* lcfile.c * * * * Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Microsoft Inc. * * * *************************************************/
// Change Log:
// @C001 - Use _make\splitpath insteading of _wmake\splitpath
// @C002 - Untest Chinese in assoc phrases
// @C003 - Create tbl files always so phrases can be activated immediately
// 1/27/96
// @C004 Fix bug of error writing registy database
#include <windows.h> // required for all Windows applications
#include <windowsx.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <shlobj.h>
#include "rc.h"
#include "lctool.h"
#define END_PHRASE 0x8000
#define NOT_END_PHRASE 0x7fff
#ifdef UNICODE
#define PTRRECLEN 3 // Pointer file record length
#define PTRRECLEN 4 // Pointer file record length
extern HWND subhWnd;
// Local function prototypes.
#ifdef UNICODE
TCHAR g_szLCPhraseName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR g_szLCPtrName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR g_szLCUserPath[MAX_PATH];
BOOL lcFOpen( HWND hWnd) { HANDLE hLCPtr,hLCPhrase; HFILE hfLCPtr,hfLCPhrase; DWORD flen_Ptr,flen_Phrase; TCHAR szLCPtrName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szLCPhraseName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR *szLCPtrBuf,*szLCPhraseBuf; UCHAR szTmp[MAX_PATH]; BOOL rc; UINT i; DWORD lStart,lEnd; TCHAR szDispBuf[MAX_CHAR_NUM]; UINT nDisp,len; HKEY hkey; LONG lResult; LONG lcount, lType;
// Get the path for User Dictionary.
SHGetSpecialFolderPath(NULL, g_szLCUserPath, CSIDL_APPDATA , FALSE);
if ( g_szLCUserPath[lstrlen(g_szLCUserPath) - 1] == TEXT('\\') ) g_szLCUserPath[lstrlen(g_szLCUserPath) - 1] = TEXT('\0');
lstrcat(g_szLCUserPath, TEXT("\\Microsoft") );
if ( GetFileAttributes(g_szLCUserPath) != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) CreateDirectory(g_szLCUserPath, NULL);
lstrcat(g_szLCUserPath, TEXT("\\LCTOOL") );
if ( GetFileAttributes(g_szLCUserPath) != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) CreateDirectory(g_szLCUserPath, NULL);
// Get Current User Dictionary
lResult = RegOpenKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Control Panel\\Input Method", 0, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, &hkey) ; if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
lcount = 2 * MAX_PATH; lType = REG_SZ; lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, L"Phrase Prediction Dictionary",0, &lType, (LPBYTE)szLCPhraseName, &lcount); if (lResult == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
lcount = 2 * MAX_PATH; lType = REG_SZ; lResult = RegQueryValueEx(hkey, L"Phrase Prediction Pointer",0, &lType, (LPBYTE)szLCPtrName, &lcount); } }
if (lResult != ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Get system directory
len = GetSystemDirectory(szLCPtrName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPtrName)); if (szLCPtrName[len - 1] !=_TEXT('\\')) { // consider C:\ ;
szLCPtrName[len++] =_TEXT('\\'); szLCPtrName[len] = 0; } StringCchCopy(szLCPhraseName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPhraseName), szLCPtrName); StringCchCat(szLCPtrName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPtrName), _TEXT(LCPTRFILE)); StringCchCat(szLCPhraseName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPhraseName), _TEXT(LCPHRASEFILE)); }
// Open LC pointer file
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,szLCPtrName,-1,szTmp,MAX_PATH,NULL,0); hfLCPtr=_lopen(szTmp,OF_READ); if(hfLCPtr == -1){ lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, LCPTRFILE); return FALSE; } WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,szLCPhraseName,-1,szTmp,MAX_PATH,NULL,0); hfLCPhrase=_lopen(szTmp,OF_READ);
// Open LC phrase file
if(hfLCPhrase == -1){ _lclose(hfLCPtr); lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, LCPTRFILE); return FALSE; }
lstrcpy(g_szLCPhraseName, szLCPhraseName); lstrcpy(g_szLCPtrName, szLCPtrName);
// get file length
flen_Ptr=_llseek(hfLCPtr,0L,2); /* get file length */
// Allocate Memory
hLCPtr = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, flen_Ptr); if(!hLCPtr) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_MEMORY); goto error; } szLCPtrBuf = GlobalLock(hLCPtr);
_llseek(hfLCPtr,0L,0); //set to beginning 4
if(flen_Ptr != _lread(hfLCPtr,szLCPtrBuf,flen_Ptr)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEREAD, LCPTRFILE); goto error; } _lclose(hfLCPtr);
//get file length
flen_Phrase=_llseek(hfLCPhrase,0L,2); /* get file length */
// Allocate Memory
hLCPhrase = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, flen_Phrase); if(!hLCPhrase) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_MEMORY); goto error; } szLCPhraseBuf = GlobalLock(hLCPhrase);
_llseek(hfLCPhrase,0L,0); //set to beginning
if(flen_Phrase != _lread(hfLCPhrase,szLCPhraseBuf,flen_Phrase)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEREAD, LCPHRASEFILE); goto error; } _lclose(hfLCPhrase);
// Convert file to structured memory (WORDBUF & PHRASEBUF)
// First record is Null record skip it
for(i=1; i<((flen_Ptr/PTRRECLEN)>>1)-1; i++) { // If Allocated Word buffer not enough Reallocate it
if(lWordBuff+1 == nWordBuffsize) if(!(rc=lcAllocWord())) break; lpWord[lWordBuff].wWord=szLCPtrBuf[i*PTRRECLEN]; // If Allocated Phrase buffer not enough Reallocate it
if(lPhraseBuff+1 == nPhraseBuffsize) if(!(rc=lcAllocPhrase())) break;
lpWord[lWordBuff].lFirst_Seg=lPhraseBuff; lpPhrase[lPhraseBuff].lNext_Seg=NULL_SEG; lWordBuff++; lPhraseBuff++; nDisp=0;
// Add Phrase to Display buffer
