Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name: faultrep.cpp
Abstract: Implements utility functions for fault reporting
Revision History: created derekm 07/07/00
// tracing
#include "stdafx.h"
#include "wtsapi32.h"
#include "userenv.h"
#include "frmc.h"
#include "tlhelp32.h"
#include "shimdb.h"
#include "dbgeng.h"
#ifdef THIS_FILE
#undef THIS_FILE
static char __szTraceSourceFile[] = __FILE__; #define THIS_FILE __szTraceSourceFile
// typedefs
// globals
// useful structs
struct SLangCodepage { WORD wLanguage; WORD wCodePage; };
// misc utility functions
* * localKill(WTS_USER_SESSION_INFO *SessInfo, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE lpKill) * kills the process for us. * *************************************************************/ DWORD LocalKill(HANDLE hProc) { USE_TRACING("localKill");
HMODULE hKernel = LoadLibraryW(L"kernel32"); if (hKernel) { lpKill = (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)GetProcAddress(hKernel, "ExitProcess"); FreeLibrary(hKernel); }
if (lpKill) { HANDLE hKillThrd= CreateRemoteThread( hProc, NULL, NULL, lpKill, 0, 0, NULL); if (hKillThrd) { CloseHandle(hKillThrd); return 1; } DBG_MSG("CreateRemoteThread failed"); // the fall-through is by design...
if(!TerminateProcess( hProc, 0 )) { DBG_MSG("TerminateProcess failed"); return 1; }
return 0; }
// **************************************************************************
void __cdecl TextLogOut(PCSTR pszFormat, ...) { va_list Args; HANDLE hFaultLog; SYSTEMTIME st; WCHAR wszSysDir[MAX_PATH]; DWORD cb, cbWritten; char szMsg[512];
cb = GetSystemDirectoryW(wszSysDir, sizeofSTRW(wszSysDir)); if (cb == 0 || cb >= sizeofSTRW(wszSysDir)) { // Couldn't get the system directory.
return; }
// assume system is on a local drive with a base path of "X:\"
wszSysDir[3] = L'\0'; if (StringCbCatW(wszSysDir, sizeof(wszSysDir), c_wszLogFileName) != S_OK) { // Overflow.
return; }
SetFilePointer(hFaultLog, 0, NULL, FILE_END);
GetSystemTime(&st); if (StringCbPrintfA(szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), "%02d-%02d-%04d %02d:%02d:%02d ", st.wDay, st.wMonth, st.wYear, st.wHour, st.wMinute, st.wSecond) == S_OK) { cb = strlen(szMsg); } else { cb = 0; }
WriteFile(hFaultLog, szMsg, cb, &cbWritten, NULL);
va_start(Args, pszFormat); if (StringCbVPrintfA(szMsg, sizeof(szMsg), pszFormat, Args) == S_OK) { cb = strlen(szMsg); } else { cb = 0; } va_end(Args); WriteFile(hFaultLog, szMsg, cb, &cbWritten, NULL);
CloseHandle(hFaultLog); }
// **************************************************************************
HMODULE MySafeLoadLibrary(LPCWSTR wszModule) { HMODULE hmod = NULL; PVOID pvLdrLockCookie = NULL; ULONG ulLockState = 0;
// make sure that no one else owns the loader lock because we
// could otherwise deadlock
LdrLockLoaderLock(LDR_LOCK_LOADER_LOCK_FLAG_TRY_ONLY, &ulLockState, &pvLdrLockCookie); if (ulLockState == LDR_LOCK_LOADER_LOCK_DISPOSITION_LOCK_ACQUIRED) { __try { hmod = LoadLibraryExW(wszModule, NULL, 0); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { hmod = NULL; } LdrUnlockLoaderLock(0, pvLdrLockCookie); }
return hmod; }
// **************************************************************************
static inline WCHAR itox(DWORD dw) { dw &= 0xf; return (WCHAR)((dw < 10) ? (L'0' + dw) : (L'A' + (dw - 10))); }
// **************************************************************************
BOOL IsASCII(LPCWSTR wszSrc) { const WCHAR *pwsz;
// check and see if we need to hexify the string. This is determined
// by whether the string contains all ASCII characters or not. Since
// an ASCII character is defined as being in the range of 00 -> 7f, just
// 'and' the wchar's value with ~0x7f and see if the result is 0. If it
// is, then the whcar is an ASCII value.
for (pwsz = wszSrc; *pwsz != L'\0'; pwsz++) { if ((*pwsz & ~0x7f) != 0) return FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
// **************************************************************************
BOOL IsValidField(LPWSTR wsz) { WCHAR *pwsz;
if (wsz == NULL) return FALSE;
for(pwsz = wsz; *pwsz != L'\0'; pwsz++) { if (iswspace(*pwsz) == FALSE) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// **************************************************************************
BOOL TransformForWire(LPCWSTR wszSrc, LPWSTR wszDest, DWORD cchDest) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; DWORD cch;
USE_TRACING("TransformForWire"); VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszSrc == NULL || wszDest == NULL || cchDest < 5)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
if (cchDest > 5) { // darn! Gotta convert every character to a 4 char hex value cuz this
// is what DW does and we have to match them
for (cch = 0; *wszSrc != L'\0' && cch + 4 < cchDest; cch += 4, wszSrc++) { *wszDest++ = itox((*wszSrc & 0xf000) > 12); *wszDest++ = itox((*wszSrc & 0x0f00) > 8); *wszDest++ = itox((*wszSrc & 0x00f0) > 4); *wszDest++ = itox((*wszSrc & 0x000f)); }
// if we don't see this, then we've got too small of a buffer
if (*wszSrc != L'\0' || cch >= cchDest) { hr = E_FAIL; goto done; }
*wszDest = L'\0'; }
else { hr = E_FAIL; }
done: return (SUCCEEDED(hr)); }
// ***************************************************************************
LPWSTR MarshallString(LPCWSTR wszSrc, PBYTE pBase, ULONG cbMaxBuf, PBYTE *ppToWrite, DWORD *pcbWritten) { DWORD cb; PBYTE pwszNormalized;
cb = (wcslen(wszSrc) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR);
if ((*pcbWritten + cb) > cbMaxBuf) return NULL;
RtlMoveMemory(*ppToWrite, wszSrc, cb);
// the normalized ptr is the current count
pwszNormalized = (PBYTE)(*ppToWrite - pBase);
// cb is always a mutliple of sizeof(WHCAR) so the pointer addition below
// always produces a result that is 2byte aligned (assuming the input was
// 2byte aligned of course)
*ppToWrite += cb; *pcbWritten += cb;
return (LPWSTR)pwszNormalized; }
// **************************************************************************
HRESULT GetVerName(LPWSTR wszModule, LPWSTR wszName, DWORD cchName, LPWSTR wszVer, DWORD cchVer, LPWSTR wszCompany, DWORD cchCompany, BOOL fAcceptUnicodeCP, BOOL fWantActualName) { USE_TRACING("GetVerName");
VS_FIXEDFILEINFO *pffi; SLangCodepage *plc; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; WCHAR wszQuery[128], *pwszProp = NULL; WCHAR *pwszPropVal; DWORD cbFVI, dwJunk, dwMSWin = 0; PBYTE pbFVI = NULL; UINT cb, cbVerInfo, i;
SLangCodepage rglc[] = { { 0, 0 }, // UI language if one exists
{ 0x409, 0x4B0 }, // unicode English
{ 0x409, 0x4E4 }, // English
{ 0x409, 0 }, // English, null codepage
{ 0 , 0x4E4 } }; // language neutral.
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszModule == NULL || wszName == NULL || cchName == 0)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
if (wszCompany != NULL) *wszCompany = L'\0'; if (wszVer != NULL) wcsncpy(wszVer, L"", cchVer);
if (fWantActualName) { *wszName = L'\0'; } else { for(pwszPropVal = wszModule + wcslen(wszModule); pwszPropVal >= wszModule && *pwszPropVal != L'\\'; pwszPropVal--); if (*pwszPropVal == L'\\') pwszPropVal++; wcsncpy(wszName, pwszPropVal, cchName); wszName[cchName - 1] = L'\0'; }
// dwJunk is a useful parameter. Gotta pass it in so the function call
// set it to 0. Gee this would make a great (tho non-efficient)
// way to set DWORDs to 0. Much better than saying dwJunk = 0 by itself.
cbFVI = GetFileVersionInfoSizeW(wszModule, &dwJunk); TESTBOOL(hr, (cbFVI != 0)); if (FAILED(hr)) { // if it fails, assume the file doesn't have any version info &
// return S_FALSE
hr = S_FALSE; goto done; }
// alloca only throws exceptions so gotta catch 'em here...
__try { __try { pbFVI = (PBYTE)_alloca(cbFVI); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { pbFVI = NULL; }
cb = cbFVI; TESTBOOL(hr, GetFileVersionInfoW(wszModule, 0, cbFVI, (LPVOID *)pbFVI)); if (FAILED(hr)) { // if it fails, assume the file doesn't have any version info &
// return S_FALSE
hr = S_FALSE; goto done; }
// determine if it's a MS app or windows componenet
dwMSWin = IsMicrosoftApp(NULL, pbFVI, cbFVI);
// get the real version info- apparently, the string can occasionally
// be out of sync (so says the explorer.exe code that extracts ver info)
if (wszVer != NULL && VerQueryValueW(pbFVI, L"\\", (LPVOID *)&pffi, &cb) && cb != 0) { WCHAR wszVerTemp[64]; StringCbPrintfW(wszVerTemp, sizeof(wszVerTemp), L"%d.%d.%d.%d", HIWORD(pffi->dwFileVersionMS),LOWORD(pffi->dwFileVersionMS), HIWORD(pffi->dwFileVersionLS),LOWORD(pffi->dwFileVersionLS)); StringCbCopyW(wszVer, cchVer, wszVerTemp); wszVer[cchVer - 1] = L'\0'; }
// try to figure out what the appropriate langage...
TESTBOOL(hr, VerQueryValueW(pbFVI, L"\\VarFileInfo\\Translation", (LPVOID *)&plc, &cbVerInfo)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LANGID langid; DWORD cLangs, iUni = (DWORD)-1; UINT uiACP;
langid = GetUserDefaultUILanguage(); cLangs = cbVerInfo / sizeof(SLangCodepage); uiACP = GetACP();
// see if there's a language that matches the default
for(i = 0; i < cLangs; i++) { // not sure what to do if there are multiple code pages for a
// particular language. Just take the first, I guess...
if (langid == plc[i].wLanguage && uiACP == plc[i].wCodePage) break;
// if we can accept the unicode code page & we encounter a
// launguage with it, then remember it. Note that we only
// remember the first such instance we see or one that matches
// the target language
if (fAcceptUnicodeCP && plc[i].wCodePage == 1200 && (iUni == (DWORD)-1 || langid == plc[i].wLanguage)) iUni = i; }
if (i >= cLangs && iUni != (DWORD)-1) i = iUni;
if (i < cLangs) { rglc[0].wLanguage = plc[i].wLanguage; rglc[0].wCodePage = plc[i].wCodePage; } }
for(i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (rglc[i].wLanguage == 0 && rglc[i].wCodePage == 0) continue;
StringCbPrintfW(wszQuery, sizeof(wszQuery), L"\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\FileVersion", rglc[i].wLanguage, rglc[i].wCodePage);
// Retrieve file description for language and code page 'i'.
