// Copyright (C) 2000 Microsoft Corporation // // resources to be included in programs that use ShowDcNotFoundErrorDialog // // 9 October 2000 sburns
// To use ValidateDomainDnsNameSyntax in your code: // // 1. #include this file in your app's .rc file // // 2. #include <ValidateDomainName.hpp> in your app where you call the // ValidateDomainDnsNameSyntax function (or in your headers.hxx)
#include "..\..\burnslib\inc\ValidateDomainName.h"
STRINGTABLE DISCARDABLE BEGIN IDS_UNMAPPABLE_CHARS_IN_NAME "The domain name %2 contains the following characters that are not supported by the language set for non-Unicode programs on this computer:\r\n\r\n%1\r\n\r\nChoose another name (recommended) that contains only the characters A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and hyphen (-), or configure this computer with an appropriate language for non-Unicode programs by using Regional and Language Settings in Control Panel." IDS_NON_RFC_NAME "The domain name %1 contains characters other than A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and hyphen (-). Because of this, all of the computer members of this forest must be configured with the language for non-Unicode programs that is set on this computer." IDS_MS_DNS_NAME "The domain name %1 contains the underscore character (_). Microsoft DNS servers allow underscore characters in the DNS records. However, other DNS server products may not." IDS_ROOT_DOMAIN_IS_RESERVED "The domain name . refers to the Internet Root Domain. Choose another domain name." IDS_DNS_NAME_TOO_LONG "The DNS name %1 is too long. The name can contain a maximum of %2!d! characters, or %3!d! UTF-8 bytes." IDS_BAD_DNS_SYNTAX "The domain name %1 has an invalid format.\r\n\r\nDNS names can contain letters, numbers, and hyphens, but not spaces. Periods are used to separate domain labels, which can be no longer than %2!d! bytes. At least one domain label must contain non-numeric characters.\r\n\r\nCharacters that are not allowed include: ! "" # $ % & ( ) * + , ' / : ; < = > ? @ [ \\ ] ^ ` { | } ~\r\n\r\nExample: domain-1.microsoft.com." IDS_MUST_ENTER_DOMAIN "You must type a domain name." IDS_DOMAIN_NAME_IN_USE "The name %1 is already in use on this network. Type a name that is not in use." IDS_NET_NOT_REACHABLE "The wizard cannot reach the network to determine whether the domain name %1 is already in use. Check the network cables. For information about network troubleshooting, see Help and Support.\r\n\r\nDo you want to continue without verification of the domain name?" IDS_CONFIRM_NETBIOS_LOOKING_NAME "The name %1 includes only one label. Most names include more than one label separated by dots.\r\n\r\nExample: domain.microsoft.com\r\n\r\nYou should avoid using a single-label DNS name as an Active Directory domain name, since it requires additional configuration. For more information, see Help and Support.\r\n\r\nDo you want to continue using the name %2?" IDS_NO_DOTS_IN_NETBIOS_NAME "The NetBIOS domain name may not contain periods. Type a new name." IDS_NUMERIC_NETBIOS_NAME "The NetBIOS domain name %1 is a number. The name may not be a number." IDS_BAD_NETBIOS_NAME "The NetBIOS name %1 contains one or more characters that are not allowed." IDS_NETBIOS_NAME_TOO_LONG "The NetBIOS name %1 is too long. The maximum length is %2!d! bytes." IDS_BAD_NETBIOS_CHARACTERS "The NetBIOS name contains characters that are not allowed. Characters that are not valid include: "" / \\ [ ] : | < > + = ; , ? and *." IDS_FLATNAME_IN_USE "The NetBIOS name %1 is already in use. Type a different name." END