Owner: cslim Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
Hangul composition state machine class History: 14-JUL-1999 cslim Copied from IME98 source tree *****************************************************************************/
#if !defined (__HAUTOMATA_H__)
#define __HAUTOMATA_H__
#include "debug.h"
// Number of each component
#define NUM_OF_CHOSUNG 19
#define NUM_OF_JUNGSUNG 21
#define NUM_OF_JONGSUNG 28
// HANGUL Jaso inernal difinitions
// ChoSung
#define _KIYEOK_ 1 // '��'
#define _SSANGKIYEOK_ 2 // '��'
#define _NIEUN_ 3 // '��'
#define _TIKEUT_ 4 // '��'
#define _SSANGTIKEUT_ 5 // '��'
#define _RIEUL_ 6 // '��'
#define _MIEUM_ 7 // '��'
#define _PIEUP_ 8 // '��'
#define _SSANGPIEUP_ 9 // '��'
#define _SIOS_ 10 // '��'
#define _SSANGSIOS_ 11 // '��'
#define _IEUNG_ 12 // '��'
#define _CIEUC_ 13 // '��'
#define _SSANGCIEUC_ 14 // '��'
#define _CHIEUCH_ 15 // '��'
#define _KHIEUKH_ 16 // '��'
#define _THIEUTH_ 17 // '��'
#define _PHIEUPH_ 18 // '��'
#define _HIEUH_ 19 // '��'
// JungSung
#define _A_ 1 // '��'
#define _AE_ 2 // '��'
#define _YA_ 3 // '��'
#define _YAE_ 4 // '��'
#define _EO_ 5 // '��'
#define _E_ 6 // '��'
#define _YEO_ 7 // '��'
#define _YE_ 8 // '��'
#define _O_ 9 // '��'
#define _WA_ 10 // '��'
#define _WAE_ 11 // '��'
#define _OE_ 12 // '��'
#define _YO_ 13 // '��'
#define _U_ 14 // '��'
#define _WEO_ 15 // '��'
#define _WE_ 16 // '��'
#define _WI_ 17 // '��'
#define _YU_ 18 // '��'
#define _EU_ 19 // '��'
#define _YI_ 20 // '��'
#define _I_ 21 // '��'
// JongSung
#define _JONG_KIYEOK_ 1 // '��'
#define _JONG_SSANGKIYEOK_ 2 // '��'
#define _JONG_NIEUN_ 4 // '��'
#define _JONG_NIEUN_CHIEUCH_ 5 // '��'
#define _JONG_NIEUN_HIEUH_ 6 // '��'
#define _JONG_TIKEUT_ 7 // '��'
#define _JONG_RIEUL_ 8 // '��'
#define _JONG_RIEUL_KIYEOK_ 9 // '��'
#define _JONG_RIEUL_MIUM_ 10 // '��'
#define _JONG_RIEUL_PIEUP_ 11 // '��'
#define _JONG_RIEUL_SIOS_ 12 // '��'
#define _JONG_RIEUL_THIEUTH_ 13 // '��'
#define _JONG_RIEUL_PHIEUPH_ 14 // '��'
#define _JONG_RIEUL_HIEUH_ 15 // '��'
#define _JONG_MIEUM_ 16 // '��'
#define _JONG_PIEUP_ 17 // '��'
#define _JONG_PIEUP_SIOS 18 // '��'
#define _JONG_SIOS_ 19 // '��'
#define _JONG_SSANGSIOS_ 20 // '��'
#define _JONG_IEUNG_ 21 // '��'
#define _JONG_CIEUC_ 22 // '��'
#define _JONG_CHIEUCH_ 23 // '��'
#define _JONG_KHIEUKH_ 24 // '��'
#define _JONG_THIEUTH_ 25 // '��'
#define _JONG_PHIEUPH_ 26 // '��'
#define _JONG_HIEUH_ 27 // '��'
const int MaxInterimStackSize = 6; // Maximum stack size is 6.
// At most 6 key input
// to complete one Hangul Char.
// ex) ��(3 beolsik)
enum HAutomataReturnState { HAUTO_NONHANGULKEY, HAUTO_COMPOSITION, // Hagul still in interim state.
