* @doc INTERNAL * * @module _RTFCONV.H -- RichEdit RTF Converter Base Class Definition | * * Description: * This file contains the type declarations used by both the RTF reader * and writer for the RICHEDIT control * * Authors: <nl> * Original RichEdit 1.0 RTF converter: Anthony Francisco <nl> * Conversion to C++ and RichEdit 2.0: Murray Sargent * * @devnote * sz's in the RTF*.? files usually refer to LPSTRs, not LPWSTRs * * Copyright (c) 1995-2002, Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. */ #ifndef __RTFCONV_H
#define __RTFCONV_H
#include "_edit.h"
#include "_array.h"
#include "_range.h"
#include "_rtext.h"
#include "tokens.h"
extern const KEYWORD rgKeyword[]; extern const KEYWORD rgShapeKeyword[];
#define LBRACE TEXT('{')
#define BSLASH TEXT('\\')
#define RBRACE TEXT('}')
#define ZERO TEXT('0')
// Character property bits like an ASCII-only ANSI C LC_CTYPE types
#define fUC 0x01 // A-Z
#define fLC 0x02 // a-z
#define fDG 0x04 // 0-9
#define fSP 0x08 // Space chars
#define fPN 0x10 // Punctuation chars
#define fCT 0x20 // Control chars
#define fBL 0x40 // Blank chars
#define fHX 0x80 // 0-9, a-f, or A-F
#define fAlpha (fUC + fLC)
#define fAlphaNum (fAlpha + fDG)
extern const BYTE rgbCharClass[256];
#define Classify(_ch) (rgbCharClass[_ch])
#define IsLC(_ch) ((Classify(_ch) & fLC))
#define IsASCIIAlpha(_ch) ((Classify(_ch) & fAlpha))
#define IsDigit(_ch) ((Classify(_ch) & fDG))
#define IsXDigit(_ch) ((Classify(_ch) & fHX))
#define IsAlphaNum(_ch) ((Classify(_ch) & fAlphaNum))
#define IsAlphaNumBlank(_ch) ((Classify(_ch) & (fAlphaNum + fBL)))
template <class T> unsigned int DiffPtrs(T *pA, T *pB) { return pA - pB; }
//#define DiffPtrs(_pA, _pB, _type) ((UINT) (((_type *) (_pA)) - ((_type *) (_pB))))
extern INT cKeywords; extern INT cShapeKeywords; extern const COLORREF g_Colors[]; extern const char szEndGroupCRLF[];
#define szaCRLF (BYTE *)&szEndGroupCRLF[1]
* Converter Error Codes */ enum { ecNoError = 0, // Success
ecCantUnicode, ecColorTableOverflow, ecExpectingRtfKeyword, ecExpectingStartGroup, ecFontTableOverflow, ecGeneralFailure, ecKeywordTooLong, ecLexInitFailed, ecNoMemory, ecParserBusy, ecPutCharFailed, ecStackOverflow, ecStackUnderflow, ecUnexpectedChar, ecUnexpectedEOF, ecUnexpectedToken, ecUnGetCharFailed, ecTextMax, ecStreamOutObj, ecStreamInObj, ecTruncateAtCRLF, ecFormatCache, ecUTF8NotUsed, ecAbort, ecLastError // Total error messages
typedef INT EC;
* @struct RTFOBJECT | * Object data transfer structure */ typedef struct _rtfobject { SHORT sType; // @field object type (ROT_*)
SHORT sPictureType; // @field specific type of sPicture
SHORT cBitsPerPixel; // @field # bits per pixel, if bitmap
SHORT cColorPlanes; // @field # color planes, if bitmap
SHORT cBytesPerLine; // @field # bytes per raster line, if bitmap
BOOL fSetSize; // @field Let client tell server the size
LONG xExt, yExt; // @field dimensions in pixels for pictures, twips for
// for objects
LONG xScale, yScale; // @field scaling percentage along axes
SHORT xExtGoal, yExtGoal; // @field desired dimensions in twips for pictures
RECT rectCrop; // @field cropping information in twips
WCHAR * szClass; // @field object class
WCHAR * szName; // @field object name
// On RTF generation
LONG xExtPict, yExtPict; // @field metafile dimensions
LPBYTE pbResult; // metafile depiction of the object
* @enum ROTYPE | The values for OBJECT.sType * * Keep this in sync with rgszROT in rtfwrit.cpp */ enum ROTYPE { ROT_Bitmap, // @emem Bitmap
ROT_Metafile, // @emem Metafile
ROT_DIB, // @emem Device-Independent Bitmap
ROT_JPEG, // @emem JPEG blip
ROT_PNG, // @emem PNG blip
ROT_Embedded, // @emem Embedded Object
ROT_Link, // @emem Linked Object
ROT_AutoLink, // @emem Autolink
ROT_MacEdition, // @emem Mac object
ROT_EBookImage, // @emem Ebook Image object
* DEFINE's */ #define cachBufferMost 4096
#define cachTextMax ( 512 + 1 )
#define cachKeywordMax ( 32 + 1 )
#define cachParamMax ( 11 + 1 )
#define cFooChunk 8
// Characters to give to RichEdit
#if ( cachTextMax - 1 ) % 2 == 1
#error "cachTextMax - 1 MUST be even"
#if ( cachParamMax - 1 ) < 11
#error "cachParamMax MUST be >= 11"
* Some RTF defaults */ #ifdef NEVER
// we don't care about margins, just indents
#define dxDefaultLeftMargin 1800
#define dxDefaultRightMargin 1800
#define dxDefaultLeftMargin 0
#define dxDefaultRightMargin 0
// next two in half points
#define yDefaultFontSize ( 12 * 2 )
#define dyDefaultSuperscript 6
* @struct TEXTFONT | * text font structure */ typedef struct _textfont { SHORT sHandle; // @field RTF input font handle
BYTE iCharRep; // @field Font character repertoire
BYTE bPitchAndFamily; // @field Font family
SHORT iFont; // @field Font name index
WCHAR szName[LF_FACESIZE+1]; // @field Font name
SHORT sCodePage; // @field Code page for font
// (INVALID_CODEPAGE == not set)
BYTE fNameIsDBCS; // @field Indicates if szName is DBCS stuffed into Unicode buffer
BYTE fCpgFromSystem; // @field Indicates is cpg was
// retrieved from system based
// on font name.
