || !pszEnumClassArray[1]) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid DeviceClass to EnumColorProfiles\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto EndEnumerateColorProfiles; }
ppszEnumClasses = pszEnumClassArray; dwNumClasses = 2; } else { ppszEnumClasses = gpszClasses; dwNumClasses = sizeof(gpszClasses)/sizeof(PTSTR); }
// Open the registry path where profiles are kept (and create it if not exist)
if ((dwErr = RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszICMRegPath, &hkICM)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARNING((__TEXT("Cannot open ICM branch of registry: %d\n"), dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndEnumerateColorProfiles; }
pBufferStart = pBuffer;
for (i=0; i<dwNumClasses; i++,ppszEnumClasses++) { DWORD nValues; // number of name-values in key
if (RegOpenKey(hkICM, *ppszEnumClasses, &hkDevice) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { continue; // go to next key
if ((dwErr = RegQueryInfoKey(hkDevice, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL, NULL, &nValues, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARNING((__TEXT("Cannot count values in device branch of registry: %d\n"), dwErr)); RegCloseKey(hkDevice); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndEnumerateColorProfiles; }
// Go through the list of profiles and return everything that
// satisfies the enumeration criteria
for (j=0; j<nValues; j++) { dwSize = sizeof(szFullPath) - dwLen; dwDataSize = sizeof(REGDATA); if (RegEnumValue(hkDevice, j, pProfile, &dwSize, 0, NULL, (PBYTE)®Data, &dwDataSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { match = DoesProfileMatchEnumRecord(szFullPath, pEnumRecord);
if (match != NOMATCH) { *pdwSize += (lstrlen(pProfile) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); if (pBuffer && (*pdwSize < dwInputSize)) { if (match == MATCH) { lstrcpy((PTSTR)pBuffer, pProfile); } else { //
// Exact match, add to beginning of buffer
InsertInBuffer(pBufferStart, pBuffer, pProfile); }
pBuffer += (lstrlen(pProfile) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR); }
if (pnProfiles) (*pnProfiles)++; } } }
RegCloseKey(hkDevice); } }
*pdwSize += sizeof(TCHAR); // extra NULL termination
if (pBuffer && *pdwSize <= dwInputSize) { *((PTSTR)pBuffer) = '\0'; rc = TRUE; } else { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); }
if (hkICM) { RegCloseKey(hkICM); } if (pProfileList) { MemFree(pProfileList); }
return rc; }
VOID InsertInBuffer( PBYTE pStart, PBYTE pEnd, PTSTR pString ) { DWORD cnt = (lstrlen(pString) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
MyCopyMemory(pStart+cnt, pStart, (DWORD)(pEnd - pStart));
lstrcpy((PTSTR)pStart, pString);
return; }
* * InternalSetSCSProfile * * Function: * These functions regsiters the given profile for the standard color * space specified. This will register it in the OS and can be queried * using GetStandardColorSpaceProfile. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine on which the standard color * space profile should be registered * dwSCS - ID for the standard color space * pProfileName - pointer to profile filename * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * * Warning: * Currently only local registration is supported, so pMachineName should * be NULL. * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL InternalSetSCSProfile( LPCTSTR pMachineName, DWORD dwSCS, LPCTSTR pProfileName ) { HKEY hkICM = NULL; // key to ICM branch in registry
HKEY hkRegProf = NULL; // key to registered color spaces branch
DWORD dwSize; // size of registry data
DWORD dwErr; // error code
BOOL rc = FALSE; // return code
TCHAR szProfileID[5]; // profile class
// Validate parameters
if (!pProfileName) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to SetStandardColorSpaceProfile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Only local registration is allowed now
if (pMachineName != NULL) { WARNING((__TEXT("Remote SCS profile registration attempted, failing...\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return FALSE; }
dwSize = (lstrlen(pProfileName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
// Open the registry location where this is kept
if (((dwErr = RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszICMRegPath, &hkICM)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && ((dwErr = RegCreateKey(hkICM, gszRegisteredProfiles, &hkRegProf))== ERROR_SUCCESS)) { ConvertDwordToString(dwSCS, szProfileID);
if ((dwErr = RegSetValueEx(hkRegProf, szProfileID, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)pProfileName, dwSize)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = TRUE; } }
if (hkICM) { RegCloseKey(hkICM); }
if (hkRegProf) { RegCloseKey(hkRegProf); }
if (!rc) { WARNING((__TEXT("InternalSetSCSProfile failed: %d\n"), dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); }
return rc; }
* * InternalGetSCSProfile * * Function: * These functions retrieves the profile regsitered for the standard color * space specified. * * Arguments: * pMachineName - name identifying machine on which the standard color * space profile should be queried * dwSCS - ID for the standard color space * pBuffer - pointer to buffer to receive profile filename * pdwSize - pointer to DWORD specifying size of buffer. On return * it has size needed/used * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, NULL otherwise * * Warning: * Currently only local query is supported, so pMachineName should * be NULL. * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL InternalGetSCSProfile( LPCTSTR pMachineName, DWORD dwSCS, PTSTR pBuffer, PDWORD pdwSize ) { HKEY hkICM = NULL; // key to ICM branch in registry
HKEY hkRegProf = NULL; // key to registered color spaces branch
DWORD dwErr; // error code
DWORD dwSize; BOOL rc = FALSE; // return code
TCHAR szProfileID[5]; // profile class
// Validate parameters
if (! pdwSize || IsBadWritePtr(pdwSize, sizeof(DWORD)) || (pBuffer && IsBadWritePtr(pBuffer, *pdwSize))) { WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to GetStandardColorSpaceProfile\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Only local query is allowed now
if (pMachineName != NULL) { WARNING((__TEXT("Remote SCS profile query attempted, failing...\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return FALSE; }
dwSize = *pdwSize;
// Look in the registry for a profile registered for this color space ID
if (((dwErr = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszICMRegPath, &hkICM)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) && ((dwErr = RegOpenKey(hkICM, gszRegisteredProfiles, &hkRegProf)) == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { ConvertDwordToString(dwSCS, szProfileID); if ((dwErr = RegQueryValueEx(hkRegProf, szProfileID, NULL, NULL, (PBYTE)pBuffer, pdwSize)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = TRUE; } }
if (hkICM) { RegCloseKey(hkICM); }
if (hkRegProf) { RegCloseKey(hkRegProf); }
if (!rc && (dwSCS == LCS_sRGB || dwSCS == LCS_WINDOWS_COLOR_SPACE)) { *pdwSize = dwSize; rc = GetColorDirectory(NULL, pBuffer, pdwSize); if (!rc && GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { return FALSE; }
*pdwSize += (lstrlen(gszBackslash) + lstrlen(gszsRGBProfile)) * sizeof(TCHAR);
if (*pdwSize <= dwSize && pBuffer) { lstrcat(pBuffer, gszBackslash); lstrcat(pBuffer, gszsRGBProfile); rc = TRUE; } else { dwErr = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER; } }
if (!rc) { WARNING((__TEXT("InternalGetSCSProfile failed: %d\n"), dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); }
// If pBuffer is NULL, RegQueryValueEx return TRUE. Our API should return FALSE
// in this case. Handle this.
