Owner: cslim Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
IME Context abstraction class History: 21-JUL-1999 cslim Created *****************************************************************************/
#include "precomp.h"
#include "hanja.h"
#include "imc.h"
#include "debug.h"
Ctor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CIMECtx::CIMECtx(HIMC hIMC) { m_fUnicode = fTrue; // default is UNICODE
m_dwMessageSize = 0; m_dwCandInfoSize = 0; // Init Context variables
m_hIMC = hIMC; m_pIMC = OurImmLockIMC(m_hIMC);
//m_hCandInfo = m_pIMC->hCandInfo;
m_pCandInfo = (LPCANDIDATEINFO)OurImmLockIMCC(GetHCandInfo());
//m_hCompStr = m_pIMC->hCompStr;
InitCompStrStruct(); //m_hMessage = m_pIMC->hMsgBuf;
m_pMessage = (LPTRANSMSG)OurImmLockIMCC(GetHMsgBuf());
// Reset composition info.
// Reset candidate infos
m_pCandStr = NULL; m_rgpCandMeaningStr = NULL; ResetCandidate(); // Reset GCS flag to zero
ResetGCS(); // initialize message buffer
ResetMessage(); // clear hCompStr
// initialize Shared memory. If this is only IME in the system
// Shared memory will be created as file mapping object.
m_pCIMEData = new CIMEData; DbgAssert(m_pCIMEData != 0); // Initialize IME shared memory to default value and set reg value if avaliable
// Read registry: Do not call it in the DllMain
if (m_pCIMEData) { m_pCIMEData->InitImeData(); }
// Initialize Hangul Automata
// Create All three IME Automata instances
m_rgpHangulAutomata[KL_2BEOLSIK] = new CHangulAutomata2; m_rgpHangulAutomata[KL_3BEOLSIK_390] = new CHangulAutomata3; m_rgpHangulAutomata[KL_3BEOLSIK_FINAL] = new CHangulAutomata3Final; }
Dtor ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ CIMECtx::~CIMECtx() { if (m_pCIMEData) { delete m_pCIMEData; m_pCIMEData = NULL; }
// Release Cand info
if (GetHCandInfo()) OurImmUnlockIMCC(GetHCandInfo()); m_pCandInfo = NULL;
// Release Comp str
if (GetHCompStr()) OurImmUnlockIMCC(GetHCompStr()); m_pCompStr = NULL;
// Release Msg buffer
ResetMessage(); if (GetHMsgBuf()) OurImmUnlockIMCC(GetHMsgBuf()); m_pMessage = NULL;
// Reset hIMC
OurImmUnlockIMC(m_hIMC); m_pIMC = NULL; m_hIMC = NULL;
// Free candidate private buffer
if (m_pCandStr) { GlobalFree(m_pCandStr); m_pCandStr = NULL; } if (m_rgpCandMeaningStr) { ClearCandMeaningArray(); GlobalFree(m_rgpCandMeaningStr); m_rgpCandMeaningStr = NULL; }
// delete Automata
for (INT i=0; i<NUM_OF_IME_KL; i++) if (m_rgpHangulAutomata[i]) delete m_rgpHangulAutomata[i]; }
Initialize and reallocater composition string buffer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CIMECtx::InitCompStrStruct() { INT iAllocSize;
if (m_pIMC == NULL) return; // Calc COMPOSITIONSTRING buffer size.
iAllocSize = sizeof(COMPOSITIONSTRING) + // composition string plus NULL terminator
nMaxCompStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR) + // composition attribute
nMaxCompStrLen * sizeof(WORD) + // result string plus NULL terminator
nMaxResultStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR);
// For avoiding miss alignment
iAllocSize += 2;
// Reallocation COMPOSITION buffer
m_pIMC->hCompStr = OurImmReSizeIMCC(GetHCompStr(), iAllocSize); AST_EX(m_pIMC->hCompStr != (HIMCC)0); if (m_pIMC->hCompStr == (HIMCC)0) { DbgAssert(0); return; } if (m_pCompStr = (LPCOMPOSITIONSTRING)OurImmLockIMCC(GetHCompStr())) { // CONFIRM: Need to clear memory??
