* @doc INTERNAL * * @module LBHOST.CPP -- Text Host for CreateWindow() Rich Edit * Combo Box Control | * Implements CCmbBxWinHost message * * Original Author: * Jerry Kim * * History: <nl> * 01/30/97 - v-jerrki Created * * Set tabs every four (4) columns * * Copyright (c) 1997-1998 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */ #include "_common.h"
#include "_host.h"
#include "imm.h"
#include "_format.h"
#include "_edit.h"
#include "_cfpf.h"
#include "_cbhost.h"
// Helper function in edit.cpp
LONG GetECDefaultHeightAndWidth( ITextServices *pts, HDC hdc, LONG lZoomNumerator, LONG lZoomDenominator, LONG yPixelsPerInch, LONG *pxAveWidth, LONG *pxOverhang, LONG *pxUnderhang);
// For effeciency and to avoid Winnt thunking layer we will call
// the listbox winproc directly
LRESULT CALLBACK RichListBoxWndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam);
//////////////////////////// System Window Procs ////////////////////////////
* RichComboBoxWndProc (hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam) * * @mfunc * Handle window messages pertinent to the host and pass others on to * text services. * #rdesc * LRESULT = (code processed) ? 0 : 1 */ LRESULT CALLBACK RichComboBoxWndProc( HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "RichComboBoxWndProc");
LRESULT lres = 1; //signify we didn't handle the message
HRESULT hr = S_FALSE; CCmbBxWinHost *phost = (CCmbBxWinHost *) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, ibPed);
#ifdef DEBUG
Tracef(TRCSEVINFO, "hwnd %lx, msg %lx, wparam %lx, lparam %lx", hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); #endif // DEBUG
switch(msg) { case WM_NCCREATE: return CCmbBxWinHost::OnNCCreate(hwnd, (CREATESTRUCT *)lparam);
case WM_CREATE: // We may be on a system with no WM_NCCREATE (e.g. WINCE)
if (!phost) { (void) CCmbBxWinHost::OnNCCreate(hwnd, (CREATESTRUCT *) lparam); phost = (CCmbBxWinHost *) GetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, ibPed); } break; case WM_DESTROY: if(phost) CCmbBxWinHost::OnNCDestroy(phost); return 0; }
if (!phost) return ::DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam);
// in certain out-of-memory situations, clients may try to re-enter us
// with calls. Just bail on the call if we don't have a text services
// pointer.
if(!phost->_pserv) return 0;
// stabilize ourselves
switch(msg) { case WM_MOUSEMOVE: if (!phost->OnMouseMove(wparam, lparam)) break; goto serv;
case WM_LBUTTONUP: if (!phost->OnLButtonUp(wparam, lparam)) break; goto serv;
case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: if (!phost->OnMouseWheel(wparam, lparam)) break; goto defproc;
case WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK: case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: if (!phost->OnLButtonDown(wparam, lparam)) goto Exit; goto serv;
case WM_COMMAND: if (!phost->OnCommand(wparam, lparam)) break; goto serv;
case WM_CREATE: lres = phost->OnCreate((CREATESTRUCT*)lparam); break; case WM_KEYDOWN: if (!phost->OnKeyDown((WORD) wparam, (DWORD) lparam)) break; goto serv; // give it to text services
case WM_SETTEXT: if (phost->_cbType != CCmbBxWinHost::kDropDown) { lres = CB_ERR; break; } goto serv; case WM_GETTEXT: GETTEXTEX gt; if (W32->OnWin9x() || phost->_fANSIwindow) W32->AnsiFilter( msg, wparam, lparam, (void *) > ); goto serv;
case WM_GETTEXTLENGTH: GETTEXTLENGTHEX gtl; if (W32->OnWin9x() || phost->_fANSIwindow) W32->AnsiFilter( msg, wparam, lparam, (void *) >l ); goto serv; case WM_CHAR:
if (W32->OnWin9x() || phost->_fANSIwindow) { CW32System::WM_CHAR_INFO wmci; wmci._fAccumulate = phost->_fAccumulateDBC != 0; W32->AnsiFilter( msg, wparam, lparam, (void *) &wmci ); if (wmci._fLeadByte) { phost->_fAccumulateDBC = TRUE; phost->_chLeadByte = wparam << 8; goto Exit; // Wait for trail byte
} else if (wmci._fTrailByte) { // UNDONE:
// Need to see what we should do in WM_IME_CHAR
wparam = phost->_chLeadByte | wparam; phost->_fAccumulateDBC = FALSE; phost->_chLeadByte = 0; msg = WM_IME_CHAR; goto serv; } else if (wmci._fIMEChar) { msg = WM_IME_CHAR; goto serv; } else if (wmci._fIMEChar) { msg = WM_IME_CHAR; goto serv; } } if(!phost->OnChar((WORD) wparam, (DWORD) lparam)) // processed code: break out
break; goto serv; // else give it to text services
case WM_DRAWITEM: lres = phost->CbMessageItemHandler(NULL, ITEM_MSG_DRAWLIST, wparam, lparam); if (lres) break; goto defproc;
case WM_DELETEITEM: lres = phost->CbMessageItemHandler(NULL, ITEM_MSG_DELETE, wparam, lparam); if (lres) break; goto defproc;
case WM_ENABLE: if (phost->OnEnable(wparam, lparam)) { if(!wparam ^ phost->_fDisabled) { // Stated of window changed so invalidate it so it will
// get redrawn.
InvalidateRect(phost->_hwnd, NULL, TRUE); phost->SetScrollBarsForWmEnable(wparam);
// Need to enable the listbox window
::EnableWindow(phost->_hwndList, wparam); } phost->_fDisabled = !wparam; // Set disabled flag
lres = 0; // Return value for message
} // Fall thru to WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE?
case WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: //forward message to listbox first then pass to textservice
SendMessage(phost->_hwndList, msg, wparam, lparam); phost->OnSysColorChange(); goto serv; // Notify text services that
// system colors have changed
case WM_GETDLGCODE: //forward message to listbox first then pass to textservice
SendMessage(phost->_hwndList, msg, wparam, lparam); lres = phost->OnGetDlgCode(wparam, lparam); break;
case WM_STYLECHANGING: // Just pass this one to the default window proc
lres = ::DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); break; case WM_SIZE: lres = phost->OnSize(wparam, lparam); break;
case WM_SETCURSOR: // Only set cursor when over us rather than a child; this
// helps prevent us from fighting it out with an inplace child
if((HWND)wparam == hwnd) { if(!(lres = ::DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam))) lres = phost->OnSetCursor(wparam, lparam); } break;
case WM_SHOWWINDOW: hr = phost->OnTxVisibleChange((BOOL)wparam); break;
case WM_NCPAINT: lres = ::DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); if(phost->TxGetEffects() == TXTEFFECT_SUNKEN && dwMajorVersion < VERS4) { HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); if(hdc) { phost->DrawSunkenBorder(hwnd, hdc); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc); } } break;
case WM_PAINT: lres = phost->OnPaint(wparam, lparam); break;
case WM_KILLFOCUS: lres = phost->OnKillFocus(wparam, lparam); if (!lres) goto serv; goto defproc;
case LBCB_TRACKING: // release any mousedown stuff
phost->OnLButtonUp(0, 0); phost->_fFocus = 1; phost->_fLBCBMessage = 1; // Fall through case!!!
case WM_SETFOCUS: lres = phost->OnSetFocus(wparam, lparam); if (lres) goto defproc; goto serv;
case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: if (phost->OnSyskeyDown((WORD)wparam, (DWORD)lparam)) goto serv; break;
case WM_CAPTURECHANGED: if (!phost->OnCaptureChanged(wparam, lparam)) goto serv; break; //bug fix #4076
case CB_GETDROPPEDSTATE: lres = phost->_fListVisible; goto Exit;
// combo box messages
case CB_GETEXTENDEDUI: lres = phost->CbGetExtendedUI(); break;
case CB_SETEXTENDEDUI: lres = phost->CbSetExtendedUI(wparam); break; case CB_SETITEMHEIGHT: lres = phost->CbSetItemHeight((wparam == (unsigned)-1) ? TRUE : FALSE, (int)lparam); break;
case CB_GETITEMHEIGHT: lres = phost->CbGetItemHeight((wparam == (unsigned)-1) ? TRUE : FALSE); break;
// Listbox specific messages
case CB_DELETESTRING: msg = LB_DELETESTRING; goto deflstproc;
case CB_SETTOPINDEX: msg = LB_SETTOPINDEX; goto deflstproc;
case CB_GETTOPINDEX: msg = LB_GETTOPINDEX; goto deflstproc; case CB_GETCOUNT: msg = LB_GETCOUNT; goto deflstproc; case CB_GETCURSEL: msg = LB_GETCURSEL; goto deflstproc; case CB_GETLBTEXT: msg = LB_GETTEXT; goto deflstproc; case CB_GETLBTEXTLEN: msg = LB_GETTEXTLEN; goto deflstproc; case CB_INSERTSTRING: msg = LB_INSERTSTRING; goto deflstproc; case CB_RESETCONTENT: msg = LB_RESETCONTENT; goto deflstproc;
case CB_FINDSTRING: msg = LB_FINDSTRING; goto deflstproc;
case CB_SELECTSTRING: //bug fix
// The system control does 2 things here. 1) selects the requested item
// 2) sets the newly selected item to the top of the list
lres = CB_ERR; if (phost->_hwndList) { lres = RichListBoxWndProc(phost->_hwndList, LB_SELECTSTRING, wparam, lparam); phost->UpdateEditBox(); } break;
case CB_GETITEMDATA: msg = LB_GETITEMDATA; goto deflstproc;
case CB_SETITEMDATA: msg = LB_SETITEMDATA; goto deflstproc;
case CB_SETCURSEL: //bug fix
// The system control does 2 things here. 1) selects the requested item
// 2) sets the newly selected item to the top of the list
if (phost->_hwndList) { lres = RichListBoxWndProc(phost->_hwndList, LB_SETCURSEL, wparam, lparam); if (lres != -1) RichListBoxWndProc(phost->_hwndList, LB_SETTOPINDEX, wparam, 0); phost->UpdateEditBox(); } break;
case CB_ADDSTRING: msg = LB_ADDSTRING; goto deflstproc;
// edit box specific messages
case CB_GETEDITSEL: msg = EM_GETSEL; goto serv;
case CB_LIMITTEXT: msg = EM_SETLIMITTEXT; goto serv; case CB_SETEDITSEL: if (phost->_cbType == CCmbBxWinHost::kDropDownList) { lres = CB_ERR; break; } msg = EM_SETSEL; // When we are in a dialog box that is empty, EM_SETSEL will not select
// the final always existing EOP if the control is rich.