lStart=*((LPUNADWORD)&szLCPtrBuf[i*PTRRECLEN+1]); lEnd=*((LPUNADWORD)&szLCPtrBuf[i*PTRRECLEN+PTRRECLEN+1]); if(lStart <= lEnd) { rc=lcAddPhrase(szLCPhraseBuf, szDispBuf, &nDisp, lStart, lEnd, flen_Phrase>>1); if(!rc) break; }
// Put display buffer into Phrase buffer
if(nDisp == 0) szDispBuf[0]=0; else szDispBuf[nDisp-1]=0;
if(!(rc=lcDisp2Mem(lWordBuff-1, szDispBuf))) break; }
GlobalUnlock(hLCPtr); GlobalUnlock(hLCPhrase); GlobalFree(hLCPtr); GlobalFree(hLCPhrase); return rc;
_lclose(hfLCPtr); _lclose(hfLCPhrase); GlobalUnlock(hLCPtr); GlobalUnlock(hLCPhrase); GlobalFree(hLCPtr); GlobalFree(hLCPhrase); return FALSE; }
BOOL lcAddPhrase( TCHAR *szLCWord, // LC Phrase buffer
TCHAR *szDispBuf, // Display buffer
UINT *nDisp, // Display buffer length
DWORD lStart, // Start address of LC Phrase
DWORD lEnd, // End address of LC Phrase
DWORD lLen) // Total Length of LC Phrase
{ DWORD i,j; // Check length
if(lLen < lStart) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_LCPTRFILE); return FALSE; } j=(lLen < lEnd) ? lLen:lEnd; for(i=lStart; i < j; i++) { szDispBuf[(*nDisp)++]=szLCWord[i] ? szLCWord[i]:_TEXT(' '); if( ((*nDisp)+1) >= MAX_CHAR_NUM) { szDispBuf[(*nDisp)++]=0; lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_OVERMAX); return FALSE; } } szDispBuf[(*nDisp)++]=0; return TRUE; }
// @C001
static void local_splitpath(TCHAR *szFilePath, TCHAR *szDriveBuf, TCHAR *szDirBuf, TCHAR *szFNameBuf, TCHAR *szExtBuf) { static UCHAR u_szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; static UCHAR u_szDirBuf[_MAX_DIR]; static UCHAR u_szDriveBuf[_MAX_DRIVE]; static UCHAR u_szFNameBuf[_MAX_FNAME]; static UCHAR u_szExtBuf[_MAX_EXT];
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szFilePath, -1, u_szFilePath, MAX_PATH, NULL,0); _splitpath(u_szFilePath, u_szDriveBuf, u_szDirBuf, u_szFNameBuf, u_szExtBuf);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, u_szDriveBuf, -1, szDriveBuf, _MAX_DRIVE); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, u_szDirBuf, -1, szDirBuf, _MAX_DIR); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, u_szFNameBuf, -1, szFNameBuf, _MAX_FNAME); MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, u_szExtBuf, -1, szExtBuf, _MAX_EXT); }
// @C001
static void local_makepath(TCHAR *szFilePath, TCHAR *szDriveBuf, TCHAR *szDirBuf, TCHAR *szFNameBuf, TCHAR *szExtBuf) { static UCHAR u_szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; static UCHAR u_szDirBuf[_MAX_DIR]; static UCHAR u_szDriveBuf[_MAX_DRIVE]; static UCHAR u_szFNameBuf[_MAX_FNAME]; static UCHAR u_szExtBuf[_MAX_EXT];
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szDriveBuf, -1, u_szDriveBuf, _MAX_DRIVE, NULL,0); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szDirBuf, -1, u_szDirBuf, _MAX_DIR, NULL,0); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szFNameBuf, -1, u_szFNameBuf, _MAX_FNAME, NULL,0); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szExtBuf, -1, u_szExtBuf, _MAX_EXT, NULL,0);
_makepath(u_szFilePath, u_szDriveBuf, u_szDirBuf, u_szFNameBuf, u_szExtBuf);
MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, u_szFilePath, -1, szFilePath, MAX_PATH);
BOOL lcFSave( HWND hwnd, BOOL bSaveAs) { HANDLE hLCPtr, hLCPhrase; HFILE hfLCPtr,hfLCPhrase; TCHAR szLCSystemName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szLCPtrName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szLCPhraseName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szLCPtrBuf[PTRRECLEN],szLCPhraseBuf[MAX_CHAR_NUM]; UINT i,j; DWORD lStartPhrase; DWORD lPhraseLen; UINT len; UCHAR szUStr[MAX_CHAR_NUM],*pUStr;
OPENFILENAME ofn; TCHAR szFileOpen[25]; TCHAR szCustFilter[40]; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH];
TCHAR szFilterSpec_t[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szExt_t[10];
if(!lcSort(hwnd)) return FALSE; if(wSameCode) return FALSE;
DOSAVE: // Get system directory
len = GetSystemDirectory(szLCSystemName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCSystemName)); if (szLCSystemName[len - 1] != _TEXT('\\')) { // consider C:\ ;
szLCSystemName[len++] = _TEXT('\\'); szLCSystemName[len] = 0; }
if (bSaveAs) { LoadString (hInst, IDS_DICTFILTERSPEC, szFilterSpec_t, sizeof(szFilterSpec_t)/sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString (hInst, IDS_DICTDEFAULTFILEEXT, szExt_t, sizeof(szExt_t)/sizeof(TCHAR));
szFilterSpec_t[lstrlen(szFilterSpec_t) + 2] = 0; szFileName[0]=0; LoadString (hInst, IDS_SAVETABLE, szFileOpen, sizeof(szFileOpen)/sizeof(TCHAR) ); szCustFilter[0]=0; StringCchCopy(&szCustFilter[1], ARRAYSIZE(szCustFilter)-1, szExt_t); szCustFilter[lstrlen(szExt_t) + 2] = 0;
local_splitpath(g_szLCPhraseName, szDriveBuf, szDirBuf, szFNameBuf, szExtBuf); // @C001
if (lstrcmpi(szFNameBuf, _TEXT(LCPHRASENOEXT)) == 0) { StringCchCopy(szFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(szFilePath), szExt_t); } else { StringCchCopy(szFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(szFilePath), szFNameBuf); StringCchCat(szFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(szFilePath), szExtBuf); }
/* fill in non-variant fields of OPENFILENAME struct. */ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = NULL; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilterSpec_t; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = szCustFilter; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = sizeof(szCustFilter); ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = szFilePath; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = g_szLCUserPath; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrTitle = szFileOpen; ofn.lpstrDefExt = szExt_t+2; ofn.Flags = OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST;