ZeroMemory(m_pCompStr, iAllocSize);
// Store total size
m_pCompStr->dwSize = iAllocSize;
// REVIEW: Does we need Null termination??
// Store offset. All offset is static which will be calculated in compile time
m_pCompStr->dwCompStrOffset = sizeof(COMPOSITIONSTRING); m_pCompStr->dwCompAttrOffset = sizeof(COMPOSITIONSTRING) + nMaxCompStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR); // length of comp str
m_pCompStr->dwResultStrOffset = sizeof(COMPOSITIONSTRING) + nMaxCompStrLen * sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(WCHAR) + // length of comp str
nMaxCompStrLen * sizeof(WORD) + 2; // length of comp str attr
Dbg(DBGID_CompChar, "InitCompStrStruct m_pIMC->hCompStr = 0x%x, m_pCompStr = 0x%x", m_pIMC->hCompStr, m_pCompStr); }
Store all composition result to IME context buffer ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ VOID CIMECtx::StoreComposition() { LPWSTR pwsz; LPSTR psz;
Dbg(DBGID_Key, "StoreComposition GCS = 0x%x", GetGCS());
// Check composition handle validity
if (GetHCompStr() == NULL || m_pCompStr == NULL) return ;
// Comp Str
if (GetGCS() & GCS_COMPSTR) { Dbg(DBGID_Key, "StoreComposition - GCS_COMPSTR comp str = 0x%04X", m_wcComp); DbgAssert(m_wcComp != 0); // Composition string. dw*StrLen contains character count
if (IsUnicodeEnv()) { m_pCompStr->dwCompStrLen = 1; pwsz = (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)m_pCompStr + m_pCompStr->dwCompStrOffset); *pwsz++ = m_wcComp; // Store composition char
*pwsz = L'\0'; } else { // Byte length
m_pCompStr->dwCompStrLen = 2; // Convert to ANSI
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_KOREA, 0, &m_wcComp, 1, (LPSTR)m_szComp, sizeof(m_szComp), NULL, NULL ); psz = (LPSTR)((LPBYTE)m_pCompStr + m_pCompStr->dwCompStrOffset); *psz++ = m_szComp[0]; *psz++ = m_szComp[1]; *psz = '\0'; } // Composition attribute. Always set
m_pCompStr->dwCompAttrLen = 1; *((LPBYTE)m_pCompStr + m_pCompStr->dwCompAttrOffset) = ATTR_INPUT; } else { // Reset length
m_pCompStr->dwCompStrLen = 0; m_pCompStr->dwCompAttrLen = 0; }
// Result Str
if (GetGCS() & GCS_RESULTSTR) { Dbg(DBGID_Key, "StoreComposition - GCS_RESULTSTR comp str = 0x%04x, 0x%04X", m_wzResult[0], m_wzResult[1]);
// Composition string. dw*StrLen contains character count
if (IsUnicodeEnv()) { // Result string length 1 or 2
m_pCompStr->dwResultStrLen = m_wzResult[1] ? 2 : 1; // lstrlenW(m_wzResult);
pwsz = (LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)m_pCompStr + m_pCompStr->dwResultStrOffset); *pwsz++ = m_wzResult[0]; // Store composition result string
if (m_wzResult[1]) *pwsz++ = m_wzResult[1]; // Store composition result string
*pwsz = L'\0'; } else { // Result string length 2 or 3
m_pCompStr->dwResultStrLen = m_wzResult[1] ? 3 : 2; // lstrlenW(m_wzResult);
// Convert to ANSI
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_KOREA, 0, m_wzResult, (m_wzResult[1] ? 2 : 1), (LPSTR)m_szResult, sizeof(m_szResult), NULL, NULL ); psz = (LPSTR)((LPBYTE)m_pCompStr + m_pCompStr->dwResultStrOffset); *psz++ = m_szResult[0]; *psz++ = m_szResult[1]; if (m_wzResult[1]) *psz++ = m_szResult[2]; *psz = '\0'; } } else { m_pCompStr->dwResultStrLen = 0; } }
VOID CIMECtx::AppendCandidateStr(WCHAR wcCand, LPWSTR wszMeaning) { Dbg(DBGID_Hanja, "AppendCandidateStr"); // Alocate cand string and meaning buffer
