Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: PCH_SystemHook.CPP
Abstract: WBEM provider class implementation for PCH_SystemHook class
Revision History:
Ghim-Sim Chua (gschua) 05/05/99 - Created
Jim Martin (a-jammar) 06/01/99 - Populated data, added Dr. Watson code.
#include "pchealth.h"
#include "PCH_SystemHook.h"
// tracing stuff
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__; #define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
// Property names
const static WCHAR * pTimeStamp = L"TimeStamp"; const static WCHAR * pChange = L"Change"; const static WCHAR * pApplication = L"Application"; const static WCHAR * pApplicationPath = L"ApplicationPath"; const static WCHAR * pDLLPath = L"DLLPath"; const static WCHAR * pFullPath = L"FullPath"; const static WCHAR * pHookedBy = L"HookedBy"; const static WCHAR * pHookType = L"HookType";
// Here's a simple collection class to hold the hook information.
class CHookInfo { public: CHookInfo() : m_pList(NULL) {}; ~CHookInfo();
BOOL QueryHooks(); BOOL GetHook(DWORD dwIndex, int * iHook, char ** pszDll, char ** pszExe);
private: // Functions pulled from the Dr. Watson code.
BOOL NTAPI Hook_PreInit(); void NTAPI Hook_RecordHook(PHOOK16 phk, PHOOKWALKINFO phwi);
// A struct to hold each parsed hook.
struct SHookItem { int m_iHook; char m_szHookDll[MAX_PATH]; char m_szHookExe[MAX_PATH]; SHookItem * m_pNext;
SHookItem(int iHook, const char * szDll, const char * szExe, SHookItem * pNext) : m_iHook(iHook), m_pNext(pNext) { strcpy(m_szHookDll, szDll); strcpy(m_szHookExe, szExe); } };
SHookItem * m_pList; };
// The destructor gets rid of the list of hooks.
CHookInfo::~CHookInfo() { TraceFunctEnter("CHookInfo::~CHookInfo"); SHookItem * pNext; while (m_pList) { pNext = m_pList->m_pNext; delete m_pList; m_pList = pNext; } TraceFunctLeave(); }
// QueryHooks creates the list of system hooks (by calling the Dr. Watson code).
extern "C" void ThunkInit(void); BOOL CHookInfo::QueryHooks() { ThunkInit(); return Hook_PreInit(); }
// GetHook returns information for the hook specified by dwIndex. If there is
// no hook at that index, FALSE is returned. The string pointers are changed
// to point at the appropriate strings in the CHookInfo list. This pointers
// will be invalid when the CHookInfo object is destroyed.
BOOL CHookInfo::GetHook(DWORD dwIndex, int * iHook, char ** pszDll, char ** pszExe) { TraceFunctEnter("CHookInfo::GetHook");
SHookItem * pItem = m_pList; BOOL fReturn = FALSE;
for (DWORD i = 0; i < dwIndex && pItem; i++) pItem = pItem->m_pNext;
if (pItem) { *iHook = pItem->m_iHook; *pszDll = pItem->m_szHookDll; *pszExe = pItem->m_szHookExe; fReturn = TRUE; }
TraceFunctLeave(); return fReturn; }
// The following table is used for indicating the hook type. It's referenced
// by the iHook value returned from CHookInfo::GetHook. One has to be added
// to the iHook value to reference this table, since it starts from -1.
LPCTSTR aszHookType[] = { _T("Message Filter"), _T("Journal Record"), _T("Journal Playback"), _T("Keyboard"), _T("GetMessage"), _T("Window Procedure"), _T("CBT"), _T("System MsgFilter"), _T("Mouse"), _T("Hardware"), _T("Debug"), _T("Shell"), _T("Foreground Idle"), _T("Window Procedure Result") };
// The EnumeratInstances function is called by WMI to enurate the instances
// of the class. Here we use the CHookInfo class to create a list of system
// hooks which we enumerate, creating a WMI object for each one.
HRESULT CPCH_SystemHook::EnumerateInstances(MethodContext * pMethodContext, long lFlags) { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_SystemHook::EnumerateInstances"); HRESULT hRes = WBEM_S_NO_ERROR;
// Get the date and time
SYSTEMTIME stUTCTime; GetSystemTime(&stUTCTime);
CHookInfo hookinfo; if (hookinfo.QueryHooks()) { int iHook; char * szDll; char * szExe;
for (DWORD dwIndex = 0; hookinfo.GetHook(dwIndex, &iHook, &szDll, &szExe); dwIndex++) { CInstancePtr pInstance(CreateNewInstance(pMethodContext), false);
// Set the change and timestamp fields to "Snapshot" and the current time.
if (!pInstance->SetDateTime(pTimeStamp, WBEMTime(stUTCTime))) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetDateTime on Timestamp field failed.");
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pChange, L"Snapshot")) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on Change field failed.");
// Set the properties we found for the hook.
