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/**********************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1990, 1991 **/ /**********************************************************************/
This file contains the SUBJECT class definition. A subject is a user or group and the information need to uniquely identify that user or group.
FILE HISTORY: Johnl 05-Aug-1991 Created
#ifndef _SUBJECT_HXX_
#define _SUBJECT_HXX_
#include <security.hxx>
#include <string.hxx>
#include <ntacutil.hxx>
/* Subject types map to NT Sid Types but work for Lanman also.
*/ enum SUBJECT_TYPE { SubjTypeUser = SidTypeUser, SubjTypeGroup = SidTypeGroup, SubjTypeAlias = SidTypeAlias, SubjTypeWellKnownGroup = SidTypeWellKnownGroup, SubjTypeUnknown = SidTypeUnknown, SubjTypeDeletedAccount = SidTypeDeletedAccount, SubjTypeRemote = 0xff } ;
SYNOPSIS: Base subject class. A subject is a user/group on a secure system (such as NT or LM).
INTERFACE: QueryDisplayName UI name to show the user (doesn't need to be unique)
QuerySystemSubjectType Returns the subject type (SID type) if this subject is a well known subject (i.e., UI_SID_World, UI_SID_Network etc.).
CAVEATS: IsGroup and IsUser should be used only on the Lanman side of things.
HISTORY: Johnl 05-Aug-1991 Created Johnl 11-Mar-1992 Changed to use SUBJECT_TYPE to help accomodate NT.
class SUBJECT : public BASE { private: SUBJECT_TYPE _SubjType ;
protected: SUBJECT( SUBJECT_TYPE SubjType ) ;
public: virtual const TCHAR * QueryDisplayName( void ) const = 0 ; virtual UI_SystemSid QuerySystemSubjectType( void ) const ;
BOOL IsGroup( void ) const { return _SubjType == SubjTypeGroup ; }
BOOL IsUser( void ) const { return _SubjType == SubjTypeUser ; }
BOOL IsAlias( void ) const { return _SubjType == SubjTypeAlias ; }
SUBJECT_TYPE QueryType( void ) const { return _SubjType ; }
void SetSubjectType( enum SUBJECT_TYPE SubjType ) { _SubjType = SubjType ; }
BOOL virtual IsEqual( const SUBJECT * psubj ) const = 0 ;
APIERR virtual IsEveryoneGroup( BOOL * pfIsEveryone ) const ;
virtual ~SUBJECT() ;
} ;
SYNOPSIS: Lanman user/group
HISTORY: Johnl 05-Aug-1991 Created
class LM_SUBJECT : public SUBJECT { private: NLS_STR _nlsDisplayName ;
public: LM_SUBJECT( const TCHAR * pszUserGroupName, BOOL fIsGroup ) ; virtual ~LM_SUBJECT() ;
virtual const TCHAR * QueryDisplayName( void ) const ; BOOL virtual IsEqual( const SUBJECT * psubj ) const ; } ;
SYNOPSIS: This class represents an "Account" in the NT SAM
NOTES: If pszSubjectName is NULL, then the name will be retrieved from the LSA.
HISTORY: JohnL 20-Dec-1991 Created
class NT_SUBJECT : public SUBJECT { private: NLS_STR _nlsDisplayName ; OS_SID _ossid ; enum UI_SystemSid _SystemSidType ;
/* When we construct an NT_SUBJECT, we have to check if the SID is one
* of the well known sids that we special case (World, Creator Owner, * Interactive and Network). Rather then comparing all the time, we * will only compare if the sub-authority count of the SID is less * then or equal to the maximum sub-authority count of the SIDs that we * special case. */ static UCHAR _cMaxWellKnownSubAuthorities ;
public: NT_SUBJECT( PSID psidSubject, const TCHAR * pszSubjectName = NULL, SID_NAME_USE type = SidTypeUnknown, UI_SystemSid SystemSidType = UI_SID_Invalid ) ; ~NT_SUBJECT() ;
APIERR SetDisplayName( const TCHAR * pszDisplayName ) { _nlsDisplayName=pszDisplayName; return _nlsDisplayName.QueryError();}
void SetNameUse( SID_NAME_USE type ) { SetSubjectType( (SUBJECT_TYPE) type ) ; }
virtual const TCHAR * QueryDisplayName( void ) const ; virtual UI_SystemSid QuerySystemSubjectType( void ) const ; BOOL virtual IsEqual( const SUBJECT * psubj ) const ; APIERR virtual IsEveryoneGroup( BOOL * pfIsEveryone ) const ;
const OS_SID * QuerySID( void ) const { return &_ossid ; } } ;
#endif // _SUBJECT_HXX_