Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation All rights reserved
Module Name:
This module is to redirect SPOOLSS.DLL functions to the WINSPOOL.DRV functions for the User Mode Printer Device (UMPD) DLLs.
Min-Chih Lu Earl (v-mearl) 8-March-99 (Get ideas and implementation from \private\tsext\admtools\tsappcmp\register.c by v-johnjr)
User Mode - Win32 (in WINSRV.DLL running in the CSRSS.EXE process)
Revision History:
--*/ #define _USER_
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#include <ntddrdr.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <winspool.h>
#if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
#include <winspl.h>
#include "..\..\..\..\..\windows\spooler\spoolss\winspl.h"
#include <data.h>
#include "wingdip.h"
#if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
#include "musspl.h"
#include "ctxspl.h"
//* Local definitions *//
//* Local function prototypes
BOOL PlaceHooks(HMODULE hUMPD, HMODULE hSpoolss); PVOID PlaceHookEntry(HMODULE hSpoolss, PVOID * pProcAddress);
//* Hook function prototypes *//
PVOID TSsplHookGetProcAddress(IN HMODULE hModule,IN LPCSTR lpProcName);
//* Public functions Implementations *//
BOOL TSsplHookSplssToWinspool( IN HMODULE hUMPD ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine redirect the statically linked SPOOLSS.DLL address to the winspool.drv equivalent functions
hUMPD - Supplies the user mode printer driver DLL handle which uses the SPOOLSS.DLL
Return Value:
TRUE - Success FAIL - Error. Use GetLastError() to get the error status
--*/ { BOOL bStatus = TRUE; HMODULE hSpoolss;
hSpoolss = LoadLibrary(SPOOLSS_DLL_W); if (!hSpoolss) { DBGMSG(DBG_WARNING,("TSsplHookSplssToWinspool - Cannot load SPOOLSS.DLL\n")); return FALSE; }
* Redirect the spoolss.dll call to the winspool.drv call in the * UMPD.DLL */
bStatus = PlaceHooks(hUMPD, hSpoolss);
FreeLibrary(hSpoolss); DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE,("TSsplHookSplssToWinspool - Redirect UMPD.DLL Spoolss.dll to Winspool.dll\n"));
return bStatus;
//* Hook functions Implementations *//
//* These function hooks to the UMPD.DLL *//
PVOID TSsplHookGetProcAddress( IN HMODULE hModule, IN LPCSTR lpProcName ) /*++
Routine Description: Redirect Spoolss.dll function in hUMPD to winspool.drv for dynamic load
{ PVOID p; DWORD dllNameCount; WCHAR dllName[MAX_PATH];
p = GetProcAddress(hModule, lpProcName);
if (p && (dllNameCount = GetModuleFileName(hModule, dllName, sizeof(dllName)/sizeof(WCHAR))) && (wcsstr(_wcsupr(dllName), SPOOLSS_DLL_W) ) ) { /*
*This is SPOOLSS.DLL GetProcAddres. We need to redirect the p */
DBGMSG(DBG_TRACE,("TSsplHookGetProcAddress - Redirect UMPD.DLL GetProcAddress %s\n",lpProcName)); p = PlaceHookEntry(hModule, &p); } return p; } //*==========================================================================*//
//* Local functions *//
BOOL PlaceHooks( HMODULE hUMPD, HMODULE hSpoolss )
Routine Description: Redirect Spoolss.dll function in hUMPD to winspool.drv.
--*/ { NTSTATUS st; PVOID IATBase; SIZE_T BigIATSize; ULONG LittleIATSize = 0; PVOID *ProcAddresses; ULONG NumberOfProcAddresses; ULONG OldProtect;
IATBase = RtlImageDirectoryEntryToData( hUMPD, TRUE, IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_IAT, &LittleIATSize ); BigIATSize = LittleIATSize; if (IATBase != NULL) { st = NtProtectVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &IATBase, &BigIATSize, PAGE_READWRITE, &OldProtect ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(st)) { return FALSE; } else { ProcAddresses = (PVOID *)IATBase; NumberOfProcAddresses = (ULONG)(BigIATSize / sizeof(PVOID)); while (NumberOfProcAddresses--) { /*
* Redirect the LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress function. We will * have a chance to replace the address when the UMPD is a * dynamically load * DLL */
if (*ProcAddresses == GetProcAddress) { *ProcAddresses = TSsplHookGetProcAddress; } else { /* Replace the (static linked) spoolss.dll entry */ *ProcAddresses = PlaceHookEntry(hSpoolss, ProcAddresses); }
ProcAddresses += 1; }
NtProtectVirtualMemory( NtCurrentProcess(), &IATBase, &BigIATSize, OldProtect, &OldProtect ); } }
return TRUE;
PVOID PlaceHookEntry(HMODULE hSpoolss, PVOID * pProcAddress ) /*--
Routine Description:
This routine redirect the pProcAddress SPOOLSS.DLL function to the corresponding winspool.drv function.
