// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// File System services.
// 8-14-97 (sburns)
// CODEWORK: remove exceptions in favor of an HRESULT orientation.
namespace Burnslib { namespace FS { // Facilitates walking a directory tree.
// CODEWORK: add methods to extract current file data beyond just the
// name.
class Iterator { public:
enum { INCLUDE_FILES = 0x0001, INCLUDE_FOLDERS = 0x0002, INCLUDE_DOT_PATHS = 0x0004,
// EXPAND_SUBDIRS = 0x0008,
// Constructs a new instance of an Iterator.
// startingPathSpec - fully-qualified path specification of the
// files/directories to be iterated upon. A wildcard
// specification is allowed at the end of the path. E.g.
// "C:\dir\*.txt"
// (Without a wildcard expression of some kind, the iteration set will
// be the single file or folder that matches startingPathSpec. This set
// may be further reduced to the empty set if the optionMask eliminates
// the single match.)
// optionMask - Options, OR'ed together.
explicit Iterator( const String& startingPathSpec, unsigned optionMask = INCLUDE_FILES | INCLUDE_FOLDERS | INCLUDE_DOT_PATHS /* | EXPAND_SUBDIRS */ | RETURN_FULL_PATHS);
// Restores the iterator to the state that it had upon
// construction.
void Reset();
// Retrieve the name of the file at the current iterator position. If
// the iterator was constructed with the RETURN_FULL_PATHS Option, then
// the returned string is a fully-qualified path, instead of a path
// relative to the starting path the Iterator was constructed with.
// Returns S_OK on success, S_FALSE if the iteration is empty (there are
// no files), or an error code.
// If AtEnd() is true, then the empty string is returned.
// result - receives the file path at the current position of the
// iterator, or the empty string if the iteration set is empty, or
// an error occurred.
HRESULT GetCurrent(String& result);
// Move the current position to the next file, according to the
// iterator filtering options. May cause the iterator to become
// invalid, which can be tested with AtEnd(). Returns S_OK on success
// S_FALSE when the iteration is complete, or an error code.
HRESULT Increment();
WIN32_FIND_DATA* findData; HANDLE findHandle; bool finished; unsigned options; String parentFolder; String startSearchSpec;
void Finish();
bool IsNotStarted();
String ReturnPath();
bool ShouldSkipCurrent();
HRESULT Start();
HRESULT SkipFilteredPaths();
// copying not implemented in the interest of simplicity (could be done
// in theory)
Iterator(const Iterator&); const Iterator& operator=(const Iterator&); };
// Simple file-to-file copy.
// sourceFile - Fully-qalified path of the file to be copied. This
// path must reference an existing file.
// destinationFile - Fully-qualified path of the file to be
// created. This file is always overwritten, if it exists. All
// intermediate subdirectories required are created.
// progressCallback - Callback object to receive progress
// notifications. The param argument to the callback's Execute
// method will be an instance of CopyCallbackParam. The method
// should return !0 to abort the copy.
struct CopyCallbackParam { String sourceFile; String destinationFile; int percentCopied; };
HRESULT CopyFile( const String& sourceFile, const String& destinationFile, Callback* progressCallback);
// Creates a directory, including all intermediate subdirectories,
// as necessary. Returns S_FALSE if the path already exists.
// path - Fully-qualified path to be created. It must not
// already exist.
HRESULT CreateFolder(const String& path);
// Opens a file for shared read/write access with normal attributes,
// creating it if it does not already exist.
// path - Fully-qualified path of file to open. If path doesn't
// exist, it is created, including intermediate subdirectories.
// result - receives the resulting file handle, on success. On falure,
// this is set to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE
// REVIEWED-2002/02/26-sburns we require full absolute or unc file paths,
// else we assert and return E_INVALIDARG.
HRESULT CreateFile( const String& path, HANDLE& result, DWORD desiredAccess, DWORD shareMode = 0,
// we don't require all callers to specify an SD in case the call
// just to open the file.
DWORD creationDisposition = OPEN_ALWAYS, DWORD flagsAndAttributes = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
// Deletes a file. Returns S_OK on success, or an error code on failure.
// path - Fully-qualified path of file to delete.
HRESULT DeleteFile(const String& path);
// Splits a fully-qualified path into its constituent parts.
// drive - receives the volume portion (in the form "X:")
// parentFolderPath - receives the path of the folder containing the leaf
// file or folder.
// leafName - receives the base name of the last file or folder on the
// path.
