* Uniscribe interface (& related classes) class definition * * File: _uspi.h * Create: Jan 10, 1998 * Author: Worachai Chaoweeraprasit (wchao) * * Copyright (c) 1998, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */
#ifndef _USPI_H
#define _USPI_H
#include "_ls.h"
#include "usp10.h" // Uniscribe SDK protocol
// classes
class CFormatRunPtr; class CMeasurer; class CTxtEdit; class CUniscribe; class CBiDiFSM; class CTxtBreaker;
#define ALIGN(x) (int)(((x)+3) & ~3) // dword aligning
#define GLYPH_COUNT(c) ((((c)*3)/2)+16)
#define MAX_CLIENT_BUF 512 // size (in byte) of internal buffer
// USP client parameters block
#define cli_string 0x00000001
#define cli_psi 0x00000002
#define cli_psla 0x00000004
#define cli_pwgi 0x00000008
#define cli_psva 0x00000010
#define cli_pcluster 0x00000020
#define cli_pidx 0x00000040
#define cli_pgoffset 0x00000080
#define cli_Itemize (cli_string | cli_psi)
#define cli_Break (cli_psla)
#define cli_Shape (cli_pwgi | cli_psva | cli_pcluster)
#define cli_Place (cli_pidx | cli_pgoffset)
#define cli_ShapePlace (cli_Shape | cli_Place)
#define LOCALE_SNATIVEDIGITS 0x00000013
///// LANG
// The following defines are temporary - they will be removed once they
// have been added to the standard NLS header files.
#define LANG_BURMESE 0x55 // Myanmar
#ifndef LANG_KHMER
#define LANG_KHMER 0x53 // Cambodia
#ifndef LANG_LAO
#define LANG_LAO 0x54 // Lao
#define LANG_MONGOLIAN 0x50 // Mongolia
#define LANG_TIBETAN 0x51 // Tibet
#ifndef LANG_URDU
#define LANG_URDU 0x20 // India / Pakistan
// Memory block will contain USPCLIENT -the table of ptrs, as a memory block's header
// followed by subtables then requested data blocks. All things tie together as a
// contiguous data area so client can free the whole thing in one shot.
// SI subtable
typedef struct tagUSP_CLIENT_SI { //
// ScriptItemize's
WCHAR* pwchString; int cchString; SCRIPT_ITEM* psi; } USP_CLIENT_SI, *PUSP_CLIENT_SI;
// SB subtable
typedef struct tagUSP_CLIENT_SB { //
// ScriptBreak's
// SS & SP subtable
typedef struct tagUSP_CLIENT_SSP { //
// ScriptShape's
WORD* pwgi; WORD* pcluster; SCRIPT_VISATTR* psva;
// ScriptPlace's
int* pidx; GOFFSET* pgoffset; } USP_CLIENT_SSP, *PUSP_CLIENT_SSP;
// header (root) table
// buffer request structure
typedef struct tagBUF_REQ { int size; // size of requested element
int c; // count of requested element
PVOID* ppv; // ref to ptr of requested buffer
#define IsCS(x) (BOOL)((x)==U_COMMA || (x)==U_PERIOD || (x)==U_COLON)
// CUniscribe's internal buffer request flag
#define igb_Glyph 1
#define igb_VisAttr 2
#define igb_Pidx 4
// LS Callback's static return buffer
#define celAdvance 32
class CBufferBase { public: CBufferBase(int cbElem) { _cbElem = cbElem; } void* GetPtr(int cel); void Release(); protected: void* _p; int _cElem; int _cbElem; };
template <class ELEM> class CBuffer : public CBufferBase { public: CBuffer() : CBufferBase(sizeof(ELEM)) {} ~CBuffer() { Release(); } ELEM* Get(int cel) { return (ELEM*)GetPtr(cel); } };
/////// Uniscribe interface object class
BOOL IsSupportedOS();
class CUniscribe { public: CUniscribe(); ~CUniscribe();
WORD ApplyDigitSubstitution (BYTE bDigitSubstMode);
// public helper functions
const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES* GeteProp (WORD eScript); const CBiDiFSM* GetFSM ();
