#include "ntiman.h"
#include "plschcon.h"
#include "lschcon.h"
#include "dninfo.h"
#include "iobj.h"
#include "chnutils.h"
#include "lstext.h"
#include "lscfmtfl.h"
#define FNominalToIdealNeeded(plschnkcontext, grpf, lskjust) \
((plschnkcontext)->grpfTnti != 0) || \ FNominalToIdealBecauseOfParagraphProperties(grpf, lskjust)
LSERR ApplyNominalToIdeal( PLSCHUNKCONTEXT plschunkcontext, /* LS chunk context */ PLSIOBJCONTEXT plsiobjcontext, /* installed objects */ DWORD grpf, /* grpf */ LSKJUST lskjust, /* kind of justification */ BOOL fIsSublineMain, /* fIsSubLineMain */ BOOL fLineContainsAutoNumber, PLSDNODE plsdnLast) /* dnode until which we should do nominal to ideal */ { LSERR lserr; PLSDNODE plsdnPrev; BOOL fSuccessful; WCHAR wchar; PLSRUN plsrunText; HEIGHTS heightsText; MWCLS mwcls; DWORD iobj; LSIMETHODS* plsim; long durChange; PLSDNODE plsdnLastContent;
plsdnLastContent = plsdnLast; // skip borders
while(plsdnLastContent != NULL && FIsDnodeBorder(plsdnLastContent)) { plsdnLastContent = plsdnLastContent->plsdnPrev; }
/* if there are now dnodes in line or nominal to ideal has been already applied
return right away */ if (plsdnLastContent == NULL || plschunkcontext->fNTIAppliedToLastChunk) return lserrNone;
/*if last dnode text */ if (FIsDnodeReal(plsdnLastContent) && !(plsdnLastContent->fTab) && (IdObjFromDnode(plsdnLastContent) == IobjTextFromLsc(plsiobjcontext))) {
lserr = FillChunkArray(plschunkcontext, plsdnLastContent); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
if (FNominalToIdealNeeded(plschunkcontext, grpf, lskjust)) { lserr = NominalToIdealText( plschunkcontext->grpfTnti, LstflowFromDnode(plsdnLastContent), (FIsFirstOnLine(plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[0]) && fIsSublineMain), fLineContainsAutoNumber , plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.clschnk, plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.plschnk); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr; SetNTIAppliedToLastChunk(plschunkcontext);
/* apply width modification between preceding object and first text */ plsdnPrev = plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[0]->plsdnPrev; if (plsdnPrev != NULL && FIsDnodeReal(plsdnPrev) && !plsdnPrev->fTab) { lserr = GetFirstCharInChunk(plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.clschnk, plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.plschnk, &fSuccessful, &wchar, &plsrunText, &heightsText, &mwcls); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
if (fSuccessful) { iobj = IdObjFromDnode(plsdnPrev); plsim = PLsimFromLsc(plsiobjcontext, iobj); if (plsim->pfnGetModWidthFollowingChar != NULL) { lserr = plsim->pfnGetModWidthFollowingChar(plsdnPrev->u.real.pdobj, plsdnPrev->u.real.plsrun, plsrunText, &heightsText, wchar, mwcls, &durChange); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr; if (durChange != 0) { lserr = ModifyFirstCharInChunk( plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.clschnk, plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.plschnk, durChange); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr; } } /* object has this method */ } /* call back from text was successful */ } /* there is non-text object before chunk of text */ } /* nominal to ideal is needed */ } /* last dnode text after autonumbering */
return lserrNone; }
LSERR ApplyModWidthToPrecedingChar( PLSCHUNKCONTEXT plschunkcontext, /* LS chunk context */ PLSIOBJCONTEXT plsiobjcontext, /* installed objects */ DWORD grpf, /* grpf */ LSKJUST lskjust, /* kind of justification */ PLSDNODE plsdnNonText) /* non-text dnode after text */ { LSERR lserr; BOOL fSuccessful; WCHAR wchar; PLSRUN plsrunText; HEIGHTS heightsText; MWCLS mwcls; DWORD iobj; LSIMETHODS* plsim; long durChange; PLSDNODE plsdnPrev; Assert(FIsLSDNODE(plsdnNonText));
plsdnPrev = plsdnNonText->plsdnPrev;
/*if Prev dnode text */ if (plsdnPrev != NULL && FIsDnodeReal(plsdnPrev) && !(plsdnPrev->fTab) && (IdObjFromDnode(plsdnPrev) == IobjTextFromLsc(plsiobjcontext))) { if (plschunkcontext->FChunkValid) { /* chunk we have is exactly what we need */ Assert(plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.clschnk != 0); Assert(!plschunkcontext->FGroupChunk); Assert((plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.clschnk - 1]) ->plsdnNext == plsdnNonText); } else { lserr = FillChunkArray(plschunkcontext, plsdnPrev); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr; } if (FNominalToIdealNeeded(plschunkcontext, grpf, lskjust)) { /* apply width modification between text and following object */ lserr = GetLastCharInChunk(plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.clschnk, plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.plschnk, &fSuccessful, &wchar, &plsrunText, &heightsText, &mwcls); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr; if (fSuccessful) { iobj = IdObjFromDnode(plsdnNonText); plsim = PLsimFromLsc(plsiobjcontext, iobj); if (plsim->pfnGetModWidthPrecedingChar != NULL) { lserr = plsim->pfnGetModWidthPrecedingChar(plsdnNonText->u.real.pdobj, plsdnNonText->u.real.plsrun, plsrunText, &heightsText, wchar, mwcls, &durChange); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr; if (durChange != 0) { lserr = ModifyLastCharInChunk( plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.clschnk, plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.plschnk, durChange); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr; } } /* object has this method */ } /* call back from text was successful */ } /* nominal to ideal is needed */ } /* there is text before */ return lserrNone; }
LSERR CutPossibleContextViolation( PLSCHUNKCONTEXT plschunkcontext, /* LS chunk context */ PLSDNODE plsdnLast) /* last text dnode */ { LSERR lserr; Assert(FIsLSDNODE(plsdnLast)); if (plschunkcontext->FChunkValid) { /* chunk we have is exactly what we need */ Assert(plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.clschnk != 0); Assert(!plschunkcontext->FGroupChunk); Assert((plschunkcontext->pplsdnChunk[plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.clschnk - 1]) == plsdnLast); } else { lserr = FillChunkArray(plschunkcontext, plsdnLast); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr; }
lserr = CutTextDobj(plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.clschnk, plschunkcontext->locchnkCurrent.plschnk); if (lserr != lserrNone) return lserr;
return lserrNone; }