if(!GetSaveFileName ((LPOPENFILENAME)&ofn)) return FALSE;
StringCchCat(szLCSystemName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCSystemName), _TEXT(LCPHRASEFILE)); StringCchCopy(szLCPhraseName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPhraseName), szFilePath); if (lstrcmpi(szLCPhraseName, szLCSystemName) == 0) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_SAVESYSTEMTBL); return FALSE; }
local_splitpath(szFilePath, szDriveBuf, szDirBuf, szFNameBuf, szExtBuf); // @C001
len=lstrlen(szFNameBuf); if(len > 5) len=5; szFNameBuf[len]=0; StringCchCat(szFNameBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szFNameBuf), _TEXT("PTR"));
local_makepath(szLCPtrName, szDriveBuf, szDirBuf, szFNameBuf, _TEXT(".TBL")); // @C001
if (lstrcmpi(szLCPtrName, szLCPhraseName) == 0) { local_makepath(szLCPtrName, szDriveBuf, szDirBuf, szFNameBuf, _TEXT(".TB1")); // @C001
} } else { StringCchCopy(szLCPhraseName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPhraseName), g_szLCPhraseName); StringCchCopy(szLCPtrName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPtrName), g_szLCPtrName);
StringCchCat(szLCSystemName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCSystemName), _TEXT(LCPHRASEFILE)); if (lstrcmpi(szLCPhraseName, szLCSystemName) == 0) { bSaveAs = TRUE; goto DOSAVE; } }
// Open LC phrase file
NULL ) ; if(hLCPhrase == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_FILESAVE); goto error; } hfLCPhrase = PtrToInt( hLCPhrase ); // Open LC pointer file
NULL ) ; if(hLCPtr == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_FILESAVE); goto error; } hfLCPtr = PtrToInt( hLCPtr ); // Copy into global variable
lstrcpy(g_szLCPhraseName, szLCPhraseName); lstrcpy(g_szLCPtrName, szLCPtrName);
// Write a Null record into first record
memset(szUStr,0,PTRRECLEN*2); if((PTRRECLEN*2) != _lwrite(hfLCPtr,szUStr,PTRRECLEN*2)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEWRITE, LCPTRFILE); goto error; } lStartPhrase=0; // initialize szLCPtrBuf and szLCPhraseBuf
for ( i=0; i< PTRRECLEN; i++) szLCPtrBuf[i] = TEXT('\0');
for ( i=0; i<MAX_CHAR_NUM; i++) szLCPhraseBuf[i] = TEXT('\0');
for(i=0; i<lWordBuff; i++) { lPhraseLen=0;
// Truncate same Word
if(lpWord[i].wWord == *(szLCPtrBuf)) continue;
lPhraseLen=lcMem2Disp(i, szLCPhraseBuf); len=lPhraseLen << 1 ; for(j=0;j<lPhraseLen;j++) if(szLCPhraseBuf[j]==_TEXT(' ')) szLCPhraseBuf[j]=0;
// Check register phrase over max length
if(lStartPhrase > (0x0ffffffd-len)) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_OVER_MAXLEN); goto error; }
szLCPtrBuf[0]=lpWord[i].wWord; *((LPUNADWORD)&szLCPtrBuf[1])=lStartPhrase; pUStr=(UCHAR*)szLCPtrBuf; if(PTRRECLEN*2 != _lwrite(hfLCPtr,pUStr,PTRRECLEN*2)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEWRITE, LCPTRFILE); goto error; } if(lPhraseLen){ pUStr=(UCHAR*)szLCPhraseBuf; if(len !=_lwrite(hfLCPhrase,pUStr,len)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEWRITE, LCPHRASEFILE); goto error; } } lStartPhrase+=lPhraseLen; }
// Write the lasr record
szLCPtrBuf[0]=0xffff; *((LPUNADWORD)&szLCPtrBuf[1])=lStartPhrase; pUStr=(UCHAR*)szLCPtrBuf; if(PTRRECLEN*2 != _lwrite(hfLCPtr,pUStr,PTRRECLEN*2)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEWRITE, LCPTRFILE); goto error; }
SetEndOfFile(hLCPtr); SetEndOfFile(hLCPhrase); _lclose(hfLCPtr); _lclose(hfLCPhrase); bSaveFile=FALSE;
{ HKEY hkey; DWORD dwDisposition; LONG lResult;
lResult= RegCreateKeyEx(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, L"Control Panel\\Input Method", 0, L"Application Per-User Data", REG_OPTION_NON_VOLATILE, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, &hkey, &dwDisposition) ; lResult = RegSetValueEx(hkey, L"Phrase Prediction Dictionary",0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szLCPhraseName, 2 * (lstrlen(szLCPhraseName) + 1)); // <== @C004
lResult = RegSetValueEx(hkey, L"Phrase Prediction Pointer",0, REG_SZ, (BYTE *)szLCPtrName, 2 * (lstrlen(szLCPtrName) + 1)); // <== @C004
} return TRUE;
error: _lclose(hfLCPtr); _lclose(hfLCPhrase); return FALSE;
BOOL lcInsline( TCHAR *szStr, UINT iWord, UINT len, BOOL *bOver) { WORD wWord; UINT iFree,nDisp; UINT i,j,buflen; TCHAR szDispBuf[MAX_CHAR_NUM]; TCHAR szBuffer[MAX_CHAR_NUM*2]; unsigned long l;
szStr[len]=0; // Append Null to end of line
// Skip lead spaces if exist
for(i=0; (i<len) && (szStr[i] ==_TEXT(' ')); i++);
if( ((i+1) >= len) || (szStr[i+1] !=_TEXT(' ')) ) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_IMP_SEPRATOR); return FALSE; }
if(!is_DBCS2(*((WORD *)(&szStr[i])), TRUE)) { return FALSE; }
// Skip spaces after Word
for(j=i+1; (j<len) && (szStr[j] ==_TEXT(' ')); j++); if(j == len) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_IMP_NOPHRASE); return FALSE; } StringCchCopy(szDispBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szDispBuf), &szStr[j]); nDisp=lstrlen(szDispBuf)+1;
#ifndef UNICODE // @C002
// Check DBCS
for(i=0; i<(nDisp-1); i++) { if(szDispBuf[i] ==_TEXT(' ')) continue; if(!is_DBCS2(szDispBuf[i], TRUE)) { return FALSE; } i++; } #endif // @C002
// Check same Word
for(i=0; i<lWordBuff; i++) { if(lpWord[i].wWord==wWord) { buflen=lcMem2Disp(i, szBuffer); if((buflen + lstrlen(szDispBuf)) >= MAX_CHAR_NUM) *bOver=TRUE; StringCchCat(szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), szDispBuf); return(lcDisp2Mem(i, szBuffer)); } }
// Check Word buffer enough ?