if (pBuffer == NULL && rc) { SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); rc = FALSE; }
return rc; }
* * ConvertDwordToString * * Function: * This function converts a DWORD into a string. The string passed in * is large enough. It converts to Unicode or Ansi depending on how * this is compiled. * * Arguments: * dword - DWORD to convert * pString - pointer to buffer to hold the result * * Returns: * Nothing * ******************************************************************************/
VOID ConvertDwordToString( DWORD dword, PTSTR pString ) { int i; // counter
for (i=0; i<4; i++) { pString[i] = (TCHAR)(((char*)&dword)[3-i]); }
pString[4] = '\0';
return; }
* * ConvertClassIdToClassString * * Function: * This function converts a DWORD Device Class Id into a its device string * * Arguments: * dwClassId - Device class id. * * Returns: * pointer to a string * ******************************************************************************/
PTSTR ConvertClassIdToClassString( DWORD dwClassId ) { switch (dwClassId) { case CLASS_MONITOR: return (gpszClasses[INDEX_CLASS_MONITOR]); case CLASS_PRINTER: return (gpszClasses[INDEX_CLASS_PRINTER]); case CLASS_SCANNER: return (gpszClasses[INDEX_CLASS_SCANNER]); case CLASS_COLORSPACE: return (gpszClasses[INDEX_CLASS_COLORSPACE]); default: return NULL; } }
* * GetProfileClassString * * Function: * This function returns the profile class from the header as a string. * It also validates the profile. * * Arguments: * pProfileName - name of profile * pClass - pointer to buffer to hold the profile class string * pHeader - if this is non NULL, it returns the header here * * Returns: * TRUE on success, FALSE otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL GetProfileClassString( LPCTSTR pProfileName, PTSTR pClass, PPROFILEHEADER pHeader ) { PROFILEHEADER header; // color profile header
PROFILE prof; // profile object for opening profile
HPROFILE hProfile = NULL; // handle to opened profile
BOOL bValidProfile = FALSE; // validation of the profile
BOOL rc = FALSE; // return code
// Open a handle to the profile
prof.dwType = PROFILE_FILENAME; prof.pProfileData = (PVOID)pProfileName; prof.cbDataSize = (lstrlen(pProfileName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
hProfile = OpenColorProfile(&prof, PROFILE_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING); if (! hProfile) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error opening profile %s\n"), pProfileName)); goto EndGetProfileClassString; }
// Check the validation of the profile.
if (! IsColorProfileValid(hProfile,&bValidProfile) || ! bValidProfile) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error invalid profile %s\n"), pProfileName)); goto EndGetProfileClassString; }
// Get the profile class
if (! pHeader) { pHeader = &header; }
if (! GetColorProfileHeader(hProfile, pHeader)) { ERR((__TEXT("Error getting color profile header for %s\n"), pProfileName)); goto EndGetProfileClassString; } ConvertDwordToString(pHeader->phClass, pClass);
rc= TRUE;
EndGetProfileClassString: if (hProfile) { CloseColorProfile(hProfile); }
return rc; }
* * GetFilenameFromPath * * Function: * This function takes a fully qualified pathname and returns a pointer * to the filename part alone * * Arguments: * pPathName - pointer to pathname * * Returns: * Pointer to filename on success, NULL otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
PTSTR GetFilenameFromPath( PTSTR pPathName ) { DWORD dwLen; // length of pathname
PTSTR pPathNameStart = pPathName;
dwLen = lstrlen(pPathName);
if (dwLen == 0) { return NULL; }
// Go to the end of the pathname, and start going backwards till
// you reach the beginning or a backslash
pPathName += dwLen;
// Currently 'pPathName' points null-terminate character, so move
// the pointer to last character.
do { pPathName = CharPrev(pPathNameStart,pPathName);
if (*pPathName == TEXT('\\')) { pPathName = CharNext(pPathName); break; }
// Loop until fist
} while (pPathNameStart < pPathName);
// if *pPathName is zero, then we had a string that ends in a backslash
return *pPathName ? pPathName : NULL; }
* * GetDeviceData * * Function: * This function is a wrapper for IGetDeviceData. For devices like monitor, * printer & scanner it calls the internal function. If we are asked * to get the device data for a "colorspace device", we try monitor, printer * and scanner till one succeeds or they all fail. This is done so that we * we can associate sRGB like profiles with any device. * * Arguments: * pDeviceName - pointer to name of the device * dwClass - device type like monitor, printer etc. * ppDeviceData - pointer to pointer to buffer to receive data * pdwSize - pointer to size of buffer. On return it is size of * data returned/size needed. * bAllocate - If TRUE, allocate memory for data * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL GetDeviceData( LPCTSTR pDeviceName, DWORD dwClass, DWORD dwDataType, PVOID *ppDeviceData, PDWORD pdwSize, BOOL bAllocate ) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
if (dwClass == CLASS_MONITOR || dwClass == CLASS_PRINTER || dwClass == CLASS_SCANNER) { rc = IGetDeviceData(pDeviceName, dwClass, dwDataType, ppDeviceData, pdwSize, bAllocate); } else if (dwClass == CLASS_COLORSPACE) { rc = IGetDeviceData(pDeviceName, CLASS_MONITOR, dwDataType, ppDeviceData, pdwSize, bAllocate) || IGetDeviceData(pDeviceName, CLASS_PRINTER, dwDataType, ppDeviceData, pdwSize, bAllocate) || IGetDeviceData(pDeviceName, CLASS_SCANNER, dwDataType, ppDeviceData, pdwSize, bAllocate); }
return rc; }
* * IGetDeviceData * * Function: * This function retrieves ICM data stored with the different devices. * * Arguments: * pDeviceName - pointer to name of the device * dwClass - device type like monitor, printer etc. * ppDeviceData - pointer to pointer to buffer to receive data * pdwSize - pointer to size of buffer. On return it is size of * data returned/size needed. * bAllocate - If TRUE, allocate memory for data * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL IGetDeviceData( LPCTSTR pDeviceName, DWORD dwClass, DWORD dwDataType, PVOID *ppDeviceData, PDWORD pdwSize, BOOL bAllocate ) { PFNOPENDEVICE fnOpenDevice; PFNCLOSEDEVICE fnCloseDevice; PFNGETDEVICEDATA fnGetData; HANDLE hDevice; DWORD dwSize; LPTSTR pDataKey; LPTSTR pDataValue; BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Set up function pointers so we can write common code
switch (dwClass) { case CLASS_PRINTER: fnOpenDevice = (PFNOPENDEVICE)OpenPrtr; fnCloseDevice = (PFNCLOSEDEVICE)ClosePrtr; fnGetData = (PFNGETDEVICEDATA)GetPrtrData; break;
case CLASS_MONITOR: fnOpenDevice = (PFNOPENDEVICE)OpenMonitor; fnCloseDevice = (PFNCLOSEDEVICE)CloseMonitor; fnGetData = (PFNGETDEVICEDATA)GetMonitorData; break;
case CLASS_SCANNER: fnOpenDevice = (PFNOPENDEVICE)OpenScanner; fnCloseDevice = (PFNCLOSEDEVICE)CloseScanner; fnGetData = (PFNGETDEVICEDATA)GetScannerData; break;
default: return FALSE; }
// Set up registry keywords.