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pDLLPath, szDll)) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on DLL field failed.");
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pApplicationPath, szExe)) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on application path field failed.");
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pApplication, PathFindFileName(szExe))) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on application field failed.");
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pFullPath, szDll)) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on pFullPath field failed.");
if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pHookedBy, PathFindFileName(szDll))) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on pHookedBy field failed.");
if (iHook >= -1 && iHook <= 12) { if (!pInstance->SetCHString(pHookType, aszHookType[iHook + 1])) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetCHString on pHookType field failed."); } else ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Bad hook type.");
hRes = pInstance->Commit(); if (FAILED(hRes)) ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Commit on Instance failed."); } }
TraceFunctLeave(); return hRes; }
// Gather the system hook information.
TCHAR g_tszShell[MAX_PATH]; BOOL NTAPI CHookInfo::Hook_PreInit() { TraceFunctEnter("CHookInfo::Hook_PreInit");
// Initialize the g_tszShell variable if necessary.
if (!g_tszShell[0]) { TCHAR tszPath[MAX_PATH]; GetPrivateProfileString(TEXT("boot"), TEXT("shell"), TEXT("explorer.exe"), tszPath, cA(tszPath), TEXT("system.ini")); lstrcpy(g_tszShell, PathFindFileName(tszPath)); }
if (g_pvWin16Lock) { PV pvUser = MapSL((PV)MAKELONG(0, (DWORD)g_hinstUser)); LPWORD pwRghhk; DWORD dwHhk;
dwHhk = GetUserHookTable();
switch (HIWORD(dwHhk)) { case 1: // We "know" the structure of the USER hook chain
// of type 1.
pwRghhk = (LPWORD)pvAddPvCb(pvUser, LOWORD(dwHhk) + 2); break;
default: // Unknown hook style. Oh well.
pwRghhk = 0; break; }
if (pwRghhk) { // Walk the hook list (under the Win16 lock)
// and parse out each installed hook.
int ihk; HOOKWALKINFO hwi;
for (ihk = WH_MIN; ihk <= WH_MAX; ihk++) { WORD hhk = pwRghhk[ihk]; while (hhk) { PHOOK16 phk = (PHOOK16)pvAddPvCb(pvUser, hhk); if (phk->hkMagic != HK_MAGIC || phk->idHook != ihk) break; // Weird. Stop before we GPF
Hook_RecordHook(phk, &hwi); hhk = phk->phkNext; fRc = TRUE; } }
LeaveSysLevel(g_pvWin16Lock); } }
TraceFunctLeave(); return fRc; }
// Record information about a single hook during the hookwalk process.
void NTAPI CHookInfo::Hook_RecordHook(PHOOK16 phk, PHOOKWALKINFO phwi) { TraceFunctEnter("CHookInfo::Hook_RecordHook");
HOOKINFO hi; PQ16 pq;
hi.iHook = phk->idHook;
// Get the name of the app that installed the hook.
// We wished we could pass the queue handle to GetModuleFileName,
// but that will just return USER.
// It is possible that the queue is null; this means that the
// hook was installed by a device driver (like XMOUSE).
pq = (PQ16)MapSL((PV)MAKELONG(0, phk->hqCreator)); if (pq) GetModuleFileName16(pq->htask, hi.szHookExe, cA(hi.szHookExe)); else hi.szHookExe[0] = TEXT('\0');
// Now get the DLL name. This varies depending on whether the
// DLL is 16-bit or 32-bit.
if (phk->uiFlags & HOOK_32BIT) { // If a 32-bit hook, then the DLL name is saved in an atom.
GetUserAtomName(phk->atomModule, hi.szHookDll); PathAdjustCase(hi.szHookDll, 0); } else { // If a 16-bit hook, then the DLL name is saved as hmodule16.
GetModuleFileName16((HMODULE16)phk->hmodOwner, hi.szHookDll, cA(hi.szHookDll)); PathAdjustCase(hi.szHookDll, 1); }
// Add the hook to the collection of hooks. Don't add the explorer shell to the
// list.
if (hi.iHook != WH_SHELL || lstrcmpi(PathFindFileName(hi.szHookExe), g_tszShell) != 0) { SHookItem * pNew = new SHookItem(hi.iHook, hi.szHookDll, hi.szHookExe, m_pList); if (pNew) m_pList = pNew; else throw CHeap_Exception(CHeap_Exception::E_ALLOCATION_ERROR); }
TraceFunctLeave(); }
// Function pulled in from Dr. Watson.
// If f16, then it is a 16-bit thing, and we uppercase it all.
// If !f16, then it is a 32-bit thing, and we uppercase the
// first and downcase the rest.
// If the first letter is a DBCS thing, then we don't touch it.
void NTAPI PathAdjustCase(LPSTR psz, BOOL f16) { TraceFunctEnter("PathAdjustCase");
psz = PathFindFileName(psz);
if (f16) CharUpper(psz); else if (!IsDBCSLeadByte(*psz)) { CharUpperBuff(psz, 1); CharLower(psz+1); }
TraceFunctLeave(); }