TESTBOOL(hr, VerQueryValueW(pbFVI, wszQuery, (LPVOID *)&pwszPropVal, &cb)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cb != 0) { // want to get size of a normal char string & not a unicode
// string cuz we'd have to / sizeof(WCHAR) otherwise
pwszProp = wszQuery + sizeof("\\StringFileInfo\\%04x%04x\\") - 1; cbVerInfo = sizeof(wszQuery) - (ULONG) (((ULONG_PTR)pwszProp - (ULONG_PTR)wszQuery) * sizeof(WCHAR)); break; } }
// if we still didn't find anything, then assume there's no version
// resource. We've already set the defaults above, so we can bail...
if (pwszProp == NULL) { hr = NOERROR; goto done; }
if (wszCompany != NULL) { StringCbCopyW(pwszProp, cbVerInfo, L"CompanyName"); TESTBOOL(hr, VerQueryValueW(pbFVI, wszQuery, (LPVOID *)&pwszPropVal, &cb)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cb != 0) { wcsncpy(wszCompany, pwszPropVal, cchCompany); wszCompany[cchCompany - 1] = L'\0'; } }
// So to fix the case where Windows components did not properly update
// the product strings, we have to look for the FileDescription first.
// But since the OCA folks want only the description (convieniently
// when the fWantActualName field is set) then we need to only read
// the ProductName field.
if (fWantActualName) { StringCbCopyW(pwszProp, cbVerInfo, L"ProductName"); TESTBOOL(hr, VerQueryValueW(pbFVI, wszQuery, (LPVOID *)&pwszPropVal, &cb)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cb != 0 && IsValidField(pwszPropVal)) { wcsncpy(wszName, pwszPropVal, cchName); wszName[cchName - 1] = L'\0'; goto done; } }
else { StringCbCopyW(pwszProp, cbVerInfo, L"FileDescription"); TESTBOOL(hr, VerQueryValueW(pbFVI, wszQuery, (LPVOID *)&pwszPropVal, &cb)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cb != 0 && IsValidField(pwszPropVal)) { wcsncpy(wszName, pwszPropVal, cchName); wszName[cchName - 1] = L'\0'; goto done; }
if ((dwMSWin & APP_WINCOMP) == 0) { StringCbCopyW(pwszProp, cbVerInfo, L"ProductName"); TESTBOOL(hr, VerQueryValueW(pbFVI, wszQuery, (LPVOID *)&pwszPropVal, &cb)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cb != 0 && IsValidField(pwszPropVal)) { wcsncpy(wszName, pwszPropVal, cchName); wszName[cchName - 1] = L'\0'; goto done; } }
StringCbCopyW(pwszProp, cbVerInfo, L"InternalName"); TESTBOOL(hr, VerQueryValueW(pbFVI, wszQuery, (LPVOID *)&pwszPropVal, &cb)); if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && cb != 0 && IsValidField(pwszPropVal)) { wcsncpy(wszName, pwszPropVal, cchName); wszName[cchName - 1] = L'\0'; goto done; } }
// We didn't find a name string but we've defaulted
// the name and we may have other valid data, so
// return success.
hr = S_OK; done: return hr; }
// **************************************************************************
HRESULT GetErrorSignature(LPWSTR wszAppName, LPWSTR wszModName, WORD rgAppVer[4], WORD rgModVer[4], UINT64 pvOffset, BOOL f64Bit, LPWSTR *ppwszErrorSig, ULONG cchErrorSig) { ULONG cbNeeded; HRESULT hr; LPWSTR pwszFmt;
USE_TRACING("GetErrorSignature"); VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszAppName == NULL || wszModName == NULL || ppwszErrorSig == NULL));
if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
if (cchErrorSig == 0) { // we need to allocate memory
cbNeeded = c_cbManErrorSig + (wcslen(wszModName) + wcslen(wszAppName)) * sizeof(WCHAR); *ppwszErrorSig = (LPWSTR)MyAlloc(cbNeeded);
VALIDATEEXPR(hr, (*ppwszErrorSig == NULL), E_OUTOFMEMORY); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
cchErrorSig = cbNeeded / sizeof(WCHAR); }
#ifdef _WIN64
if (f64Bit) { pwszFmt = (LPWSTR) c_wszManErrorSig64;
} else #endif
{ pwszFmt = (LPWSTR) c_wszManErrorSig32; }
hr = StringCchPrintfW(*ppwszErrorSig, cchErrorSig, pwszFmt, wszAppName, rgAppVer[0], rgAppVer[1], rgAppVer[2], rgAppVer[3], wszModName, rgModVer[0], rgModVer[1], rgModVer[2], rgModVer[3], (LPVOID)pvOffset);
done: return hr; }
// **************************************************************************
HRESULT BuildManifestURLs(LPWSTR wszAppName, LPWSTR wszModName, WORD rgAppVer[4], WORD rgModVer[4], UINT64 pvOffset, BOOL f64Bit, LPWSTR *ppwszS1, LPWSTR *ppwszS2, LPWSTR *ppwszCP, BYTE **ppb) { HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPWSTR pwszApp, pwszMod, pwszAppVer=NULL, pwszModVer=NULL; LPWSTR wszStage1, wszStage2, wszCorpPath; DWORD cbNeeded, cch; WCHAR *pwsz; BYTE *pbBuf = NULL;
USE_TRACING("BuildManifestURLs"); VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszAppName == NULL || wszModName == NULL || ppwszS1 == NULL || ppwszS2 == NULL || ppwszCP == NULL || ppb == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
*ppb = NULL; *ppwszS1 = NULL; *ppwszS2 = NULL; *ppwszCP = NULL;
// hexify the app name if necessary
if (IsASCII(wszAppName)) { cch = (wcslen(wszAppName) + 1); __try { pwszApp = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { pwszApp = NULL; } if (pwszApp != NULL) StringCchCopyW(pwszApp, cch, wszAppName); else pwszApp = wszAppName; } else { cch = (4 * wcslen(wszAppName) + 1); __try { pwszApp = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { pwszApp = NULL; } if (pwszApp != NULL) { if (TransformForWire(wszAppName, pwszApp, cch) == FALSE) *pwszApp = L'\0'; } else { pwszApp = wszAppName; } }
// hexify the module name if necessary
if (IsASCII(wszModName)) { cch = (wcslen(wszModName) + 1); __try { pwszMod = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { pwszMod = NULL; } if (pwszMod != NULL) StringCchCopyW(pwszMod, cch, wszModName); else pwszMod = wszModName; } else { cch = (4 * wcslen(wszModName) + 1); __try { pwszMod = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { pwszMod = NULL; } if (pwszMod != NULL) { if (TransformForWire(wszModName, pwszMod, cch) == FALSE) *pwszMod = L'\0'; } else { pwszMod = wszModName; } }
// truncate the appname & modname as needed to 64 characters
if (63 < wcslen(pwszApp)) { pwszApp[64] = 0; ErrorTrace(1, "AppName trunc'd to \'%ls\'", pwszApp); } if (63 < wcslen(pwszMod)) { pwszMod[64] = 0; ErrorTrace(1, "ModName trunc'd to \'%ls\'", pwszMod); }
// then print the AppVer & ModVer, again truncating as needed
// This time, our limit is 24 characters
__try { pwszModVer = (LPWSTR)_alloca(50 * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { pwszModVer = NULL; } if (pwszModVer) { ZeroMemory(pwszModVer, 50 * sizeof(WCHAR)); pwszAppVer = pwszModVer + 25; StringCchPrintfW(pwszAppVer, 24, L"%d.%d.%d.%d", rgAppVer[0], rgAppVer[1], rgAppVer[2], rgAppVer[3]); StringCchPrintfW(pwszModVer, 24, L"%d.%d.%d.%d", rgModVer[0], rgModVer[1], rgModVer[2], rgModVer[3]); }
ErrorTrace(1, "AppName=%ls", pwszApp); ErrorTrace(1, "AppVer=%ls", pwszAppVer); ErrorTrace(1, "ModName=%ls", pwszMod); ErrorTrace(1, "ModVer=%ls", pwszModVer);
// determine how big of a buffer we need & alloc it
#ifdef _WIN64
if (f64Bit) cbNeeded = c_cbFaultBlob64 + 3 * (wcslen(pwszMod) + wcslen(pwszApp) + wcslen(pwszModVer) + wcslen(pwszAppVer)) * sizeof(WCHAR); else #endif
cbNeeded = c_cbFaultBlob32 + 3 * (wcslen(pwszMod) + wcslen(pwszApp) + wcslen(pwszModVer) + wcslen(pwszAppVer)) * sizeof(WCHAR);
pbBuf = (BYTE *)MyAlloc(cbNeeded); VALIDATEEXPR(hr, (pbBuf == NULL), E_OUTOFMEMORY); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// write out the actual strings
#ifdef _WIN64
if (f64Bit) { ULONG cchLeft = cbNeeded/sizeof(WCHAR);
wszStage1 = (WCHAR *)pbBuf; hr = StringCchPrintfW(wszStage1, cchLeft, c_wszManFS164, pwszApp, pwszAppVer, pwszMod, pwszModVer, pvOffset);
cch = wcslen(wszStage1); cchLeft -=cch +1; wszStage2 = wszStage1 + cch + 1; hr = StringCchPrintfW(wszStage2, cchLeft, c_wszManFS264, pwszApp, pwszAppVer, pwszMod, pwszModVer, pvOffset);
cch = wcslen(wszStage2); cchLeft -=cch +1; wszCorpPath = wszStage2 + cch + 1; hr = StringCchPrintfW(wszCorpPath, cchLeft, c_wszManFCP64, pwszApp, pwszAppVer, pwszMod, pwszModVer, pvOffset); cch = wcslen(wszCorpPath); } else #endif
{ ULONG cchLeft = cbNeeded/sizeof(WCHAR); wszStage1 = (WCHAR *)pbBuf; hr = StringCchPrintfW(wszStage1, cchLeft, c_wszManFS132, pwszApp, pwszAppVer, pwszMod, pwszModVer, (LPVOID)pvOffset);
cch = wcslen(wszStage1); cchLeft -=cch +1; wszStage2 = wszStage1 + cch + 1; hr = StringCchPrintfW(wszStage2, cchLeft, c_wszManFS232, pwszApp, pwszAppVer, pwszMod, pwszModVer, (LPVOID)pvOffset);
cch = wcslen(wszStage2); cchLeft -=cch +1; wszCorpPath = wszStage2 + cch + 1; hr = StringCchPrintfW(wszCorpPath, cchLeft, c_wszManFCP32, pwszApp, pwszAppVer, pwszMod, pwszModVer, (LPVOID)pvOffset); cch = wcslen(wszCorpPath); }
// need to convert all '.'s to '_'s cuz URLs don't like dots.