if (phost->_fUseSpecialSetSel && ((CTxtEdit *)phost->_pserv)->GetAdjustedTextLength() == 0 && wparam != -1) { lparam = 0; wparam = 0; } else { //parameters are different between CB and EM messages
wparam = (WPARAM)(signed short)LOWORD(lparam); lparam = (LPARAM)(signed short)HIWORD(lparam); } goto serv;
case EM_SETMARGINS: //PPT uses this message for the combo box. bug fix #4072
// We need to keep track of the margins size because we have a minimum inset
// value bug fix #4659
if (wparam & EC_LEFTMARGIN) phost->_dxLOffset = LOWORD(lparam); if (wparam & EC_RIGHTMARGIN) phost->_dxROffset = HIWORD(lparam); phost->OnSetMargins(wparam, LOWORD(lparam) + phost->_dxLInset, HIWORD(lparam) + phost->_dxRInset); break; case EM_GETOPTIONS: lres = phost->OnGetOptions(); break; case EM_SETOPTIONS: phost->OnSetOptions((WORD) wparam, (DWORD) lparam); lres = (phost->_dwStyle & ECO_STYLES); if(phost->_fEnableAutoWordSel) lres |= ECO_AUTOWORDSELECTION; break;
case EM_HIDESELECTION: if(lparam) { DWORD dwPropertyBits = 0;
phost->_dwStyle |= ES_NOHIDESEL; if(wparam) { phost->_dwStyle &= ~ES_NOHIDESEL; dwPropertyBits = TXTBIT_HIDESELECTION; }
// Notify text services of change in status.
phost->_pserv->OnTxPropertyBitsChange(TXTBIT_HIDESELECTION, dwPropertyBits); } goto serv;
lres = 0; break; #endif
// We should ignore any EM_ messages which we don't handle ourselves
case WM_STYLECHANGED: break;
case EM_SETTEXTEX: phost->OnSetTextEx(wparam, lparam); break;
case CB_SHOWDROPDOWN: if (wparam && !phost->_fListVisible) { phost->ShowListBox(TRUE); } else if (!wparam && phost->_fListVisible) { phost->HideListBox(TRUE, FALSE); } break;
case WM_GETOBJECT: IUnknown* punk; phost->QueryInterface(IID_IUnknown, (void**)&punk); Assert(punk); lres = W32->LResultFromObject(IID_IUnknown, wparam, (LPUNKNOWN)punk); AssertSz(!FAILED((HRESULT)lres), "WM_GETOBJECT message FAILED\n"); punk->Release(); break; #endif
default: //CTxtWinHost message handler
serv: hr = phost->_pserv->TxSendMessage(msg, wparam, lparam, &lres);
defproc: if(hr == S_FALSE) { // Message was not processed by text services so send it
// to the default window proc.
lres = ::DefWindowProc(hwnd, msg, wparam, lparam); }
// Need to do some things after we send the message to ITextService
switch (msg) { case EM_SETSEL: phost->_pserv->TxSendMessage(EM_HIDESELECTION, 0, 0, NULL); lres = 1; break;
// Need to return 1 per SDK documentation
case EM_SETLIMITTEXT: lres = 1; break;
case WM_SETFONT: { // Special border processing. The inset changes based on the size of the
// defautl character set. So if we got a message that changes the default
// character set, we need to update the inset.
// Update our font height member variable with the new fonts height
// Get the inset information
HDC hdc = GetDC(hwnd); LONG xAveCharWidth = 0; LONG yCharHeight = GetECDefaultHeightAndWidth(phost->_pserv, hdc, 1, 1, W32->GetYPerInchScreenDC(), &xAveCharWidth, NULL, NULL); ReleaseDC(hwnd, hdc);
if (yCharHeight) phost->_dyFont = yCharHeight;
// force a recalculation of the edit control
phost->_dyEdit = 0; phost->CbCalcControlRects(&phost->_rcWindow, TRUE);
// force a resize of the control
phost->_fListVisible = 1; phost->HideListBox(FALSE, FALSE); } goto deflstproc; case EM_FORMATRANGE: case EM_SETPARAFORMAT: case EM_SETCHARFORMAT: case EM_SETLANGOPTIONS: case EM_SETBIDIOPTIONS: case EM_SETTYPOGRAPHYOPTIONS: goto deflstproc; } break;
deflstproc: //CLstBxWinHost message handler
Assert(phost->_hwndList); if (phost->_hwndList) { lres = SendMessage(phost->_hwndList, msg, wparam, lparam); switch (msg) { case LB_RESETCONTENT: //need to remove the content from the edit box
phost->_pserv->TxSendMessage(WM_SETTEXT, wparam, NULL, &lres); break;
case LB_SETCURSEL: // need to update the edit control
phost->UpdateEditBox(); break; } } break; }
Exit: phost->Release(); return lres; }
//////////////// CCmbBxWinHost Creation/Initialization/Destruction ///////////////////////
* CCmbBxWinHost::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) * * @mfunc * */ HRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CTxtWinHost::QueryInterface"); if(riid == IID_IAccessible) *ppv = (IAccessible*)this; else if (riid == IID_IDispatch) *ppv = (IDispatch*)(IAccessible*)this; else if (IsEqualIID(riid, IID_IUnknown)) *ppv = (IUnknown*)(IAccessible*)this; else return CTxtWinHost::QueryInterface(riid, ppv);
AddRef(); return NOERROR; } #endif
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnNCCreate (hwnd, pcs) * * @mfunc * Static global method to handle WM_NCCREATE message (see remain.c) */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnNCCreate( HWND hwnd, const CREATESTRUCT *pcs) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnNCCreate");
CCmbBxWinHost *phost = new CCmbBxWinHost();
if (!phost) { // Allocation failure.
return 0; }
if(!phost->Init(hwnd, pcs)) // Stores phost in associated
{ // window data
phost->Shutdown(); delete phost; return 0; } return TRUE; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnNCDestroy (phost) * * @mfunc * Static global method to handle WM_NCCREATE message * * @devnote * phost ptr is stored in window data (GetWindowLongPtr()) */ void CCmbBxWinHost::OnNCDestroy( CCmbBxWinHost *phost) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnNCDestroy");
// NOTE:
// We have to be careful when we destroy the window because there can be cases
// when we have a valid hwnd but no host for the hwnd so we have to check for
// both cases
if (phost->_plbHost) { // ALERT!! :The DestroyWindow function does not send the WM_NCDESTROY message for Windows CE
phost->_plbHost->Release(); } // Destroy list box here so we will get the WM_DELETEITEM before the
// combo box gets destroyed
if (phost->_hwndList) DestroyWindow(phost->_hwndList);
phost->Shutdown(); phost->Release(); }
* CCmbBxWinHost::CCmbBxWinHost() * * @mfunc * constructor */ CCmbBxWinHost::CCmbBxWinHost(): CTxtWinHost(), _plbHost(NULL), _hwndList(NULL), _hcurOld(NULL) { _dxLInset = _dxRInset = 0; _fIgnoreUpdate = 0; TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::CTxtWinHost"); }
* CCmbBxWinHost::~CCmbBxWinHost() * * @mfunc * destructor */ CCmbBxWinHost::~CCmbBxWinHost() { }
* CCmbBxWinHost::Init (hwnd, pcs) * * @mfunc * Initialize this CCmbBxWinHost */ BOOL CCmbBxWinHost::Init( HWND hwnd, //@parm Window handle for this control
const CREATESTRUCT *pcs) //@parm Corresponding CREATESTRUCT
if(!pcs->lpszClass) return -1; _fRightAlign = 0; _fListVisible = 0; _fOwnerDraw = 0; _fFocus = 0; _fMousedown = 0; _cyList = 0; _fDisabled = 0; _fNoIntegralHeight = 0; _idCtrl = (UINT)(DWORD_PTR) pcs->hMenu; _fKeyMaskSet = 0; _fMouseMaskSet = 0; _fScrollMaskSet = 0; _fMousedown = 0; _nCursor = -2; _fExtendedUI = 0; _fLBCBMessage = 0; _dxROffset = _dxLOffset = 0;
// Set pointer back to CCmbBxWinHost from the window
if(hwnd) SetWindowLongPtr(hwnd, ibPed, (INT_PTR)this); _hwnd = hwnd;
if(pcs) { _hwndParent = pcs->hwndParent; _dwExStyle = pcs->dwExStyle; _dwStyle = pcs->style;
// We need to change our Extended because we don't support most of them
// The order in which we check the style flags immulate
// WinNT's order. So please verify with NT order before
// reaaranging order.