if(lWordBuff+1 == nWordBuffsize) if(!lcAllocWord()) return FALSE;
// Allocate a Phrase Buffer
iFree=lcGetSeg(); if(iFree == NULL_SEG) return FALSE; if(lWordBuff == 0) { lpWord[iWord].wWord=wWord; lpWord[iWord].lFirst_Seg=iFree; } else { for(l=lWordBuff; l >= iWord; l--) { lpWord[l+1].wWord=lpWord[l].wWord; lpWord[l+1].lFirst_Seg=lpWord[l].lFirst_Seg; } lpWord[iWord].wWord=wWord; lpWord[iWord].lFirst_Seg=iFree; } lWordBuff++;
if(!lcDisp2Mem(iWord, szDispBuf)) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
BOOL lcAppend( HWND hwnd) { OPENFILENAME ofn; TCHAR szFileOpen[25]; TCHAR szCustFilter[10]; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR szUFilePath[MAX_PATH]; HFILE hfImport; HANDLE hImport; TCHAR szStr[MAX_CHAR_NUM+10]; UCHAR *szUBuf; TCHAR *szBuf; DWORD flen; BOOL bOver=FALSE; UINT i,len; UINT iEdit,iWord; BOOL is_WORD;
iEdit=lcGetEditFocus(GetFocus(), &is_WORD); iWord=iDisp_Top+iEdit; if(iWord > lWordBuff) iWord=lWordBuff;
if(!lcSaveEditText(iDisp_Top, 0)) return FALSE;
szFileName[0]=0; LoadString (hInst, IDS_APPENDTITLE, szFileOpen, sizeof(szFileOpen)/sizeof(TCHAR)); szCustFilter[0]=0; StringCchCopy(&szCustFilter[1], ARRAYSIZE(szCustFilter)-1, szExt); StringCchCopy(szFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(szFilePath), szExt);
/* fill in non-variant fields of OPENFILENAME struct. */ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = NULL; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilterSpec; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = szCustFilter; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = sizeof(szCustFilter); ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = szFilePath; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = g_szLCUserPath; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrTitle = szFileOpen; ofn.lpstrDefExt = szExt+2; ofn.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST;
/* call common open dialog and return result */ if(GetOpenFileName ((LPOPENFILENAME)&ofn)) { SetCursor(hCursorWait); WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,szFilePath,-1,szUFilePath,MAX_PATH,NULL,0); hfImport=_lopen(szUFilePath,OF_READ); if(hfImport == -1){ lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, szUFilePath); return FALSE; }
// get file length
_llseek(hfImport,0L,0); //set to beginning
// Allocate Memory
hImport = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, flen + 2); if(!hImport) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_MEMORY); return FALSE; } szUBuf = GlobalLock(hImport);
// Read file to memory
if(flen != _lread(hfImport,szUBuf,flen)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEREAD, szUFilePath); return FALSE; } _lclose(hfImport); szUBuf[flen] = 0;
if(szUBuf[1]!=0xFE && szUBuf[0]!=0xFF) //not a unicode file
{ HANDLE hImport2 = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, ((flen+2)<<1));
if(!hImport2) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_MEMORY); return FALSE; } szBuf = GlobalLock(hImport2); flen=MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,MB_PRECOMPOSED,szUBuf,-1,szBuf+1,flen); GlobalUnlock(hImport); GlobalFree(hImport);
hImport=hImport2; flen<<=1; flen-=2;
} else szBuf=(TCHAR*)szUBuf;
len=0; for(i=1; i<=((flen>>1)+1); i++) { //@D01C
if((szBuf[i] == 0x000d) || (szBuf[i] == 0x000a)) { if(len != 0) { if(!lcInsline(szStr, iWord++, len, &bOver)) break; len=0; } continue; } if((szBuf[i] == 0x001a) || (i == ((flen>>1)+1))) { //@D01C
if(len != 0) { if(!lcInsline(szStr, iWord++, len, &bOver)) break; } break; } if(len >= MAX_CHAR_NUM+3) bOver=TRUE; else szStr[len++]=szBuf[i]; }
if(bOver) lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_OVERMAX); SetScrollRange(subhWnd, SB_VERT, 0, lWordBuff-iPage_line, FALSE); SetScrollPos(subhWnd, SB_VERT, yPos, TRUE); lcSetEditText(iDisp_Top, FALSE);
GlobalUnlock(hImport); GlobalFree(hImport); bSaveFile=TRUE; } return TRUE; }
BOOL lcImport( HWND hwnd) { OPENFILENAME ofn; TCHAR szFileOpen[25]; TCHAR szCustFilter[10]; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR szUFilePath[MAX_PATH]; HFILE hfImport; HANDLE hImport; TCHAR szStr[MAX_CHAR_NUM+10]; TCHAR *szBuf; UCHAR *szUBuf; DWORD flen; BOOL bOver=FALSE; UINT i,len; UINT iWord; // @D04A
if(!lcSaveEditText(iDisp_Top, 0)) return FALSE;
szFileName[0]=0; LoadString (hInst, IDS_IMPORTTITLE, szFileOpen, sizeof(szFileOpen)/sizeof(TCHAR)); szCustFilter[0]=0; StringCchCopy(&szCustFilter[1], ARRAYSIZE(szCustFilter)-1, szExt); StringCchCopy(szFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(szFilePath), szExt);
/* fill in non-variant fields of OPENFILENAME struct. */ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = NULL; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilterSpec; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = szCustFilter; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = ARRAYSIZE(szCustFilter); ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = szFilePath; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = g_szLCUserPath; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrTitle = szFileOpen; ofn.lpstrDefExt = szExt+2; ofn.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST;
/* call common open dialog and return result */ if(GetOpenFileName ((LPOPENFILENAME)&ofn)) { SetCursor(hCursorWait); // Clear all flag first
iWord=0; //@D04A
iDisp_Top=0; //@D03A
lWordBuff=0; //@D03A
lPhraseBuff=0; //@D03A
lcSetEditText(0, FALSE); //@D03A
SetScrollRange(subhWnd, SB_VERT, 0, iPage_line, TRUE); //@D03A
yPos=0; //@D03A
SetScrollPos(subhWnd, SB_VERT, yPos, TRUE); //@D03A
bSaveFile=FALSE; //@D03A
iFirstFree=NULL_SEG; //@D03A
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,szFilePath,-1,szUFilePath,MAX_PATH,NULL,0); hfImport=_lopen(szUFilePath,OF_READ); if(hfImport == -1){ lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, szUFilePath); return FALSE; }
// get file length
_llseek(hfImport,0L,0); //set to beginning