for (pwsz = wszStage1; *pwsz != L'\0'; pwsz++) { if (*pwsz == L'.') *pwsz = L'_'; }
// ok, on the end of the stage 1 URL is a .htm, and we really don't want to
// convert that '.' to a '_', so back up and reconvert it back to a '.'
pwsz -= 4; if (*pwsz == L'_') *pwsz = L'.';
*ppwszS1 = wszStage1; *ppwszS2 = wszStage2; *ppwszCP = wszCorpPath; *ppb = pbBuf;
pbBuf = NULL;
done: if (pbBuf != NULL) MyFree(pbBuf);
return hr; }
// **************************************************************************
HRESULT GetExePath(HANDLE hProc, LPWSTR wszPath, DWORD cchPath) { USE_TRACING("GetExePath");
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszPath == NULL || hProc == NULL || cchPath < MAX_PATH)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
hmod = MySafeLoadLibrary(L"psapi.dll"); TESTBOOL(hr, (hmod != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
pfn = (pfn_GETMODULEFILENAMEEXW)GetProcAddress(hmod, "GetModuleFileNameExW"); TESTBOOL(hr, (pfn != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
dw = (*pfn)(hProc, NULL, wszPath, cchPath); if (!dw) goto done; wszPath[cchPath-1] = 0; GetLongPathNameW(wszPath, wszPath, cchPath); done: dw = GetLastError();
if (hmod != NULL) FreeLibrary(hmod);
return hr; }
// ***************************************************************************
DWORD GetAppCompatFlag(LPCWSTR wszPath, LPCWSTR wszSysDir, LPWSTR wszBuffer, DWORD BufferChCount) { LPWSTR pwszFile, wszSysDirLocal = NULL, pwszDir = NULL; DWORD dwOpt = (DWORD)-1; DWORD cchPath, cch; UINT uiDrive;
if (wszPath == NULL || wszBuffer == NULL || wszSysDir == NULL) goto done;
// can't be a valid path if it's less than 3 characters long
cchPath = wcslen(wszPath); if (cchPath < 3) goto done;
// do we have a UNC path?
if (wszPath[0] == L'\\' && wszPath[1] == L'\\') { dwOpt = GRABMI_FILTER_THISFILEONLY; goto done; }
// ok, maybe a remote mapped path or system32?
StringCchCopyW(wszBuffer, BufferChCount, wszPath); for(pwszFile = wszBuffer + cchPath; *pwszFile != L'\\' && pwszFile > wszBuffer; pwszFile--); if (*pwszFile == L'\\') *pwszFile = L'\0'; else goto done;
cch = wcslen(wszSysDir) + 1; __try { wszSysDirLocal = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { wszSysDirLocal = NULL; } if (wszSysDirLocal == NULL) goto done;
// see if it's in system32 or in any parent folder of it.
StringCchCopyW(wszSysDirLocal, cch, wszSysDir); pwszDir = wszSysDirLocal + cch; do { if (_wcsicmp(wszBuffer, wszSysDirLocal) == 0) { dwOpt = GRABMI_FILTER_SYSTEM; goto done; }
for(; *pwszDir != L'\\' && pwszDir > wszSysDirLocal; pwszDir--); if (*pwszDir == L'\\') *pwszDir = L'\0';
} while (pwszDir > wszSysDirLocal);
// is the file sitting in the root of a drive?
if (pwszFile <= &wszBuffer[3]) { dwOpt = GRABMI_FILTER_THISFILEONLY; goto done; }
// well, if we've gotten this far, then the path is in the form of
// X:\<something>, so cut off the <something> and find out if we're on
// a mapped drive or not
*pwszFile = L'\\'; wszBuffer[3] = L'\0'; switch(GetDriveTypeW(wszBuffer)) { case DRIVE_UNKNOWN: case DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR: goto done;
done: return dwOpt; }
// ***************************************************************************
typedef BOOL (APIENTRY *pfn_SDBGRABMATCHINGINFOW)(LPCWSTR, DWORD, LPCWSTR); BOOL GetAppCompatData(LPCWSTR wszAppPath, LPCWSTR wszModPath, LPCWSTR wszFile) { pfn_SDBGRABMATCHINGINFOW pfn = NULL; HMODULE hmod = NULL; LPWSTR pwszPath = NULL, pwszFile = NULL; WCHAR *pwsz; DWORD cchSysDir, cchNeed, cchApp = 0, cchMod = 0, cchPath; DWORD dwModOpt = (DWORD)-1, dwAppOpt = (DWORD)-1; DWORD dwOpt; BOOL fRet = FALSE; HRESULT hr;
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszAppPath == NULL || wszFile == NULL || wszAppPath[0] == L'\0' || wszFile[0] == L'\0')); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; }
// load the apphelp dll.
cchNeed = GetSystemDirectoryW(NULL, 0); if (cchNeed == 0) goto done;
if (sizeofSTRW(c_wszAppHelpDll) > sizeofSTRW(c_wszKernel32Dll)) cchNeed += (sizeofSTRW(c_wszAppHelpDll) + 8); else cchNeed += (sizeofSTRW(c_wszKernel32Dll) + 8); __try { pwszPath = (WCHAR *)_alloca(cchNeed * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { pwszPath = NULL; } if (pwszPath == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; } cchPath = cchNeed;
cchSysDir = GetSystemDirectoryW(pwszPath, cchNeed); if (cchSysDir == 0) goto done;
cchApp = wcslen(wszAppPath); if (wszModPath != NULL) cchMod = wcslen(wszModPath); cchNeed = MyMax(cchApp, cchMod) + 8; __try { pwszFile = (WCHAR *)_alloca(cchNeed * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { pwszFile = NULL; } if (pwszFile == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
// find out the app & module option flag
dwAppOpt = GetAppCompatFlag(wszAppPath, pwszPath, pwszFile, cchNeed); if (wszModPath != NULL && wszModPath[0] != L'\0' && _wcsicmp(wszModPath, wszAppPath) != 0) { #if 0
dwModOpt = GetAppCompatFlag(wszModPath, pwszPath, pwszFile, cchNeed); // no need to grab system data twice. If we're already grabbing
// it for the app, don't grab it for the module. Yes, we may end
// up grabbing the mod twice if it happens to be one of the system
// modules, but that's ok.
// load the libarary
StringCchCopyW(&pwszPath[cchSysDir], cchPath - cchSysDir, L"\\apphelp.dll"); hmod = MySafeLoadLibrary(pwszPath); if (hmod == NULL) goto done;
// if we don't find the function, then just bail...
pfn = (pfn_SDBGRABMATCHINGINFOW)GetProcAddress(hmod, "SdbGrabMatchingInfo"); if (pfn == NULL) goto done;
// call the function to get the app data
if (dwAppOpt != (DWORD)-1) { dwOpt = dwAppOpt; if (dwModOpt != (DWORD)-1 || (dwModOpt != GRABMI_FILTER_SYSTEM && dwAppOpt != GRABMI_FILTER_SYSTEM)) dwOpt |= GRABMI_FILTER_NOCLOSE;
DBG_MSG("Grab app data"); __try { fRet = (*pfn)(wszAppPath, dwOpt, wszFile); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { fRet = FALSE; DBG_MSG("GrabAppData crashed");} if (fRet == FALSE) goto done; }
// call the function to get the mod data
if (dwModOpt != (DWORD)-1) { dwOpt = dwModOpt; if (dwAppOpt != (DWORD)-1) dwOpt |= GRABMI_FILTER_APPEND; if (dwAppOpt != GRABMI_FILTER_SYSTEM && dwModOpt != GRABMI_FILTER_SYSTEM) dwOpt |= GRABMI_FILTER_NOCLOSE;
DBG_MSG("Grab module data"); __try { fRet = (*pfn)(wszModPath, dwOpt, wszFile); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { fRet = FALSE; DBG_MSG("GrabModData crashed");} if (fRet == FALSE) goto done; }
// call the function to get the data for kernel32
if (dwModOpt != GRABMI_FILTER_SYSTEM && dwAppOpt != GRABMI_FILTER_SYSTEM) { StringCchCopyW(&pwszPath[cchSysDir], cchPath - cchSysDir, L"\\kernel32.dll");
dwOpt = GRABMI_FILTER_THISFILEONLY; if (dwModOpt != (DWORD)-1 || dwAppOpt != (DWORD)-1) dwOpt |= GRABMI_FILTER_APPEND;
DBG_MSG("Grab kernel data"); __try { fRet = (*pfn)(pwszPath, dwOpt, wszFile); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { fRet = FALSE; DBG_MSG("GrabKrnlData crashed");} if (fRet == FALSE) goto done; }
done: if (fRet == FALSE) DeleteFileW(wszFile); if (hmod != NULL) { __try { FreeLibrary(hmod); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { } }
return fRet; }
// ThreadStuff
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL FreezeAllThreads(DWORD dwpid, DWORD dwtidFilter, SSuspendThreads *pst) { THREADENTRY32 te; HANDLE hTokenImp = NULL; HANDLE hsnap = (HANDLE)-1, hth = NULL; HANDLE *rgh = NULL; DWORD dwtid = GetCurrentThreadId(); DWORD cThreads = 0, cSlots = 0, dw; BOOL fContinue = FALSE, fRet = FALSE;
if (pst == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; }
pst->rghThreads = NULL; pst->cThreads = 0;
// if we have an impersonation token on this thread, revert it back to
// full access cuz otherwise we could fail in the OpenThread API below.
