' clonepr.vbi start
// VB Script "Include" file for CloneSecurityPrincipal scripts // // contains code common to all the scripts // // Copyright (C) 1999 Microsoft Corporation.
' various manifest constants const CLASS_USER = 0 const CLASS_LOCAL_GROUP = 1 const CLASS_GLOBAL_GROUP = 2 const CLASS_OTHER = 3
' the elements of this array are indexed by the above constants dim classNames(2) classNames(CLASS_USER) = "User" classNames(CLASS_LOCAL_GROUP) = "Group" classNames(CLASS_GLOBAL_GROUP) = "Group"
' from lmaccess.h const UF_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT = &H0100 const UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT = &H0200
' from andyhar's adsi reskit const ADS_SID_RAW = 0 const ADS_SID_HEXSTRING = 1 const ADS_SID_SDDL = 4 const ADS_SID_WINNT_PATH = 5 const ADS_SID_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_PATH = 6
const E_ADS_UNKNOWN_OBJECT = &H80005004 const E_ADS_ERROR_DS_NO_SUCH_OBJECT = &H80072030 const E_ADS_ERROR_DS_NAME_NOT_FOUND = &H80072116
' create the COM object implementing ICloneSecurityPrincipal dim clonepr set clonepr = CreateObject("DSUtils.ClonePrincipal") if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
' create the COM object implementing IADsNameTranslate dim nameTranslate set nameTranslate = CreateObject("NameTranslate") if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
' create the COM object implementing IADsPathname dim adsPathname set adsPathname = CreateObject("Pathname") if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
' create the COM object implementing IADsError dim adsError set adsError = CreateObject("DSUtils.ADsError") if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
' create the COM object implementing IADsSID dim sid set sid = CreateObject("DSUtils.ADsSID") if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
' ' functions and subroutines follow '
sub CloneSecurityPrincipal(byref srcObject, byval srcSam, byval dstDom, byval dstDC, byval dstSam, byval dstDN) on error resume next
' verify that the source object is of a type that we support dim srcObjectClass srcObjectClass = ObjectClass(srcObject)
select case srcObjectClass case CLASS_USER if srcObject.UserFlags and UF_TEMP_DUPLICATE_ACCOUNT then Echo "Source object is a temporary local user account, which is not supported." wscript.quit(0) end if case CLASS_LOCAL_GROUP case CLASS_GLOBAL_GROUP ' do nothing case else ' not a supported object class Echo "Source object is of type " & srcObject.Class & ", which is not supported by this tool." wscript.quit(0) end select
' bind to the destination object
' we attempt to locate the destination object by it's sam account name, in ' order to determine if that name is already in use by a security principal ' in the destination domain.
dim dstObjectSamPath dstObjectSamPath = "WinNT://" & dstDom & "/" & dstDC & "/" & dstSam
dim dstObjectDNPath dstObjectDNPath = "LDAP://" & dstDC & "/" & dstDN
dim dstObjectClass dim dstObject
Err.Clear set dstObject = GetObject(dstObjectSamPath) dim errnum1 errnum1 = Err.Number select case errnum1 case E_ADS_UNKNOWN_OBJECT ' destination is not found
Echo "Destination object " & dstSam & " not found (by SAM name) path used: " & dstObjectSamPath
' bind to the DN of the object, then Err.Clear set dstObject = GetObject(dstObjectDNPath) dim errnum2 errnum2 = Err.Number select case errnum2 case E_ADS_ERROR_DS_NO_SUCH_OBJECT Echo "Destination object " & dstDN & " not found (by DN) path used: " & dstObjectDNPath
' create the dstDN object of the same type as the source Err.Clear set dstObject = CreateDestinationDN(dstSam, dstDN, dstDC, srcObjectClass)
case 0 ' dstDN found
Echo "Destination DN found"
dstObjectClass = ObjectClass(dstObject)
if dstObjectClass <> srcObjectClass then Bail "Source and destination objects differ in class type." end if
if UCase(dstObject.SamAccountName) <> UCase(dstSam) then ' sam name of the object is not the same as the sam name ' specified on the command line Bail "SAM account name of " & dstDN & " is " & dstObject.SamAccountName & " not " & dstSam end if
case else Echo "Error attempting to bind to " & dstObjectDNPath DumpErrAndQuit
end select
case 0 ' dstSam found. Find the DN of the object it refers to
Echo "Destination SAM name found"
nameTranslate.Init ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_SERVER, dstDC if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
nameTranslate.Set ADS_NAME_TYPE_NT4, dstDom & "\" & dstSam if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
dim foundDN foundDN = nameTranslate.Get(ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779) ' aka full DN if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
Echo dstSam & " refers to " & foundDN
if UCase(dstDN) <> UCase(foundDN) then ' sam name is in use by another object than the one the user ' indicated. Bail "SAM account name " & dstSam & " is in use by object " & foundDN & ", not " & dstDN end if
' at this point, we've verified that the sam name specified by the ' user matches the DN. Now verify that the DN refers to an object ' of the same type as the source
set dstObject = GetObject("LDAP://" & dstDC & "/" & foundDN) if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
dstObjectClass = ObjectClass(dstObject) if dstObjectClass <> srcObjectClass then Bail "Source and destination objects differ in class type." end if
case else Echo "Error attempting to bind to destination object " & dstObjectSamPath DumpErrAndQuit end select
' at this point, dstObject is bound to the object onto which we ' should clone the source object
' copy the source object's properties Echo "Setting properties for target " & dstObject.Class & " " & dstObject.Name select case srcObjectClass case CLASS_USER
' copy the properties of the source user to the destination user clonepr.CopyDownlevelUserProperties srcSam, dstSam, 0 if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
Echo "Downlevel properties set."
