#include <windows.h>
#include <winspool.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <process.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "psshmem.h"
#include "psprint.h"
// If you use the -m mode for stress, only printers starting with the
// define below will have jobs submitted to them
#define CHAR_COUNT 100000L
BOOL bDoEnumPrinters = FALSE; #define PRINTER_LIST_UPDATE 5000
#define SLEEP_TIME 5000
typedef struct { DWORD dwUpdateTime; int iNumPrinters; int iCurPrinter; PRINTER_INFO_2 *lpPrinters; } PRINTERS,*LPPRINTERS;
PRINTERS Printers;
VOID generateprinterlist(VOID){ DWORD dwNeeded; DWORD dwCount; int i;
Printers.iNumPrinters = 0;
// Enum all the local printers and build a little list for enuming
// through them
if (!EnumPrinters(PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL,(LPTSTR)NULL,2,(LPBYTE)NULL,0,&dwNeeded,&dwCount)&& GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER ) { // Verify the last error
Printers.lpPrinters = (PRINTER_INFO_2 *) LocalAlloc(LPTR, dwNeeded); if (Printers.lpPrinters == (PRINTER_INFO_2 *) NULL) { printf("\nNot enought mem to enum printers?"); exit(1); }
EnumPrinters( PRINTER_ENUM_LOCAL, (LPTSTR)NULL, 2, (LPBYTE)Printers.lpPrinters, dwNeeded, &dwNeeded, &dwCount );
Printers.iCurPrinter = 0; Printers.iNumPrinters = dwCount;
printf("\nEnum printers returns %d", dwCount);
for (i=0;i < Printers.iNumPrinters ; i++) { printf("\nPrinter %ws, %d", Printers.lpPrinters[i].pPrinterName, Printers.lpPrinters[i].cJobs);
Printers.dwUpdateTime = GetTickCount() + PRINTER_LIST_UPDATE;
}else{ printf("\nEnumPrinters returned error of %d", GetLastError()); }
BOOL IsPrinterUsable( LPTSTR lpPrinterName ) { LPTSTR lpKeyName = NAME_MUST_START_WITH; int i;
while ( *lpKeyName != '\000' ) {
if (*lpPrinterName == '\000' ){ return(FALSE); } if (*lpPrinterName != *lpKeyName) { return(FALSE); } lpKeyName++; lpPrinterName++;
} LPTSTR PrnGetNextName(LPTSTR lptNameContains,int iMinJobsOnPrinter) { LPTSTR lptRetVal; int x;
while (TRUE) {
if (GetTickCount() > Printers.dwUpdateTime ) { LocalFree(Printers.lpPrinters); generateprinterlist(); }
for (x=0;x < Printers.iNumPrinters;x++ ) {
if (Printers.lpPrinters[Printers.iCurPrinter].cJobs < (WORD) iMinJobsOnPrinter && IsPrinterUsable( Printers.lpPrinters[Printers.iCurPrinter].pPrinterName)) {
// This is a candidate...
lptRetVal = Printers.lpPrinters[Printers.iCurPrinter].pPrinterName;
if (++Printers.iCurPrinter >= Printers.iNumPrinters) { Printers.iCurPrinter =0; } return(lptRetVal); }
if (++Printers.iCurPrinter >= Printers.iNumPrinters) { Printers.iCurPrinter =0; } } printf("\nStarting sleep..."); Sleep(SLEEP_TIME); printf("\nDone sleeping"); } return(lptRetVal);
} //
// This function will enum the file mask requsted and for each file matching
// call the callback functions
DoFileEnumWithCallBack( LPTSTR lptFileMask, FILEENUMPROC pProc, LPVOID lpVoid ) {
HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA FindData; LPTSTR lpChar; LPTSTR lpSepPos; BOOL bFoundPathSeperator = FALSE; TCHAR szPathHolder[MAX_PATH];
// Get it into local storage
lstrcpy( szPathHolder, lptFileMask);
// The trick here is to decide if we need to generate a full path if the
// mask included a path, because the findnextfile code will only return
// file names.