if (m_pCandStr == NULL) { m_pCandStr =(LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(WCHAR)*MAX_CANDSTR); DbgAssert(m_pCandStr != NULL); }
if (m_rgpCandMeaningStr == NULL) { m_rgpCandMeaningStr = (LPWSTR*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(LPWSTR)*MAX_CANDSTR); DbgAssert(m_rgpCandMeaningStr != NULL); }
if (m_pCandStr == NULL || m_rgpCandMeaningStr == NULL) return;
// Append candidate char
DbgAssert(m_iciCandidate < MAX_CANDSTR); if (m_iciCandidate >= MAX_CANDSTR) return; m_pCandStr[m_iciCandidate] = wcCand;
// Append candidate meaning
if (wszMeaning[0]) { m_rgpCandMeaningStr[m_iciCandidate] = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(WCHAR)*(lstrlenW(wszMeaning)+1)); if (m_rgpCandMeaningStr[m_iciCandidate] == NULL) return; StrCopyW(m_rgpCandMeaningStr[m_iciCandidate], wszMeaning); } else m_rgpCandMeaningStr[m_iciCandidate] = NULL;
m_iciCandidate++; }
WCHAR CIMECtx::GetCandidateStr(INT iIdx) { if (iIdx < 0 || iIdx >= MAX_CANDSTR) { DbgAssert(0); return L'\0'; } if (iIdx >= m_iciCandidate) { DbgAssert(0); return L'\0'; } return m_pCandStr[iIdx]; }
LPWSTR CIMECtx::GetCandidateMeaningStr(INT iIdx) { if (m_rgpCandMeaningStr == NULL || m_rgpCandMeaningStr[iIdx] == NULL || iIdx >= MAX_CANDSTR || iIdx < 0) { // DbgAssert(0); It happen for symbol mapping
return NULL; } else return m_rgpCandMeaningStr[iIdx]; }
VOID CIMECtx::StoreCandidate() { INT iAllocSize; LPCANDIDATELIST lpCandList;
Dbg(DBGID_Key, "StoreCandidate");
if (GetHCandInfo() == NULL) return ; // do nothing
// Calc CANDIDATEINFO buffer size
iAllocSize = sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO) + sizeof(CANDIDATELIST) + // candlist struct
m_iciCandidate * sizeof(DWORD) + // cand index
m_iciCandidate * sizeof(WCHAR) * 2; // cand strings with null termination
// Alllocate buffer
if (m_dwCandInfoSize < (DWORD)iAllocSize) // need to re-allocate
{ // reallocation COMPOSITION buffer
OurImmUnlockIMCC(GetHCandInfo()); m_pIMC->hCandInfo = OurImmReSizeIMCC(GetHCandInfo(), iAllocSize); AST_EX(m_pIMC->hCandInfo != (HIMCC)0);
if (m_pIMC->hCandInfo == (HIMCC)0) return;
m_pCandInfo = (CANDIDATEINFO*)OurImmLockIMCC(GetHCandInfo()); m_dwCandInfoSize = (DWORD)iAllocSize; }
// Check if m_pCandInfo is valid
if (m_pCandInfo == NULL) return;
// Fill cand info
m_pCandInfo->dwSize = iAllocSize; m_pCandInfo->dwCount = 1; m_pCandInfo->dwOffset[0] = sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO);
// Fill cand list
lpCandList = (LPCANDIDATELIST)((LPBYTE)m_pCandInfo + m_pCandInfo->dwOffset[0]); lpCandList->dwSize = iAllocSize - sizeof(CANDIDATEINFO); lpCandList->dwStyle = IME_CAND_READ; lpCandList->dwCount = m_iciCandidate; lpCandList->dwPageStart = lpCandList->dwSelection = 0; lpCandList->dwPageSize = CAND_PAGE_SIZE;
INT iOffset = sizeof(CANDIDATELIST) + sizeof(DWORD) * (m_iciCandidate); // for dwOffset array
for (INT i = 0; i < m_iciCandidate; i++) { LPWSTR wszCandStr; LPSTR szCandStr; CHAR szCand[4] = "\0\0"; // Cand string always 1 char(2 bytes) + extra one byte
lpCandList->dwOffset[i] = iOffset; if (IsUnicodeEnv()) { wszCandStr = (LPWSTR)((LPSTR)lpCandList + iOffset); *wszCandStr++ = m_pCandStr[i]; *wszCandStr++ = L'\0'; iOffset += sizeof(WCHAR) * 2; } else { // Convert to ANSI