// Allocate Memory
hImport = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, flen + 2); if(!hImport) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_MEMORY); _lclose(hfImport); return FALSE; } szUBuf = GlobalLock(hImport);
// Read file to memory
if(flen != _lread(hfImport,szUBuf,flen)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEREAD, szUFilePath); return FALSE; } _lclose(hfImport); szUBuf[flen] = 0;
if(szUBuf[1]!=0xFE && szUBuf[0]!=0xFF) //not a unicode file
{ HANDLE hImport2 = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, (flen+2)<<1);
if(!hImport2) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_MEMORY); return FALSE; } szBuf = GlobalLock(hImport2); flen=MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP,MB_PRECOMPOSED,szUBuf,-1,szBuf+1,flen); GlobalUnlock(hImport); GlobalFree(hImport);
hImport=hImport2; flen<<=1; flen-=2;
} else szBuf=(TCHAR*)szUBuf;
for(i=1; i<= ((flen>>1)+1); i++) { //@D01C
if((szBuf[i] == 0x000d) || (szBuf[i] == 0x000a)) { if(len != 0) { if(!lcInsline(szStr, iWord++, len, &bOver)) break; len=0; } continue; }
if((szBuf[i] == 0x001a) || (i == ((flen>>1)+1))) { //@D01C
if(len != 0) { if(!lcInsline(szStr, iWord++, len, &bOver)) break; } break; }
if(len >= MAX_CHAR_NUM+3) bOver=TRUE; else szStr[len++]=szBuf[i]; }
if(bOver) lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_OVERMAX); SetScrollRange(subhWnd, SB_VERT, 0, lWordBuff-iPage_line, FALSE); SetScrollPos(subhWnd, SB_VERT, yPos, TRUE); lcSetEditText(iDisp_Top, FALSE);
GlobalUnlock(hImport); GlobalFree(hImport); bSaveFile=TRUE; SetFocus(hwndWord[0]); // @D04A
} return TRUE; }
BOOL lcExport( HWND hwnd,int mode) { OPENFILENAME ofn; TCHAR szFileOpen[25]; TCHAR szCustFilter[10]; TCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR szUStr[MAX_PATH]; HFILE hfExport; UCHAR szStr[MAX_CHAR_NUM+10]; UINT i,len; TCHAR *pTchar;
if(!lcSaveEditText(iDisp_Top, 0)) return FALSE;
szFileName[0]=0; if (mode == FILE_UNICODE) LoadString (hInst, IDS_EXPORTTITLE, szFileOpen, sizeof(szFileOpen)/sizeof(TCHAR)); else LoadString (hInst, IDS_EXPORTBIG5TITLE, szFileOpen, sizeof(szFileOpen)/sizeof(TCHAR) );
szCustFilter[0]=0; lstrcpy(&szCustFilter[1], szExt); szCustFilter[lstrlen(szExt) + 1] = 0; lstrcpy(szFilePath, szExt);
/* fill in non-variant fields of OPENFILENAME struct. */ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilterSpec; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = szCustFilter; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = ARRAYSIZE(szCustFilter); ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = szFilePath; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = g_szLCUserPath; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrTitle = szFileOpen; ofn.lpstrDefExt = szExt+2; ofn.Flags = OFN_CREATEPROMPT | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST;
/* call common open dialog and return result */ if(GetSaveFileName ((LPOPENFILENAME)&ofn)) { HANDLE hExport;
SetCursor(hCursorWait); hExport = CreateFile(szFilePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ) ; if(hExport == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){ WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,szFilePath,-1,szUStr,MAX_PATH,NULL,0); lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, szUStr); return FALSE; } hfExport = PtrToInt( hExport );
if(mode==FILE_UNICODE){ szStr[0]=0xFF; szStr[1]=0xFE; _lwrite(hfExport,szStr,2);
szStr[2]=' '; szStr[3]=0; pTchar=(TCHAR*)(szStr+4); for(i=0; i<lWordBuff; i++) { *((LPUNAWORD)szStr)=lpWord[i].wWord;
len=lcMem2Disp(i, pTchar)+1; szStr[len<<1] = 0x0d; szStr[(len<<1)+1] = 0x00; szStr[(len<<1)+2] = 0x0a; szStr[(len<<1)+3] = 0x00; if((len<<1)+4 != _lwrite(hfExport,szStr,(len<<1)+4)) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,szFilePath,-1,szUStr,MAX_PATH,NULL,0); lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, szUStr); _lclose(hfExport); return FALSE; } } }else{ //write in BIG5 code
TCHAR szTStr[MAX_CHAR_NUM+10]; szStr[2]=0x20;
for(i=0; i<lWordBuff; i++) { szTStr[1]=0; szTStr[0]=lpWord[i].wWord; WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,szTStr,1,szStr,MAX_CHAR_NUM,NULL,0); lcMem2Disp(i,szTStr); len=WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,szTStr,-1,szStr+3,MAX_CHAR_NUM,NULL,0); szStr[len+1] = 0x0d; szStr[len+2] = 0x0a; if( len+3 != _lwrite(hfExport,szStr,len+3)) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP,0,szFilePath,-1,szUStr,MAX_PATH,NULL,0); lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, szUStr); _lclose(hfExport); return FALSE; } } }
// Append EOF
szStr[0]=0x1a; szStr[1]=0; _lwrite(hfExport,szStr,2); _lclose(hfExport); }
return TRUE; }
void lcQueryModify( HWND hwnd) { UINT i;
if(!bSaveFile) { for(i=0; i<iPage_line; i++) { if(SendMessage(hwndWord[i], EM_GETMODIFY, 0, 0)) { bSaveFile=TRUE; break; } if(SendMessage(hwndPhrase[i], EM_GETMODIFY, 0, 0)) { bSaveFile=TRUE; break; } } }
BOOL lcQuerySave( HWND hwnd) { TCHAR szMsg1[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szMsg2[MAX_PATH];
lcQueryModify(hwnd); if(bSaveFile) { LoadString(hInst, IDS_APPNAME, szMsg1, sizeof(szMsg1)/sizeof(TCHAR)); LoadString(hInst, IDS_FILEMODIFIED, szMsg2, sizeof(szMsg2)/sizeof(TCHAR)); if(MessageBox(hwnd, szMsg2, szMsg1, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { if(!lcFSave(hwnd,TRUE)) return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
void lcErrIOMsg( UINT iMsgID, UCHAR *szFileName) { TCHAR szErrStr[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szShowMsg[MAX_PATH];
LoadString(hInst, iMsgID, szErrStr, sizeof(szErrStr) / sizeof(TCHAR) ); StringCchPrintf(szShowMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szShowMsg), szErrStr, szFileName); MessageBox(hwndMain, szShowMsg, NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); }
#else // UNICODE
