Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This file can be used to get the information of user name, groups with the respective security identifiers (SID), privileges, logon identifier (logon ID) in the current access token on a local system or a remote system.
Christophe Robert
Revision History:
02-July-2001 : Updated by Wipro Technologies.
//common header files needed for this file
#include "pch.h"
#include "CommonHeaderFiles.h"
DWORD __cdecl wmain( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCWSTR argv[] ) /*++
Routine Description: This is the main entry for this utility. This function reads the input from console and calls the appropriate functions to achieve the functionality.
Arguments: [IN] argc : Command line argument count [IN] argv : Command line argument
Return Value: EXIT_FAILURE : On failure EXIT_SUCCESS : On success --*/ {
// class instance
WsUser User ;
// Local variables
BOOL bUser = FALSE; BOOL bGroups = FALSE; BOOL bPriv = FALSE; BOOL bLogonId = FALSE; BOOL bSid = FALSE; BOOL bAll = FALSE; BOOL bUsage = FALSE; BOOL bUpn = FALSE; BOOL bFqdn = FALSE; BOOL bFlag = FALSE;
DWORD dwCount = 0 ; DWORD dwRetVal = 0 ; DWORD dwFormatType = 0 ; DWORD dwNameFormat = 0 ; BOOL bResult = 0; DWORD dwFormatActuals = 0; BOOL bNoHeader = FALSE;
SecureZeroMemory ( wszFormat, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(wszFormat) );
//check for empty arguments
if ( NULL == argv ) { SetLastError ((DWORD)ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER ); SaveLastError(); ShowLastErrorEx( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
//parse command line options
bResult = ProcessOptions(argc, argv, &bUser, &bGroups, &bPriv, &bLogonId, &bAll, &bUpn, &bFqdn, wszFormat, &dwFormatActuals, &bUsage, &bNoHeader ); if( FALSE == bResult ) { // display an error message with respect to the GetReason()
//ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL );
ReleaseGlobals(); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
// Check for invalid syntax
if ( //( ( TRUE == bOthers ) && ( argc > 1 ) ) ||
( ( TRUE == bUsage ) && ( argc > 2 ) ) || ( ( ( (bUser && dwCount++) || (bGroups && dwCount++) || (bLogonId && dwCount++) || (bPriv && dwCount++) || (bAll && dwCount++) || (bUsage && dwCount++) || ( bUpn && dwCount++ ) || ( bFqdn && dwCount++ ) || ( bNoHeader && dwCount++ ) || (dwFormatActuals && dwCount++)) && (dwCount == 0) ) && ( argc > 1 ) ) || ( ( (bUser && dwCount++) || (bGroups && dwCount++) || (bLogonId && dwCount++) || (bPriv && dwCount++)|| ( bUpn && dwCount++ ) || ( bFqdn && dwCount++ ) ) && (dwCount > 0 ) && ( TRUE == bAll ) ) || ( bUpn && bFqdn) || ( bUpn && ( argc > 2 ) ) || ( bFqdn && ( argc > 2 )) || ( bLogonId && ( argc > 2 )) || ( ( 1 == dwFormatActuals ) && ( 3 == argc )) || ( ( TRUE == bNoHeader ) && ( 1 == dwFormatActuals ) && ( 4 == argc )) ) { // display an error message as .. invalid syntax specified..
ShowMessage( stderr, GetResString(IDS_INVALID_SYNERROR )); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
// if /FO option is specified
if ( 1 == dwFormatActuals ) { // if /FO LIST specified
if( StringCompare( wszFormat , FORMAT_LIST, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { dwFormatType = SR_FORMAT_LIST; } // if /FO TABLE is specified
else if( StringCompare ( wszFormat , FORMAT_TABLE, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { dwFormatType = SR_FORMAT_TABLE; } // if /FO CSV is specified
else if( StringCompare ( wszFormat , FORMAT_CSV, TRUE, 0 ) == 0 ) { dwFormatType = SR_FORMAT_CSV; } else // check for invalid format .. other than /LIST, /TABLE or /CSV
{ // display an error message as ..invalid format specified..
ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString ( IDS_INVALID_FORMAT )); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } } else { // If /FO is not specified. Default format is TABLE
dwFormatType = SR_FORMAT_TABLE; }
if ((SR_FORMAT_LIST == dwFormatType) && ( TRUE == bNoHeader ) ) { ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString (IDS_NOT_NH_LIST) ); ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; }
if ( TRUE == bNoHeader ) { dwFormatType |= SR_HIDECOLUMN; }
// Initialize access token , user, groups and privileges
if( EXIT_SUCCESS != User.Init () ){ //display an error message
ShowLastErrorEx(stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM); // release memory
ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE ; }
// if /UPN (User Pricipal Name)is specified
if ( ( TRUE == bUpn ) && ( 2 == argc ) ) { dwNameFormat = UPN_FORMAT; } // if /FQDN (Fully Qualified Distinguished Name) is specified
else if ( ( TRUE == bFqdn ) && ( 2 == argc )) { dwNameFormat = FQDN_FORMAT; }
//reset to 0
dwCount = 0;
// if /USER /GROUPS /PRIV or /ALL specified, set the flag to TRUE
if ( ( (bUser && dwCount++) || (bGroups && dwCount++) || (bPriv && dwCount++) && ( dwCount > 1 )) || ( TRUE == bAll ) ) { bFlag = TRUE; }
// Display information
// if /all option is specified, then set all the flags to TRUE.
if( TRUE == bAll ) { // set all the flags i.e./USER, /GROUPS, /PRIV to TRUE
bUser = TRUE; bGroups = TRUE ; bPriv = TRUE ; bSid = TRUE ; }
// if /user option is specified
if ( ( TRUE == bUser ) || (FQDN_FORMAT == dwNameFormat) || (UPN_FORMAT == dwNameFormat) ) { // display the current logged-on user name
dwRetVal = User.DisplayUser ( dwFormatType , dwNameFormat ) ; if ( EXIT_SUCCESS != dwRetVal ) { //release memory
ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
// if /groups option is specified
if( TRUE == bGroups ) { if ( TRUE == bFlag ) { // display a new line
ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n"); } // display the group names
dwRetVal = User.DisplayGroups ( dwFormatType ) ; if ( EXIT_SUCCESS != dwRetVal ) { if ( GetLastError() != E_OUTOFMEMORY ) { // display an error message as .. there are no groups available..
ShowMessage ( stderr, GetResString (IDS_NO_GROUPS) ); } ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
// if /logonid option is specified
if( TRUE == bLogonId ) { // display LOGON ID
dwRetVal = User.DisplayLogonId () ; if ( EXIT_SUCCESS != dwRetVal ) { // display an error messagw with respect to GetLastError() error code
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); // release memory
ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
// if /priv option is specified
if( TRUE == bPriv ) { if ( TRUE == bFlag ) { ShowMessage ( stdout, L"\n"); } // display all privilege names
dwRetVal = User.DisplayPrivileges ( dwFormatType ) ; if ( EXIT_SUCCESS != dwRetVal ) { // display an error message with respect to GetLastError() error code
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); //release memory
ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
// if /? option is specified
if ( bUsage == TRUE ) { // display the help/usage for this tool
DisplayHelp() ; // release memory
ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
// if the command is "whoami.exe" .. then display the username by default
// in other words.. if argument count is 1.. then display current logged-on user name
if ( ( !( (bUser && dwCount++) || (bGroups && dwCount++) || (bLogonId && dwCount++) || (bPriv && dwCount++) || (bAll && dwCount++) || (bUsage && dwCount++) || ( bUpn && dwCount++ ) || ( bFqdn && dwCount++ ) ) && ( dwCount == 0 ) && (1 == argc)) ) { dwNameFormat = USER_ONLY;
// display current logged-on user name
dwRetVal = User.DisplayUser ( dwFormatType, dwNameFormat ) ; if ( EXIT_SUCCESS != dwRetVal ) { ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_SYSTEM ); // release memory
ReleaseGlobals(); return EXIT_FAILURE; } }
// release memory
//retrun success
return EXIT_SUCCESS; }
VOID DisplayHelp ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description: This function displays the help/usage for this utility.