if (_dwStyle & CBS_DROPDOWN) { _cbType = kDropDown; if (_dwStyle & CBS_SIMPLE) _cbType = kDropDownList; } else { AssertSz(FALSE, "CBS_SIMPLE not supported"); }
if (_dwStyle & CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) _fOwnerDraw = 1; if (_dwStyle & WS_DISABLED) _fDisabled = 1;
if (_dwStyle & CBS_NOINTEGRALHEIGHT) _fNoIntegralHeight = 1;
// the combobox doesn't support ES_RIGHT because its value is the
// same as CBS_DROPDOWN!!
if (_dwExStyle & WS_EX_RIGHT) { _fRightAlign = 1; _dwStyle |= ES_RIGHT; }
// implicitly set the ES_AUTOHSCROLL style bit
_dwStyle |= ES_AUTOHSCROLL; _dwStyle &= ~ES_AUTOVSCROLL;
// If we have any kind of border it will always be a 3d border
if (_dwStyle & WS_BORDER || _dwExStyle & WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE) { _fBorder = 1; _dwStyle &= ~WS_BORDER; _dwExStyle |= WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; dwExStyle |= WS_EX_CLIENTEDGE; }
// handle default disabled
if(_dwStyle & WS_DISABLED) _fDisabled = TRUE;
DWORD dwStyle = _dwStyle; // Remove the verticle scroll style for the window
if (_dwStyle & WS_VSCROLL) dwStyle &= ~WS_VSCROLL;
// Set the window styles
SetWindowLong(_hwnd, GWL_STYLE, dwStyle); SetWindowLong(_hwnd, GWL_EXSTYLE, dwExStyle); }
// Create Text Services component
if(FAILED(CreateTextServices())) return FALSE;
_xInset = 1; _yInset = 1;
PARAFORMAT PF2; PF2.dwMask = 0; if(_dwExStyle & WS_EX_RIGHT) { PF2.dwMask |= PFM_ALIGNMENT; PF2.wAlignment = (WORD)(PFA_RIGHT); // right or center-aligned
if(_dwExStyle & WS_EX_RTLREADING) { PF2.dwMask |= PFM_RTLPARA; PF2.wEffects = PFE_RTLPARA; // RTL reading order
if (PF2.dwMask) { PF2.cbSize = sizeof(PARAFORMAT2); // tell text services
_pserv->TxSendMessage(EM_SETPARAFORMAT, SPF_SETDEFAULT, (LPARAM)&PF2, NULL); } PARAFORMAT PF; // If left or right alignment,
if(_fRightAlign) // tell text services
//bug fix #4644 we want the EN_CHANGE and EN_UPDATE notifications
// Tell textservices to turn-on auto font sizing
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnCreate (pcs) * * @mfunc * Handle WM_CREATE message * * @rdesc * LRESULT = -1 if failed to in-place activate; else 0 */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnCreate(const CREATESTRUCT *pcs) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnCreate");
RECT rcClient;
// sometimes, these values are -1 (from windows itself); just treat them
// as zero in that case
LONG cy = (pcs->cy < 0) ? 0 : pcs->cy; LONG cx = (pcs->cx < 0) ? 0 : pcs->cx;
rcClient.top = pcs->y; rcClient.bottom = rcClient.top + cy; rcClient.left = pcs->x; rcClient.right = rcClient.left + cx;
// Notify Text Services that we are in place active
if(FAILED(_pserv->OnTxInPlaceActivate(&rcClient))) return -1;
// Get the font height to base the control heights from
// Initially the font height is the item height
HDC hdc = GetDC(_hwnd); LONG xAveCharWidth = 0; _dyFont = GetECDefaultHeightAndWidth(_pserv, hdc, 1, 1, W32->GetYPerInchScreenDC(), &xAveCharWidth, NULL, NULL); Assert(_dyFont != 0); // _yInset should be zero since listbox's doesn't have yinsets
ReleaseDC(_hwnd, hdc); // init variables
_idCtrl = (UINT)(DWORD_PTR)pcs->hMenu;
// Need to calculate the rects of EVERYTHING!!
// Force a request of itemHeight
_rcButton.left = 0; _dyEdit = 0; _cyList = -1; CbCalcControlRects(&rcClient, TRUE);
// Now lets handle the listbox stuff!
// create and tranlate styles for combo box to listbox
if (_dwStyle & CBS_SORT) lStyle |= LBS_SORT;
if (_dwStyle & CBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED) { _fOwnerDraw; lStyle |= LBS_OWNERDRAWFIXED; }
// copy over some window styles
lStyle |= (_dwStyle & WS_DISABLED); lStyle |= (_dwStyle & WS_VSCROLL); DWORD lExStyle = _dwExStyle & (WS_EX_RIGHT | WS_EX_RTLREADING | WS_EX_LEFTSCROLLBAR);
//NOTE. It doesn't matter if the listbox is made with the correct size since
// it's going to get resized anyways
if (!W32->OnWin9x()) { //WinNT
_hwndList = ::CreateWindowExW(lExStyle | WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, L"REListBox20W", NULL, lStyle, _rcList.left, _rcList.top, _rcList.right - _rcList.left, _rcList.bottom - _rcList.top, _hwnd, (HMENU)CB_LISTBOXID, NULL, this); } else { // Win '95, '98 system
_hwndList = ::CreateWindowExA(lExStyle | WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW, "REListBox20W", NULL, lStyle, _rcList.left, _rcList.top, _rcList.right - _rcList.left, _rcList.bottom - _rcList.top, _hwnd, (HMENU)CB_LISTBOXID, NULL, this); } Assert(_hwndList); _plbHost = (CLstBxWinHost *) GetWindowLongPtr(_hwndList, ibPed); Assert(_plbHost); if (!_plbHost) return -1; // increment reference counter!
if (_cbType != kSimple) ShowWindow(_hwndList, SW_HIDE); SetParent(_hwndList, NULL); if (_cbType == kDropDownList) { AssertSz(!((CTxtEdit*)_pserv)->_fReadOnly, "edit is readonly"); // Tell textservices to select the entire background
// format the paragraph to immulate the system control
PARAFORMAT2 pf; pf.cbSize = sizeof(PARAFORMAT2); pf.dwMask = PFM_STARTINDENT; pf.dxStartIndent = (1440.0 / W32->GetXPerInchScreenDC()); _pserv->TxSendMessage(EM_SETPARAFORMAT, SPF_SETDEFAULT, (LPARAM)&pf, NULL); _usIMEMode = ES_NOIME; // Tell textservices to turnoff ime
} else { // make the richedit control behave like the edit control
// Need to resize the list box
if (_cbType != kSimple) SetDropSize(&_rcList);
return 0; }
/////////////////////////// CCmbBxWinHost Helper functions /////////////////////////////////
* CCmbBxWinHost::GetTextLength () * * @mfunc * returns the text length of the edit control using CR and NOT CRLF * * @rdesc * LRESULT = text length */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::GetTextLength() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::GetTextLength"); LRESULT lr = 0; GETTEXTLENGTHEX gtl; gtl.flags = GTL_NUMCHARS | GTL_PRECISE; gtl.codepage = 1200;
#ifdef DEBUG
HRESULT hr = _pserv->TxSendMessage(EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, (WPARAM)>l, 0, &lr); Assert(hr == NOERROR); #else
_pserv->TxSendMessage(EM_GETTEXTLENGTHEX, (WPARAM)>l, 0, &lr); #endif
return lr; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::GetEditText (LPTSTR, int) * * @mfunc * returns the text length in the edit control in UNICODE * * @rdesc * LRESULT = text length copied to passed in buffer */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::GetEditText (LPTSTR szStr, int nSize) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::GetEditText");
LRESULT lr = 0; GETTEXTEX gt; gt.cb = nSize * sizeof(TCHAR); gt.flags = 0; gt.codepage = 1200; gt.lpDefaultChar = NULL; gt.lpUsedDefChar = NULL;
#ifdef DEBUG
HRESULT hr = _pserv->TxSendMessage(EM_GETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)>, (LPARAM)szStr, &lr); Assert(hr == NOERROR); #else
_pserv->TxSendMessage(EM_GETTEXTEX, (WPARAM)>, (LPARAM)szStr, &lr); #endif
return lr; } /*
* CCmbBxWinHost::SetDropSize(RECT* prc) * * @mfunc * Compute the drop down window's width and max height * * @rdesc * BOOL = SUCCESSFUL ? TRUE : FALSE */ void CCmbBxWinHost::SetDropSize(RECT* prc) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::SetDropSize");
_fListVisible = TRUE; HideListBox(FALSE, FALSE); POINT pt1 = {prc->left, prc->top}; POINT pt2 = {prc->right, prc->bottom}; ::ClientToScreen(_hwnd, &pt1); ::ClientToScreen(_hwnd, &pt2); MoveWindow(_hwndList, pt1.x, pt1.y, pt2.x - pt1.x, pt2.y - pt1.y, FALSE);
* CCmbBxWinHost::SetSizeEdit(int nLeft, int nTop, int nRight, int nBottom) * * @mfunc * sets the edit controls size * * @rdesc * BOOL = SUCCESSFUL ? TRUE : FALSE */ void CCmbBxWinHost::SetSizeEdit(int nLeft, int nTop, int nRight, int nBottom) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::SizeEdit");
// Generate default view rect from client rect
if(_fBorder) { // Factors in space for borders
_rcViewInset.top = W32->DYtoHimetricY(nTop, W32->GetYPerInchScreenDC()); _rcViewInset.bottom = W32->DYtoHimetricY(nBottom, W32->GetYPerInchScreenDC()); _rcViewInset.left = W32->DXtoHimetricX(nLeft, W32->GetXPerInchScreenDC()); _rcViewInset.right = W32->DXtoHimetricX(nRight, W32->GetXPerInchScreenDC()); } else { // Default the top and bottom inset to 0 and the left and right
// to the size of the border.