BOOL lcFOpen( HWND hWnd) { HANDLE hLCPtr,hLCPhrase; HFILE hfLCPtr,hfLCPhrase; DWORD flen_Ptr,flen_Phrase; UCHAR szLCPtrName[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR szLCPhraseName[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR *szLCPtrBuf,*szLCPhraseBuf; BOOL rc; UINT i; WORD wStart,wEnd; UCHAR szDispBuf[MAX_CHAR_NUM]; UINT nDisp,len;
// Get system directory
len = GetSystemDirectory((LPSTR)szLCPtrName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPtrName)); if (szLCPtrName[len - 1] != '\\') { // consider C:\ ;
szLCPtrName[len++] = '\\'; szLCPtrName[len] = 0; } StringCchCopy(szLCPhraseName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPhraseName), szLCPtrName); StringCchCat(szLCPtrName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPtrName), LCPTRFILE); StringCchCat(szLCPhraseName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPhraseName), LCPHRASEFILE);
// Open LC pointer file
hfLCPtr=_lopen(szLCPtrName,OF_READ); if(hfLCPtr == -1){ lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, LCPTRFILE); return FALSE; } hfLCPhrase=_lopen(szLCPhraseName,OF_READ);
// Open LC phrase file
if(hfLCPhrase == -1){ _lclose(hfLCPtr); lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, LCPTRFILE); return FALSE; }
// get file length
flen_Ptr=_llseek(hfLCPtr,0L,2); /* get file length */
// Allocate Memory
hLCPtr = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, flen_Ptr); if(!hLCPtr) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_MEMORY); goto error; } szLCPtrBuf = GlobalLock(hLCPtr);
_llseek(hfLCPtr,0L,0); //set to beginning 4
if(flen_Ptr != _lread(hfLCPtr,szLCPtrBuf,flen_Ptr)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEREAD, LCPTRFILE); goto error; } _lclose(hfLCPtr);
//get file length
flen_Phrase=_llseek(hfLCPhrase,0L,2); /* get file length */
// Allocate Memory
hLCPhrase = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, flen_Phrase); if(!hLCPhrase) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_MEMORY); goto error; } szLCPhraseBuf = GlobalLock(hLCPhrase);
_llseek(hfLCPhrase,0L,0); //set to beginning
if(flen_Phrase != _lread(hfLCPhrase,szLCPhraseBuf,flen_Phrase)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEREAD, LCPHRASEFILE); goto error; } _lclose(hfLCPhrase);
// Convert file to structured memory (WORDBUF & PHRASEBUF)
// First record is Null record skip it
for(i=1; i<(flen_Ptr/PTRRECLEN-1); i++) {
// If Allocated Word buffer not enough Reallocate it
if(iWordBuff+1 == nWordBuffsize) if(!(rc=lcAllocWord())) { break; } lpWord[iWordBuff].wWord=*((WORD *)&szLCPtrBuf[i*PTRRECLEN]);
// If Allocated Phrase buffer not enough Reallocate it
if(iPhraseBuff+1 == nPhraseBuffsize) if(!(rc=lcAllocPhrase())) { break; }
lpWord[iWordBuff].iFirst_Seg=iPhraseBuff; lpPhrase[iPhraseBuff].iNext_Seg=NULL_SEG; iWordBuff++; iPhraseBuff++; nDisp=0;
// Add Phrase to Display buffer
wStart=*((WORD *)&szLCPtrBuf[i*PTRRECLEN+2]); wEnd=*((WORD *)&szLCPtrBuf[i*PTRRECLEN+PTRRECLEN+2]); if(wStart != wEnd) { rc=lcAddPhrase(szLCPhraseBuf, szDispBuf, &nDisp, wStart, wEnd, flen_Phrase); if(!rc) break; }
// Put display buffer into Phrase buffer
if(nDisp == 0) szDispBuf[0]=0; else szDispBuf[nDisp-1]=0;
if(!(rc=lcDisp2Mem(iWordBuff-1, szDispBuf))) break; }
GlobalUnlock(hLCPtr); GlobalUnlock(hLCPhrase); GlobalFree(hLCPtr); GlobalFree(hLCPhrase); return rc;
_lclose(hfLCPtr); _lclose(hfLCPhrase); GlobalUnlock(hLCPtr); GlobalUnlock(hLCPhrase); GlobalFree(hLCPtr); GlobalFree(hLCPhrase); return FALSE; }
BOOL lcAddPhrase( UCHAR *szLCWord, // LC Phrase buffer
UCHAR *szDispBuf, // Display buffer
UINT *nDisp, // Display buffer length
WORD wStart, // Start address of LC Phrase
WORD wEnd, // End address of LC Phrase
DWORD lLen) // Total Length of LC Phrase
{ UINT i; WORD wWord;
// Check length
if(lLen < ((DWORD)wEnd)*2) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_LCPTRFILE); return FALSE; }
for(i=wStart; i < wEnd; i++) { wWord=*((WORD *)&szLCWord[i*2]); wWord |= END_PHRASE; if(!is_DBCS(wWord, TRUE)) return FALSE; szDispBuf[(*nDisp)++]=HIBYTE(wWord); szDispBuf[(*nDisp)++]=LOBYTE(wWord);
// If End of Phrase append space
if( !( (*((WORD *)&szLCWord[i*2])) & END_PHRASE) ) szDispBuf[(*nDisp)++]=' ';
// Check Disply buffer length
if( ((*nDisp)+3) >= MAX_CHAR_NUM) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_OVERMAX); return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL lcFSave( HWND hwnd) { HFILE hfLCPtr,hfLCPhrase; UCHAR szLCPtrName[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR szLCPhraseName[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR szLCPtrBuf[PTRRECLEN],szLCPhraseBuf[MAX_CHAR_NUM]; UINT i,j; WORD wStartPhrase; WORD wPhraseLen; UCHAR szStr[MAX_CHAR_NUM]; UINT len,tmplen;
if(!lcSort(hwnd)) return FALSE; if(wSameCode) return FALSE;
// Get system directory
len = GetSystemDirectory((LPSTR)szLCPtrName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPtrName)); if (szLCPtrName[len - 1] != '\\') { // consider C:\ ;
szLCPtrName[len++] = '\\'; szLCPtrName[len] = 0; } StringCchCopy(szLCPhraseName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPhraseName), szLCPtrName); StringCchCat(szLCPtrName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPtrName), LCPTRFILE); StringCchCat(szLCPhraseName, ARRAYSIZE(szLCPhraseName), LCPHRASEFILE);
// Open LC phrase file
hfLCPhrase=(int)CreateFile(szLCPhraseName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE)NULL ) ; if(hfLCPhrase == -1) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_FILESAVE); goto error; } // Open LC pointer file
// Write a Null record into first record
*((WORD *)(&szLCPtrBuf))=0; *((WORD *)(&szLCPtrBuf[2]))=0; if(PTRRECLEN != _lwrite(hfLCPtr,szLCPtrBuf,PTRRECLEN)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEWRITE, LCPTRFILE); goto error; } wStartPhrase=0; for(i=0; i<iWordBuff; i++) { wPhraseLen=0;
// Truncate same Word
if(lpWord[i].wWord == *((WORD *)(&szLCPtrBuf))) continue;
len=lcMem2Disp(i, szStr); tmplen=0;