* Global variables for the scope of the entire parser/reader */ #ifdef DEBUG
extern CHAR * rgszParseError[]; extern CHAR * szDest[]; #endif
#define cchMaxNumText 16
// tagged font info
typedef struct _tfi { WCHAR *szNormalName; WCHAR *szTaggedName; BYTE iCharRep; } TFI;
const short INVALID_CODEPAGE = -1; const short INVALID_LANGUAGE = -1;
// default value for \ucN tag
const int iUnicodeCChDefault = 1;
* CRTFConverter * * @class RTF converter base class used by CRTFRead and CRTFWrite */ class CRTFConverter { //@access Protected Data Members
protected: TEXTFONTS _fonts; // @cmember Font table
COLORREFS _colors; // @cmember Color table
EC _ecParseError; // @cmember Error code
CTxtEdit * _ped; // @cmember CTxtEdit
CTxtRange * _prg; // @cmember CTxtRange to replace/write from
EDITSTREAM *_pes; // @cmember EDITSTREAM to use
DWORD _dwFlags; // @cmember See #defines below
CCharFormat _CF; // @cmember Character formatting info
BYTE _iCharRep; // @cmember Converter char set (ANSI, UTF7, UTF8)
char _bTableLevel; // @cmember Table level (0 for no table)
char _bTableLevelIP; // @cmember Table level at insertion point
static TFI *_rgtfi; // @cmember Pointer to the first font substitute record
static INT _ctfi; // @cmember Number of the font substitute records
static WCHAR *_pchFontSubInfo; // @cmember Font strings for substitutions
//@access Protected Functions
void ReadFontSubInfo(void);
enum PARSEFONTNAME { PFN_SUCCESS, PFN_FAIL, PFN_EOF }; PARSEFONTNAME ParseFontName(WCHAR *pchBuf, WCHAR *pchBufMax, WCHAR chDelimiter, WCHAR **pszName, BYTE &iCharRep, BOOL &fSetCharSet, WCHAR **ppchBufNew) const; BOOL FontSubstitute(WCHAR *szTaggedName, WCHAR *szNormalName, BYTE *piCharRep); BOOL FindTaggedFont(const WCHAR *szNormalName, BYTE iCharRep, WCHAR **ppchTaggedName); // @cmember Find font name with additional special tag
// corresponding to szNormalName & iCharRep
BOOL IsTaggedFont(const WCHAR *szName, BYTE *piCharRep, WCHAR **ppchNormalName); // @cmember Figure out is szName font name with additional tag
// corresponding to piCharRep
//@access Public Functions
public: CRTFConverter(CTxtRange *prg, EDITSTREAM *pes, DWORD dwFlags, BOOL fRead); inline ~CRTFConverter(); static void FreeFontSubInfo();
protected: #if defined(DEBUG)
// for capturing RTF as its read from or written to a file
HANDLE _hfileCapture; #endif
#define fRTFNoObjs 1
#define fRTFFE 8 // Check this
#define IsUTF8 ((_dwFlags & (0xFFFF0000 | SF_USECODEPAGE)) \
== ((CP_UTF8 << 16) | SF_USECODEPAGE))
* CRTFConverter::~CRTFConverter() * * @mfunc * RTF Converter destructor */ inline CRTFConverter::~CRTFConverter() { #if defined(DEBUG)
if(_hfileCapture) { CloseHandle(_hfileCapture); _hfileCapture = NULL; } #endif
#endif // __RTFCONV_H