_rcViewInset.top = 0; _rcViewInset.bottom = 0; _rcViewInset.left = W32->DXtoHimetricX(nLeft, W32->GetXPerInchScreenDC()); _rcViewInset.right = W32->DXtoHimetricX(nRight, W32->GetXPerInchScreenDC()); } }
* CCmbBxWinHost::CbCalcControlRects(RECT* prc, BOOL bCalcChange) * * @mfunc * Calculates the RECT for all the controls. The rect should * include the non-client area's also * * @rdesc * BOOL = SUCCESSFUL ? TRUE : FALSE */ BOOL CCmbBxWinHost::CbCalcControlRects(RECT* prc, BOOL bCalcChange) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::CbCalcControlRects");
// copy over the window rect
_rcWindow = *prc;
// Item specific things
const int smY = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE); const int smX = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXEDGE); _cxCombo = _rcWindow.right - _rcWindow.left;
if (!_dyEdit) _dyEdit = _dyFont + 2 + ((_fBorder) ? (2 * _yInset) : 0); if (_fOwnerDraw) { if (bCalcChange) { // No height has been defined yet for the static text window. Send
// a measure item message to the parent
MEASUREITEMSTRUCT mis; mis.CtlType = ODT_COMBOBOX; mis.CtlID = _idCtrl; mis.itemID = (UINT)-1; mis.itemHeight = _dyEdit; mis.itemData = 0;
SendMessage(_hwndParent, WM_MEASUREITEM, _idCtrl, (LPARAM)&mis); _dyEdit = mis.itemHeight; } } else { // NOTE:
// Richedit prevents us from trying to set the itemHeight less than the
// font height so we need to take account of this by preventing user from
// setting height less than font height
int nyEdit = _dyFont + ((_fBorder) ? 2 * _yInset : 0); if (_dyEdit > nyEdit) { //In order for the highlighting to work properly we need to empty
//the richedit control
LRESULT nLen; _pserv->TxSendMessage(WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, 0, 0, &nLen);
TCHAR* pwch = NULL; if (nLen && _cbType == kDropDownList) { pwch = new TCHAR[nLen + 1 /*NULL*/]; AssertSz(pwch, "Unable to allocate memory for string");
if (pwch) { // Get the text from richedit and emtpy it
_pserv->TxSendMessage(WM_GETTEXT, nLen + 1, (LPARAM)pwch, NULL); _pserv->TxSendMessage(WM_SETTEXT, 0, NULL, NULL); } else { // something bad happened so send a message
// to client
TxNotify(EN_ERRSPACE, NULL); } } else if (_cbType == kDropDown && nLen == 0) { // we need to insert a dummy character into the richedit
// control so it won't try to highlight space after
// the paragraph
_pserv->TxSendMessage(WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)L" ", NULL); } // Calculate the difference in size
nyEdit = _dyEdit - nyEdit;
PARAFORMAT2 pf; pf.cbSize = sizeof(PARAFORMAT2); pf.dwMask = PFM_SPACEAFTER; pf.dySpaceAfter = (int)(((double)nyEdit * 1440.0) / (double)W32->GetYPerInchScreenDC()); _pserv->TxSendMessage(EM_SETPARAFORMAT, SPF_SETDEFAULT, (LPARAM)&pf, NULL);
//Reset the text which was there before in the richedit control
if (pwch || (_cbType == kDropDown && nLen == 0)) { _pserv->TxSendMessage(WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)(pwch ? pwch : NULL), NULL); if (pwch) delete pwch; } } else _dyEdit = nyEdit; // stabalize ourselves
// For Bordered Combobox we take account of the clientedge for the top
// and bottom. And since we want to draw the focus rect within the yellow
// area we need to subtract 1.
_cyCombo = min(_dyEdit + ((_fBorder) ? 2 * smY : 0), _rcWindow.bottom - _rcWindow.top); // recompute the max height of the dropdown listbox -- full window
// size MINUS edit/static height
if (_cyList == -1) _cyList = max((_rcWindow.bottom - _rcWindow.top) - _cyCombo, 0);
// calculate the rect for the buttons
if (_cbType != kSimple) { _rcButton.top = 0; _rcButton.bottom = min(_dyEdit, _rcWindow.bottom - _rcWindow.top); if (_fRightAlign) { _rcButton.left = 0; _rcButton.right = _rcButton.left + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); } else { _rcButton.right = _cxCombo - ((_fBorder) ? (2 * smX): 0); _rcButton.left = _rcButton.right - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); } }
// calculate the edit control rect
int nTop = _yInset; int nBottom = 0; _dxLInset = _xInset; _dxRInset = _xInset; if (_cbType != kSimple) { if (_fRightAlign) _dxLInset = (_rcButton.right - _rcButton.left) + smX; else _dxRInset = (_rcButton.right - _rcButton.left) + smX; } SetSizeEdit(_dxLInset + _dxLOffset, nTop, _dxRInset + _dxROffset, nBottom);
// calculate the rect for the list box window
_rcList.left = (_fBorder) ? - smX : 0; _rcList.top = _cyCombo - ((_fBorder) ? smY : 0); _rcList.right = (_fBorder) ? max(_cxCombo - smX, 0) : _rcWindow.right; _rcList.bottom = _cyCombo + _cyList;
return TRUE; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::DrawButton(HDC, BOOL) * * @mfunc * Draws the combo box button given an hdc * * @rdesc * BOOL = SUCCESSFUL ? TRUE : FALSE */ void CCmbBxWinHost::DrawButton(HDC hdc, BOOL bDown) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::DrawButton");
// Check if we have to draw the drop down button
if (_cbType != kSimple) { BOOL bRelease = !hdc; if (!hdc) hdc = TxGetDC();
DrawFrameControl(hdc, &_rcButton, DFC_SCROLL, DFCS_SCROLLCOMBOBOX | (bDown ? DFCS_PUSHED | DFCS_FLAT: 0) | (!_fBorder ? DFCS_FLAT : 0) | (!_fDisabled ? 0 : DFCS_INACTIVE));
if (bRelease) TxReleaseDC(hdc); } }
* CCmbBxWinHost::TxNotify (iNotify, pv) * * @mfunc * Notify Text Host of various events. Note that there are * two basic categories of events, "direct" events and * "delayed" events. In the case of the combobox we will * notify parent of only two edit notifications; EN_CHANGE * and EN_UPDATE. The others will be from the listbox * or be generated because of focus changing * * * @rdesc * S_OK - call succeeded <nl> * S_FALSE -- success, but do some different action * depending on the event type (see below). * * @comm * <CBN_DBLCLK> user double-clicks an item in the list box * * <CBN_ERRSPACE> The list box cannot allocate enough memory to * fulfill a request * * <CBN_KILLFOCUS> The list box loses the keyboard focus * * <CBN_SELENDCANCEL> notification message is sent when the user * selects an item, but then selects another control or closes the * dialog box * * <CBN_SELCHANGE> notification message is sent when the user changes * the current selection in the list box of a combo box * * <CBN_SETFOCUS> The list box receives the keyboard focus * * <CBN_CLOSEUP> This message is sent when the listbox has been closed * * <CBN_SELENDOK> notification message is sent when the user selects a * list item, or selects an item and then closes the list * * <CBN_EDITCHANGE> notification message is sent after the user * has taken an action that may have altered the text in the edit * control portion of a combo box * * <CBN_EDITUPDATE> notification message is sent when the edit control * portion of a combo box is about to display altered text * * <CBN_DROPDOWN> This message is sent when the listbox has been made visible */ HRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::TxNotify( DWORD iNotify, //@parm Event to notify host of. One of the
// EN_XXX values from Win32, e.g., EN_CHANGE
void *pv) //@parm In-only parameter with extra data. Type
// dependent on <p iNotify>
if(_hwndParent) { // First, handle WM_NOTIFY style notifications
switch(iNotify) { case EN_CHANGE: //update the listbox bug fix #5206
if (_fIgnoreChange) { _fIgnoreChange = 0; return hr; }
if (_fListVisible && _cbType == kDropDown) UpdateListBox(FALSE); else if (_cbType == kDropDownList) // don't send notification if dropdownlist
return S_FALSE; iNotify = CBN_EDITCHANGE; goto sndmsg; case EN_UPDATE: //bug fix - we're sending too much CBN_UPDATE notifications
if (_fIgnoreUpdate) return hr; if (_cbType == kDropDownList) return S_FALSE; iNotify = CBN_EDITUPDATE; goto sndmsg; case EN_ERRSPACE: iNotify = (unsigned)CBN_ERRSPACE; goto sndmsg;
case CBN_SELCHANGE: case CBN_SELENDCANCEL: case CBN_CLOSEUP: case CBN_DBLCLK: case CBN_DROPDOWN: case CBN_KILLFOCUS: case CBN_SELENDOK: case CBN_SETFOCUS: sndmsg: hr = SendMessage(_hwndParent, WM_COMMAND, GET_WM_COMMAND_MPS(_idCtrl, _hwnd, iNotify)); } } return hr; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::DrawEditFocus(HDC) * * @mfunc * Either draws or notifies owner to draw the focus rect * * @rdesc * void */ void CCmbBxWinHost::DrawEditFocus(HDC hdc) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::DrawEditFocus");