// Even if we fail, we'll still try all the rest of the stuff below.
if (OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_READ | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, TRUE, &hTokenImp)) RevertToSelf();
hsnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPTHREAD, dwpid); if (hsnap == (HANDLE)-1) goto done;
ZeroMemory(&te, sizeof(te)); te.dwSize = sizeof(te);
fContinue = Thread32First(hsnap, &te); while(fContinue) { // only want to freeze threads in my process (not including the
// currently executing one, of course, since that would bring
// everything to a grinding halt.)
if (te.th32OwnerProcessID == dwpid && te.th32ThreadID != dwtidFilter) { hth = OpenThread(THREAD_SUSPEND_RESUME, FALSE, te.th32ThreadID); if (hth != NULL) { if (cSlots == cThreads) { HANDLE *rghNew = NULL; DWORD cNew = (cSlots == 0) ? 8 : cSlots * 2;
rghNew = (HANDLE *)MyAlloc(cNew * sizeof(HANDLE)); if (rghNew == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); CloseHandle(hth); goto done; }
if (rgh != NULL) CopyMemory(rghNew, rgh, cSlots * sizeof(HANDLE));
MyFree(rgh); rgh = rghNew; cSlots = cNew; }
// if the suspend fails, then just don't add it to the
// list...
if (SuspendThread(hth) == (DWORD)-1) CloseHandle(hth); else rgh[cThreads++] = hth;
hth = NULL; } }
fContinue = Thread32Next(hsnap, &te); }
pst->rghThreads = rgh; pst->cThreads = cThreads;
SetLastError(0); fRet = TRUE;
done: dw = GetLastError();
if (hTokenImp != NULL) { if (SetThreadToken(NULL, hTokenImp) == FALSE) dw = GetLastError(); CloseHandle(hTokenImp); }
if (fRet == FALSE && rgh != NULL) { DWORD i; for (i = 0; i < cThreads; i++) { if (rgh[i] != NULL) { ResumeThread(rgh[i]); CloseHandle(rgh[i]); } }
MyFree(rgh); }
// MSDN says to use CloseToolhelp32Snapshot() to close the snapshot.
// the tlhelp32.h header file says to use CloseHandle & doens't provide
// a CloseToolhelp32Snapshot() function. Hence, I'm using CloseHandle
// for now.
if (hsnap != (HANDLE)-1) CloseHandle(hsnap);
return fRet; }
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL ThawAllThreads(SSuspendThreads *pst) { DWORD i;
if (pst == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (pst->rghThreads == NULL) return TRUE;
for (i = 0; i < pst->cThreads; i++) { if (pst->rghThreads[i] != NULL) { ResumeThread(pst->rghThreads[i]); CloseHandle(pst->rghThreads[i]); } }
pst->rghThreads = NULL; pst->cThreads = 0;
SetLastError(0); return TRUE; }
// Minidump
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL WINAPI MDCallback(void *pvCallbackParam, CONST PMINIDUMP_CALLBACK_INPUT pCallbackInput, PMINIDUMP_CALLBACK_OUTPUT pCallbackOutput) { //USE_TRACING("MDCallback");
SMDumpOptions *psmdo = (SMDumpOptions *)pvCallbackParam;
if (pCallbackInput == NULL || pCallbackOutput == NULL || psmdo == NULL) return TRUE;
// what did we get called back for?
switch(pCallbackInput->CallbackType) { case ModuleCallback: pCallbackOutput->ModuleWriteFlags = psmdo->ulMod;
// only need to do this extra work if we're getting a minidump
if ((psmdo->dfOptions & dfCollectSig) != 0) { MINIDUMP_MODULE_CALLBACK *pmmc = &pCallbackInput->Module; LPWSTR pwsz = NULL;
// err, if we don't have a path, can't do squat, so skip it
if (pmmc->FullPath != NULL && pmmc->FullPath[0] != L'\0') { // is it the app?
if (_wcsicmp(pmmc->FullPath, psmdo->wszAppFullPath) == 0) { pCallbackOutput->ModuleWriteFlags |= ModuleWriteDataSeg; psmdo->rgAppVer[0] = HIWORD(pmmc->VersionInfo.dwFileVersionMS); psmdo->rgAppVer[1] = LOWORD(pmmc->VersionInfo.dwFileVersionMS); psmdo->rgAppVer[2] = HIWORD(pmmc->VersionInfo.dwFileVersionLS); psmdo->rgAppVer[3] = LOWORD(pmmc->VersionInfo.dwFileVersionLS);
// get a pointer to the end of the modulename string
for(pwsz = pmmc->FullPath + wcslen(pmmc->FullPath); *pwsz != L'\\' && pwsz > pmmc->FullPath; pwsz--); if (*pwsz == L'\\') pwsz++;
// get the app name, if we can make it fit
if (wcslen(pwsz) < sizeofSTRW(psmdo->wszApp)) StringCbCopyW(psmdo->wszApp, sizeof(psmdo->wszApp), pwsz); else StringCbCopyW(psmdo->wszApp, sizeof(psmdo->wszApp), L"unknown"); } }
// is it the module?
if (psmdo->pvFaultAddr >= pmmc->BaseOfImage && psmdo->pvFaultAddr <= pmmc->BaseOfImage + pmmc->SizeOfImage) { pCallbackOutput->ModuleWriteFlags |= ModuleWriteDataSeg; psmdo->rgModVer[0] = HIWORD(pmmc->VersionInfo.dwFileVersionMS); psmdo->rgModVer[1] = LOWORD(pmmc->VersionInfo.dwFileVersionMS); psmdo->rgModVer[2] = HIWORD(pmmc->VersionInfo.dwFileVersionLS); psmdo->rgModVer[3] = LOWORD(pmmc->VersionInfo.dwFileVersionLS);
if (pwsz == NULL) { // get a pointer to the end of the modulename string
for(pwsz = pmmc->FullPath + wcslen(pmmc->FullPath); *pwsz != L'\\' && pwsz > pmmc->FullPath; pwsz--); if (*pwsz == L'\\') pwsz++; }
if (pwsz != NULL && wcslen(pwsz) < sizeofSTRW(psmdo->wszMod)) { // get the full path if we can make it fit
if (wcslen(pmmc->FullPath) < sizeofSTRW(psmdo->wszModFullPath)) StringCbCopyW(psmdo->wszModFullPath, sizeof(psmdo->wszModFullPath), pmmc->FullPath); else psmdo->wszModFullPath[0] = L'\0';
// get the module name, if we can make it fit
if (wcslen(pwsz) < sizeofSTRW(psmdo->wszMod)) StringCbCopyW(psmdo->wszMod, sizeof(psmdo->wszMod), pwsz); else StringCbCopyW(psmdo->wszMod, sizeof(psmdo->wszMod), L"unknown");
psmdo->pvOffset = psmdo->pvFaultAddr - pmmc->BaseOfImage; } } } break;
case ThreadCallback: // are we collecting info for a single thread only?
if ((psmdo->dfOptions & dfFilterThread) != 0) { if (psmdo->dwThreadID == pCallbackInput->Thread.ThreadId) pCallbackOutput->ThreadWriteFlags = psmdo->ulThread; else pCallbackOutput->ThreadWriteFlags = 0; }
// or are we collecting special info for a single thread?
else if ((psmdo->dfOptions & dfFilterThreadEx) != 0) { if (psmdo->dwThreadID == pCallbackInput->Thread.ThreadId) pCallbackOutput->ThreadWriteFlags = psmdo->ulThreadEx; else pCallbackOutput->ThreadWriteFlags = psmdo->ulThread; }
// or maybe we're just getting a generic ol' minidump...
else { pCallbackOutput->ThreadWriteFlags = psmdo->ulThread; }
default: break; }
return TRUE; }
// **************************************************************************
BOOL InternalGenerateMinidumpEx(HANDLE hProc, DWORD dwpid, HANDLE hFile, SMDumpOptions *psmdo, LPCWSTR wszPath, BOOL f64bit) { #ifdef _WIN64
USE_TRACING("InternalGenerateMinidumpEx64(handle)"); #else
USE_TRACING("InternalGenerateMinidumpEx(handle)"); #endif
SMDumpOptions smdo; HRESULT hr = NULL; LPWSTR wszMod = NULL; DWORD cch, cchNeed; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (hProc == NULL || hFile == NULL || hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
#ifdef _WIN64
DBG_MSG(f64bit ? "64 bit fault" : "32 bit fault"); if (!f64bit) { cchNeed = GetSystemWow64DirectoryW(NULL, 0); } else #endif
{ cchNeed = GetSystemDirectoryW(NULL, 0); } TESTBOOL(hr, cchNeed != 0); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE;
cchNeed += (sizeofSTRW(c_wszDbgHelpDll) + 8); __try { wszMod = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cchNeed * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { wszMod = NULL; } TESTBOOL(hr, wszMod != NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
#ifdef _WIN64
if (!f64bit) { cch = GetSystemWow64DirectoryW(wszMod, cchNeed); } else #endif
{ cch = GetSystemDirectoryW(wszMod, cchNeed); } TESTBOOL(hr, cch != 0); if (FAILED(hr)) return FALSE;
if (*(wszMod + cch - 1) == L'\\') *(wszMod + cch - 1) = L'\0';
// default is to write everything for everything
if (psmdo == NULL) { ZeroMemory(&smdo, sizeof(smdo)); smdo.ulThread = c_ulThreadWriteDefault; smdo.ulMod = c_ulModuleWriteDefault; psmdo = &smdo; }
// if we're in the same process, we can't call the minidump APIs directly
// cuz we'll hang the process.