// extension - receives the extension, of the last file or folder on the
// path, including the dot (".ext")
void SplitPath( const String& fullpath, String& drive, String& parentFolderPath, String& leafName, String& extension);
// Appends an unqualified relative path (i.e. system32\cys.exe) to the
// the base path supplied and returns the full path. A '\' will be added
// between the parts if needed. If the base path is not normalized the
// result will not be normalized either.
// base - fully-qualified path which will be appended to
// additional - unqualified relative path which will be appended
String AppendPath( const String& base, const String& additional);
// Returns the leaf portion of a fully-qualified path, including the
// extension. The path may refer to either a file or a folder. For
// example, "x:\foo\bar.ext" returns "bar.ext"
// fullpath - fully-qualified filename.
String GetPathLeafElement(const String& fullpath);
// Removes the last component of a fully-qualified file name or folder
// name. Includes trailing path separator only if the parent folder is the
// root folder on a volume.
// e.g. "x:\foo" returns "x:\", but "x:\foo\bar" returns "x:\foo" (not
// "x:\foo\")
// fullpath - fully-qualified filename.
String GetParentFolder(const String& fullpath);
// Returns the available space, in bytes, to the current user of the
// calling thread (i.e. takes into account user quotas)
// path - Fully-qualified path of file/directory for which attributes will
// be retrieved. This need not be the root directory of the volume in
// question.
// result - receives the result, the available space in bytes. Set to
// 0 on error.
HRESULT GetAvailableSpace(const String& path, ULONGLONG& result);
// Returns the root folder path of the given full path, e.g. for
// "C:\foo\bar" returns "C:\"
// fullpath - Fully-qualified path of file/directory
String GetRootFolder(const String& fullpath);
// Reports the current position of the file read/write pointer. Returns
// S_OK on success, or an error code on failure.
// handle - valid handle to an opened file
// result - receives the file position, set to 0 on error
HRESULT GetFilePosition(HANDLE handle, LONGLONG& result);
// Returns the total size, in bytes, of the file opened on the provided
// handle.
// handle - valid handle to an opened file
// result - receives the file size, or 0 on error.
HRESULT GetFileSize(HANDLE handle, LONGLONG& result);
// Returns the type of the file system of the volume on which the path
// refers. Non-existant paths are considered to have the FAT file system.
// path - fully-qualified path, which contains the drive letter of the
// volume
// CODEWORK: how does this behave in the presence of mount points? For
// example, what if a FAT volume is mounted as a subdirectory of an
// NTFS volume?
enum FSType { FAT, CDFS, NTFS4, NTFS5 };
FSType GetFileSystemType(const String& path);
enum PathSyntax { SYNTAX_ABSOLUTE_DRIVE, // d:\foo\bar
SYNTAX_UNC, // \\machine\share
SYNTAX_UNC_WILDCARD, // \\machine\share\*.*
// Parses the supplied string an attempts to validate its syntax. The
// string need not refer to an existing file or directory.
// str - the string to be analysed.
PathSyntax GetPathSyntax(const String& str);
// Populates the given DriveList with elements representing the valid
// drive letters on the local machine. Each element is a string of the
// form "X:" where X is a drive letter.
// BackInsertableContainer - any type that supports the construction of
// a back_insert_iterator on itself, and has a value type that can be
// constructed from an PWSTR.
// bii - a reference to a back_insert_iterator of the
// BackInsertableContainer template parameter. The simplest way to make
// one of these is to use the back_inserter helper function.
// Example:
// StringList container;
// hr = FS::GetValidDrives(std::back_inserter(container));
// StringVector container2;
// hr = FS::GetValidDrives(std::back_inserter(container2));
template <class BackInsertableContainer> HRESULT GetValidDrives(std::back_insert_iterator<BackInsertableContainer>& bii) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; WCHAR* buf = 0; do { // first call determines the size of the buffer we need.
DWORD bufchars = 0; hr = Win::GetLogicalDriveStrings(0, 0, bufchars); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
// add 1 for extra-safe null terminator
++bufchars; buf = new WCHAR[bufchars]; ::ZeroMemory(buf, bufchars * sizeof WCHAR);
// second call actually retrieves the strings
DWORD unused = 0; hr = Win::GetLogicalDriveStrings(bufchars - 1, buf, unused); BREAK_ON_FAILED_HRESULT(hr);
// walk thru buf and chop it into substrings.
for (
// ISSUE-2002/02/22-sburns consider using safe version of wcschr, if
// there is one
WCHAR* sub = wcschr(buf, 0), *buf2 = buf; sub && buf2 && buf2[0]; buf2 = sub + 1, sub = wcschr(buf2, 0)) { *bii++ = buf2; } } while (0);
delete[] buf;
return hr; }
// Wrapper of the Win32 API of the same name
// path - Fully-qualified path. This path need not exist.