BOOL bRelease = FALSE; if (!hdc) { hdc = TxGetDC(); bRelease = TRUE; }
RECT rc; GetClientRect(_hwnd, &rc);
if (!_fOwnerDraw) { HiliteEdit(_fFocus);
if (_cbType == kDropDownList) { // shrink the focus rect by the inset
rc.top += _yInset; rc.bottom -= _yInset; if (_fRightAlign) rc.left = _rcButton.right; else rc.right = _rcButton.left;
rc.left += _xInset; rc.right -= _xInset;
DrawFocusRect(hdc, &rc); } }
if (bRelease) TxReleaseDC(hdc); }
* CCmbBxWinHost::SetSelectionInfo(BOOL bOk, int nIdx) * * @mfunc * Completes the text in the edit box with the closest match from the * listbox. If a prefix match can't be found, the edit control text isn't * updated. Assume a DROPDOWN style combo box. * * @rdesc * void */ void CCmbBxWinHost::SetSelectionInfo(BOOL bOk, int nIdx) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::SetSelectionInfo");
_nCursor = nIdx; _bSelOk = bOk; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::AutoUpdateEdit(int i) * * @mfunc * Completes the text in the edit box with the closest match from the * listbox. If a prefix match can't be found, the edit control text isn't * updated. Assume a DROPDOWN style combo box. * * @rdesc * void */ void CCmbBxWinHost::AutoUpdateEdit(int nItem) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::AutoUpdateEdit");
// We update the edit part of the combo box with the current selection of
// the list box
int cch; TCHAR* pszText; LRESULT lr;
// find the best matching string in the list box
if (nItem == -1 || nItem == -2) { cch = GetTextLength();
// no text to search so just get out
if (!cch) return;
cch++; // account for null character
pszText = new TCHAR[cch]; AssertSz(pszText, "string allocation failed"); if (!pszText) { TxNotify((unsigned)CBN_ERRSPACE, NULL); return; }
// get string from edit control and try to find a exact match else a match
// in the list box
GetEditText(pszText, cch); nItem = RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_FINDSTRINGEXACT, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)pszText);
if (nItem == -1) nItem = RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)-1, (LPARAM)pszText); delete [] pszText;
// no match found so just get out
if (nItem == -1) return; }
cch = RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_GETTEXTLEN, nItem, 0);
if (cch <= 0) return; cch++; // account for null character
pszText = new TCHAR[cch]; AssertSz(pszText, "Unable to allocate string"); if (!pszText) { TxNotify((unsigned)CBN_ERRSPACE, NULL); return; }
RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_GETTEXT, nItem, (LPARAM)pszText); _fIgnoreChange = 1; _pserv->TxSendMessage(WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)pszText, &lr);
delete [] pszText; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::HiliteEdit(BOOL) * * @mfunc * Sets the hilite background or selects the entire text for the * edit control * * @rdesc * void */ void CCmbBxWinHost::HiliteEdit(BOOL bSelect) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::HiliteEdit");
//bug fix 4073
Assert(!_fOwnerDraw || _cbType == kDropDown);
if (_cbType != kDropDownList) { //if bSelect is true else put cursor at beginning of text
_pserv->TxSendMessage(EM_SETSEL, 0, (LPARAM)((bSelect) ? -1 : 0), NULL); } else { //Get the range of the paragraph
ITextRange* pRange; if (NOERROR != ((CTxtEdit*)_pserv)->Range(0, 0, &pRange)) { AssertSz(FALSE, "unable to get range"); return; } Assert(pRange);
DWORD crFore = (unsigned)tomAutoColor; DWORD crBack = (unsigned)tomAutoColor; if (bSelect) { crFore = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT); crBack = ::GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT); }
// Get the entire paragraph
ITextFont* pFont = NULL;
// Select entire text
CHECKNOERROR(pRange->SetIndex(tomParagraph, 1, 1)); // Set the background and forground color
CHECKNOERROR(pRange->GetFont(&pFont)); Assert(pFont); CHECKNOERROR(pFont->SetBackColor(crBack)); CHECKNOERROR(pFont->SetForeColor(crFore));
CleanExit: // Release pointers
if (pFont) pFont->Release(); pRange->Release(); } }
* CCmbBxWinHost::UpdateEditBox() * * @mfunc * Updates the editcontrol window so that it contains the text * given by the current selection in the listbox. If the listbox has no * selection (ie. -1), then we erase all the text in the editcontrol. * * hdc is from WM_PAINT messages Begin/End Paint hdc. If null, we should * get our own dc. * * @rdesc * void */ void CCmbBxWinHost::UpdateEditBox() { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::UpdateEditBox");
Assert(_hwndList); Assert(_plbHost);
// Update the edit box
if (_cbType == kDropDownList && _fOwnerDraw) { CbMessageItemHandler(NULL, ITEM_MSG_DRAWCOMBO, 0, 0); return; } else { TCHAR* pszText = NULL; int nItem = (signed)_plbHost->GetCursor(); if (nItem != -1) { int cch = RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_GETTEXTLEN, (LPARAM)nItem, 0); pszText = new TCHAR[cch + 1]; AssertSz(pszText, "allocation failed");
// just get out if memory allocation failed
if (!pszText) { TxNotify((unsigned)CBN_ERRSPACE, NULL); return; } RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_GETTEXT, (WPARAM)nItem, (LPARAM)pszText); } // if the cursor is on a valid item then update edit with the item text
// else we just display a blank text
TCHAR szEmpty[] = L""; _fIgnoreChange = 1; _pserv->TxSendMessage(WM_SETTEXT, 0, (LPARAM)((pszText) ? pszText : szEmpty), NULL); DrawEditFocus(NULL); if (pszText) delete pszText; } }
* CCmbBxWinHost::UpdateListBox(BOOL) * * @mfunc * Updates the list box by searching and moving to the top the text in * edit control. And possibly pre-selecting the item if bSetSel is set * * @rdesc * int = found ? index of item : -1 */ int CCmbBxWinHost::UpdateListBox(BOOL bSetSel) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::UpdateListBox");
int nItem = -1; int nSel = -1; TCHAR* pszText; int cch;
// Get text from edit box
cch = GetTextLength(); if (cch) { // add one for null string
cch++; pszText = new TCHAR[cch]; if (pszText != NULL) { if (GetEditText(pszText, cch)) { //Bypass Winnt thunking layer by calling the function directly
nItem = RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_FINDSTRING, (WPARAM)-1L, (LPARAM)pszText); } delete [] pszText; } else { TxNotify((unsigned)CBN_ERRSPACE, NULL); return 0; } }
if (bSetSel) nSel = nItem;
// update the list box
RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_SETCURSEL, (LPARAM)nSel, 0); RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_SETTOPINDEX, (LPARAM)max(nItem, 0), 0); return nItem; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::HideListBox(BOOL, BOOL) * * @mfunc * Hides the list box * * @rdesc * void */ BOOL CCmbBxWinHost::HideListBox(BOOL bNotify, BOOL fSelOk) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::HideListBox");
//send CBN_SELENDOK to all types of comboboxes but only
// allow CBN_SELENDCANCEL to be sent for droppable comboboxes
if (bNotify) { if (fSelOk) { TxNotify(CBN_SELENDOK, NULL); } else if (_cbType != kSimple) { TxNotify(CBN_SELENDCANCEL, NULL); } } // return, we don't hide simple combo boxes.
if (!_fListVisible || _cbType == kSimple) return TRUE;
// Tell the listbox to end tracking
Assert(_plbHost); _plbHost->OnCBTracking(LBCBM_END, 0); // Hide the listbox window
_fListVisible = 0; ShowWindow(_hwndList, SW_HIDE); if (_fCapture) { _fCapture = FALSE; TxSetCapture(FALSE); }
_fResizing = 1; // Invalidate the item area now since SWP() might update stuff.
// Since the combo is CS_VREDRAW/CS_HREDRAW, a size change will
// redraw the whole thing, including the item rect. But if it
// isn't changing size, we still want to redraw the item anyway
// to show focus/selection
if (_cbType == kDropDownList) { if (!_fOwnerDraw) HiliteEdit(_fFocus); InvalidateRect(_hwnd, NULL, TRUE); }
//bug fix
// The button may look depressed so we must redraw the button
if (_fMousedown) { _fMousedown = FALSE; InvalidateRect(_hwnd, &_rcButton, FALSE); }
SetWindowPos(_hwnd, HWND_TOP, 0, 0, _cxCombo, _cyCombo, SWP_NOMOVE | SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_NOACTIVATE);
_fResizing = 0;
if (_cbType == kDropDown) AutoUpdateEdit(_nCursor); _nCursor = -2;
// In case size didn't change
if (bNotify) { //Notify parent we will be popping up the combo box.