for(j=0; j<len; j++) { if(szStr[j] == ' ') { if(tmplen != 0) { *((WORD *)(&szLCPhraseBuf[wPhraseLen*2+tmplen-2]))&= (NOT_END_PHRASE); wPhraseLen+=(tmplen/2); tmplen=0; } continue; } szLCPhraseBuf[wPhraseLen*2+tmplen]=szStr[j+1]; szLCPhraseBuf[wPhraseLen*2+tmplen+1]=szStr[j]; tmplen+=2; j++; }
// In case not end of space
if(tmplen != 0) { *((WORD *)(&szLCPhraseBuf[wPhraseLen*2+tmplen-2]))&= (NOT_END_PHRASE); wPhraseLen+=(tmplen/2); tmplen=0; }
// Check register phrase over max length
if(wStartPhrase > (0xfffd-wPhraseLen)) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_OVER_MAXLEN); goto error; }
*((WORD *)(&szLCPtrBuf))=lpWord[i].wWord; *((WORD *)(&szLCPtrBuf[2]))=wStartPhrase; if(PTRRECLEN != _lwrite(hfLCPtr,szLCPtrBuf,PTRRECLEN)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEWRITE, LCPTRFILE); goto error; } if(wPhraseLen) if(((UINT)wPhraseLen*2) != _lwrite(hfLCPhrase,szLCPhraseBuf,wPhraseLen*2)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEWRITE, LCPHRASEFILE); goto error; } wStartPhrase+=wPhraseLen; }
// Write the lasr record
*((WORD *)(&szLCPtrBuf))=0xffff; *((WORD *)(&szLCPtrBuf[2]))=wStartPhrase; if(PTRRECLEN != _lwrite(hfLCPtr,szLCPtrBuf,PTRRECLEN)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEWRITE, LCPTRFILE); goto error; }
SetEndOfFile((HANDLE)hfLCPtr); SetEndOfFile((HANDLE)hfLCPhrase); _lclose(hfLCPtr); _lclose(hfLCPhrase); bSaveFile=FALSE; return TRUE;
error: _lclose(hfLCPtr); _lclose(hfLCPhrase); return FALSE;
BOOL lcInsline( UCHAR *szStr, UINT iWord, UINT len, BOOL *bOver) { WORD wWord; UINT iFree,nDisp; UINT i,j,buflen; UCHAR szDispBuf[MAX_CHAR_NUM]; UCHAR szBuffer[MAX_CHAR_NUM*2]; int l;
szStr[len]=0; // Append Null to end of line
// Skip lead spaces if exist
for(i=0; (i<len) && (szStr[i] == ' '); i++);
if( ((i+2) >= len) || (szStr[i+2] != ' ') ) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_IMP_SEPRATOR); return FALSE; } if(!is_DBCS2(*((WORD *)(&szStr[i])), TRUE)) { return FALSE; } wWord=(szStr[i] << 8)+szStr[i+1];
// Skip spaces after Word
for(j=i+2; (j<len) && (szStr[j] == ' '); j++); if(j == len) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_IMP_NOPHRASE); return FALSE; } StringCchCopy(szDispBuf, ARRAYSIZE(szDispBuf), &szStr[j]); nDisp=lstrlen(szDispBuf)+1;
// Check DBCS
for(i=0; i<(nDisp-1); i++) { if(szDispBuf[i] == ' ') continue; if(!is_DBCS2(*((WORD *)(&szDispBuf[i])), TRUE)) { return FALSE; } i++; }
// Check same Word
for(i=0; i<iWordBuff; i++) { if(lpWord[i].wWord==wWord) { buflen=lcMem2Disp(i, szBuffer); if((buflen + lstrlen(szDispBuf)) >= MAX_CHAR_NUM) *bOver=TRUE; StringCchCat(szBuffer, ARRAYSIZE(szBuffer), szDispBuf); return(lcDisp2Mem(i, szBuffer)); } }
// Check Word buffer enough ?
if(iWordBuff+1 == nWordBuffsize) if(!lcAllocWord()) return FALSE;
// Allocate a Phrase Buffer
iFree=lcGetSeg(); if(iFree == NULL_SEG) return FALSE; if(iWordBuff == 0) { lpWord[iWord].wWord=wWord; lpWord[iWord].iFirst_Seg=iFree; } else { for(l=iWordBuff; l >= (int)iWord; l--) { lpWord[l+1].wWord=lpWord[l].wWord; lpWord[l+1].iFirst_Seg=lpWord[l].iFirst_Seg; } lpWord[iWord].wWord=wWord; lpWord[iWord].iFirst_Seg=iFree; } iWordBuff++;
if(!lcDisp2Mem(iWord, szDispBuf)) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
BOOL lcAppend( HWND hwnd) { OPENFILENAME ofn; UCHAR szFileOpen[25]; UCHAR szCustFilter[10]; UCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; HFILE hfImport; HANDLE hImport; UCHAR szStr[MAX_CHAR_NUM+10]; UCHAR *szBuf; DWORD flen; BOOL bOver=FALSE; UINT i,len; UINT iEdit,iWord; BOOL is_WORD;
iEdit=lcGetEditFocus(GetFocus(), &is_WORD); iWord=iDisp_Top+iEdit; if(iWord > iWordBuff) iWord=iWordBuff;
if(!lcSaveEditText(iDisp_Top, 0)) return FALSE;
szFileName[0]=0; LoadString (hInst, IDS_APPENDTITLE, szFileOpen, ARRAYSIZE(szFileOpen)); szCustFilter[0]=0; StringCchCopy(&szCustFilter[1], ARRAYSIZE(szCustFilter)-1, szExt); StringCchCopy(szFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(szFilePath), szExt);
/* fill in non-variant fields of OPENFILENAME struct. */ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = NULL; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilterSpec; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = szCustFilter; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = ARRAYSIZE(szCustFilter); ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = szFilePath; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrTitle = szFileOpen; ofn.lpstrDefExt = szExt+3; ofn.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST;
/* call common open dialog and return result */ if(GetOpenFileName ((LPOPENFILENAME)&ofn)) { SetCursor(hCursorWait); hfImport=_lopen(szFilePath,OF_READ); if(hfImport == -1){ lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, szFilePath); return FALSE; }
// get file length
_llseek(hfImport,0L,0); //set to beginning
// Allocate Memory
hImport = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, flen); if(!hImport) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_MEMORY); return FALSE; } szBuf = GlobalLock(hImport);
// Read file to memory
if(flen != _lread(hfImport,szBuf,flen)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEREAD, szFilePath); return FALSE; } _lclose(hfImport);
len=0; //@D01D for(i=0; i<flen; i++) {
for(i=0; i<(flen+1); i++) { //@D01C
if((szBuf[i] == 0x0d) || (szBuf[i] == 0x0a)) { if(len != 0) { if(!lcInsline(szStr, iWord++, len, &bOver)) break; len=0; } continue; } //@D01D if(szBuf[i] == 0x1a) {
if((szBuf[i] == 0x1a) || (i == flen)) { //@D01C
if(len != 0) { if(!lcInsline(szStr, iWord++, len, &bOver)) break; } break; } if(len >= MAX_CHAR_NUM+3) bOver=TRUE; else szStr[len++]=szBuf[i]; } if(bOver) lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_OVERMAX); SetScrollRange(subhWnd, SB_VERT, 0, iWordBuff-iPage_line, FALSE); SetScrollPos(subhWnd, SB_VERT, yPos, TRUE); lcSetEditText(iDisp_Top, FALSE);
GlobalUnlock(hImport); GlobalFree(hImport); bSaveFile=TRUE; } return TRUE; }
