// MCSDebug.cpp
// The classes declared in MCSDebug.h are defined in
// this file.
// (c) Copyright 1995-1998, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved
// Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
#ifdef __cplusplus /* C++ */
#ifndef WIN16_VERSION /* Not WIN16_VERSION */
# include "stdafx.h"
# include "rpc.h"
# include <windows.h>
# include <stdlib.h>
#include <time.h>
//#include <strstrea.h>
#include <strstrea.h>
#include "UString.hpp"
#include "McsDebug.h"
// -----------------
// McsDebugException
// -----------------
McsDebugException::McsDebugException (const McsDebugException &t) : m_message (0), m_fileName (0), m_lineNum (t.m_lineNum) { if (t.m_message) { m_message = new char [UStrLen(t.m_message)+1]; if (m_message) { UStrCpy (m_message, t.m_message); } } if (t.m_fileName) { m_fileName = new char [UStrLen(t.m_fileName)+1]; if (m_fileName) { UStrCpy (m_fileName, t.m_fileName); } } }
McsDebugException::McsDebugException (const char *messageIn, const char *fileNameIn, int lineNumIn) : m_lineNum (lineNumIn) { if (messageIn) { m_message = new char [UStrLen (messageIn)+1]; if (m_message) { UStrCpy (m_message, messageIn); } } if (fileNameIn) { m_fileName = new char [UStrLen(fileNameIn)+1]; if (m_fileName) { UStrCpy (m_fileName, fileNameIn); } } }
McsDebugException& McsDebugException::operator= (const McsDebugException &t) { if (this != &t) { if (t.m_message) { m_message = new char [UStrLen(t.m_message)+1]; if (m_message) { UStrCpy (m_message, t.m_message); } } if (t.m_fileName) { m_fileName = new char [UStrLen(t.m_fileName)+1]; if (m_fileName) { UStrCpy (m_fileName, t.m_fileName); } } m_lineNum = t.m_lineNum; } return *this; }
// ------------
// McsVerifyLog
// ------------
static McsVerifyLog *pVerifyLog; static LONG verifyInitFlag;
McsVerifyLog* McsVerifyLog::getLog (void) { // If pointer not initialized use the cheap
// locking mechanism and set pointer to the
// the static verifyLog object. This required
// to gurantee the correct initialization of
// the verify log class independent of any
// static initialization order dependency.
if (!pVerifyLog) { while (::InterlockedExchange (&verifyInitFlag, 1)) { ::Sleep (10); } if (!pVerifyLog) { static McsVerifyLog verifyLog; pVerifyLog = &verifyLog; } ::InterlockedExchange (&verifyInitFlag, 0); } return pVerifyLog; }
void McsVerifyLog::changeLog (ostream *outStreamIn) { m_logSec.enter(); m_log.changeLog (outStreamIn); delete m_outLog; m_outLog = 0; m_logSec.leave(); }
void McsVerifyLog::log (const char *messageIn, const char *fileNameIn, int lineNumIn) { m_logSec.enter(); // If the log file has not been set, set it
// to the module name log file.
if (!m_log.isLogSet()) { m_outLog = new fstream (getLogFileName(), ios::app); m_log.changeLog (m_outLog); } // Format and write the message.
formatMsg (messageIn, fileNameIn, lineNumIn); m_log.write (m_msgBuf); m_logSec.leave(); }
const char* McsVerifyLog::getLogFileName (void) { const char *MCS_LOG_ENV = "MCS_LOG"; const char *DIR_SEP = "\\"; const char *EXT = ".err"; const char *DEFAULT_NAME = "MCSDEBUG"; static char logFileName[MAX_PATH];
// Get MCS_LOG_ENV, or temp directory path,
// NULL means current directory.
logFileName[0] = 0; char *mcs_log_path = getenv (MCS_LOG_ENV); bool isLogPath = false; if (mcs_log_path) { DWORD attrib = ::GetFileAttributesA (mcs_log_path); if ((attrib != 0xFFFFFFFF) && (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { UStrCpy (logFileName, mcs_log_path, MAX_PATH); isLogPath = true; } } if (!isLogPath) { ::GetTempPathA (MAX_PATH, logFileName); }
// Get file name from the module name. If error
// generate fixed filename.
char fullFilePath [MAX_PATH]; char fileName[MAX_PATH]; if (::GetModuleFileNameA (NULL, fullFilePath, MAX_PATH)) { fullFilePath[MAX_PATH - 1] = '\0';
// Get file name out of the path
_splitpath (fullFilePath, NULL, NULL, fileName, NULL);
// Generate full path name with extension.
int len = UStrLen (logFileName); if (len) { UStrCpy (logFileName + len, DIR_SEP, MAX_PATH-len); UStrCpy (logFileName + UStrLen (logFileName), fileName, MAX_PATH-UStrLen(logFileName)); } else { UStrCpy (logFileName, fileName, MAX_PATH); } } else { UStrCpy (logFileName, DEFAULT_NAME, MAX_PATH); } strncat (logFileName + UStrLen (logFileName), EXT, MAX_PATH-UStrLen(logFileName)); logFileName[MAX_PATH-1] = '\0';
return logFileName; }
void McsVerifyLog::formatMsg (const char *messageIn, const char *fileNameIn, int lineNumIn) { const char *TIME = "TIME : "; const char *MSG = "MSG : "; const char *FILE = "FILE : "; const char *LINE = "LINE : "; const char *SPACER = ", ";
// Create stream buf object.
strstream msgBufStream (m_msgBuf, MSG_BUF_LEN, ios::out);
// Write time stamp.
time_t cur; time (&cur); struct tm *curTm = localtime (&cur); if (curTm) { char *tstr = asctime (curTm); if (tstr) { msgBufStream << TIME << tstr << SPACER; } }
// Write message.
if (messageIn) { msgBufStream << MSG << messageIn << SPACER; }
// Write file name.
if (fileNameIn) { msgBufStream << FILE << fileNameIn << SPACER; }
// Write line number.
msgBufStream << LINE << lineNumIn << endl; }
// ----------
// McsTestLog
// ----------
static McsTestLog *pTestLog; static LONG testInitFlag;
McsTestLog* McsTestLog::getLog (void) { // If pointer not initialized use the cheap
// locking mechanism and set pointer to the
// the static verifyLog object. This required
// to gurantee the correct initialization of
// the verify log class independent of any
// static initialization order dependency.
if (!pTestLog) { while (::InterlockedExchange (&testInitFlag, 1)) { ::Sleep (10); } if (!pTestLog) { static McsTestLog testLog; pTestLog = &testLog; } ::InterlockedExchange (&testInitFlag, 0); } return pTestLog; }
bool McsTestLog::isTestMode (void) { const char *TEST_ENV = "MCS_TEST"; // const char *PRE_FIX = "MCS";
// Check if tested.
if (!m_isTested) { // If not tested lock, test again, and
// initialize test mode flag.
m_testSec.enter(); if (!m_isTested) { m_isTested = true; m_isTestMode_ = getenv (TEST_ENV) != NULL; } m_testSec.leave(); }
return m_isTestMode_; }
#endif /* Not WIN16_VERSION */
#endif /* C++ */