HRESULT GetVolumePathName(const String& path, String&);
// Returns true if the path refers to an empty or non-existent directory.
// path - Fully-qualified path
bool IsFolderEmpty(const String& path);
// Returns true if parent is the name of a parent directory of the given
// child directory, false if not. A parent directory is defined as one
// that appears closer to the root than a child on the same branch. A
// parent may be any superior directory (e.g. grandparent,
// great-grandparent), not just the immediate superior.
// parent - valid, fully-qualified path of supposed parent directory. Need
// not exist.
// child - valid, fully-qualified path of child directory. Need not exist.
bool IsParentFolder(const String& parent, const String& child);
// Checks the validity, but not the existence of, the specified
// file or directory. the path must be absolute and include the
// drive specifier.
// path - Fully-qualified path.
bool IsValidPath(const String& path);
// Moves or renames an existing file or directory.
// sourcePath - Fully-qualified path of the file/directory to be
// moved/renamed. This file or directory must exist. If the path refers to
// a directory, the directory and all of its children are moved.
// destinationPath - Fully-qualified path of the destination
// file/directory. This path need not be on the same volume as the
// sourcePath, but if it is not, the move will result in a recursive copy
// of the sourcePath.
// replaceExisting - If the destinationPath refers to an existing
// file/directory, and this parameter is true, the destinationPath is
// overwritten. Otherwise, if the destinationPath exists, an error is
// returned.
HRESULT MoveFile( const String& sourcePath, const String& destinationPath);
// bool replaceExisting = false);
// "Normalize" a path by parsing any relative path components (like . and
// ..), and return the resulting path. If there are no relative
// components, or if an error occurred, return the same string as the
// input.
// The result is not guaranteed to be syntactically correct, or to refer to
// and existing file. For that, use IsValidPath() and PathExists()
// Example:
// L"c:\\.\\.\\..\\.\\temp\\.\\foo\\bar\\..\\baz" results in
// L"c:\\temp\\foo\\baz"
// abnormalPath - path to parse.
String NormalizePath(const String& abnormalPath);
// Returns true if the specified file or directory exists.
// path - Fully-qualified path.
bool PathExists(const String& path);
// Returns true if the specified file exists, i.e. the path exists and
// it refers to a file (as opposed to a folder)
bool FileExists(const String& filePath);
// Reads bytes from the current file pointer of the handle as Unicode
// text (2 bytes/character).
// handle - valid, open file handle, with read/write pointer positioned
// to the first byte of the first character to be read.
// charactersToRead - number of characters to read. -1 to read all
// characters up to the end of the file or the first null character
// encountered. If this number would cause a read past the end of the
// file, or past a null character, the read will stop at the end of the
// file or null character. In the case of a null character, the file
// read/write pointer will be positioned at the byte following the null
// character.
// text - the characters read. A truncated read operation can be detected
// by comparing the length of this string to the charactersToRead
// parameter.
HRESULT Read(HANDLE handle, int charactersToRead, String& text);
// Reads bytes from the current file pointer of the handle as ANSI
// text.
// handle - valid, open file handle, with read/write pointer positioned
// to the first byte of the first character to be read.
// bytesToRead - count of the number of bytes (*NOT* characters) to read
// text - the bytes read.
HRESULT Read(HANDLE handle, int bytesToRead, AnsiString& text);
// Positions the file read/write pointer.
// handle - Valid, open file handle.
// position - new position of the pointer, from the beginning of the
// file.
HRESULT Seek(HANDLE handle, LONGLONG position);
// Moves the file read/write pointer to the end of the file.
// handle - Valid, open file handle.
HRESULT SeekToEnd(HANDLE handle);
// Writes the supplied string as Unicode text to the file.
// handle - Valid, open file handle.
// text - the text to be written
HRESULT Write(HANDLE handle, const String& text);
// appends a crlf
HRESULT WriteLine(HANDLE handle, const String& text);
// Writes the supplied buffer to the file.
// handle - Valid, open file handle.
// buf - buffer to write. This is an instance of basic_string<char>
HRESULT Write(HANDLE handle, const AnsiString& buf);
// appends a crlf
HRESULT WriteLine(HANDLE handle, const AnsiString& text); }