#ifdef _WIN64
if (!f64bit || dwpid == GetCurrentProcessId()) #else
if (dwpid == GetCurrentProcessId()) #endif
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszPath == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; }
DBG_MSG("Calling dumprep- same process as us");
wszFileName = wcsrchr(wszPath, L'\\'); if (!wszFileName) { wszFileName = (LPWSTR) wszPath; } else { wszFileName++; } cchShareMemName = cchNeed = wcslen(wszFileName) + 2; __try { wszShareMemName = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cchNeed * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { wszShareMemName = NULL; } TESTBOOL(hr, wszShareMemName != NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto doneProcSpawn; } StringCchCopyW(wszShareMemName, cchNeed, wszFileName);
cchNeed = sizeofSTRW(c_wszDRExeMD) + cch + 1; __try { wszExeFile = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cchNeed * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { wszExeFile = NULL; } TESTBOOL(hr, wszExeFile != NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto doneProcSpawn; } StringCchPrintfW(wszExeFile, cchNeed, c_wszDRExeMD, wszMod);
// 32 is the max size of a 64 bit decimal # & a 32 bit decimal #
cchNeed = sizeofSTRW(c_wszDRCmdLineMD) + cch + wcslen(wszPath) + 32 + cchShareMemName; __try { wszCmdLine = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cchNeed * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { wszCmdLine = NULL; } TESTBOOL(hr, wszCmdLine != NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto doneProcSpawn; }
AllocSD(&sd, ER_ACCESS_ALL, ER_ACCESS_ALL, 0); ZeroMemory(&sa, sizeof(sa)); sa.nLength = sizeof(sa); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = &sd; sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE;
hmem = CreateFileMappingW(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, &sa, PAGE_READWRITE, 0, sizeof(smdo), wszShareMemName);
if (sa.lpSecurityDescriptor != NULL) FreeSD((SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR *)sa.lpSecurityDescriptor);
TESTBOOL(hr, hmem != NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto doneProcSpawn;
pvmem = MapViewOfFile(hmem, FILE_MAP_WRITE | FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); TESTBOOL(hr, pvmem != NULL); if (FAILED(hr)) goto doneProcSpawn;
// copy that info into the shared memory
CopyMemory(pvmem, psmdo, sizeof(smdo));
ZeroMemory(&pi, sizeof(pi)); ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); si.cb = sizeof(si); StringCchPrintfW(wszCmdLine, cchNeed, c_wszDRCmdLineMD, dwpid, wszPath, wszShareMemName);
if (CreateProcessW(wszExeFile, wszCmdLine, NULL, NULL, TRUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &si, &pi)) { if (pi.hThread != NULL) CloseHandle(pi.hThread);
if (!pi.hProcess) { DWORD dwAwShit = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "Spawned process died: \'%S\', err=0x%x", wszCmdLine, dwAwShit); SetLastError(dwAwShit); } else { DWORD dwAwShit = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "Spawned process for dumprep: \'%S\', err=0x%x", wszCmdLine, dwAwShit); SetLastError(dwAwShit); } // wait 2m for the dump to be complete
if (pi.hProcess == NULL) DBG_MSG("bad hProc"); else { DWORD dwtmp = WaitForSingleObject(pi.hProcess, 120000);
if (dwtmp == WAIT_OBJECT_0) fRet = TRUE; else { ErrorTrace(1, "Wait failed! result=0x%x, hProc=0x%x, err=0x%x", dwtmp, pi.hProcess, GetLastError()); fRet = FALSE; } } } else { DWORD dwAwShit = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "Spawn failed: \'%S\', err=0x%x", wszCmdLine, dwAwShit); SetLastError(dwAwShit); }
if (fRet) { // copy back the results from pvmem -> psmdo
CopyMemory(psmdo, pvmem, sizeof(smdo)); DBG_MSG("Dumprep worked right!"); } else { DWORD dwAwShit = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "dumprep failed: err=0x%x", dwAwShit); SetLastError(dwAwShit); } doneProcSpawn: dw = GetLastError(); if (pvmem != NULL) UnmapViewOfFile(pvmem); if (hmem != NULL) CloseHandle(hmem); if (pi.hProcess != NULL) CloseHandle(pi.hProcess); SetLastError(dw); } else { MINIDUMP_EXCEPTION_INFORMATION mei, *pmei = NULL; MINIDUMP_CALLBACK_INFORMATION mci; DUMPWRITE_FN pfn; HMODULE hmod = NULL;
ZeroMemory(&mci, sizeof(mci)); mci.CallbackRoutine = MDCallback; mci.CallbackParam = psmdo;
// if we got exception paramters in the blob, use 'em...
if (psmdo->pEP != NULL) { ZeroMemory(&mei, sizeof(mei)); mei.ExceptionPointers = (PEXCEPTION_POINTERS)(DWORD_PTR)psmdo->pEP; mei.ClientPointers = psmdo->fEPClient; mei.ThreadId = psmdo->dwThreadID;
pmei = &mei; }
StringCchCatNW(wszMod, cchNeed, c_wszDbgHelpDll, cchNeed - wcslen(wszMod));
hmod = MySafeLoadLibrary(wszMod); if (hmod != NULL) { pfn = (DUMPWRITE_FN)GetProcAddress(hmod, "MiniDumpWriteDump"); if (pfn != NULL) { MINIDUMP_TYPE MiniDumpType; DWORD dwEC;
if (psmdo->fIncludeHeap) { MiniDumpType = (MINIDUMP_TYPE) (MiniDumpWithDataSegs | MiniDumpWithProcessThreadData | MiniDumpWithHandleData | MiniDumpWithPrivateReadWriteMemory | MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules); } else { MiniDumpType = (MINIDUMP_TYPE) (MiniDumpWithDataSegs | MiniDumpWithUnloadedModules); }
fRet = (pfn)(hProc, dwpid, hFile, MiniDumpType, pmei, NULL, &mci); if (!fRet) { ErrorTrace(0, "MiniDumpWriteDump failed: err=0x%x", GetLastError()); fRet = FALSE; } else { ErrorTrace(1, "MiniDumpWriteDump OK: fRet=%d, err=0x%x", fRet, GetLastError()); fRet = TRUE; } }
} }
done: return fRet; }
// **************************************************************************
BOOL InternalGenerateMinidump(HANDLE hProc, DWORD dwpid, LPCWSTR wszPath, SMDumpOptions *psmdo, BOOL f64bit) { #ifdef _WIN64
USE_TRACING("InternalGenerateMinidump64(path)"); #else
USE_TRACING("InternalGenerateMinidump(path)"); #endif
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (hProc == NULL || wszPath == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
// must share this file open, as it could be opened recursively...
// NULL);
hFile = CreateFileW(wszPath, FILE_READ_DATA | FILE_WRITE_DATA, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, 0, NULL); TESTBOOL(hr, (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace(1, "File create choked on %S", wszPath); return FALSE; }
// set the file to use NTFS compression- it is ok if this fails.
if(!DeviceIoControl(hFile, FSCTL_SET_COMPRESSION, &usCompress, sizeof(usCompress), NULL, 0, &dwDummy, FALSE)) { ErrorTrace(0, "Compression failed, err=0x%x", GetLastError()); }
fRet = InternalGenerateMinidumpEx(hProc, dwpid, hFile, psmdo, wszPath, f64bit);
// set the file to use NTFS compression- it is ok if this fails.
if(DeviceIoControl(hFile, FSCTL_GET_COMPRESSION, &usCompress, sizeof(usCompress), NULL, 0, &dwDummy, FALSE)) { ErrorTrace(0, "dmpFile(%S) %s compressed", wszPath, usCompress == COMPRESSION_FORMAT_NONE ? "not":"is"); } else { ErrorTrace(0, "Compression query failed, err=0x%x for file \'%S\'", GetLastError(), wszPath); }
CloseHandle(hFile); return fRet; }
// This generates a triage minidump on the given wszPath and then generates a
// full minidump on wszPath with c_wszHeapDumpSuffix
BOOL InternalGenFullAndTriageMinidumps(HANDLE hProc, DWORD dwpid, LPCWSTR wszPath, HANDLE hFile, SMDumpOptions *psmdo, BOOL f64bit) { #ifdef _WIN64
USE_TRACING("InternalGenFullAndTriageMinidumps(path)"); #else
USE_TRACING("InternalGenFullAndTriageMinidumps(path)"); #endif
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; BOOL fRet = FALSE; LPWSTR wszFullMinidump = NULL; DWORD cch; SMDumpOptions smdoFullMini;
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (hProc == NULL || wszPath == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return FALSE; }
if (hFile) { fRet = InternalGenerateMinidumpEx(hProc, dwpid, hFile, psmdo, wszPath, f64bit); } else { fRet = InternalGenerateMinidump(hProc, dwpid, wszPath, psmdo, f64bit); } if (!fRet) { return fRet; }
cch = wcslen(wszPath) + sizeofSTRW(c_wszHeapDumpSuffix); __try { wszFullMinidump = (WCHAR *)_alloca(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { wszFullMinidump = NULL; } if (wszFullMinidump) { LPWSTR wszFileExt = NULL;
ZeroMemory(&smdoFullMini, sizeof(SMDumpOptions)); memcpy(&smdoFullMini, psmdo, sizeof(SMDumpOptions));
// Build Dump-with-heap path
StringCchCopyW(wszFullMinidump, cch, wszPath); wszFileExt = wszFullMinidump + wcslen(wszFullMinidump) - sizeofSTRW(c_wszDumpSuffix) + 1; if (!wcscmp(wszFileExt, c_wszDumpSuffix)) { *wszFileExt = L'\0'; } StringCchCatW(wszFullMinidump, cch, c_wszHeapDumpSuffix);
smdoFullMini.fIncludeHeap = TRUE; fRet = InternalGenerateMinidump(hProc, dwpid, wszFullMinidump, &smdoFullMini, f64bit); } return fRet; }
BOOL CopyFullAndTriageMiniDumps( LPWSTR pwszTriageDumpFrom, LPWSTR pwszTriageDumpTo ) { BOOL fRet; LPWSTR wszFullMinidumpFrom = NULL, wszFullMinidumpTo = NULL; DWORD cch;
fRet = CopyFileW(pwszTriageDumpFrom, pwszTriageDumpTo, FALSE);
if (fRet) { LPWSTR wszFileExt;
cch = wcslen(pwszTriageDumpFrom) + sizeofSTRW(c_wszHeapDumpSuffix); __try { wszFullMinidumpFrom = (WCHAR *)_alloca(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { wszFullMinidumpFrom = NULL; }
if (wszFullMinidumpFrom) { StringCchCopyW(wszFullMinidumpFrom, cch, pwszTriageDumpFrom); wszFileExt = wszFullMinidumpFrom + wcslen(wszFullMinidumpFrom) - sizeofSTRW(c_wszDumpSuffix) + 1; if (!wcscmp(wszFileExt, c_wszDumpSuffix)) { *wszFileExt = L'\0'; } StringCchCatW(wszFullMinidumpFrom, cch, c_wszHeapDumpSuffix); }
cch = wcslen(pwszTriageDumpTo) + sizeofSTRW(c_wszHeapDumpSuffix); __try { wszFullMinidumpTo = (WCHAR *)_alloca(cch * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { wszFullMinidumpTo = NULL; } if (wszFullMinidumpTo) { StringCchCopyW(wszFullMinidumpTo, cch, pwszTriageDumpTo); wszFileExt = wszFullMinidumpTo + wcslen(wszFullMinidumpTo) - sizeofSTRW(c_wszDumpSuffix) + 1; if (!wcscmp(wszFileExt, c_wszDumpSuffix)) { *wszFileExt = L'\0'; } StringCchCatW(wszFullMinidumpTo, cch, c_wszHeapDumpSuffix); if (wszFullMinidumpFrom) { fRet = CopyFileW(wszFullMinidumpFrom, wszFullMinidumpTo, FALSE); }
} return fRet; }
HRESULT FindFullMinidump( LPWSTR pwszDumpFileList, LPWSTR pwszFullMiniDump, ULONG cchwszFullMiniDump ) //
// This Grabs dump file name from pwszDumpFileList and then derives the fullminidump name.
// The full dump is returned in pwszFullMiniDump.