switch (dwDataType) { case DEVICE_PROFILE_DATA:
pDataKey = gszICMProfileListKey;
// The way to store printer profile is different than others... trim it.
if (dwClass == CLASS_PRINTER) { pDataValue = gszFiles; } else { pDataValue = gszICMProfileListValue; }
pDataKey = gszICMDeviceDataKey; pDataValue = gszICMProfileEnumMode; break;
default: return FALSE; }
// Open the device and get a handle to it
if (! (*fnOpenDevice)((PTSTR)pDeviceName, &hDevice, NULL)) { return FALSE; }
if (bAllocate || (ppDeviceData == NULL)) { DWORD retcode;
// We need to allocate memory. Find out how much we need, and
// allocate it.
dwSize = 0; retcode = (*fnGetData)(hDevice, pDataKey, pDataValue, NULL, NULL, 0, &dwSize);
if ((retcode != ERROR_SUCCESS) && // Win 95 returns this
(retcode != ERROR_MORE_DATA)) // NT returns this
{ VERBOSE((__TEXT("GetDeviceData failed for %s\n"), pDeviceName)); goto EndGetDeviceData; }
*pdwSize = dwSize;
if (ppDeviceData == NULL) { //
// Caller wants to know the data size.
rc = TRUE; goto EndGetDeviceData; } else { //
// Allocate buffer.
*ppDeviceData = MemAlloc(dwSize); if (! *ppDeviceData) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error allocating memory\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto EndGetDeviceData; } } }
// Get the data
if ((*fnGetData)(hDevice, pDataKey, pDataValue, NULL, (PBYTE)*ppDeviceData, *pdwSize, pdwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = TRUE; }
EndGetDeviceData: (*fnCloseDevice)(hDevice);
return rc; }
* * SetDeviceData * * Function: * This function is a wrapper for ISetDeviceData. For devices like monitor, * printer & scanner it calls the internal function. If we are asked * to set the device data for a "colorspace device", we try monitor, printer * and scanner till one succeeds or they all fail. This is done so that we * we can associate sRGB like profiles with any device. * * Arguments: * pDeviceName - pointer to name of the device * dwClass - device type like monitor, printer etc. * pDeviceData - pointer buffer containing data * dwSize - size of data * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL SetDeviceData( LPCTSTR pDeviceName, DWORD dwClass, DWORD dwDataType, PVOID pDeviceData, DWORD dwSize ) { BOOL rc = FALSE;
if (dwClass == CLASS_MONITOR || dwClass == CLASS_PRINTER || dwClass == CLASS_SCANNER) { rc = ISetDeviceData(pDeviceName, dwClass, dwDataType, pDeviceData, dwSize); } else if (dwClass == CLASS_COLORSPACE) { rc = ISetDeviceData(pDeviceName, CLASS_MONITOR, dwDataType, pDeviceData, dwSize) || ISetDeviceData(pDeviceName, CLASS_PRINTER, dwDataType, pDeviceData, dwSize) || ISetDeviceData(pDeviceName, CLASS_SCANNER, dwDataType, pDeviceData, dwSize); }
return rc; }
* * ISetDeviceData * * Function: * This function sets ICM data stored with the different devices. * * Arguments: * pDeviceName - pointer to name of the device * dwClass - device type like monitor, printer etc. * pDeviceData - pointer buffer containing data * dwSize - size of data * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL ISetDeviceData( LPCTSTR pDeviceName, DWORD dwClass, DWORD dwDataType, PVOID pDeviceData, DWORD dwSize ) { PRINTER_DEFAULTS pd; PFNOPENDEVICE fnOpenDevice; PFNCLOSEDEVICE fnCloseDevice; PFNSETDEVICEDATA fnSetData; HANDLE hDevice; LPTSTR pDataKey; LPTSTR pDataValue; DWORD dwRegType = REG_BINARY; BOOL rc = FALSE;
// Set up function pointers so we can write common code
switch (dwClass) { case CLASS_PRINTER: fnOpenDevice = (PFNOPENDEVICE)OpenPrtr; fnCloseDevice = (PFNCLOSEDEVICE)ClosePrtr; fnSetData = (PFNSETDEVICEDATA)SetPrtrData; pd.pDatatype = __TEXT("RAW"); pd.pDevMode = NULL; pd.DesiredAccess = PRINTER_ACCESS_ADMINISTER; break;
case CLASS_MONITOR: fnOpenDevice = (PFNOPENDEVICE)OpenMonitor; fnCloseDevice = (PFNCLOSEDEVICE)CloseMonitor; fnSetData = (PFNSETDEVICEDATA)SetMonitorData; break;
case CLASS_SCANNER: fnOpenDevice = (PFNOPENDEVICE)OpenScanner; fnCloseDevice = (PFNCLOSEDEVICE)CloseScanner; fnSetData = (PFNSETDEVICEDATA)SetScannerData; break;
default: return FALSE; }
// Set up registry keywords.
switch (dwDataType) { case DEVICE_PROFILE_DATA:
pDataKey = gszICMProfileListKey;
// The way to store printer profile is different than others... trim it.
if (dwClass == CLASS_PRINTER) { pDataValue = gszFiles; dwRegType = REG_MULTI_SZ; } else { pDataValue = gszICMProfileListValue; }
pDataKey = gszICMDeviceDataKey; pDataValue = gszICMProfileEnumMode; break;
default: return FALSE; }
// Open the device and get a handle to it
if (! (*fnOpenDevice)((PTSTR)pDeviceName, &hDevice, (PTSTR)&pd)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error opening device %s\n"), pDeviceName)); return FALSE; }
// Set the data
if ((*fnSetData)(hDevice, pDataKey, pDataValue, dwRegType, (PBYTE)pDeviceData, dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = TRUE; }
#if !defined(_WIN95_)
// If this is printer class, need some more data for profile list.