Arguments: None Return Value: None --*/ { // sub-local variable
WORD wCount = 0;
// display the help/usage
for ( wCount = IDS_WHOAMI_HELP_START; wCount <= IDS_WHOAMI_HELP_END ; wCount++ ) { //display the help/usage
ShowMessage ( stdout, GetResString ( wCount ) ); } // return success
return; }
BOOL ProcessOptions( IN DWORD argc, IN LPCWSTR argv[], OUT BOOL *pbUser, OUT BOOL *pbGroups, OUT BOOL *pbPriv, OUT BOOL *pbLogonId, OUT BOOL *pbAll, OUT BOOL *pbUpn, OUT BOOL *pbFqdn, OUT LPWSTR wszFormat, OUT DWORD *dwFormatActuals, OUT BOOL *pbUsage, OUT BOOL *pbNoHeader ) /*++
Routine Description This function processes the command line for the main options
Arguments: [in] argc : Number of Command line arguments. [in] argv : Pointer to Command line arguments. [out] pbUser : Flag that indicates whether /USER option is specified or not [out] pbGroups : Flag that indicates whether /GROUPS option is specified or not [out] pbPriv : Flag that indicates whether /PRIV option is specified or not [out] pbLogonId : Flag that indicates whether /LOGONID option is specified or not [out] pbAll : Flag that indicates whether /ALL option is specified or not [out] pbUpn : Flag that indicates whether /UPN option is specified or not [out] pbFqdn : Flag that indicates whether /FQDN option is specified or not [out] wszFormat : Value for /FO option [out] dwFormatActuals : Flag that indicates whether /FO option is specified or not [out] pbUsage : Flag that indicates whether /? option is specified or not
Return Value TRUE on success FALSE on failure --*/ {
// sub-local variables
// command line options
const WCHAR szUserOption[] = L"user"; const WCHAR szGroupOption[] = L"groups"; const WCHAR szLogonOpt[] = L"logonid"; const WCHAR szPrivOption[] = L"priv"; const WCHAR szAllOption[] = L"all"; const WCHAR szUpnOption[] = L"upn"; const WCHAR szFqdnOption[] = L"fqdn"; const WCHAR szFormatOption[] = L"fo"; const WCHAR szHelpOpt[] = L"?"; const WCHAR szNoHeaderOption[] = L"nh";
const WCHAR szFormatValues[] = L"table|list|csv";
// fill the commandline parser
// -? help/usage
pcmdParser = cmdParserOptions + OI_USAGE;
StringCopyA( pcmdParser->szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 );
pcmdParser->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdParser->pwszOptions = szHelpOpt; pcmdParser->pwszFriendlyName = NULL; pcmdParser->pwszValues = NULL; pcmdParser->dwFlags = CP2_USAGE; pcmdParser->dwCount = 1; pcmdParser->dwActuals = 0; pcmdParser->pValue = pbUsage; pcmdParser->dwLength = 0; pcmdParser->pFunction = NULL; pcmdParser->pFunctionData = NULL; pcmdParser->dwReserved = 0; pcmdParser->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved3 = NULL;
// -user option
pcmdParser = cmdParserOptions + OI_USER;
StringCopyA( pcmdParser->szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 );
pcmdParser->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdParser->pwszOptions = szUserOption; pcmdParser->pwszFriendlyName = NULL; pcmdParser->pwszValues = NULL; pcmdParser->dwFlags = 0; pcmdParser->dwCount = 1; pcmdParser->dwActuals = 0; pcmdParser->pValue = pbUser; pcmdParser->dwLength = 0; pcmdParser->pFunction = NULL; pcmdParser->pFunctionData = NULL; pcmdParser->dwReserved = 0; pcmdParser->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved3 = NULL;
// -groups option
pcmdParser = cmdParserOptions + OI_GROUPS;
StringCopyA( pcmdParser->szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 );
pcmdParser->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdParser->pwszOptions = szGroupOption; pcmdParser->pwszFriendlyName = NULL; pcmdParser->pwszValues = NULL; pcmdParser->dwFlags = 0; pcmdParser->dwCount = 1; pcmdParser->dwActuals = 0; pcmdParser->pValue = pbGroups; pcmdParser->dwLength = 0; pcmdParser->pFunction = NULL; pcmdParser->pFunctionData = NULL; pcmdParser->dwReserved = 0; pcmdParser->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved3 = NULL;
// -logonid option
pcmdParser = cmdParserOptions + OI_LOGONID;
StringCopyA( pcmdParser->szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 );
pcmdParser->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdParser->pwszOptions = szLogonOpt; pcmdParser->pwszFriendlyName = NULL; pcmdParser->pwszValues = NULL; pcmdParser->dwFlags = 0; pcmdParser->dwCount = 1; pcmdParser->dwActuals = 0; pcmdParser->pValue = pbLogonId; pcmdParser->dwLength = 0; pcmdParser->pFunction = NULL; pcmdParser->pFunctionData = NULL; pcmdParser->dwReserved = 0; pcmdParser->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved3 = NULL;