' fixup the destination user's group memberships
FixupUserGroupMemberships srcObject, dstObject, dstDC if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
Echo "User's Group memberships restored."
' commit the changes dstObject.SetInfo if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
Echo "User changes commited."
case CLASS_LOCAL_GROUP ' copy the source group's description if srcObject.Description <> "" then dstObject.Put "Description", srcObject.Description dstObject.SetInfo if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit end if
Echo "Local group description set."
' copy the source local group's membership CopyLocalGroupMembership srcObject, dstObject if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
Echo "Local group membership copied."
' commit the changes dstObject.SetInfo if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
Echo "Local group changes commited."
case CLASS_GLOBAL_GROUP ' copy the source group's description if srcObject.Description <> "" then dstObject.Put "Description", srcObject.Description dstObject.SetInfo if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit end if
Echo "Global group description set."
' fixup the destination group's members FixupGlobalGroupMembers srcObject, dstObject, dstDC if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
Echo "Global group memberships restored."
' commit the change dstObject.SetInfo if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
Echo "Global group changes commited."
case else ' why are we here? what is my purpose in life? wscript "illegal code path" wscript.quit(0)
end select
' Add the SID of the source principal to the sid history of the destination ' principal. Echo "Adding SID for source " & srcObject.Class & " " & srcObject.Name & " to SID history of target " & dstObject.Class & " " & dstObject.Name clonepr.AddSidHistory srcSam, dstSam, 0 if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
Echo "SID history set successfully."
' all done Echo srcObject.Name & " cloned successfully." end sub
' Create a DS security principal object, and return a bound reference to it. ' ' samName - in, sam account name of object-to-be ' ' DN - in, full DN of the object to be created ' ' DC - in, name of domain controller on which the object is to be created ' ' objectClass - in, CLASS_ constant for the type of object to create
function CreateDestinationDN(byval samName, byval DN, byval DC, byval objectClass) on error resume next Echo "Creating " & DN
' determine the name of the container to place the new object by removing ' the leaf-most portion of the DN dim p p = InStr(1, DN, ",", 1)
dim dstCN dstCN = Mid(DN, 1, p - 1) ' - 1 to omit the comma
dim ouDN, ouDNPath ouDN = Mid(DN, p + 1) ' + 1 to skip the comma ouDNPath = "LDAP://" & DC & "/" & ouDN dim container, errnum3 set container = GetObject(ouDNPath) select case Err.Number case E_ADS_ERROR_DS_NO_SUCH_OBJECT Bail "Container " & ouDN & " not found" case 0 ' do nothing case else Echo "Error attempting to bind to " & ouDN DumpErrAndQuit end select
dim dstObject set dstObject = container.Create(classNames(objectClass), dstCN) if Err.Number then Echo "Error attempting to create " & DN DumpErrAndQuit end if
dstObject.Put "samAccountName", samName if Err.Number then Echo "Error attempting to set samAccountName for " & DN DumpErrAndQuit end if
select case objectClass case CLASS_USER ' nothing more to add
case CLASS_LOCAL_GROUP ' set group type to local dstObject.Put "groupType", ADS_GROUP_TYPE_DOMAIN_LOCAL_GROUP + ADS_GROUP_TYPE_SECURITY_ENABLED if Err.Number then Echo "Error attempting to set local group type for " & DN DumpErrAndQuit end if
case CLASS_GLOBAL_GROUP ' set group type to global dstObject.Put "groupType", ADS_GROUP_TYPE_GLOBAL_GROUP + ADS_GROUP_TYPE_SECURITY_ENABLED if Err.Number then Echo "Error attempting to set global group type for " & DN DumpErrAndQuit end if
end select
dstObject.SetInfo if Err.Number then Echo "Error attempting to commit create of " & DN DumpErrAndQuit end if
Echo "Created " & DN
set CreateDestinationDN = dstObject end function
' for each group to which the source user object belongs, look for that ' group's sid in the sid histories of objects in the destination forest ' (domain?). If found, add the destination user as a member of the located ' group. Thus, when a user is cloned, the clone becomes a member of all the ' existing cloned groups corresponding to the original groups the ' orignal user belonged to.
