#ifndef __FILEPARSER_HPP__
#define __FILEPARSER_HPP__
File: FileParser.hpp
Comments: Classes to parse text files generated by the Domain Admin dispatcher and agent.
(c) Copyright 1999, Mission Critical Software, Inc., All Rights Reserved Proprietary and confidential to Mission Critical Software, Inc.
REVISION LOG ENTRY Revision By: Christy Boles Revised on 03/26/99 15:16:31
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#include "Common.hpp"
#include "UString.hpp"
#include "EaLen.hpp"
#include "ServList.hpp"
#define AR_Status_Created (0x00000001)
#define AR_Status_Replaced (0x00000002)
#define AR_Status_AlreadyExisted (0x00000004)
#define AR_Status_RightsUpdated (0x00000008)
#define AR_Status_DomainChanged (0x00000010)
#define AR_Status_Rebooted (0x00000020)
#define AR_Status_Warning (0x40000000)
#define AR_Status_Error (0x80000000)
class TFileParser { protected: FILE * m_pFile; WCHAR m_filename[MAX_PATH]; BOOL m_bValidData; public: TFileParser() { m_filename[0] = 0; m_pFile = NULL; m_bValidData = FALSE; } ~TFileParser() { if ( m_pFile ) fclose(m_pFile); }
BOOL Open(WCHAR const * filename) { safecopy(m_filename,filename); if ( *m_filename ) { m_pFile = _wfopen(m_filename,L"rb"); } else { m_pFile = 0; } return ( m_pFile != 0 ); }
BOOL IsOpen() { return ( m_pFile != 0 ); } void Close() { if ( m_pFile ) { fclose(m_pFile); m_pFile = NULL; } } BOOL IsEof() { return m_pFile ? feof(m_pFile) : TRUE; } BOOL Restart() { BOOL bRc = FALSE; if ( m_pFile ) { bRc = ( fseek(m_pFile,0,SEEK_SET) == 0 ); } return bRc; } virtual BOOL ScanEntry() = 0; };
class TErrorLogParser:public TFileParser { int m_Severity; int m_SourceLine; //
WCHAR m_Timestamp[100]; // the timestamp of the entry
WCHAR m_Message[1000]; // the message text part of the entry
WCHAR m_strBuf[1000]; // a line from the log file
public: virtual BOOL ScanEntry() { MCSASSERT(m_pFile); m_bValidData = FALSE; if ( m_pFile && fgetws(m_strBuf,1000,m_pFile) ) { m_bValidData = ScanFileEntry(m_strBuf,m_Timestamp,&m_Severity,&m_SourceLine,m_Message); } return m_bValidData; } int GetSeverity() { MCSASSERT(m_bValidData); return m_Severity; } int GetSourceLine() { MCSASSERT(m_bValidData); return m_SourceLine; } WCHAR const * GetTimestamp() { MCSASSERT(m_bValidData); return m_Timestamp; } WCHAR const * GetMessage() { MCSASSERT(m_bValidData); return m_Message; } protected: BOOL ScanFileEntry( WCHAR * string, // in - line from TError log file
WCHAR * timestamp, // out- timestamp from this line
int * pSeverity, // out- severity level of this message
int * pSourceLine, // out- the source line for this message
WCHAR * msgtext // out- the textual part of the message
void ParseInputFile(WCHAR const * gLogFile);
void ReadResults( TServerNode * pServer, WCHAR const * directory, WCHAR const * filename, WCHAR const * dbName );
#endif //__FILEPARSER_HPP__