if ((rc == TRUE) && (dwClass == CLASS_PRINTER) && (dwDataType == DEVICE_PROFILE_DATA)) { if (((*fnSetData)(hDevice, pDataKey, gszDirectory, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)gszColorDir, (lstrlen(gszColorDir) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || ((*fnSetData)(hDevice, pDataKey, gszModule, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)gszMSCMS, (lstrlen(gszMSCMS) + 1)*sizeof(TCHAR)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { rc = FALSE; } }
return rc; }
* * IsStringInMultiSz * * Function: * This functions checks if a given multi-sz string has the given string * as one of the strings, and returns TRUE if it does. * * Arguments: * pMultiSzString - multi sz string to look in * pString - string to find * * Returns: * TRUE * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL IsStringInMultiSz( PTSTR pMultiSzString, PTSTR pString ) { BOOL rc = FALSE; // return code
while (*pMultiSzString) { if (! lstrcmpi(pMultiSzString, pString)) { rc = TRUE; break; }
pMultiSzString += lstrlen(pMultiSzString) + 1; }
return rc; }
* * RemoveStringFromMultiSz * * Function: * This functions removes a given string from a multi-sz string. * * Arguments: * pMultiSzString - multi sz string to look in * pString - string to remove * dwSize - size in bytes of multi-sz string * * Returns: * TRUE * ******************************************************************************/
DWORD RemoveStringFromMultiSz( PTSTR pMultiSzString, PTSTR pString, DWORD dwSize ) { DWORD dwCount = dwSize; // count of bytes remaining
while (*pMultiSzString) { dwCount -= (lstrlen(pMultiSzString) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
if (! lstrcmpi(pMultiSzString, pString)) { break; }
pMultiSzString += lstrlen(pMultiSzString) + 1; }
MyCopyMemory((PBYTE)pMultiSzString, (PBYTE)(pMultiSzString + lstrlen(pString) + 1), dwCount);
return dwSize - sizeof(TCHAR) * (lstrlen(pString) + 1); }
* * DoesProfileMatchEnumRecord * * Function: * This functions checks if a profile matches the criteria given in * the enumeration record. Note that it does not check if the profile * belongs to the device specified by pDeviceName. So that check must * have happened before itself. * * Arguments: * pProfileName - profile to look at * pEnumRecord - pointer to criteria to check against * * Returns: * MATCH or EXACT_MATCH if the profile matches the criteria, NOMATCH otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
#define SET(pEnumRecord, bit) ((pEnumRecord)->dwFields & (bit))
MATCHTYPE DoesProfileMatchEnumRecord( PTSTR pProfileName, PENUMTYPE pEnumRecord ) { PROFILEHEADER header; // color profile header
PROFILE prof; // profile object for opening profile
HPROFILE hProfile = NULL; // handle to opened profile
MATCHTYPE rc = NOMATCH; // return code
// Open a handle to the profile
prof.dwType = PROFILE_FILENAME; prof.pProfileData = (PVOID)pProfileName; prof.cbDataSize = (lstrlen(pProfileName) + 1) * sizeof(TCHAR);
hProfile = OpenColorProfile(&prof, PROFILE_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING); if (! hProfile) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error opening profile %s\n"), pProfileName)); goto EndDoesProfileMatchEnumRecord; }
// Get the profile header
if (! GetColorProfileHeader(hProfile, &header)) { ERR((__TEXT("Error getting color profile header for %s\n"), pProfileName)); goto EndDoesProfileMatchEnumRecord; }
if ((!SET(pEnumRecord, ET_CMMTYPE) || (pEnumRecord->dwCMMType == header.phCMMType)) && (!SET(pEnumRecord, ET_CLASS) || (pEnumRecord->dwClass == header.phClass)) && (!SET(pEnumRecord, ET_DATACOLORSPACE) || (pEnumRecord->dwDataColorSpace == header.phDataColorSpace)) && (!SET(pEnumRecord, ET_CONNECTIONSPACE) || (pEnumRecord->dwConnectionSpace == header.phConnectionSpace)) && (!SET(pEnumRecord, ET_SIGNATURE) || (pEnumRecord->dwSignature == header.phSignature)) && (!SET(pEnumRecord, ET_PLATFORM) || (pEnumRecord->dwPlatform == header.phPlatform)) && (!SET(pEnumRecord, ET_PROFILEFLAGS) || (pEnumRecord->dwProfileFlags == header.phProfileFlags)) && (!SET(pEnumRecord, ET_MANUFACTURER) || (pEnumRecord->dwManufacturer == header.phManufacturer)) && (!SET(pEnumRecord, ET_MODEL) || (pEnumRecord->dwModel == header.phModel)) && (!SET(pEnumRecord, ET_ATTRIBUTES) || (pEnumRecord->dwAttributes[0] == header.phAttributes[0] && pEnumRecord->dwAttributes[1] == header.phAttributes[1])) && (!SET(pEnumRecord, ET_RENDERINGINTENT) || (pEnumRecord->dwRenderingIntent == header.phRenderingIntent)) && (!SET(pEnumRecord, ET_CREATOR) || (pEnumRecord->dwCreator == header.phCreator))) { rc = EXACT_MATCH; }
// Check for resolution, media type and halftoning match
if (rc != NOMATCH && SET(pEnumRecord, ET_RESOLUTION|ET_MEDIATYPE|ET_DITHERMODE)) { rc = CheckResMedHftnMatch(hProfile, pEnumRecord); }
EndDoesProfileMatchEnumRecord: if (hProfile) { CloseColorProfile(hProfile); }
return rc; }
* * CheckResMedHftnMatch * * Function: * This functions checks if a profile matches the resolution, * media type and halftoning criteria specified by the enumeration record. * It allows an exact match, as well as an ambiguous match. If the * profile doesn't specify the criteria, it is considered to ambiguously * match the specification. * is desired. * * Arguments: * hProfile - handle identifying profile * pEnumRecord - pointer to criteria to check against * * Returns: * MATCH or EXACT_MATCH if the profile matches the criteria, NOMATCH otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
MATCHTYPE CheckResMedHftnMatch( HPROFILE hProfile, PENUMTYPE pEnumRecord ) { PDEVICESETTINGS pDevSettings = NULL; PPLATFORMENTRY pPlatform; PSETTINGCOMBOS pCombo; PSETTINGS pSetting; DWORD dwMSData[4]; DWORD dwSize, i, iMax, j, jMax; MATCHTYPE rc = MATCH; // Assume ambiguous match
BOOL bReference;
// Check if the profile has the new device settings tag
dwSize = 0; GetColorProfileElement(hProfile, TAG_DEVICESETTINGS, 0, &dwSize, NULL, &bReference);
if (dwSize > 0) { if (!(pDevSettings = (PDEVICESETTINGS)GlobalAllocPtr(GHND, dwSize))) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error allocating memory\n"))); return NOMATCH; }
if (GetColorProfileElement(hProfile, TAG_DEVICESETTINGS, 0, &dwSize, (PBYTE)pDevSettings, &bReference)) { pPlatform = &pDevSettings->PlatformEntry[0];
// Navigate to the place where Microsoft specific settings are kept
i = 0; iMax = FIX_ENDIAN(pDevSettings->nPlatforms); while ((i < iMax) && (pPlatform->PlatformID != ID_MSFT_REVERSED))
{ i++; pPlatform = (PPLATFORMENTRY)((PBYTE)pPlatform + FIX_ENDIAN(pPlatform->dwSize)); }
if (i >= iMax) { //
// There are no MS specific settings, assume this profile is valid
// for all settings (ambigous match)
goto EndCheckResMedHftnMatch; }
// Found MS specific data. Now go through each combination of settings
pCombo = &pPlatform->SettingCombos[0]; iMax = FIX_ENDIAN(pPlatform->nSettingCombos); for (i=0; i<iMax; i++) { //
// Go through each setting in the combination
pSetting = &pCombo->Settings[0]; jMax = FIX_ENDIAN(pCombo->nSettings); for (j=0; j<jMax; j++) { if (pSetting->dwSettingType == ID_MEDIATYPE_REVERSED) { if (SET(pEnumRecord, ET_MEDIATYPE) && !DwordMatches(pSetting, pEnumRecord->dwMediaType)) { goto NextCombo; } } else if (pSetting->dwSettingType == ID_DITHER_REVERSED) { if (SET(pEnumRecord, ET_DITHERMODE) && !DwordMatches(pSetting, pEnumRecord->dwDitheringMode)) { goto NextCombo; } } else if (pSetting->dwSettingType == ID_RESLN_REVERSED) { if (SET(pEnumRecord, ET_RESOLUTION) && !QwordMatches(pSetting, &pEnumRecord->dwResolution[0])) { goto NextCombo; } }
pSetting = (PSETTINGS)((PBYTE)pSetting + sizeof(SETTINGS) - sizeof(DWORD) + FIX_ENDIAN(pSetting->dwSizePerValue) * FIX_ENDIAN(pSetting->nValues)); }
// This combination worked!
