//#pragma title( "TReg.hpp - Registry class" )
Copyright (c) 1995-1998, Mission Critical Software, Inc. All rights reserved. =============================================================================== Module - TReg.hpp System - Common Author - Tom Bernhardt, Rich Denham, Jay Berlin Created - 1995-09-01 Description - Registry class. Updates - =============================================================================== */
#ifndef MCSINC_TReg_hpp
#define MCSINC_TReg_hpp
class TRegKey { private:
HKEY hKey;
TRegKey() { hKey = (HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }; TRegKey( HKEY hPreDefined, TCHAR const * machineName ) : hKey((HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Connect( hPreDefined, machineName ); }; TRegKey( TCHAR const * keyname, HKEY hParent = (HKEY)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ) : hKey((HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Open( keyname, hParent ); }; TRegKey( TCHAR const * keyname, TRegKey const * regParent ) : hKey((HKEY)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Open( keyname, regParent->hKey ); }; ~TRegKey();
DWORD Connect( HKEY hPreDefined, TCHAR const * machineName );
DWORD Open( TCHAR const * keyname, TRegKey const * regParent, DWORD access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS ) { return Open( keyname, regParent->hKey, access ); }; DWORD Open( TCHAR const * keyname, HKEY hParent = (HKEY)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, DWORD access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS ); DWORD OpenRead( TCHAR const * keyname, TRegKey const * regParent ) { return Open( keyname, regParent->hKey, KEY_READ ); }; DWORD OpenRead( TCHAR const * keyname, HKEY hParent = (HKEY)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE ) { return Open( keyname, hParent, KEY_READ ); };
DWORD Create( TCHAR const * keyname, TRegKey const * regParent, DWORD * pDisp = NULL, DWORD access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS ) { return Create( keyname, regParent->hKey, pDisp, access ); }; DWORD Create( TCHAR const * keyname, HKEY hParent = (HKEY)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, DWORD * pDisp = NULL, DWORD access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS ); DWORD CreateBR( TCHAR const * keyname, TRegKey const * regParent, DWORD * pDisp = NULL, DWORD access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS ) { return CreateBR( keyname, regParent->hKey, pDisp, access ); }; DWORD CreateBR( TCHAR const * keyname, HKEY hParent = (HKEY)HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, DWORD * pDisp = NULL, DWORD access = KEY_ALL_ACCESS );
HKEY KeyGet() { return hKey; }
void Close();
DWORD SubKeyDel( TCHAR const * keyname ) const { return RegDeleteKey( hKey, keyname ); }; DWORD SubKeyRecursiveDel(TCHAR const* keyname) const; DWORD SubKeyEnum( DWORD index, TCHAR * keyname, DWORD keylen ) const;
// Note that "namelen" must be "sizeof name", not "DIM(name)"
// Same for "valuelen"
DWORD ValueEnum( DWORD index, TCHAR * name, DWORD namelen, void * value, DWORD * valuelen, DWORD * valuetype ) const;
DWORD ValueGet( TCHAR const * name, void * value, DWORD * lenvalue, DWORD * typevalue ) const; DWORD ValueGetDWORD( TCHAR const * name, DWORD * value ) const; DWORD ValueGetStr( TCHAR const * name, TCHAR * value, DWORD maxlen ) const;
DWORD ValueSet( TCHAR const * name, void const * value, DWORD lenvalue, DWORD typevalue ) const; DWORD ValueSetDWORD( TCHAR const * name, DWORD value) const { return ValueSet(name, &value, sizeof value, REG_DWORD); } DWORD ValueSetStr( TCHAR const * name, TCHAR const * value, DWORD type = REG_SZ ) const;
DWORD ValueDel( TCHAR const * name = NULL ) const;
DWORD HiveCopy( TRegKey const * source ); DWORD HiveDel(); DWORD HiveReplicate( TRegKey const * source ); };
#endif // MCSINC_TReg.hpp
// TReg.hpp - end of file