HAUTO_COMPLETE, // One hangul char completed and have chars
// will takeover as next input.
const WORD H_HANGUL = 0x8000;
// CHangulAutomata Abstract Class
class CHangulAutomata { public: CHangulAutomata() { InitState(); }
// Attributes
// Operations
public: void InitState() { m_CurState = m_NextState = 0; m_wInternalCode = 0; m_Chosung = m_Jungsung = m_Jongsung = 0; m_wcComposition = m_wcComplete = L'\0'; InterimStack.Init(); } virtual HAutomataReturnState Machine(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) = 0; virtual BOOL IsInputKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) = 0; virtual BOOL IsHangulKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) = 0; virtual WORD GetKeyMap(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) = 0; virtual BOOL SetCompositionChar(WCHAR wcComp) = 0; static WORD GetEnglishKeyMap(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { return bETable[KeyCode][iShift]; } BOOL BackSpace(); BOOL MakeComplete(); WCHAR GetCompositionChar() { return m_wcComposition; } WCHAR GetCompleteChar() { return m_wcComplete; }
// Implementation
public: virtual ~CHangulAutomata() {}
protected: void MakeComposition(); BOOL MakeComplete(WORD wcComplete); WORD FindChosungComb(WORD wPrevCode); WORD FindJunsungComb(WORD wPrevCode); virtual WORD FindJonsungComb(WORD wPrevCode) = 0; void SeparateDJung(LPWORD pJungSung); void SeparateDJong(LPWORD pJongSung);
virtual HAutomataReturnState Input(WORD InternalCode) = 0; //
struct InterimStackEntry { WORD m_wInternalCode; WORD m_CurState; WORD m_Chosung, m_Jungsung, m_Jongsung; WCHAR m_wcCode; };
class CInterimStack { protected: InterimStackEntry m_StackBuffer[MaxInterimStackSize]; int m_sp; // Stack pointer
public: CInterimStack() { m_sp = 0; } ~CInterimStack() {} void Init() { m_sp = 0; } void Push(InterimStackEntry& InterimEntry); void Push(WORD wInternalCode, WORD CurState, WORD Chosung, WORD Jungsung, WORD Jongsung, WCHAR wcCode);
InterimStackEntry* CInterimStack::Pop() { DbgAssert(m_sp > 0); return &m_StackBuffer[--m_sp]; }
InterimStackEntry* CInterimStack::GetTop() { DbgAssert(m_sp > 0); return &m_StackBuffer[m_sp-1]; }
BOOL IsEmpty() { return m_sp == 0; } }; ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
CInterimStack InterimStack;
protected: WORD m_CurState, m_NextState; WORD m_wInternalCode, m_Chosung, m_Jungsung, m_Jongsung; WCHAR m_wcComposition; WCHAR m_wcComplete; //
const static BYTE bETable[256][2]; const static BYTE Cho2Jong[NUM_OF_CHOSUNG+1]; const static BYTE Jong2Cho[NUM_OF_JONGSUNG]; };
// CHangulAutomata2 Keyboard layout #1 (2 beolsik)
class CHangulAutomata2 : public CHangulAutomata { public: CHangulAutomata2() { }
// Attributes
// Operations
public: HAutomataReturnState Machine(UINT KeyCode, int iShift); BOOL IsInputKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift); BOOL IsHangulKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift); WORD GetKeyMap(UINT KeyCode, int iShift); BOOL SetCompositionChar(WCHAR wcComp); // Implementation
public: ~CHangulAutomata2() { }
protected: WORD FindJonsungComb(WORD wPrevCode); HAutomataReturnState Input(WORD InternalCode); protected: // This enum should be matched with m_NextState
// DO NOT change without changing _Transistion_state !