sub FixupUserGroupMemberships(byref srcObject, byref dstObject, byval dstDC) on error resume next Echo "Fixing group memberships for " & dstObject.Class & " " & dstObject.Name
nameTranslate.Init ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_SERVER, dstDC if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
dim group dim sidString for each group in srcObject.Groups if (ObjectClass(group) = CLASS_GLOBAL_GROUP) then Echo " Found global group " & group.ADsPath
sid.SetAs ADS_SID_WINNT_PATH, group.AdsPath & "," & group.Class if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
sidString = sid.GetAs(ADS_SID_SDDL) if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
if IsBuiltInSid(sidString) then Echo " " & group.ADsPath & " is a built-in group"
' built-ins are present in every domain with the same sid. So we ' can't search for the corresponding destination object by sid, or ' we may be multiple matches (if there is more than 1 domain in the ' destination forest, and the destination DC also happens to be ' a global catalog). So, here we compose a sid-style LDAP path ' for the built-in destination object.
sidString = "<sid=" & sid.GetAs(ADS_SID_HEXSTRING) & ">" if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
dim mypath mypath = "LDAP://" & dstDC & "/" & sidString
dim mygroup set mygroup = GetObject(mypath) if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
if not IsUserMemberOfGroup(mygroup, dstObject) then Echo " Adding " & dstObject.Name & " to group " & mygroup.Name mygroup.Add dstObject.AdsPath else Echo " " & dstObject.Name & " is already member of " & mygroup.Name end if if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit else
' find the DN of the object with that sid as its object sid or in ' its sid history (the sid history is where it will be, if the object ' is a clone).
nameTranslate.Set ADS_NAME_TYPE_SID_OR_SID_HISTORY_NAME, sidString select case Err.Number case E_ADS_ERROR_DS_NAME_NOT_FOUND ' do nothing: skip this member; it hasn't been cloned yet
Echo " Skipping " & group.ADsPath & " -- not cloned yet"
case 0 ' found! dim foundDN foundDN = "" foundDN = nameTranslate.Get(ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779) ' aka full DN
select case Err.Number case E_ADS_ERROR_DS_NAME_NOT_FOUND ' do nothing: skip this member; it hasn't been cloned yet case 0 AddUserToGroup dstObject, foundDN, dstDC case else DumpErrAndQuit end select
case else DumpErrAndQuit
end select end if else Echo " Skipping group " & group.AdsPath & " -- not global group" end if
' need to clear this so next iteration won't choke. Err.Clear next end sub
' for each member of the source local group, obtain the member's SID and add ' that SID as a member of the destination local group. If that SID does not ' refer to a security principal in the destination domain, then the SAM will ' create a Foreign Principal Object (FPO) to represent that SID. then SAM ' will replace the reference to the SID in the group membership with the DN ' of the FPO. An FPO acts like a proxy for the SID.