BOOL CreateClientStruc (BYTE* pbBufIn, LONG cbBufIn, PUSP_CLIENT* ppc, LONG cchString, DWORD dwMask); void SubstituteDigitShaper (PLSRUN plsrun, CMeasurer* pme);
inline BOOL CacheAllocGlyphBuffers(int cch, int& cGlyphs, WORD*& pwgi, SCRIPT_VISATTR*& psva) { cGlyphs = GLYPH_COUNT(cch); return (pwgi = GetGlyphBuffer(cGlyphs)) && (psva = GetVABuffer(cGlyphs)); }
inline BOOL IsValid() { return TRUE; }
BOOL GetComplexCharSet(const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES* psp, BYTE bCharSetDefault, BYTE& bCharSetOut); BYTE GetRtlCharSet(CTxtEdit* ped);
// higher level services
int ItemizeString (USP_CLIENT* pc, WORD uInitLevel, int* pcItems, WCHAR* pwchString, int cch, BOOL fUnicodeBidi, WORD wLangId = LANG_NEUTRAL); int ShapeString (PLSRUN plsrun, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, CMeasurer* pme, const WCHAR* pwch, int cch, WORD*& pwgi, WORD* pwlc, SCRIPT_VISATTR*& psva); int PlaceString (PLSRUN plsrun, SCRIPT_ANALYSIS* psa, CMeasurer* pme, const WORD* pcwgi, int cgi, const SCRIPT_VISATTR* psva, int* pgdx, GOFFSET* pgduv, ABC* pABC); int PlaceMetafileString (PLSRUN plsrun, CMeasurer* pme, const WCHAR* pwch, int cch, PINT* ppiDx);
// private helper functions
HDC PrepareShapeDC (CMeasurer* pme, HRESULT hrReq, HFONT& hOrgFont); BYTE GetCDMCharSet(BYTE bCharSetDefault); DWORD GetNationalDigitLanguage(LCID lcid);
// get callback static buffers
SCRIPT_VISATTR* GetVABuffer(int cel) { return _rgva.Get(cel); } WORD* GetGlyphBuffer(int cel) { return _rgglyph.Get(cel); } int* GetWidthBuffer(int cel) { return _rgwidth.Get(cel); }
// LS callback (static) buffers
CBuffer<WORD> _rgglyph; CBuffer<int> _rgwidth; CBuffer<SCRIPT_VISATTR> _rgva;
// pointer to BidiLevel Finite State Machine
// pointer to script properties resource table
const SCRIPT_PROPERTIES** _ppProp;
WORD _wesNationalDigit; // National digit script ID
BYTE _bCharSetRtl; // Right to left charset to use
BYTE _bCharSetCDM; // CDM charset to use
extern CUniscribe* g_pusp; extern int g_cMaxScript; // Maximum number of script produced by Uniscribe
// Virtual script ID
#define SCRIPT_MAX_COUNT ((WORD)g_cMaxScript)
/////// Bidi Finite State Machine class
// (detail: bidifsm2.html)
// Revise: 12-28-98 (wchao)
// inputs class:
#define NUM_FSM_INPUTS 5
typedef enum { chLTR = 0, chRTL, digitLTR, digitRTL, chGround // Neutralize current level down to initial level
// states:
#define NUM_FSM_STATES 6
typedef enum { S_A = 0, S_B, S_C, S_X, S_Y, S_Z } STATES;
class CBiDiFSMCell { public: CBiDiLevel _level; // BiDi level
USHORT _uNext; // Offset to the next state relative to FSM start
class CBiDiFSM { public: CBiDiFSM (CUniscribe* pusp) { _pusp = pusp; } ~CBiDiFSM ();
BOOL Init (void); INPUT_CLASS InputClass (const CCharFormat* pcCF, CTxtPtr* ptp, LONG cchRun) const; HRESULT RunFSM (CRchTxtPtr* prtp, LONG cRuns, LONG cRunsStart, BYTE bBaseLevel) const;
inline void SetFSMCell (CBiDiFSMCell* pCell, CBiDiLevel* pLevel, USHORT uNext) { pCell->_level = *pLevel; pCell->_uNext = uNext; }
private: short _nState; // number of state
short _nInput; // number of input class
CUniscribe* _pusp; // Uniscribe obj associated with
CBiDiFSMCell* _pStart; // start FSM
#endif // _USPI_H