// -priv option
pcmdParser = cmdParserOptions + OI_PRIV;
StringCopyA( pcmdParser->szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 );
pcmdParser->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdParser->pwszOptions = szPrivOption; pcmdParser->pwszFriendlyName = NULL; pcmdParser->pwszValues = NULL; pcmdParser->dwFlags = 0; pcmdParser->dwCount = 1; pcmdParser->dwActuals = 0; pcmdParser->pValue = pbPriv; pcmdParser->dwLength = 0; pcmdParser->pFunction = NULL; pcmdParser->pFunctionData = NULL; pcmdParser->dwReserved = 0; pcmdParser->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved3 = NULL;
// -all option
pcmdParser = cmdParserOptions + OI_ALL;
StringCopyA( pcmdParser->szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 );
pcmdParser->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdParser->pwszOptions = szAllOption; pcmdParser->pwszFriendlyName = NULL; pcmdParser->pwszValues = NULL; pcmdParser->dwFlags = 0; pcmdParser->dwCount = 1; pcmdParser->dwActuals = 0; pcmdParser->pValue = pbAll; pcmdParser->dwLength = 0; pcmdParser->pFunction = NULL; pcmdParser->pFunctionData = NULL; pcmdParser->dwReserved = 0; pcmdParser->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved3 = NULL;
// -upn option
pcmdParser = cmdParserOptions + OI_UPN;
StringCopyA( pcmdParser->szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 );
pcmdParser->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdParser->pwszOptions = szUpnOption; pcmdParser->pwszFriendlyName = NULL; pcmdParser->pwszValues = NULL; pcmdParser->dwFlags = 0; pcmdParser->dwCount = 1; pcmdParser->dwActuals = 0; pcmdParser->pValue = pbUpn; pcmdParser->dwLength = 0; pcmdParser->pFunction = NULL; pcmdParser->pFunctionData = NULL; pcmdParser->dwReserved = 0; pcmdParser->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved3 = NULL;
// -fqdn option
pcmdParser = cmdParserOptions + OI_FQDN;
StringCopyA( pcmdParser->szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 );
pcmdParser->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdParser->pwszOptions = szFqdnOption; pcmdParser->pwszFriendlyName = NULL; pcmdParser->pwszValues = NULL; pcmdParser->dwFlags = 0; pcmdParser->dwCount = 1; pcmdParser->dwActuals = 0; pcmdParser->pValue = pbFqdn; pcmdParser->dwLength = 0; pcmdParser->pFunction = NULL; pcmdParser->pFunctionData = NULL; pcmdParser->dwReserved = 0; pcmdParser->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved3 = NULL;
// -fo <format>
pcmdParser = cmdParserOptions + OI_FORMAT;
StringCopyA( pcmdParser->szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 );
pcmdParser->dwType = CP_TYPE_TEXT; pcmdParser->pwszOptions = szFormatOption; pcmdParser->pwszFriendlyName = NULL; pcmdParser->pwszValues = szFormatValues; pcmdParser->dwFlags = CP2_MODE_VALUES|CP2_VALUE_TRIMINPUT|CP2_VALUE_NONULL; pcmdParser->dwCount = 1; pcmdParser->dwActuals = 0; pcmdParser->pValue = wszFormat; pcmdParser->dwLength = MAX_STRING_LENGTH; pcmdParser->pFunction = NULL; pcmdParser->pFunctionData = NULL; pcmdParser->dwReserved = 0; pcmdParser->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved3 = NULL;
// -nh
pcmdParser = cmdParserOptions + OI_NOHEADER;
StringCopyA( pcmdParser->szSignature, "PARSER2\0", 8 );
pcmdParser->dwType = CP_TYPE_BOOLEAN; pcmdParser->pwszOptions = szNoHeaderOption; pcmdParser->pwszFriendlyName = NULL; pcmdParser->pwszValues = NULL; pcmdParser->dwFlags = 0; pcmdParser->dwCount = 1; pcmdParser->dwActuals = 0; pcmdParser->pValue = pbNoHeader; pcmdParser->dwLength = 0; pcmdParser->pFunction = NULL; pcmdParser->pFunctionData = NULL; pcmdParser->dwReserved = 0; pcmdParser->pReserved1 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved2 = NULL; pcmdParser->pReserved3 = NULL;
//parse command line arguments
bReturn = DoParseParam2( argc, argv, -1, SIZE_OF_ARRAY(cmdParserOptions), cmdParserOptions, 0); if( FALSE == bReturn) // Invalid commandline
{ //display an error message
ShowLastErrorEx ( stderr, SLE_TYPE_ERROR | SLE_INTERNAL ); ReleaseGlobals(); return FALSE; }
// check whether /FO is specified in the command line or not.
pcmdParser = cmdParserOptions + OI_FORMAT; *dwFormatActuals = pcmdParser->dwActuals;
//return 0
return TRUE; }