// File: ltdebug.h
// Copyright (C) 1994-1997 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// Debugging facilities for Espresso 2.x. Included are augmented TRACE
// and ASSERT facilities.
#ifndef MITUTIL_LtDebug_h_INCLUDED
#define MITUTIL_LtDebug_h_INCLUDED
#pragma once
#if defined(_DEBUG)
#define new DEBUG_NEW
#define LTGetAllocNumber() LTGetAllocNumberImpl()
// Executes code only in a DEBUG build.
#define DEBUGONLY(x) x
#define LTDebugBreak() LTBreak()
#else // _DEBUG
#define DEBUGONLY(x)
#define LTDebugBreak() (void) 0
#define LTGetAllocNumber() 0
#endif // _DEBUG
#if defined(LTASSERT_ACTIVE) || defined (ASSERT_ALWAYS)
#ifdef ASSERT
#undef ASSERT
#ifdef VERIFY
#undef VERIFY
#ifndef _DEBUG
#pragma message("Warning: LTASSERT Active in non-debug build")
// The multilevel assert macros ensure that the line numbers get expanded to
// something like "115" instead of "line" or "__LINE__"
// This will evaluate the expression only once, UNLESS to ask it to 'Retry'.
// Then it will re-evaluate the expression after the return from the debugger.
#define LTASSERTONLY(x) x
#define LTASSERT(x) LTASSERT2(x, TEXT(__FILE__), __LINE__)
#define LTASSERT2(exp, file, line) \
while (!(exp) && LTFailedAssert(TEXT(#exp), file, line)) (void) 0
#else // defined(_DEBUG) || defined(ASSERT_ALWAYS)
#define LTASSERT(x) (void) 0
#define LTVERIFY(x) x
#endif // defined(_DEBUG) || defined(ASSERT_ALWAYS)
#ifndef MIT_NO_DEBUG
// Name of the project
// Default value for the exe name if one was not supplied.
// Used to put quotes around the LTTRACEEXE macro.
#define __stringify2(x) #x
#define __stringify(x) __stringify2(x)
// TODO - find a better place for this
LTAPIENTRY void CopyToClipboard(const char *szMessage);
struct LTModuleInfo { UINT uiPreferredLoadAddress; UINT uiActualLoadAddress; UINT uiModuleSize; char szName[MAX_PATH]; };
LTAPIENTRY void LTInitDebug(void);
LTAPIENTRY void LTInstallIMallocTracking(); LTAPIENTRY void LTDumpIMallocs(void); LTAPIENTRY void LTTrackIMalloc(BOOL f); LTAPIENTRY void LTRevokeIMallocTracking();
LTAPIENTRY void LTShutdownDebug(void);
LTAPIENTRY BOOL LTSetAssertSilent(BOOL); LTAPIENTRY BOOL LTFailedAssert(const TCHAR *, const TCHAR *, int); LTAPIENTRY void LTBreak(void);
LTAPIENTRY LONG LTGetAllocNumberImpl(void); LTAPIENTRY void LTBreakOnAlloc(const char *szFilename, int nLineNum, long nAllocNum);
LTAPIENTRY BOOL LTCheckBaseAddress(HMODULE); LTAPIENTRY BOOL LTCheckAllBaseAddresses(void); LTAPIENTRY void LTCheckPagesFor(HINSTANCE); LTAPIENTRY void LTCheckPagesForAll(void);
LTAPIENTRY void LTDumpAllModules(void); LTAPIENTRY BOOL LTLocateModule(DWORD dwAddress, HMODULE *pInstance); LTAPIENTRY BOOL LTGetModuleInfo(HMODULE, LTModuleInfo *);
LTAPIENTRY UINT LTGenStackTrace(TCHAR *szBuffer, UINT nBuffSize, UINT nSkip, UINT nTotal);
LTAPIENTRY void LTSetBoringModules(const char *aszBoring[]); LTAPIENTRY void LTTrackAllocations(BOOL); LTAPIENTRY void LTDumpAllocations(void);
LTAPIENTRY BOOL LTCheckResourceRange(HINSTANCE, WORD UniqueStart, WORD UniqueEnd, WORD SharedStart, WORD SharedEnd); LTAPIENTRY BOOL LTCheckAllResRanges(WORD, WORD);
#pragma warning(disable:4275)
class LTAPIENTRY CAssertFailedException : public CException { public: CAssertFailedException(const TCHAR *); CAssertFailedException(const TCHAR *, BOOL);
BOOL GetErrorMessage(LPTSTR lpszError, UINT nMaxError, PUINT pnHelpContext = NULL);
~CAssertFailedException(); private: CAssertFailedException(); CAssertFailedException(const CAssertFailedException &);
TCHAR *m_pszAssert; };
class LTAPIENTRY LTTracePoint { public: LTTracePoint(const TCHAR *);
private: LTTracePoint();
const TCHAR *m_psz; };
#pragma warning(default:4275)
// Comment this out to remove ASSERTs from retail builds
#if defined(LTTRACE_ACTIVE)
static const TCHAR *szLTTRACEEXE = TEXT(__stringify(LTTRACEEXE));
// The following let us control the output dynamically. We use a function
// pointer to route our debug output, and change the function pointer to
// enable/disable tracing.
static void LTTRACEINIT(const TCHAR *, ...); static void (*LTTRACE)(const TCHAR *, ...) = LTTRACEINIT;
void LTAPIENTRY LTTRACEOUT(const TCHAR *szFormat, va_list args); void LTAPIENTRY LTTRACEON(const TCHAR *szFormat, ...); void LTAPIENTRY LTTRACEOFF(const TCHAR *szFormat, ...);
// LTTRACE is initialized to point to this function. When first called, it
// determines if tracing should be enabled, then routes LTTRACE through the
// right handler.
static void LTTRACEINIT( const TCHAR *szFormat, // printf style formatting string
...) // Variable argument list to format
{ BOOL fDoTrace = 1; va_list args; const TCHAR * const szTraceProfile = TEXT("lttrace.ini");
fDoTrace = GetPrivateProfileInt( TEXT("ProjectTracing"), TEXT("Default"), fDoTrace, szTraceProfile); fDoTrace = GetPrivateProfileInt( TEXT("ProjectTracing"), TEXT(LTTRACEPROJECT), fDoTrace, szTraceProfile); if (fDoTrace) { fDoTrace = GetPrivateProfileInt( TEXT("ExecutableTracing"), szLTTRACEEXE, fDoTrace, szTraceProfile); } if (fDoTrace) { LTTRACE = LTTRACEON; va_start(args, szFormat); LTTRACEOUT(szFormat, args); } else { LTTRACE = LTTRACEOFF; } }
#define LTTRACEPOINT(sz) LTTracePoint lttp##__LINE__(TEXT(sz))
#else // defined(LTTRACE_ACTIVE)
// Retail version of the debugging macros. Everything
// just 'goes away'. We use (void) 0 so that these things
// are statements in both the debug and retail builds.
static inline void LTNOTRACE(const TCHAR *, ...) {}
#define LTTRACE 1 ? (void) 0 : (void) LTNOTRACE
#define LTTRACEPOINT(x) (void) 0
#endif // defined(LTTRACE_ACTIVE)
#endif // MIT_NO_DEBUG
#endif // #ifndef MITUTIL_LtDebug_h_INCLUDED