#pragma once
#include "VarSetBase.h"
// VarSet Servers Class
class CVarSetServers : public CVarSet { public:
CVarSetServers(const CVarSet& rVarSet) : CVarSet(rVarSet), m_lIndex(0) { }
long GetCount() { return m_lIndex; }
void AddServer(_bstr_t strServer, _bstr_t strServerDns, bool bMigrateOnly, bool bMoveToTarget, bool bReboot, long lRebootDelay) { _TCHAR szValueBase[64]; _TCHAR szValueName[128];
_stprintf(szValueBase, _T("Servers.%ld"), m_lIndex);
// ADsPath
// ADMT expects computer name to be prefixed with '\\'
Put(szValueBase, _T("\\\\") + strServer);
// DNS name
if (strServerDns.length()) { _tcscpy(szValueName, szValueBase); _tcscat(szValueName, _T(".DnsName"));
Put(szValueName, _T("\\\\") + strServerDns); }
// migrate only
_tcscpy(szValueName, szValueBase); _tcscat(szValueName, _T(".MigrateOnly"));
Put(szValueName, bMigrateOnly);
// move to target
_tcscpy(szValueName, szValueBase); _tcscat(szValueName, _T(".MoveToTarget"));
Put(szValueName, bMoveToTarget);
// reboot
_tcscpy(szValueName, szValueBase); _tcscat(szValueName, _T(".Reboot"));
Put(szValueName, bReboot);
// reboot delay
_tcscpy(szValueName, szValueBase); _tcscat(szValueName, _T(".RebootDelay"));
Put(szValueName, lRebootDelay * 60L);
Put(DCTVS_Servers_NumItems, ++m_lIndex); }
long m_lIndex; };