sub CopyLocalGroupMembership(byref srcObject, byref dstObject) on error resume next
Echo "Copying local group membership"
' get the sids in string form of each of the members of the source ' group. collect them in an array dim member dim sidString dim sidStringArray() dim i i = 0
dim dn dn = dstObject.Get("distinguishedName") if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
Echo " Getting destination group membership as SIDs"
dim dstExistingMemberSIDs dstExistingMemberSIDs = clonepr.GetMembersSIDs(dn) if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
dim numExistingMembers numExistingMembers = 0 dim x for each x in dstExistingMemberSIDs numExistingMembers = numExistingMembers + 1 next
for each member in srcObject.Members dim sidDeletedAccount if IsDeletedAccount(member.AdsPath, sidDeletedAccount) then Echo " Considering deleted account: " & sidDeletedAccount sid.SetAs ADS_SID_SDDL, sidDeletedAccount else Echo " Considering normal account: " & member.AdsPath sid.SetAs ADS_SID_WINNT_PATH, member.AdsPath & "," & member.Class end if if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
sidString = "<sid=" & sid.GetAs(ADS_SID_HEXSTRING) & ">" if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
if (0 = numExistingMembers) Or (not SidStringExists(sidString, dstExistingMemberSIDs)) then Echo " Adding " & sidString redim preserve sidStringArray(i) sidStringArray(i) = sidString i = i + 1 end if next
' use the array to update the destination group in one whack. if i then if 0 = numExistingMembers then dstObject.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_UPDATE, "member", sidStringArray else dstObject.PutEx ADS_PROPERTY_APPEND, "member", sidStringArray end if if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
dstObject.SetInfo if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit end if end sub
function IsDeletedAccount(byref AdsPath, byref sidDeletedAccount) dim pos0, pos1 pos0 = InStr(1, AdsPath, "://", 1) pos1 = InStr(pos0 + 3, AdsPath, "/", 1)
if 0 = pos1 then IsDeletedAccount = True sidDeletedAccount = Mid(AdsPath, pos0 + 3) else IsDeletedAccount = False end if
end function
function SidStringExists(byref sidString, byref dstExistingMemberSIDs) dim sid sid = UCase(sidString)
SidStringExists = False
dim x For each x in dstExistingMemberSIDs if UCase(x) = sid then Echo " Skipping existing sid " & x SidStringExists = True exit function end if next
end function
' for each member of the source global group, look for that member's sid in ' the sid histories of objects the destination forest (domain?). If found, ' add that located object as a member of the destination group. Thus, ' when a global group is cloned, the existing clones of all users that belong ' to the original group will belong to the cloned group.
sub FixupGlobalGroupMembers(byref srcObject, byref dstObject, byval dstDC) on error resume next Echo "Fixing group membership for " & dstObject.Class & " " & dstObject.Name
nameTranslate.Init ADS_NAME_INITTYPE_SERVER, dstDC if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
dim member dim sidString for each member in srcObject.Members
if member.UserFlags and UF_NORMAL_ACCOUNT then
' extract the sid of the account sid.SetAs ADS_SID_WINNT_PATH, member.AdsPath & "," & member.Class if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
sidString = sid.GetAs(ADS_SID_SDDL) if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
' find the DN of the member with that sid as its object sid or in ' its sid history (the sid history is where it will be, if the member ' is a clone). nameTranslate.Set ADS_NAME_TYPE_SID_OR_SID_HISTORY_NAME, sidString select case Err.Number case E_ADS_ERROR_DS_NAME_NOT_FOUND ' do nothing: skip this member; it hasn't been cloned yet
case 0 ' found! dim foundDN foundDN = "" foundDN = nameTranslate.Get(ADS_NAME_TYPE_1779) ' aka full DN
select case Err.Number case E_ADS_ERROR_DS_NAME_NOT_FOUND ' do nothing: skip this member; it hasn't been cloned yet case 0 ' add the dn to the members property of the dst object dim path path = "LDAP://" & dstDC & "/" & foundDN Dim tempObj set tempObj = GetObject(path) if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit if NOT IsUserMemberOfGroup( dstObject, tempObj ) then Echo " adding " & foundDN & " to group " & dstObject.Name dstObject.Add path end if if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
case else DumpErrAndQuit end select
case else DumpErrAndQuit end select
' need to clear this so the next iteration doesn't choke Err.Clear
' skip computer, temp and trust accounts Echo " Skipping non-user account " & member.Name end if next end sub