rc = EXACT_MATCH; goto EndCheckResMedHftnMatch;
NextCombo: pCombo = (PSETTINGCOMBOS)((PBYTE)pCombo + FIX_ENDIAN(pCombo->dwSize)); }
rc = NOMATCH; goto EndCheckResMedHftnMatch;
} else { rc = NOMATCH; goto EndCheckResMedHftnMatch; } } else { //
// Check if the old MSxx tags are present
dwSize = sizeof(dwMSData); if (SET(pEnumRecord, ET_MEDIATYPE)) { if (GetColorProfileElement(hProfile, TAG_MS01, 0, &dwSize, dwMSData, &bReference)) { rc = EXACT_MATCH; // Assume exact match
if (pEnumRecord->dwMediaType != FIX_ENDIAN(dwMSData[2])) { return NOMATCH; } } }
dwSize = sizeof(dwMSData); if (SET(pEnumRecord, ET_DITHERMODE)) { if (GetColorProfileElement(hProfile, TAG_MS02, 0, &dwSize, dwMSData, &bReference)) { rc = EXACT_MATCH; // Assume exact match
if (pEnumRecord->dwDitheringMode != FIX_ENDIAN(dwMSData[2])) { return NOMATCH; } } }
dwSize = sizeof(dwMSData); if (SET(pEnumRecord, ET_RESOLUTION)) { if (GetColorProfileElement(hProfile, TAG_MS03, 0, &dwSize, dwMSData, &bReference)) { rc = EXACT_MATCH; // Assume exact match
if (pEnumRecord->dwResolution[0] != FIX_ENDIAN(dwMSData[2]) || pEnumRecord->dwResolution[1] != FIX_ENDIAN(dwMSData[3])) { return NOMATCH; } } } }
if (pDevSettings) { GlobalFreePtr(pDevSettings); }
return rc; }
BOOL DwordMatches( PSETTINGS pSetting, DWORD dwValue ) { DWORD i, iMax; PDWORD pValue;
dwValue = FIX_ENDIAN(dwValue); // so we don't have to do this in the loop
// Go through all the values. If any of them match, return TRUE.
pValue = &pSetting->Value[0]; iMax = FIX_ENDIAN(pSetting->nValues); for (i=0; i<iMax; i++) { if (dwValue == *pValue) { return TRUE; }
pValue++; // We know that it is a DWORD
return FALSE; }
BOOL QwordMatches( PSETTINGS pSetting, PDWORD pdwValue ) { DWORD i, iMax, dwValue1, dwValue2; PDWORD pValue;
dwValue1 = FIX_ENDIAN(*pdwValue); // so we don't have to do this in the loop
dwValue2 = FIX_ENDIAN(*(pdwValue+1));
// Go through all the values. If any of them match, return TRUE.
pValue = &pSetting->Value[0]; iMax = FIX_ENDIAN(pSetting->nValues); for (i=0; i<iMax; i++) { if ((dwValue1 == *pValue) && (dwValue2 == *(pValue + 1))) { return TRUE; }
pValue += 2; // We know that it is a QWORD
return FALSE; }
* * OpenPrtr * * Function: * On Memphis, we cannot call OpenPrinter() because it calls into 16-bit * code, so if we call this function from GDI-16, we deadlock. So we * look into the registry directly. * * Arguments: * pDeviceName - pointer to name of the device * phDevice - pointer that receives the handle. * pDummy - dummy parameter * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI OpenPrtr( PTSTR pDeviceName, LPHANDLE phDevice, PTSTR pDummy ) { #if !defined(_WIN95_)
return OpenPrinter(pDeviceName, phDevice, (LPPRINTER_DEFAULTS)pDummy); #else
HKEY hkDevice = NULL; // printers branch of registry
HKEY hkPrtr = NULL; // Friendly name branch of registry
DWORD dwErr; // error code
BOOL rc = FALSE; // return code
*phDevice = NULL;
if (((dwErr = RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszRegPrinter, &hkDevice)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || ((dwErr = RegOpenKey(hkDevice, pDeviceName, &hkPrtr)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || ((dwErr = RegOpenKey(hkPrtr, gszPrinterData, (HKEY *)phDevice)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Cannot open printer data branch of registry for %s: %d\n"), pDeviceName, dwErr)); SetLastError(dwErr); goto EndOpenPrtr; }
rc = TRUE;
EndOpenPrtr: if (hkDevice) { RegCloseKey(hkDevice); } if (hkPrtr) { RegCloseKey(hkPrtr); }
return rc; #endif
* * ClosePrtr * * Function: * This function closes the printer handle opened by OpenPrtr. * * Arguments: * hDevice - open handle * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI ClosePrtr( HANDLE hDevice ) { #if !defined(_WIN95_)
return ClosePrinter(hDevice); #else
DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = RegCloseKey((HKEY)hDevice); SetLastError(dwErr); return dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS; #endif
* * GetPrtrData * * Function: * This functions returns ICM data stored with the printer instance * * Arguments: * hDevice - open printer handle * pKey - registry key for compatibility with GetPrinterDataEx * pName - name of registry value * pdwType - pointer to dword that receives type of value * pData - pointer to buffer to receive data * dwSize - size of buffer * pdwNeeded - on return, this has size of buffer filled/needed * * Returns: * ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, error code otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
DWORD WINAPI GetPrtrData( HANDLE hDevice, PTSTR pKey, PTSTR pName, PDWORD pdwType, PBYTE pData, DWORD dwSize, PDWORD pdwNeeded ) { #if !defined(_WIN95_)
return GetPrinterDataEx(hDevice, pKey, pName, pdwType, pData, dwSize, pdwNeeded); #else
*pdwNeeded = dwSize;
return RegQueryValueEx((HKEY)hDevice, pName, 0, NULL, pData, pdwNeeded); #endif
* * SetPrtrData * * Function: * This functions stores ICM data with the printer instance * * Arguments: * hDevice - open printer handle * pKey - registry key for compatibility with SetPrinterDataEx * pName - name of registry value * dwType - type of value * pData - pointer to data buffer * dwSize - size of buffer * * Returns: * ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, error code otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
DWORD WINAPI SetPrtrData( HANDLE hDevice, PTSTR pKey, PTSTR pName, DWORD dwType, PBYTE pData, DWORD dwSize ) { #if !defined(_WIN95_)
return SetPrinterDataEx(hDevice, pKey, pName, dwType, pData, dwSize); #else
return RegSetValueEx((HKEY)hDevice, pName, 0, dwType, pData, dwSize); #endif
* * OpenMonitor * * Function: * This function returns a handle to the monitor * * Arguments: * pDeviceName - pointer to name of the device * phDevice - pointer that receives the handle. * pDummy - dummy parameter * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI OpenMonitor( PTSTR pDeviceName, LPHANDLE phDevice, PTSTR pDummy ) { #ifdef _WIN95_
// For Windows 9x platform.