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_KOREA, 0, &m_pCandStr[m_iciCandidate], 1, (LPSTR)szCand, sizeof(szCand), NULL, NULL );
szCandStr = (LPSTR)((LPSTR)lpCandList + iOffset); *szCandStr++ = szCand[0]; *szCandStr++ = szCand[1]; *szCandStr = '\0'; iOffset += 3; // DBCS + NULL
} } }
BOOL CIMECtx::FinalizeMessage() { DWORD dwCurrentGCS; WPARAM wParam;
Dbg(DBGID_Key, "FinalizeMessage");
if (m_fStartComposition == fTrue) { Dbg(DBGID_Key, "FinalizeMessage - WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION"); AddMessage(WM_IME_STARTCOMPOSITION); }
if (m_fEndComposition == fTrue) { Dbg(DBGID_Key, "FinalizeMessage - WM_IME_ENDCOMPOSITION");
// Clear all automata states
if (GetAutomata() != NULL) { GetAutomata()->InitState(); } }
// GCS validation before set to IMC
dwCurrentGCS = ValidateGCS(); if (dwCurrentGCS & GCS_RESULTSTR) { Dbg(DBGID_Key, "FinalizeMessage - WM_IME_COMPOSITION - GCS_RESULTSTR 0x%04x", m_wzResult[0]);
if (IsUnicodeEnv()) AddMessage(WM_IME_COMPOSITION, m_wzResult[0], GCS_RESULTSTR); else { // Set ANSI code
wParam = ((WPARAM)m_szResult[0] << 8) | m_szResult[1]; AddMessage(WM_IME_COMPOSITION, wParam, GCS_RESULTSTR); } }
if (dwCurrentGCS & GCS_COMP_KOR) { Dbg(DBGID_Key, "FinalizeMessage - WM_IME_COMPOSITION - GCS_COMP_KOR 0x%04x", m_wcComp);
wParam = ((WPARAM)m_szComp[0] << 8) | m_szComp[1]; AddMessage(WM_IME_COMPOSITION, wParam, (GCS_COMP_KOR|GCS_COMPATTR|CS_INSERTCHAR|CS_NOMOVECARET)); } }
ResetGCS(); // reset now
// O10 Bug #150012
if (m_fEndComposition == fTrue) { ResetComposition(); ResetCandidate(); }
// WM_IME_KEYDOWN: This should be added after all composition message
if (m_fKeyDown) AddMessage(WM_IME_KEYDOWN, m_wParamKeyDown, (m_lParamKeyDown << 16) | 1UL);
return TRUE; }
VOID CIMECtx::FlushCandMessage() { switch (m_uiSendCand) { case MSG_NONE: // Do nothing
break; case MSG_OPENCAND: AddMessage(WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_OPENCANDIDATE, 1); break; case MSG_CLOSECAND: AddMessage(WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_CLOSECANDIDATE, 1); ResetCandidate(); break; case MSG_CHANGECAND: AddMessage(WM_IME_NOTIFY, IMN_CHANGECANDIDATE, 1); break; default: DbgAssert(0); // Error
break; } m_uiSendCand = MSG_NONE; }
BOOL CIMECtx::GenerateMessage() { BOOL fResult = fFalse; INT iMsgCount;
Dbg(DBGID_Key, "GenerateMessage");
if (IsProcessKeyStatus()) return fFalse; // Do nothing
FinalizeMessage(); iMsgCount = GetMessageCount(); ResetMessage(); if (iMsgCount > 0) fResult = OurImmGenerateMessage(m_hIMC);
return fResult; }
INT CIMECtx::AddMessage(UINT uiMessage, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) { LPTRANSMSG pImeMsg;
Dbg(DBGID_Key, "AddMessage uiMessage=0x%X, wParam=0x%04X, lParam=0x%08lX", uiMessage, wParam, lParam);
if (GetHMsgBuf() == NULL) return m_uiMsgCount;
// Check if this data stream created by ImeToAsciiEx()
if (m_pTransMessage) { Dbg(DBGID_Key, "AddMessage - use Transbuffer(ImeToAscii)"); // Check if need reallocate message buffer
if (m_pTransMessage->uMsgCount >= m_uiMsgCount) { // Fill msg buffer
pImeMsg = &m_pTransMessage->TransMsg[m_uiMsgCount - 1]; pImeMsg->message = uiMessage; pImeMsg->wParam = wParam; pImeMsg->lParam = lParam; } else { DbgAssert(0); // pre-allocated buffer is full - use hMsgBuf instead.