enum _Transistion_state { FINAL=8, TAKEOVER=9, FIND=10 }; static const WORD m_NextStateTbl[8][5]; static const WORD H_CONSONANT, H_VOWEL, H_DOUBLE, H_ONLYCHO; static WORD wHTable[256][2]; static BYTE rgbDJongTbl[NUM_OF_DOUBLE_JONGSUNG_2BEOL+1][3]; };
// CHangulAutomata3 Keyboard layout #2 (3 beolsik)
class CHangulAutomata3 : public CHangulAutomata { public: CHangulAutomata3() {}
// Attributes
// Operations
public: HAutomataReturnState Machine(UINT KeyCode, int iShift); BOOL IsInputKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift); BOOL IsHangulKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift); WORD GetKeyMap(UINT KeyCode, int iShift); BOOL SetCompositionChar(WCHAR wcComp);
// Implementation
public: ~CHangulAutomata3() { }
protected: WORD FindJonsungComb(WORD wPrevCode); HAutomataReturnState Input(WORD InternalCode); protected: enum _Transistion_state { FINAL=11, FIND=12 }; static const WORD m_NextStateTbl[11][6]; static const WORD H_CHOSUNG, H_JUNGSUNG, H_JONGSUNG, H_DOUBLE; static WORD wHTable[256][2]; static BYTE rgbDJongTbl[NUM_OF_DOUBLE_JONGSUNG_3BEOL+1][3]; };
// CHangulAutomata3 Keyboard layout #3 (3 beolsik final)
class CHangulAutomata3Final : public CHangulAutomata3 { public: CHangulAutomata3Final() {}
// Attributes
// Operations
public: HAutomataReturnState Machine(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) ; BOOL IsInputKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift); BOOL IsHangulKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift); WORD GetKeyMap(UINT KeyCode, int iShift);
// Implementation
public: ~CHangulAutomata3Final() { }
protected: static WORD wHTable[256][2]; };
// Inline functions
inline void CHangulAutomata::CInterimStack::Push(InterimStackEntry& InterimEntry) { DbgAssert(m_sp<MaxInterimStackSize); m_StackBuffer[m_sp++] = InterimEntry; }
inline void CHangulAutomata::CInterimStack::Push(WORD wInternalCode, WORD CurState, WORD Chosung, WORD Jungsung, WORD Jongsung, WCHAR wcCode) { DbgAssert(m_sp<=5); m_StackBuffer[m_sp].m_wInternalCode = wInternalCode; m_StackBuffer[m_sp].m_CurState = CurState; m_StackBuffer[m_sp].m_Chosung = Chosung; m_StackBuffer[m_sp].m_Jungsung = Jungsung; m_StackBuffer[m_sp].m_Jongsung = Jongsung; m_StackBuffer[m_sp++].m_wcCode = wcCode; }
// CHangulAutomata2
inline HAutomataReturnState CHangulAutomata2::Machine(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { return (Input(wHTable[KeyCode][iShift])); }
inline BOOL CHangulAutomata2::IsInputKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { if (KeyCode<256) return (wHTable[KeyCode][iShift]); else return fFalse; }
inline BOOL CHangulAutomata2::IsHangulKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { if (KeyCode<256) return (wHTable[KeyCode][iShift]) & H_HANGUL; else return fFalse; }
inline WORD CHangulAutomata2::GetKeyMap(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { if (KeyCode<256) return (wHTable[KeyCode][iShift]); else return fFalse; }
// CHangulAutomata3
inline HAutomataReturnState CHangulAutomata3::Machine(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { DbgAssert(KeyCode<256); return (Input(wHTable[KeyCode][iShift])); }
inline BOOL CHangulAutomata3::IsInputKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { if (KeyCode<256) return (wHTable[KeyCode][iShift]); else return fFalse; }
inline BOOL CHangulAutomata3::IsHangulKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { if (KeyCode<256) return (wHTable[KeyCode][iShift]) & H_HANGUL; else return fFalse; }
inline WORD CHangulAutomata3::GetKeyMap(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { if (KeyCode<256) return (wHTable[KeyCode][iShift]); else return 0; }
// CHangulAutomata3Final
inline HAutomataReturnState CHangulAutomata3Final::Machine(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { DbgAssert(KeyCode<256); return (Input(wHTable[KeyCode][iShift])); }
inline BOOL CHangulAutomata3Final::IsInputKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { if (KeyCode<256) return (wHTable[KeyCode][iShift]); else return fFalse; }
inline BOOL CHangulAutomata3Final::IsHangulKey(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { if (KeyCode<256) return (wHTable[KeyCode][iShift]) & H_HANGUL; else return fFalse; }
inline WORD CHangulAutomata3Final::GetKeyMap(UINT KeyCode, int iShift) { if (KeyCode<256) return (wHTable[KeyCode][iShift]); else return 0; }
#endif // !defined (__HAUTOMATA_H__)