HDEVINFO hDevInfo = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; HKEY hkICM = NULL; HKEY hkDriver = NULL; // software branch of registry
DWORD dwSize; // size of buffer
TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH]; // buffer
BOOL rc = FALSE; // return value
SP_DEVINFO_DATA spdid; int i; // instance counter
if (!LoadSetupAPIDll()) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error loading setupapi.dll: %d\n"), GetLastError())); return FALSE; }
if (hDevInfo == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error getting hDevInfo: %d\n"), GetLastError())); goto EndOpenMonitor; }
i = 0; while (! rc) { ZeroMemory(&spdid, sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA)); spdid.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINFO_DATA); if (! (*fpSetupDiEnumDeviceInfo)(hDevInfo, i, &spdid)) { if (i == 0 && !lstrcmpi(pDeviceName, gszDisplay)) { //
// PnP support not in - open ICM key in registry
TCHAR szICMMonitorData[] = __TEXT("ICMMonitorData");
WARNING((__TEXT("PnP support absent - Using DISPLAY\n")));
// Open the registry path where monitor data is kept
if ((RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszICMRegPath, &hkICM) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (RegCreateKey(hkICM, szICMMonitorData, &hkDriver) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Cannot open ICMMonitorData branch of registry\n"))); goto EndOpenMonitor; } rc = TRUE; } break; }
// Get PnP ID. Check and see if the monitor name matches it.
dwSize = sizeof(szName); if ((*fpSetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId)(hDevInfo, &spdid, szName, dwSize, NULL) && ! lstrcmp(szName, pDeviceName)) { hkDriver = (*fpSetupDiOpenDevRegKey)(hDevInfo, &spdid, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DRV, KEY_ALL_ACCESS); if (hkDriver == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WARNING((__TEXT("Could not open monitor s/w key for all access\n"))); hkDriver = (*fpSetupDiOpenDevRegKey)(hDevInfo, &spdid, DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL, 0, DIREG_DRV, KEY_READ); if (hkDriver == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error opening s/w registry key for read access: %x\n"), GetLastError())); goto EndOpenMonitor; } }
rc = TRUE; }
i++; }
if (hkICM) { RegCloseKey(hkICM); }
if (hDevInfo != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { (*fpSetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList)(hDevInfo); }
*phDevice = (HANDLE)hkDriver;
return rc;
// For Windows NT (later than 5.0) platform
TCHAR szRegPath[MAX_PATH]; HKEY hkDriver = NULL;
// Copy device class root key.
lstrcpy(szRegPath,gszDeviceClass); lstrcat(szRegPath,gszMonitorGUID);
if (!lstrcmpi(pDeviceName, gszDisplay)) { WARNING((__TEXT("PnP support absent - Using DISPLAY\n")));
// PnP support not in - just open "0000" device.
lstrcat(szRegPath,TEXT("\\0000")); } else { // Someone changed the input pDeviceName from uppercase to lowercase
// and our substring search failed. (RAID #282646)
// Add code to do an uppercase compare instead.
TCHAR *pszBuffer = _tcsdup(pDeviceName); // make a local copy
if(pszBuffer) { _tcsupr(pszBuffer); // convert it to uppercase
// we know that gszMonitorGUID is upcase already.
// do an upcase substr compare.
if (_tcsstr(pszBuffer, gszMonitorGUID)) { //
// Extract monitor number from DeviceName
TCHAR *pDeviceNumber = _tcsrchr(pDeviceName,TEXT('\\')); if (pDeviceNumber) { lstrcat(szRegPath,pDeviceNumber); } else { lstrcat(szRegPath,TEXT("\\0000")); } } else { //
// This is not valid monitor name.
// Go to error out, but don't forget to free the memory
// we allocated above seeing as we skip the free below
// this code block.
free(pszBuffer); goto EndOpenMonitor; } free(pszBuffer); } else { goto EndOpenMonitor; // failed to allocate temporary buffer.
} }
// Open the registry path where monitor data is kept
if (RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szRegPath, &hkDriver) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARNING((__TEXT("Cannot open %s key\n"),szRegPath)); hkDriver = NULL; }
*phDevice = (HANDLE) hkDriver;
return (hkDriver != NULL);
#endif // _WIN95_
* * CloseMonitor * * Function: * This function closes the monitor handle opened by OpenMonitor * * Arguments: * hDevice - open handle * * Returns: * TRUE if successful, FALSE otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
BOOL WINAPI CloseMonitor( HANDLE hDevice ) { DWORD dwErr;
dwErr = RegCloseKey((HKEY)hDevice); SetLastError(dwErr); return (dwErr == ERROR_SUCCESS); }
* * GetMonitorData * * Function: * This functions returns ICM data stored with the monitor instance * * Arguments: * hDevice - open monitor handle * pKey - registry key for compatibility with GetPrinterDataEx * pName - name of registry value * pdwType - pointer to dword that receives type of value * pData - pointer to buffer to receive data * dwSize - size of buffer * pdwNeeded - on return, this has size of buffer filled/needed * * Returns: * ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, error code otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
DWORD WINAPI GetMonitorData( HANDLE hDevice, PTSTR pKey, PTSTR pName, PDWORD pdwType, PBYTE pData, DWORD dwSize, PDWORD pdwNeeded ) { DWORD dwType, dwTemp; DWORD rc;
*pdwNeeded = dwSize;
rc = RegQueryValueEx((HKEY)hDevice, pName, 0, &dwType, pData, pdwNeeded); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS || rc == ERROR_MORE_DATA) { if (dwType == REG_SZ) { PTSTR pFilename;
// Old style value, convert to double null terminated binary
if (pData) { pFilename = GetFilenameFromPath((PTSTR)pData); if ( (pFilename) && (pFilename != (PTSTR)pData) ) { lstrcpy((PTSTR)pData, pFilename); } *pdwNeeded = lstrlen((PTSTR)pData) * sizeof(TCHAR); }
*pdwNeeded += sizeof(TCHAR); // for double NULL termination
if ((dwSize >= *pdwNeeded) && pData) { *((PTSTR)pData + lstrlen((PTSTR)pData) + 1) = '\0';
// Set the profile name in new format
RegSetValueEx((HKEY)hDevice, pName, 0, REG_BINARY, pData, (lstrlen((PTSTR)pData)+2)*sizeof(TCHAR)); } } else if (*pdwNeeded == 1) { //
// If we have picked up the data and it is a 1 byte non-zero
// value, it is an 1 based index in a list of
// predefined profiles. Deal with this case.
