Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation Module Name: PCH_Winsock.CPP
Abstract: WBEM provider class implementation for PCH_Winsock class. This class does not use any existing Win32 Class
Revision History: Kalyani Narlanka (kalyanin) 04/27/99 - Created
Kalyani Narlanka (kalyanin) 05/10/99 - Added Name, Size, Version, Description, SystemStatus, MaxUDP, MAXSockets, Change, Timestamp
// #includes
#include "pchealth.h"
#include "PCH_WINSOCK.h"
// #defines
// nMajorVersion represents the Major Version as seen in OSVERSIONINFO
#define nMajorVersion 4
// nMinorVersion represents the Minor Version as seen in OSVERSIONINFO
#define nMinorVersion 10
// Begin Tracing stuff
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__; #define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
// End Tracing stuff
//....Properties of PCHWinsock Class
const static WCHAR* pTimeStamp = L"TimeStamp" ; const static WCHAR* pChange = L"Change" ; const static WCHAR* pDescription = L"Description" ; const static WCHAR* pMaxSockets = L"MaxSockets" ; const static WCHAR* pMaxUDP = L"MaxUDP" ; const static WCHAR* pName = L"Name" ; const static WCHAR* pSize = L"Size" ; const static WCHAR* pSystemStatus = L"SystemStatus" ; const static WCHAR* pVersion = L"Version" ;
// Function Name : CPCH_WINSOCK::EnumerateInstances
// Input Parameters : pMethodContext : Pointer to the MethodContext for
// communication with WinMgmt.
// lFlags : Long that contains the flags described
// in IWbemServices::CreateInstanceEnumAsync
// Note that the following flags are handled
// by (and filtered out by) WinMgmt:
// Output Parameters : None
// Returns : WBEM_S_NO_ERROR
// Synopsis : There is a single instance of this class on the machine
// and this is returned..
// If there is no instances returns WBEM_S_NO_ERROR.
// It is not an error to have no instances.
HRESULT CPCH_WINSOCK::EnumerateInstances(MethodContext* pMethodContext, long lFlags) { TraceFunctEnter("CPCH_Winsock::EnumerateInstances");
// Begin Declarations...................................................
// PCH_WinSock Class instance
// CInstance *pPCHWinsockInstance;
// Strings
TCHAR tchBuf[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tchTemp[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szDirectory[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR tchWinsockDll[MAX_PATH];
LPCTSTR lpctstrWS2_32Dll = _T("ws2_32.dll"); LPCTSTR lpctstrWSock32Dll = _T("wsock32.dll"); LPCWSTR lpctstrFileSize = L"FileSize"; LPCTSTR lpctstrWSAStartup = _T("WSAStartup"); LPCTSTR lpctstrWSACleanup = _T("WSACleanup");
// WORDs
WORD wVersionRequested;
// WSAData
WSADATA wsaData;
// CComVariants
CComVariant varValue; CComVariant varSnapshot = "Snapshot";
// ints
int nError;
// OSVersion
// SystemTime
// Strings
CComBSTR bstrWinsockDllWithPath;
BOOL fWinsockDllFound = FALSE;
struct _stat filestat;
ULONG uiReturn;
IWbemClassObjectPtr pWinsockDllObj;
BOOL fCommit = FALSE;
// END Declarations
// There is only one instance of PCH_Winsock class
// Create a new instance of PCH_Winsock Class based on the passed-in MethodContext
CInstancePtr pPCHWinsockInstance(CreateNewInstance(pMethodContext), false);
// Get the date and time to update the TimeStamp Field
hRes = pPCHWinsockInstance->SetDateTime(pTimeStamp, WBEMTime(stUTCTime)); if (FAILED(hRes)) { // Could not Set the Time Stamp
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "SetDateTime on Timestamp Field failed."); }
// CHANGE //
hRes = pPCHWinsockInstance->SetVariant(pChange, varSnapshot); if (FAILED(hRes)) { // Could not Set the Change Property
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Set Variant on Change Field failed."); }
// NAME //
// Before callling GetVersionEx set dwOSVersionInfoSize to the foll.
osVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if (GetVersionEx(&osVersionInfo) != 0) { if (osVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS) { if ((osVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion == nMajorVersion) && (osVersionInfo.dwMinorVersion >= nMinorVersion)) { _tcscpy(tchWinsockDll, lpctstrWS2_32Dll); } else if (osVersionInfo.dwMajorVersion > nMajorVersion) { _tcscpy(tchWinsockDll, lpctstrWS2_32Dll); } else { _tcscpy(tchWinsockDll, lpctstrWSock32Dll); } } //end of osVersionInfo.... if
else if (osVersionInfo.dwPlatformId == VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) { _tcscpy(tchWinsockDll, lpctstrWS2_32Dll); } else { _tcscpy(tchWinsockDll, lpctstrWS2_32Dll); } } //end of if GetVersionEx
else { _tcscpy(tchWinsockDll, lpctstrWS2_32Dll); }
// Got the right winsock DLL Name
// Load the Library
varValue = tchWinsockDll; hModule = LoadLibrary(tchWinsockDll); if (hModule == NULL) { goto END; } else { fCommit = TRUE; } try { hRes = pPCHWinsockInstance->SetVariant(pName, varValue); if (FAILED(hRes)) { // Could not Set the Change Property
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Set Variant on Name Field failed."); } } catch(...) { FreeLibrary(hModule); throw; } if ((WSAStartup = (LPFN_WSASTARTUP) GetProcAddress(hModule, lpctstrWSAStartup)) == NULL) { FreeLibrary(hModule); goto END; } if ((WSACleanup = (LPFN_WSACLEANUP) GetProcAddress(hModule, lpctstrWSACleanup)) == NULL) { FreeLibrary(hModule); goto END; }
try { wVersionRequested = MAKEWORD( 2, 0 ); nError = (*WSAStartup)( wVersionRequested, &wsaData ); if (nError != 0) { // Cannot get any winsock values
goto END; }
// SIZE //
fWinsockDllFound = getCompletePath(tchWinsockDll, bstrWinsockDllWithPath); if(fWinsockDllFound) { // Got the complete Path , use this to get the filesize.
if(SUCCEEDED(GetCIMDataFile(bstrWinsockDllWithPath, &pWinsockDllObj))) { // From the CIM_DataFile Object get the size property
CopyProperty(pWinsockDllObj, lpctstrFileSize, pPCHWinsockInstance, pSize); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
_stprintf(tchBuf, "%d.%d", LOBYTE(wsaData.wHighVersion), HIBYTE(wsaData.wHighVersion)); varValue = tchBuf; hRes = pPCHWinsockInstance->SetVariant(pVersion, varValue); if (FAILED(hRes)) { // Could not Set the Change Property
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Set Variant on Version Field failed."); } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// DESCRIPTION // KAYANI -9++***************************---------------------------------------------------------+++
if (_tcslen(wsaData.szDescription) < sizeof(tchBuf)) { _tcscpy(tchBuf, wsaData.szDescription); } else { _tcsncpy(tchBuf, wsaData.szDescription, sizeof(tchBuf)-1); tchBuf[sizeof(tchBuf)] = 0; }
varValue = tchBuf; hRes = pPCHWinsockInstance->SetVariant(pDescription, varValue); if(FAILED(hRes)) { // Could not Set the Change Property
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Set Variant on Description Field failed."); }
if (_tcslen(wsaData.szSystemStatus) < sizeof(tchBuf)) _tcscpy(tchBuf, wsaData.szSystemStatus); else { _tcsncpy(tchBuf, wsaData.szSystemStatus, sizeof(tchBuf)-1); tchBuf[sizeof(tchBuf)] = 0; } varValue = tchBuf; hRes = pPCHWinsockInstance->SetVariant(pSystemStatus, varValue); if (FAILED(hRes)) { // Could not Set the Change Property
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Set Variant on SystemStatus Field failed."); }
// MAXUDP //
if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wHighVersion) >= 2) { varValue = 0; } else { varValue = wsaData.iMaxUdpDg; } hRes = pPCHWinsockInstance->SetVariant(pMaxUDP, varValue); if (FAILED(hRes)) { // Could not Set the Change Property
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Set Variant on MAXUDP Field failed."); }
if (LOBYTE(wsaData.wHighVersion) >= 2) { varValue = 0; } else { varValue = wsaData.iMaxSockets; } hRes = pPCHWinsockInstance->SetVariant(pMaxSockets, varValue); if (FAILED(hRes)) { // Could not Set the Change Property
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Set Variant on MaxSockets Field failed."); } if(fCommit) { hRes = pPCHWinsockInstance->Commit(); if (FAILED(hRes)) { // Could not Commit
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "Commit failed."); } }
if(0 != (*WSACleanup)()) { // Could not Cleanup
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "WSACleanup failed."); } FreeLibrary(hModule); } catch(...) { if(0 != (*WSACleanup)()) { // Could not Cleanup
// Continue anyway
ErrorTrace(TRACE_ID, "WSACleanup failed."); } FreeLibrary(hModule); throw; }
END: TraceFunctLeave(); return hRes ;