{ LPWSTR wszSrch, wszFiles; LPWSTR wszOriginalDump = NULL; DWORD cchOriginalDump = 0; DWORD cchFile, cch; HRESULT Hr; HANDLE hFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (!pwszFullMiniDump || !pwszDumpFileList) { return E_INVALIDARG; } pwszFullMiniDump[0] = L'\0'; // Look through file list to find minidump file
wszFiles = pwszDumpFileList; while (wszFiles && *wszFiles) { wszSrch = wcschr(wszFiles, DW_FILESEP); if (!wszSrch) { wszSrch = wszFiles + wcslen(wszFiles); }
// wszSrch now points after end of first file in wszFiles
if (!wcsncmp(wszSrch - sizeofSTRW(c_wszDumpSuffix) + 1, c_wszDumpSuffix, sizeofSTRW(c_wszDumpSuffix) - 1)) { // its the dump file
cchOriginalDump = (DWORD) wcslen(wszFiles) - wcslen(wszSrch);
__try { wszOriginalDump = (WCHAR *)_alloca((cchOriginalDump+1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { wszOriginalDump = NULL; }
StringCchCopyNW(wszOriginalDump, cchOriginalDump+1, wszFiles, cchOriginalDump);
break; } wszFiles = wszSrch; if (*wszFiles == L'\0') { break; } wszFiles++; }
if ((wszOriginalDump == NULL) || (cchOriginalDump == 0)) { return E_INVALIDARG; }
// Now build the full dump file name
cch = (1 + cchOriginalDump + sizeofSTRW(c_wszHeapDumpSuffix)); if (cch > cchwszFullMiniDump) { return E_INVALIDARG; } StringCchCopyNW(pwszFullMiniDump, cch, wszOriginalDump, cchOriginalDump); pwszFullMiniDump[cchOriginalDump - sizeofSTRW(c_wszDumpSuffix) + 1] = L'\0'; StringCchCatW(pwszFullMiniDump, cch, c_wszHeapDumpSuffix);
// check if the dump exists. although we cannot do much if dump doesn't
// exist.
hFile = CreateFileW(pwszFullMiniDump, GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL); if (hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { Hr = S_OK; CloseHandle( hFile ); hFile = NULL; } else { Hr = E_FAIL; }
return Hr; }
// DW manifest mode utils
// **************************************************************************
EFaultRepRetVal StartDWManifest(CPFFaultClientCfg &oCfg, SDWManifestBlob &dwmb, LPWSTR wszManifestIn, BOOL fAllowSend, BOOL fReturnProcessHandle, DWORD dwTimeout) { USE_TRACING("StartDWManifest");
OSVERSIONINFOEXW ovi; EFaultRepRetVal frrvRet = frrvErrNoDW; STARTUPINFOW si; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPCWSTR pwszServer, pwszCorpPath; LPCWSTR wszBrand; HANDLE hManifest = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; WCHAR wszManifestTU[MAX_PATH+16], wszDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR wszBuffer[1025], wszBufferApp[MAX_PATH*2]; LPWSTR pwszMiniDump = NULL; DWORD cbToWrite, dw, dwFlags;
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (dwmb.wszStage2 == NULL || (dwmb.nidTitle == 0 && dwmb.wszTitle == NULL))); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; }
// if we get passed a manifest file & we can use it, then do so.
if (wszManifestIn != NULL && wszManifestIn[0] != L'\0' && wcslen(wszManifestIn) < sizeofSTRW(wszManifestTU)) { StringCbCopyW(wszManifestTU, sizeof(wszManifestTU), wszManifestIn); }
// ok, figure out the temp dir & then generate the filename
else { if (!GetTempPathW(sizeofSTRW(wszDir), wszDir) || !GetTempFileNameW(wszDir, L"DWM", 0, wszManifestTU)) { goto done; } }
// write the leading 0xFFFE out to the file
wszBuffer[0] = 0xFEFF; TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, wszBuffer, sizeof(wszBuffer[0]), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// write out the server, LCID, Brand, Flags, & title
// Server=<server>
// UI LCID=GetSystemDefaultLCID()
// Flags=fDWWhister + fDWUserHKLM + headless if necessary
// Brand=<Brand> ("WINDOWS" by default)
// TitleName=<title>
wszBrand = (dwmb.wszBrand != NULL) ? dwmb.wszBrand : c_wszDWBrand;
// determine what server we're going to send the data to.
pwszServer = oCfg.get_DefaultServer(NULL, 0); if (pwszServer == NULL || *pwszServer == L'\0') { pwszServer = (oCfg.get_UseInternal() == 1) ? c_wszDWDefServerI : c_wszDWDefServerE; }
if (oCfg.get_ShowUI() == eedDisabled) { DBG_MSG("Headless mode"); dwFlags = fDwWhistler | fDwHeadless | fDwUseHKLM | fDwAllowSuspend | fDwMiniDumpWithUnloadedModules; } else dwFlags = fDwWhistler | fDwUseHKLM | fDwAllowSuspend | fDwMiniDumpWithUnloadedModules;
if (fAllowSend == FALSE) dwFlags |= fDwNoReporting;
// if it's a MS app, set the flag that says we can have 'please help Microsoft'
// text in DW.
if (dwmb.fIsMSApp == FALSE) dwFlags |= fDwUseLitePlea;
if ((dwmb.dwOptions & emoUseIEforURLs) == emoUseIEforURLs) dwFlags |= fDwUseIE;
if ((dwmb.dwOptions & emoSupressBucketLogs) == emoSupressBucketLogs) dwFlags |= fDwSkipBucketLog;
if ((dwmb.dwOptions & emoNoDefCabLimit) == emoNoDefCabLimit) dwFlags |= fDwNoDefaultCabLimit;
if ((dwmb.dwOptions & emoShowDebugButton) == emoShowDebugButton) dwFlags |= fDwManifestDebug;
// Note that I am assuming that we do NOT have an impersionation token on
// this thread at this point. Later on, I will simply do a RevertToSelf()
// to get rid of this. If stuff changes such that an impersonation token
// is applied to the thread before this function is called, it will need
// to be saved away here and restored later.
// This impersonation is to take care of the case where the user is using
// a different language than system default
if (dwmb.hToken != NULL) { DBG_MSG("Impersonating"); // note that I don't care if this fails... It's necessary to call
// ImpersonateLoggedOnUser because the token is not an impersonation
// token and this fn deals with both primary and impersonation tokens
TESTBOOL(hr, ImpersonateLoggedOnUser(dwmb.hToken)); hr = NOERROR; }
// This function does not return a byte count
StringCbPrintfW(wszBuffer, sizeof(wszBuffer), c_wszManMisc, pwszServer, GetUserDefaultUILanguage(), dwFlags, wszBrand);
cbToWrite = wcslen(wszBuffer); cbToWrite *= sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, wszBuffer, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// write out the title text
{ LPCWSTR wszOut;
if (dwmb.wszTitle != NULL) { wszOut = dwmb.wszTitle; cbToWrite = wcslen(wszOut); } else { wszOut = wszBuffer; cbToWrite = LoadStringW(g_hInstance, dwmb.nidTitle, wszBuffer, sizeofSTRW(wszBuffer)); if (cbToWrite == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; } }
cbToWrite *= sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, wszOut, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; }
// write out dig PID path
// DigPidRegPath=HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows NT\\CurrentVersion\\DigitalProductId
TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManPID, sizeof(c_wszManPID) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// write out the registry subpath for policy info
// RegSubPath==Microsoft\\PCHealth\\ErrorReporting\\DW
TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManSubPath, sizeof(c_wszManSubPath) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// write out the error message if we have one
// ErrorText=<error text read from resource>
if (dwmb.wszErrMsg != NULL || dwmb.nidErrMsg != 0) { LPCWSTR wszOut;
TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManErrText, sizeof(c_wszManErrText) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
if (dwmb.wszErrMsg != NULL) { wszOut = dwmb.wszErrMsg; cbToWrite = wcslen(wszOut); } else { wszOut = wszBuffer; cbToWrite = LoadStringW(g_hInstance, dwmb.nidErrMsg, wszBuffer, sizeofSTRW(wszBuffer)); if (cbToWrite == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; } }
cbToWrite *= sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, wszOut, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; }
// write out the header text if we have one
// HeaderText=<header text read from resource>
if (dwmb.wszHdr != NULL || dwmb.nidHdr != 0) { LPCWSTR wszOut;
TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManHdrText, sizeof(c_wszManHdrText) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
if (dwmb.wszHdr != NULL) { wszOut = dwmb.wszHdr; cbToWrite = wcslen(wszOut); } else { wszOut = wszBuffer; cbToWrite = LoadStringW(g_hInstance, dwmb.nidHdr, wszBuffer, sizeofSTRW(wszBuffer)); if (cbToWrite == 0) { SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); goto done; } }
cbToWrite *= sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, wszOut, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; }
// write out the plea text if we have one
// Plea=<plea text>
if (dwmb.wszPlea != NULL) { TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManPleaText, sizeof(c_wszManPleaText) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
cbToWrite = wcslen(dwmb.wszPlea) * sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, dwmb.wszPlea, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; }
// write out the ReportButton text if we have one
// ReportButton=<button text>
if (dwmb.wszSendBtn != NULL && dwmb.wszSendBtn[0] != L'\0') { TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManSendText, sizeof(c_wszManSendText) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
cbToWrite = wcslen(dwmb.wszSendBtn) * sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, dwmb.wszSendBtn, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; }
// write out the NoReportButton text if we have one
// NoReportButton=<button text>
if (dwmb.wszNoSendBtn != NULL && dwmb.wszNoSendBtn[0] != L'\0') { TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManNSendText, sizeof(c_wszManNSendText) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
cbToWrite = wcslen(dwmb.wszNoSendBtn) * sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, dwmb.wszNoSendBtn, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; }
// write out the EventLog text if we have one
// EventLogSource=<button text>
if (dwmb.wszEventSrc != NULL && dwmb.wszEventSrc[0] != L'\0') { TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManEventSrc, sizeof(c_wszManEventSrc) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
cbToWrite = wcslen(dwmb.wszEventSrc) * sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, dwmb.wszEventSrc, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; }
// write out the stage 1 URL if there is one
// Stage1URL=<stage 1 URL>
if (dwmb.wszStage1 != NULL && dwmb.wszStage1[0] != L'\0') { /*
* We don't look for a "Stage1URL=" string at the beginning of this, like * we do for Stage2 (below) . In an ideal world, we should not need to * check in either location, but we did find a problem with PnP reporting * code, so I do check for it there... */ cbToWrite = wcslen(dwmb.wszStage1) * sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, dwmb.wszStage1, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; }
// write out the stage 2 URL
// Stage2URL=<stage 2 URL>
if (dwmb.wszStage2 != NULL && dwmb.wszStage2[0] != L'\0') { if (wcsncmp(dwmb.wszStage2, c_wszManStageTwo, ARRAYSIZE(c_wszManStageTwo)-1)) { // if the "Stage2URL=" does not exist, add it!
TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManStageTwo, sizeof(c_wszManStageTwo) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; }
cbToWrite = wcslen(dwmb.wszStage2) * sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, dwmb.wszStage2, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; } else if (dwmb.wszErrorSig == NULL || dwmb.wszErrorSig[0] != L'\0') { // write out the Error Signature for DW if no Stage2
TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManErrSig, sizeof(c_wszManErrSig) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; }
// write out error signature
// ErrorSig=<error signature>
if (dwmb.wszErrorSig != NULL && dwmb.wszErrorSig[0] != L'\0') {
cbToWrite = wcslen(dwmb.wszErrorSig) * sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, dwmb.wszErrorSig, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
} // write out files to collect if we have any
// DataFiles=<list of files to include in cab>
if (dwmb.wszFileList != NULL && dwmb.wszFileList[0] != L'\0') { TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManFiles, sizeof(c_wszManFiles) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
cbToWrite = wcslen(dwmb.wszFileList) * sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, dwmb.wszFileList, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; }
// write out dump file with heap info if we have any
// Heap=<dump file which has heap info>
if (1) { __try { pwszMiniDump = (LPWSTR)_alloca((wcslen(dwmb.wszFileList) + 1) * sizeof(WCHAR)); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { pwszMiniDump = NULL; }
if (FindFullMinidump((LPWSTR)dwmb.wszFileList, pwszMiniDump, wcslen(dwmb.wszFileList) + 1) == S_OK) { if (pwszMiniDump != NULL && pwszMiniDump[0] != L'\0') { TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManHeapDump, sizeof(c_wszManHeapDump) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
cbToWrite = wcslen(pwszMiniDump) * sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, pwszMiniDump, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; } } }
// write out corporate mode subpath
// ErrorSubPath=<subpath for the error signature>
pwszCorpPath = oCfg.get_DumpPath(NULL, 0); if (pwszCorpPath != NULL && pwszCorpPath != L'\0' && dwmb.wszCorpPath != NULL && dwmb.wszCorpPath[0] != L'\0') { TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, c_wszManCorpPath, sizeof(c_wszManCorpPath) - sizeof(WCHAR), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
cbToWrite = wcslen(dwmb.wszCorpPath) * sizeof(WCHAR); TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, dwmb.wszCorpPath, cbToWrite, &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// since we only need then when pulling strings from faultrep.dll, can go
// ahead and restore ourselves. Note that we assume there was no previous
// impersonation token on the the thread.
if (dwmb.hToken != NULL) RevertToSelf();
// write out the final "\r\n"
wszBuffer[0] = L'\r'; wszBuffer[1] = L'\n'; TESTBOOL(hr, WriteFile(hManifest, wszBuffer, 2 * sizeof(wszBuffer[0]), &dw, NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
CloseHandle(hManifest); hManifest = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
// create the process
GetSystemDirectoryW(wszDir, sizeofSTRW(wszDir)); StringCbPrintfW(wszBufferApp, sizeof(wszBufferApp), c_wszDWExeKH, wszDir); StringCbPrintfW(wszBuffer, sizeof(wszBuffer), c_wszDWCmdLineKH, wszManifestTU);
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(si)); ZeroMemory(&dwmb.pi, sizeof(dwmb.pi));
si.cb = sizeof(si);
// check and see if the system is shutting down. If so, CreateProcess is
// gonna pop up some annoying UI that we can't get rid of, so we don't
// want to call it if we know it's gonna happen.
if (GetSystemMetrics(SM_SHUTTINGDOWN)) { DBG_MSG("Shutting down, report not sent"); goto done; }
// ErrorTrace(1, "Starting DW as: \'%S\' \'%S\'", wszBufferApp, wszBuffer);
// we're creating the process in the same user context that we're in
if (dwmb.hToken == NULL) { si.lpDesktop = L"Winsta0\\Default"; TESTBOOL(hr, CreateProcessW(wszBufferApp, wszBuffer, NULL, NULL, TRUE, CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE | NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, NULL, wszDir, &si, &dwmb.pi)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; }
// we're creating DW in a different user context. Note that we pretty
// much have to be running as local system for this to work.
// Note that the access check that CreateProcessAsUser makes appears to
// use the process token, so we do not need to remove any impersonation
// tokens at this point.
else { TESTBOOL(hr, CreateProcessAsUserW(dwmb.hToken, wszBufferApp, wszBuffer, NULL, NULL, FALSE, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS | CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT | CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, dwmb.pvEnv, wszDir, &si, &dwmb.pi)); if (FAILED(hr)) { ErrorTrace(1, "CreateProcessAsUser failed err=0x%x", GetLastError()); goto done; } }
// don't need the thread handle & we gotta close it, so close it now
CloseHandle(dwmb.pi.hThread); dwmb.pi.hThread = NULL;
// wait 5 minutes for DW to close. If it doesn't close by then, just
// return.
dw = WaitForSingleObject(dwmb.pi.hProcess, dwTimeout);
if (dw == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { /* We need to kill this process */ LocalKill(dwmb.pi.hProcess); CloseHandle(dwmb.pi.hProcess); DBG_MSG("Timeout error"); frrvRet = frrvErrTimeout; goto done; } else if (dw == WAIT_FAILED) { CloseHandle(dwmb.pi.hProcess); DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); ErrorTrace(0, "Wait failed: err=0x%x", dwErr); SetLastError(dwErr); goto done; } TESTBOOL(hr, GetExitCodeProcess(dwmb.pi.hProcess, &dw)); if (dw == STILL_ACTIVE) { DBG_MSG("Evil problem: DW process still active!"); frrvRet = frrvErrTimeout; goto done; }
if (!fReturnProcessHandle) { CloseHandle(dwmb.pi.hProcess); dwmb.pi.hProcess = NULL; }
if (dw == 0) { DBG_MSG("DW returned SUCCESS"); frrvRet = frrvOk; } else { ErrorTrace(0, "DW returned FAILURE (%d)", dw); frrvRet = frrvErr; }
done: // preserve the error code so that the following calls don't overwrite it
dw = GetLastError();
// Note again that we assume there was no previous impersonation token
// on the the thread before we did the impersonation above.
if (dwmb.hToken != NULL) RevertToSelf();
if (hManifest != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(hManifest);
if (FAILED(hr) || wszManifestIn == NULL) { DBG_MSG("Deleting manifest file"); DeleteFileW(wszManifestTU); }
return frrvRet; }
// Security
// **************************************************************************
BOOL CompareUserToProcessUser(PSID psidUser) { TOKEN_USER *ptuProc = NULL; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; HANDLE hTokenProc = NULL; DWORD cb;
USE_TRACING("CompareUserToProcessUser"); // fetch the token for the current process
TESTBOOL(hr, OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_READ, &hTokenProc)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done; // check the SID coming in
TESTBOOL(hr, IsValidSid(psidUser)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// fetch the sid for the user of the current process
GetTokenInformation(hTokenProc, TokenUser, NULL, 0, &cb); __try { ptuProc = (TOKEN_USER *)_alloca(cb); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { ptuProc = NULL; } VALIDATEEXPR(hr, (ptuProc == NULL), E_OUTOFMEMORY); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
TESTBOOL(hr, GetTokenInformation(hTokenProc, TokenUser, (LPVOID)ptuProc, cb, &cb)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
TESTBOOL(hr, IsValidSid(ptuProc->User.Sid)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
// are they equal?
VALIDATEEXPR(hr, (EqualSid(ptuProc->User.Sid, psidUser) == FALSE), Err2HR(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); goto done; }
done: if (hTokenProc != NULL) CloseHandle(hTokenProc);
return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
// **************************************************************************
USE_TRACING("DoUserContextsMatch"); // well, we pretty much only care about the user attached to WinSta0 since
// that's where the interactive user'll be at. If we don't have full
// access to it, we're not going to be able to create DW on it anyway, so
// just bail if we fail.
hwinsta = OpenWindowStationW(L"WinSta0", FALSE, ER_WINSTA_ALL); TESTBOOL(hr, (hwinsta != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
fRet = GetUserObjectInformationW(hwinsta, UOI_USER_SID, NULL, 0, &cbNeed); TESTBOOL(hr, (cbNeed != 0)); if (FAILED(hr)) { hr = E_FAIL; goto done; }
__try { psidUser = (PSID)_alloca(cbNeed); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { psidUser = NULL; } VALIDATEEXPR(hr, (psidUser == NULL), E_OUTOFMEMORY); if (FAILED(hr)) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); goto done; }
TESTBOOL(hr, GetUserObjectInformationW(hwinsta, UOI_USER_SID, psidUser, cbNeed, &cbGot)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
TESTBOOL(hr, CompareUserToProcessUser(psidUser)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
done: if (hwinsta != NULL) CloseWindowStation(hwinsta);
return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL DoWinstaDesktopMatch(void) { HWINSTA hwinsta = NULL; HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPWSTR wszWinsta = NULL; DWORD cbNeed = 0, cbGot; BOOL fRet = FALSE;
USE_TRACING("DoWinstaDesktopMatch"); hwinsta = GetProcessWindowStation(); TESTBOOL(hr, (hwinsta != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
fRet = GetUserObjectInformationW(hwinsta, UOI_NAME, NULL, 0, &cbNeed); TESTBOOL(hr, (cbNeed != 0)); if (FAILED(hr)) { fRet = FALSE; goto done; }
cbNeed += sizeof(WCHAR);
__try { wszWinsta = (LPWSTR)_alloca(cbNeed); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { wszWinsta = NULL; } TESTBOOL(hr, (wszWinsta != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) { fRet = FALSE; goto done; }
cbGot = 0; fRet = GetUserObjectInformationW(hwinsta, UOI_NAME, wszWinsta, cbNeed, &cbGot); TESTBOOL(hr, (fRet != FALSE)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
ErrorTrace(0, "WinSta = %S", wszWinsta);
// 'Winsta0' should be the interactive window station for a given session
fRet = (_wcsicmp(wszWinsta, L"WinSta0") == 0);
done: return fRet; }
// ***************************************************************************
BOOL AmIPrivileged(BOOL fOnlyCheckLS) { SID_IDENTIFIER_AUTHORITY siaNT = SECURITY_NT_AUTHORITY; TOKEN_USER *ptu = NULL, *ptuImp = NULL; HANDLE hToken = NULL, hTokenImp = NULL; DWORD cb, cbGot, i; PSID psid = NULL; BOOL fRet = FALSE, fThread;
// local system has to be the first RID in this array. Otherwise, the
// loop logic below needs to be changed.