BOOL lcImport( HWND hwnd) { OPENFILENAME ofn; UCHAR szFileOpen[25]; UCHAR szCustFilter[10]; UCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; HFILE hfImport; HANDLE hImport; UCHAR szStr[MAX_CHAR_NUM+10]; UCHAR *szBuf; DWORD flen; BOOL bOver=FALSE; UINT i,len; UINT iWord; // @D04A
//UINT iEdit,iWord; @D04D
//BOOL is_WORD; @D04D
//iEdit=lcGetEditFocus(GetFocus(), &is_WORD); @D04D
//iWord=iDisp_Top+iEdit; @D04D
//if(iWord > iWordBuff) @D04D
// iWord=iWordBuff; @D04D
if(!lcSaveEditText(iDisp_Top, 0)) return FALSE;
szFileName[0]=0; LoadString (hInst, IDS_IMPORTTITLE, szFileOpen, ARRAYSIZE(szFileOpen)); szCustFilter[0]=0; StringCchCopy(&szCustFilter[1], ARRAYSIZE(szCustFilter)-1, szExt); StringCchCopy(szFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(szFilePath), szExt);
/* fill in non-variant fields of OPENFILENAME struct. */ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = NULL; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilterSpec; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = szCustFilter; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = ARRAYSIZE(szCustFilter); ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = szFilePath; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrTitle = szFileOpen; ofn.lpstrDefExt = szExt+3; ofn.Flags = OFN_FILEMUSTEXIST | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST;
/* call common open dialog and return result */ if(GetOpenFileName ((LPOPENFILENAME)&ofn)) { SetCursor(hCursorWait); // Clear all flag first
iWord=0; //@D04A
iDisp_Top=0; //@D03A
iWordBuff=0; //@D03A
iPhraseBuff=0; //@D03A
lcSetEditText(0, FALSE); //@D03A
SetScrollRange(subhWnd, SB_VERT, 0, iPage_line, TRUE); //@D03A
yPos=0; //@D03A
SetScrollPos(subhWnd, SB_VERT, yPos, TRUE); //@D03A
bSaveFile=FALSE; //@D03A
iFirstFree=NULL_SEG; //@D03A
hfImport=_lopen(szFilePath,OF_READ); if(hfImport == -1){ lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, szFilePath); return FALSE; }
// get file length
_llseek(hfImport,0L,0); //set to beginning
// Allocate Memory
hImport = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, flen); if(!hImport) { lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_MEMORY); return FALSE; } szBuf = GlobalLock(hImport);
// Read file to memory
if(flen != _lread(hfImport,szBuf,flen)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEREAD, szFilePath); return FALSE; } _lclose(hfImport);
len=0; //@D01D for(i=0; i<flen; i++) {
for(i=0; i<(flen+1); i++) { //@D01C
if((szBuf[i] == 0x0d) || (szBuf[i] == 0x0a)) { if(len != 0) { if(!lcInsline(szStr, iWord++, len, &bOver)) break; len=0; } continue; } //@D01D if(szBuf[i] == 0x1a) {
if((szBuf[i] == 0x1a) || (i == flen)) { //@D01C
if(len != 0) { if(!lcInsline(szStr, iWord++, len, &bOver)) break; } break; } if(len >= MAX_CHAR_NUM+3) bOver=TRUE; else szStr[len++]=szBuf[i]; } if(bOver) lcErrMsg(IDS_ERR_OVERMAX); SetScrollRange(subhWnd, SB_VERT, 0, iWordBuff-iPage_line, FALSE); SetScrollPos(subhWnd, SB_VERT, yPos, TRUE); lcSetEditText(iDisp_Top, FALSE);
GlobalUnlock(hImport); GlobalFree(hImport); bSaveFile=TRUE; SetFocus(hwndWord[0]); // @D04A
} return TRUE; }
BOOL lcExport( HWND hwnd) { OPENFILENAME ofn; UCHAR szFileOpen[25]; UCHAR szCustFilter[10]; UCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR szFilePath[MAX_PATH]; HFILE hfExport; UCHAR szStr[MAX_CHAR_NUM+10]; UINT i,len;
if(!lcSaveEditText(iDisp_Top, 0)) return FALSE;
szFileName[0]=0; LoadString (hInst, IDS_EXPORTTITLE, szFileOpen, ARRAYSIZE(szFileOpen)); szCustFilter[0]=0; StringCchCopy(&szCustFilter[1], ARRAYSIZE(szCustFilter)-1, szExt); StringCchCopy(szFilePath, ARRAYSIZE(szFilePath), szExt);
/* fill in non-variant fields of OPENFILENAME struct. */ ofn.lStructSize = sizeof(OPENFILENAME); ofn.hwndOwner = hwnd; ofn.lpstrFilter = szFilterSpec; ofn.lpstrCustomFilter = szCustFilter; ofn.nMaxCustFilter = ARRAYSIZE(szCustFilter); ofn.nFilterIndex = 1; ofn.lpstrFile = szFilePath; ofn.nMaxFile = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrInitialDir = NULL; ofn.lpstrFileTitle = szFileName; ofn.nMaxFileTitle = MAX_PATH; ofn.lpstrTitle = szFileOpen; ofn.lpstrDefExt = szExt+3; ofn.Flags = OFN_CREATEPROMPT | OFN_HIDEREADONLY | OFN_PATHMUSTEXIST;
/* call common open dialog and return result */ if(GetSaveFileName ((LPOPENFILENAME)&ofn)) { SetCursor(hCursorWait); hfExport=(int)CreateFile(szFilePath, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, (HANDLE)NULL ) ; if(hfExport == -1){ lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEOPEN, szFilePath); return FALSE; } szStr[2]=' '; szStr[3]=' '; for(i=0; i<iWordBuff; i++) { szStr[0]=HIBYTE(lpWord[i].wWord); szStr[1]=LOBYTE(lpWord[i].wWord);
len=lcMem2Disp(i, &szStr[4])+4; szStr[len] = 0x0d; szStr[len+1] = 0x0a; if((len+2) != _lwrite(hfExport,szStr,len+2)) { lcErrIOMsg(IDS_ERR_FILEWRITE, szFilePath); _lclose(hfExport); return FALSE; } }
// Append EOF
szStr[0]=0x1a; _lwrite(hfExport,szStr,1); _lclose(hfExport); }
return TRUE; }
void lcQueryModify( HWND hwnd) { UINT i;
if(!bSaveFile) { for(i=0; i<iPage_line; i++) { if(SendMessage(hwndWord[i], EM_GETMODIFY, 0, 0)) { bSaveFile=TRUE; break; } if(SendMessage(hwndPhrase[i], EM_GETMODIFY, 0, 0)) { bSaveFile=TRUE; break; } } }
BOOL lcQuerySave( HWND hwnd) { UCHAR szMsg1[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR szMsg2[MAX_PATH];
lcQueryModify(hwnd); if(bSaveFile) { LoadString(hInst, IDS_APPNAME, szMsg1, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg1)); LoadString(hInst, IDS_FILEMODIFIED, szMsg2, ARRAYSIZE(szMsg2)); if(MessageBox(hwnd, szMsg2, szMsg1, MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO) == IDYES) { if(!lcFSave(hwnd)) return FALSE; } }
return TRUE; }
void lcErrIOMsg( UINT iMsgID, UCHAR *szFileName) { UCHAR szErrStr[MAX_PATH]; UCHAR szShowMsg[MAX_PATH];
LoadString(hInst, iMsgID, szErrStr, ARRAYSIZE(szErrStr)); StringCchPrintf(szShowMsg, ARRAYSIZE(szShowMsg), szErrStr, szFileName); MessageBox(hwndMain, szShowMsg, NULL, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); }