// reset back to old cursor if mouse cursor was set
if (_hcurOld) { TxSetCursor2(_hcurOld, NULL); _hcurOld = NULL; } return(TRUE); }
* CCmbBxWinHost::ShowListBox(BOOL) * * @mfunc * Displays the list box * * @rdesc * void */ void CCmbBxWinHost::ShowListBox(BOOL fTrack) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::ShowListBox"); Assert(_cbType != kSimple); Assert(_hwndList);
// Notify parent window we are about to drop down the list box
// force a redraw of the button so it looks depressed
InvalidateRect(_hwnd, &_rcButton, TRUE);
_fListVisible = TRUE; _fIgnoreChange = 0;
_bSelOk = 0; if (_cbType == kDropDown) { UpdateListBox(!_fMousedown); if (!_fMousedown) AutoUpdateEdit(-1); _nCursor = _plbHost->GetCursor();
} else { // Scroll the currently selected item to the top of the listbox.
int idx = (signed)_plbHost->GetCursor(); _nCursor = idx; if (idx == -1) idx = 0;
// set the top index if there is something in the list box
if (_plbHost->GetCount() > 0) RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_SETTOPINDEX, idx, 0);
// We are to lose focus in this case
_fFocus = 0; if (!_fOwnerDraw) HiliteEdit(FALSE); // We need to invalidate the edit rect so that the focus frame/invert
// will be turned off when the listbox is visible. Tandy wants this for
// his typical reasons...
InvalidateRect(_hwnd, NULL, TRUE); }
// Figure out where to position the dropdown listbox.
// We want the dropdown to pop below or above the combo
// Get screen coords
RECT rcList; POINT pt1; pt1.x = _rcList.left; pt1.y = _rcList.top;
TxClientToScreen(&pt1); rcList.left = pt1.x; rcList.top = pt1.y; rcList.right = rcList.left + (_rcList.right - _rcList.left); rcList.bottom = rcList.top + _cyList;
// List area
int cyItem = _plbHost->GetItemHeight(); AssertSz(cyItem, "LB_GETITEMHEIGHT is returning 0");
if (cyItem == 0) cyItem = _plbHost->GetFontHeight();
// Windows NT comment:
// we shoulda' just been able to use cyDrop here, but thanks to VB's need
// to do things their OWN SPECIAL WAY, we have to keep monitoring the size
// of the listbox 'cause VB changes it directly (jeffbog 03/21/94)
int iHeight = max(_cyList, _rcWindow.bottom - _rcWindow.top); DWORD dwMult = (DWORD)RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0); if (dwMult) { dwMult = (DWORD)(LOWORD(dwMult) * cyItem); dwMult += GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE);
if (dwMult < 0x7FFF) iHeight = min(LOWORD(dwMult), iHeight); }
if (!_fNoIntegralHeight) { iHeight = ((iHeight - GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE)) / cyItem) * cyItem + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYEDGE); }
//UNDONE: Multi-monitor
// We need to change the following code if we are to support multi-monitor
int yTop; int nScreenHeight = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYFULLSCREEN); if (rcList.top + iHeight <= nScreenHeight) { yTop = rcList.top; if (!_fBorder) yTop -= GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER); } else { yTop = max(rcList.top - iHeight - _cyCombo + ((_fBorder) ? GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER) : 0), 0); }
SetWindowPos(_hwndList, HWND_TOPMOST, rcList.left, yTop, rcList.right - rcList.left, iHeight, 0);
Assert(_plbHost); _plbHost->SetScrollInfo(SB_VERT, FALSE);
if (_cbType == kDropDownList) _fFocus = 0;
// Are we going to support window animation?
ShowWindow(_hwndList, SW_SHOW); // We send a message to the listbox to prepare for tracking
if (fTrack) { Assert(_plbHost); // initialize type searching
_plbHost->InitSearch(); _plbHost->OnCBTracking(LBCBM_PREPARE, LBCBM_PREPARE_SAVECURSOR | ((_cbType == kDropDownList) ? LBCBM_PREPARE_SETFOCUS : 0)); } // Since we are about to display the list box change mouse cursor to arrow
if (!_hcurOld) _hcurOld = TxSetCursor2(LoadCursor(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ARROW)), NULL); }
////////////////////////// Combo box Message Handlers ////////////////////////////////
* CCmbBxWinHost::CbSetItemHeight(BOOL, int) * * @mfunc * Sets the size of the edit or list box. * * * @rdesc * LRESULT = successful ? 1 : CB_ERR */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::CbSetItemHeight(BOOL bEdit, int nHeight) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::CbSetItemHeight");
//bug fix #4556
if (nHeight == 0 || nHeight > 255) return CB_ERR;
// We need to update the height internally
if (bEdit) { RECT rc; GetClientRect(_hwnd, &rc); _dyEdit = nHeight; OnSize(0, MAKELONG(rc.right - rc.left, rc.bottom - rc.top)); } else { RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_SETITEMHEIGHT, 0, MAKELPARAM(nHeight, 0)); } return 1; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::CbGetItemHeight(BOOL) * * @mfunc * Retrieves the size of the edit or list box. * * * @rdesc * LRESULT = successful ? 1 : CB_ERR */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::CbGetItemHeight(BOOL bEdit) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::CbGetItemHeight");
// We need to update the height internally
if (bEdit) { return _dyEdit; } else { return RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, 0, 0); } }
* CCmbBxWinHost::CbSetExtendedUI(BOOL) * * @mfunc * Retrieves the size of the edit or list box. * * * @rdesc * LRESULT = successful ? CB_OKAY : CB_ERR */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::CbSetExtendedUI(BOOL bExtendedUI) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::CbSetExtendedUI");
// We need to update the height internally
_fExtendedUI = bExtendedUI ? 1 : 0; return CB_OKAY; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::CbMessageItemHandler(int, WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * Handles any and all WM_DRAWITEM and WM_DELETEITEM messages * * * @rdesc * LRESULT = whatever the parent window returns */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::CbMessageItemHandler(HDC hdc, int ff, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::CbMessageItemHandler");
// modify the structure info a bit and pass it to the parent window
DRAWITEMSTRUCT dis; BOOL bRelease = FALSE; UINT msg = WM_DRAWITEM; switch (ff) { case ITEM_MSG_DRAWLIST: ((LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lparam)->CtlType = ODT_COMBOBOX; ((LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lparam)->CtlID = _idCtrl; ((LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT)lparam)->hwndItem = _hwnd; break;
case ITEM_MSG_DELETE: ((LPDELETEITEMSTRUCT)lparam)->CtlType = ODT_COMBOBOX; ((LPDELETEITEMSTRUCT)lparam)->CtlID = _idCtrl; ((LPDELETEITEMSTRUCT)lparam)->hwndItem = _hwnd; msg = WM_DELETEITEM; break;
case ITEM_MSG_DRAWCOMBO: if (!hdc) { bRelease = TRUE; hdc = TxGetDC(); } //Fill the DRAWITEMSTRUCT with the unchanging constants
dis.CtlType = ODT_COMBOBOX; dis.CtlID = _idCtrl;
// Use -1 if an invalid item number is being used. This is so that the app
// can detect if it should draw the caret (which indicates the lb has the
// focus) in an empty listbox
dis.itemID = _plbHost->GetCursor(); dis.itemAction = ODA_DRAWENTIRE; dis.hwndItem = _hwnd; dis.hDC = hdc; dis.itemData = (_plbHost->GetCount()) ? (((signed)dis.itemID >= 0) ? _plbHost->GetData(dis.itemID) : 0) : 0; dis.itemState = (UINT)((_fFocus && !_fListVisible ? ODS_SELECTED | ODS_FOCUS : 0) | ((_fDisabled) ? ODS_DISABLED : 0) | ODS_COMBOBOXEDIT); // Calculate the drawing rect
TxGetClientRect(&dis.rcItem); if (_cbType != kSimple) { if (_fRightAlign) dis.rcItem.left = _rcButton.right; else dis.rcItem.right = _rcButton.left; }
// immulate the system by making the HDC invert text if we have focus
SetBkMode(hdc, OPAQUE); PatBlt(hdc, dis.rcItem.left, dis.rcItem.top, dis.rcItem.right - dis.rcItem.left, dis.rcItem.bottom - dis.rcItem.top, PATCOPY);
if (_fFocus && !_fListVisible) { // only do the FillRect if we know its not
// ownerdraw item, otherwise we mess up people up
// BUT: for Compat's sake we still do this for Win 3.1 guys
SetBkColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHT)); SetTextColor(hdc, GetSysColor(COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT)); } // Don't let ownerdraw dudes draw outside of the combo client
// bounds.