Return Value:
The corresponding winspool.drv function if found. Else, the original function --*/ {
* Print jobs functions */
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"SetJobW")) == *pProcAddress) { return (&SetJobW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"GetJobW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&GetJobW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"WritePrinter")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&WritePrinter); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EnumJobsW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EnumJobsW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"AddJobW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&AddJobW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"ScheduleJob")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&ScheduleJob); }
* Manage Printers */
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EnumPrintersW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EnumPrintersW); } if (((BOOL (*)())GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"AddPrinterW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&AddPrinterW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"DeletePrinter")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&DeletePrinter); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"SetPrinterW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&SetPrinterW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"GetPrinterW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&GetPrinterW); }
* Printer Data functions */
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"GetPrinterDataW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&GetPrinterDataW); } #if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"GetPrinterDataExW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&GetPrinterDataExW); } #endif
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EnumPrinterDataW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EnumPrinterDataW); } #if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EnumPrinterDataExW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EnumPrinterDataExW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EnumPrinterKeyW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EnumPrinterKeyW); } #endif
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"DeletePrinterDataW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&DeletePrinterDataW); } #if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"DeletePrinterDataExW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&DeletePrinterDataExW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"DeletePrinterKeyW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&DeletePrinterKeyW); } #endif
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"SetPrinterDataW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&SetPrinterDataW); }
#if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"SetPrinterDataExW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&SetPrinterDataExW); } #endif
* PrinterConnection functions */
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"AddPrinterConnectionW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&AddPrinterConnectionW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"DeletePrinterConnectionW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&DeletePrinterConnectionW); }
* Driver functions */
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"GetPrinterDriverDirectoryW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&GetPrinterDriverDirectoryW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"GetPrinterDriverW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&GetPrinterDriverW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"AddPrinterDriverW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&AddPrinterDriverW); } #if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"AddPrinterDriverExW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&AddPrinterDriverExW); } #endif
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EnumPrinterDriversW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EnumPrinterDriversW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"DeletePrinterDriverW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&DeletePrinterDriverW); } #if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"DeletePrinterDriverExW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&DeletePrinterDriverExW); } #endif
* Print Processors */
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"AddPrintProcessorW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&AddPrintProcessorW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EnumPrintProcessorsW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EnumPrintProcessorsW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"GetPrintProcessorDirectoryW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&GetPrintProcessorDirectoryW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"DeletePrintProcessorW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&DeletePrintProcessorW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EnumPrintProcessorDatatypesW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EnumPrintProcessorDatatypesW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"OpenPrinterW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&OpenPrinterW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"ResetPrinterW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&ResetPrinterW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"ClosePrinter")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&ClosePrinter); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"AddPrintProcessorW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&AddPrintProcessorW); }
* Doc Printer */
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"StartDocPrinterW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&StartDocPrinterW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"StartPagePrinter")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&StartPagePrinter); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EndPagePrinter")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EndPagePrinter); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"WritePrinter")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&WritePrinter); } #if(WINVER >= 0x0500)
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"FlushPrinter")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&FlushPrinter); } #endif
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"AbortPrinter")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&AbortPrinter); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"ReadPrinter")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&ReadPrinter); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EndDocPrinter")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EndDocPrinter); }
* Change functions */
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"WaitForPrinterChange")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&WaitForPrinterChange); }
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"FindClosePrinterChangeNotification")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&FindClosePrinterChangeNotification); }
* Forms and port */
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"AddFormW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&AddFormW); }
if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"DeleteFormW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&DeleteFormW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"GetFormW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&GetFormW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"SetFormW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&SetFormW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EnumFormsW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EnumFormsW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EnumPortsW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EnumPortsW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"EnumMonitorsW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&EnumMonitorsW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"AddPortW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&AddPortW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"ConfigurePortW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&ConfigurePortW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"DeletePortW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&DeletePortW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"SetPortW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&SetPortW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"AddMonitorW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&AddMonitorW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"DeleteMonitorW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&DeleteMonitorW); } if ((GetProcAddress(hSpoolss,"AddPrintProvidorW")) == *pProcAddress) { return(&AddPrintProvidorW); } return *pProcAddress; }