' user - in, reference to user object, bound with LDAP provider. ' ' groupDN - in, full DN of the group to which the user is to be added ' ' dstDC - in, name of destination domain controller
sub AddUserToGroup(byref user, byval groupDN, byval dstDC) on error resume next
dim path path = "LDAP://" & dstDC & "/" & groupDN
dim group set group = GetObject(path) if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
if not IsUserMemberOfGroup(group,user) then Echo " Adding " & user.Name & " to group " & group.Name group.Add user.AdsPath else Echo " " & user.Name & " is already member of " & group.Name end if if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit end sub
function IsUserMemberOfGroup( byref group, byref user ) if group.IsMember(user.AdsPath) then IsUserMemberOfGroup = True exit function end if
sid.SetAs ADS_SID_ACTIVE_DIRECTORY_PATH, group.AdsPath if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit
dim sidString sidString = sid.GetAs(ADS_SID_SDDL) if Err.Number then DumpErrAndQuit if Len(sidString) > 9 then dim lastDash lastDash = InStrRev(sidString, "-", -1, 1) if lastDash then dim ridString ridString = Mid(sidString, lastDash + 1) if StrComp(ridString,user.PrimaryGroupId,1) = 0 then IsUserMemberOfGroup = True exit function end if end if end if IsUserMemberOfGroup = False end function
' based on the class of the object, return one of CLASS_USER, ' CLASS_LOCAL_GROUP, CLASS_GLOBAL_GROUP, CLASS_OTHER
function ObjectClass(object) dim cls cls = UCase(object.Class)
if cls = "GROUP" then if (object.GroupType and ADS_GROUP_TYPE_DOMAIN_LOCAL_GROUP) then ' type is local group ObjectClass = CLASS_LOCAL_GROUP exit function else if ((object.GroupType and ADS_GROUP_TYPE_GLOBAL_GROUP) or (object.GroupType and ADS_GROUP_TYPE_UNIVERSAL_GROUP)) then ' type is global group ObjectClass = CLASS_GLOBAL_GROUP exit function end if end if else if cls = "USER" then ' type is user ObjectClass = CLASS_USER exit function end if end if
' type is not recognized ObjectClass = CLASS_OTHER exit function end function
' returns non-zero if the stringized SID refers to a well-known rid, zero ' otherwise
function HasWellKnownRid(byval sidString) ' a SID refers to a well-known account if the first sub-authority (aka ' RID) is < 1000. The first subauthority is the last portion of the ' stringized SID
if Len(sidString) > 9 then dim lastDash lastDash = InStrRev(sidString, "-", -1, 1) if lastDash then dim ridString ridString = Mid(sidString, lastDash + 1) if CLng(ridString) < 1000 then HasWellKnownRid = True exit function end if end if end if
HasWellKnownRid = False end function
' returns non-zero if the stringized SID refers to a builtin sid, zero ' otherwise
function IsBuiltInSid(byval sidString) ' a SID refers to builtin account or group if it has prefix S-1-5-32-
if Len(sidString) > 9 then dim prefixString prefixString = Mid(sidString, 1, 9) if StrComp( prefixString, "S-1-5-32-", 1 ) = 0 then IsBuiltInSid = true exit function end if end if
IsBuiltInSid = False end function
' searches for and returns the value of a command line argument of the form ' /argName:value from the supplied array. erases the entry in the array so ' that only untouched entries remain.
function GetArgValue(argName, args()) dim a dim v dim argNameLength dim x dim argCount dim fullArgName
fullArgName = "/" & argName & ":" argCount = Ubound(args)
' Get the length of the argname we are looking for argNameLength = Len(fullArgName) GetArgValue = "" ' default to nothing for x = 0 To argCount if Len(args(x)) >= argNameLength then
a = Mid(args(x), 1, argNameLength) if UCase(a) = UCase(fullArgName) then
' erase it so we can look for unknown args later v = args(x) args(x) = ""
if Len(v) > argNameLength then GetArgValue = Mid(v, argNameLength + 1) exit function else GetArgValue = "" exit function end if end if end if next end function
' walks thru the array searching for any non-empty element. if at least one ' is found, then return non-zero. Otherwise return 0.
function CheckForBadArgs(byref args()) dim i for i = 0 to UBound(args) if Len(args(i)) > 0 then CheckForBadArgs = 1 exit function end if next
CheckForBadArgs = 0 end function
sub DumpErrAndQuit dim errnum errnum = Err.Number
Echo "Error 0x" & CStr(Hex(errnum)) & " occurred." if len(Err.Description) then Echo "Error Description: " & Err.Description end if if len(Err.Source) then Echo "Error Source : " & Err.Source end if Echo "ADsError Description: " Echo adsError.GetErrorMsg(errnum) wscript.quit(0) end sub
sub Bail(byref message) Echo "Error: " & message wscript.quit(0) end sub
sub Echo(byref message) wscript.echo message end sub
' clonepr.vbi end