// Now start processing
hFind = FindFirstFile( szPathHolder, &FindData ); if (hFind != (HANDLE)INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE){
lpChar = szPathHolder; lpSepPos = lpChar;
// Go to the end
while(*lpChar++ ) { if (*lpChar == '\\' || *lpChar == ':') { bFoundPathSeperator = TRUE; lpSepPos = lpChar; } }
if (bFoundPathSeperator) { //Make the char following the last path component a NULL
//So we can prepend the REAL path before calling the callback func
lpSepPos++; }
do {
// Now form a full path name and call the callback
// Break out of the loop if the callback returns FALSE
if (!(FindData.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
lstrcpy( lpSepPos, FindData.cFileName ); if (!pProc( &FindData, szPathHolder, lpVoid )) { break; } }
} while ( FindNextFile(hFind, &FindData )); // DJC error here??
FindClose(hFind); }
return(1); }
//int _cdecl main(int argc, char **argv)
BOOL do_job( LPWIN32_FIND_DATA lpFind, WCHAR *wchOpenName, LPVOID lpVoid) {
static char wstrData[CHAR_COUNT];
DWORD cbNeeded; DWORD cReturned; PRINTER_DEFAULTS Defaults; HANDLE hPrinter=0; HANDLE hFile; HDC hDC; LPTSTR lpName=TEXT("PSTODIB Local Test Printer"); DOCINFO docInfo; DOC_INFO_1 doc1; DWORD dwTotalWrote=0; static BOOL bIgnore=TRUE;
#ifdef HACK_JOB
//HAck to start where jobs left off...
printf("\nHACK ENABLED to skip jobs........................"); if (lstrcmpi(wchOpenName,L"x:00064.spl") == 0 ) { bIgnore = FALSE; }
if (bIgnore) { return(TRUE); } #endif
docInfo.cbSize = sizeof(DOCINFO); docInfo.lpszDocName = wchOpenName; docInfo.lpszOutput = NULL;
// 1st convert to wide format
if ( hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { printf("\nSorry cannot open %ws", wchOpenName); exit(1); }
//wprintf(TEXT("hello argument is %ts"), argv[0]);
Defaults.pDatatype = PSTODIB_DATATYPE; Defaults.pDevMode = NULL; Defaults.DesiredAccess = PRINTER_ACCESS_USE;
if (bDoEnumPrinters) { // Were enuming printers so get the next one in the list....
lpName = PrnGetNextName(TEXT("PSTODIB"),5); }
if (!OpenPrinter(lpName, &hPrinter, &Defaults )) { printf("\nCannot open the printer? %u", GetLastError()); } else { DWORD dwBytesRead,dwPrintWrote; doc1.pDocName = wchOpenName; doc1.pOutputFile = NULL; doc1.pDatatype = NULL;
StartDocPrinter( hPrinter, 1, (LPBYTE) &doc1 );
printf("\nSubmitting %ws", wchOpenName);
ReadFile( hFile, wstrData, CHAR_COUNT, &dwBytesRead, NULL); while ( dwBytesRead != 0 ) { if (wstrData[dwBytesRead - 1 ] == 0x1a) { dwBytesRead--; } WritePrinter( hPrinter, wstrData, dwBytesRead, &dwPrintWrote ); dwTotalWrote += dwBytesRead;
ReadFile( hFile, wstrData, CHAR_COUNT, &dwBytesRead, NULL); }
printf("\nDone with job total wrote %d", dwTotalWrote); // WritePrinter( hPrinter, (LPVOID) wstrData,
ClosePrinter( hPrinter);
return(TRUE); }
#define ONE_FILE
int __cdecl main( int argc, char **argv) {
HANDLE hEnumFile; WIN32_FIND_DATA findInfo; WCHAR wchOpenName[MAX_PATH];
int *xxx;
if (argc < 2 ) { printf("\nUsage: test [-m] <full path filemask of postscript files to submit>"); printf("\n Without the -m, test will submit to a printer called:"); printf("\n PSTODIB Local Test Printer"); printf("\n If the -m is included, it will roundrobin submit jobs to"); printf("\n any local printers whose names begin with STRESS<foo>"); printf("\n note STRESS must be ALL caps"); printf("\n"); exit(1); }
OemToChar((LPSTR) argv[1], (LPTSTR) wchOpenName); if (lstrcmpi(wchOpenName,TEXT("-m")) == 0) { printf("\nSubmitting jobs to ALL local printers (STRES<fooo>) for stress!");
OemToChar((LPSTR) argv[2], (LPTSTR) wchOpenName);
DoFileEnumWithCallBack( wchOpenName, do_job, (LPVOID) NULL );
return(1); }