// range.cpp
#include "private.h"
#include "globals.h"
#include "korimx.h"
#include "xstring.h"
#include "immxutil.h"
#include "helpers.h"
#include "kes.h"
#include "mes.h"
#include "editcb.h"
#if 0
void CKorIMX::BackupRange(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange* pRange) { CICPriv *picp = GetICPriv(pic); if (pic && picp && pRange) { ITfRangeBackup* pBackupRange = NULL;
// release previuos
pBackupRange = picp->GetBackupRange(); if (pBackupRange) SafeReleaseClear(pBackupRange);
// create new backup range
pic->CreateRangeBackup(ec, pRange, &pBackupRange); picp->SetBackupRange(pBackupRange);
if (pBackupRange == NULL) return; } }
VOID CKorIMX::RestoreRange(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic) { CICPriv *picp = GetICPriv(pic);
if (pic && picp) { ITfRangeBackup *pBackupRange = picp->GetBackupRange(); ITfRange *pRange;
if (pBackupRange == NULL) return; // no backup is exist
pBackupRange->GetRange(&pRange); pBackupRange->Restore(ec, pRange); // restore to original
pRange->Release(); } }
VOID CKorIMX::SetIPRange(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange* pRange) { CICPriv *picp = GetInputContextPriv(pic); if (picp) { ITfRange* pClone = NULL; // delete previous IPRange
if (pRange) { Assert(m_ptim != NULL); pRange->Clone(&pClone); pClone->SetGravity(ec, TF_GRAVITY_FORWARD, TF_GRAVITY_BACKWARD); } else { // delete property store
// ResetDiscard();
picp->SetActiveRange(pClone); } }
ITfRange* CKorIMX::GetIPRange(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic) { CICPriv *picp = GetInputContextPriv(pic); if (picp) { ITfRange* pRange; ITfRange* pClone = NULL;
pRange = picp->GetActiveRange();
if (pRange) { pRange->Clone(&pClone); pClone->SetGravity(ec, TF_GRAVITY_BACKWARD, TF_GRAVITY_FORWARD); }
return pClone; }
return NULL; }
ITfRange* CKorIMX::CreateIPRange(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange* pRangeOrg) { ITfRange* pRangeIP;
if (pRangeOrg == NULL) return NULL;
Assert(m_ptim != NULL);
SetIPRange(ec, pic, pRangeIP); // register
pRangeIP->SetGravity(ec, TF_GRAVITY_BACKWARD, TF_GRAVITY_FORWARD); return pRangeIP; }
BOOL CKorIMX::FlushIPRange(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic) { // reset range
SetIPRange(ec, pic, NULL); // reset
// clear attribute range
// ClearAttr(ec, pic, pIPRange);
return FALSE; } #endif
// OnCompositionTerminated
// Cicero calls this method when one of our compositions is terminated.
STDAPI CKorIMX::OnCompositionTerminated(TfEditCookie ec, ITfComposition *pComposition) { ITfRange *pRange; ITfContext *pic; CEditSession2 *pes; ESSTRUCT ess; HRESULT hr;
// finalize the covered text.
// nb: there are no rules about what a tip has to do when it recevies this
// callback. We will clear out the display attributes arbirarily and because
// it provides visual feedback for testing.
pComposition->GetRange(&pRange); pRange->GetContext(&pic);
ESStructInit(&ess, ESCB_COMPLETE);
ess.pRange = pRange; if (pes = new CEditSession2(pic, this, &ess, CKorIMX::_EditSessionCallback2)) { // Word will not allow synchronous lock at this point.
pes->Invoke(ES2_READWRITE | ES2_SYNC, &hr); pes->Release(); }
pRange->Release(); pic->Release();
return S_OK; }
ITfComposition * CKorIMX::GetIPComposition(ITfContext *pic) { CICPriv *picp = GetInputContextPriv(pic); if (picp) return picp->GetActiveComposition();
return NULL; }
ITfComposition * CKorIMX::CreateIPComposition(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic, ITfRange* pRangeComp) { ITfContextComposition *picc; ITfComposition *pComposition; CICPriv *pICPriv; HRESULT hr;
if (pRangeComp == NULL) return NULL; hr = pic->QueryInterface(IID_ITfContextComposition, (void **)&picc); Assert(hr == S_OK);
if (picc->StartComposition(ec, pRangeComp, this, &pComposition) == S_OK) { if (pComposition != NULL) // NULL if the app rejects the composition
{ CICPriv *picp = GetInputContextPriv(pic);
if (picp) SetIPComposition(pic, pComposition); else { pComposition->Release(); pComposition = NULL; } } } picc->Release();
// Create Mouse sink only for AIMM
if (GetAIMM(pic) && (pICPriv = GetInputContextPriv(pic)) != NULL) { CMouseSink *pMouseSink;
// Create Mouse sink
if ((pMouseSink = pICPriv->GetMouseSink()) != NULL) { pMouseSink->_Unadvise(); pMouseSink->Release(); pICPriv->SetMouseSink(NULL); } if (pMouseSink = new CMouseSink(CICPriv::_MouseCallback, pICPriv)) { pICPriv->SetMouseSink(pMouseSink); // set inward gravity to hug the text
pRangeComp->SetGravity(ec, TF_GRAVITY_FORWARD, TF_GRAVITY_BACKWARD); pMouseSink->_Advise(pRangeComp, pic); } }
return pComposition; }
void CKorIMX::SetIPComposition(ITfContext *pic, ITfComposition *pComposition) { CICPriv *picp = GetInputContextPriv(pic); if (picp) picp->SetActiveComposition(pComposition); }
BOOL CKorIMX::EndIPComposition(TfEditCookie ec, ITfContext *pic) { ITfComposition *pComposition; pComposition = GetIPComposition(pic); if (pComposition) { CICPriv *pICPriv; SetIPComposition(pic, NULL); pComposition->EndComposition(ec); pComposition->Release();
// kill any mouse sinks
if (GetAIMM(pic) && (pICPriv = GetInputContextPriv(pic)) != NULL) { CMouseSink *pMouseSink;
if ((pMouseSink = pICPriv->GetMouseSink()) != NULL) { pMouseSink->_Unadvise(); pMouseSink->Release(); pICPriv->SetMouseSink(NULL); } } return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
#if 0
VOID CKorIMX::RestoreRangeRequest(ITfContext* pic) { CEditSession *pes; HRESULT hr;
if (pic == NULL) return;
if (pes = new CEditSession(_EditSessionCallback)) { pes->_state.u = ESCB_RESTORERANGE; pes->_state.pv = (VOID*)this; pes->_state.wParam = (WPARAM)0; pes->_state.pRange = NULL; pes->_state.pic = pic;
pic->EditSession( m_tid, pes, TF_ES_READWRITE | TF_ES_SYNC, &hr);
SafeRelease(pes); } } #endif