// gotta have a token to get the SID
fThread = OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_READ | TOKEN_IMPERSONATE, TRUE, &hTokenImp); if (fThread == FALSE && GetLastError() != ERROR_NO_TOKEN) goto done;
// revert back to base user acct so we can fetch the process token &
// extract all the nifty stuff out of it.
fRet = OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_READ, &hToken); if (fRet == FALSE) goto done;
// figure out the SID
fRet = GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenUser, NULL, 0, &cb); if (fRet != FALSE && GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { fRet = FALSE; goto done; } __try { ptu = (TOKEN_USER *)_alloca(cb); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { ptu = NULL; } if (ptu == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); fRet = FALSE; goto done; }
fRet = GetTokenInformation(hToken, TokenUser, (LPVOID)ptu, cb, &cbGot); if (fRet == FALSE) goto done;
fRet = IsValidSid(ptu->User.Sid); if (fRet == FALSE) goto done;
if (fThread) { // figure out the SID
fRet = GetTokenInformation(hTokenImp, TokenUser, NULL, 0, &cb); if (fRet != FALSE && GetLastError() != ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) { fRet = FALSE; goto done; } __try { ptuImp = (TOKEN_USER *)_alloca(cb); } __except(EXCEPTION_STACK_OVERFLOW == GetExceptionCode() ? EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER : EXCEPTION_CONTINUE_SEARCH) { ptuImp = NULL; } if (ptuImp == NULL) { SetLastError(ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY); fRet = FALSE; goto done; }
fRet = GetTokenInformation(hTokenImp, TokenUser, (LPVOID)ptuImp, cb, &cbGot); if (fRet == FALSE) goto done;
fRet = IsValidSid(ptuImp->User.Sid); if (fRet == FALSE) goto done; }
// loop thru & check against the SIDs we are interested in
for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) { fRet = AllocateAndInitializeSid(&siaNT, 1, rgRIDs[i], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &psid); if (fRet == FALSE) goto done;
fRet = IsValidSid(psid); if (fRet == FALSE) goto done;
fRet = EqualSid(psid, ptu->User.Sid); if (fRet) { // set this to false so that the code below will correctly change
// it to TRUE
fRet = FALSE; goto done; }
if (fThread) { fRet = EqualSid(psid, ptuImp->User.Sid); if (fRet) { // set this to false so that the code below will correctly
// change it to TRUE
fRet = FALSE; goto done; } }
FreeSid(psid); psid = NULL;
// if we only need to check for local system, can bail now (we've
// already done it if we've gone thru this loop once)
if (fOnlyCheckLS) break; }
// only way to get here is to fail all the SID checks above. So set the
// result to TRUE so the code below correclty changes it to FALSE
fRet = TRUE;
done: if (fThread && hTokenImp != NULL) { if (SetThreadToken(NULL, hTokenImp) == FALSE) fRet = FALSE; }
// if anything failed above, we want to return TRUE (cuz this puts us
// down the most secure code path), so need to negate the result. Since
// we set the fallthru case to TRUE, we'll correctly negate it to FALSE
// here.
fRet = !fRet;
// if we had an impersonation token on the thread, put it back in place.
if (hToken != NULL) CloseHandle(hToken); if (hTokenImp != NULL) CloseHandle(hTokenImp); if (fRet == TRUE && GetLastError() == ERROR_SUCCESS) SetLastError(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED); if (psid != NULL) FreeSid(psid);
return fRet; }
* WtsLockCheck- * returns TRUE if the session is locked. * The session can be marked as "Active", and can still be locked, if FUS * is active. */
BOOL WtsLockCheck(DWORD dwSession) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; DWORD dwRetSize;
WinStationQueryInformationW( SERVERNAME_CURRENT, dwSession, WinStationLockedState, &bRet, sizeof(bRet), &dwRetSize);
return bRet; }
// **************************************************************************
BOOL FindAdminSession(DWORD *pdwSession, HANDLE *phToken) { USE_TRACING("FindAdminSession");
ZeroMemory(&wsut, sizeof(wsut));
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (pdwSession == NULL || phToken == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
*pdwSession = (DWORD)-1; *phToken = NULL;
TESTBOOL(hr, WinStationEnumerateW(SERVERNAME_CURRENT, &rgSesn, &cSesn)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
wsut.ProcessId = LongToHandle(GetCurrentProcessId()); wsut.ThreadId = LongToHandle(GetCurrentThreadId());
for(i = 0; i < cSesn; i++) { if (rgSesn[i].State != State_Active) continue;
TESTBOOL(hr, WinStationQueryInformationW(SERVERNAME_CURRENT, rgSesn[i].SessionId, WinStationUserToken, &wsut, sizeof(wsut), &cb)); if (FAILED(hr)) continue;
if (wsut.UserToken != NULL) { if (IsUserAnAdmin(wsut.UserToken) && !WtsLockCheck(rgSesn[i].SessionId)) break;
CloseHandle(wsut.UserToken); wsut.UserToken = NULL; } }
if (i < cSesn) { hr = NOERROR; *pdwSession = rgSesn[i].SessionId; *phToken = wsut.UserToken; } else { hr = E_FAIL; }
done: if (rgSesn != NULL) WinStationFreeMemory(rgSesn);
return SUCCEEDED(hr); }
// Logging
// **************************************************************************
HRESULT LogEvent(LPCWSTR wszSrc, WORD wCat, DWORD dwEventID, WORD cStrs, DWORD cbBlob, LPCWSTR *rgwszStrs, LPVOID pvBlob) { USE_TRACING("LogEvent");
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszSrc == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
hLog = RegisterEventSourceW(NULL, wszSrc); TESTBOOL(hr, (hLog != NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
TESTBOOL(hr, ReportEventW(hLog, wErr, wCat, dwEventID, NULL, cStrs, cbBlob, rgwszStrs, pvBlob)); if (FAILED(hr)) goto done;
done: if (hLog != NULL) DeregisterEventSource(hLog);
return hr; }
// **************************************************************************
HRESULT LogHang(LPCWSTR wszApp, WORD *rgAppVer, LPCWSTR wszMod, WORD *rgModVer, ULONG64 ulOffset, BOOL f64bit) { USE_TRACING("LogHang");
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPCWSTR rgwsz[5]; WCHAR wszAppVer[32], wszModVer[32], wszOffset[32]; char szBlobLog[1024];
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszApp == NULL || rgAppVer == NULL || wszMod == NULL || rgModVer == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
StringCbPrintfW(wszAppVer, sizeof(wszAppVer), L"%d.%d.%d.%d", rgAppVer[0], rgAppVer[1], rgAppVer[2], rgAppVer[3]); StringCbPrintfW(wszModVer, sizeof(wszModVer), L"%d.%d.%d.%d", rgModVer[0], rgModVer[1], rgModVer[2], rgModVer[3]);
if (f64bit) StringCbPrintfW(wszOffset, sizeof(wszOffset), L"%016I64x", ulOffset); else StringCbPrintfW(wszOffset, sizeof(wszOffset), L"%08x", (DWORD)ulOffset);
StringCbPrintfA(szBlobLog, sizeof(szBlobLog), "Application Hang %S %S in %S %S at offset %S", wszApp, wszAppVer, wszMod, wszModVer, wszOffset);
rgwsz[0] = wszApp; rgwsz[1] = wszAppVer; rgwsz[2] = wszMod; rgwsz[3] = wszModVer; rgwsz[4] = wszOffset;
return LogEvent(c_wszHangEventSrc, ER_HANG_CATEGORY, ER_HANG_LOG, 5, strlen(szBlobLog), rgwsz, szBlobLog); }
// **************************************************************************
HRESULT LogUser(LPCWSTR wszApp, WORD *rgAppVer, LPCWSTR wszMod, WORD *rgModVer, ULONG64 ulOffset, BOOL f64bit, DWORD dwEventID) { USE_TRACING("LogUser");
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPCWSTR rgwsz[5]; WCHAR wszAppVer[32], wszModVer[32], wszOffset[32]; char szBlobLog[1024];
VALIDATEPARM(hr, (wszApp == NULL || rgAppVer == NULL || wszMod == NULL || rgModVer == NULL)); if (FAILED(hr)) return hr;
StringCbPrintfW(wszAppVer, sizeof(wszAppVer), L"%d.%d.%d.%d", rgAppVer[0], rgAppVer[1], rgAppVer[2], rgAppVer[3]); StringCbPrintfW(wszModVer, sizeof(wszModVer), L"%d.%d.%d.%d", rgModVer[0], rgModVer[1], rgModVer[2], rgModVer[3]);
if (f64bit) StringCbPrintfW(wszOffset, sizeof(wszOffset), L"%016I64x", ulOffset); else StringCbPrintfW(wszOffset, sizeof(wszOffset), L"%08x", (DWORD)ulOffset);
StringCbPrintfA(szBlobLog, sizeof(szBlobLog), "Application Failure %S %S in %S %S at offset %S", wszApp, wszAppVer, wszMod, wszModVer, wszOffset);
rgwsz[0] = wszApp; rgwsz[1] = wszAppVer; rgwsz[2] = wszMod; rgwsz[3] = wszModVer; rgwsz[4] = wszOffset;
return LogEvent(c_wszUserEventSrc, ER_USERFAULT_CATEGORY, dwEventID, 5, strlen(szBlobLog), rgwsz, szBlobLog); }
// **************************************************************************
#ifndef _WIN64
HRESULT LogKrnl(ULONG ulBCCode, ULONG64 ulBCP1, ULONG64 ulBCP2, ULONG64 ulBCP3, ULONG64 ulBCP4) #endif
{ USE_TRACING("LogKrnl");
HRESULT hr = NOERROR; LPCWSTR rgwsz[5]; WCHAR wszBCC[32], wszBCP1[32], wszBCP2[32], wszBCP3[32], wszBCP4[32]; char szBlobLog[1024]; #ifndef _WIN64
WCHAR szIntFormat[] = L"%08x"; #else
WCHAR szIntFormat[] = L"%016I64x"; #endif
StringCbPrintfW(wszBCC, sizeof(wszBCC), szIntFormat, ulBCCode); StringCbPrintfW(wszBCP1, sizeof(wszBCP1), szIntFormat, ulBCP1); StringCbPrintfW(wszBCP2, sizeof(wszBCP2), szIntFormat, ulBCP2); StringCbPrintfW(wszBCP3, sizeof(wszBCP3), szIntFormat, ulBCP3); StringCbPrintfW(wszBCP4, sizeof(wszBCP4), szIntFormat, ulBCP4);
StringCbPrintfA(szBlobLog, sizeof(szBlobLog), "System Error Error code %S Parameters %S, %S, %S, %S", wszBCC, wszBCP1, wszBCP2, wszBCP3, wszBCP4);
rgwsz[0] = wszBCC; rgwsz[1] = wszBCP1; rgwsz[2] = wszBCP2; rgwsz[3] = wszBCP3; rgwsz[4] = wszBCP4;
return LogEvent(c_wszKrnlEventSrc, ER_KRNLFAULT_CATEGORY, ER_KRNLCRASH_LOG, 5, strlen(szBlobLog), rgwsz, szBlobLog); }