InflateRect(&dis.rcItem, -1, -1); IntersectClipRect(hdc, dis.rcItem.left, dis.rcItem.top, dis.rcItem.right, dis.rcItem.bottom); lparam = (LPARAM)&dis; }
LRESULT lres = SendMessage(_hwndParent, msg, _idCtrl, lparam); if (bRelease) TxReleaseDC(hdc);
return lres; }
/////////////////////////// Windows Message Handlers /////////////////////////////////
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnCommand(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * Handles notification from listbox and reflects it to the parent of * the combo box * * @comm * LRESULT = Handled ? 0 : 1 * * */ HRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnCommand(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEEXTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnCommand"); // Filter-out all the messages except Listbox notification messages
Assert(_hwndParent); switch (HIWORD(wparam)) { case LBN_DBLCLK: TxNotify(CBN_DBLCLK, NULL); break;
case LBN_ERRSPACE: TxNotify((unsigned)CBN_ERRSPACE, NULL); break;
case LBN_SELCHANGE: case LBN_SELCANCEL: if (!_fListVisible) HideListBox(TRUE, TRUE); TxNotify(CBN_SELCHANGE, NULL); UpdateEditBox(); break;
default: // not handled so pass down the line
return 1; } return 0; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnEnable(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * handles the WM_ENABLE message * * @rdesc * LRESULT = Handled ? 0 : 1 */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnEnable(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnEnable");
if (_fMousedown) { _fMousedown = FALSE; DrawButton(NULL, FALSE);
// Pop combo listbox back up, canceling.
if (_fListVisible) HideListBox(TRUE, FALSE); } return 1; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnChar(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * handles the WM_CHAR message * * @rdesc * LRESULT = Handled ? 0 : 1 */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnChar(WORD wparam, DWORD lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnChar");
// Check if we should eat the message or not
if (_cbType == kDropDownList) { //bug fix #5318 - ignore delete, insert and clear
if (((WCHAR)wparam) == VK_DELETE || ((WCHAR)wparam) == VK_INSERT || ((WCHAR)wparam) == VK_CLEAR) return 0; // Sending WM_CHAR is BAD!!! call the message handler directly
// send the character string message to the listbox if visible
_plbHost->OnChar(LOWORD(wparam), lparam);
// If Hi-Ansi need to send a wm_syskeyup message to ITextServices to
// stabalize the state
if (0x80 <= wparam && wparam <= 0xFF && !HIWORD(GetKeyState(VK_MENU))) { LRESULT lres; _pserv->TxSendMessage(WM_SYSKEYUP, VK_MENU, 0xC0000000, &lres); } return 0; }
if (_cbType == kDropDown) { if (_fListVisible) { if (!_fCapture) { // Tell listbox to reset capturing by ending then starting it up
_plbHost->OnCBTracking(LBCBM_END, 0); _plbHost->OnCBTracking(LBCBM_PREPARE, 0); }
// Send the message to the edit control iff it's not a tab
if (((WCHAR)wparam) != VK_TAB) _pserv->TxSendMessage(WM_CHAR, wparam, lparam, NULL);
if (!_fCapture) { // capture the cursor
TxSetCapture(TRUE); _fCapture = 1; } } else { // set the cursel to -1 if it already isn't
if ((wparam != VK_RETURN) && (_plbHost->GetCursor() != -1)) RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)-1, 0);
// Send the message to the edit control iff it's not CTRL+i or CTRL+h
if (((WCHAR)wparam) != VK_TAB) _pserv->TxSendMessage(WM_CHAR, wparam, lparam, NULL); } return 0; } return 1; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnKeyDown(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * handles the WM_KEYDOWN message * * @rdesc * LRESULT = Handled ? 0 : 1 */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnKeyDown(WORD wparam, DWORD lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnKeyDown");
if (_fListVisible && (wparam == VK_RETURN || wparam == VK_ESCAPE)) { if (wparam == VK_RETURN) _nCursor = _plbHost->GetCursor(); HideListBox(TRUE, wparam == VK_RETURN); return 0; } // if we are in extended mode and F4 is hit
// we just ignore it
if (_fExtendedUI && wparam == VK_F4) return 0; Assert(_plbHost); int fExtUI = _fExtendedUI; int nCurSel = _plbHost->GetCursor(); Assert(nCurSel >= -1); // if we are a dropdownlist combo box then just forward the message on to the
// list box
if (_cbType == kDropDownList) { switch (wparam) { case VK_F4: if (_fListVisible) break;; fExtUI = 1; Assert(fExtUI && !_fListVisible); // fall through case
case VK_DOWN: if (fExtUI && !_fListVisible) { ShowListBox(TRUE); TxSetCapture(TRUE); _fCapture = TRUE; return 1; } // Fall through case
case VK_UP: case VK_NEXT: case VK_PRIOR: case VK_RETURN: case VK_ESCAPE: break;
//bug fix #5318
case VK_DELETE: case VK_CLEAR: case VK_INSERT: */
default: // There no reason for us to pass these keys to ITextServices since the control is suppose
// to be read-only
return 0; } } else { switch (wparam) { case VK_F4: if (_fListVisible) break; fExtUI = 1; Assert(fExtUI && !_fListVisible); // fall through case
case VK_DOWN: if (fExtUI && !_fListVisible) { ShowListBox(TRUE); TxSetCapture(TRUE); _fCapture = TRUE; return 0; } // Fall through case
case VK_UP: case VK_NEXT: case VK_PRIOR: if (_fListVisible) { if (_fCapture) { // release our capture flag and tell lb to start tracking
_fCapture = 0; _plbHost->OnCBTracking(LBCBM_START, _fMousedown); }
// selecting the top index and then sending the keydown to the
// listbox causes 2 moves so handle this ourselves
if (nCurSel == -1) { RichListBoxWndProc(_hwndList, LB_SETCURSEL, _plbHost->GetTopIndex(), 0); UpdateEditBox(); UpdateCbWindow(); return 0; } } else { // if Listbox isn't visible and the listbox cursor is -1
// then we should try to select the correct item in the list
// box
if (nCurSel == -1) { UpdateListBox(TRUE); if (_plbHost->GetCursor() >= 0) { HiliteEdit(TRUE); return 0; } else if (!_plbHost->GetCount()) { return 0; } } } break; case VK_RETURN: case VK_ESCAPE: break;
default: // return zero to say we didn't handle this
return 1; } } // pass message to list box
_plbHost->OnKeyDown(wparam, lparam, 0); UpdateCbWindow(); return 0; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnSyskeyDown(WORD, DWORD) * * @mfunc * handles the WM_SYSKEYDOWN message * * @rdesc * LRESULT = Handled ? 0 : 1 */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnSyskeyDown(WORD wparam, DWORD lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnSyskeyDown");
if (lparam & 0x20000000L) /* Check if the alt key is down */ { // Handle Combobox support. We want alt up or down arrow to behave
// like F4 key which completes the combo box selection
if (lparam & 0x1000000) { // We just want to ignore keys on the number pad...
// This is an extended key such as the arrow keys not on the
// numeric keypad so just drop the combobox.
if (wparam != VK_DOWN && wparam != VK_UP) return 1; } else if (GetKeyState(VK_NUMLOCK) & 0x1) { //If numlock down, just send all system keys to dwp
return 1; } else { if (wparam != VK_DOWN && wparam != VK_UP) return 1; }
// If the listbox isn't visible, just show it
if (!_fListVisible) { ShowListBox(TRUE); TxSetCapture(TRUE); _fCapture = TRUE; } else //Ok, the listbox is visible. So hide the listbox window.
HideListBox(TRUE, TRUE); return 0; } return 1; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnCaptureChanged(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * handles the WM_CAPTURECHANGED message * * @rdesc * LRESULT = Handled ? 0 : 1 */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnCaptureChanged(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnCaptureChanged"); if (_fCapture) { // Pop combo listbox back up, canceling.
if (_fListVisible) HideListBox(TRUE, FALSE); else { _fCapture = FALSE; _fMousedown = FALSE; DrawButton(NULL, FALSE); } return 0; } return 1; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnMouseMove(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * handles the WM_MOUSEMOVE message * * @rdesc * LRESULT = Handled ? 0 : 1 */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnMouseMove(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnMouseMove");
// We do the following if we have mouse captured or if the listbox is visible
if (_cbType != kSimple && _fCapture) { // get the point coordinates of mouse
POINT pt; POINTSTOPOINT(pt, lparam); if (_fListVisible) { // if the listbox is visible visible check if the cursor went over
// list box
RECT rc; POINT ptScreen = pt; GetWindowRect(_hwndList, &rc); TxClientToScreen(&ptScreen); if (PtInRect(&rc, ptScreen)) { // Release the capture state of the mouse
if (_fCapture) { _fCapture = FALSE; TxSetCapture(FALSE); }
// notify the listbox to start tracking
Assert(_plbHost); ::PostMessage(_hwndList, LBCB_TRACKING, LBCBM_START, _fMousedown); _fMousedown = 0; } } DrawButton(NULL, _fMousedown ? PtInRect(&_rcButton, pt) : FALSE); return FALSE; } #ifdef DEBUG
if (_cbType != kSimple) Assert(!_fListVisible); #endif
return TRUE; } /*
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnLButtonUp(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * handles the WM_LBUTTONUP message * * @rdesc * LRESULT = Handled ? 0 : 1 */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnLButtonUp(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnLButtonUp"); if (_fMousedown) { _fMousedown = FALSE; if (_cbType != kSimple) { // If an item in the listbox matches the text in the edit
// control, scroll it to the top of the listbox. Select the
// item only if the mouse button isn't down otherwise we
// will select the item when the mouse button goes up.
if (_cbType == kDropDown) { UpdateListBox(TRUE); AutoUpdateEdit(-1); } // if we recieved a mouse up and the listbox is still visible then user
// hasn't selected any items from the listbox so don't release the capture yet
if (_fCapture && !_fListVisible) { _fCapture = FALSE; TxSetCapture(FALSE); }
DrawButton(NULL, FALSE); return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnLButtonDown(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * Draws the client edges of the combo box * * @rdesc * LRESULT = Handled ? 0 : 1 */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnLButtonDown(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnLButtonDown");
// check if we should dropdown the list box
POINT pt; POINTSTOPOINT(pt, lparam); // if we don't have focus then set the focus first
if (!_fFocus) TxSetFocus(); _fFocus = 1;
// listbox is down so pop it back up
if (_fListVisible) { return !HideListBox(TRUE, FALSE); } else if (_cbType == kDropDownList || (_cbType == kDropDown && PtInRect(&_rcButton, pt))) { // need to show listbox
ShowListBox(TRUE); _fMousedown = TRUE; TxSetCapture(TRUE); _fCapture = TRUE; return 0; } return 1; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnMouseWheel(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * Draws the client edges of the combo box * * @rdesc * LRESULT = Handled ? 0 : 1 */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnMouseWheel(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnMouseWheel"); // Handle only scrolling.
if (wparam & (MK_CONTROL | MK_SHIFT)) return 1;
// If the listbox is visible, send it the message to scroll.
