/*****************************************************************/ /** Microsoft LAN Manager **/ /** Copyright(c) Microsoft Corp., 1990 **/ /*****************************************************************/
MiscAPIs.cxx Miscallaneous APIs
jonn 14-Jan-1991 Split from winprof.cxx jonn 17-Jan-1991 Split off lm21util.cxx, lm30spfc.cxx jonn 02-Feb-1991 Removed unused routines rustanl 12-Apr-1991 Added UI_UNCPathCompare and UI_UNCPathValidate beng 17-May-1991 Correct lmui.hxx usage jonn 22-May-1991 Added MyNetUseAdd (was in winprof.cxx) rustanl 24-May-1991 Added AUTO_CURSOR to MyNetUseAdd terryk 31-Oct-1991 add mnet.h and change I_NetXXX to I_MNetXXX Yi-HsinS 31-Dec-1991 Unicode work terryk 10-Oct-1993 deleted MyNetUseAdd
#define INCL_NETUSE // for NetUseAdd
#define _WINNETWK_
#include <lmui.hxx>
#undef _WINNETWK_
extern "C" { #include <mnet.h>
#include <winnetwk.h>
#include <npapi.h>
#include <lmsname.h>
#include <uiassert.hxx>
#include <uitrace.hxx>
#include <string.hxx>
#include <lmowks.hxx>
#include <lmodom.hxx>
#include <lmodev.hxx> // for DEVICE object
#include <uibuffer.hxx>
#include <strchlit.hxx> // for string and character literals
#include <lmsvc.hxx>
#include <miscapis.hxx>
/* Local prototypes */
/* functions */
NAME: CheckLMService
SYNOPSIS: Checks to make sure the LM Wksta service is willing to accept requests.
RETURNS: NERR_Success if the service is happy happy WN_NO_NETWORK if the service is stopped or stopping WN_FUNCTION_BUSY if the service is starting Other error if an error occurred getting the status
HISTORY: Johnl 09-Sep-1992 Created
APIERR CheckLMService( void ) {
APIERR err = NERR_Success ;
// we almost always hit the wksta soon after this call & the wksta
// is usually started. so this check will avoid paging in the service
// controller. it just ends up paging in the wksta a bit earlier.
// only if the call fails do we hit the service controller for the
// actual status.
WKSTA_10 wksta_10 ;
if ( (wksta_10.QueryError() == NERR_Success) && (wksta_10.GetInfo() == NERR_Success) ) { return NERR_Success ; }
LM_SERVICE service( NULL, (const TCHAR *)SERVICE_WORKSTATION ); if ( err = service.QueryError() ) { return err ; }
switch ( service.QueryStatus( &err ) ) { case LM_SVC_STOPPED: case LM_SVC_STOPPING: if ( !err ) err = WN_NO_NETWORK ; TRACEEOL("::CheckLMService - Returning WN_NO_NETWORK") ; break ;
case LM_SVC_STARTING: if ( !err ) err = WN_FUNCTION_BUSY ; TRACEEOL("::CheckLMService - Returning WN_FUNCTION_BUSY") ; break ;
case LM_SVC_STATUS_UNKNOWN: case LM_SVC_STARTED: case LM_SVC_PAUSED: case LM_SVC_PAUSING: case LM_SVC_CONTINUING: default: /* Return unadultered error code
*/ break ; }
return err ; }
NAME: ParseRemoteName
SYNOPSIS: Canonicalizes a remote resource name and determines its type
ARGUMENTS: RemoteName - Remote resource name to be parsed CanonName - Buffer for canonicalized name, assumed to be MAX_PATH characters long CanonNameSize - Size, in bytes, of output buffer PathStart - Set to the offset, in characters, of the start of the "\share" portion (in the REMOTENAMETYPE_SHARE case) or the "\path" portion (in the REMOTENAMETYPE_PATH case) of the name within CanonName. Not set in other cases.
RETURNS: If nlsRemote is like Then returns -------------------- ------------ workgroup REMOTENAMETYPE_WORKGROUP \\server REMOTENAMETYPE_SERVER \\server\share REMOTENAMETYPE_SHARE \\server\share\path REMOTENAMETYPE_PATH (other) REMOTENAMETYPE_INVALID
HISTORY: AnirudhS 21-Apr-1995 Ported from Win95 sources - used netlib functions rather than ad hoc parsing, introduced comments
REMOTENAMETYPE ParseRemoteName( IN LPWSTR RemoteName, OUT LPWSTR CanonName, IN DWORD CanonNameSize, OUT PULONG PathStart ) { //
// Determine the path type
DWORD PathType = 0; NET_API_STATUS Status = I_NetPathType(NULL, RemoteName, &PathType, 0);
if (Status != NERR_Success) { return REMOTENAMETYPE_INVALID; }
// I_NetPathType doesn't give us quite as fine a classification of
// path types as we need, so we still need to do a little more parsing
switch (PathType) { case ITYPE_PATH_RELND: //
// A driveless relative path
// A valid workgroup or domain name would be classified as
// such, but it still needs to be validated as a workgroup name
Status = I_NetNameCanonicalize( NULL, // ServerName
RemoteName, // Name
CanonName, // Outbuf
CanonNameSize, // OutbufLen
0 // Flags
if (Status == NERR_Success) { return REMOTENAMETYPE_WORKGROUP; } else { return REMOTENAMETYPE_INVALID; }
// A UNC computername, "\\server"
{ //
// HACK: I_NetPathCanonicalize likes "\\server\share" but not
// "\\server", so append a dummy share name to canonicalize.
// We assume that the CanonName buffer will still be big
// enough (which it will, in the calls made from this file).
if (wcslen(RemoteName) + 3 > NNLEN) { return REMOTENAMETYPE_INVALID; } WCHAR wszDummy[NNLEN]; wcscpy(wszDummy, RemoteName); wcscat(wszDummy, L"\\a");
UIASSERT(CanonNameSize >= sizeof(wszDummy)); PathType = ITYPE_UNC; Status = I_NetPathCanonicalize( NULL, // ServerName
wszDummy, // PathName
CanonName, // Outbuf
CanonNameSize, // OutbufLen
NULL, // Prefix
&PathType, // PathType
0 // Flags
); }
if (Status != NERR_Success) { return REMOTENAMETYPE_INVALID; }
CanonName[ wcslen(CanonName) - 2 ] = 0;
case ITYPE_UNC: //
// A UNC path, either "\\server\share" or "\\server\share\path" -
// canonicalize and determine which one
Status = I_NetPathCanonicalize( NULL, // ServerName
RemoteName, // PathName
CanonName, // Outbuf
CanonNameSize, // OutbufLen
NULL, // Prefix
&PathType, // PathType
0 // Flags
); if (Status != NERR_Success) { return REMOTENAMETYPE_INVALID; }
{ WCHAR * pSlash = wcschr(CanonName+2, PATH_SEPARATOR); UIASSERT(pSlash); *PathStart = (ULONG)(pSlash - CanonName);
// Look for a fourth slash
pSlash = wcschr(pSlash+1, PATH_SEPARATOR); if (pSlash) { *PathStart = (ULONG)(pSlash - CanonName); return REMOTENAMETYPE_PATH; } else { return REMOTENAMETYPE_SHARE; } }
default: return REMOTENAMETYPE_INVALID; } }