UINT uiMsgCountOrg = m_uiMsgCount; // backup
m_uiMsgCount = 0; // reset anyway
LPTRANSMSGLIST pHeader = m_pTransMessage; // backup
SetTransMessage(NULL); // use hMsgBuf
for (UINT i=0; i<uiMsgCountOrg; i++) AddMessage(pHeader->TransMsg[i].message, pHeader->TransMsg[i].wParam, pHeader->TransMsg[i].lParam);
// finally adds current message
AddMessage(uiMessage, wParam, lParam); } } else // m_pTransMessage. Not called from ImeToAsciiEx()
{ UINT iMaxMsg = m_dwMessageSize / sizeof(TRANSMSG); DWORD dwNewSize; Dbg(DBGID_Key, "AddMessage - use hMsgBuf");
if (m_uiMsgCount > iMaxMsg) { Dbg(DBGID_Key, "AddMessage - Reallocate"); // Reallocation message buffer
OurImmUnlockIMCC(GetHMsgBuf()); dwNewSize = max(16, m_uiMsgCount) * sizeof(TRANSMSG); // At least 16 cand list
m_pIMC->hMsgBuf = OurImmReSizeIMCC(GetHMsgBuf(), dwNewSize); AST_EX(m_pIMC->hMsgBuf != (HIMCC)0);
if (m_pIMC->hMsgBuf == (HIMCC)0) return m_uiMsgCount;
m_pMessage = (LPTRANSMSG)OurImmLockIMCC(GetHMsgBuf()); m_dwMessageSize = dwNewSize; }
// Fill msg buffer
pImeMsg = m_pMessage + m_uiMsgCount - 1; pImeMsg->message = uiMessage; pImeMsg->wParam = wParam; pImeMsg->lParam = lParam;
// set message count
m_pIMC->dwNumMsgBuf = m_uiMsgCount; } return m_uiMsgCount; }
Get current hCompStr comp str. If Win95, convert it to Unicode ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ WCHAR CIMECtx::GetCompBufStr() { WCHAR wch;
if (GetHCompStr() == NULL || m_pCompStr == NULL) return L'\0';
if (IsUnicodeEnv()) return *(LPWSTR)((LPBYTE)m_pCompStr + m_pCompStr->dwCompStrOffset); else { if (MultiByteToWideChar(CP_KOREA, MB_PRECOMPOSED, (LPSTR)((LPBYTE)m_pCompStr + m_pCompStr->dwCompStrOffset), 2, &wch, 1)) return wch; else return L'\0';
} }
CIMECtx::ClearCandMeaningArray ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ void CIMECtx::ClearCandMeaningArray() { if (m_rgpCandMeaningStr == NULL) return;
for (int i=0; i<MAX_CANDSTR; i++) { if (m_rgpCandMeaningStr[i] == NULL) break;
GlobalFree(m_rgpCandMeaningStr[i]); m_rgpCandMeaningStr[i] = 0; } }