// if the listbox is
if (_fListVisible) { _plbHost->OnMouseWheel(wparam, lparam); return 0; } // If we're in extended UI mode or the edit control isn't yet created,
// bail.
if (_fExtendedUI) return 0;
// Emulate arrow up/down messages to the edit control.
int i = abs(((short)HIWORD(wparam))/WHEEL_DELTA); wparam = ((short)HIWORD(wparam) > 0) ? VK_UP : VK_DOWN;
while (i-- > 0) OnKeyDown(wparam, lparam);
return 0; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnSetCursor(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * Changes the cursor depending on where the cursor is * * @rdesc * BOOL = SUCCESSFUL ? TRUE : FALSE */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnSetCursor(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnSetCursor");
POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); ::ScreenToClient(_hwnd, &pt);
if ((_cbType == kDropDownList) || (_cbType == kDropDown && ((_fRightAlign) ? _rcButton.right >= pt.x : _rcButton.left <= pt.x))) { TxSetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDC_ARROW)), NULL); } else _pserv->OnTxSetCursor(DVASPECT_CONTENT, -1, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, pt.x, pt.y);
return TRUE; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnSetFocus(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * Draws the button and sends the WM_DRAWITEM message for owner draw * * @rdesc * BOOL = SUCCESSFUL ? TRUE : FALSE */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnSetFocus(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnSetFocus");
_fFocus = TRUE;
// Hide the list box
if (_fListVisible) HideListBox(TRUE, _bSelOk); else if (_fOwnerDraw && _cbType == kDropDownList) CbMessageItemHandler(NULL, ITEM_MSG_DRAWCOMBO, 0, 0); else DrawEditFocus(NULL); // Draw the focus
// Notify the parent we have the focus iff this function
// wasn't called in response to LBCB_TRACKING
if (_fLBCBMessage) _fLBCBMessage = 0; else TxNotify(CBN_SETFOCUS, NULL);
// we return 1 if we are owner draw or if
// we are a kDropDownList, this is because
// we have to prevent the message from being passed
// to _pserv
return (_cbType == kDropDownList); }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnKillFocus(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * Draws the button and sends the WM_DRAWITEM message for owner draw * * @rdesc * BOOL = SUCCESSFUL ? TRUE : FALSE */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnKillFocus(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnKillFocus");
// if we never had focus or if not list window just get out
if (_hwndList == NULL) return 0; if ((HWND)wparam != _hwndList) { // We only give up the focus if the new window getting the focus
// doesn't belong to the combo box.
// The combo box is losing the focus. Send buttonup clicks so that
// things release the mouse capture if they have it... If the
// pwndListBox is null, don't do anything. This occurs if the combo box
// is destroyed while it has the focus.
OnLButtonUp(0L, 0xFFFFFFFFL);
if (_fListVisible) HideListBox(TRUE, FALSE); }
//bug fix #4013
if (!_fFocus) return 0; _fFocus = FALSE; // Remove Focus Rect
if (_cbType != kDropDownList) { HiliteEdit(FALSE);
// Hide any selections
_pserv->TxSendMessage(EM_HIDESELECTION, 1, 0, NULL); } else if (_fOwnerDraw) CbMessageItemHandler(NULL, ITEM_MSG_DRAWCOMBO, 0, 0); else DrawEditFocus(NULL); TxNotify(CBN_KILLFOCUS, NULL);
if (_cbType == kDropDownList) return 1; return 0; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnSize(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * Draws the button and sends the WM_DRAWITEM message for owner draw * * @rdesc * BOOL = Processed ? FALSE : TRUE */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnSize(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnCbSize");
// only deal with this message if we didn't generate the message and
// the new size is a valid one
if (!_fResizing && _hwndList) { _fResizing = 1; RECT rc; GetWindowRect(_hwnd, &rc); rc.right -= rc.left; rc.bottom -= rc.top; rc.left = rc.top = 0; CbCalcControlRects(&rc, FALSE); // Need to resize the list box
if (_cbType != kSimple) SetDropSize(&_rcList); _fResizing = 0; } _pserv->TxSendMessage(WM_SIZE, wparam, lparam, NULL); CTxtWinHost::OnSize(_hwnd, wparam, (int)LOWORD(lparam), (int)HIWORD(lparam)); return FALSE; }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnGetDlgCode(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * Draws the button and sends the WM_DRAWITEM message for owner draw * * @rdesc * BOOL = SUCCESSFUL ? TRUE : FALSE */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnGetDlgCode(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnGetDlgCode");
// call the parents GetDlgCode first
LRESULT code = DLGC_WANTCHARS | DLGC_WANTARROWS; if (_cbType != kDropDownList) code |= DLGC_HASSETSEL;
// If the listbox is dropped and the ENTER key is pressed,
// we want this message so we can close up the listbox
if ((lparam != 0) && (((LPMSG)lparam)->message == WM_KEYDOWN) && _fListVisible && ((wparam == VK_RETURN) || (wparam == VK_ESCAPE))) { code |= DLGC_WANTMESSAGE; } _fInDialogBox = TRUE; return((LRESULT)code); }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnSetTextEx(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * Draws the button and sends the WM_DRAWITEM message for owner draw * * @rdesc * BOOL = SUCCESSFUL ? TRUE : FALSE */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnSetTextEx(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnSetTextEx");
WCHAR* psz = (WCHAR*)lparam;
while (*psz != L'\r') psz++; *psz = L'\0';
//Send message to host
_pserv->TxSendMessage(EM_SETTEXTEX, wparam, lparam, NULL);
//Set the string back to old and send message to listbox
*psz = L'\r'; psz++; return ::SendMessage(_hwndList, EM_SETTEXTEX, wparam, (LPARAM)psz); }
* CCmbBxWinHost::OnPaint(WPARAM, LPARAM) * * @mfunc * Draws the button and sends the WM_DRAWITEM message for owner draw * * @rdesc * BOOL = processed ? 0 : 1 */ LRESULT CCmbBxWinHost::OnPaint(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { TRACEBEGIN(TRCSUBSYSHOST, TRCSCOPEINTERN, "CCmbBxWinHost::OnPaint");
PAINTSTRUCT ps; HPALETTE hpalOld = NULL; HDC hdc = BeginPaint(_hwnd, &ps); RECT rcClient; // Since we are using the CS_PARENTDC style, make sure
// the clip region is limited to our client window.
GetClientRect(_hwnd, &rcClient); // pass message on to the parentwindow if owner draw
if (_cbType != kDropDownList || !_fOwnerDraw) { RECT rcFocus = rcClient; // Set up the palette for drawing our data
if (_hpal) { hpalOld = SelectPalette(hdc, _hpal, TRUE); RealizePalette(hdc); }
IntersectClipRect(hdc, rcClient.left, rcClient.top, rcClient.right, rcClient.bottom);
// Fill-in the gap between the button and richedit control
RECT rcGap; if (_fRightAlign) { rcGap.left = _rcButton.right; rcGap.right = rcGap.left + _xInset + 1; } else { rcGap.right = _rcButton.left; rcGap.left = rcGap.right - _xInset - 1; } rcGap.top = rcClient.top; rcGap.bottom = rcClient.bottom; FillRect(hdc, &rcGap, (HBRUSH)(DWORD_PTR)(((_fDisabled) ? COLOR_BTNFACE : COLOR_WINDOW) + 1)); if (_fFocus && _cbType == kDropDownList) { //First if there is a focus rect then remove the focus rect
// shrink the focus rect by the inset
rcFocus.top += _yInset; rcFocus.bottom -= _yInset; if (_fRightAlign) rcFocus.left = _rcButton.right; else rcFocus.right = _rcButton.left;
rcFocus.left += _xInset; rcFocus.right -= _xInset;
// We need to erase the focus rect if we haven't already
// erased the background
DrawFocusRect(hdc, &rcFocus); }
_pserv->TxDraw( DVASPECT_CONTENT, // Draw Aspect
-1, // Lindex
NULL, // Info for drawing optimazation
NULL, // target device information
hdc, // Draw device HDC
NULL, // Target device HDC
(const RECTL *) &rcClient,// Bounding client rectangle
NULL, // Clipping rectangle for metafiles
&ps.rcPaint, // Update rectangle
NULL, // Call back function
NULL, // Call back parameter
TXTVIEW_ACTIVE); // What view - the active one!
// Restore palette if there is one
if(hpalOld) SelectPalette(hdc, hpalOld, TRUE);
RestoreDC(hdc, -1);
if(TxGetEffects() == TXTEFFECT_SUNKEN && dwMajorVersion < VERS4) DrawSunkenBorder(_hwnd, hdc);
//Redraw the focus rect, don't have to recalc since we already did above
if (_fFocus && _cbType == kDropDownList) DrawFocusRect(hdc, &rcFocus);
DrawButton(hdc, _fMousedown); } else { // We have to draw the button first because CbMessageItemHandler
// will perform a IntersectClipRect which will prevent us from
// drawing the button later
DrawButton(hdc, _fMousedown); CbMessageItemHandler(hdc, ITEM_MSG_DRAWCOMBO, 0, 0); } EndPaint(_hwnd, &ps);
return FALSE; }