// If pData is NULL, then we don't know if it is non-zero or
// not, so we assume it is and ask for a large enough buffer.
if (!pData || *pData != 0) { //
// Old style 1-based index value
if ((dwSize >= MAX_PATH) && pData) { HKEY hkICM = NULL; HKEY hkDevice = NULL; REGDATA regData;
// Make sure buggy inf doesn't crash us
if (pData[0] > sizeof(gszDispProfiles)/sizeof(gszDispProfiles[0])) { WARNING((__TEXT("Predefined profile index too large: %d\n"), pData[0])); goto EndCompatMode; }
lstrcpy((PTSTR)pData, gszDispProfiles[pData[0] - 1]); *((PTSTR)pData + lstrlen((PTSTR)pData) + 1) = '\0';
// We need to update reference count as it wasn't set up
// using the new API
// Open the registry path where profiles are kept
if ((RegCreateKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, gszICMRegPath, &hkICM) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || (RegCreateKey(hkICM, __TEXT("mntr"), &hkDevice) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Cannot open ICM\\device branch of registry\n"))); goto EndCompatMode; }
// If registry data exists, then the profile is already installed,
// in which case, increment use count, otherwise add entry
dwTemp = sizeof(REGDATA); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkDevice, (PTSTR)pData, 0, NULL, (PBYTE)®Data, &dwTemp) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { regData.dwRefCount++; } else { regData.dwRefCount = 1; regData.dwManuID = 'enon'; // it is our profile
regData.dwModelID = 'enon'; }
if (RegSetValueEx(hkDevice, (PTSTR)pData, 0, REG_BINARY, (PBYTE)®Data, sizeof(REGDATA)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error setting registry value\n"))); goto EndCompatMode; }
// Set the profile name in new format
RegSetValueEx((HKEY)hDevice, pName, 0, REG_BINARY, pData, (lstrlen((PTSTR)pData) + 2)*sizeof(TCHAR));
EndCompatMode: if (hkICM) { RegCloseKey(hkICM); } if (hkDevice) { RegCloseKey(hkDevice); } } *pdwNeeded = MAX_PATH; } } }
if ((rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) && (*pdwNeeded > dwSize)) { rc = ERROR_MORE_DATA; }
return rc; }
* * SetMonitorData * * Function: * This functions stores ICM data with the monitor instance * * Arguments: * hDevice - open monitor handle * pKey - registry key for compatibility with SetPrinterDataEx * pName - name of registry value * dwType - type of value * pData - pointer to data buffer * dwSize - size of buffer * * Returns: * ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, error code otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
DWORD WINAPI SetMonitorData( HANDLE hDevice, PTSTR pKey, PTSTR pName, DWORD dwType, PBYTE pData, DWORD dwSize ) { return RegSetValueEx((HKEY)hDevice, pName, 0, dwType, pData, dwSize); }
* * OpenScanner * * Function: * This function returns a handle to the scanner * * Arguments: * pDeviceName - pointer to name of the device * phDevice - pointer that receives the handle. * pDummy - dummy parameter * * Returns: * TRUE * ******************************************************************************/
if (!(psd = (PSCANNERDATA)MemAlloc(sizeof(SCANNERDATA)))) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error allocating memory for scanner data\n"))); return FALSE; }
if (!(psd->pDeviceName = MemAlloc((lstrlen(pDeviceName) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)))) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error allocating memory for scanner name\n"))); goto EndOpenScanner; }
#ifdef UNICODE
lstrcpy(psd->pDeviceName, pDeviceName); #else
if (! ConvertToUnicode(pDeviceName, &psd->pDeviceName, FALSE)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error converting scanner name to Unicode\n"))); goto EndOpenScanner; } #endif
if (!(psd->hModule = LoadLibrary(gszStiDll))) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error loading sti.dll: %d\n"), GetLastError())); goto EndOpenScanner; }
if (!(pStiCreateInstance = (PFNSTICREATEINSTANCE)GetProcAddress(psd->hModule, gszStiCreateInstance))) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error getting proc StiCreateInstance\n"))); goto EndOpenScanner; }
hres = (*pStiCreateInstance)(GetModuleHandle(NULL), STI_VERSION, &psd->pSti, NULL);
if (FAILED(hres)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Error creating sti instance: %d\n"), hres)); goto EndOpenScanner; }
*phDevice = (HANDLE)psd;
bRc = TRUE;
if (!bRc && psd) { CloseScanner((HANDLE)psd); }
return bRc; }
* * CloseScanner * * Function: * This function closes the monitor handle opened by OpenMonitor * * Arguments: * hDevice - handle of device * * Returns: * TRUE * ******************************************************************************/
if (psd) { if (psd->pSti) { psd->pSti->lpVtbl->Release(psd->pSti); }
if (psd->pDeviceName) { MemFree(psd->pDeviceName); }
if (psd->hModule) { FreeLibrary(psd->hModule); }
MemFree(psd); }
return TRUE; }
* * GetScannerData * * Function: * This functions returns ICM data stored with the scannerr instance * * Arguments: * hDevice - open scanner handle * pKey - registry key for compatibility with GetPrinterDataEx * pName - name of registry value * pdwType - pointer to dword that receives type of value * pData - pointer to buffer to receive data * dwSize - size of buffer * pdwNeeded - on return, this has size of buffer filled/needed * * Returns: * ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, error code otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
DWORD WINAPI GetScannerData( HANDLE hDevice, PTSTR pKey, PTSTR pName, PDWORD pdwType, PBYTE pData, DWORD dwSize, PDWORD pdwNeeded ) { PSCANNERDATA psd = (PSCANNERDATA)hDevice; HRESULT hres; #ifndef UNICODE
PWSTR pwszName;
// STI interface "ALWAYS" expects Unicode.
hres = ConvertToUnicode(pName, &pwszName, TRUE);
if (!hres) { return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
pName = (PSTR)pwszName;
*pdwNeeded = dwSize;
hres = psd->pSti->lpVtbl->GetDeviceValue(psd->pSti, psd->pDeviceName, (PWSTR)pName, pdwType, pData, pdwNeeded);
#ifndef UNICODE
return hres; }
* * SetScannerData * * Function: * This functions stores ICM data with the scanner instance * * Arguments: * hDevice - open scanner handle * pKey - registry key for compatibility with SetPrinterDataEx * pName - name of registry value * dwType - type of value * pData - pointer to data buffer * dwSize - size of buffer * * Returns: * ERROR_SUCCESS if successful, error code otherwise * ******************************************************************************/
DWORD WINAPI SetScannerData( HANDLE hDevice, PTSTR pKey, PTSTR pName, DWORD dwType, PBYTE pData, DWORD dwSize ) { PSCANNERDATA psd = (PSCANNERDATA)hDevice; HRESULT hres; #ifndef UNICODE
PWSTR pwszName;
// STI interface "ALWAYS" expects Unicode.
hres = ConvertToUnicode(pName, &pwszName, TRUE);
if (!hres) { return (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
pName = (PSTR)pwszName;
hres = psd->pSti->lpVtbl->SetDeviceValue(psd->pSti, psd->pDeviceName, (PWSTR)pName, dwType, pData, dwSize);
#ifndef UNICODE
return hres; }
// Internal functions
BOOL WINAPI InternalGetDeviceConfig( LPCTSTR pDeviceName, DWORD dwDeviceClass, DWORD dwConfigType, PVOID pConfigData, PDWORD pdwSize ) { DWORD dwDataType; DWORD dwSizeRequired = 0; BOOL rc = FALSE;
switch (dwConfigType) { case MSCMS_PROFILE_ENUM_MODE:
WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to InternalGetDeviceConfig\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Query the size of the data.
if (GetDeviceData(pDeviceName,dwDeviceClass,dwDataType,NULL,&dwSizeRequired,FALSE)) { if ((dwSizeRequired <= *pdwSize) && (pConfigData != NULL)) { //
// If buffer is enough, get the data.
if (GetDeviceData(pDeviceName,dwDeviceClass,dwDataType, (PVOID *)&pConfigData,pdwSize,FALSE)) { rc = TRUE; } else { WARNING((__TEXT("Failed on GetDeviceData to query data\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); } } else { //
// Return nessesary buffer size to caller.
*pdwSize = dwSizeRequired; SetLastError(ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER); } } else { WARNING((__TEXT("Failed on GetDeviceData to query data size\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); }
return rc; }
BOOL WINAPI InternalSetDeviceConfig( LPCTSTR pDeviceName, DWORD dwDeviceClass, DWORD dwConfigType, PVOID pConfigData, DWORD dwSize ) { DWORD dwDataType;
switch (dwConfigType) { case MSCMS_PROFILE_ENUM_MODE:
WARNING((__TEXT("Invalid parameter to InternalGetDeviceConfig\n"))); SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// Save the data.
return (SetDeviceData(pDeviceName,dwDeviceClass,dwDataType,pConfigData,dwSize)); }
#ifdef _WIN95_
// Win9x specific functions are here.
BOOL LoadSetupAPIDll( VOID ) { EnterCriticalSection(&critsec);
if (ghModSetupAPIDll == NULL) { ghModSetupAPIDll = LoadLibrary(TEXT("setupapi.dll"));
if (ghModSetupAPIDll) { fpSetupDiOpenDevRegKey = (FP_SetupDiOpenDevRegKey) GetProcAddress(ghModSetupAPIDll,"SetupDiOpenDevRegKey"); fpSetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList = (FP_SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList) GetProcAddress(ghModSetupAPIDll,"SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList"); fpSetupDiEnumDeviceInfo = (FP_SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo) GetProcAddress(ghModSetupAPIDll,"SetupDiEnumDeviceInfo"); fpSetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId = (FP_SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId) GetProcAddress(ghModSetupAPIDll,"SetupDiGetDeviceInstanceIdA"); fpSetupDiGetClassDevs = (FP_SetupDiGetClassDevs) GetProcAddress(ghModSetupAPIDll,"SetupDiGetClassDevsA");
if ((fpSetupDiOpenDevRegKey == NULL) || (fpSetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList == NULL) || (fpSetupDiEnumDeviceInfo == NULL) || (fpSetupDiGetDeviceInstanceId == NULL) || (fpSetupDiGetClassDevs == NULL)) { WARNING((__TEXT("Could not find Export function in setupapi.dll\n")));
FreeLibrary(ghModSetupAPIDll); ghModSetupAPIDll = NULL; } } }
return (!!ghModSetupAPIDll); }
// Win NT specific functions are here.
VOID ChangeICMSetting( LPCTSTR pMachineName, LPCTSTR pDeviceName, DWORD dwICMMode ) { PRINTER_INFO_8 *ppi8; PRINTER_INFO_9 *ppi9; PRINTER_DEFAULTS pd; HANDLE hPrinter; DWORD dwSize; BYTE temp[2*1024]; // sufficient for devmode
pd.pDatatype = NULL; pd.pDevMode = NULL; pd.DesiredAccess = PRINTER_ALL_ACCESS;
if (!OpenPrinter((PTSTR)pDeviceName, &hPrinter, &pd)) return;
// Get and update system devmode
ppi8 = (PRINTER_INFO_8 *)&temp; if (GetPrinter(hPrinter, 8, (PBYTE)ppi8, sizeof(temp), &dwSize) && ppi8->pDevMode) { switch (dwICMMode) { case ICM_ON: case ICM_OFF: ppi8->pDevMode->dmFields |= DM_ICMMETHOD; if (dwICMMode == ICM_ON) ppi8->pDevMode->dmICMMethod = DMICMMETHOD_SYSTEM; else ppi8->pDevMode->dmICMMethod = DMICMMETHOD_NONE; SetPrinter(hPrinter, 8, (PBYTE)ppi8, 0); break; } }
// If the user has a per-user devmode, update this as well
ppi9 = (PRINTER_INFO_9 *)&temp; if (GetPrinter(hPrinter, 9, (PBYTE)ppi9, sizeof(temp), &dwSize) && ppi9->pDevMode) { switch (dwICMMode) { case ICM_ON: case ICM_OFF: ppi9->pDevMode->dmFields |= DM_ICMMETHOD; if (dwICMMode == ICM_ON) ppi9->pDevMode->dmICMMethod = DMICMMETHOD_SYSTEM; else ppi9->pDevMode->dmICMMethod = DMICMMETHOD_NONE; SetPrinter(hPrinter, 9, (PBYTE)ppi9, 0); break; } }
return; }
#endif // _WIN95_